#deep down he doesn't want to let them go forever. thankfully they don't plan on ever leaving him actually
arttsuka · 4 months
oooh the mer au with marine biologist spock is funny tho.
imagine if he's been trying to release the two back to the ocean for a long time now, after he rescued them from a net and patches up any injuries they have, but then they just keep coming back no matter how many times he sets them free 😂
Spock: *opens his door to see mer mccoy and mer kirk laying on his doorstep, flapping their tails idly*
"You two appear to have returned back to this location despite all attempts at release. For the fifteenth time, according to my records."
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Poor Spock, he just wants to continue his research
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kinmokusei-stars · 3 months
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I've had these two planned for ages, and they're pretty relevant characters to Kouko's past, so let me introduce you to Sakura and Toshii! It's a simple drawing, but I just needed a small reference for them! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
(Long description below, beware LMAO)
Remember how in that one drawing of anger-era Kouko, I mentioned a close friend dragged her out of her blind rage and taught her everything she knows about how to stay mellow? That guy was Sakura, a sleepy wandering monk just a couple years older than her, who ended up becoming a travelling partner of hers!
And a character who hasn't been mentioned much yet, is Toshii! The second travelling partner she had, and a skilled archer and hide trader. These two and Kouko were a travelling party for a long while there, taking on odd jobs to earn a living and picking up life skills along the way. Their time together only ended after a rift formed between two of them that Sakura couldn't mend.
They all became friends when Kouko was seeking training and vegence, with Sakura being the one to offer her to come with him and Toshii, who were already a duo. He was mostly going around helping with fighting aggressive demons and assisting with healing, while Toshii was learning quickly how to survive on the road and becoming skilled at archery and hunting. They were essentially an inseparable trio for ages, with Sakura being a supportive older brother figure, and Toshii and Kouko being a pair.
Sakura helped Kouko rein in her anger and taught her how to handle it in a more productive way, channeling it through physical training to grow stronger, and hobbies like cooking and refining her swordfighting. When he got too tired to walk (which was more often then you'd think), once Kouko got strong enough, she'd carry him on her back, piggyback style.
And Toshii was actually Kouko's first love. Toshii brought a positive spontaneity into her life and her playful mischievousness balanced out Kouko well in the somber time she was in. They were young and smitten for a while there. They'd play wrestle and throw silly jabs at eachother, but they couldn't last forever, and after a realization about Toshii's true identity, Kouko lashed out and broke things off immediately. Her and the two went their seperate ways, even if Sakura did his best to ease her mind and keep the group together, the damage was already done, and it was an extremely deep betrayal.
Nowadays, they don't run into eachother often, but Kouko thinks fondly of Sakura and holds nothing against him. And though she's settled down in the recent years, there's a lingering bitterness she feels to Toshii for lying to her.
When they do run into eachother, Sakura and Kouko hit it off like nothing happened, and she happily carries him on her back when he starts to doze off, with much more ease than before. He never stopped being her brother figure LMAO
She doesn't speak to Toshii. And even if Toshii respects her boundary, she's admittedly still hung up on her, especially seeing that nowadays Kouko is much more confident and happy then she was when they were together.
They eventually make up, but that's WAY down the line. They become friends again once they finally sit down and overcome their past problems. (Even if Toshii admittedly would have some, thankfully lighthearted, beef with Inuyasha.) Kouko doesn't have any romantic feelings for her by then, but she's finally able to look back on their past without the bitterness that hung over it, and they can be a friendly trio again, even if they're not with eachother all the time like they were before.
They're mostly side characters, but they're still relevant enough that I wanted to share them! Especially because I love Toshii's design so much LMAO I had a clear vision for her from the start. (๑˘︶˘๑) I likely won't draw these two often, but they might pop up from time to time! I have a silly drawing including Sakura I'll either post tonight or tomorrow!
