#decided to finally start her collection that's been sitting at home forever
sfsolstice · 7 months
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Emily Dickinson, from The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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14buddy22 · 1 year
It Won’t Be Like This For Long
WC: 3K // Masterlist
Aaron Hotchner x Female!Reader 
AN::This is mainly Aaron Hotchner as a girl dad because the CM writers missed out on such a great opportunity. Also Haley and Jack DON’T EXIST in this story. Italics in the story are a foreshadow to when your daughter is older!
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Aaron had come home from a long case. It was especially long because it was the first case away from his family. He was told multiple times that it was too soon for him to go back, but to know that he was catching killers and saving lives, just so he could make the world a better place for you and your daughter, he would never stop.
Your daughter was only two weeks old, it was really early for him to go back, but you could tell he was getting antsy. You don’t blame him one bit, he was good at what he did. He’d been so careful during your 9th month of pregnancy, he didn’t work one case from a different state, he stayed home, working from his home office.
When your daughter finally did make her arrival, it was the one day he had to go into the office for a meeting. You were best friends with Penelope, so Aaron told her to come sit with you while he had gone. He didn’t want you to be alone in case anything happened. You promised him nothing would and you could take care of yourself, but your baby had other plans.
When your water broke while making lunch with Garcia, you began to freak out a little bit. You were so good with kids, being a teacher allowed you to be good with them. You’ve never done this yourself though. You haven’t gotten pregnant before, you hadn’t gone through 9 months of pregnancy until now, you hadn’t given birth. You were told to be calm and collected, and that’s what you were going to be. You couldn’t freak out.
“Um, Penelope.”
You took a deep breath through the pain.
“It’s time to have a little Hotchner.”
Placing a hand on your stomach, you watched as Penelope began to turn off the stove, put ingredients back in the fridge, and started frantically running around the house to find your hospital bag.
When you got in the car, you began to call Aaron’s phone. When you were met with his voicemail, Penelope was already dialing Derek. Derek would kick down the door just to make sure Hotch got the news he had been so desperately been waiting for ever since he found out you were pregnant.
Just when you were checked into your hospital room, you were met with a frantic Aaron, all while you were calm and collected. Penelope had left to give you two the time you needed and she’d wait out in the waiting room with Derek.
After being in labor for only 5 hours, your little girl decided to make herself known in the world. While you had just given birth to a human, you couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of Aaron in awe of the doctor’s taking your little girl and cleaning her up. She had dark hair, matching Aaron’s for sure.
When your eyes finally met Aaron’s, you couldn’t help but reach up to him and wipe the tears that had fallen. He was a father, to a beautiful little girl. All the insecurities that he had and that you tried to push aside when he brought them up, shined in the moment right here, when your little girl was put into your arms.
He immediately cradled you in his arms, sitting next to you, looking at the beautiful piece of art that you and him had created. There was so much love pouring out from you and him and your girl would forever be loved.
“What do you think, Aar? Hannah Hotchner?”
“I love it. I love you, I love her. Thank you for making me a dad. I promise I’m going to be the best Dad that I can be.”
“I know you’re going to be an amazing Dad, Aaron. You already are.”
With another kiss between you two, you passed Hannah into his arms, letting him hold the little girl you know he’s been dying to hold. You fell in love with him even more. The way he held her in his arms. The way he whispered, “Hi Hannah, I’m your daddy. You’re always going to be my little girl. I promise I will not let anything happen to you or your mommy or any other siblings you may have in the future.”
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard your daughter crying from her nursery, only a few doors down the hall. You knew she just ate less than an hour ago and she would fall back asleep shortly after a few cries. It was the self soothing method that you got used to when you were in college working for a daycare center. You hated it at first, not being able to grab the babies when they were crying, but when you had 4-5 other babies all crying during nap time, it was easiest when they learned to self-soothe.
You felt the bed begin to move, Aaron was up. You wanted him to get sleep. You knew he hadn’t gotten much during this last case, which explains the texts that you randomly got in the middle of the night checking in on you and your daughter, Hannah.
His alarm was bound to go off in an hour, so you wanted to tell him that you’d get Hannah and he could try and lay back down. He had a lot of stress, you’d take care of your daughter.
You heard him start his morning coffee pot and he walked back into your shared bedroom. He began to splash water on his face.
You got up, meeting him in the bathroom. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a kiss. You felt the tension of his muscles relax in your touch. You both listened to Hannah crying across the hall.
“It’s gonna be okay. It won’t be like this for long. One day, we’ll look back laughing at the week we brought her home. This phase is gonna fly by. Baby, just hold on.”
Aaron turned in your arms and whispered, “I love you. Can we go get our little girl?”
You nodded as he kissed you once more, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the nursery. He turned on the lamp and saw Hannah looking up and moving. He grabbed her from the crib and she snuggled into his shoulder.
“Daddy missed you so much, Han.”
**4 years later**
You don’t know what time it was, you just know that it was early enough to still be dark and early enough that Aaron wasn’t up and getting ready for work. You had heard the door open and saw the shadow of your oldest daughter with her favorite stuffed animal and she began to crawl into bed between you and Aaron. You looked at the clock and saw it was only 4:30am.
“Hannah, what’s wrong?”
You sat up a little bit and she said, “I want to sleep with you and Daddy.”
Aaron began to turn over when he heard the two of you whispering. He couldn’t deny that when Hannah was younger, he didn’t always listen to you when he was home alone with her and wouldn’t let her self-soothe. She had him wrapped around her finger.
“Want to sleep with Daddy?”
You rolled your eyes at him and laid back down. Hannah laid into her father’s arms and Aaron tried to pull you closer to him. When you saw the shadow of him holding your little girl, you couldn’t help but want to be cuddled up with them as well.
You didn’t blame Hannah for being a daddy’s girl. He gave her everything she wanted and more. He was never the “bad cop” in the good cop, bad cop scenario. He always played the bad cop at work, you figured he needed to be the good cop sometimes.
You knew it was only a matter of time before his alarm would be going off for work and your two year old daughter would be waking up to say goodbye to him. Your pregnancy hormones were also no match for whatever time it was. Once it hit 6 am, you were already craving food for the day. All the Hotchners would be awake at 6am, whether it’s to get breakfast, coffee, or say goodbye to their dad.
A few weeks later, you found Aaron up really early. You didn’t know why, didn’t hear the phone ring or an alarm go off, so you decided to go find him.
You were currently 8 months pregnant with your third kid, so getting out of bed was a process. When you finally did go and find him, you saw the nursery light on. Taking a peak into the room before barging in, you saw him looking through the photo albums of Hannah, and your youngest daughter, Grace. Hannah and Grace were a little over 2 years a part. Their sister bond forming immediately when they met each other for the first time.
“Honey, it’s 3 in the morning, what are you doing up?”
“I couldn’t sleep. It’s Hannah’s first day of preschool today and I just, I don’t want her to go. It means she’s growing up. Time needs to slow down.”
“Aaron, you know better than anyone that time doesn’t slow down, it sometimes feels as if it speeds up.”
“She’s my little girl. I know I still have Gracie, but Han’s, Hannah’s my first little girl, she’s the one who made me a father.”
Aaron closed the photo album and grabbed it, then walked over to grab your hand and pull you back into your bedroom. Flipping on the lamp, he pulled you down onto the chair you had in the corner of the room. That chair had great usage and for a variety of things, too. Some of your most intimate moments with Aaron happened right on that chair.
When he pulled you into his lap, he placed a hand over your bump and flipped open the album. Both of you watched as you flipped through your daughter’s life for the past 4 years. Many silly and goofy pictures taken of Hannah, and Hannah with Grace, and great photos of Hannah and Aaron and Hannah and you. You were so glad you captured these moments that you could look back on.
“I’m not ready for her to go to school yet. Can we keep her home today.”
“No, Aaron, we can’t. We have things to do today. It’s better for her to go anyway. Your little girl has to start school sometime, whether you’re ready or not.”
“It’s one day.”
“Yeah, why do you think I chose her to start school in the middle of the week? So I can actually go with you to make sure that you’ll actually drop her off. I have no meetings today, I have a substitute teacher today, I can actually take a day off from work without having to worry about too much to catch up on.”
“I wasn’t going to let her skip the first day.”
“Aaron Hotchner! Don’t you lie to me.”
You both began to laugh as he said, “Okay. Fine.”
“Let’s get back to bed. We’ll get up early, make the girls breakfast. They love when Daddy makes waffles.”
“Then I can enjoy breakfast with my three favorite girls and baby #3.”
You kissed him once more and then he helped you get up. Once back into bed, you cuddled up with him and fell asleep. You were trying to wait for him to fall asleep first, but you were exhausted.
As you had a nice family breakfast with Aaron and the kids, it was then that time to get Hannah to pre-school. You had dropped Gracie off at daycare first and then Aaron drove you to the school Hannah would spend the next 5 years before moving into junior high.
As you got out of the car, Hannah grabbed her backpack and took Aaron’s hand. As Aaron held her hand, he also held yours. You could tell he was holding in the tears. He wanted to break down, he wasn’t ready for his little girl to grow up.
As soon as Aaron let go of her hand, Hannah immediately clinged onto his leg.
“I don’t want to go Daddy. Let me stay home with you.”
Aaron knelt down, quickly giving her a hug and telling her that everything would be okay. He would see her in just a few hours. She gave him another hug and he wiped her tears. Leaving a kiss on her forehead, you also saw the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You placed your hand on his back, signaling to him that it was time for her to get going to school.
As he stood up, she held onto his leg even more. You peeled Hannah from his leg and gave her a hug. Hannah waved at you and Aaron as the teacher grabbed Hannah’s hand.
“What can I do? So it’ll be easier for her?”
“Mr. Hotchner, don’t you worry, it’ll only last a week or two. It won’t be like this for long. One day soon you’ll drop her off and she won’t even know you’re gone. This phase is going to fly by.”
You grabbed Aaron’s hand as he nodded and you both thanked her teacher. You watched as Hannah walked into school. Then that’s when you saw Aaron break down. This big bad FBI agent who never showed emotion at work, finally broke down.
As you wiped a tear from his cheek, you made your way back to your car. You had a few things you two had to get done but you wanted to hold onto this moment for a few more minutes before life continued on.
It was only a few weeks later that your 3rd baby was born, Aaron finally got his son. He was such a great girl dad, but you were glad you were able to have a boy. Both his girls could be princesses, but they weren’t afraid to get dirt on their hands either.
As you were laying in bed, trying to get some sleep after feeding your son, Nicholas, you then heard crying coming from down the hall. When you started to move, Aaron rolled over and kissed your head saying, “Get some sleep, I’ll take care of Hannah.”
“Thank you, Aaron.”
Aaron walked into Hannah’s room to find her sitting up and crying.
“What’s going on, Han?”
“Daddy, I heard a noise and it came from my closet. There might be a monster.”
“Daddy will check, I’m not going to let a monster hurt you.”
As Aaron carefully opened the closet, he saw a box had fallen down. Quickly picking it up and showing Hannah that it was just a box from one of her toys and that it was okay.
As Hannah had gone to use the bathroom and grab a drink of water, he couldn’t help that life was going fast, and that someday soon she’ll be a teenager. There won’t be this need for him anymore, no checking closets for scary monsters. He was soaking it all in. But he couldn’t help but think of Hannah as she was older.
“Dad! You’re so unfair! How come Gracie gets to go hangout with her friends but you’re keeping me hostage! Hello! Can I get the hostage hotline?”
“I’m not unfair, Grace hasn’t been drinking with her friend or sneaking out to her boyfriend’s house!”
“The only reason I’m sneaking out is because you lock me in a god damn tower 24/7.”
“Well, not really because I still let you hangout with some friends.”
She groaned at him and rolled her eyes. As she stomped up to her room and slammed her door, you couldn’t help but look at Aaron.
“Aaron, Hannah’s a good kid. She does well in school, her boyfriend treats her great.”
“She probably hates me, but that’s my little girl. I’m not going to just let her go hangout at her boyfriend’s house, who is 2 years older by the way.”
“Aaron, they’ve been best friends since she was in 3rd grade. We know his family. He grew up in our neighborhood, they played on the same soccer team since we always had her playing up.”
“I know you’re right, but it feels like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and sending her off to preschool. Now she’s got a boyfriend. I don’t care who he is, no guy will ever be good enough for my little girl.”
**5 years later**
While Hannah didn’t date her best friend for much longer when they went to different colleges, she did find someone who was great, if not better for her than her first boyfriend was, and it took Aaron only a few times to recognize that.
When Hannah’s boyfriend showed up to the house, asking Aaron for Hannah’s hand in marriage, it only made him think back to the little girl he brought home as a newborn, who would cry and have him worrying 24/7.
She’s turned into a beautiful young woman, one who was smart as well and knew that her boyfriend was good for her. He was the perfect man in her eyes, he shared a lot of morals that her father had and for that, she was grateful she had such an amazing father to look up to and set standards for her boyfriend.
It wasn’t long before he was walking her down the aisle and raising her veil, giving his little girl away to the love of her life, a good man. As long as his little girl was happy, he was happy.
When Hannah got into bed, sniffles coming from her, in which he didn’t mind that it was only 4am, and he’d have to be up in an hour for work, he kissed her goodnight. He laid down beside her until her eyes were finally closed, just watching her it broke his heart because he already knows, it won’t be like this for long.
One day soon his little girl was going to be all grown up and gone. He knows the phase is going to fly by, so he’s trying to hold on. He knows it won’t be like this for long.
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paristheonewhoreads · 8 months
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Cowboy and the Tigress
Chapter three 🌷☁️ 4.9k words
Warnings: torture. Heavy mentions of blood, and cutting. Physical pain is inflicted on character. A bit of a whirlwind or emotions. If I’m missing any tw please let me know. <3
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Spring 2023, Central Boston QZ
It’s staring to get warmer. Either that or you’re just too hot. The trip down to central Boston took two days and one night. Hank was right, whole place is crawling with FEDRA soldiers. Apparently, the reason for this was the fact that rations had been lower than they’d been in years and they needed to reinforce their man power just in case people start to riot. That and the fact the fireflies had started to make quite the spectacle themselves. And it’s been far from just a pretty light show.
Arriving to the apartment you’ve got down here isn’t at all pleasant. It does however, conveniently happen to be close to the underground tunnels. You’ve started asking around for more information on Robert, apparently you’re not the only one the fuckers been nagging.
Setting down your bag on the old bed you’ve got, you start to look around the apartment. You’ve stashed quite the bit of goods all over this place. A hole behind the swan painting in the living room. That has a whole box full of ration cards, along with some fake documentation of your identification cards.
Another in the loose boards of the ceiling above the toilet, and two more under the floorboards. One in the bedroom closet and the other under the couch. All of which containing even more ration cards, all collected through the years, along with a couple of small hand guns and ammunition.
Once you check and confirm that everything is where it should be, you decide to take a much needed shower. You reek of blood from infected you’d had to kill on your way here, alongside dirt and sweat that’s accumulated on your body. This part of Boston, unlike the other you’ve made a home of, doesn’t have the peasantry of hot water, or much if any electricity.
You step into the cold water, your body tensing at first but inevitably adjusting to it and relatively relaxing itself into its harsh fridgedness. You let it run down your back and soak your hair, then begin to wash away all the filth. At first the water that goes down the drain is absolutely disgusting. A terrible color of swamp water is the best you can describe it.
Eventually however, once the water is just as clear as when coming out of the shower head, and your hair has been washed twice and conditioned, body free of any grime, do you finally turn the valve off and step out.
The cold draft in the otherwise empty apartment doesn’t help warm you up with the fresh cold water still beading down your skin. Yanking your towel off the hook on the door you wrap yourself up.
Taking a look in the mirror, you see yourself for the first time in what must be weeks. You look paler than usual, probably due to the winter. Your cheeks still hold their fullness. Curious, you let the towel fall from your form.
It’s been forever since you’ve looked at your body. You do a lot to keep it fit although not necessarily purposefully. All the walking, running, sometimes even climbing and swimming do you a favor in keeping a pleasurable figure. Sometimes you don’t feel as feminine as you would like, but in a world like this, with the line of work you’re in, that’s the least of your worries.
You brush your hair and lotion yourself up, finally settling in as you dress in some clean comfortable clothes. One of Hanks old hoodies and a pair of old shorts you’ve had for ages. Sitting yourself on old worn out couch, you gaze at nothing in particular.
You miss Ellie. Thinking back to how sad she sounded when you’d said your goodbyes before leaving, tugged at your heart strings. It feels selfish, and perhaps you were, for even coming on this trip. All because of the fact that you wanted to show this asshole who the fuck he was messing with.
You’d make it up to her, you decide. You’ll get her the book she wanted and maybe a couple other trinkets you can find. Bring a hand up to your neck you feel your locket. It had belonged to your mother once. You’d taken it from her as she lay dead in the floor of your living room as something to remember her by. That was a long time ago.
Now, in present time, it holds a picture of Ellie and yourself. It’s a fond memory frozen in time by the photograph. You remember it to the ‘T’. It’d been the first christmas after a year of getting into the business your so indulged in now. You’d worked your ass off for a year and it had paid off.
You were able to get Ellie actual presents for the first time. She was 10 at the time, she’d been so ecstatic when she saw an actual tree with lights on it and presents all wrapped up under it. The sound of her laughter and excitement fills your ears as you reminisce.
Smiling at the photo inside the small locket you start to drift into sleep. A much needed rest after your journey here, and for what’s to come.
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You’re awoken by knocking at the door. The sun was setting, practically gone behind the horizon. Sky becoming dark and cold without its warmth. You get up from the couch, grabbing the hand gun on the small side table besides you. Second nature at this point really.
Walking towards the door you peer through the peephole and see that it’s Amy. A dear friend, Hank must’ve let her know you’d be coming. You hurriedly open the door, smile wide and bright on your face.
Once the door opens and she sees you she too smiles brightly at you. “Hello you.” She says in a terrible British accent. It’d become your own little greeting between the two of you. Putting the gun in the waistband of your shorts you open your arms and embrace her. “Hello you.” You say back in a just as terrible British accent.
She giggles at your impression, and tightens her arms around you. Both of you stay in this embrace for about a minute until you break away, taking her in you feel relieved that she seems healthy.
“Here, come in.” You tell her and she walked past you into the living room as you look down the hallway, double checking to see if anyone else is around, before going back inside yourself.
“Well I see you’ve settled in. I was supposed to stop by earlier but I thought you’d probably just want to settle in by yourself.” She chatters, taking a seat on couch you’d just been napping on prior. You hadn’t noticed she’d had a plastic bag with her until she starts to take tupperware out and places it on the coffee table. “I also thought that maybe you’d be hungry. It’s quite the trip from all the way over there to here.”
“Lucky for you I am actually starving.” You laugh softly. Walking into the kitchen real quick you get both of you plates and some glasses along with a bottle of old wine you’d had stored away god knows how long ago. Trailing back into the living room you see her starting to open the containers.
“How’d you even know I was here?” You ask, while sitting down beside her and passing her her plate and glass. “Hank gave me a heads up last night that’d you’d be here, and I obviously wasn’t about to pass the opportunity of seeing you up.” She shrugged. You hum in acknowledgment and open the bottle of wine, pouring her a glass and yourself one.
Taking a sip from her glass, “God that’s good, haven’t had wine in who knows how long.” She jokes, and begins to serve you a plate and then herself. “This smells so good, when did you make this?” you’ve stuffed some of the baked potatoes she’s made along with some chicken and veggies.
“About an hour ago, that’s why I was late.” She says sheepishly, but you shake your head and continue to chew “mmm don’t be sorry, this is apology enough.” You say through a full mouth while pointing at your plate with your fork.
You both talk and catch up on what is is you’ve been up too. She tells you how she’s met a girl, and that they’ve been dating for about 10 months. “She’s so sweet and caring. At first I was nervous, she’s the first girl I’ve been with so, it’s all kind of new in a way. But refreshing for sure.” You’re happy for her, and tell her about how your still as single as ever. She jokes that it’ll take either another apocalypse for you to find someone or that you’ll probably end up like Hank, old and with absolutely no love life.
She asked about Ellie, to which you inform her of how she’s back home, probably giving Hank a run for his money, poor thing. The good, and the bad. Both of you talk about everything and nothing at the same time. Well into the hours of the night. Once both of your bellies are full and your empty plates are left abandoned on the table, you begin to get into serious conversation.
“So,” she begins, “Hank told me you’re here because some dickhead has been taking from trades?” Quirking a brow and taking a sip of her wine. You hum and let out an exasperated sigh, “yeah, son of a bitch has been crossing me for a couple months now. Had to come down here to deal with it.” You shrug
Amy nods in understanding “well if there’s anyone who knows what he’s in for it’s anybody but him. God knows people on your bad side don’t tend to have the best time.” She laughs. “Or the longest time either” you add, laughing yourself.
She makes a noise once she remembers something, and starts digging trough her bag again and pulls out a file, you sit up at this. “Hank told me to give this too you, said it have pretty much everything you need to know about your guy.” Handing it over to you you grab it and open it up to look through it.
As you’re reading, it has everything there is to know about him. His age, who he associates with, who he’s been seen talking to within this past week. The trades he’s been making on his own accord, and the amount of supplies he’s been taking from yours. It’s mostly been pills, and a couple crates of guns and ammunition.
Amy looks over your shoulder and rests her head on it. She sees the photo of Robert and picked it up from the file. “This him?” She asks, you nods you head. Humming, “He’s kind of cute. Maybe you can enemies to lovers your way with him.” She jokes.
You face become one of pure and utter revulsion “There is actually no way you just said that.” you deadpan. She lets out a giggle before looking at the photo again. Shrugging, “Eh, your right, his eyes are too far apart.” she notices, before tossing the photo back onto the pile of papers in the file.
She stands up from the couch “Well, it's getting late, I'll leave you too it.”. You look up from the paperwork and quickly close the file, getting up aswell and following her as she walks toward the door. “Thank you for coming over, and for feeding me.” you smile and hug her and she returns the gesture.
“Of course, anytime. Make sure to save the left overs for tomorrow so you can at least have breakfast.” you nod and open the door for her. “I will,” you smile “and be careful, try to get home quickly.” There's a final hug between the two of you, before she's walking down the hall, you wait until she's out of sight before turning back into the apartment and locking up.
You walk back to the living room and sit back down. The file says that Robert will be at a warehouse in two days. That's where you'll find him. Two days. You could work with that. More time for you to find Ellie’s books and other things. After storing the food back into the tupperware and putting the dishes in the sink you go back to bed. Two days. You’d wait till then.
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During said days, you do indeed end up getting Ellie a spiderman comic, along with some space pins so she could add to her backpack that you think she’ll like. Once it’s about 11am you head out with a group of men to where Robert is hiding. Hank had set it up to where their only job was to get you to Robert and you’d take care of the rest.
After making sure to avoid FEDRA within the city you take a route to the outside where you make your way to the warehouse. This place is riddled with men. Men that don’t know they’re getting paid nothing to risk their lives for this prick.
On the top floor of a building not too far away you stand with the group of men that have come along. It’s only four of them plus yourself. “My guy says that Robert is in the very back of this quadrant.” You explain as they all get ready to head out. “That means we’re going to have to make our way across the yard. Try to refrain from shooting. Last thing I need is letting this guy know we’re coming. Everyone and anyone that gets in your way is to be terminated. You guys get me to Robert and I will make sure you all receive twice the amount of what we agreed on. We clear?” a chorus of ‘yes ma’am’s’ go around and you nod once before you’re making your way out.
As you all make your way building by building, room by room, you eventually make it to an office. It’s empty, but by the documents scattered on tables along with a useless car battery and an ashtray you know this is his office. You decide to wait until his return. Making sure there’s two men posted by the door to tackle him once the bastard steps in. The other two stay by the desk while you sit in his desk chair and make yourself comfortable.
