revesdautomobiles · 4 months
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cadoretjerome · 5 years
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Dinky-garage chez Samu Vintage avec Toma #samugarage #gogomobile #edenroc #vespa #facelvega #facelvegahk500 #talbot #isetta #bmw #dedion #dedionbouton #instacars #classicars #microcars #tomadesaulieu #automotivephotography #vintagecars #vintage (à Saint-Maur-des-Fossés) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuoFmh3FSEJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zkcw9oc2h7ch
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history-monster · 4 years
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#onthisday in 1894, the first ever motorised racing event is held in France, between Paris and Rouen. It was enthusiastically supported by manufacturers due to the possibility of using motor racing as a shop window for their cars. The race was organised by by Le Petit Journal, a Parisian newspaper and was run over the 122 kilometres (76 mi) between the two cities. The race was won by Comte Jules Albert de Dion but he was not awarded the prize for first place as his steam-powered car required a stoker and the judges deemed this outside of their objectives. #motorsport #cars #carracing #paris #parisfrance #rouen #rouencity #city #lepetitjournal #steampower #steampoweredcar #dedion #19thcentury #victorian #innovation #new #dailypost #discoverunder1k #history #histogram https://www.instagram.com/p/CC73QrsH5Zc/?igshid=15fmgz631riut
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ciaranchristie · 7 years
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Isabella #alfaromeo #gtv6 #grigio #alfisti #snugharbor #architecture #2ndowner #dedion #giorgettogiugiaro #italdesign #3hreebees #sicviresco (at Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden)
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wetsteve3 · 4 years
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The Yale motorcycle company originated in San Francisco as one of America’s oldest manufacturers. Roy C. Marks designed a motorcycle engine in 1901 that he soon patented, and he then sold or licensed his motor to the California Motor Company, which began production in late 1901. 
Marks’ motor was rated at 1.5 HP and used typical DeDion-based inlet-over-exhaust valves, with an automatic inlet, and the motor was lubricated by a cup atop the engine that needed to be filled with oil regularly. 
The ignition was battery-and-coil, and Marks patented his own carburetor for the single-speed, direct-drive machine. Under George Wyman, the California became the first motorcycle to cross the U.S. in 1903. It was an epic achievement in an era long before roads existed in most of the country. Wyman rode an incredible 3,800 miles, becoming the first person to cross the continent in any vehicle powered by internal combustion. The cross-country trip gained enormous publicity, and in October 1903, a press article announced that the Kirk Manufacturing Company and the Snell Cycle Fittings Company would merge to form The Consolidated Manufacturing Company of Toledo, Ohio—which had acquired the rights to build Marks’ design. 
The California Motor Company subsequently closed, and its machine tools were shipped to Toledo, along with the men who built the California. The new motorcycle was called the Yale-California from 1903 through 1908, after which the bikes were simply called Yale. In that year, the forks became more robust, and the engine a little bigger, while the wheelbase became a little shorter for a more compact and faster machine, and the engine featured an external flywheel and direct belt drive. For 1909, the flywheel moved inside the crankcases. This 1909 Yale single is an incredible rarity. It features a 3.5 HP motor, battery-and-coil ignition, a belt rear drive with tensioner, a coaster brake out back and a correct Regas leading-link front fork. All-in-all, this is a lovely machine from the earliest years of the American motorcycle industry.
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scyllua · 5 years
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Y esta semana en Golden Kamuy... ¡Rápidos & Furiosos & Un Hijo Secuestrado... en Hakodate! Haciendo Drift En Un DeDion Bouton ← Tagline. Aunque tendría que revisar el manga en más detalle para estar segura, me parece que éste sería el flashback más largo que hemos tenido: comienza en el cap.197 y ya se está extendiendo por tres capítulos, sin una resolución todavía. Bien podría continuar con la crónica de cómo Koito Heiji inventa aparentemente el drift en Japón, pero dado que el siguiente capítulo, cap.200, sería el último compilado en el vol.20, me inclino a pensar que Noda terminará el flashback para completar este miniarco argumental.
El cap.199 no llega a ninguna resolución argumental, pero sí hace que la trama se mueva y, en el intermedio, se las ingenia para obsequiarnos con la acción trademark de GK, la misma que incluye a algún personaje masculino perdiendo gran parte de la ropa (aunque con mucho más fundamento que en otros casos). Y a pesar de no dejar exactamente pistas, sino algunos detalles, el capítulo también nos hace sospechar de quien ya ha reunido suficiente mérito para ser El Sospechoso Común De Este Manga.
A diferencia de mis anteriores entradas con sólo comentarios fan, aquí haré un pequeño resumen del capítulo. Dado mi japonés -medianamente existente para entender a grandes rasgos la trama de mangas shounen o seinen-, les pediré tomar con cuidado lo que escribiré a continuación en caso de que haya algún error, error de traducción o mala lectura de algún kanji borroso en las imágenes o muy Meiji y, por ende, ya obsoleto. Debo decir que Noda es particularmente fan de éstos.
Resumen: Los secuestradores de Koito pretenden usarlo para obligar a su padre a deshacerse de instalaciones militares levantadas en Hakodate con miras a la inminente guerra con Rusia. Su padre tiene la decisión de no poner a su hijo por encima de su país, pero gracias a que se logra determinar el número telefónico desde el cual llaman los secuestradores, uno cuya línea se encuentra en la fortaleza Goryoukaku, parten hacia allá. ¿Quiénes? Los caballeros de la viñeta usada al principio de esta entrada, por supuesto.
Pues bien, tal y como se especulaba en el capítulo anterior, el secuestro de Koito está vinculado a la armada. Los misteriosos y rusoparlantes secuestradores se ponen en contacto con los Koito tal y como habían determinado antes para exigir que Heiji (el padre de Koito) se deshaga de las fortificaciones actualmente levantadas en Hakodate con miras a la inminente guerra, y tal y como lo había expresado antes, éste no pone la seguridad de su hijo por encima de su deber para con su país. Así es como, de una manera bastante emotiva y algo oblicua, se niega. La parte emotiva está en que Heiji compara la situación en que ahora se encuentra el muchacho con la de su hermano mayor, quien murió en la guerra sino-japonesa y, se entiende, en aras de su país. Puede que a primera vista parezca dura -aunque sensata- la actitud del padre, pero guarda consistencia con lo que éste le dijese a Sugimoto en el cap.139 (vol.14) sobre sus motivos para enviar a su propio hijo a una misión de la cual quizás no vuelva vivo: como padre, ya ha aceptado la posible muerte de su hijo debido a sus posiciones como militares. Aunque por supuesto que la escena de todas maneras me dejó un mal sabor debido a que Heiji menciona a Hanazawa Koujirou, el padre de Ogata, como otro militar que también perdió a su hijo, nosotros sabemos en qué situación.