(This description was a behemoth, it was such a pain LOL I might go back through and try to edit a tiny bit more after a bit)
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oddyssey77 · 5 months
Van Gogh - Nico
POV Nico Di Angelo
"Are you alright?" Percy asks as I kick away the HSS box.
"Y... Yeah... I think so," I reply shuffling around a bit. "How about you?"
"I'll be fine." he says begrudgingly. I could tell he had been crying but so had I so I don't mention anything. He looks over at me and softens up a bit, "I saw Tartarus, the council and a memory from when I was a kid."
I wanted to ask what that memory was but I assume he left it out for a reason. Then he asks the question I had been hoping he wouldn't
"What did you see?" 
I grit my teeth
"Tartarus, Bianca and when we were in the labyrinth." I hope that Percy doesn't detect that I had lied about all three of those things and thankfully he doesn't.
I look around and we are still on the hill tied to the rocks except Eurityion is nowhere to be seen. Percy looks down at the schedule and turns his head to mine. 
"I think this is our break time," he says unsurely.
"Great," I say sarcastically, "I am so glad Hades was generous enough to give me twenty minutes off before I get killed." 
I shut my mouth instantly, cursing myself for nearly revealing my secret to Percy
"Come on Nico, you aren't gonna get killed. The worst they'll do is cut off some fingers. It'll hurt like hell but you'll be okay." he reassures me kindly but it doesn't work. 
He begins to look around as if he thinks there is a way for us to escape. I fidget with my ears protectively as I wonder what my father is thinking about right now. I try and ignore the hurt I am feeling. "How could he let this happen to me." I think to myself
"It hurts doesn't it" a familiar voice recites to me.
"I can make it hurt forever." I want to run but I remain chained to this stupid rock.
"Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, Welcome to the game." My mind is transported back to the vision of the tunnel with the golden doors with the insignia on it. It has been worn away and scratched off but it still looked familiar. 
I walk into the room to find a trashed office with desks turned over and blueprint plans scattered across the bronze floor. It looks like a bomb went off in here. In the center of the room there is a hole going deep into the ground. There are creepy vines covering the interior and I know that in movies, creepy vines usually attack you.
"You are in my house now." a shiver rolled down my spine
"And you will remain here eternally. For this is your reckoning."
I open my eyes to find Percy shaking me, trying to wake me up from whatever trance that had been. I decided to tell him about my vision, but not the voice. Something about that voice made me feel like I was in danger. Not Percy, not Will. Me.
"Heya fellas," Eurytion calls as he staggered up the summit of the hill.
"Here comes the rancher from hell," Percy mutters, making me chuckle a bit.
"Are you guys ready for period two?" Eurityion says menacingly then he looks over to me. "I hear this one's got a sharper edge than HSS."
I shudder. I normally wouldn't be afraid of this but I knew that I was going to die, leaving Percy on his own down here. I am not even too sure what will happen if I die. I mean, I am already in the Underworld so am I just going to end up right back where I am now, or go to Elysium, or go to Asphodel or would I remain an ambassador for Hades, just as a ghost instead? 
I think it's the not knowing that scares me most. It almost makes me feel mortal. Almost.
Then a queer thing happens. Eurytion's face begins to become mushy and squishy, like it was melting somehow. Next, his face begins to reform, but not one face two. The same thing starts to happen to the rest of him; the melting the reforming as duplicates. All the way until there is two Eurytions standing before us. 
"You might wanna get that checked out," Percy tells them.
"Or maybe you should," the left one replies, "Because I am like a cancer. I will multiply and grow until I kill you. "
"You're comparing yourself to cancer?" I ask quizzically.
"Cancer is one of the star gods," the right one corrects me, "I am a cancer."
"Three guesses what kind of cancer," Percy mutters to me. I laugh and the Eurytions lose their patience. 