You’re mindlessly reading through some documents until rapid footsteps reach the door. You send a look towards the man by the door as you sit up and he nods. As soon as the door bursts open Robert comes stumbling in until he’s landed face first onto the floor.
Your men by the door yank him up by his arms as he thrashes against them. “Who the fuck do you- let me go! You Fuck faces have any idea who you’re-“ he goes dead still once he meets your gaze. “Oh shit.” you hear him mutter to himself.
“Hey-tiy-I’m ma’am I- what-“ he stuttered “That name,” you get up from his chair and make your way to where they’re holding him. You not to one of them, and they kick the back of his knees so that he’s kneeling. “are for those whom I trust. You are no man I trust.” You say calmly. You were never one to immediately shout or scream when making a point. You’ve found over the years that this tends to unnerve people much more.
“I’ve heard you’ve been making quite the deals here recently.” You say, looking around the room. You smile “It’s quite the place you’ve got here.”
“Tiy-“ he starts, but you’re quick to reprimand him. “DONT” your voice thunders through the doom accompanied by a loud crack of skin to skin. The back of your hand stings, but you can only imagine what his cheek must feel like.
You’ve busted his lip, you notice. As blood begins to dribble from the open cut. He looks at you with a pure furry. You take a breath. “You know, I could have made this so much more easier. I could have just sent someone down here to kill you without having get my hands dirty,” You shake you head to yourself, “but no. I wanted to hear what excuses a dumb fuck like you could possibly come up with.” you snicker.
Before he can open his mouth you speak “tie him to the chair” is all you say. “NO! Wait ti- MA’AM hey! Please man c’mon-“ he’s cut off by one of the men growing a punch at him to which it gives them a chance to man handle him into the chair. They go at him, throwing punch after punch. Some to his face, others towards his stomach. It isn’t until he’s hunched over, blood dripping from his open mouth, and his face swollen and bruised that you finally tell them it’s enough.
“Everyone out,” you turn to the men “stay by the door. Kill anyone who gets close.” You shrug off your jacket. This going to get messy. You think to yourself.
Pulling up another chair in front of Robert you sit while snapping your fingers in front of his face. “C’mon now baby don’t go all delirious on me yet.” you fake pout. “Fun hasn’t even started yet.”
He looks up to you, eyes fuzzy. “Now, why on earth out of all the people you could’ve fucked with, did you decide I would be your best option?” you question him again once you don’t get an immediate answer “hm?” You tilt your head. No answer again.
“Christ, and here I thought you’d make this easy for yourself.” you sigh. Grabbing an extra rope you wrap it tightly around your knuckles. Before grabbing the other end and walking around him quickly, the rope constricting his air way as you tug back harder, making him gasp.
It takes everything in you not to just snap his neck and be done with it, go home, and go see your girl. But no, you want him to pay. Once he starts thrashing against the ropes holding him to the chair you let the one around his neck loosen. He gasps for air and coughs, greedily sucking in air. His face is red, even slightly purple now.
“I’m not going to ask you again.” you wait patiently. He eventually stops coughing and looks at you, “I-I didn’t think you’d notice. Look-I’m sorry okay- I- I’ll pay back everything I owe you I swear it. I-“ you click your tongue and shake your head.
“See, now if I did believe you which I don’t. It still wouldn’t matter whatever lame ultimatum you’d try and offer me. I think we both know you’re not leaving here alive rob.”
“God no- please! I swear it to you. I-I’ll pay it all back ALL OF IT! I SWEAR.”
“For fucks sake..STOP WHINING!” You yell again. This time you take the knife on your belt and slash him across his face. Blood splatters from the wound that’s open from the bottom left of his jaw all the way across to his right temple. He lets out a shout of agony. His blood landing on your clothes from the gash.
You grab a fistful of his hair and tug it back harshly. “You and me both know that your not getting out of this one Rob so why don’t you just do us both the favor of making this nice and quick.” you let go of his hair and shove his head back.
“Now, next question is really important for you to answer, okay?,” you ask “and if you don’t answer it, you lose a finger. Deal?” You take the knife and jab it into the middle of his back palm. He grunts in pain and barely nods.
“OK! Okay- fuck- I’ll tell you an-anything.” you give him a smile at that “okay, see? Good. Now, I need to know, who exactly it is you sold off my merchandise to.”
“I-I sold it to a lot of different people. I-I can’t remember everyone- I don’t know-“ he’s cut of my his own blood soaked scream as you pull out the knife from his hand as slice off not one, but two fingers.
“I didn’t like that answer. But it’s okay maybe you didn’t hear me correctly. I asked exactly who did you sell the supplies to. I want a name Rob cmon.” you chastise.
He’s full on sobbing now. Tears running down his face as he chokes on his own breath. “FUCK- I told you I don’t- I don’t know! I-it was multiple. I-I sold some to the-the fireflies- some to random people along the QZ I- I can’t remember their names.”
Him mentioning the fireflies has you perk up. You lean back in the chair your sitting in and hum. “Fireflies? What did you sell to them? Guns? Ammunition?”
“Y-yeah I sold them some ammunition- I-I sold them some guns too but those weren’t yours I swear.” your brows furrow. “Not mine? Who’s guns were they?”
“T-this one lady- s-she gave them to me f-for safe keeping and I sold em” you nod at what he says.
“And the fireflies, they know it was my shit you were selling them?” he shakes his head. “N-No they t-thought it was mine. I-I didn’t tell them it wasn’t my merchandise.”
Sighing, you get up from the chair. Thats enough. You think. As you go to call the men outside there’s gunshots outside. You tense, there’s multiple people, way more than your initial four guys.
Time to go then.
You storm over to Rob and jag his right thigh with your blade, while again yanking his hair back, forcing him to look at you. “When you came in you were running. From what?” You ask through gritted teeth. He starts to wheeze out a laugh and this gets your blood boiling. Grabbing onto the knife you twist it. While you give his hair another hash yank. “FROM WHAT?” You ask again
He grunts out and lets out a breath. More gunshots fire outside and shouting starts. “Those people who’s guns I sold off to the bugs. They ain’t take to lightly to me doing so, they’re looking for the battery, I tried selling it to em” He takes another ragged breath before continuing, making direct eye contact with you, “what? D’you think you were the only bitch that got her feathers ruffled?” He laughed as he finished his sentence. Jesus, he's going crazy.
The shouting and gun fire gets closer to the door. You grit your teeth again and untie the fucker from the chair and yank him up. He can hardly stand. “Get up.” you grit out, showing him towards the back door of the room.
You run and he has to practically be dragged by you. You run through the corridors till you make it to a back door that’s a dead end. You hear voices shouting behind you for rob. You look at him, he’s bloodied, from his face to his hand to his leg. It’s a mystery how he’s still even alive let alone standing.
Deciding that he really doesn’t hold any more value to you and that he’s just dead weight you kick the back of his knee and he tumbles over. You don’t think twice, you don’t flinch, you just aim your gun at him and pull the trigger. Good riddance.
You hear footsteps approaching you as you start to walk away. As you go to turn around the corner of the hallway, you see someone that you haven’t seen in years. Your gazes lock onto each other at the same time. On instinct you reach behind you and pull out your gun, pointing it at- “Marlene?” her name is coming out of your mouth before you could bite your tounge.
In seeing her, you falter for a second. Taking a step back, your eyebrows furrow. How many damn people knew that Robert would be here today of all days. “Well, this is a surprise.” her voice in monotone, sounds as if you being here was anything but a surprise. You start to slowly shake your head to yourself, not believing that she’s standing in front of you.
She takes a scan of you too. Almost as if she’s admiring how much you’ve grown in a way. Like a parent seeing their kid after being away at college for a year. Marlene sighs at you, nods and walks past. You watch her move like a ghost. And in a way she is, a ghost from the past come back to haunt you. “I needed him alive.” She tells the you.
You realize you’re standing there like an idiot, and snap yourself out of it, and stand up straight. “He would have been a waste of time if you were looking to talk to him.” She lets out a breath, before turning back to you. She’s injured, bad. Clutching her side as blood seeps through the thin material of her tank top.
“You look like shit.” you say, taking her in. The bags under her eyes don’t do her appearance any good; her bleeding out also doesn’t help. Marlene laughed through her nose and nods her head in agreement “yeah. You look…grown.” stating the obvious.
“Considering you haven’t seen me since I was 14, yeah, I have fucking grown.” You bite. Her eyes fall to the floor at your jab.Sighing, you move past it and try to make conversation “You still running this shit show?” you ask gesturing to the firefly symbol spray painted on the wall. She meets your gaze again, nodding again. “Yeah, or y’know, at least trying. Whole thing seems to be blowing up in front of my face” She breathlessly chuckles but winces half way through.
You cringe at how more blood seems to be flowing out of her wound. You point your chin at it, “you going to get that fixed up?” she looks down at it and then back up at you with a raised brow, “you offering?”. She can’t be serious.
Scoffing at her for even fathoming you helping her is delusional, “yeah not a fucking chance. I got what I came for,” you pause, “goodbye Marlene.”. You turn around and start to walk away, but she’s quick to take a couple of steps in a weak attempt at following you, “wait.” She rasps out.
You don’t know why you stop. You don’t know why you turn back to face her. But you do, and when you’re fully turned to her you can see the eagerness she has in her eyes. She wants to talk to you. “What?”
She licks her lips, and shifts her weight from one foot to the other, “there’s- there’s something that I need to tell you. It’s about-“ you cut her off “Look, no offense, but talking to you is the last thing I need right now.” with that you turn once again and walk out.
“It’s about your kid.” your head turns harshly to look at her, eyes furrowed, getting defensive “My kid? Is back at home safe. Not that that’s any of your business.” but she just shakes her head. “God you don’t even know.” She mutters, staring down the hallway.
Your eyes narrow at this, “I Don’t know what?” you prod. She sighs, “Your kids not safe. And she sure as hell isn’t home.” the grip on your gun tightens, a wave of unease suddenly flowing through you. Your change in demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by Marlene, “Now don’t go making any rash decisions.” She slowly puts her hands up.
You ignore her request, “Answer my question. What don’t I know?! What the hell are you talking about? I swear to got if you’ve done something to her I’ll-“ she cuts off your threat, “Woah woah,” she tries to calm you down, as if your a fucking bull ready to charge, “I never said I did anything to your girl. Would you really think I’d stoop that low?” you scoff “Is that even a question?”
Her jaw ticks, “Alright, fine, I deserve that,” “oh you don’t have even the slightest idea of what you deserve.” You spit. “I’m done playing games, tell me what the hell you’ve done with my kid or I shoot.” You ease your gun higher, making your point.
“Your kids with me. I was out on a mission outside the QZ I was going through the abandoned mall, and I heard a commotion. Thought it was infected, and it was, but your kid was also there.” you can’t believe what you’re hearing. Ellie? Outside the QZ? No. It’s can’t be. She- she’s lying, she has to be.
“Alright look I don’t know what type of sick plan you’ve got or how you knew I’d be here but whatever this is your trying to do I-“ “I’ll take you to her.” She cuts in.
She lets out a painful breath, “she's been going crazy trying to get out of here. But she's smart, didn't give me her real name, said it was Veronica. Hasn't really talked either.”
Your mothers name.
“And before you go all mama bear on me, remind yourself that I am currently the only one that knows where she is and that I am also currently bleeding out.”
There’s a pause,
“Take me to her.”
Next Chapter
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Chapter three omggg 🙈🙉🙊 This took forever to write and also I don’t even really like it… so I might come back and rewrite this chapter. I’m also working on expanding my vocabulary when writing as I feel sometime it sounds repetitive. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!! 🫶🏼 again if you have any feedback I’d highly appreciate it! 💗 Thank you for reading 💌
P.s MY 100th POST 🥳🥳🥳
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
My Personal Birdemic
Yesterday was very much a part of the ongoing narrative. That might sound like a description of ANY day, but let's be real, a lot of days are just filler or digressive interludes that don't support the key themes or story arc. Unlike yesterday, when I returned to a skin clinic where I'd had many bad experiences, just because it was the closest place for me to go in an emergency and they could see me right away. A new asthma medication was both driving me insane and destroying my face, and the remediation measures I took in the skin department had nightmarish consequences, so off I went. Let me just say that you really don't want to be forced to choose between your lungs and your face and your mind. As soon as I was in front of a doctor I started sobbing violently. I just couldn't control myself anymore, which is a sensation I really hate. It probably didn't help that I was actually being listened to for once; kindness can trigger a breakdown as efficiently or moreso than adversity. The nurse seemed pretty alarmed and brought me a bottle of water, which made me want to disintegrate into my irreducible components forever, but I managed to get enough of my shit together to leave peaceably.
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There were stupid hiccups at the pharmacy that kept me there way too long, and I realized that if I went home I would miss my televisit with my other doctor to explain what was going on, so I just went to the park to do it outside. There were lots of technical problems with that, and it took about half an hour to get it working. In the meantime I thought, Who the hell is making that terrible racket? There was a sparrow on the ground behind the park bench who I thought was taking a dust bath, but she was yelling her head off. I ignored her for a while, but eventually she was so persistent that I decided to inspect her. She had a snarl of hair, threads, and other fibrous materials wrapped tightly around one leg, which seemed to be the reason she was almost immobilized. I picked her up and unraveled it, but it seemed like it had been that way for a long time, and the leg was definitely not doing well. Fuck. Now I know the bird is injured and I am responsible for this information.
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I remembered the water bottle the nurse gave me and poured some out for the bird, who drank. Then I emptied out my prescription bags, made a little nest to put her in, and set it on the bench next to me. I didn't realize that she was probably a fledgling because I thought she was pretty big, but then she started making some Feed Me gestures. I collected a couple of Cheerios from a baby sitting on the other end of the bench and tried to feed the bird, but I wasn't doing a good job. I put the last intact Cheerio down next to me and started calling 311, and animal control, and finally the Wild Bird Fund. While I was sitting there, a male sparrow came and started feeding her, inches from me. He gave her a big beakful of seeds and then he stuffed the Cheerio down her gullet for good measure. I was astounded. I mean birds in a city park are pretty bold since people feed them, but I just couldn't believe this scene was happening so close to me. It was heartbreaking.
Actually, I had witnessed the very last time that that sparrow would ever be fed by her parents. This thought has been haunting me since yesterday and might do forever.
Time passed and I still wasn't sure what was the best thing to do, and I started to panic. The thought of taking the bird away from her family, who were right there, was awful, but I was pretty sure her leg was too messed up to leave her there. There were lots of dogs passing through, and there are always rats. I decided we had to go to the Wild Bird Fund on 86th street, about 45 minutes away. While I was on the train I started to get replies to my tweets (ahem) @ the WBF, and texts from a volunteer who got my voicemail. Both of them seemed very concerned that I had overestimated the injury and interfered with normal fledgling behavior. I was completely terrified for the entire journey that we would get there only to find out that I had done something really bad.
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When I was about 19 and home from college on break, my stepmother rescued a very young sparrow from our backyard. We took care of her for several weeks (a couple of months? idk). We did a bad job. A friend of my stepmother who supposedly rehabilitated wild birds told me to feed her all kinds of seeds and nuts, which I did, and one day I came home to find that the bird was coughing up blood. I looked up the number of an actual wildlife organization and described the situation to a volunteer who absolutely wanted to kill me. They explained that the bird was far too young for what I was feeding her and that I should switch to wet cat food, even though she probably wouldn't live. Actually, she did live, and we treated her like a pet for a while--although I had intense ERASERHEAD-like nightmares about her getting sick and turning inside out and suffering because of my poor husbandry. Looking back, I'm sure the bird didn't get enough attention, enough warmth, enough constant feeding, even though she did appear to get stronger and more confident. One day while I was out my stepmother took her to a vet, who naturally confiscated her and told my stepmother to get the fuck out, and that was it. A godsend for the bird. I've been feeling bad about it for like 20 years.
That experience is why I knew how to pick up a bird, which is not hard at all if you are gentle. The thing about a bird is that in order to maintain their equilibrium, they have to grasp whatever they're holding, unlike a cat or a dog or a baby that will just flop in your arms. Even a bird who does not want to be grabbed will perch on your fingers while it tries to assess what's happening. I remembered this recently when my husband and I were strolling to our favorite neighborhood, and we passed a construction site where a bird was desperately trying to get through the door in the wooden barriers. I picked that bird up and ushered it to a gap under one of the barriers, and it happily scooted to where it wanted to be, where we could hear other birds cheering it on. My husband and I had just started looking for a new apartment, and I said maybe this is a good omen, maybe if we got that bird back to its nest then we'll find our new nest. This is exactly what happened.
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Because of the omen, and also because of the college bird rescue, I felt incapable of leaving the sparrow in the park. Her leg was dragging, the foot didn't seem to work well if at all, and I think her wounds were weeping. Still, for the entire train ride, I was deeply worried that we would get to the Wild Bird Fund only to find out I had made everything worse. I felt bad enough about just subjecting her to the subway. But, we got there, and a volunteer came out to meet us on the sidewalk. She didn't make it at all ambiguous, I was right to bring in the bird. As I filled out the intake form, the woman looked over my shoulder and said "What is that?!" (Always fun to hear when someone is looking over your shoulder) I turned around and saw two people with a starling in a neat black bird cage; it had an extremely long beak that almost reminded me of the proboscis of a moth. Then the actual vet came out and he also said "What is that?!" It seemed to be an old family pet that the people had inherited from another relative, and from the way they talked to and about it, I assume it was coming in for a checkup, not to be surrendered. I tried to look up long-beaked starlings and learned that their beaks can grow like that if they get a bad break, then the tissue can regenerate excessively. It made sense to me that if someone had rescued that starling with a broken beak a long time ago, then that's how it would look today.
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Anyway. I was profoundly relieved that I didn't totally fuck up the sparrow's life for no reason, but my body was racked with tension from the last week of personal drama and housing drama and medical drama that had seemingly climaxed with the bird drama. I needed someone to stick a needle into me, in whatever spot would cause my stupid vagus nerve to release all the emotional toxins it was carrying. A friend commented that if something good happened the last time I helped a bird, maybe something good will happen this time. I like that idea, although I was also thinking about the religious idea that an opportunity to do good is a blessing in and of itself. I believe that, and I believe that it's a good idea to meditate on that, to orient your attitude on it: I got the chance to make a difference and that's pretty exciting in and of itself. But, you know. I wouldn't hate it if I found a new job pretty soon, either.
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merlinfic · 2 years
Hello, I am looking for a fic that I think might be in one of the private collections on Ao3. I have looked through all the relevant tags I could think of in your tag list and still have not had any luck. I think the title had something to do with white lies, but I could be mistaken. If there is any possibility that you know this fic I will give you my first born. It has been driving me nuts trying to find it and I really need to finish my finals. Thank you This is going to be a long one 1/5
Ok so, Merlin and Arthur are best friends, Merlin is a PA for Freya’s dad. Merlin and Freya went on a date and Merlin decided it wasn’t going to work so he came up with the story that he and Arthur were together. It wouldn’t matter much because Merlin keeps his work and home life separate…until Arthur joins the firm. They keep the rouse going, Merlin starts staying at Arthurs, Merlin gets jealous when Arthur goes out. 2/5
It all hits the fan when Merlin and Arthur get in a fight and Merlin thinks Arthur is going to leave him. His boss calls him in and says that his work is slipping and tells him to work it out with Arthur. Needless to say, they do, Merlin admits he isn’t as straight as he thought.  3/5
There is a story of them in University where Merlin is giving a presentation with Arthurs jeans on without a belt and he drops them in favor of holding his note cards and Merlin is a picky eater. I remember them being at a pub and Arthur ordering for them. Also, there is a line where Arthur is telling an embarrassing story about Merlin and Merlin says that he wouldn’t blow Arthur later and Arthur is like “I wasn’t going to get blown anyway”.  4/5
There is also talk of Arthur buying a house and Merlin feels that he doesn’t have a place in his life. He is sitting on the counter of said house when he tells Arthur that he is in love with him. It has - fake dating, lawyer Arthur, PA Merlin, pining Arthur, not so straight Merlin 5/5 Thank you again!!!
Hiya! That’s probably One Little White Lie by this_is_kelly!
Summary: Merlin can't keep dodging Freya's advances forever, so he invents a little white lie to keep her interest at bay: That he has a boyfriend and his name is Arthur.
The fic has been deleted but you can find it here or here!
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spikemuth-post · 2 years
12 Baby Toxels: Late bloomer
This was sitting in my drafts and I thought it was cute so I decided to finish it and post it for you guys.
"It's alright, little one," Piers mumbled, snuggling up to the irritated little Toxel. Number 11 evolved today, leaving Groose the last baby in the bunch. The proud new owner of a full-grown Toxitricity was ecstatic, jumping up and down as she gave you a hug. "You'll evolve soon... surely."
"Would you like to give him a nickname?" You asked the trainer. She thought about it and quickly gave him one, putting her new Toxitricity in a Pokeball. It was bitter-sweet to lose all the Toxel's but they had to go some time. You weren't equipped to keep all of them forever.
When the trainer left it was you 3 left: You, piers, and little Groose. Piers kept snuggling with him but his mood was unyielding.
"...He ain't happy."
"He's just a little later than the others. I mean, there was always going to be one who evolved last."
"I know but... All his brothers and sisters are gone. He's jealous."
"He'll evolve... I have some candies for him in the drawer. Give him one, see if that helps." You offered. That made the Toxel perk up, squealing happily and gripping Pier's hair. Your boyfriend winced but walked just as calmly as ever to the kitchen drawer.
There were quite a few candies in there, which made the baby's eyes light up. Piers opened one, handing it to the little sticky fingers.
"There you go little one. Me and Mama have something to talk about." He sat the Toxel on the counter and it started munching away at the candy. Piers pulled you to the side, glancing every so often at the baby. "Babe... What if we keep him?"
"We have Toxitricities, Piers-"
"Come on, Babe. He's always been a little bit of a crybaby. He needs us."
"We are going to find him a trainer, Piers. End of discussion."
"Please?" He continued to plead, taking his eye off the baby. The baby looked down at the drawer of candies, his eyes sparkling as he threw himself right in. You continued your argument as the baby chowed down, unaware your collection of rare candies was dwindling. "He loves us. We raised him."
"He'll love his new trainer, too. Piers, that's final."
"Can we raise more?"
"Someone is forgetting how crazy our life has been for the past year." You chuckled, You turned back to the baby but your head was still facing piers as you went to pick him up... but not for long. "You have to let go. They couldn't stay foreve- Holy Shit!" You shrieked, seeing your candy drawer was full of wrappers with a happy Toxel cheering. He began to glow and you just threw your arms up. As you lamented the loss of your candy, Piers was tearing up.
"Look at him."
"I'm looking at an empty drawer."
"Aw, come on. Our little boy is growing up." As the light faded a fully grown toxel was sitting in a drawer, very confused and possibly stuck. He mewed happily and you sighed. "...I'm so proud of him."
"Piers, it took us a long time to accumulate that much Rare candy-"
"We'll figure it out... Why don't we take him out? Spend some quality time with him." Piers continued to beg, taking the Toxitricity's side and hugging him. The pokemon just smiled, still very confused. "Get some dinner, just be a family. THEN we can work on adoptin' him out... Please?"
"....Ugh, Fine." You threw your hands and the boys immediately celebrated. "Piers, I'm worried you're a little too attached to Groose-"
"Race ya to the front door." Piers pat the Toxitricity once and they were in a mad dash out of the room. The pokemon stumbled, falling out of the drawers and smacking his face on the floor. Not that he minded. He ran out anyway.
Shopping. Eating. Battling. It was a full day of fun. It ended at home with Piers strumming his guitar with both his Toxitricity and Groose lounging on the couch. You watched on in the door frame, hurt just from taking in the scene.