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...Y por cierto que los dos término usados en el manga son 要塞(yousai), literalmente "fortificación" o "fuerte", y 駆逐艦 (kuchikukan), "destructor naval", aunque escritos en katakana. Recordando el capítulo anterior, saco en claro que se hace referencia a las instalaciones militares armadas y los barcos de guerra estacionados en Hakodate; en el mismo manga, los secuestradores dan ambos términos de manera vaga, sobreentendiéndose que por su desconocimiento del idioma japonés.
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Demostrando que prácticamente todos los personajes de esta historia son hombres (y mujeres... y niños... y hasta animales salvajes misceláneos...) de acción que no van a esperar que las cosas simplemente pasen cuando ellos podrían estar haciendo algo al respecto, Koito se enfrenta con sus captores en lo que se logra determinar el número telefónica desde el cual llaman los secuestradores. Y ocurre que el mencionado número estuvo en uso por una academia militar del ejército; como la única academia militar de Hakodate está ubicada en la fortaleza Goryoukaku, para allá se dirigen nuestros militares... aunque les tomará tiempo llegar por métodos convencionales: la fortaleza se encuentra a 6km de distancia y debido a lo empinado del terreno, los caballos se niegan a galopar cuesta abajo. Una vez más y en el mismo capítulo y, de hecho, sólo cuatro páginas más tarde, el padre de Koito vuelve a demostrar porqué prácticamente todos los personajes de esta historia son hombres (y mujeres... y niños... y hasta animales salvajes misceláneos...) de acción, y parte al lugar conduciendo el triciclo motorizado de su hijo. Tsurumi se le une...
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...y ambos inventan lo que debió ser el primer amago -aunque les sale digno de la saga de Fast & Furious- de drift de la era Meiji, al menos a bordo de un vehículo motorizado, como puede verse -los remito allí de nuevo- en la viñeta teaser que abre esta entrada. Noda le dedica a algunas viñetas a la experiencia de nuestros caballeros de mediana edad sobre tres ruedas (asumiré que Heiji ya sabía cómo conducir el triciclo), pero lo que nos importa en términos argumentales es que cruzan camino con un enmascarado a caballo, quien sería uno de los presuntos captores a juzgar porque va, en fin, sospechosamente enmascarado... aunque viendo más de cerca el capítulo, no puedo quitarme la impresión de que lo más sospechoso de toda la situación es que el que dé toda la explicación pertinente (...se trataría de uno de los secuestradores, se enteró de que ellos ya saben en dónde tienen a Koito, también se dirige al Goryoukaku...) es Tsurumi.
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Aquí hay una secuencia de varias viñetas de Tsurumi dando cuenta -sospechosamente- del enmascarado en el que posiblemente es el primer tiroteo a bordo de vehículo motorizado en la misma era Meiji, pero la he dejado de lado para hablar en cambio de cómo el par de oficiales militares y veteranos de guerra se topa con un obstáculo más concreto en el literal camino, un carro de pasajeros tirado por caballo. Y aunque pierden el triciclo, es más que obvio que esta contingencia no va a evitar que Heiji continúe en su misión de rescate. Sólo me quedaría comentar al respecto sobre los tirantes súper durables de Heiji a pesar de que al menos parte del uniforme de Tsurumi no sobrevive al impacto.
¿Comentarios fan? Mi primer comentario fan estaría dedicado, por supuesto, a anotar que este capítulo me hace sospechar mucho más de Tsurumi como quien está detrás del secuestro de Koito. Si bien ya es curiosa coincidencia que los secuestradores de Koito llamen desde una academia militar del ejército (el manga incluye esa aclaración, quiero pensar, en caso de que alguien haya olvidado que Heiji pertenece a la marina y todos los demás militares relevantes de esta historia, al ejército), está también la forma en que Tsurumi se deshace del supuesto secuestrador galopante (tras dar una explicación detallada de porqué el jinete está enmascarado, montando un caballo a toda carrera, siendo muy llamativo y yendo por exactamente la misma ruta que ellos cuando uno podría suponer que Hakodate tiene más caminos). Por supuesto que todos los indicios para creer que los secuestradores son sus propios soldados o por lo menos están relacionados con él son circunstanciales hasta el momento... pero también hay que recordar que una constante narrativa en Golden Kamuy es la forma en que los caminos de los personajes se han cruzado en el pasado, aunque sin que ellos lo hayan notado en muchos casos. ¿Cuántas posibilidades hay de que cierto francotirador rusoparlante actualmente armado y psicótico que estaría más que dispuesto a matar a un joven oficial del ejército hubiese conocido a este último en, digamos, un caso de secuestro años atrás por razones más que las kármicas o poéticas narrativamente hablando?
El resto de mis comentarios fan están relacionado con la fortaleza Goryoukaku, mencionada en este capítulo y destino de nuestro par de demonios sobre extres ruedas (asumiré que para el cap.200 tendrán que valerse de algún otro medio de transporte, o de algún útil recurso narrativo). Llamado 五稜郭, su nombre literalmente significa "fortificación de cinco puntas"; construida en 1855 en Hakodate precisamente como un fortín para repeler una invasión marítima por parte de Rusia, el Goryoukaku es un importante sitio histórico por haber sido la fortaleza principal de la República de Ezo y el escenario final de la Batalla de Hakodate, que cierra las Guerras Boshin para dar inicio a la Restauración Meiji.