One of them marches over to me and begins to push my rocks closer and closer to the cliff's edge. Once I get over how confused I am by his ability to move the impossible Andromeda rocks, I begin to try and fight it, try to stop him.  The other one begins pushing Percy and his rocks as well and I reach for Percy's hand. I stick my arm out as far as I can, eventually getting a grip on Percy. We try to use our combined force to knock the Eurytions off of us. 
But no matter how hard we try, they just keep pushing. We are only inches away now and we're no longer holding hands for tactical reasons. Then it happens, I lose grip of Percy and feel utterly weightless as I descend toward the foot of the cliff, still chained to the stupid rocks.
Crash! I feel myself fall onto a stack of sand bags in the back of a pick-up truck. I begin to lose consciousness from the fall as I hear the truck begin driving. 
I black out. 
I open my eyes to find myself not in a truck driving through the underworld, instead I am trapped in a memory. One of my HSS memories that had been haunting me for the past year. It was the incident. The one that put Travis Stoll in a wheelchair.
I am sitting on my obsidian bed in cabin 13 and I am filled with a cloud of emotions that I can't even define. I look around and everything is black; the tables, thee ornaments, the decorations, the statues and the walls, it is all dark as nightshade. I feel my head sink into my palms as my eyes swell with tears.
"Nico Di Angelo, right?" a voice says from behind me 
"Yeah," I say, wiping away tears, "Yeah, that's me, I've only lived here for seven months." he ignores my sarcasm however, and instead he focuses on my sadness.
"Are you alright?" the boy says, sounding worried but not very empathetic. I turn to face the kid.
It is Travis Stoll.
I want to reply but my mind is still drowning on thoughts of my life. My life that I hate. I am thinking about who my father is and what that has made me. 
Then I break.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I am perfect right now. But it isn't like you should care anyway. I've heard what they say about me. Everybody either hates me, avoids me, or fears me. So yeah I'm okay."
"Listen, I..." but I cut him off
"Death Boy. Ghost King. Skeleton Summoner. Ambassador to Hades and NOTHING ELSE! That's all they see in me. I've been an outsider all my life! And somehow after all I've done no one even cares to talk to me!"
Before Travis could reply, I find that I have been shadow travelled down to the underworld. At the foot of my father's throne. 
"Stop, Nico. You're embarrassing me." Hades tells me, his voice echoing through the palace, "You're making a mistake."
"I've made no mistake father. What I speak is the truth!"
"I DON'T CARE!" he bellows. "I allowed you to reside in that camp on the sole condition that you would stay out of trouble so end this silly tantrum this once!" 
I open my mouth to shout back at him but I don't get the chance because the next thing I know I am back in my cabin with Travis no longer standing in front of me. I reach out my arm, summoning my stygian iron blade. My heart beats rapidly as I stand myself up and take a good look at the statue of Hades in the center of the cabin.
The top half of the statue smashes to the floor creating a crashing noise that echoed across the whole camp. I hear footsteps rushing to my front door but I am not going to let anyone see me like this.
I strain myself as I try desperately to gain control over my cabin.
was the sound of the door frame collapsing in on itself, blocking everyone out. 
I am yelling as I reduce everything at my disposal to nothing. The only fraction of my room that has managed to avoid this state of destruction is my framed photo of Bianca.
Then, through the cracks of the broken door, a light so bright shines in, blinding me. The whole front door crumbles because hallowed obsidian is not designed to withstand light as it is formed in the Underworld.
I catch a glimpse of Will Solace standing in front of all the Apollo campers who collectively shone my door down. Percy and Travis rush into the room. In one final attempt to keep them out I throw my sword downward, into the floor of the room, creating a crevasse dividing the room in two. 
But the crevasse was too wide. And Travis couldn't stop in time. He fell right into the chasm and I hear him yelp in pain when he hits the bottom. Percy looks down the hole then looks back up at me resentfully. He no longer wants to make sure I am alright.
My father took me to the underworld that day and kept me there all the way up until the festival which was my first day out.
-End of Flashback.