"...You can keep him." You relented, surprising your boyfriend. He stopped playing on a dime and his Toxitricity raise it's head when the music stopped, groggy and confused.
"...What brought this on?"
"I think it'll break your heart if we give him to anyone else... so... we can keep him." Piers couldn't help but be excited and though they didn't know what was going on both pokemon were also jazzed. "BUT... You are going to have to replace all the candy by yourself-"
"FUCKIN' DEAL! You hear that boys!?" It was adorable to see the man so excited. You shook your head and left the three of them to their bliss. This was fine.
You came home from an expedition match, calling to your boyfriend as you walked around the flat. Nothing. You raised a brow, eventually finding him in the living room, covering his mouth and staring at the couch. Before you could walk around to see what it was, he addressed you.
"Babe, you're home early."
"...No I'm not?"
"Oh... Musta... lost track of time."
"...Piers, are you okay?" You took one more step forward and Piers walked up, stopping you and trying to walk you out of the room. "What is going on?"
"Babe uh... so... Uh..." He couldn't find the words. He sighed. "...So Groose... was a girl."
"...Wait really? How did we fuck that up?" You asked, earning a shrug in return. "So you don't want him anymore... I mean, her?"
"Uh...No, that's not it...but her..." He lead you back to the front of the couch and finally it was revealed to you. Five Eggs. You were at a loss, no breath left in you. "...Her and my Toxitricity got it on-"
"Oh... fuck-"
"Yeah, that's what they did-"
"Right, Right!" He scratched the back of his head, trying so hard to take in a full breath. "Uh... We're parents again?"
"I want to strangle you right now, Piers, you have no idea." The inconvenience of doing this again was racing through your mind... though more pleasant memories did drown it out. Piers was trying to think of a way out, missing that you had formed a soft smile.
"...Okay... I'll uh... I get to the pokemon center in town and-"
"What do you say, Piers?" Your tone was more optimistic than it was a minute ago, confusing the man. You hugged him, a light blush taking over his face. "...Are you ready to do this again?"
"...We're keeping them?"
"Well... who's better at raising multiple Toxels at once besides us?" He seemed to like that and the two of you looked down at the clutch of eggs. With a deep, nearly synchronized breath, you and Piers joined hands. "...Well... Let's get the crib out of storage."
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mavrellover91 · 1 year
Babies with Seb: Part two
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Hey, guys, I have had this in my drafts, silly me thought I had posted it.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female reader
Warning: Angst, fluff, dirty talk. happy ending    
Word count: 1243
A/N: I give no permission for my work to be copied, translated and or posted anywhere else online.
When we got back to my place, I added today’s ultrasound photos to my collection on my fridge as Sebastian came up behind me, wrapping his hands around my middle and rubbing his hand on my belly. God, it feels so good having his hands on my body, I lean my head back onto his shoulder “So how are you feeling after seeing our babies?” I ask him as he rubs circles on the spot where baby B is kicking “It was amazing, I love them so much and I have not even met them yet” As he spoke he pressed the heal of his hand gently into the spot where baby B had been kicking causing her to kick he hand again “it amazes me that we created these little human beings inside of you” he tells me with a sense of wonder in his voice almost as if he is about to start crying again. Grabbing his hand, I pull him out of the kitchen and back into the living room so we can both sit on the couch. I start laughing as I think about all this couch has gone through and how I should probably burn it before my parents visit this weekend and sit on it. “What’s so funny?” Sebastian asks “Just thinking about how should not let my parents sit on this couch when they visit this weekend,” I say through my laughter.
I laugh even harder when he gets a confused look on his face “I mean would you let your mum sit on the couch that her grandchildren might have been conceived on?” with that he starts laughing “no you are probably right I would not let my mum sit on a couch that her grandchildren were conceived on. “Oh, so now they were conceived on this couch? Uhm and not on my bed or in my shower?” I ask him seductively with a sexy sweet smile. “Oh baby, they were made the second I came inside of your sweet pussy, the other times were just me making sure I got the job done right” he replied his voice getting all sexy and deep. He gently grabs my face in between his hands bringing his lips to mine. As I deepen the kiss I move myself onto his lap, feeling his hard length rub against my clothed core. “Mmm baby as must as I would love to be inside you and God I want to believe me I want to, we need to talk about what is going to happen going forward,” Sebastian asks while still rubbing my core with his cock. “Because I want you to move in with me, I want to go to sleep with you in my arm and for you to be the first thing I see when I wake up. I want to make my apartment a home for us to raise our children in. I want to spend the rest of my life with you creating a family. But I need to know if that is what you want” he stops talking and stares at me waiting for me to say something.
God, I want to tell him that I want all of that as well but I am scared that one day he will wake up one day surrounded by babies and all the chaos they bring and realise that this is not want he wants anymore. After staring back at him for what felt like forever I decided that the only way that I would know is to tell him, so I did “God Seb that sounds perfect and God do I want all of that I really do” “Why do I feel that there is a but coming” he interrupts me “because there is. But I am scared that you will wake up one day and remember what your life was like before you had children and resident us until you finally have enough of us and kick us out. Like my dad did to my mum and me” I look into his beautiful blue eyes, which I can not help, but want our children to have, are shining with emotions “And before you say it, I know you are not my father but my just scared that if I let you in, which I want to so badly, but all I can think about is that we… I wave my hand around my belly… will get hurt” As I tell Sebastian how I am feeling, his hand move up my body and wrap around my shoulders “Baby, I will not say that we won’t have disagreements because all couples do but I can tell you that from the second I stepped on outside your door the morning after we were together all I wanted was to knock on your door and have you back in my arms. The only thing stopping me was that you told me that this was a one-time thing, that you didn't want more, plus I had a meeting that I could not miss with Marvel” he adds at the end trying to lighten the mood.
It works I start laughing, and after a couple of seconds, I reply “When I woke up that morning and saw that you were gone, at first I was relieved that I did not have to face the reality of what I did the night before, God my first one night stand, but as I lay there thinking about you and everything we did together I could not help be a little angry and disappointed that you have left. When I found out I was pregnant I could help but feel disappointed that you were not there holding my hand as we waited for the results. I pushed that side and tried to find a way to tell you and when you did not reply or even read the message I was hurt but I pushed past it and got on with my life, getting ready for my babies and now here you are being all perfect, saying all the right things, all the things I want and God do I want them with you but I need time, I need you to show me not just tell me that you are not going anywhere, that you are all in with me and our children and I will take some time but if you are willing so am I.” We sit there staring at each other for what seems like forever when I realise that I am still on his lap but when go to move he tightens his arms around me as if he is scared if I move he will lose me. “Baby I can not fix the past no matter how much I want to and God believe me I want to. I can only promise you that I want all of you, that I am not going anywhere, and that I am willing to fight for the three of you. I will show you every day for the rest of my life that it is you that I want to be with you and only you. So if you let it, I want this to be the start of our forever. So what do you say can forever start today?” tears start running down my face, stupid hormones, “yes Sebastian forever can start today” I reply with a watery smile.
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Wicked Fics- Fics inspired by...
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All works inspired by film, TV, literature, social media, etc (fics inspired by songs have their own list). Some follow their source material more than others.
An Autocorrect Arrangement: inspired by Hallmark Christmas movies. Fiyeraba. Modern AU. 61,000 words, 20 chapters. Fiyero's family is under the impression that he and Elphaba are dating. Because Elphaba is a great friend, she agrees to play along for the holidays. The moral of this story is: always proofread your texts.
Do the Work: inspired by this TikTok. Fiyeraba. Oneshot. 3600 words. Fiyero had rather thought dating Elphaba would involve less required reading. But that didn't matter. When something was important, you did the work.
Don't tell the Bride: inspired by the TV show of the same name. Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 67,000 words. 24 chapters. MODERN OZIAN WEDDINGS is holding a competition to win your dream wedding- the catch is the groom plans everything. An engaged Elphaba and Fiyero decide to test this.
Exhale: minimally inspired by this line from the movie Love, Simon. Fiyeraba. Canon Compliant. One shot. 3000 words. The moment that robs Fiyero of breath. And the moment that finally lets him breathe again.
Long Time Coming: Inspired by the 2003 film What a Girl Wants. Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 99,000 words. 31 chapters. After a fight with her father over her future, Elphaba flees Munchkinland for the Emerald City, determined never to go back and to take control of her own life. She never expected how much that trip would change her forever, starting with meeting a certain Vinkun prince.
Nothing Comes From Nothing: Inspired by the song 'Something Good' from the 1965 film The Sound of Music and the 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life. Fiyeraba. Post-canon. [X words. 8 chapters.] When Elphaba can't shake the thought that the people in her life would be better off if she'd never been born, she gets a chance to see that world.
One Hour: Inspired by the episode 'Pictures of You' from One Tree Hill (season 4, episode 13). Gen. Canon compliant. 12,000 words. 7 chapters. Dr Dillamond uses his history class to remind his students that they make history. That the way they are seen by others can shape how that person is remembered. And in some cases, the students learn that one hour, one class, can change how you see someone.
Once Upon a Time: Inspired by various fairy tales. Fiyeraba. Fairy tale AUs. 17,000 words. 5 chapters. A collection of fairy tales, but make them Fiyeraba.
One Night with the King: Inspired by the 2006 film One Night with the King; the novel Hadassah: One Night with the King; and the biblical story of Esther. Fiyeraba. Biblical AU. 46,000 words. 28 chapters. Elphaba Thropp is selected as a candidate for the new Vinkun Queen. But when an ancient feud threatens her family, she may be the only one who can save them.
Save My Soul: Inspired by this scene from the episode 'Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number' from Gilmore Girls (season 6, episode 7). Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 5000 words. While Elphaba and Nessa are home from Shiz for the summer, Frex invites a surprise guest over for dinner. But he has an agenda behind it, which doesn't really sit well with Elphaba.
Sins of the Father: Inspired by the 1843 novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Gen. Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 14,000 words. 5 chapters. Frexspar Thropp's relationship with his eldest daughter has never been easy, but now it's at breaking point. Greater powers decide it's time to intervene. Can Frex be forced to see the truth about how he's treated Elphaba throughout her life, or will he make a decision he'll live to regret?
The First Date: Inspired by the episode 'The Search for Something More' from One Tree Hill (season 1, episode 8). Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 4000 words. Fiyero finally gets up the courage to ask Elphaba out. In order to make the night special, he turns to Galinda for advice.
The Ghost of Kiamo Ko: Inspired by the 1938 novel Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. Fiyeraba. Alternate Universe. 66,000 words. 26 chapters. "Last night I dreamed I went to Kiamo Ko again."
The Lenrosis Prophecy: Inspired by the episode 'Happily Ever After' from Charmed (1998 one) (season 5, episode 3). Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 72, 000 words. 22 chapters. At a fair before their graduation from Shiz, Elphaba is convinced to get her fortune told. She dismisses what she is told as nonsense. But a few years later, she is about to be proved wrong in a way that she never imagined was even possible.
The Most Convenient Definitions: Inspired by the 1985 film The Breakfast Club. Pre-Fiyeraba. Gen. Not canon compliant. 14,000 words. 5 chapters. Elphaba, Fiyero, Galinda, Boq and Avaric find themselves in detention.
The Right Thing To Do: Inspired by this scene from the episode 'Haunted Leg' from Gilmore Girls (season 3, episode 2). Fiyeraba. Flinda. Not canon compliant. 86,000 words. 28 chapters. Sometimes, doing the 'right thing' hurts more than anything else. Especially when it comes to love.
Until the End of Time: Inspired by the episode 'Love Letters' from Mad About You (season 2, episode 19). Fiyeraba. Alternate Universe. 165,000 words. 38 chapters. Elphaba is ready for the next great epoch of her life- Shiz University. When a stack of old, forgotten letters from a hundred years ago is discovered on campus, unravelling the mystery behind them will impact her and her relationships more than she could have expected.
You've Got Mail: Inspired by the 1998 film You've Got Mail. Fiyeraba. Not canon compliant. 48,000 words. 25 chapters. The introduction of a pen pal program between Shiz University and the Central Emerald College will change lives in more than one way.
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thestarsanctuary · 3 years
Pronouns: It’s 2nd person but they/them
I love fics like this so I decided to write one as a way to say thank you a crAZY amount for 300 followers, hope this new year has you all embark on positive paths and journeys!!
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Bakugo is already pissed he had to be here. Only reason he came to this weird meet up of you and your friends is because you basically forced him when you were just gonna leave after hanging out with him for barely any time at all! So here he is. Watching you cackle and have a blast with your crew while he sits with his arm around you, waiting for the clock in this small cafe to speed up and for the sky to darken in color so you can come back to his place.
It’s already bad enough that he has to be without his own friends, so he’s already uncomfortable (but he hides it particularly well) but adding onto that, this one chick in your group is acting like a wackjob. Touching his arm, giggling whenever he so much as makes a remark towards you- keyword: you, and keeps trying to talk to him.
“Bakugo you’re so cool! And so talented! Winning 1st place at the sports festival must’ve been so awesome!!”
“Do you work out?”
“Can I ever keep my mouth shut?? You’re funny haha!” Yeah he wasn’t joking.
It was impossible to avoid the moron, everytime another friend got your attention the girl was on him with a quickness, no shame. At some point he wondered if you were ignoring what was happening on purpose. Then you left to the bathroom and he got a text.
Do what you have to just make it flashy enough for us to leave.
It was as if you knew she was going to make a move.
Not like it was hard to predict.
And immediately the chick got to work.
“So Katsuki, do you ever think about like…why you got with y/n? They’re just so…different…from you y’know?” She said, once again moving her hand up his arm lightly, trailing it with what felt like ice with how cold her hands were. Even the rest of your friends sat in shock with how they behaved. Bakugo grabbed her hand.
“Listen here you dense twit. My name is Bakugo. Katsuki is reserved for the person you’ve been trying to keep me away from this whole time who might I mention- IS MY PARTNER YOU SPOILED EXTRA! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!” He started yelling in that tone of his, voice cracking on occassion from how frustrated he was. “By the way, just from this visit I can tell that they’re much better than you’ll ever be, people like you need to learn their place.” He spat, watching as tears collected in her eyes.
Right on time you came out looking clueless, but Katsuki saw the smirk that threatened to leak at the ends of your mouth. He got up, grabbed your hand and walked you both out of there without a second glance.
“Ah finally, I’ve been wanting to drop them forever.”
“Then why didn’t you? Made me go through that hell for your pleasure huh?”
“No, I didn’t even think they’d have such guts to flirt…but when they touched your arm I couldn’t help but see the potential for a long deserved humiliating moment.”
“You’re so evil-you sure you wanna be a hero extra?”
“If I’m evil you’re practically satan”
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Midoriya truly didn’t know what he did to deserve this. He loved animals, cared for everyone around him, worked hard, brushed his teeth, showered, so what was the cause of this?!
Here he was, sat at his desk waiting for you to return from the girls locker room with your backup clothes because you accidentally spilled some juice on your shirt at lunch, and you know who was also with him?
Your so called best friend.
The guy was nice, really. He was smart and a good person towards you, but now? Now he was like a whole different dude. Hand right on Midoriya’s bicep gripping it just too tight to be friendly.
“You’re so strong Midoriya, how much do you work out?” He questioned, eyelashes fluttering lightly.
“U-um! I like to w-work out after finishing my homework at home! Y’know, it’s really crazy home and homework have the same word in them! Home! That’s just like…crazy…” he rambles, jerking his arm back by his side, bumping his elbow on the desk. His cheeks red because of the embarrassment, but your friend took it as something much different.
“You’re so funny midoriya! Do you ever think about just becoming a comedian? Or like..a model?” The boy mentioned, the atmosphere feeling more stuffy than ever.
Was this guy not supposed to be your friend? Midoriya could never be mean to anybody, especially not a friend of yours! What if he said Izuku was being mean and you broke up with him? What if you came back when he was telling the boy off and thought he was a jerk and THEN broke up with him? What if-
“So why are you still with Y/n anyways? No offense they’re great! I just feel like you have so many options y’know?” He said, picking at his chipped nails. Midoriya stiffened.
“W-what? Y/n’s amazing. You’re their friend aren’t you?” Midoriya stuttered with a bit of anger. Who was this guy to talk about you like that? He didn’t care about whatever he felt for Midoriya, but what he said about you wasn’t something he could tolerate.
“Of course I am! I think they’re great but well, there’s always someone better isn’t there?” The boy said, eyes wandering around nervously.
“No. Not in this case. Y/n’s…everything. To me. They’re all I’ll ever need so I’m sorry but I can’t sit here and let you speak about them behind their back like this. It’s uncalled for and quite frankly…embarrassing.” He shrugged, looking the boy directly in his eyes. The boy quickly got up.
“That’s not what I meant…” he said, fluffing his hair up. “I was just wondering”
“Well…I gave you your answer.” He said, and went to go find you, he couldn’t be in the same room with a guy like that for much longer if he wanted to graduate.
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This was torture for you. It was like watching a trainwreck in real time.
Here you are, at the mall food court with your best friend and your boyfriend, and your best friend is being an absolute fool trying to flirt RIGHT in front of you. Yet your boyfriend? Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
“So Todoroki, is there like- a stylist living with you? Whenever you show up you just look so good” your friend giggled and slapped his hand that was resting on the table playfully.
“Um..no. I am just wearing clothes? I don’t really care what I look like. Well- except for when it’s us.” He says looking directly at you. “I like looking good for you so that we look good together.” He blushed lightly, holding your hand which you squeezed. He made it so hard to be made at him!
“Well I think you could wear like- a trash bag and look good!” Your friend intervened, destroying your moment of piece. At this point you were about to sock em. Instead, you kept your mouth shut and just gripped Shoto’s hand.
“Why would I wear a trash bag? Is that some trend or something?” Shoto’s eyes squinted and his head tilted in curiosity.
“It’s a saying Sho, nobody is actually wearing garbage bags.” You say reassuring him.
“It’s a weird one.” He responds, accepting your answer nontheless.
“SO! Sho, do you like music? I could give you some really good recommendations, Y/n likes some weird stuff” They giggled again. Interesting thing is, you were the one who showed them half the artists they like now.
But you digress.
“No they don’t? I hear their music everyday? It’s nice.” He states looking at them once again, eyes squinted and head tilted. This friend of yours said some…odd stuff. “Maybe you just don’t take their recommendations as often as you should. They have something for everybody.”
“Maybe…” they said, batting their eyelashes at your boyfriend once again. Alright, you were done.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You said harshly, taking your phone and leaving, breaking the hold Todoroki had on your hand. Todoroki waited until you were gone.
“Listen.” He said, interrupting your friends ramble about whatever they were saying. “I couldn’t care less about whatever you’re saying so I’m going to make this clear. I don’t care about you and I don’t want anybody else except Y/n. You’re ruining their day. And embarrassing yourself while you’re at it.” He stated brutally. He didn’t really have an ear nor an eye for social cues so even with the tears in their eyes he didn’t lighten up on what he was saying, and instead doubled down. “I’m not interested.”
They quickly got up and left, cheeks burning with embarrassment. You came back a few minutes later. “Hey where’d they go?” You questioned Shoto, who had a smile on his face.
“Said they had somehwere to be.”
Nobody was gonna interfere with your relationship, he’d make sure of it.
just kinda felt like making something so you guys know I’m not dead or something lol. Thinking of a pt 2 lemme know if y’all want it (hopefully some girls that time) Hopefully this year I upload maybe not more consistently but at least more often than every 100 days 😭 love y’all!!!
- SS <3333
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angelamajiki · 4 years
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PAIRINGS: Father! Yandere! Enji Todoroki x Daughter! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, soulmate AU, fluff, slight angst, nsfw, kissing, praise kink, virginity kink, size kink, bathroom sex
A BNHarem Collab!
AN: my longest piece to date! the prompt this month was sex work, so i decided to stretch the prompt and do sexual slavery. wanted to go for a softer version of daddy endeavor, so please enjoy <3
5.2k words
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The mark on his wrist was one that was shared with yours. Enji had given up on finding his soulmate, deciding that his career and legacy were far more important than some silly marking on another’s body. Love was something he thought he could go without. But when he saw your bright eyes gaze up at him, your chubby hand wrapped around his index finger, his heart had fallen hard—such a sweet, gentle thing. No traces of fear, of disdain, of disgust for him as a human being. Just pure curiosity and unconditional love. His heart leaped for his little girl.
Enji was determined, then and there, that he would never fail you, not like he forgot the others.
Oh, what plans he had for you, his precious princess. He couldn’t wait to spoil you, to marry you and start a new family once you were old enough. Rei realized this as well. Her youngest daughter, her last hope at salvaging her broken family, was to be had by her husband. The thought frightened her, especially after seeing the adoring look in her husband's eyes when she saw him cradle you for the first time. It was so unlike the stoic nature he held for the other children when they were born, only caring to see that they were healthy before leaving off back to his agency, never giving them more than a fleeting touch. It was nothing like when he held you, snarling at any nurse who dared to take his soulmate from the grips of his arms.
Something that had Enji’s conviction more so than his career was something to be feared. Your mother swore to herself that she would not let her husband ruin you.
Once he fell asleep with you tucked in the crook of his arm, a social worker came and collected you to be sent to a foster home and be set up for adoption. It was better than falling into the hands of the monster of a husband.
After the death of Touya, the pair decided to have one more child in hopes of fixing their broken family, but Rei now knew it was for naught. Nothing could save them know, especially now that Enji had nearly burned the building down when he discovered that his little girl was gone, just hours after he had finally found you.
Rei alerted the commission as well for your protection, that utter bitch of a woman. They very well couldn't have the number two hero caught in an incestuous bond with his daughter, now could they. All information of your whereabouts was hidden from him, blacklisting him from working with any foster children, lest he loses his hero license. Enji may have lost you for the time being, but his patience grew as he did. They couldn't keep him from you forever. You'd be reunited one day; he knows it.
The first time he saw you again was when you were fifteen. It was your birthday and the day he had become the number one hero officially, plenty of reason to celebrate. Usually, he would have taken the time to sit near the rose bush he planted in your honor in his courtyard on your birthday, renewing his vows to find and love you to the best of his ability. Enji took great pride in keeping your memory alive with the bush for his beautiful little rose gone too soon from his grasp. But there you were, mere meters from him.
The foster home you stayed at took you out for dinner when he was meeting with Hawks after the billboard awards. Your eyes were unmistakable, a perfect cerulean just like his own. He was so close, yet so far. My, how you had grown since he saw you. Unlike him, you bore your mark proudly on your wrist, not ashamed to admit to the world who your soulmate was. Not like you actually knew who it was anyway.
Enji was prepared to leave Hawks at the table; a new flame lit under his ass, one far more exhilarating than the thought of being the number one hero. He was up and on his way to speak to you before Nomu attacked him. Damn villains, they'd pay for separating the two of you once again. But his conviction only grew stronger. It wasn’t hard to find you after that; he knew what city you were living in. Instincts lashed out at him, demanding that he go sweep you up and hide you away. No, no. That would make you frightened; he can't have that. He’ll watch from the sidelines, waiting until you were of age to make a move. He was curious to see just how life as a foster child was treating you.
Growing up in the foster system had been a nightmare from hell for you. A cursed child is what they saw you as when your skin sprouted flames every time it was touched by the human hand, burning everything and everyone who came in contact with it. From the moment your quirk manifested, you were an outcast, an untouchable, unlovable freak. Someone destined never to feel the touch of their new parents, their lover, their soulmate.
It wasn't long before you realized that you would remain in the foster system until you aged out. Who would adopt a child they couldn't hug when they cried, hold their hand when they crossed the street, snuggle up to when it was chilly outside? Any potential parent was taken aback by your quirk once you reached for the warm touch of mommy and daddy, only to singe their hand or burn a hole in their shirt.