Quizás la más famosa y emblemática edificación de Hakodate por su forma, es posible encontrar más que suficientes fotografías del lugar en internet, pero aprovecho esta oportunidad para usar las que tomé durante mi visita a la ciudad a mediados del 2018:
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Ésta es la vista del Goryoukaku desde la torre que se encuentra en sus inmediaciones -la también llamada Goryoukaku Tower- y que sirve de mirador. Desde la vista de la torre se nos hizo imposible tomar una fotografía completa del Goryoukaku, de modo que para ello sí los remito a buscar otras fotografías en la red. La mayor parte de los terrenos de la fortaleza ha sido convertida en un bosque, como puede verse, con una pocas reconstrucciones de los edificios que tuviese durante el siglo XIX.
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El piso de la Goryoukaku Tower que sirve de mirador tiene también una exhibición sobre la historia de Hakodate y la campaña con la que terminaría las Guerras Boshin. La maqueta que ven en la fotografía superior es parte de la exhibición y muestra cómo era la fortaleza durante los años de la guerra; como podrán ver, lo que en realidad tiene forma de estrella es el muro perimétrico que rodea las instalaciones militares, el mismo que tiene más de las cinco puntas de su nombre. Aunque luce excéntrico para tiempos modernos y hasta pareciese cumplir con una función más estética que práctica, la razón de la disposición arquitectónica del Goryoukaku es estratégica: los soldados ubicados en lo alto de sus muros podían disparar hacia cualquier locación baja, reduciendo con ello los "puntos ciegos".
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Hay dos estatuas en tamaño natural de Hijikata Toshizou en la Goryoukaku Tower, una ubicada en el primer piso y la segunda, en el mirador. Esta estatua reproduce la famosa (y única, me parece) fotografía de Hijikata tomada por Tamoto Kenzou, tal y como se explica en el manga en el cap.124 (vol.13). Incluyo la fotografía superior porque puede verse parte del Goryoukaku y la moderna Hakodate a través de las ventanas del mirador.
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triplegreen · 2 years
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Solides Chassis mit DeDion Hinterachse
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lindam54 · 2 years
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Originally built and owned by French nobleman and pioneer automaker, Count De Dion, the 1884 quadricycle has the distinction of being the oldest authenticated car extant and is in restored, road-ready condition. Since its invention 123 years ago, the vehicle has had only three owners: Count DeDion himself from 1884 to circa 1906, the Doriol family of Paris from then until 1987, and the current owner from 1987 to the present.
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realonthebay · 7 years
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Size: 2 M 40 INCH CHEST
Price: £650
Remember with items like Stone Island and Moncler you can always ask for the authentication mark.
Stone Island uses the Certilogo so you can ask for the Certilogo number, you can input that number here http://Certilogo.com
For Moncler you can ask for the Authentication Code and input it herehttp://code.moncler.com
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loquaciousquark · 7 years
5th Harvestmere. It is Properly Blustery at last
Sebastian’s singing voice is unfairly beautiful. Went to services this morning (he told us last week at WG he was cantoring) and enjoyed every minute of it. Classical training can only do so much—I proved that myself, to Mother’s consternation—and sometimes you just can’t help but appreciate raw natural talent.
Damn. I was trying not to think about
Varric told us this morning he’d heard a rumor about a ship waylaying a trading vessel out of Rivain last month. The captain was calling herself the Queen of the Eastern Seas.
She hasn’t tried to write me either, so I don’t know why it stings so much. Maybe because I know she could find me if she wished, and she...wishes not to, apparently. And I…
I don’t think the post delivers to Queen of the Eastern Seas. Especially not without a forwarding address.
15th Harvestmere. Chilly enough to break out the ugly sweaters
Orana’s been here a year tomorrow. She thought I’d forgotten—aha, but I hadn’t! Untrusting woman!
Had all her favorites for dinner—light meats, fresh fruit in tartes, and grilled slices of red potatoes in a vinegar sauce. Dessert was a flat chocolate cake thing that Bodahn makes only on very special occasions. Well, if Orana’s not special, I don’t know what is.
I got her a new lute. I don’t know if I should have, but she doesn’t know when she was born, not even the season, and there aren’t nearly enough opportunities the rest of the year for proper gift-giving. Not to mention her old one’s a half size too large for her (accursed merchant), and one of the keys won’t hold its place for tuning. The new one has ivy scrollwork on the neck that made me think of her. Strong at the root, even if the leaves look fragile.
One of Orana’s friends, a woman who helps out in Jean-Luc’s shop, came by for dessert as well, as did Tomwise, and an elf woman I recognized from Lowtown but couldn’t place the name of, and her little daughter. Toby naturally took the girl’s entertainment as his number one priority, which helped, and then all Orana’s friends and Bodahn and Sandal sat around just...having a very lovely conversation.
I hadn’t even realized she knew all these people. Bodahn was the one to invite them all.
I excused myself after a while, just to give them some privacy. I think I made the little girl nervous. I wish I could explain to her I belong with Tomwise a thousand times more than I belong with Lady Forsythe and the glittering errata.
Then again, I’m the one importing strawberries out of season and serving chocolate cake on hand-dyed porcelain. Flames, at this point I wish I could explain it to myself.
Later, almost midnight
Orana came and found me after all her friends had left. She asked if she could play something for me in thanks—I told her the lute was out of my gratitude, not meant to exacerbate hers, but she just gave that little smile that tells me she’s about to do whatever she wishes anyway, so I lit a few candles and she sat next to me at the window.
I don’t know what it was called. It was Tevinter and strange and sad, and she hummed a little in harmony as she went, and I wanted to cry without knowing why.
She said her father had loved that song. She said he and the other cooks used to sing it in groups in Hadriana’s kitchens, but she’s forgotten the words.
I wondered…
Mm. I wondered if Fenris would know the words, and Orana shook her head and smiled and thought it was unlikely, that what she knew of Danarius’s household offered very little of Napocan folk songs.  
She said she’d heard of Fenris in Minrathous, that Hadriana talked of him sometimes, and that once Danarius had stopped to see his apprentice and Fenris had come with him. She’d seen him through a crack in a balcony and been frightened by his face.  
She hadn’t recognized him at first, that day in the caverns among the iron cages. It hadn’t been until that evening, when he’d come to pace in my foyer, that she’d known him for who he was and who he belonged to. She’d been afraid already, and then I’d come home and Mother had taken her upstairs...