"Get off me!" I yell as Eurytion drags me toward the operating table. I wrestle against him but it is no use. I look around, in search of Percy but I don't expect to see him anywhere. He will be going to the Poison Maze, not the dismemberment table.
The table is a large slab of rock equipped with surgical equipment and chains. I'm going to be brutally honest; it did not look fun. Eurytion goes to punch me but I roll out of the way and kick him in the shins. I try to find an exit but somehow, this room doesn't have any.
"You're going to regret that!" he bellows, charging after me.
"You're going to regret trying to torture a child of Hades!" My sword appears in my hand and I go to stab Eurytion with it.
Eurytion is strong but he is no match for me and he knows it. I am not the scared 11 year-old kid who appeared on his ranch anymore. I am about to completely overpower him when a force starts ringing in my ears, a chill runs down my spine. I know the feeling. It is the presence of Hades.
My stygian iron sword that has served me for years crumbles to a million pieces. My father had disarmed me, leaving me defenseless against this rancher. He lunges forward and I back away nervously. I forget to look where I am going and bump right into the surgical table.
I fall backwards landing right onto the surface of it. I try and roll off in time but this table wasn't made from any old rock. It was also made from the rocks of Princess Andromeda. Chains begin to strangle my wrists and ankles and Eurytion flashes me a wild grin. 
"You're making this easy for me kid." he says with a look of anticipation in his eyes that scares me. He equips himself with a large knife and walks over to me. I try and hide myself away from his blade but he grasps my palm with his huge, leathery hands and holds up the knife.
My mind is momentarily transported to the hardest memory of my life. I am drowning in pitch dark water. Bubbles flying out of my mouth. Water filled my 11 year old lungs and I feel a terrible curse stabbing all over me. All except my ears. But It was only a three second glimpse of the memory and I quickly returned to reality
I look down at my hand to examine whether or not any of my fingers were harmed but I already knew what I would see. My serious lack of pain already said it all. My fingers remained. But that only made me more nervous.
"How... is that possible??" Eurytion says, massively perplexed. I stay silent.
I am back drowning again for another few seconds. I feel the same power controlling me. I breach the surface and see a tall figure looming over me. The original ghost king, Minos. 
Once again, Eurytion's knife fails to affect me. He tried stabbing it and slicing it all over my body hundreds of times more but nothing ever happens.
"UGH!" he grunts and slams the sword into the table like Excalibur, "You little runt! What magic is at work here!"
Once again, I remain silent. But I am happy to know that he is giving up which means I may not be killed after all. He is frustrated but seems to get an idea. He leans down to the ground and retrieves one of the shattered pieces of my recently murdered sword.
I try and wrestle free before he attempts to use it on me but the chains remain as tight as ever. He goes for my fingers again and this time he finds some success in his efforts. I feel a pain attack me as a small cut appeared on my finger and it began to bleed. 
Eurytion tried to force it down further, to hopefully completely remove the finger but the cut does not get any deeper. The curse resisted. He went back to his ways of trying all over my body, this time leaving small bleeding slits everywhere. 
Finally, moments before he gives up, he looks me in the eyes, he scans my whole face and an idea seems to appear in his mind. He doesn't seem too confident in this plan, but it seems more like a last resort more than anything else.
He brings the shard of stygian iron right up to my face and begins to trace my left ear with the point of the shard. I wince, preparing myself for what is coming. I think about my life and all of my failings and successes.
I think about Will and how he and I never got a chance. I think about all of my friends; Hazel, Rey-
"OWWWW" I yell in endless pain as my left ear comes clean off, with no resistance like the rest of my body. The pain is crippling me and I catch a glimpse of the doors of death but I am pulled back in some way. As if there is something still holding me to my life. And then I realise. It is my other ear.
"That was fun," Eurytion relishes this moment maniacally, proud in the fact that he has finally found some success. He goes for my right ear and this time, despite the pain still enveloping me, I fight back. I try and use the chains to hit him and actually get a couple lashes in.