You learned quickly that your touch was something to be feared, that you were something to be feared. You supposed that’s why you looked up to him so much. So much so that you thought about him late at night when the loneliness seemed to drown you in the sea of your insecurities.
Endeavor was the only one who could understand you, understand your quirk. If only your soulmate mark could match him, maybe you feel the warmth of another human being without hurting or mauling them with your power. Abrasive he may be with the media, but there something about him that was so comforting and endearing to you. In your eyes, he was simply misunderstood, a gentle giant amongst the mass personalities of the other pro heroes.
Watching his interviews brought you comfort when you were lonely, his merchandise made you swell with pride and confidence, and his posters on the wall reminded you that you were never alone. It was a silly crush, but it made you feel better about your miserable life.
You even got to see him on your birthday! Well, not exactly. You happened to be in the same restaurant when your foster parents took you out for your birthday. It was apparent that they just felt bad for you, having looked after you for 15 years only to still have custody of your sorry ass. You were almost certain that they were going to kick you to the curb the morning of your 18th birthday.
Too bad they never had the chance. That fate would have been much kinder than the reality you faced now.
Once the Paranormal Liberation Front had effectively ripped society up by the roots and let the tree of life rot for the world to see, your foster parents packed their shit and left the country while you were at school. You’d been alone in the world ever since and were snatched off the streets, ready to be sold into slavery by the villains of the world. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being bought like a bitch from the auction floor.
Enji, on the other hand, was more than eager to do just that. After his public smear campaign by his allegedly dead son, he was dead to the world, finally abandoning his family for good in hopes of finding his beloved daughter. His life was dedicated to searching for you, having managed to track you down through his vigilante work. He likes to lie to himself and say that he’s continuing to fight for the greater good, but Enji does it just to have the chance to see your sweet face again. There wasn’t much to go off of, but he’d rather see his fiery end than to give up. That's how he found you at the auction.
Another auction night was approaching, which meant another night of humiliation and being displayed like a slab of meat for a crowd of degenerate wolves. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being sold; no one wants a fucktoy they can’t touch. It reduced you to physical labor for your captors, but you were better fed because of it. That didn’t mean they still didn’t try to sell you.
After being stripped down into nothing but a collar, leash, and a muzzle, you were brought to the stage and shoved in front of the ravenous, roaring crowd. You could feel their stares seep into your bones, the grime from the floor on your bare feet only adding to the overwhelming sensation of disgust you couldn’t even begin to describe.
The crowd’s excitement was raucous, jeers and shouts echoing off the halls of the underground auditorium. Masks covered their faces for the sake of privacy lest a vigilante break-in and hunt them all down. Even in the lawlessness of the world, heroes were still crawling everywhere to trail after even the slightest scent of villainy. Doesn't mean they’ll win, but hey, the death of a hero is just the same as the auction was to them.
“Up next, a darling girl with a fiery quirk!”
That was your cue. A handler had a fierce grip on your leash, giving it a few tugs for good measure as the crowd laughed at your stumbling. The auctioneer began to list your qualities and physical attributes, including your quirk.
“And she’s a virgin!”
Added for good measure, the crowd fell silent after listening to the abilities of your quirk. You couldn't hate it anymore; it's what was keeping you from being someone’s onahole until the day you kicked the bucket.
“Can I get $10,000?”
Ah the starting bid. The silence was relieving. Just a few more moments and you'd be off that damn stage.
“No? Going once, going twice, going-”
“One million.”
A booming voice came from the back row, the depths of the shadows to further hide the masked man who just bought your life. Why did it sound so familiar?
“Outstanding! One million dollars for the young lady!”
“Going once.”
It couldn't be.
“Going twice.”
This can't be happening.
“Sold for one million!”
You were supposed to be unwanted, just like you have been your entire life! Yet some mysteriously familiar man outbid the entire auction for little ol’ you.
“Off the stage, bitch.”
The handler snarled, yanking you off the stage and causing you the fall and bruise yourself in the process.
“Watch it!” He spat, picking you up by the roots of your hair. “The merchandise needs to be handled carefully before reaching the customer. Let's hope he doesn't mind some bumps and bruises. For your sake.”
“That won't be necessary; I'll be taking her as is. Immediately, if you will.”
The mysterious man stood had already made his way backstage and behind you, standing formidably over your stark form. Your hair was released, dropping you back to the floor.
“Excellent, sir! I’m more than happy to get this welp off my hands.”
A brief exchange was made while you recovered on the floor, shaking in fear as the situation weighed heavily on your already broken self. The handler took the money and returned to the back room, leaving the two of you alone together.
The stranger crouched down to you and extended a hand to brush the stray hair out of your face, touch remaining tender and gentle when you flinched harshly.
“My poor girl, what has the world done to you?”
His coat enveloped your body as he scooped you up in his arms. The scent of him comforted you more than you would have liked to admit. Teakwood and coffee grounds filled your senses as he held you flush against his chest, leaving the auction house with a renewed sense of vigor.
You were placed in the backseat of a car before he dressed you in simple pajamas.
“Rest. You deserve it.”
At some point in the car ride, you let yourself fall asleep only to wake up in a cozy king-size bed wrapped up in a soft blanket next to a warm fireplace. The false sense of comfort lulled you for a few moments before your situation hit you like a ton of bricks. The anxiety you'd had known your whole life had finally kicked back into gear, forcing you out of bed and into the rest of the house.
It was daybreak, the sunlight slowly trickling in through heavily curtained windows as you walked through the halls and into the kitchen. The man was standing over the stove, sans mask, dressed in a wife-beater and his pajama bottoms. It couldn't be-
“Come in; breakfast will be on the table in a moment.”
Now you were certain.
“Who are you?” Your voice barely above a whisper. “Why did you buy me at the auction?”
A deep, rumbling chuckle flowed from the man.
“I think you know the answer to that, little one.”
His focus was retained on the meal in front of him. “I’ll explain myself over breakfast. Now sit.”
You couldn't help but feel compelled to obey him. While sitting, you took the time to honestly look him over for the first time in your life. Never did you think you would be so close to your childhood crush in such a domestic setting.
He had noticeably greyed but still possessed a majority of his red hair. Muscles were still taught and budging, but he had grown a little bit of a belly. Endeavor was as handsome as ever, aged like a fine wine that you couldn't wait to sip on.
The food was placed in front of you as he took the test next to you.
“Eat and have some water. Then we’ll talk.”
Once again, you obeyed him without question and refrained from eating like a rabid animal. It wasn't even a question, so much so that it is evident that you hadn't had a decent meal in a long time. You were still muscular from the labor you did for your handlers, though.
And Enji liked that about you. How resilient you were, he loved that you inherited his strength but still possessed Rei’s gentle nature. Not that he wanted to credit that woman for anything, but he couldn't deny the obvious. You were his strong, beautiful little girl who had to endure so much because his bitch of a wife decided to separate you from him.
But he was here now, ready to give all his love and protection to his only love. It took everything in his power not to swoop you up from your seat and hold you in his arms until his last breath.
Enji watched you eat, pride swelling in his chest at the thought that you liked his cooking. He couldn't help but wonder what your favorite meals were as well. There's certainly all the time in the world to get to know his little girl now that he had you. And he was never going to let you go.
Your breakfast was devoured quickly, both out of desperation for a real meal and answers to your questions.
“Why did you buy me from the auction?”
It was a complicated question, but you wanted a simple answer.
“I’m your soulmate.” His wrist was on display as he reached across the table to hold your hand.
For the first time in your life, you felt safe. Your one, shining hope was meant to yours and he wanted to be yours. You didn't even question how he knew at all.
His touch was warm and slightly rough, but it was welcome all the same. Even though your skin was lit aflame at his flesh against your, he paid it no mind. He was built to take your quirk, to take you.
“Please, call me Enji.” His thumb rubbed over the palm of your hand. “I’m sure you feel better after having something to eat.”
“Why don't you go take a bath? It’ll help you relax, I can take care of your dishes.”
It was strange how insistent he was on taking care of you, but you can't say you don't enjoy the attention. He seemed to care for you in a way that went beyond caring for a partner, or in your case, a soulmate. But who were you to judge? It wasn't like you had a lot of experiences to use as a comparison.
Making your way back to the bedroom, you took the time to study the house you were in. A traditional, well-kept home, it practically looked like it was untouched. And maybe it was; buildings and homes fully intact were hard to come by these days, let alone ones that were clean and warm.
Enji seemed to lull you into an instinctual sense of safety, even though he bought you out of slavery. Just because he was your soulmate didn't mean that he had good intentions for you, but somehow, his presence alone filled a void in your heart that you had forgotten was even there.
Once you made it to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom, you drew yourself a bath just like Enji had instructed you to do. It wasn't the wisest decision to let your guard down like this, but the man already had plenty of opportunities to fuck you up by this point.
The water was warm and inviting when you sank yourself into it; you couldn't remember the last time you had warm water to clean yourself with. It made you feel light and hazy, slipping into a headspace you had long forgotten—a place of safety and comfort.
Three raps on the door pulled you from your haze as Enji entered the bathroom with fresh towels. Despite the fact that he had already seen you naked, the intimacy of the situation only left you feeling more vulnerable than ever.
“Let me help you.”
He kneeled next to you outside of the tub and pulled a lavender chamomile shampoo from the tub’s shelf. There was room to protest, but you couldn't find yourself willing to do so.
Water was poured over your head before he started a lather in your hair, gently scrubbing your scalp for a while. Even this simple touch made you shudder, it was a long time since you last felt the warmth of someone’s touch. And everything about this man was warm, for you at least. His words, his touch, his heart.
Conditioner was added to your hair as well before he moved onto washing your body. The scrub was gentle across your skin, his hand following after it to help keep the suds from rising too much. Strong hands massaged your back and your neck, both of which needed the much-deserved relief.
“So tense.” He murmured, mostly to himself.
There was a comfortable silence shared between the two of you as he massaged out all the knots and kinks that had built up over the years with your handlers. His touch should have made you flinch but you found yourself pressing into it. A small moan escaped your lips as he worked through a particularly tender spot on your neck.
“Are you enjoying this?”
His lips ghosted your ear as warm breath tickled your cheek and neck.
Your face flushed with a fiery warmth from a combination of the steam, your embarrassment, and the man whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his hands worked at your tired skin.
“Let me help you relax, sweet thing.”
Enji picked you up momentarily to slot himself behind you in the tub. Placed on his lap, you gasped when you could feel his erection hard against your back. Fear started to trickle into your veins as you squirmed slightly, attempting to get out of his grasp.
“Shhh, it's alright, you're okay.” His hand made its way to your throat and rested there gently, stroking over your artery with his thumb. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Let me show you how much I've missed you.”
His touch made you feel alive, feel wanted for the first time in your life. You couldn't help but whine when his other hand made its way down your body, gently groping your breast as his lips were pressed to your ear.
“Do you trust me to take care of you?”
His fingers toyed with your nipples, obviously skilled.
“Do you trust me to make the sweetest love to you?”
Another whine caught in your throat as his hand went further, cupping your sex in his much larger hand. He kneaded gently, pressing a soft kiss to your temple when you writhed in his grip.
“Please! Enji-”
Shushing you gently, Enji’s thumb made its way to your clit to stroke in small circles.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
You were used to touching yourself, but oh God it never felt like this.
“Good!” You managed to choke out in a wanton moan. “So good! Enji, please, I need-”
A warm pair of lips sealed over yours, silencing you once again. Enji knew how wrong this was, to take advantage of you like this without revealing the truth. But he wanted at least to just once to have you in his arms willingly and eagerly. He wanted to kiss you breathless, listen to your cries and feel your nails dig into his skin as he gave you all of himself without a fight from you. He can worry about revealing himself to you later.
The rough pads of his large fingers started to apply pressure to your clit as his middle finger slipped into your tight hole under the water.
“Don't worry, little one. I'll give you what you need.”
Soft kisses were trailed along your cheek and hand that was on his that was still holding your throat tenderly. Finger pumping in and out of you, Enji whispered sweet praises to you as he felt your hole clench around him.
“Doing so well for me, sweetheart.”
Your breathy moans and whines only served to harden his cock. He felt like a teenager all over again, closing to cumming just from the sound of your voice.
Another finger slipped into your tight core, careful not to overwhelm you too fast. It was obvious you'd hadn't been touched before, not even by yourself. You felt full but greedy for more of his touch.
“Deeper, Enji! Please, can you?”
You were babbling at this point, writhing in his lap as he fingered you nice and slow with thick digits. Enji hummed as he pressed further into, curling his fingers into your G-spot.
Your cry was loud as he began to abuse your most sensitive spot, fully squirming in his arms as tears of pleasure breached your eyes. The sensation was too overpowering for you, making you thrash and arch in his arms.
“Shh, you're okay, sweetheart. You're okay; I'm right here.”
His fingers continued to stroke in a curled fashion, thumb still circling over your twitching clit. Enji kissed you again, deeper and more fierce as he began to fuck you earnestly with his fingers.
“Cum for me, darling.”
Squealing, you gripped his forearm and cried helplessly into his mouth. The build was slow and intense, allowing your orgasm to wash over you in waves of pleasure rather than a blinding, quick light.
“E-Enji!” You wailed. “Enji!”
You shook in his arms, holding onto the larger man for dear life as you experienced your first orgasm. It seemed like Enji knew your body better than you did.
No words were exchanged between the pair of you, but you could feel the tension of your desired hanging thick in the air. This man was going to take your virginity, here and now.
Enji removed his hand from your throat and between your legs in order to maneuver you to sit facing forward in his lap.
“Are you ready for me?”
His honesty made you flush even more. Biting your lip nervously, you hesitated to answer. Were you ready? It wasn’t like you had much of choice; the man could very well take you by force if he so chose to. But you felt safe in his arms, safe with him.
“Let me help you, my love.”
Warm, large hands gripped your backside as he held you steady above his cock. Your hand reached down to line yourself up with his throbbing sex, lowering yourself down on it slowly.
It burned in the best way, stretching you out fully as you pressed your forehead against his chin.
“Good girl, taking my cock so well, darling.”
A pitiful whine left your throat at the praise, hands gripping the forearms that held you in place.
“Can...Can you hold me?” You whimpered. “Please?”
Enji’s arms enveloped you and pulled you flush against his, tucking your head into the crook of his neck as you continued to lower yourself onto his cock. Your breath tickled his ears, making him groan lowly once he bottomed out inside of you.
“Such a sweet girl you are, taking all of me on your first try.”
Another whine responded for you as you ground your hips down on his.
“E-Enji.” You whimpered his name over and over again like a prayer. “Enji!”
“Be still, little one.” Hands back on your hips, holding you in place near the tip of his girthy length. “Let me take care of you.”
Hips in place, the man began to thrust up into you slowly, holding you tight as he stood up from the water. You only gripped and nuzzled yourself into him further, letting out sweet whines and whimpers into his ear while he thrust into you.
Your back was placed against the cool tile of the wall when he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. Even in this position, he was still at least another head taller than you.
“Look at me when I make love to you.”
Through wet eyelashes, you gazed up at his eyes and let your mouth hang open as he rolled his hips into yours. His eyes shut briefly when he moaned, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt hugging his cock so well.
“You were made to take my cock, little one.”
Arms reached up to wrap around his neck as he thrust into you, taking his time to make his strokes slow and deep. His hips were flush against yours when you asked him, “Kiss me, please? I want all of you Enji.”
Your bold proclamation stunned him for a moment before yielding, placing a deep kiss and a hot tongue against your lips.
His thrusts became faster as he kissed you with more passion and vitality. For an old man, he certainly had his stamina up to par. Your fingers thread through his red and grey tresses, tugging him closer to you gently as you moaned shamelessly into his mouth.
The pleasure in your core was more intense, fiercer this time around as his thrusts became hard and fast. The sounds of both of your moans and skin slapping against skin echoed off the tiled bathroom walls as the both of you felt your orgasms coming.
“Enji, fuck!” You whined, beginning to squirt on his fast-paced cock. “I-I’m cumming; I’m cumming!”
“Cum for me, princess.”
With a choked sob, you creamed yourself all over his cock, which continued to pound into your hole before he groaned your name and came deep inside you.
Nothing but the sounds of the water sloshing and your labored breathing could be heard as you both came down from your highs.
After a moment of rest, Enji pulled out and wrapped you in a towel before laying you gently on the bed. A towel was wrapped around his own waist as he looked at you fondly, brushing stray hairs out of your eye sight as he sat next to you on the bed.
“I must ask, how did you end up at the auction site?”
What a loaded question, but the intimacy you two shared allowed for it.
“I was kidnapped off the streets after my parents abandoned me when the prison break happened.”
He sighed gruffly and took your hand in his.
“What utter fools, tossing aside a beautiful rose such as yourself.”
His thumb traced over your soulmate mark. You still had yet to know how he knew before ever meeting you.
“It's alright; I never considered them my family. I just wish I could have met mine, but at least I met my soulmate.”
A crinkled smile adorned his face.
“You've done more than meet them.”
What could that have meant?
“I’m your father and your soulmate, little one.”
A rock hit the pit of your stomach as you retracted your hand from his.
“That isn't a funny joke, I'm serious.”
“So am I.” His hand was quick to snatch your back. “What could I possibly gain from lying to you?”
“P-Prove it.”
“Our soulmate marks, I saw yours the moment you were born in the Hosu hospital before my wife separated us all those years ago. I can recite your birthday if you'd like me to, for good measure.”
Fuck, he really wasn't lying. A lump formed in your throat as tears sprung in your eyes.
“Why would you do this to me?” You whispered, barely even able to hear yourself.
“Because I love you. I love you so much, sweetheart. Ever since I saw you for the first time in the hospital, my entire life has changed because of you. All I ever wanted was you.”
Enji was quick to shush your cries, using his free hand to wipe your tears away.
“Will you forgive me for being selfish?”
The disgust and horror filled everyone of your senses, especially when you came to a realization that he was everything you've ever wanted.
What came out of your mouth next stunned the both of you.
“You can apologize by begging on your knees and cleaning me up with your tongue, Daddy.”
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TAGLIST: @tomurasprincess @bonesoftheimpala @sightoru @cxnicalsweetheart
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sunatooru · 3 years
hi hello can i request a scenario/drabble for tsukishima, kuroo, oikawa, and akaashi with a fem!so who fainted during their heated argument? their argument would be about s/o being clingy and needy, and always talking and being noisy; turns out the reason she fainted was because of the fever she had early in the morning but didn't tell them about it in order not to be a 'bother' or 'nuisance'... then her fever got really worse during the argument and faints. *cue their boyfriends feeling like shit for all the rude things they said*
i am in need of some angst🪆
Sorry it took so long (I’ve had this since March 😭) but I hope it fills your angst need x
Warning: angst/comfort, gn!Reader, post Timeskip spoilers …are they dramatic?Yes
It was rare you got to spend time with your boyfriend. Especially as he juggled working and playing volleyball. You wouldn’t miss the chance to be with him for a whole day, even if you woke up feeling like your head was being hammered.
You stayed wrapped around his arm, happily joining him on the sofa. You move to wrap your arms around his torso but he pushes your attempt away. You blink at him in confusion and try again, but fail when he stops you once more.
“Keiii, I want to cuddle..” you pout and he scoffs.
“What’s wrong with you? I finally get a day to relax and instead, I have you clinging to me and being annoying.” He glares at you, making you pull back and your throat tighten.
“I-“ you get cut off
“You what? You’re always trying to push yourself on me. It’s suffocating!” He gets up and walks towards the bedroom, you hot on his heels.
“Kei, can you please be a little quieter? All I want is to spend some time with you…you’re always so busy…” you defend but he kisses his teeth.
“Exactly. I’m always busy, so can you just let me chill out? I don’t need you whining in my ear and having you on me all the time! God, it’s like you need to annoy me!” He shouts at you.
You swallow harshly. Your chest feeling tight as his words ring in your ear. Your head pounding as you feel yourself heat up.
“Kei…I-I don’t…” you try to reach for him but he moves.
“Did you not just hear what I s- hey..hey!” You feel yourself lean forward as your eyes close.
You wake up when you feel something cool on your forehead, opening your eyes slowly to see Kei next to you.
“Are you okay? You just fainted out of nowhere…why…and I said all those thing-“ you grab his hand.
“I wasn’t feeling well in the morning…I tried to push it away to spend time with you…” he looks at you guiltily, sighing and cupping your hands.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said. You’re not suffocating…everyday I come home, I can’t wait to see you. I don’t know why I said that…I’ve just been so overwhelmed and I took it out on you. I’m sorry baby. ” He confesses.
“I love you so much…I don’t even deserve you.” He whispers, biting his tongue as he looks at you.
“Hmm, I love you too…it’s okay. Can you just hold me, please.” You give him a small smile and he wraps you around him.
It’s that time of year where deadlines need to be met. You watch him scribble on papers and pull at his hair. You could see how tense he was and decided to bring him something hot to sip on.
“Tetsu, you need a break.” You slowly make your way into the room, carrying a hot mug and small snack.
“Can’t. Got to finish finalising the contract.” He informs, crossing out lines and writing again.
You huff and approach him, struggling to find a place to set the tray due to his messy desk.
“Come on. You need to atleast drink something, you’ve been at it for hours now. “ you press, causing him to clench his jaw.
He slams his pen against the desk, startling you before he faces you.
“I just said I need to finish this contract. Of course I’ve been working on it for hours. It’s important. You’ve been coming in and out of the room and disturbing me! I’m busy trying to do my job and you can’t even leave me alone for a few hours? Stop being so clingy all the time!” He fumes, eyes glaring at you as he starts to stand up.
You feel you mouth go dry as his words echo, your vision starting to fade as he finally stands, a rush taking over that you drop the tray. A loud smash of the mug rings in your ear.
“Are you serious- babe! What’s- babe!” Is the last thing you hear before your vision goes black.
You stir when you feel movement besides you. Slowly opening your eyes to see his leg bouncing nervously. He notices you looking and instantly grabs your hand.
“Have you not been eating? Were you waiting for me? Fuck! You fainted, I- what happened?” He rambles, eyes filled with regret.
“I felt a fever in the morning but I didn’t want to tell you because I knew how important your contract was.” You mumble, avoiding his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, babe. I was so stressed and occupied with the deal that I forgot about you and said so many regrettable things. Please, I didn’t mean anything I said. You’re not clingy. I love that you’re always watching over me. I promise, I’ll take more care. Of you and me.” He apologises, bring your hand up to kiss it.
“Here drink this.” He hands you a mug, your eyes widening as your remember the one you dropped.
“I cleaned it, don’t worry. I’m sorry. Let’s just get you feeling better, okay. The contract can wait. You’re more important.” You give him a small smile and nod.
He stays besides you until you persuade him you’re better. He kisses and hugs you until you’re both laughing like before.
You always told each other where you were going before leaving. It was something you did for safety. Yet, recently he’d been leaving before you wake up and coming home late. You reasoned it was probably for the upcoming game. The game that would makes his dream come true. But it did hurt that that one routine had started to break.
You had woken up to your head pounding. Your body feeling hotter than usual and the bed empty for another morning. You attempt to shake it off and go on with the day.
You’re surprised when the door open around midday and see Tooru drop his bag.
“Tooru! You’re home!” You run up to hug him but he stops you.
“Sorry, I’m just really sweaty right now.” He kisses your forehead and runs towards the bathroom.
You smile to yourself, quickly fixing lunch, in hopes you would both enjoy together. But instead, you hear him run down and reach for the door again.
“Tooru, where are you going?” You stop him, confusion on your face.
“Ah I just need to go out again. You know the game and practice.” He states grabbing his bag.