She said Mother had been kind. Even when she’d broken that vase of chrysanthemums—and I’d forgotten about that—Mother had only been patient. She said sometimes that made it worse in the beginning, but she’d understood Mother better by the end.
I burned to ask her if she’d seen Fenris leave that night, but couldn’t bring myself to get the words out. It didn’t matter the answer, anyway—it all would have hurt the same.
Why do happy occasions always make my heart ache the most?
17th Harvestmere. Cold
I forgot my nameday. It was the fifteenth, the same day as Orana’s party. I was so busy planning her day I forgot, and it hadn’t once crossed my mind until Fenris came by this morning.
He had a book. A volume on Aristone’s treatises, annotated by the elvhen mage Daliari, bound in black leather and with a blue ribbon for marking my place.
He said everyone else planned to give me something at cards tonight, but he—implied as obliquely as possible—wasn’t certain if I’d like it and didn’t want me to have to pretend to be pleased if I wasn’t.
I am very pleased.
23rd Harvestmere. Someone piled up leaves from the street right outside my door and Toby has been, in a word, romping
Thinking about Bethany today. Thinking about Varania, too (whether or not she exists), and Karl, Anders’s old lover, and Sebastian’s family, and the way people can leave without warning and that’s--that’s all there is to it, and you’ve only the Maker’s hope you said everything you needed to before it happened.
I keep remembering I never told Mother I liked her hair, the way she’d started wearing it. What a small thing to keep wrapping thorns around my heart.
Aveline mentioned Wesley the other day as well. An offhanded comment, because Fenris stepped in something sticky coming into the Hanged Man and Aveline (apparently) once walked barefoot into a whole cask’s worth of sour beer Wesley had spilled once. I haven’t heard her say his name in years. I wonder if that’s time’s influence, or Donnic’s.
I am infinitely tired of watching the people I love lose.
Satinalia! 1st Firstfall, and I can’t see a thing through this damned mask. Also it’s bitterly cold outside
Merrill’s already pattering through the kitchen (which means I need to get downstairs immediately before I end up with flour all down the stairs again) but a quick note before I go: next time I offer to host Satinalia feasting, don’t let everyone pre-drink at the Hanged Man first.
New inkpen! Finer point than I had, lovely, a black lacquered ironwood courtesy Varric & Merrill, sneaky sneaky. Av gave a little book of hymns with Sebastian who wrote a decida de dedion dedication in the front. Ha! I can spell. I can spell better than most poeple. Except Varric.
Anders forgot it was Sat. Bought drinks for the whole group in apology & two more bottles to bring to my place. Laughed while he did it but didn’t drink & he def. can’t afford it. Memo: large donation next week, anon. Get V to drop it off via runner. Get the urchin with the whistle. Set the whole street awake if he sees a templar lurking
something is banging outside
He liked his scarf, though. Fereldan colors & part of the Anderfels skyline along one hem. Orana’s idea, smart as flames. Too bad he’s pathologically attached to those feathers or I’d have that paper-thin coat out in half a heartbeat
Merrill was trickier but liked the mittens & Av showed her the stitching on the inside, Dalish for heart & memory. I need to be craftier so I can stop leaching gift ideas off everyone else
Maker’s blood & bone this room will not stop spinning
Av, Seb, V & I all went in and got Fen a complete collection of Mader’s works. Historical/slightly fictionalized/encyclopedic thing. Eight volumes. Dry as bones but for flashes of brilliant humor & then you realize he’s just sarcastic as the Void. Plus rather decent Marcher history from Steel Age onward. Not flattering of Tevinter either. Seems perfect for him.
Fancy leather bindings, all in dark leather with rainbow bookmarks. Not all rainbow themselves. The first is red, next orange, etc. F couldn’t carry them all at once so they’re downstairs waiting for multiple trips
What is this banging
[There is no heading for the next section. Instead, there are large, red stains across the side of the page, as if the writer’s hand had not been washed prior to taking up the pen.]
Burn these smugglers! Now I’m drunk and bloody and my ear is cut and Fen is downstairs kipping in the guest because the Crimson We wa Weavers have death wishes & jumped him for coin
especially right outside my house, went out and he had all but three down even swaying worse than Gamlen the morning after payday
laughed when I got two down with lightning, & he looked like a masterwork painting since he still had on the elvhen godshead mask. Fen’harel. Lyrium was glowing and made the eyes light from the inside, and his grin was wolfish as anything I’ve ever...
Now there are bodies in my leaves and no one will get them until morning
Damned inconvenient
17th Firstfall. Stairs to Lowtown were iced over today and one of the people who take the palanquins up and down the stairs broke a leg
Varric told me about a mummer’s show last night in Lowtown. He, Aveline, and I went--invited the others but Anders & Merrill were busy and Fenris said he might but never showed.
Varric didn’t tell me it was about me becoming the Champion. Fighting the Arishok, all that. They made him a monster. Grotesque, I mean. His face was purple and scarred and twisted, and I killed him with a sword as tall as Anders.
The audience loved it. They cheered when the Arishok died, and the woman playing me spat on him before kicking his body into the harbor.
I told Varric if I ever read something like this in any of his future books I’d never take him anywhere with me ever again.
20th Firstfall. Ice has melted and now everything’s soggy as spring
Apologized to Varric yesterday. I know he’d never write anything like that mockery, and it wasn’t fair to take my irritation out on him.
It was a ten-copper mummer’s show, and the lead had papier-mâché armor. There’s only so much self-righteous indignation I can manage at one time.
Absolutely sent the company an incensed letter, though. Enjoy ten pages of detailed, annotated corrections, you limp little eels.
30th Firstfall. Snowing lightly today, just enough to make everything slick
Had a letter today. No signature or heading, postmarked Brandel’s Reach. The corner was torn off and the whole thing smelled like salt. “Hope everything’s well there. Still alive. That’s all.”
That’s all.
Six months and that’s all.
19th Haring. Merrill brought a basket of snowdrops and she, Orana, and I covered the great room in garland. Damned lovely
Braeden asked me to marry him. He had a ring made of gold and sapphires and a pair of delicate lace gloves that are too small for me. He said these last months together have shown him I am more than capable of becoming a lasting partner in managing his life and his lands and he’s sure he can make me happy.