But he pulls a chord from beneath the table and I feel the chains tighten leaving me no longer with that advantage. He raises his arm but is stopped abruptly by a voice speaking into the room somehow. A voice I knew. My father's voice
Don't touch the boy! We want him alive! And if you remove both of his ears HE WILL DIE!
"But why, sir?" Eurytion asks respectfully.
Because, you idiot, he bears a curse. And not just any curse, No, this one is special. Nico Di Angelo bears the Curse Of Achilles. 
This chapter is dedicated to Reggie.
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mccall-muffin · 2 years
Love vs. Hate - Part 22 // Joe Liebgott x OC
Summary: While Liv has to recover from her being hit, another Patrol is planned and First Platoon is leading it. The war takes more and more its toll on Liv's mental as well as physical strength.
Warnings: Language, War wounds, slight Angst
A/N: These chapters are really hard to write tbh. Takes its toll on me too ;) And sorry Babe!
Here is my Masterlist
Tags: @brassknucklespeirs, @liebgotts-lovergirl, @lieutenant-speirs
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My head hurts. It feels like my brain is pulsating against the top of my skull. What happened? Slowly I try to open my eyes. Something is blocking my left eye, but I don't know what it is. When I finally open at least my right eye entirely and my left a little, the sun blinds me. Damn, how long have I been gone? Carefully I try to sit up, but now the pain spreads from my head to my whole body. Groaning, I sit on the floor and grab my head with my hand but immediately jerk back as a sharp pain jolts through my cheek. "Fuck," I grumble to myself.
Then it all comes back to me. We were attacked. I was going to join Joe and Alley in the foxhole, but... Something went wrong. I quickly push off the coat lying on me and examine my pants, but nothing is on them. However, when I run over my legs, I feel the wounds. "Fuck, did someone take off my pants?" I ask myself. Only now do I look around. I am in the CP. "Fuck," I mutter again and sit down on the edge of the barrier. Now the headache has come back. I prop my head up in my right hand and rub my forehead. And then I am overcome by nausea. I stumble out of the foxhole, fall on my knees, bend over and vomit into the snow. The buzzing in my head doesn't get any better. I wipe my mouth and sit back down.
"Well, look who finally woke up," I hear a voice, but I don't look up. I know it's Winters. "How long was I gone?" I ask, caring little for formalities right now. The pain is too big for that. "About three hours. Another hour and we would have taken you away." Now I look up and look the captain in the eye. "Well, Merry Christmas to me. How bad is it?" I ask, and Winters presses his lips together. "Dick, please. How bad?" Dick lowers his gaze before picking up a mirror and holding it to me. Hesitantly, I take it and try to look at myself.
I swallow once. A thick stitched wound is emblazoned under my left eye. My whole left eye is blue and swollen, and there is still blood in my hair. My lip is also cracked, and I look like I've just been god-awful beaten up. "Jesus Christ," I mutter. "It'll get better, Liv," Winters assures me. "Thanks for the pep talk, Dick, but this..." I point to the wound. "Will never go away. God dammit!" Winters takes a deep breath and looks down at the floor. "These aren't my pants," I say then, and Dick looks me in the eyes again. "No, they're not." Questioningly, I look at him. "You had all sorts of shrapnel in your legs, Liv. Doc had to treat the wounds and stitch some up. Your pants were useless, so I got you new ones." "Doc changed me...?" I ask, looking down at myself. "Don't worry... Joe changed them.“ "In front of you?" Dick looks at me with amusement. "I know you don't think I'm stupid, Liv..." "It's okay. I'm sorry, Dick." "Here," he then says and throws me my flask. "This was in your pocket, along with that." He puts something in my hand. When I open it, it's my compass. The one I got from Don, Penk, and Skip. When I open it, it has a slight crack in it. "Thank you," I say thankfully and look at Dick.