“But you just got home. Look, I made you lunch too. You can practice tomorrow. I barely see you recently! You don’t even tell when you’re leaving…” you shout.
“No! I need to go. I need to practice more. I can’t be with you all the time, every day. You’re so needy. Can’t you see how important this is for me? What? I can’t even leave my own house without telling you?” He yells in frustration.
“That’s not the problem. You- you’re not even caring about your health. I just want to make sure you’re okay!” You feel yourself burn up again.
You get closer to him, hands shivering as you feel weak.
“Listen I’m going to training! Don’t wait-“ he’s walking out the door but you reach for him, collapsing against his back.
You hear mumbling and groan as you open your eyes.
“Tooru…” you call out and he’s there in a heartbeat.
“Do you know how high your temperature was? You were burning up! And then you fainted and I-I didn’t know what happening and god if anything happened to you I would never forgive myself.” He cries, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“I’m okay..” you whisper but he shakes his head.
“No you’re not. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” He says, hurt.
“I don’t want to me a nuisance…and you haven’t really been here so I tried to shake off in the morning.” You reply.
“Since morning… please forgive me, baby. Please. I know I’ve been neglecting you and if I was here then you wouldn’t be feeling like this. I’m sorry for what I said. I know i can’t take it back but I wish I could, because it’s not true. You’re not needy. I’m just an idiot who keeps forgetting to appreciate you. Baby, I’m sorry for hurting you.” He sniffles, sitting next to you and pulling you into him.
“Tooru, you’ll get sick too.” You stress but he holds you tighter.
“Just a few more minutes. I’ve missed you too. I promise I won’t leave you and take care of you. Forever.” He kisses you deeply.
The best way you decided to get rid of the fever you woke up with, was to distract yourself doing anything else. You organised yourself desk, bed and even laundry. You could feel yourself getting warmer again and decide to find your boyfriend.
He’s in his study carefully editing a new clients work. He’s usually calm and collected but he’s been on edge due to the pressure from his boss. You watch him take off his glasses and rub his tired eyes. You sigh and walk in.
“Hi darling!” You say cheerfully, only to get a less enthusiastic response.
“You’ve been stuck to the desk the whole day. Come on, talk to me a bit. Think of it as a little break.” You wrap your arms around him from behind.
“I’m almost done. We can talk after.” He whispers.
“Keijiii, I’m so bored please. Plus you need to take some rest. Let’s just talk about something, like I don’t know, where we should travel to? Or maybe anything interesting that happened at work? Come on, I want to spend time with -“ you’re cut off by his stern voice.
“Gosh, why are you so talkative? I’m trying to focus on something and you keep talking and being noisy after I said we can talk later. It’s like you’re trying to annoy me on purpose!” He scrunches his fists and huffs.
“I-I’m just trying to look out for you. You know you need a break too. Don’t yell at me! Sorry I’m so talkative and trying to engage with my boyfriend, who clearly thinks I’m annoying.” You choke out, feeling a little woozy as you start to leave.
“Love, wait! I didn’t mean it…”
“Whatever…I should’ve just stayed in bed-“ you feel your eyes getting heavy, and your knees feeling weak.
You wake up a few minutes later to him wiping your face softly. You try to get up but he stops you.
“Easy, let me help.” You can hear the guilt in his voice as he sets your pillow.
“I’m sorry for shouting at you. I let my frustrations take over and put it on you. I want you to know that, I didn’t mean what I said. I should’ve paid more attention and seen you weren’t feeling well.” He fidgets with his hands, scared to look at you.
“Your words hurt, Keiji. Even if you were frustrated, just please take some breaks. You’re going to burnout if you don’t.” You cup his hands and he finally looks up.
“I know. I know, I’ll do better and listen to you. How do you feel?” He presses his hands to both your foreheads.
“Better now that you’re here.”
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
How about a Loki x reader.. Tony moves his baby sister into the compound after something happens to her but he won’t tell anyone what. She refuses to leave her room until everyone is in bed. She comes out one night and is caught by Loki. She immediately apologizes and becomes so shaken up that she drops her things and breaks a glass. Then it hits him why she was secretly moved in. Tony had discovered his little sister living in a bad situation with her now ex and suffered years of abuse. Loki decides then to take his time to make her feel safe again and they eventually fall for each other.
A/N: I hope this works! I got really sappy at the end, but I also don’t know how to end these one shots. This is a bit of a lengthy one, so bear with me.
He’s Not Him
Summary: Tony Stark has enough of his sister’s ex and moves her into the Avengers Tower. After taking notice of her shy and timid behavior, Loki digs deep at her past, making him want to make her feel safe.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2993
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, language
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Y/E/N - your ex’s name
*If you or someone you know is being domestically abused, please reach out to 911 or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) for help. Love you all*
Tony storms into his sister's apartment. After standing outside of her door for a half hour, he bashed in the door at the the sound of a scream from inside. Frantically, he pushes his way around the furniture and bursts into your bedroom. His eyes go wide at the sight of you on the floor in a ball and your ex boyfriend above you with a fist out. Stark grabs your ex’s fist and rips him away from you, pushing him into your dresser.
“Get the fuck out!” Tony screams.
“Oh, the great Tony Stark is here. What are you going to do? Drop a bomb on me?”
You’ve never seen Tony’s skin turn so red. He storms forward and punches your ex square in the nose, sending him down on the ground. Tony unleashes all his energy until the man is left with a broken nose and multiple bruises.
“Get. Out.”
Your ex runs out of your room, without missing the chance to break a few things, and out of your apartment. You look up out of your ball to see Tony rushing to your side with panic in his eyes. He lifts up your head as you climb into his lap.
“Come here, darling. You’re okay. You’re safe now.” He coos.
You cry into the crook of his shoulder as he rocks you back and forth, his hand on your back.
“I’m getting you out of here,” He says, placing you on your bed, “I’m taking you to the tower with us.”
Tony leaves you on your bed as he gets a suitcase and packs your things. He gathers all of your clothes and some of your possessions like books, drawings, and others. You can feel the tears starting to dry on your skin as you stop crying. Tony doesn’t miss the way you start to uncurl and the bruises on your neck show up. His face drops to see the choking marks on your neck.
“I’m… so sorry, Y/N. I should have been here to protect you.”
You shake your head at him as he joins you on the bed. Tony reaches around your head to undo your ponytail and cover the bruises.
“There, now no one will ask you about them.”
You give him a gentle smile which eases him a little. He leans forward and kisses your forehead before taking your hand and helping you up. Tony and you walk out of your building and into the garage where Happy is in the car. He drops you off for five minutes to go talk to your landlord about you leaving.
“You’re going to be okay,” Happy reassures you.
“Thanks,” you manage to get out.
He gives you a warm smile. He has always made you smile throughout the years. Tony comes back, joins you in the car, and takes off to the tower.
Upon arrival, you look up at the large tower in awe. You’ve visited a couple of times, but that was a year ago since your ex didn’t allow you to see Tony much. It’s always been impressive. You were thankful for Tony letting you live on your own and make something of your own life instead of letting you mooch off of his fortune, but you do regret sometimes not letting him support you more. You were always so proud of him.
Tony carries your luggage as he leads you to the elevators. He looks down at you every so often, noticing the anxious way you bite your nails.
“You’re safe here. We have the best security and you’ll be surrounded by trained assassins and heroes. They’ll protect you, I promise.”
You nod your head at Tony’s words. As much as they help you, you don’t really want to see or talk to anyone. After having your ex break into your house every day for two weeks, you want to be alone except for the occasional visit from Tony.
The elevator doors open and reveal you and your brother to the Avengers who are all lounging in the living area. They turn to look at you with puzzled faces, making you nervous and hide behind Tony’s arm. He lets you stay behind him instead of forcing you to say hi as you exit the elevator.
“Everyone, this is my sister, Y/N. She’s going to stay here from now on so be nice to her,” Tony announces.
Everyone says hi to you but you stay silent behind Tony. He doesn’t question it even though the others look at one another in concern. Steve thinks to himself that you can’t be that rude, but given the way you look, everything must be very different to you from the rest of your life. You look shocked and scared.
Looking at the Avengers, you take in each and everyone’s appearance. Bucky and Nat look the scariest in your opinion and you make a mental note to stay away from them. Sam, Steve, and Clint look nice, but Wanda looks like the sweetest lady in the universe. She has a smile that warms your heart. Turning to your right, you see two very tall men standing and staring at you.
The taller one has blonde hair and a big grin on his face. He has a large stature, but he does not look intimidating. He has a golden retriever energy to him, but the man next to him is a different story. With his pitch black hair and powerful stand, the other man stares at you with daggers in his eyes. He sends shivers down your spine without saying anything.
You drag your eyes away from the intimidating man and follow Tony down the hallway. He leads you to your room where you get settled in, unpacking your clothes and putting away your things. Laying in the bed, you take a big nap which is needed. You feel as if you let out a breath you’ve been holding for days. The idea of being away from your ex finally settles in and you feel the wave of relief wash over your body, letting you drift away into sleep.
You’re woken up by Tony letting you know dinner is being served. He lets you know that you’re not being expected to come out and eat with everyone, which you appreciate. Ten minutes later, he comes by your room and slips a plate of food in your room as he opens the door, letting you eat alone.
Tony returns to the living room by the other Avengers eating and gathered around the couch. He takes his plate and sits next to Pepper who has her own food, smiling at him as he joins.
“So, your sister?” Sam asks.
“Don’t even think about it. She is not to date any of you.”
“Woah, I didn’t say that,” Sam laughs.
“But we know what you meant,” Steve chuckles, rolling his eyes, “She seems shy.”
“She is. You probably won’t get a lot out of her.”
“Can I ask why she’s staying her?”
Steve shares a look with Bucky. The elevator door opens and Peter walks into the living room.
“You guys started dinner without me?” He asks, jokingly.
“Early birds get the worm,” Steve laughs.
The group chuckles and keeps eating their food.
“Is Y/N a new Avenger?” Steve asks.
Tony sighs and rolls his eyes at the question. Everyone notices the annoyance in Tony with talking about you and collectively decide to stop asking questions. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about you much.
“No, she’s not.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Peter asks.
“I’ll fill you in later,” Nat replies.
The day goes by fast and you find yourself staring out at New York in the moonlight. You have always enjoyed the night time. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but you’ve always found peace and warmth in the New York night. Everyone goes out to party or to bed. It’s a time of joy and relaxment.
You hear the last door shut for the night, signally everyone going to bed. Looking outside of your door, you don’t spot anyone so you sprint outside to the kitchen with your empty dinner plate. Upon entering it, you search the walls for the light switch for about five minutes. There’s no other light than that except for the over. You finally find it and switch it on. As you turn around, you’re startled by the frightening black haired man standing there.
Scared, you drop your plate, shattering it on the tile floor. Your eyes go wide as you start to back up against the wall. Without saying anything, the man takes a step forward, scaring you half to death. Your mind plays tricks on you and all you can think about is your ex breaking into your home. You start to have a panic attack, sliding down against the wall, and curling up into a ball.
You miss the way Loki’s eyes go wide. He watches you descend into an anxiety attack and doesn’t know what to do, knowing he’s who caused it. Quickly, he rushes down the hallways and bangs on Tony’s doors.
“What do you want, Reindeer Games?” He groans.
“Your sister…”
Tony doesn’t wait for another word for following Loki down the corridor. He spots you panicking in the corner of the kitchen and grabs you, lifting you into his lap. You grab onto his neck and pull him close, crying into him. He lifts you up and carries you off to your room without saying a word to Loki, leaving him standing in the kitchen agape.
Not knowing what to do and unable to relax, Loki makes his way to his room and opens up an old laptop Thor had gotten him. After spending thirty minutes just to figure out how to work it, he starts googling things about you. He starts with your name and finds multiple articles on you and Tony, the Stark Industry Golden Children. You left when you were eighteen, wanting to make your own life and not follow in the family’s footsteps. He gives you credit for being yourself, something he had struggled with. He knows the feeling, not wanting to be your family.
Then a certain website catches his eye, Facebook. He finds a profile of you filled with photos and text. There are some of you with friends in the town, a couple of old coworkers wishing you a happy birthday, then there’s a photo of you with a man. There are no other photos of you with him other than this one a couple months ago. He keeps scrolling to find more photos of you with him, but they all stop after that first one. Clicking on something tagged in the caption, another profile pops up.
Y/E/N’s profile. Filled with photos of drunk nights at the club, shirtless gym time, and quotes from misogynistic authors, Loki finds himself despising this man he does not know. He scrolls through finding very little of you in his account, as if you don’t matter as much to him as he does to you. Closing his computer, Loki decided to go check on you. He’s frustrated by whoever this man is, not knowing whether he’s important or not.
Loki peeks into your room to see Tony laying next to you, brushing through your hair with his fingers. Tony looks up and meets him in the eyes. There’s slight anger, but Loki doesn’t feel pushed away. He takes a step in before Tony leans into your ear and whispers. You look up and over to Loki, but you don’t ask him to leave. Loki continues to walk into your bedroom quietly, but with a small gentle smile on his face.
“I’m sorry for scaring you earlier,” he says, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. Thanks,” you mutter.
Your voice is small and timid like a mouse. He can hear the hesitation in your voice, not knowing whether he should talk to you or not.
“Are… you okay?”
Another awkward pregnant pause erupts between the two of you. Loki looks around your room as Tony continues to hold you. He whispers into your ear again before leaving.
“I’m going to go back to my room,” he says, “call me if you need me okay?”
“Thanks, Tony.”
“Of course, anything for my little sister.”
He kisses your forehead and heads out of your room, leaving you and Loki alone. You don’t mind his presence anymore. After Tony tells you that Loki isn’t your ex and you’re okay, you’ve accepted him.
“I have to ask… who is that man on Facebook?”
Loki gives you a quizzical look. You think for a moment about how Loki got on Facebook and what guy he’s talking about.
“His name is Y/E/N.”
Your body clenches at the sound of his name and Loki takes a step back, looking at you. He’s never seen anyone physically close up just from a name. It may be some Midgardians thing he doesn’t understand, but the way that you are shaking, he thinks otherwise. He sits down next to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. You lean into his touch as you attempt to calm down.
He’s not here. I’m safe. He’s not here. I’m safe.
You keep repeating that in your head, reminding yourself that you’re safe in the tower like Tony said. Looking up at Loki, you see his concerned face. He cares. This man you barely know cares about you.
He’s not him. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m being quite an ass asking you these questions without manners. I’m Loki.”
Loki, not Y/E/N. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“Well, L-Loki,” you say with a stutter, “He’s uh… my ex. Ex boyfriend.”
He nods as he takes in the information at hand. Your ex, who makes you quiver in fear even over people who have done nothing to her, has no photos of you. He shares his lavish lifestyle that most would presume belongs to a single man. Loki looks back at your depressed ridden face. The color in your skin has drained from you and you’re staring blank cold at the wooden floors under your bed. Loki places a hand on your neck to move your hair and give you a light massage, but you flinch away from him before he is able.
Loki’s never seen so much fear and worry in someone’s eyes before. You jerk away from him muttering yourself, as if it were taking everything in you to not scream. He looks over you to see bruises along your neck where your hair had moved from when you moved. A wave of anger runs through his body, infuriating him. He did that to you. That’s why you’re so afraid of him.
“Did he-”
Loki rises from your bed and clenches his fists. You see the anger pouring from him and rush to his side before he can storm off. You grab his arms and force him to look at you.
“Please, don’t… don’t do anything.”
“Why shouldn’t I? No man should ever do that to a woman, especially you.”
“Just let it be.”
He releases his fist but the fury in his eyes doesn't. You pull him towards you to make him sit again. Moving in closer, you lean into him. Loki wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. The two of you lay down in your bed, you curled up on him as he held you, running his fingers in your hair.
For some reason, Loki feels as if he has to protect you. The way you ball up gives him this sense of innocence about you. You haven’t done anything to deserve those injuries, just live your life and try to find love. Loki always knew there was a good reason to hate Midgardians, not just for their stupidity and now he’s found it.
The two of you fall asleep without realizing it. The light from the sun peaking in the windows wakes you. Stirring in bed, you look up to see Loki under you, his arms holding you against him by your waist. You're cradled into his chest as his chin barely rests on the top of your head. Loki’s eyes flutter open at the feeling of you moving on top of him. He looks down at you and smiles.
The way the light shines on your face makes you look angelic. Your smile warms his heart and the warmth of your body against him makes his heart jump. You turn over to face him, leaning up on your shoulders over his head.
“Hello, darling.”
“You slept here.”
“Both of us did, actually,” he laughs.
You drop your head laughing. Loki’s sweet laugh fills the room and blesses your ears. He’s not too bad to be around. He’s quite kind and sweet.
“Thank you for last night.”
“For what? If I remember correctly, I gave you a panic attack.”
“I mean the way you calmed me down and held me. It was needed.”
“Well, I’m glad I could do that for you.”
Loki means it when he says it. Looking at you now, there’s not much he wouldn’t do for you. You don’t deserve what the world gives you, especially that asshole Y/E/N. He would hold you for the rest of time if that meant keeping you safe.
You won’t lie either when you tell Loki he makes you feel safe. Every day before he sneaks off to his room so the others don’t know he spends the night with you, you tell him that he makes you safe. He never believes you. He’s shocked that anyone could feel safe with a monster like him, but after all to you, Loki is not him.
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey... ehhh... me again...👀
Like, I just got a real bad sunburn because I was with my BFF in her pool for like 5h without sunprotection, and the sunburn I got because Of it is like for real straight up Painfull as shit so I thought how would the slasher react to their S/O getting a really bad sunburn and how would they help her??
So yeah sorry if I should annoy you with my requests👉👈
This is a very cute idea but also please wear sunscreen. Those UV rays are no joke bestie. If you got a green thumb, or even don’t, aloe plants are also great investments. Please stay safe luv!
Slashers x S/O With A Sunburn
Michael Myers
Michael doesn’t get sun burnt all that often. He keeps all of his skin covered when he is outside and the rest of his time is spent indoors. Although he does remember getting sunburns when he was younger and remembers that they were not fun. So he does his best to help, but doesn’t really know how.
It’s Michael and of course he’s always curious, especially about pain. Sorry y/n, he is going to poke your sunburn to see how you’ll react.
However, he does bring you a lot of water to make sure you stay hydrated. He may not know how to treat a sunburn but he does know being in the sun that long can cause dehydration.
Michael would also be amused by how red you get if you’re pale. He is also grossed out by your skin peeling when you start to heal. You look like a shedding reptile and he is not a fan.
Bo Sinclair
Literally will not shut up about how you should know to wear sunscreen or avoid being in the sun for that long. Simultaneously calls sunscreen “bitch spray” though.
Bo is more than willing to help you rub aloe on the places you can’t reach though. We all know he’s perverted and loves to make dirty jokes so it’s perfect for him. “You know, you didn’t need an excuse for me to touch ya darlin’, you coulda just asked.”
Picks at you when the cold gel makes you hiss and flinch away. Bo would also be the one who wouldn’t use enough aloe so him touching your skin feels like hell.
Would 100% try to sneak his hands from your back further down to your ass. If he’s gonna spend time helping you he expects to be paid with a handful of ass.
Vincent Sinclair
Honestly, Vincent has probably forgotten what a sunburn feels like. He rarely ever leaves the house, or even the basement, so he hasn’t been outside long enough to get burnt.
Pities you and how miserable you look squirming around trying to keep your clothes from touching you. Would let you take the sheet off of the bed and just wrap it around you.
He’s the closest thing Ambrose has to a doctor and is the most capable of helping you. Makes sure to keep aloe on your skin and constantly reminds you to drink water.
Don’t get me wrong, Vincent really does pity you but when you hop in the shower and holler he can’t help but laugh to himself. You knew better than to just hop right in like that.
Thomas Hewitt
Wouldn’t be much help with the healing part but he does take over your chores so that you can rest and heal. A sunburn that bad definitely brings some exhaustion along with it.
Luda Mae knows plenty of home remedies and is very familiar with all sorts of ailments the Texas heat inflicts. She’ll have you feeling better in no time.
Hoyt would definitely try and smack your sunburn. Death glares from Tommy and threats from Luda Mae are the only things saving you. He knows Thomas would kill him so he does his best to not.
Thomas would feel bad that he can’t help you out much. Would also be embarrassed to find you wearing little to no clothing since clothes are very uncomfortable. He would freak out and be very flustered.
Brahms Heelshire
Watches you suffer.
If you had followed the rules and not left the house y/n, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place now would it? But no, you just had to neglect the rules AND the meticulous schedule he had so carefully crafted. How rude.
After watching you for a little bit though Brahms begins to feel bad for you. You look so sad and miserable trying so hard to get comfortable and failing. He watches you try and fail to sleep much that night and lets you rest for a little bit but that’s the most you’re going to get from him.
He definitely isn’t going to complain if you decide to not wear clothes around your room. It’s a better view for him to watch through the walls and he is definitely going to enjoy the show. And you sleep on top of the covers? Maybe he should let you get sunburnt more often.
Billy Loomis
You want him to rub aloe on your back? Oh no worries, he’ll do your whole body for you. No really y/n, he insists, please let him rub his hands all over you.
He really does feel bad for you, he just does a bad job of showing it. Billy won’t do much unless you specifically ask him to. But he does make sure you stay hydrated after being out in the sun.
He will turn the shower on for you and make sure that the water is anything but hot. Also makes sure the water pressure isn’t turned up so the water cannot attack your burned skin.
Refers to your peeling as shedding and is very grossed out by it. Don’t shed on his furniture, or his clothes, or his anything. Keep your skin to yourself please.
Stu Macher
Goes out and buys any and every aloe product he can find. He doesn’t want to see you in pain.
That being said he does seem to enjoy poking your sunburn. If you ask, he couldn’t tell you why. Maybe he just enjoys seeing you in mild pain, who knows.
Is more than okay with rubbing aloe on your back but he puts on way to much no it’s going to take forever to dry. His genius idea is for you to sit in front of a fan but then you just freeze. RIP y/n, you can’t win.
Stays by your side and fetches anything you need so that you don’t have to move after you finally found a way to sit or lay that is comfortable and doesn’t hurt.
Jesse Cromeans
He wouldn’t let you get burnt in the first place. Jesse watches you any time you’re outside and constantly reminds you to put on sunscreen. If he can’t be with you, you’ll receive constant reminders to reapply sunscreen when it’s time.
Also invests in really good sunscreen that won’t come off in the water. That way, you can swim in peace and not worry about getting burnt while in the water.
If you do happen to get burnt, don’t worry he buys top of the line aloe products and helps you apply it all over. You also won’t have to worry about the sheets rubbing and scratching you since he once again buys only the best of the best.
Makes sure you drink plenty of water as well. He can’t have you getting dehydrated and passing out on him. Not like he wouldn’t pay for one of those IV bags even if you did.
Asa Emory
It would take you getting burnt once for him to become over protective. He’ll constantly remind you to wear sunscreen but overall just tries to keep you out of the sun.
Don’t make him have to lock you in that hotel so that you can’t get sunburnt. Asa won’t hesitate to do so if he feels that it is necessary. After all, he has to keep his most prized piece of his collection in good condition.
This man is a sadist. He enjoys using your sunburn to inflict more pain upon you. Don’t think he won’t degrade you for “not knowing how to take care of yourself.”
Honestly it just furthers his belief that you need him to protect you and keep you safe. You’re pathetic, you can’t even stop yourself from getting sunburnt. What would you ever do without him to keep you safe?
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song epilogue (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher living with your best friend, and have never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire.
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, romance, fluff, a final resolution, smut; oral (male receiving), penetration, got a lot spicier than i initially imagined, oc was feeling herself words; 6,503
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue  (+ drabbles)
author’s note; fun fact, I’ve never actually written an epilogue before, but it felt fitting this time around, to tie up all the loose(ish) ends and satisfyingly bring it to a close – she says as if she isn’t writing drabble upon drabble (and more) lol but you get what I mean. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading ~ 
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“The rabbits!” Seokjin cried out of the blue, jumping to his feet. 