I asked him what my favorite color was. He didn’t know.
5th Wintermarch
She died a year ago today.
Fenris came and had dinner with me. We didn’t talk much, and afterwards we went to the library and were quiet there, too. He let me doze on his shoulder when I couldn’t sleep. He left around second bell, when I told him I would go to bed even if I couldn’t manage the dreaming.
Of all the painful anniversaries between us, this one is my least favorite.
21st Wintermarch. I’ve begun needing green -- this winter’s lasting longer than some of Lothering’s, or maybe that’s just because there’s hardly been any snow
I’ve had a terrible cold since Firstday. Orana and Bodahn have kept me bundled in fur & up to my eyes in hot soup and I think I’m finally on the mend. My throat’s so sore I sound like a tenor, though.
Went out to Sundermount last week with Merrill, Varric, and Aveline. We skirted the Dalish camp out there because Merrill didn’t want to speak to Marethari, but I saw her face at the aravel sails peeking over the hills. I’d give a thousand sovs to never see her look like that again.
30th Guardian. Wet and cold and grey and there’s smoke in the winds off the forge down the way
Didn’t mean to leave this so long, but I lost you, journal! Forgot I’d taken you along on a trip up to the farther reaches of the Wounded Coast, and then when I got back I tossed the bag to the side and didn’t think twice about it for a month until Orana started making faces at the smell of iron and brackish seawater. And lo and behold, what should be tucked into the bottom of the bag but a handful of dog biscuits (Toby is thrilled) and you, dear journal, your pages a little worse for the wear but still holding their binding perfectly well.
Naturally, I have nothing to say. The Crimson Weavers have been rooted out from the city and Cullen is now obliged to leave Pelarie’s sister with the family necklace. Something I can check off my list as Champion of this blighted city. Luck dictates I must have one success eventually.
I did have to go by the Gallows the other day to deliver a packet of herbs to Sol. The templars didn’t stare so badly this time, but I know the blonde one with the mutton chops would have killed me if he could. I’m not so far from pitched battle to not recognize death in a man’s eyes.
17th Drakonis. It warmed just for a day as if to tease, then went right back to the chilly damp drizzle. In like a lion, out like a lion, a very wet lion with a soggy mane
I’ve been itching dangerously for a few weeks in the absence of life-threatening peril, so I’ve been taking myself down to Anders’s clinic. It’s cruel to say, but there’s enough death there (and risk of death) to keep my blood at bay, and Anders needs the help besides. There’s a rash of pox going around (ha) and while it’s not too bad for most, the fever can take the very young and very old in a matter of hours.
Anders is getting thin. Reminder: have Orana put some of those turnovers in the basket next time. I’ll fatten him up if I have to tie him to the kitchen chair.
A pair of boys came in to the clinic day before yesterday. Brothers, it looked like, one ten and the other maybe seven or eight. They said they had no one else when I asked. The little one had the pox and was scratching himself to bleeding; the other had the dimpled scars on his neck and arms but no fever left.
I wish I could heal like Anders. He’s so talented at this sort of thing. I can’t even fathom how he can reach inside and feel for the wrongness, then just--pull it out as clean as anything, like separating ink from water in a thin line. Bethany could do that too, when she wasn’t afraid of it. She could sense the source of a cold from across the room and have it halfway to mending in two breaths.
I haven’t the talent like that. Father called me a hammer, once, and he wasn’t wrong, and since Anders was asleep I had to use what I could to heal this boy, which was -- well, me.
He left better than he came in, at least. The fever was gone and the open poxmarks were healed over, but he’ll have scars all down his arms for the rest of his life. Anders would have had him looking fresher than a newborn babe and sent him off with a lolly. 
He’ll live. Why am I not satisfied?
1st Cloudreach. Cold
I didn’t want him to just live. I wanted him to be as he was before this sickness touched him, healthy and whole and without the memories of all the pain. 
Funny. You’d think I’d have learned by now. If six years of friendship with Fenris has taught me nothing else, the memories make you who you are.
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legendaryrecipes · 3 years
Alfa Romeo Alfetta Gtv
Alfa Romeo Alfetta Gtv. We also want to list all factory "speciale editions" owners and figures. Running a new Bosch fuel injection system, the.
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Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV GTV6 For Sale (Micheal Martinez)
We also want to list all factory "speciale editions" owners and figures. My Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV accelerating on first gear. The Alfetta, in both coupe and sedan form, introduced the world to Alfa Romeo's famous deDion platform.
Running a new Bosch fuel injection system, the.
Mine was a Dijon mustard colour.
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Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV 2000 (1977) for Sale – Classic Trader
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Alfa Romeo Alfetta GT/GTV: Buyers' Guide
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1980 Alfa Romeo Alfetta – GTV 2000 coupé | Classic Driver …
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ALFA ROMEO Alfetta GTV – 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 …
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Alfa Romeo Alfetta – Wikipedia
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1976 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV 2000 – CarsAddiction.com
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My Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV accelerating on first gear. The Alfetta, in both coupe and sedan form, introduced the world to Alfa Romeo's famous deDion platform. Grootste aanbod Alfa Romeo GTV occasions uit Nederland.
The post Alfa Romeo Alfetta Gtv appeared first on Cars Image.
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ciaranchristie · 7 years
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What inspires you? What is the spark that lights the fire of creativity? #alfaromeo #gtv6 #dedion #isabella #balance #petrol #design #giugiaro #3hreebees #sicviresco
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wetsteve3 · 4 years
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1899 DeDion Bouton Trike
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alvaromatias1000 · 4 years
Honda Fit 2015: versões, motor, consumo, detalhes, ficha técnica
O Honda Fit 2015 chegou como a terceira geração do monovolume japonês, sendo fabricado igualmente em Sumaré, interior de São Paulo, como às duas gerações anteriores. É irmãos do Honda City.
O compacto da Honda manteve o estilo, porém, em uma carroceria mais volumosa, leve e segurança, com aproveitamento de espaço exemplar como sempre, ainda mais com a preservação do sistema modular ULTraSeat no banco traseiro.