"Okay, let's send someone to the boys and let them know you are awake." "Oh, that's not necessary. I can go myself..." "No," he interrupts me immediately. "I want you to stay back here for a while. Not forever, but certainly for a few more hours." "But..." "That's an order, Sergeant!" "Yes, sir," I say immediately, hanging my head. "Do you have a pen, Captain?" I then ask, and he looks up in confusion. "I just want to write a few words to Don and Joe, nothing more," I say, and Dick takes a pencil out of his breast pocket and tosses it to me. "Oh, and can you let Doc know that I need something for the pain?" "Sure."
Don's POV: I sit convulsively in my foxhole with Bill. My thoughts keep circling back to Liv. We still haven't heard anything, and it's been hours. I'm starting to get worried. Doc came to see us an hour ago and said they'll take her away if she doesn't wake up soon. I sincerely hope that does not happen. I can't go on without her. "She'll be fine, Malark. Don't worry," Bill says when he sees my worried look. "I hope so, Bill... I hope so."
Suddenly we hear footsteps behind us then I see Doc coming toward us. He crouches down to us and looks at me. "What's the matter Doc? Is something wrong with Liv?" I ask immediately. Doc looks me in the eye for a moment. "She woke up..." "What?! And how is she?" "She has a headache, probably a concussion, but that's to be expected. Winters is keeping her back for a few more hours so she can recover. I just went to see her and checked her out. I expect she'll be her old self in no time." Relief spreads through me. "See, what did I tell you?" says Bill, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Here, I'm supposed to give you this. Do you know where Liebgott is?" Eugene then asks, holding out a piece of paper to me while holding a second one in his hand. "I think he had to take a piss," Bill breathes, "Okay, give this to him when you see him, will you?" We nod, and I take the second piece of paper as well. "What is it?" asks Bill when Eugene has disappeared. "It's from Liv."
I'm fine! Don't die, or I will kill you! Love you -L
I have to smile at her words. It's just Liv. "And what does she say?" "That I shouldn't die." Behind Bill, I see Joe coming back. "Hey Joe," I call out to him, and he comes over to us. "What's up?" he asks immediately. He, too, is worried about Liv. "Liv woke up. Here, this is for you," I say and hold the note to him. I can see relief in his eyes before he takes the message and disappears into his foxhole.
Joe, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me. I hope to be back with you soon! Thank you for everything! Love, -L
Liv's POV: When Dick finally lets me rejoin the others after several hours, I feel the stares at me. My eye is still swollen, and the scar looks terrible.
"Liv," I hear someone call after me, and I turn around. It's Buck walking toward me. I notice him falter briefly when he sees me. "How are you?" For a moment, I just look at him. "Are you sure it's okay?" I nod, then bite my lip. "It has to be." For a moment, we stand there. "Where's Don?" I ask, and he points his head toward the front. "Thanks," I say, turning away. "Liv?" he calls after me, and I turn to face him. "Yeah?" "Good to have you back." I nod and then continue walking.
I quickly find Bill and Don's foxhole. They are both asleep, and I slide into the hole with them. Don wakes up immediately and looks at me. "Holy shit!" he curses, waking Bill up and taking me in his arms. "You don't know how glad I am that you're okay." I force myself to smile as he pulls away from me. "You must have gotten something there," Bill says with a smile, and you raise an eyebrow.
Don eyes me, then grins. "You look like shit." "Wow. Thanks, Don!" I say, unable to suppress a small smile. He puts an arm around my shoulders. "Come on, sweetheart. You know what I meant."
After a while, I look toward Joe and Ally's foxhole, but I can't spot Joe anywhere, so I turn back to Don and Bill. "Where's Joe?" I ask, looking at the two of them, who exchange a look. "Guys?" I ask again emphatically, already imagining the worst. "Winters called him into HQ as a runner. After you got hit, he couldn't think too clearly, and it all got a little too much for him."