Immediately you found yourself slumped into the sofa, having been leaning against him, cuddled up all morning. You sat up, confused as you looked at him. “What?”
His eyes were wide with panic. “I need to feed them! Arin will kill me if she finds out.” 
“Relax,” you chuckled, taking a hand in yours to tug him back to you. He stepped between your legs but kept standing. “They won’t starve to death. When did you feed them last?”
“Last night,” he thought. “Just after I came home from work. Maybe 7.” 
You checked his watch, seeing it was just gone eleven. “They’ll be fine for another half hour.” You stood up, tugging his hand again, but this time to lead him to the kitchen. “Come on, let’s take the stuff for brunch to your place.” 
You’d stayed in bed for a while this morning, just happily holding and kissing one another, still buzzed and definitely still basking in that post-orgasm glow. When you’d finally managed to escape the warmth of your sheets, you’d showered together. Your bathroom was a lot smaller than his – obviously – and your shower bath was even tinier, but you made it work, until you didn’t, Seokjin nearly toppling out over the side while simultaneously nearly getting rolled up in the shower curtain. Of course that had given you the giggles, but you’d composed yourself, finishing up, getting dry and then getting dressed for the day. Luckily, Seokjin had some clothes at your place, so he didn’t have to recycle the ones he’d slept in last night. 
You were treating this day like a Sunday, making the most of being lazy on the sofa before you inevitably had to go and cook brunch up. 
He stopped in his tracks, making you turn back. “You sure?” He asked, pulling you to him, nuzzling his nose against your jaw as his arms wrapped around waist. “I wanted to stay here this weekend.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling, linking your hands around his neck as he placed a kiss behind your ear. “It doesn’t matter where we are as long as we’re together.” 
He pulled back to see you, his plump lips already curved into a smile. “You speak such truth. I’m forever awestruck by you.” 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from stealing a small kiss. 
Seokjin decided he wanted more, pressing kiss upon kiss to your lips with enjoyable hums. “I love you,” he declared causally after the last that lingered a little. Then he grinned. “How many time will I say that today before it gets annoying?” 
You smiled fondly at him. “You could never be annoying.” You got the last kiss. “I love you.” 
A lazy day was a lazy day regardless of the house. After Seokjin made sure the rabbits were happy, fed and had fresh water, you started brunch, eating it on the kitchen island as the rain continued, falling down against the tall windows. Any other day you would have found the weather depressing, but not today. Not when you were bursting with happiness and beautifully content. Besides, that just meant you had even more of a reason to do nothing, cuddled up on Seokjin’s large corner sofa as you picked up the series the both of you had started watching a couple of weeks ago. 
At around 5pm you started toying with the idea of going out for dinner somewhere, but then you hadn’t brought along the right clothes and by now it was raining heavier than it had all day. The idea of putting on makeup made you feel even lazier, so you decided on takeout in the evening and a movie instead. 
As Seokjin was arranging the containers and plates around the coffee table, ready to dig in, movie ready to go, you slipped out a question. There’d been something on your mind all day, nothing major of course, but still, you didn’t quite know how to bring it up. 
“What time is Arin coming home tomorrow?” 
“I’m unsure,” he replied, briefly looking over at you before he opened up the black bean noodles. “I need to text Nana.” 
You nodded, opening you mouth to ask a follow up question, but hesitating last minute. He looked at you again, sensing your caution and raised a concerned eyebrow. You hated seeing him worried, so you rushed ahead. “Do you want me to go home beforehand?”
“No, of course not,” he exclaimed, before he furrowed his brow. “Unless you want to of course… If you feel uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t,” you were quick to reassure. You wanted to be there actually, if he was okay with it. “I was thinking her and I should clear the air.” 
You could see Seokjin deep in thought for a brief second before he nodded, sitting back against the sofa to take your hand. “It won’t be like last time. I promise.” 
Seokjin had already told you some of what he and Nana had spoken about Thursday evening, so you knew not to be worried about any potential conflict, but still, you didn’t want to blindside her. “We should probably check with her first though, right?” 
“Okay,” he agreed. Giving you a smile, he squeezed your thigh. “I’ll call her after the movie.” 
“Should I turn off the lamp?” 
You nodded in reply, watching Seokjin lean over his side of the bed to flick the only form of light you had off. When he rolled onto his back, you immediately pounced, hooking a leg over his hip to settle yourself on top of him, your stomachs flush. It may have nearing 12am, but sleep was not the thing on your mind. 
“Oh, hello,” he responded, happily surprised as his hands found your hips, nudging you closer. 
“Hello,” you smiled, wasting no time with meeting your mouths. 
You were a woman on a mission, knowing exactly what you wanted. Today had been lovely, and yes, you’d already had sex today, but when had that ever stopped you before? You were happy and in love and just couldn’t keep your hands (and lips) off of your boyfriend. On top of that, you were just in a great mood, full of positivity. Nana was fine with meeting tomorrow and that meant you could all clear the air and move forward. You’d finally get to see Arin again too, you’d missed her.
Things were perfect, if you did say so yourself, everything heading in the right direction, and right now you wanted to celebrate that. With Seokjin. In the best kind of way. 
“I would have kept the light on if I knew we’d be kissing,” Seokjin murmured wetly against your lips, his tongue missing yours by a second as you started to trail your way down his chin, throat and then his chest, kissing over his pyjama shirt. 
He felt you start to undo the buttons, his cock beginning to rouse expectantly which was highly amusing for you. As you exposed more and more of his chest your lips followed suit, kissing down his stomach, past his belly button to stop just above his pyjama pants, the tiny hairs that littered the skin tickling. You pulled the shirt open, working your way up again, Seokjin helpfully keeping your hair out of your eyes as he tried to hungrily watch you at work, the light of the moon shining through the gaps in the drapes casting enough light to be able to make you out. 
He let out a shaky moan when you flicked the tip of your tongue against his right nipple, laughing at himself afterwards. 
Back at his mouth, you didn’t stay too long before you sat up, straddling him. 
“Where are you going?” He wailed, annoyed you didn’t want his kisses. 
But it wasn’t that you didn’t want them, more like you wanted something else… 
You moved downwards, covers collecting at the end of the bed as you slotted in between his eagerly opening legs, his hips bucking when you cupped his now fully erect (and trapped) member. You began to run your hand up and down it, a grin on your face as you looked up. “You’re so easy.” 
Eyes having adjusted, you saw his grin was a little more bashful, eyes half lidded as he admired the view before him. “Only for you.” 
Ever the flatterer, you had him inside the warmth of your mouth in no time. You weren’t shy by any means, especially now what with all the times you and Seokjin had been intimate, but there was something about being surrounded in near darkness that gave you a fresh surge of confidence. In the glow of the moon, you could make out Seokjin’s parted lips, his eyes piercing the ceiling, giving you a glorious view of his thick neck, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down slowly as his breathing got shallower, just enjoying the moment. He looked handsome as hell – mixed with that pyjama shirt pushed sinfully open, his toned chest and stomach on full display. For you. 
Taking him deeper, you reached for him, running your hands up his stomach, feeling the firm ridges of muscle. He let out a deep moan, looking down to take your hands in his, eyes heavy with desire as he clasped them tight. You eased up a little, smiling around his cock before you started sucking the tip, caressing your tongue over him time and time again. 
He lifted his hips up, eager for more and you wrestled one of your hands free from his to clasp it around the base of his dick, feeling how wet it was from your saliva as you slowly started jerking him off, placing small, wet kisses against his slit. 
With the hand still on his torso, he slipped his fingers between yours, head relaxing back, eyes shut once he felt you softly begin to massage his balls, coating them in the spit that had dripped down onto them. You took him deeper again, picking up speed as you bobbed your head up and down. The sensation just about exploded his mind. 
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” he gasped, free hand running through his hair and tugging at the roots. “If you keep that up I’ll cum.” 
You found it cute how bad his voice trembled, pulling off to smirk. “And is that a bad thing?” 
“Nope, it’s not bad,” he agreed, a little more himself now that you’d spared him for a few seconds. “I just thought we could do some other stuff too.” 
“Some other stuff?” you laughed, lifting on your knees to crawl closer to him. You continued to massage his balls, feeling them tighten. “Like what?” 
He took a shaky breath, rolling his hips into your touch. “Like…” He paused to groan. Now you were jerking him again, your thumb rolling small circles against his slit. “Sex.” He tried again. “I want to have sex with you.” 
“You do?” 
“I always want to have sex with you.” 
And impatient now, his hands gripped your waist, tugging you to him. You squealed, fingers slipping from his cock to land on his chest, the movement sudden enough to make you think you were falling. He kissed you hastily, a soft growl in his throat as his palm grazed over your ass, fingertips playing with the frill detail of your shorts. 
“I’d be inside you 24/7 if it was possible.” 
“God, I want it to be possible so bad.” You practically lamented, his mouth on your neck now, licking strips up and down the sensitive skin. 
He made another noise, cock twitching against your thigh. You felt impatient yourself now, hands finding the collars of his shirt to push it over his shoulders, needing to strip him. He lifted his back of the bed, letting you shimmy the item off before his hands grabbed at your vest, lifting it up over your head in no time. Your mouths met in a rush, his hands palming your breasts, making you moan out, nipples sensitive as he pinched them between his thumb and forefinger. 
You went to move, wanting to get rid of his pants but he stopped you, fingers wrapping around your ribs. 
“W-wait, wait, wait, wait,” he babbled, pulling you closer. “Let me taste them.” To explain further, he caressed a finger down your left breast, making you shudder. “Mine,” he whispered possessively and then you found yourself hovering over his face, his hands cupping the soft, sensitive flesh as he kissed and sucked them in turn. 
You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, shorts uncomfortable as he swirled his tongue around and around your nipple, nipping it gently as he pulled away. “I love your body,” he breathed – hard. “I love you.” 
“Mhmm,” you moaned deeply, watching him suck on the other boob now. Your fingers dug into the pillow, arms trembling with pleasure. “I love you, too.” 
He made a noise of approval, finally letting you break free so you could get his pants down over his hips. His erection was so hard by now it almost stood poker straight, veins angrily visible even in the faint lighting. Pyjama pants below his knees, he eagerly kicked them off the rest of the way, watching as you peeled off your shorts. Both naked, he moaned as you straddled him, sliding up and down his cock teasingly, coating it in your arousal. 
“Honey, please,” he pleaded. His voice shook. “Don’t tease. It’s not very nice.” 
“You tease me all the time.”
He groaned weakly, unable to think of a comeback. You sat straighter, chest wet and shiny in the moonlight, his doing, and you knew he could see it too, his dark eyes watching you silently – hungrily. He looked so good, you couldn’t wait any longer. Wrapping your hand around him, you ambitiously went for it, pushing down and taking him whole. It surprised you both, groaning together as you caught your breaths. 
Although, you didn’t give him much time to get used to the feeling of your warmth hugging him tight before you began to ride him hard and fast, bouncing up and down loudly before you stopped to swivel your hips. He could feel you everywhere, his eyes practically rolling back into his head as you continued your onslaught. 
“Y/N…” He murmured, voice weak as he watched you begin to bounce on top of him again, his hands travelling up your thighs to land on your waist. “Y/N,” he tried again, unable to piece together a sentence. “Shit, keep going like that…mmfph, yeah, just like that…” 
When you felt his fingers digging into your skin you wrapped your hands around his, pushing them away. “N-no touching,” you panted, feeling him lift his legs and fold them at the knee behind you, giving you something to lean back on. 
“Seriously,” he asked, sounding annoyed, yet dreadfully turned on. 
You smirked. “I want you to lay back and watch.” 
He matched the curve of your lips. ‘Oh, I can do that no problem, honey.” He stubbornly kept his voice steady, thrusting inside of you once before he stilled his hips completely. “Could watch you ride me all night.” 
On cue, he folded his arms behind his head, biceps bulging. The casual manner got you instantly hot, bouncing along his cock a couple more times before you leaned forward, changing the angle and in turn hopefully sending him crazy. You moved back and forth, griding all over him, your arousal soaking into his pubic hair. You were wetter than usual tonight, turning yourself on as you rode him, hearing the soft squelching where your bodies met, the pressure on your clit eliciting moan after moan. 
You stared him straight in the eyes, noticing the way his jaw was clenched tight, a muscle twitching in his left cheek, but he continued to persevere, stubborn to the bone. 
That was until he felt your breasts graze against him. His hips jerked up, moaning as he was unable to stop rolling into you, and you let him, let him fuck up into you, moaning softly. 
He grunted. “Someone’s getting tired.” 
You shook your head with a whine. You could be stubborn too. Sitting up, you attempted to bounce again but his hips were working too fast by now, his fists grabbing the pillow below his head to gain some momentum. You cried out as he thrust harder, Seokjin’s own noises of pleasure gasping out of him as if he’d been holding his breath. 
“S-seokjin,” you panted, shakily holding onto his thighs. 
He wasn’t relenting. If anything he fucked you harder. “Honey, just give up,” he said matter-of-factly, yet his voice was strained, veins in his neck visible. 
Confidently he brought his hands to your hips, knowing you wouldn’t stop him now, too far gone. You let your eyes flutter closed, concentrating on how good his cock felt inside you. The beautifully crude sound of him pounding into you. 
“Yeah?” He breathed. “Let me make you feel good now. It’s your turn…” 
You nodded, moaning brokenly, and in the blink of an eye you found yourself on your back, Seokjin situated between your spread legs, finding home once again inside the warmth of your body.
You grasped his shoulders, making more noise as he rolled his hips into you, and hooked your legs around his waist, wanting him as deep as possible 
“Uh-uh-uh,” he grinned, taking your hands off him. “No touching.” 
You started complaining but then he pushed your hands above your head, holding your wrists tight with one hand. “Nghnn. Seokjin,” you moaned, feeling him start to fuck you with his entire weight. His back looked delectable and all you wanted to do was rake your fingernails down it but you couldn’t. 
Although, being pinned down by him wasn’t such a terrible thing. 
After a couple of minutes he pressed the elbow of the arm that had you imprisoned into the mattress, careful not to squash you as he brought the other hand between your legs, beginning to roll your swollen clit between his fingertips. Gasping, your legs fell back to the bed, circling your hips in time with his motions, wanting to cum now that he’d put the idea into your head. 
He chuckled at your eagerness causing you to whine. “Why d-don’t you put those lips to good use?”
“Like this, baby?” He smirked, leaning his face in closer, mouth millimetres from yours, and you just about lunged, kissing him desperately. 
He matched that urgency, at some point unable to keep your wrists in place and as soon as he let you go, you had your arms wrapped around him longingly. A groan tore from his throat, thrusts more determined as he continued to rub your clit, and you could feel your back begin to arch, toes curling into the sheets. 
He could obviously feel you squeezing around him too, ripping himself away from your mouth with a moan of your name. “Y/N. Fuck.” 
That’s all it took for you to crumble, face contorting with pleasure as you stared up at him, pulsing around him uncontrollably. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum,” he cooed, removing his hand from between your legs as he pressed soft kisses to your mouth, your orgasm continuing to wash over you in waves. “Am I pretty when I cum?” He joked, but you were too far gone to snort, let alone reply. 
He kept rolling into you, determined to keep your pleasure going for as long as possible, and you almost felt overwhelmed, back arching higher as you clung to him, a tear escaping out of one eye to run down the side of your face. He kissed it away, continuing to adore you, voice cracking, close himself now.  
“You’re my pretty woman. So pretty.” He murmured against your lips and you kissed him hard, the last of orgasm rocking through your body. Holy shit, that was a powerful one. You felt lightheaded but couldn’t get enough. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, feeling the effects as you squeezed and spasmed around him, and with one final thrust he stilled, beginning to spill inside of you. 
You cupped his face quickly, hands trembling and pushed his head up, wanting to admire his face. His plump lips were parted and shiny, beads of sweat collecting along his hairline, gaze unfocused, eyelids heavy with the weight of his pleasure. He looked positively sinful. 
You gave him a drunken smile, your own eyes barely open, and told him simply, “You’re pretty when you cum.” 
You awoke just as Seokjin was rolling over, a muscular arm reaching for you, pulling your body into his warmth. It was still raining, even harder this morning, but you didn’t care, not when you were so cosy and in love. You were still both entirely naked, which Seokjin took full advantage of, hand cupping a breast – nothing sexual in it though, more like a comfort thing. You smiled, eyes still closed and cuddled in deeper. 
“Where is he this morning?” 
There was a brief silence as he tried to work out what you were asking, but soon enough he realised and laughed, sound cracked and raspy with sleep. “He’s tuckered out after last night.” 
“Aw, diddums.” 
A Sunday morning without a boner? Blasphemy. His morning woods were part of the package, so honestly it was quite surprising to not feel him hard between your butt cheeks. 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, making a sleepy sound, hugging you tighter to his body. “He just wants to stay in bed and cuddle this morning.” 
“That sounds perfect to me.” 
You honestly couldn’t think of anything better. 
Once you eventually dragged yourselves out of the warmth of Seokjin’s giant bed, the rest of the morning and early afternoon went by in the blink of an eye. You had just about enough time for a quick lunch before Arin was due back at 2pm, and even though you were ready to meet Nana this time, you still couldn’t stop yourself from feeling a little nervous. It was only natural, you knew that, so you didn’t dwell on it too much, but as you heard the intercom start to ring in the entryway, signalling her arrival, your worry must have been written all over your face. 
“Hey,” Seokjin said softly, calling you as you hovered by the doorway of the family room. When he saw he had your attention, he smiled warmly. “Everything’s fine.”
You gave him a reassuring smile of your own, watching him answer the call to Nana before he opened up the front door, waiting their arrival. 
Arin came in full steam ahead, her little backpack on her shoulders, her carry-on hopping behind as she attempted to ram it over the step to get inside. Nana was only just getting out of the car, you could see her slightly from where you still stood in the doorway of the family room. 
“Hello, Arin.” Seokjin greeted, amusement clear in his voice as he watched his daughter struggle. “Did you have a fun time?” 
She was too busy huffing and puffing to reply and that’s when he finally took pity on her. He reached out his arm, “Let me take your case.” 
“No!” She insisted. She was a determined little thing. “I can do–” 
She never got to finish off her sentence because as she looked forward she caught sight of you smiling at her. 
“Y/N!” She squealed, case (and dad) immediately forgotten as she ran towards you. You weren’t expecting the wave of emotion that hit you when she wrapped her arms around your middle, face in your stomach, but it was there, and it got you right in the gut. You hugged her back. “You’re here,” she beamed up happily. 
“I am,” you grinned, swallowing back your wavering voice. 
“I missed you. It’s been ages.” 
You could always count on kids to be straightforward with their words. She was going to make you cry if she carried on like this. “I missed you too.” 
“It’s only been a week, sweetie,” you heard Seokjin say. 
Arin turned to him quickly. “It’s still a long time.” Then back at you. “I thought you’d never visit again.” 
You felt your heart constrict, and unsure what to do you looked over at Seokjin, finding him equally as afflicted by his daughter’s confession. Teacher mode activated then. “No, no. I was just... busy with work, that’s all.” 
You winced inwardly at your stupid excuse, not wanting to lie to her, but unable to really tell her the truth, especially at a time like this. 
On cue, you heard Nana’s voice greeting you. “Hi, Y/N.” 
You looked over to see her stood just behind Seokjin, a small smile on her face. She seemed a little nervous herself, which selfishly relaxed you. 
“Nana,” you smiled back, “hi.” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, taking a few steps towards his daughter and you. One look at him told you he was feeling the jitters too. This was brand new territory after all – for all of you. 
“Arin, why don’t you take your backpack upstairs and I’ll tell you when mommy is going home so you can say goodbye?” 
“Okay,” she agreed simply, pulling away from you to bound upstairs before she stopped abruptly. She turned back to Seokjin and ran forward with her arms forward. “Sorry, daddy. I forgot to hug you.” 
He chuckled, bending down to kiss her head before he ruffled her hair. “That’s okay. Now, unpack your things. I’ll bring your case up later.” 
She nodded, giving her mom a wave before her attention returned to you. “Will you still be here when I get back?”
“Of course,” you nodded, ignoring the fresh tug at your heartstrings. 
“She really likes you,” Nana observed just as you lost sight of Arin going up the staircase. 
You shook your head, chuckling as you replied modestly, “I don’t know about that.” 
“She does,” she insisted, smiling afterwards. “It’s nice to see. I’m glad she’s happy with everything.” 
You nodded, unsure what to respond with, but Seokjin saved the day. “Do you want something to drink?” 
Nana shook her hand. “I’m okay, thanks. I won’t stay long. I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon.” 
Seokjin gestured her to enter the room, then moved back to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he brought you forward, wanting you to go next, putting the hand on the small of your back instead now. His touch calmed you. 
“Sit,” he prompted Nana warmly, and she perched herself on the edge of the teal love seat. 
“I like what you’ve done with the place by the way,” she said politely, looking around. 
“You and me both know I just threw some new throw cushions down,” he laughed, attempting to ease the atmosphere.  
Nana joined in just as you sat down on the far end of the sofa. Instead of taking the seat next to you, Seokjin perched himself on the armrest, loosely throwing his arm around the backrest, fingers grazing your shoulder. 
Nana’s attention fell to you, her expression now serious. “Y/N, I want to apologise to you.” She began. “I was out of order last weekend. I was angry but that’s no excuse.” 
“I appreciate it,” you replied, finding your bearings. “I understand it was a shock to find out about me.” 
“It was, but I still acted embarrassingly.” She looked down at the floor, ashamed of herself. “To think that’s your first impression of me.”
She had said some terrible things, yes. Not only to you, but Seokjin too, but, Seokjin had also said plenty of cruel things back. You weren’t one to hold a grudge, especially if she was showing genuine remorse, which you believed to be the case. 
“We can start anew if you like?” You offered with a small smile. 
She visibly relaxed. “I’d like that.” Then she hesitated before deciding to carry on. “I meant what I said, it seems like Arin really likes you. I trust my daughter’s intuition.” 
“She really does,” Seokjin agreed with a hum, rubbing your shoulder. 
“She’s been talking about you over the weekend – not that I’ve been prying of course,” Nana was quick to clarify. “You’re good with her.” She looked you straight in the eyes. “Thank you for accepting my child.” 
You weren’t used to having this much praise and attention thrown your way, you didn’t really know what to say, but that was alright, you didn’t think Nana was looking for an outright response. You understood how important this was for her. She needed to trust the woman that spent time with her daughter, just like Seokjin had grown to trust you. It was slightly more difficult for her considering she wouldn’t be spending a lot of time in your company, so all she really had to go off was Arin’s opinion on you. It meant a lot to know she had given you a chance. Last week you had been afraid that might not be the case. 
You smiled gratefully. “She’s really special.” 
“Yes, Y/N says she’s a talented storyteller,” Seokjin mentioned soon after, helping the conversation along as if he could sense that you felt awkward with all the attention cast on you. He knew you too well. 
“Oh really?” Nana looked delighted, eyes on you as she waited for more information. 
You nodded, complimenting Arin coming easy to you. “The stories she wrote while I was her teacher were amazing.” 
“I have the copies somewhere if you want to read them yourself,” Seokjin offered. 
“I’d love that,” she beamed. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
“No problem. I’ll find them this week.” 
Nana’s gaze happened to fall to Seokjin’s hand still comfortably on your shoulder then, and her smile faltered. In its place appeared guilt. “Listen, I... I hope I didn’t come in between you both because of last weekend.” She turned to you. “I know mine and Jin’s relationship seems toxic and it was until a few days but I,” she paused to glance at Seokjin, “I really want to change that.” 