Com linhas aerodinâmicas, o Fit 2015 adotou novamente o câmbio CVT, que havia chegado com a primeira geração em 2003, porém, aquela era da Jatco e com “embreagem de partida”. A nova tinha conversor de torque.
A mudança foi feita para trazer de volta a eficiência energética do primeiro Fit, perdida na segunda geração com o uso de um câmbio automático de cinco marchas e também com conversor de torque.
O Novo Fit da terceira geração trouxe uma frente ainda bem próxima da anterior, mantendo também as vigias nas colunas A, bem como acrescentando portas com maior ângulo de abertura e porta-malas maior. Ele divide com o Honda WR-V.
Com rodar ainda mais macio que o anterior, o Honda Fit 2015 adicionou também linhas expressivas nas laterais em forma de vincos sulcados e lanternas compactas com prolongamentos verticais.
Nesse design do Fit, a Honda pecou em manter o para-choque original traseiro, que era bem rente à tampa do bagageiro, item criticado pelo NA à ocasião e que só foi corrigido na atualização da linha 2018.
O problema era que em caso de um pequeno impacto traseiro, a tampa do bagageiro poderia também se danificar, dado que ambas eram bem rentes, com a diferença de apenas uns 2 cm.
Na atualização de 2018, dos 9 cm a mais que o Fit ganhou, 7 cm foram para o para-choque traseiro. Com área envidraçada mais ampla, o Honda Fit continuou com um habitáculo bem racional e prático, sem luxo ou pretensão a isso.
O interessante do Fit é que os itens básicos de operação do condutor permanecem nos mesmos locais, facilitando assim a adaptabilidade em troca de veículos, passando de uma geração para outra e mantendo assim a fidelidade ao produto.
A modularidade do Honda Fit de terceira geração permitia que os bancos dianteiros se fundissem com o traseiro, criando assim duas camas. Além disso, o sistema ULTraSeat concedia ingresso de objetos altos ou compridos demais no interior.
Nesses dois casos, os bancos tinham papel fundamental para quem precisasse de espaço ocasionalmente. No caso da cama, os dois bancos precisavam ser avançados, retirando-se então os apoios de cabeça e deitando os encostos.
Quando estes se encaixavam no assento traseiro, duas camas ou dois assentos com apoios horizontais para as pernas, estavam formados. Isso era bom para pernoitar ou simplesmente descansar em caso de necessidade.
No Japão, muita gente dorme em carros após um terremoto forte, visto que as casas ainda são consideradas inseguras até passar o período de calamidade. Aqui, normalmente são as enchentes ou calamidades públicas que têm efeito parecido.
Já o ULTraSeat permite levar objetos altos no lugar do banco traseiro, bastante puxar o assento para cima, empurrando o pé retrátil para travá-lo no encosto. Para ampliar o porta-malas, basta rebater o encosto, que o assento descerá.
Dessa forma, cria-se uma plataforma quase plana para encher de bagagem. Com o encosto do passageiro dianteiro rebatido, pode-se colocar uma prancha, bicicleta e até um caiaque no espaço com o banco traseiro rebatido.
Além da boa ergonomia e versatilidade do interior, o Honda Fit 2015 tinha ainda o confiável motor L15A 1.5 i-VTEC FlexOne com 115 cavalos na gasolina e 116 cavalos no etanol.
O mesmo da geração anterior e também com pré-aquecimento do combustível para partida a frio no álcool, o L15A dá um desempenho bom para a proposta do Fit. Esse modelo ainda manteve um sistema de áudio apenas com Bluetooth e USB.
O CD player ainda se manteve, mas a tela de 5 polegadas com câmara de ré já indicava o caminho para a central de entretenimento. A Honda era lenta em responder ao avanço do uso de infotainment.
Melhor de andar e ainda mais frugal, o Honda Fit evoluiu bem, mas sem apresentar grandes inovações de uma geração para outra. Nascido em 2001, o modelo rapidamente se tornou o mais vendido do Japão.
Quando apareceu, estreou uma nova plataforma, que chamava atenção por ter tanque central, de modo a oferecer espaço sob o banco traseiro para o sistema ULT.
Além disso, tinha o motor L13A com bloco estreito, criado para caber num cofre pequeno. Ele tinha ainda oito velas, sendo duas por cilindro, mas não dispunha de sistema VTEC, já que seu cabeçote tinha de ser estreito e com oito válvulas.
O câmbio CVT usava um conjunto de discos banhados a óleo para fornecer tração entre a transmissão continuamente variável – quatro polias variáveis (duas maiores e duas menores) e duas cintas de aço – e o diferencial.
Isso reduzia enormemente a perda de um conversor de torque e tornava-o mais econômico que o manual. Tinha ainda refrigeração selada até 140.000 km, troca de óleo do CVT a cada 40.000 km e injeção multiponto.
A bateria era fraca, com apenas 35 amperes, mas a direção era elétrica. Com os modos S (Sport) e L (Low), podia ir mais rápido e suprir força extra para subidas bem íngremes ou aclives acentuados.
Estas características, exceto do motor (e câmbio da segunda), foram passadas de geração a geração, até o Honda Fit 2015. No Japão, o Fit 2001 tinha tração AWD com suspensão DeDion, um conceito antigo, mas funcional.
O CVT do motor 1.5 tinha sete posições de marcha, mudadas manualmente no volante. Na geração seguinte, o Fit cresceu em volume e ganhou versão híbrida no Japão, com baterias sob o bagageiro, mantendo o ULT.
Teve ainda uma variante 100% elétrica e aqui, manteve dois motores inicialmente, com o novo L13A i-VTEC 16V de 101 cavalos e o 1.5 i-VTEC de até 116 cavalos, que tomaram o lugar dos 1.3 i-DSi de 80 cavalos e 1.5 VTEC com 100 cavalos.
Essa geração ampliou bem o espaço interno e trouxe um câmbio automático de 5 marchas, além de eliminar o sistema flex com tanquinho, herdado da primeira geração, que tinha também uma portinhola de abastecimento frontal.
Após o Honda Fit 2015, o modelo atualizou-se em 2018, admitindo multimídia, Android Auto e CarPlay, GPS, seis airbags, controles de tração e estabilidade, assistente de partida em rampa e até versão personalizável.