I look at Don and let his words run through my head. "He'll probably be there for a few days," Bill now adds, and I nod. "Okay... I uh... I'll head to First Platoon, then," I mutter, climbing out of the foxhole. "Liv? Take care of yourself, okay?" I nod and then join the others.
I last saw Joe a few days ago. Dick kept him behind all the time, but at least he was safer there than at the front. Still, it hurts not to see him.
I received a few pills from Doc that should help if the headache gets too bad. However, he pointed out to me that I should only take them if they were unbearable since he doesn't have any more of them.
That's easier said than done because regularly, it feels like my skull is about to explode, and nausea overcomes me again and again.
January 1st, 1945 - Bastogne, Belgium
With folded arms, I stand leaning against the jeep and listen with half an ear. I don't believe all this holy crap anymore. The priest had just finished the service. "Fight well for God and your country. God bless you all. Stay safe." I snort in amusement and shake my head. "You're not much of a believer, are you?" asks Peacock, who has come to stand beside me. "Why should I, after God gave us all this?" "Point taken."
"That's it. Nothing to worry about. We die now; we die in a state of grace. Isn't that right, Babe?" Muck shouts, and I have to
I later round up the guys and explain everything about the planned patrol. "We go until we make contact."
"Peacock's leading," Bull mutters, looking over at Peacock. "That asshole couldn't find a snowball in a blizzard," George adds, and I look at them both. "Stop it now, George. He's not leading - I am," I say, and they both look at me. "Oh hey, Liv. You sure? We don't wanna screw up that pretty face any more than it already is." "Luz, just shut up, okay?"
"Sarge?" then Julian walks up to me. "Julian." "Let me be the lead scout." I exchange a quick glance with Johnny, who raises an eyebrow. "Back in line, private," he says, and I nod. "Move out. Tactical columns, men."
Behind us, I see Gene about to join the patrol, but I stop him. "Gene, it's a combat patrol. Why don't you stay back and keep out of trouble?" He looks at me for a moment, then nods. "Yes, sergeant." "Right. Move out. Go."
We walk silently in one direction for a while. Again and again, I exchange glances with Johnny, who seems as tense as I am. Suddenly, we hear gunfire aimed at us. "Fire! Get down! Get down!" I shout, and we take cover behind some logs. "Shit!" I quickly realize that one of our men is hit and completely caught in the crossfire.
"Johnny! We got a man down!" I call out to him and then see that Julian was shot in the neck but is still alive. "Fuck!" I curse. "What have we got?" shouts Johnny back over the noise. "Kid's down," I call, and he looks past me at the bleeding Julian. "We gotta make a move."
"I can get him, sarge," Babe calls out, lying on the floor in front of me. I nod at him. "Suppressing fire! Suppressing fire," I shout to the men.
Babe somehow tries to get to Julian, but the Krauts reopen fire every time he scrambles forward. "Stay there. Don't move. Stop moving, or they'll keep shooting," he shouts at his friend. "Babe, for fuck's sake!" I now yell at him, who keeps trying. "I can do this!" Babe assures me, but I see black.
"What's happening, Liv?" Johnny then calls out to me, and I give him a slightly exasperated look. I have the decision to make. "We're pulling back. We made contact," I then call out. "I gotta inform Peacock!" Babe's shocked look hits me as he hears my words. But then he turns back to Julian. "Don't move. Don't move, or they'll keep firing. Stop moving!" "God dammit!" I curse again as the fire doesn't diminish. I also fire again in the direction of the Germans.
"Fuck. Sarge, what--?" Babe then shouts, but I interrupt him. "Pull back! We gotta pull back!" Johnny nods and grabs the first soldier next to him. "Let's get the hell out of here! Let's go!"
"Come on, stay with us. Hold on! Stay with us! Look at me. Stay with us! Hold on," Babe still calls out to Julian, making no move to retreat. "Babe, move! Now!" I shout to him, but he ignores me.