“You know I do too,” he agreed. 
“I don’t want to fight anymore, or have things tense between us. We both love Arin.” She caught your eyes. “We all love Arin, so that’s the most important thing.” 
You looked down at your lap but nodded in agreement. Arin’s happiness was what mattered the most. 
“It is,” Seokjin replied. 
Nana smiled, satisfied, and stood up. “Okay, I should get going.” You both followed her, starting to walk towards the doorway. 
“Um, I managed to get that Wednesday afternoon free,” she told Seokjin, “is it okay if I collect Arin from school and take her for something to eat?”
“Of course. I know this great pizza place she loves if you want the name.” 
“She already told me about it,” Nana chuckled. “I think she was dropping hints, but directions would be great. Thanks, Jin.” 
“No problem.” He stopped by the staircase, voice raising quite a lot to reach Arin in her bedroom. “Arin, your mom’s leaving. Come say bye, sweetie.” 
In no time at all she was galloping down the stairs. “Will I see you Wednesday?” She asked her mom eagerly. 
“You betcha! How does pizza sound?”
“Yay, thank you, mom!” She squealed, going in for a hug as Nana bent down.  
“I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay, darling. I love you.” 
“I love you more,” Arin murmured sweetly, kissing her mother’s cheek. 
Nana kissed her back, chuckling. “Not possible, but okay.” Then she stood up, nodding to you and Seokjin with a small smile. “Bye both. I’ll see you Wednesday?” 
“See you Wednesday,” Jin confirmed. 
You spent the afternoon playing board games together, Seokjin finding a bunch of his old collection in the attic and you had fun teaching Arin how to play, although she didn’t quite grasp the full idea of monopoly yet, wanting to buy everything in sight regardless of if she had enough money or not… It was funny to say the least, even more so when Seokjin was unable to refuse her, loaning her money from the bank time and time again. 
Where’s my special treatment, you’d teased quietly when Arin was distracted, secretly finding it adorable how much of a softie he was when it came to his daughter. 
“You know I’d buy you anything you want,” he’d replied with a grin, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss. 
At around 6pm, you and Seokjin began preparing dinner for the three of you. Only you left him in charge for a little while when you followed after Arin who had gone to feed her rabbits, wanting time alone to talk with her. You hadn’t been able to stop feeling guilty about effectively lying to her earlier and after confiding in Seokjin about it while Arin was unpacking her suitcase, he’d suggested you speak to her about it. He agreed that honesty was the best policy from here on in (within reason, of course) and that she obviously understood something had been wrong last week else she wouldn’t have reacted the way she had when she’d seen you earlier this afternoon. 
She was only getting older and that meant as much transparency as possible when she was personally involved in something. She was at that age where these things would stick with her. Although hopefully nothing like last week would ever happen again. 
You stood by the doorway watching as she cooed and conversed with the Olive and Ariel at first, not wanting to interrupt. She was such a great little pet owner, making sure they were fed and watered enough, helping to clean their hutch, watching over them when they played outside. She adored them. 
After a few moments she noticed you. “Oh, Y/N,” she smiled, “is dinner ready?” 
You shook your head. “Not yet.” Stepping closer you joined her, watching the rabbits bound about. Seokjin had found the largest hutch imaginable. “Did you miss them?” 
“Yes, but daddy has been feeding them well.” 
You stifled a laugh, remembering Seokjin’s panic yesterday morning, but then crossed your arms, clearing your throat. “Hey, listen,” you began cautiously, feeling a little nervous. Arin looked up at you curiously. “Remember when I said I didn’t come over because I was busy with work?” 
She paused to think and then nodded. 
“I was lying actually, Arin.” 
Her eyebrows pinched together. “How come?”  
“Because… I didn’t want to worry you.” 
She took some time to process what you were saying before she shrugged matter-of-factly. “I was still pretty worried last week anyway.”
You smiled sadly. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad and I…” 
“Did you have an argument?” She was looking up at you curiously, finger playing with Olive and Ariel’s water bottle. 
“Something like that,” you nodded. “It was more of a disagreement.” 
“I thought so because daddy was sad all week.” 
Her honesty stabbed at your heart. 
“Were you sad too,” she asked. 
“But you’re happy now?”
You smiled at her. “Yes, everything is all fine now. Me and your dad are happy.” 
She looked happy herself at that piece of information, relaxing visibly, but then she asked a question that caught you off guard. “Do you know if daddy and my mom are happy too?” 
“I think so.” You replied as vaguely as you could, not wanting to overstep the mark. But it didn’t feel right. You tried again. “I think things will be different from now on, Arin.” 
“I hope so. I hate it when they argue.” She sounded sad, her gaze cast to the floor. 
“I know. No one likes watching their parents fight.” you sympathised. 
“What about you and my mom?” She asked suddenly, changing the subject a little. “Are you happy?” 
“Yes, I think so.” You smiled at her. “I like your mom. She’s very pretty just like you.” 
Arin beamed and then added, “You’re pretty too.” 
You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry,” she almost whispered, “I won’t use that word again.” 
You were clueless for a moment, not understanding what she meant but then it hit you. She carried on. 
“Not until we all decide. Mommy said I might call you that one day if you want me to.” 
For the second time today you felt emotional, throat tight as you choked up suddenly. You composed yourself expertly though, taking a breath before you smiled and replied. “That’s right. There’s no rush for when we all decide.”  
Arin nodded along happily and you took her hand. 
“Should we go and check on daddy now? See if dinner’s ready?”
“I think so.” She agreed, her eyes rolling slightly. “Last week he set off the alarms because he burned my chicken nuggets.” 
“Oh, gosh,” you said, soon spluttering out a laugh. Arin joined in. Seokjin had failed to tell you that (hilarious) piece of information. “Well then, let’s hurry.” 
Seokjin was searching the pantry for something when you arrived back at the kitchen. “Hey,” he said, shooting a warm smile your way. “How’s my two favourite ladies?”
You looked down at Arin, wanting her to reply and she beamed at her father. “Happy.” 
You nodded in agreement, catching Seokjin’s eyes as you shared a private moment, silently telling him everything was fine now. He shot you a playful wink then, closing the door. “That’s funny, because I’m happy too.” 
You moved closer to him, collecting the messy ties of the apron he insisted on wearing whenever he was in the kitchen to retie them properly. “We were just checking in to see if the chef was burning dinner again…” 
With a surprised huff, he turned to his daughter, eyes wide. “Kim Arin did you tell tales on me?”
Arin erupted into a fit of giggles, you and Seokjin joining in immediately. “Maybe…” 
“It was an accident. Happens to the best of us,” he tried to defend. 
“Sure, sure.” 
Arin was greatly amused by your flippant response, but soon grew sympathetic towards her dad, stroking his elbow. “It’s okay, dad, I forgive you.” 
“That’s very kind of you,” he laughed. 
“Should I set the table?” 
“And that’s very sweet of you,” he added, eyes shooting wide. “Thank you.” 
You helped her get all the cutlery she needed and watched her leave for the dining room determinedly. But your attention soon got stolen away, pulled into Seokjin’s warmth as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You hooked yours around his middle. 
“Okay?” He murmured, checking in as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You looked up at him, a smile on your face and gave his waist a squeeze. 
“Okay.” You confirmed. 
Everything was more than okay, actually. 
Everything was perfect. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
Can you do a soulmate Stucky x reader? I feel like you would write that so well, especially how you portrayed bucky in "are you mad at me" was so soft. The soulmate version would be so cute
Summary || Bucky and Steve meet their soulmate, which they had no idea existed.
Warning/content || fluff, a small explicit scene, fighting. Soulmate AU.
Paring || Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve rogers
I got a little carried away, but enjoy ❤️ not edited or beta read but I'm sleepy 😴
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Bucky and Steve have had each other from the moment they have met. Imaging their surprise, being two little boys from Brooklyn seeing colors, something the two agreed to hide, pending the time period.
It was different now, a different time. They were accepted and while both of them loved each other, so very much, especially through the mind control, fighting each other, then for each other. They always knew something was missing.
A color, maybe even two, three. A part of them missing but they both collectively came to the conclusion that it was just that. Some missing colors, it happens sometimes.
It happens when they least expect it.
After Thanos, after Tony finally deciding to leave that kind of life behind, buying a small two bedroom house on the outskirts of the city. A home to grow old in, be together for the first time since before the war started but only one thing prevented that.
The house was a disaster, gutted to the foundations, no running water, green moss outside covered the whole house, the lawn completely out of control. For Bucky it was a hard no, it was a dump but the moment Steve fluttered those ridiculously long lashes, how could he say no?
So here they are, sweating on this 90 degree day, putting up new dry wall with no air-conditioning.
"What color should it be?" Steve asks, glancing to his dark haired lover, taking notice of his now shirtless appearance. Bucky let out a sigh, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"Maybe we should get all of the walls up first."
Steve clicks his tongue, "I like the color green, like a nice pastel mint green."
"Whatever you want, honey." Bucky wasn't too picky, besides whatever made Steve happy, made him happy.
"Hello?" A sweet, feminine voice came from the kitchen. The doors left open because of the heat, there was nothing much in here anyways.
Steve pulls away from his task, pulling his shirt over his head to wipe his forehead with it. "Come in, we are in the kitchen."
Bucky wasn't too alarmed, Steve had told him previously that he hired a someone to make up the yard, nothing too fancy but the both of them were completely clueless when it came to plants, or gardens period.
"Quite a project you have going on here, Mr. Rogers." No doubt taking in the half gutted house along the way. While they have never met, they spoke on the phone briefly about his wants.
"You have no idea, Hun."
The woman looks around the kitchen first, noticing the freshly painted cabinet, the smell a dead giveaway, half eaten burgers thrown to the side on a small, make shift table with barely enough room to fit.
At first glance towards the man she notices the sharp jawline, defined but soft feature of the blonde as she greets him with a smile which soon drops in confusion as small dots of color appear. Stormy blue eyes with a full beard, Steve's mouth dropping agape as he notices the splirts of color - the missing colors for 106 years finally appear.
Bucky notices the tension in the room, shifting his attention from the wall to Steve, noticing how intensely he's staring, Bucky follows the line of vision and meets sweet eyes.
She's hit with another line of color, different from Steve's but now there's no more gray hue, bright yellows and blues. The outside is suddenly so bright and Bucky mouth drops.
This cannot be happening.
They sit there and stare for what seems like hours.
"I - ugh.." she starts, "What is happening?"
Sometimes life just throws curve balls, like finding out that your soulmate or in this cause soulmates are two, one hundred year old super soldiers who have already been in love with each other for over a decade.
The pull is already strong, nature intended for these souls to be together until death due part and honestly Bucky could feel it. With Steve he was used to the urge of wanting to have him close, kiss him every free minute he has but with the woman in front of him, it's new.
He doesn't even know her name, watches the way she nervously flickers from Steve's gaze to his own. She's beautiful.
Strong but delicate features, the curve of her nose is cute, cupid lips are so full... kissable. He can't stop staring, even with Steve and her in the mist of conversation. The make shift table cleared of all prior mess, Buck and Steve have to share a chair, which is quite comical, seeing two giant supersoldier try to share a small, old, dinning room seat.
Bucky's metal fingers twitch, metal plate click and whirl to life as he tights to urge to map her face out with his fingers. His heart is beating so fast, filled with so much... Love? Joy?
No matter how much Steve and Bucky try to hide it.. deep down they always knew, something was missing and in this case, someone.
"You're beautiful." The words catch both her and Steve off guard, Bucky blushes red something terrible but the sweet smile defuses the fire.
Well until she says something back, "You are too."
His whole face is hot and Steve reaches over to affectionately rub the back of his shoulder. Of course Steve was calm, he always is.
He handles things with lots of thought and understanding, while Buck is more hot headed, acts on the moment.
"It doesn't feel right." Bucky comments, watching from the window to insure she safely gets into the car. Steve sighs, by the time they're done talking darkness has filled the house. Steve affectionately squeezes the brunette's bicep, pressing a kiss to his hair.
"I know Bucky. This is a lot for her, for us. She needs to take time and reflect on this. She'll come to us when she's ready."
Bucky knows nothing then her name, and love for plants but chews at his bottom lip nervously. She's too far, the bond pulls at his heart strings. Now bonded forever. "What if she never comes back?"
"She will."
A few days pass, the kitchen is finally done, new appliances, new china and kitchen fully stocked. Steve is making something for Dinner - it smells amazing while Bucky starts painting the walls of the lifeless living room.
It's bare, not even something to sit on but no doubt with the stamina of two super soldiers it will be done by next week.
The knock on the front door is unexpected, but Bucky replies quickly. "I got it, Stevie!"
He expects some older, much wrinkly neighbor to be complaining about the noise of the nail gone or something this late at night. His mouth drops, a little shocked at the sight of her.
A very formal sitting dress, long and black, dips into a sweetheart neckline, the valley of her breasts easily visible. Hair is thrown into a neat updo, sexy and sleek.
Bucky clears his throat. "Hi." He squeaks out, feeling like a total idiot as he watches her nervously shift her weight from one heel to the other.
"Hi, I was in the area. A wedding for one my clients, thought I'd come say hello." Bucky wants to shake his head in disbelief that something so beautiful, just like Steve is made for him.
The universe sculpted and made two beautiful, breath taking human beings to be his and it's overwhelming. She's so pretty it's alarming.
It was a good excuse, the truth but not the real reason she stopped by. How could she tell them that they have been on her mind none stop? It physically hurts to be away for so long.
"Who is it, Buck?" Steve mumbles, interrupting the thick tension between the two.
"Come in, doll." Bucky's helps her with the jacket that lays over his shoulders, mentioning his head towards the direction of the kitchen, where his other lover is.
Steve is stunned none the less, he at least expected a few more days. Also, feeling much like Bucky, amazed by the radiating beauty.
He decides to play it cool, dimples forming with a breath taking smile. "Do you like spaghetti?"
Hours pass, time moves so fast with conversation, and adding wine to the mix surely didn't help.
The trio once again in the kitchen, but this time each have a chair, a new, more comfortable dinning set.
"You got this done fast. It's beautiful." She comments, "Colors are beautiful, I guess I have you two to thank for that."
Bucky shifts in his seat, the glass of wine is useless but still finds himself sipping from it. Her eyes are red, watery with a slight buzz.
"Do you feel it?" The question has both Bucky and Steve look at each other, watching her teary eyes as she presses a hand to sooth the ache in her chest. "It hurts, it hurts to be away. All week."
"It's normal." Steve answers just above a whisper, his next words make Bucky's bottom lip quiver. "I felt it every day for the last 5 years, Bucky was gone."
Bucky had never thought about it - there hasn't been enough time to. It's only been a month later since the return and it never occurred to him what Steve has gone through.
"Steve.." He starts, tears kiss his waterline as his fingers run through the blonde's hair. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't know, I -."
"Couldn't prevent it Buck. It happened but you're here now and.." Steve turns his attention towards the girl, tears slip past her eyelids. It's for Steve, for Bucky.. all the pain and suffering they've been through. "Hey, don't cry, it's alright beautiful."
It's feels right, despite barely knowing the man, nothing feel more right then being pulled into his chest as a large metal hand comforts her in a different way, rubbing the loose strands of hair as he murmurs. "We've got you now, you're our other half."
Months have past from that day. The house is finally done, everything they could have imagined with the additional of an extra tooth brush in the cup that sits on the bathroom sink, a pile of fuzzy blankets at the bottom of the bed and a five year old chocolate lab. Steve didn't mind much, he's always loved dogs, Bucky on the other hand...
"Alright, alright, Maverick." Bucky huffs, grocery bags in hand as the dog excitedly nuzzles his legs, following him throughout the house like it wasn't only an hour ago he's seen him. Once putting the bags down, hears the whine, big brown eyes staring up at him. Bucky sighs, dropping to a knee before petting the pup's head. "Alright you mutt, don't tell anyone about this."
"Too late, pal." Bucky jumps, hearing the amusement in Steve's voice, followed by the giggle of the woman that peers out from behind him. Wrapping her arms around Steve before testing her head against his shoulder.
"Caught you red handed, you love Mav." Bucky grumbles at her words, feeling two smaller hands wrap around his waist as a head falls into his chest. He presses a soft kiss into her hair before taking in the blonde that barely fits through the doorway he leans against.
Bucky's free hand reaches out, mentioning him closer but as she's soon finds herself in the middle of a super soldier sandwich. "Hi, baby." Bucky presses a kiss to the blonde's lips.
"Hi, pal."
"It's only one mission. That's it, we will be in and out." Steve promises, not liking the way his girls face twist into a worried expression.
Heavy eyes, lower lip sticking out to pout. "What if something happens? If you get hurt? Or if they find you, Bucky?"
"I told you, Hydra is gone, honey." Bucky's large hands sooth over her tight shoulders, pressing soft kisses to the back of her upper traps.
"No. You still have nightmares at least three times a week. This can't be good for you. And you." She turns her attention back towards Steve, "Barely sleep four hours a night. You carry the fault on your shoulders, you don't need anymore. I don't want you two to go."
"We don't have a choice. They were my family once, I owe this to them." Steve didn't miss the way her lips moves to form a snarl, not sparing another glance as she makes a b-line for the stairs.
Bucky sighs, leaning against the wall. "She's going to be mad at us." Rubbing his chest with hopes to ease the burn.
The bond pulls at their hearts, a slow, painful punishment for their actions.
They return two weeks later, tired, just wanting to see their girl. The moment they walk into the house they look at each other with will wild eyes, heart pumping as they fear the worse. The dog, the annoying wiggling tail that would bark is one where to be found, something is wrong.
It's alarming. "Where is that freaking mutt?"
Steve calls her name, but there is no answer. Bucky and him are searching the house, ascending the stairs, opening the bedroom door with a deep sigh of relief.
The stupid dog takes up half of the bed, but is cuddled into his owner. Arm draped around the ball of fur, amount as long as her.
The dog lifts his head, a little tail waggle as Steve stretches his ears, lowering to his knees and laying his top half over the bed to press loud, audible kisses to his ears. "Good boy, protecting our girl while we are gone."
When morning comes she notices the dog is still pressed against her, licking small stripes against her cheeks. "Have to go out, buddy?"
She barely makes it five steps before tripping over two rather large bodies, sleeping on a makeshift bed on the floor. Bucky groans and Steve's eyes flicker open.
"Why are you on the floor?"
"Wanted you to sleep pretty girl. Mav was taking up all the room and you looked like an angel." Bucky hums in agreement despite his eyes being closed.
"Mmm, well it's all free now." It's short, simple but the sarcastic tone has Bucky's eyes flickering to meet his boyfriend's. They both sigh, staring up at the ceiling, knowing it's going to be a long day.
And it is. She's does whatever she can to get away from them, only answers with short replies to the point Bucky can't take it anymore.
"Sweetheart," Bucky tries again but she doesn't acknowledge him, eyes stayed glued to the book. He gets fed up, metal plates click as artificial appendages run over the binding and pull it from her grasp.
"Give it back, James."
He cringes at the name, a displeased frown wears his face. "No, you have to talk to us."
"You're bring a brat." Bucky starts, watching her expression change from annoyed to anger, wrinkles of frustration pinch between her eyebrows.
"Buck - don't say that to her." Steve comments, it's his fault, he's the one who said yes without confiding in her first.
"She is, it's over with now. She has no right to be this mad."
"No right?" Her chest fills with emotion as a humourless chuckle causes both men to stiffen. "No right? Huh Buck? I sat here for two full weeks, no communication, nothing while the two of you are out there fighting God knows what after you swore, promised you would always be with me. Don't promise me forever if you're just going to throw yourself in danger! You're going to die and leave me, or worse! Both of you will."
No one says a word, only watch as her chest rises and falls with deep, heavy pants despite the tears that rolls past her eyes lashes.
"Honey, I'm sorry -."
"I don't want to hear it James, and you." She turns towards Steve, fire in her soul. "I thought you would understand, more then him, considering it has happened to you."
She leaves the room without another word, Buck turns towards Steve, watching the way he fights the tears that gather. The pain of loosing Bucky is still so fresh, "She's right Buck, we fucked up."
"I know, I know." He mumbles into Steve's shoulder, pulling him close.
"You're so good to me, sweet girl." Bucky moans as she shifts her hips against him, the blunt end of his cock hitting the spot inside her that makes her squeal for more.
Large hands squeeze her hips as Steve leans over to find his boyfriend's lips, kissing him through the gasps and whines of their girl's name as she circles her hips around Bucky.
Steve's hands pull at his hair, lips trailing from his lips, down his cheeks before nipping at his jaw.
"How does he feel honey?"
"So good, Stevie." For a second he's in a trance, watching the way her face contours with pleasure and the pain of her third orgasm well on its way.
Steve lays next to Buck, hand wrapping around his own heaviness between his legs as he stokes it, switching between her face of pleasure to Bucky's, who bites his lip to suppress a moan.
It's short lived as hips stutter against her own, coating her walls with his warm cum.
Steve barely gives her time to recover, positioning her on his hands and knees before hovering over her ear and nibbling on it. "My turn, honey."
Her hands nervously shake, the kitchen table is all set up, dinner is ready but at the moment she doesn't have an appetite.
Between this morning sickness, the overall change her body is under going, food makes her sick. The opening of the front door makes her sit up straight, sucking in a deep breath.
Two voices conversationing in the hall, "I thought I said for you to lock the door when we leave." Buck is clearly annoyed, it's been a long day but Steve rubs his shoulders, mumbling something incoherent.
Upon entering the kitchen, they both grow worried. Face drained of color, red blotchy eyes with shaky hands.
"Hey, hey." Steve drops to his knees in front of her seat in an instant, hands curling around her wrist as worried steel blue eyes follow his stance, reaching over to stroke her cheek. "What is it? What happened?"
"I'm pregnant." She pauses, "I'm scared, I'm scared. What if someone comes for you? How are we supposed to raise a baby? What if it has the serum, will it ever be safe?"
The questions fill Bucky with dread, how much though put into every sentence, every word is like a new hit of pain to his body but he stays strong. For his girl, he leans forward, wiping the tears away from discolored cheeks. "Everything is going to be fine babydoll, you're going to be fine, our baby is going to be fine."
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Move This Along
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: After months of waiting, Spencer decides he finally wants to have sex with Reader. Category: SMUT (18+) Warnings: Language, sex (oral sex- female receiving, virgin!Spence, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie) Word Count: 5.6k
Full Request: “...so a smutty oneshot with like virgin!spencer but im talkling like baby spence. and hes super blushy and cute but then when it happens its rlly raunchy and therws a lot of dirty talk. and like reader doesnt work at the bau but theyre close friends. and like she goes out to a bar with him and the team and they tease him so then she takes him home and literally fucks him after a movie or smth idk...” — @mggscumrag
NOTE: It took me forever to figure out how I wanted to do this, but once I did, it came out so quickly! I hope it’s to your liking 🥰
The first time she went out to meet Elle's friends from work, Y/N found herself absolutely nervous, and she wasn't sure why. She was always great with meeting new people, but for some reason, the prospect of meeting her next-door neighbor's co-workers seemed to really do a number on her.
She remembers how anxious she'd been, constantly worrying that they wouldn't like her, not to mention they were all probably super smart and strong and intimidating, just like Elle. Anyone who aided in putting away serial killers, rapists, and other monsters had to be just about the most intimidating personality there ever was.
But as Y/N soon learned, that wasn't quite the case at all.
To be fair, they were all intimidating in their own little ways, though it was really easy to forget about that when she was laughing with them, sharing drinks and stories, and exchanging phone numbers to stay in touch.