Agora, espera-se pela chegada da nova geração em 2021, que pode trazer o motor L10B com turbo e injeção direta, entregando de 127 a 130 cavalos ou o L15B 1.5 com 120 cavalos ou 1.5 Earth Dream (injeção direta) com 130 cavalos.
Honda Fit 2015 – detalhes
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O Honda Fit 2015 tem uma carroceria volumosa e aerodinâmica, com para-brisa longo e colunas A bem inclinadas, tendo capô curto e inclinado, onde está uma frente com faróis grandes e retangulares, mas cortados no lado interno.
Eles apresentavam lanternas e repetidores de direção internos. Também havia a grade com acabamento cromado na parte superior, onde ficava o logotipo da Honda, enquanto a parte inferior era em preto brilhante nas versões EX e EXL.
O para-choque tinha vincos acentuados e molduras laterais em cor cinza com faróis de neblina circulares a partir da versão EX, além de apliques pretos e grade inferior central com acabamento preto.
Os retrovisores compactos tinham repetidores de direção nas versões EX e EXL, além de pintura na cor do carro, exceto a DX. Nas laterais, vincos pronunciados e maçanetas na cor do carro. As colunas B e C são em preto.
No teto, apenas antena pronunciada na parte traseira. Já a tampa do bagageiro é ampla e tem vigia com desembaçador, limpador e lavador. As lanternas compactas têm lentes prolongadas ao lado da vigia.
Na base da vigia, uma moldura preta com logotipo da Honda. Já o para-choque traseiro tinha duas molduras laterais e era bem rente à carroceria, quase que desaparecendo no desenho do conjunto.
As rodas de liga leve aro 16 polegadas se apresentava com acabamento diamantado e preto, tendo pneus 185/55 R16, além de rodas de aço com calotas na versão DX.
Por dentro, o Honda Fit 2015 tem um painel moderno, com acabamento preto, embora com teto e colunas em cinza claro. O painel tinha difusores de ar retangulares com detalhes prateados apenas nas versões EX e EXL.
O cluster era analógico com conta-giros, velocímetro e display digital com nível de combustível e computador de bordo, além de econômetro. Com modo Econ automático, o aro do medidor de velocidade fica azul ou verde.
Isso varia de acordo com o desempenho do veículo, indicando menos eficiência no primeiro e mais economia no segundo. O volante tem ajuste em altura e profundidade, com acabamento em couro a partir da EX.
Ele vem ainda com comandos de mídia e telefonia, além de piloto automático. Outro ponto de destaque da direção é o acabamento com detalhes em preto brilhante e prata.
Ao centro, o painel tem acabamento em preto brilhante nas versões EX e EXL, sendo preto fosco nas demais. Nas versões LX e EX, um sistema de áuido 2din tem CD player, além de Bluetooth. Há também conexão USB e auxiliar.
Na EXL, contudo, o dispositivo tem uma tela de 5 polegadas e mais comandos físicos, embora o display seja touchscreen, tendo ainda câmera de ré. O ar condicionado é manual e tem acabamento cromado.
Logo abaixo ficam os conectores já mencionados e mais a fonte de 12V, tendo ainda porta-copos e base do seletor de marchas em prata e preto brilhante. Este vem com as posições R (Ré), D (Drive), N (Neutro), S (Sport) e L (Low).
O pomo tinha acabamento cinza escuro, assim como a alavanca do freio de estacionamento manual. O porta-luvas tem um bom tamanho, mas sem iluminação ou refrigeração. As portas tinham detalhes em preto brilhante e prata nas EX e EXL.
Elas ainda tinham acabamento em tecido nas versões DX e LX, enquanto EX e EXL eram em couro, tendo ainda alto-falantes, porta-copos e garrafas, bem como comandos dos vidros elétricos, retrovisores e travas no motorista (one touch).
O banco do motorista tem ajuste em altura, enquanto os assentos são revestidos em tecido nas versões DX e LX, tendo couro nas EX e EXL. Os apois de cabeça são removíveis, tendo ainda cintos de segurança de 3 pontos e Isofix atrás.
O banco traseiro é bipartido com sistema ULTraSeat. Há luzes de leitura na frente, bem como iluminação central. Os para-sois possuem espelhos sem iluminação e o retrovisor interno é dia e noite.
Já o porta-malas tem 363 litros com iluminação (exceto DX), ganchos para amarração de bagagem e revestimento do assoalho em carpete, assim como travamento da tampa na chave-canivete (exceto DX e LX).
Honda Fit 2015 – versões
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Honda Fit DX MT
Honda Fit DX CVT
Honda Fit LX MT
Honda Fit LX CVT
Honda Fit EX CVT
Honda Fit EXL CVT
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Honda Fit DX MT – Motor 1.5 e transmissão manual de cinco marchas, ar condicionado, direção elétrica, coluna de direção regulável em altura e profundidade, vidros elétricos nas quatro portas, travamento central elétrico, retrovisores com ajustes elétricos, rodas de aço aro 16 polegadas, pneus 185/55 R16, retrovisor interno dia e noite, luzes de leitura, alças no teto, para-choques na cor do carro, maçanetas na cor do carro, calotas nas rodas, antena no teto, preparação para som com quatro alto-falantes, chave com telecomando, banco do motorista com ajuste em altura, cobertura da tampa do porta-malas, apoio de cabeça para todos, desembaçador, limpador e lavador, cintos de 3 pontos para todos, freios com ABS e EDB, airbag duplo, entre outros.
Honda Fit DX CVT – Itens acima, acrescentando transmissão automática CVT.
Honda Fit LX MT – Itens acima, adicionando rodas de liga leve, retrovisores na cor do carro, vidro elétrico com one touch para o motorista, porta-malas iluminado, banco traseiro bipartido, sistema ULTraSeat, sistema de áudio com CD player, USB, Bluetooth, alarme, entre outros.
Honda Fit LX CVT – Itens acima, acrescentando transmissão automática CVT.
Honda Fit EX CVT – Itens acima, além de sistema de áudio com tela de 5 polegadas, volante multifuncional, câmera de ré, grade com detalhes em preto brilhante, chave-canivete, porta-revista atrás do encosto do passageiro e faróis de neblina.