That's how she and Spencer had come to be good friends. Despite how obviously shy he was whenever they saw each other, the two of them managed to have conversations on just about everything. It usually happened that he talked and she listened to whatever he was teaching her, but she'd always add on the occasional, "Wow, I didn't know that," or "That's really fascinating." All of which she could tell he was surprised at and appreciated.
And since the first time they met at Elle's birthday party, the night she met the whole team for the first time, they'd been practically inseparable. While Y/N was good friends with the whole team, save for Gideon, who always seemed to like it better by himself, her relationship with Spencer seemed to even surpass the bond she'd built with her neighbor-slash-best friend.
Elle even told her as much one Saturday night, as the two of them were driving to the bar to meet up with everyone for a few drinks.
She'd mentioned it as a joke, but Y/N was instantly apologetic.
Elle only laughed. "Don't apologize. Actually, I think it's good that Reid has another friend outside of work. You're good for him. And you know, I think he has a little crush on you."
Warmth rushed to Y/N's cheeks, and she tried to hide it but failed miserably, causing Elle to give her a knowing smile. "Y—You don't know what you're talking about, Elle, it's not like that."
"Oh come on, it totally is. You give him the light of day when no one else does, he talks about you all the time, and everyone at work knows it."
She paused. "They... do?"
"Of course they do, we're all profilers, but it doesn't take one to see how obsessed that boy is with you. I think you should go for it."
Y/N would have been lying if she said she hadn't thought about asking him out. But in the end she had always figured it was a little weird, being that she was friends with all his and Elle's co-workers and she'd kinda been adopted into their family of sorts. But hearing what her neighbor was saying... She started to think differently about it.
"You really think so?"
Elle nodded. "Absolutely."'
"Okay," she replied with an excited smile. "Maybe I will, then."
A week later and the two of them started dating. Y/N always thinks back to the first few weeks of their relationship, how adorably shy and blush-prone Spencer was, even after they'd been together for some time. They spent almost all their free time together, and it still seemed like he was nervous to be around her. He'd assured her on multiple occasions that that wasn't the case, but Y/N still wondered why he hadn't fully warmed up to being around her.
Especially in public. Oh, in public it was worse. Y/N clung to his arm, and his face immediately got red. What confused her the most, though, was that every time she pulled away to make him more comfortable, he pulled her back in, seemingly desperate to feel her warmth.
In the end she and Spencer had grown to develop their own little communication system for public settings, something to let the other know when something was really wrong, and when to ask if the other was comfortable.
One night everyone was meeting after a rough case somewhere in Denver, and Y/N offered to buy everyone drinks once Spencer had called to tell her they were all back. It wasn't out of the ordinary for her to do that, but it had been a while, so everyone was quick to except. Well, mostly everyone— Gideon as per usual went his separate way, and Hotch was eager to get home and see his family.
Y/N was waiting for them at their favorite bar downtown when she heard a loud squeal that sounded a lot like her name. Sure enough, it was easy to spot a very yellow-clad Penelope Garcia headed straight towards her with her arms stretched out for a hug when she turned around. The smile she adorned was instantaneous as her arms came out a well, embracing Penelope with a large hug that almost knocked the wind out of her.
"I missed you!" she exclaimed, still hugging Y/N and swaying them back and forth a little. "I mean, I know I don't ever travel with the team, but because of that we should hang out more."
"Next time I need some company, I know who to call."
Y/N spotted Spencer then, behind Penelope and patiently waiting for a greeting. She smiled at him and whispered, "Hi," to which Penelope must have heard.
She quickly released her from their embrace and stepped out of the way. "Oh! I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from your boy wonder."
She laughed as she transferred from Penelope's arms to Spencer's. He muttered a little, "Hi," into her hair as she squeezed him and shoved her face into his neck. If she had to bet, he was probably red as a tomato right now with how close her mouth was to his neck—it was his weakness and she knew it. And just to tease him a little bit she quickly kissed up his neck, his jaw, and placed a decent peck on his lips before pulling away and grabbing his hand.
Despite the shy smile and the blush adorning his cheeks, he squeezed her hand tight and kept her at his side like they would die if they weren't touching at all times.
Everyone gave little greetings to Y/N as they all made their way to a large booth near the back. Y/N was sitting on one side with Elle to her right and Spencer to her left, while Derek, Penelope, and JJ sat across from them. Y/N got them all their preferred drinks, and a beer for herself, which Spencer couldn't help but find oddly attractive.
He glanced over at her as she took swigs from the bottle as the night progressed, and for whatever reason the sight made his insides all warm and tingly. And when she used her unoccupied hand to grab his under the table, rubbing gentle circles over the inside of his palm with her thumb, he'd never felt more in love with another person. He wasn't even drinking any alcohol, yet his head swam and his heart soared all the same, every bone in his body humming with euphoria at just the mere thought of her.
He must have been staring a little too obviously, because Derek kicked his leg under the table, pulling him from the lovesick daydream he never wanted to leave.
"I can't tell if those are cute ol' puppy dog eyes or bedroom eyes," Derek laughed, and everyone laughed right alongside him.
"Oh, stop it," Penelope said, swatting his arm. "He's obviously just very in love with her, what more could you need to know?"
"Oh, come on, tell me you're not curious to know how they... operate."
She smacked him harder this time, and everyone laughed.
Knowing her boyfriend didn't really care for the spotlight, especially when it came to their relationship, Y/N squeezed Spencer's hand under the table in reassurance. She drew a question mark in his palm, their signal for, "Are you uncomfortable?" And he responded by drawing an "X" in her palm, their answer for, "No." She laced their fingers together then, and set her beer down.
"Morgan, our sex life isn't any of your business," she stated simply.
Spencer felt his stomach churn at the sentence, if only because said sex life was, as of late, non-existent.
He and Y/N had made out a lot, sure, but the one time they did try having sex, he made it about ten seconds being inside of her before he finished, and since then he'd been kind of embarrassed about it. They only ever made out since then, because before it ever got that far he stopped it, nervous that he'd disappoint her.
And now his non-existent sex life was the topic of conversation, and if anyone picked up on it, he would have felt worse about the whole thing.
So, he didn't stop himself from speaking. "But if you must know, it's great."
Y/N's hand tensed up in his, and she looked over at him, shock marinating in her eyes. To anyone else it would have looked like she was surprised he'd even bring it up, but he knew she was most likely more curious to know why he'd lied about it.
Their friends laughed regardless, Elle adding a curious and joking, "Care to elaborate?"
Ready to change the subject, Spencer shook his head. "Nope."
"Yeah, actually I think we're gonna head out early," Y/N added. Spencer was suddenly worried he'd made her upset, but she rubbed gentle circles into his hand that reassured him everything was okay.
He got out of the booth and Y/N followed, as their friends grumbled.
"Oh, come on, we didn't mean to embarrass you guys," Derek said.
"No, that's not it," Y/N said as she threw on a light jacket. "You just reminded me how much I'd like to operate with my boyfriend since I haven't seen him in a few days, so we're leaving. Have a good night."
Spencer felt searing heat rise to his cheeks as he turned around and ushered Y/N out the door, accompanied by low whistles and claps from their friends.
The two of them were sitting on the couch now, Y/N having just set down a couple classes of water.
"Sorry if you wanted to stay," she said quietly, playing with her thumbs. "You know we don't... actually have to operate if you don't want, obviously, I was just looking for something to say..."
"Oh, Y/N, I know. Don't worry about it. Really, I... I was the one who even brought it up, I should have just let you handle it."
She looked up at him with a small smile. "Why.. did you bring it up anyway?"
"Well, I... I guess I just felt embarrassed. And I know what we do together isn't any of their business, but I was just... I really was thinking about how much I love you, and when Morgan brought it up, I felt like I wasn't... living up? To your expectations? I don't..." He sighed, unsure how to properly articulate how he was feeling. "I don't know. I just thought about the last time we tried having sex, and I felt embarrassed about it, that's all."
"Oh, honey," Y/N cooed, scooting closer to him and bringing her hand up to brush some of the hair from his face. "You know, you... don't have anything to prove, right? I know how much you love me, and you don't need to be having sex with me to show me, I hope you know that."
Still, he couldn't bring himself to look at her face. "I do," he choked out, pulling at the hem of his shirt. "I'm... I'm sorry."
Y/N's tongue clicked, and she leaned into him, wrapping one of her arms around his neck and placing the other across his lap. She held him tight and kissed the side of his head. "Don't you ever be sorry, unless you cheat on me. Then there will be something to be sorry about."
He laughed at her joke, turning his head to brush his nose against hers. "I love you."
"I love you, too," she whispered, giving him the lightest of kisses on the lips.
When she pulled away, he leaned in again, kissing her a little harder, and she gladly reciprocated. With every passing second, all of his worries started to melt away like the snow to her sunshine. Within every kiss was an emanation of outpouring love and comfort that warmed his soul and gave him the confidence to try something bold.
His hands threaded through her hair as he drew her in closer, and instinctively, she climbed over his lap, resting her hands on his shoulders as he gently probed her mouth with his tongue. The sound of her sigh as she opened up to him and allowed him to fully explore her mouth with his made his stomach bubble and tense.
This would be about the time where he'd stop, telling Y/N that they should slow down, and she'd sweetly oblige and stay cuddled into his side as they drifted off to sleep.
But tonight he didn't want that.
Tonight he wanted more.
While one of his hands remained in her hair, gently massaging her scalp, the other snaked down to her lower back. He gently slid his fingers under the fabric of her shirt and pressed his palm flat against her, pulling her closer to him with a desperation that both shocked and excited her.
Deciding to test the waters, Y/N rolled her hips, feeling him jump slightly underneath her, followed by a whine that vibrated her mouth and sent a low hum of pressure through her stomach.
Still, she pulled away.
Well... She tried to.
When she pulled her face away from him, Spencer used the hand in her hair to bring her back, tilting his head in the other direction and continuing to kiss her with enough passion for the both of them. And it didn't help that the sound she made when he did it spurred him on. She whimpered loudly into his mouth, and the hand on her back involuntarily slid down to grab her ass.
"Hey," she managed to get out when he pulled away momentarily for air. "Hey, you don't... We don't have to really do this if you don't want. I—I don't want you to think that what happened earlier means we have to have sex."
"Y/N..." His hand gently kneaded her ass, and against her better judgement, she rolled her hips again, sighing out against his lips. "I don't want to put it off any longer... Really, I... I want to. I want to show you how much I love you."
She kissed him softly again, bringing both of her hands up to cradle his face. "You already do. Every day."
She was giving him an out, and Spencer appreciated it. But with the way his insides were practically melting away at her presence, he knew more than anything that this was what he wanted.
"I know," he said. "But if you don't mind, today I'd like to show you a little extra." And then he kissed her deeply again.
Her hands tightened on his face, right before they slid up and through his hair. She gently tugged at it, and he let out one of the most delicious sounds she'd ever heard. For future reference, she relished in that sound, in that feeling, and made a mental note to try it out some more when they got further along in their sexual path.
But tonight, she would let him call the shots. He was finally ready to try it again, and seeing how confident he grew in his touches and kisses when she submitted to him, it was the simplest decision.
So she remained on his lap until he made another move, encouraging him with whimpers and languid rolls of her hips against his. Her hands grew frenzied in his hair when he dipped his hand past the waistband of her jeans and underwear, sticking his fingers in only about a knuckle deep. The warmth of his hands against her bare skin sent shivers down her spine, which she let show by involuntarily grinding down on his lap.
Spencer groaned deeply more than whined this time, his grip on her hands gripping tighter to her backside. He forced himself to remove his mouth from hers long enough to breathe out, "Bedroom. Please."
As much as Y/N didn't want to get off of his lap, she knew that what waited for her in the bedroom would be worth the momentary loss of complete physical contact. So she peeled herself away from her boyfriend, grabbing him by the hand, and lead him to her bedroom.
Once the door was closed, he was on her again, caging her face between his large hands and capturing her lips in another heated kiss. They moved backwards until she hit her back against the door, and the second their movement stopped, Spencer used their standing position to press his full body weight into her, their legs tangling together.
Meanwhile, Y/N was trying to figure out where to put her hands. She wanted to brace them on his chest, but it was pressed tightly against hers. So they wandered over his back, but she couldn't decide whether to place them under his shirt or on his butt. Or maybe she wanted to grip his arms to feel the veins as they strained against his skin from holding her face. The possibilities were quite endless.
So endless that they were even surprising—Spencer noticed her wandering hands and promptly decided to place them where he wanted, which was apparently above her head. He removed his hands from her face and pinned her wrists to the door above her head, and she huffed a breath as he pulled away to speak.
"Is this okay? I wasn't too... too rough?"
The concern swimming in his lust-filled eyes drew a little whimper from her throat as she struggled to find the right words. But finally, she settled on, "That was so fucking hot..."
Relief flashed over his gaze right before he grinned. His fingers flexed against her wrists, and even though she couldn't see them, she could imagine how it looked. And it really was fucking hot.
Seeing the expression on her face, Spencer leaned forward again and kissed her one last time. Their lips moved together hungrily, dancing in perfect synchronization, the music being the frantic beating of their hearts.
And then he started to trail his kisses down her jaw and neck, keeping her hands firmly pinned to the door. Usually she was the one to explore his neck with her tongue and teeth, but this time he wanted to try it for himself. Mirroring what he'd felt her do to him hundreds of times over, he soaked in every single sound she made, from the little whimpers of pleasure to the soft, choked whispers of his name dancing over her lips. And when her hips canted forward, searching for any kind of friction, he decided to grant it to her.
As his kisses moved down along her collarbone, his hands gently slid down with him, over her arms and then down to the bottom of her shirt as he kneeled in front of her. He lifted the shirt slowly, each new inch of exposed skin being met with soft kisses until it reached her breasts. He reached up to palm them over her bra while he trailed his kisses downward again.
Even though she was wearing jeans, he pressed kisses to her legs anyway. She squirmed under his touch, and the feeling made his heart soar.
"Please, Spence," she huffed, bringing her hands down to lay overtop of his. She felt the tendons and veins in his hands as they squeezed her, and with everything she had, she tried not to beg him to use them in more interesting places. She wanted to let him take his time, to be a vessel for his exploration, but it was growing harder every second to be patient.
Thankfully he seemed to get what she was feeling, because his hands slid out from under her shirt and rested at her jeans. "Can I take these off?"
The fact that he even asked when she so clearly begged him to do it made her heart swell. "Please do," she chuckled, though it turned into a choked sigh when his fingers actually started undoing the button. And at the sound of her zipper going down, she could have come undone right there.
He pulled her jeans down slowly and helped her step out of them. And she thought maybe he'd take the next step and do the same with her underwear, but he opted to use his mouth instead.
With gentle kisses, he traced the hem of the fabric all the way to either side of her waist. And then he looked up at her with curious eyes and shifted his face, pressing his nose right up against where her clit would be. Her hands immediately went to his hair, but he grabbed her wrists again and laid them at her sides. "Do you want me to move this along?" His voice wasn't teasing as much as it was genuine curiosity.
Still, Y/N resisted the urge to tell him yes. "I—I want you to do whatever feels right. Tonight's... about you. What you want."
"Well, what I want is to make you feel good. So, again... Do you want me to move this along?"
Every time his lips moved, they brushed up against where she desperately wanted him. And it was killing her. So, she nodded vigorously. "Yes, please," she whispered.
And with that, Spencer released her hands and used his fingers to gently rub her over the fabric. The contact made her shiver visibly, and he took that as a good sign. So he wasted no more time and replaced his fingers with his tongue, fluttering his eyes closed at the taste of her. And he knew that once the thin fabric was gone it would be stronger, but even then he was thoroughly wrecked.
He kept lapping his tongue over her, feeling her panties get wetter with ever second, and he only finally removed them when she started grinding her hips closer to his face, desperate for more.
When he did finally bring his tongue to fully taste her for the first time, they both let out the filthiest sounds, months and months of build-up starting to come to a head. He tasted her like he would an ice cream cone, and for the first few moments his eyes remained closed, all his focus on this brand new sensation. But he wanted nothing more than to see her react to him. So he opened his eyes and continued his ministrations, pupils blowing wide at the sight of her above him.
She was panting, her mouth hung open and her tongue just barely peeking out over her bottom lip. Her eyes remained shut, though Spencer could tell she was struggling to open them. With a tentative flick of his tongue over her clit, he took notice of the little gasp she made, and he knew he'd found it. So he repeated his action, providing small kitten licks to her clit as she picked up her breathing and clenched her hands at her sides.
He picked up the pace then, taking note of every little thing that made her cry out or jump with pleasure until she was clutching his hair. He was sucking on her clit now, his middle finger gently sliding in and out of her when she spoke.
"Oh, fuck, keep doing that. I'm... I'm almost..."
He felt her tighten around his finger as she started careening off the edge, and he did his best to keep his eyes on her face, because it had practically been haunting him, wondering what it would be like to see her come undone at his mercy.
To say it was better than he could have ever dreamed was a severe understatement.
Y/N's head leaned back against the door, her chin jutted out so he could see the beautiful contours of her chin and neck. He saw her throat contract as she moaned out his name, saw her chest heave as she struggled to catch her breath, and best of all, he felt her flutter around his finger and mouth. And if that was high inducing, he couldn't wait to feel wat it would be like to replace them with something else.
The mere thought had him trembling.
He pulled back when she huffed out an over-stimulated, "Okay, please, please stop, oh..."
Though it could just as easily have been a painful sentiment, the hungry, dazed look in her eye suggested otherwise.
Spencer stood up and brought his finger to his mouth, still caught up in her taste before she ripped his wrist away and kissed him, threading her fingers through his hair and moaning into his mouth.
Before he could get lost in it, though, she pulled away and nodded. "Okay. I think you're wearing too many clothes."
He tilted his head down in a little flush, and with the help of Y/N, his shirt peeled away from his body and joined her pants and underwear on the floor.
Y/N mirrored his actions, kissing gently down his jaw, neck, and then down his torso. Her hands wandered his bare back as she sunk to her knees. But when her hands moved to his belt, he stopped her.
She peeled her hands away and looked up at him. "Are you okay? Do you want to slow down?"
He visibly swallowed, and she could read that look on his face that he got whenever he was embarrassed to tell her something. "N—no, I... I want... the opposite, actually."
"I don't follow..."
"Well, I know that... if you return the favor, I won't last very long, a—and I... I don't want to wait anymore."
Y/N smiled, standing again and bringing her hands to rest on his shoulders. "So you're saying you... want me to move this along?"
Spencer smiled at her recollection of his words. "Yes, please."
They travelled to the bed then, Y/N taking off her shirt and bra when they got there, and leaving her completely bare to him. She sat down and reached for his belt, looking up at him as he stood.
"I'm clean and on birth control, do you still want to use a condom? I have some in my table drawer."
He thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "As long as you're sure."
Y/N undid his belt quickly and threw it to the side, making work of his button and zipper with a smile. "Oh I'm so sure..."
The way she said it made his dick twitch, images running through his mind of how it would look seeing her filled and dripping with—
Her hand was palming him through his underwear now, and it was all he could think about. He had already been hard before, but now it was tilting on the precipice of painful pleasure. So he stopped her, taking a deep breath.
"Lay down?"
"However you want me," Y/N answered, positioning herself on the bed so she was leaning back, her head nicely laid out on the pillows.
Spencer swallowed and removed his underwear before climbing on the bed and kneeling over her. Her legs were already wide, feet flat on either side of him as he positioned himself and got ready.
She reached out and gently grabbed his forearm, a gentle smile on her face. "You ready?"
"Mhm," he answered with a curt nod, bringing himself forward to run the head of his dick through her wetness. They both sighed at the feeling, and Spencer knew he was in trouble.
It was finally happening, he was getting another chance to have sex with her, and if he didn't last long again, he was going to—
"I love you," Y/N said reassuringly, rubbing circles into the hand that rested on the inside of her thigh.
He looked into her eyes and saw that love radiating from them. It warmed his insides and gave him the confidence he needed to finally, slowly push into her as he whispered, "I love you, too."
Once he was fully sheathed inside her, he let out a large breath, leaning down to brace his arms on either side of her head. The pressure of her clenched around him was overwhelming in the best way possible, and he never wanted to move.
But he had to.
She stroked his hair, pressing soft kisses all over his face, and whispered, "I love you."
With those three words, Spencer had the courage to pull back and then forward again, testing the waters and more accurately, his limits. He picked up a slow pace that burned him from the inside out, every muscle and vein in his body on fire with the knowledge that he was finally, properly making love to the woman he was pretty sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
But he was holding back. Y/N could tell. He glided through her with ease, sure, but his eyes were squeezed shut like he was concentrating, like he was pacing himself and trying to hold on to this feeling.
She moved her hands down to his back and lightly ran her fingernails over the skin, feeling him tremble under her touch.
"You feel so good, Spence," she whispered. "So perfect for me..."
The words made his hips stutter just a little, and Y/N knew then what the hesitation was.
He wanted to go faster.
So she moved her fingers lower, cupping his ass and scratching featherlight circles into the skin as she moaned. "You like when I talk to you, baby? Does hearing my voice help you out?"
Spencer choked out a groan as he opened his eyes and saw how feral she looked. Her pupils were blown wide, her mouth was pouted cutely, and she smiled as soon as she saw him bite his lip.
"You wanna go faster?" she cooed, digging her fingernails a little harder into the flesh of his ass. "Hmm?"
"F—fuck, Y/N... I..."
"You fuck me however you need to, baby. Don't hold back. Just let it all out."
He groaned out then, his hips picking up speed. She felt the relief and the tension rolling off his body as he finally gave into his urges, and it was just about the sexiest thing she'd ever witnessed.
"That's it, baby... Don't stop... Give it to me, let me feel you..."
He leaned down and kissed her then, pumping into her harder and harder with every second. She moaned out against his mouth, swallowing all his breaths and grunts. Meanwhile her fingers gripped his ass harder, relishing in the feeling of his muscles as they aided in fucking her.
His mouth pulled away as he shoved his face into her neck, and she sighed. "You're doing so good, baby. Fuck... " His hips kept moving, and she clenched around him hard, hoping to gauge his reaction.
Sure enough, he groaned against her neck and canted his hips harder. Every thrust forward now was so deep he hit her g-spot, and the sensation made her sigh with a smile. "That's fucking right, baby... Just like that, don't stop, don't stop. You fe—el so... ohhh."
Her words lit this fire in him that was impossible to put out. His body was hers for the taking, and so he'd give her everything he had. Which is why he picked up the pace and fucked into her as hard as he could, dangerously close to finishing.
"Fuck, Spence, I'm gonna... —na..."
Y/n's moans turned into a quiet scream as she came, clenching tightly around his dick and digging her fingernails into his ass. Her eyes squeezed shut with the swirling patterns of fireworks exploding behind them, meanwhile he twitched inside of her and lost it at last. As she came down, she helped him hold himself there, deep inside her as his cum spilled over in warm increments. They both moaned out at the feeling, all their tension easing and dissipating.
By the end, all that was left between the both of them was a thin sheen of sweat and murmured promises of "I love you."
They could have fallen asleep right there. Y/N's hands slid up his backside, over his arms, and then to the back of his head, combing gently through his disheveled hair as he pressed loving kisses to the patch of skin where her neck met her collarbone. He was still inside her, unwilling to leave the warmth she provided, and she did nothing to object.
"How are you feeling?" she finally asked, opening her eyes.
Spencer tilted his head up to look at her, his heart once again swelling at the adoring look in her eyes. "I'm great."
She laughed, and he laughed with her. And they were silent for a few moments before he spoke again.
"So, uh... What we just did is what we're counting as our real first time together, right? Like, the other time doesn't count?"
Y/N laughed again, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "If you want to count this as our first time, then yes. I'd be more than happy to agree with you."
"Good. This was much better."
Even though she would never hold their first first time together against him, she was inclined to agree.
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