Honda Fit EXL CVT – Itens acima, com volante em couro, alavanca de câmbio em couro,  cluster comutador de bordo completo, iluminação azul do painel, retrovisores com repetidores de direção, maçanetas e detalhes cromados, bancos revestidos em couro, piloto automático e airbags laterais.
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Honda Fit DX MT – R$ 49.900
Honda Fit DX CVT – R$ 54.500
Honda Fit LX MT – R$ 54.200
Honda Fit LX CVT – R$ 58.800
Honda Fit EX CVT – R$ 62.900
Honda Fit EXL CVT – R$ 65.900
Honda Fit 2015 – motor
O motor L15A do Honda Fit 2015 faz parte de uma linhagem de motores da marca japonesa, nascida em 2001. Esta gama é bem extensa e basicamente possuía variantes 1.2, 1.3 e 1.5, sendo que apenas as duas últimas vieram ao Brasil.
Tanto com cabeçote de 8V (i-DSI) e 16V (SOHC i-VTEC), o propulsor da Honda teve versões 1.3 no primeiro caso e 1.3/1.5 no segundo, com o Fit portando duas variantes na primeira geração e duas na segunda, com a terceira mantendo o 1.5.
No Brasil, ainda existem mais três variantes do motor L da Honda, só que bem mais modernas, equipadas com turbo e injeção direta, sendo estes 1.5 e montados nos modelos Civic Touring, Civic Si, CR-V e HR-V Touring.
No Honda Fit 2015, o L15A é o ainda utilizado no modelo, assim como nos modelos City e WR-V. Ele é construído em alumínio (bloco e cabeçote), tendo 16V, mas com comando único (SOHC) i-VTEC com variação de abertura e fechamento.
Esta tecnologia da Honda, oriunda das pistas da Fórmula 1 nos anos 80 e 90, permite que o L15A trabalhe com o melhor regime em baixa ou alta rotação, chegando mesmo a operar apenas como um 8V em baixa e com 16V em alta.
Com 1.496 cm3, o 1.5 i-VTEC do Honda Fit entrega 115 cavalos no derivado de petróleo e 116 cavalos com combustível vegetal, a 6.300 rpm. O torque é de 14,8 kgfm a 4.800 rpm. De lá para cá, ele ainda ganhou mais torque em 2018.
Sua transmissão manual de cinco marchas com embreagem de acionamento hidráulico só está disponível na versão DX, com as demais empregando o câmbio CVT com relações infinitas em três estágios variáveis.
O primeiro é o Drive, que consiste em empregar as três relações variáveis no dia a dia. A Sport limita o sistema em apenas duas, sendo estas mais curtas para manter o giro alto e melhorar a resposta. A Low é a mais curta para subidas e descidas.
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Honda Fit 1.5 MT – 11 segundos e 175 km/h
Honda Fit 1.5 AT – 12 segundos e 172 km/h
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Honda Fit 1.5 MT – 8,3/9,5 km/l e 11,6/13,6 km/l
Honda Fit 1.5 AT – 8,3/9,9 km/l e 12,3/14,1 km/l
Honda Fit 2015 – manutenção e revisão
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Revisão 10.000 km 20.000 km 30.000 km 40.000 km 50.000 km 60.000 km Total 1.5 R$ 346,78 R$ 521,79 R$ 570,78 R$ 1.976,95 R$ 570,78 R$ 1.551,03 R$ 5.538,11
Honda Fit 2015 – ficha técnica
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Motor 1.5 Tipo Número de cilindros 4 em linha Cilindrada em cm3 1496 Válvulas 16 Taxa de compressão 10,4:1 Injeção eletrônica Indireta Flex Potência máxima 115/116 cv a 6.000 rpm (gasolina/etanol) Torque máximo 14,8 kgfm a 4.800 rpm (gasolina/etanol) Transmissão Tipo Manual de 5 marchas ou CVT Tração Tipo Dianteira Direção Tipo Elétrica Freios Tipo Discos dianteiros e tambores traseiros Suspensão Dianteira McPherson Traseira Eixo de torção Rodas e Pneus Rodas Liga leve, aro 16 polegadas Pneus 185/55 R16 Dimensões Comprimento (mm) 3.997 Largura (mm) 1.695 Altura (mm) 1.535 Entre eixos (mm) 2.530 Capacidades Porta-malas (L) 363 Tanque de combustível (L) 45 Carga (Kg) 460 (MT) 419 (AT) Peso em ordem de marcha (Kg) 1.060 (MT) 1.101 (AT) Coeficiente aerodinâmico (cx) 0,32
Honda Fit 2015 – fotos
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© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Honda Fit 2015: versões, motor, consumo, detalhes, ficha técnica é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Honda Fit 2015: versões, motor, consumo, detalhes, ficha técnica publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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oldnewyorkpictures · 6 years
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Double-decker motor omnibus Motoring down Fifth Avenue New York City, 1905, colorized It doesn’t look very sturdy or comfortable. And an awful lot of people seem packed into that upper deck. But if you needed to travel along Fifth Avenue between Washington Square and 59th Street in the early 1900s, this was your mode of transportation. New York was the first city to use “motor omnibuses” for public transit, and the earliest fleet hit the streets in 1902, according to The Wheels That Drove New York. In 1905, the Fifth Avenue Coach Company invested in 15 French DeDion Bouton double deckers, like the one in the postcard. Motor buses for commuters were a hit, and even sightseeing buses popped up, the precursors to today’s big red tourist haulers. Within a few years, Fifth Avenue’s horse-drawn omnibuses were history. https://ephemeralnewyork.wordpress.com/2016/06/27/an-early-city-bus-motors-down-fifth-avenue/
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collectioncar-blog · 7 years
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1957 Lotus, 11
125000.00 USD
The Eleven was designed by Colin Chapman and fitted with a sleek body designed by aerodynamicist Frank Costin. Its top version, dubbed Le Mans, was generally fitted with a 1100cc Coventry Climax FWA engine and occasionally with a 1500cc Coventry Climax FWA engine mounted in the front of a tubular space frame and featured a DeDion rear axle and Girling disc brakes. Fully loade ..
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