"Don't move; we're coming back. We'll get you out of here. Hold on." Now I grab Babe by the collar and pull him to his feet. "Go. Let's go! On me, move! Come on, let's go." I push him in the direction of the others, and reluctantly he allows himself to be pushed. "Come on, Babe!"
"Where the hell are we?" shouts Johnny a little later, and I look around. "Straight ahead. Straight ahead."
I walk right up to Peacock when we return to the others. "Tom, we got a casualty," I inform him, and Johnny stands beside me. "Who?" he asks immediately, looking at the men. "Julian. He got hit in the neck. He was still alive, but we had to pull back. We made contact at the enemy line," I explain to him. Meanwhile, he turns to George. "Okay! Set the radio up on the rock." George executes the order, and Peacock radios into the CP. "Easy CP. Easy CP. Lightning, over. I need a jeep at the CP. Eyes sharp!"
A short time later, Peacock is gone, and suddenly Winters comes up to us. "Martin? Liv!" We both look up. "Sir?" asks Johnny, and Winters looks at us before spotting Babe, standing behind us but still entirely out of it. "What's going on?" "They got Julian," Johnny says. "He's alive. We gotta get him," Babe interjects, and I give him a stern look. "We don't know that," I say sharply.
"Did you hit an OP or their line?" Winters asks. "Their line." "We gotta get Julian!" Babe says again, and I give him another admonishing look. "No! Now fall back." "Where's Peacock?" asks Winters then. "At the CP," Johnny says, and Winters looks thoughtful. "We couldn't get to him, captain. Babe tried. We couldn't get to him," I say, hanging my head.
Winters nods understandably and then tells us all to pull back. My gaze wanders to Babe, who gives me a disappointed look. I suspect he blames me for not being able to get Julian. I take a step toward him. "Babe..." I say, but he immediately turns away.
Johnny puts a hand on my shoulder. "He'll get over it," he says, trying to smile at me encouragingly. I rub my eyes for a moment, then sigh. "I don't know what he expects me to do. He would have died just the same if I had let him go. It was an impossibility." "I know that, Liv. And Heffron knows that, too. Give him time." I hang my head, then nod.
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pandas-pandemonium · 3 years
Yandere! Sentient! Twst - Player considers deleting the game due to glitches (Dorm Leaders)
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A/N: Thought I'd combine these three asks since they're all quite similar in nature.
"[Name], I really think you should just delete that game off your phone."
The sternness in your partner's voice stunned you. They had mentioned the game acting strange at times, but this was the first time they had confronted you on this issue. Confused, you spoke up.
"Is this about the weird glitches again, [S/O]?" you asked.
"Yes, this is about those weird glitches. I swear, this isn't some simple bug or anything. This is another thing entirely. A game character doesn't curse at you just for opening the app. Shouldn't it be some welcome line or something?"
You frowned.
"I've never heard anything like that..." you said.
They sighed and shook their head. "It only happens when I open the app when you ask me to help you login."
You felt a chill run down your back.
"There's...no way, right?" you said, as you slowly unlocked your phone, immediately clicking on the application. You had to see it for your own, even though deep down you knew [s/o] was right. The game had been acting strange. Comments that were way too specific, the occasional glitching when you switched out a character for another.
With wary eyes you glanced at the opening screen; one more check, one more log in and if anything weird happens again, you will have to delete it. Sentimentality and story progress be damned. You could always watch videos on YouTube anyway.
Livid. Riddle would be absolutely livid to hear the suggestion of you deleting the game.
"How DARE they! How insolent! They think know so much better, now do they?!"
Storming around, Riddle would be figuring out how to "chop off" your significant other's head. He won't have it!
He's put up with the fact that you're in a relationship because he convinced himself it wouldn't last long, but now this is the last straw.
"They're trying to cut me off from [Name]! For that, they WILL pay!"
But first, he has to make sure things run smoothly.
You won't delete the game if nothing odd happens...
With that, [s/o] will just look like a liar. How awful!
Once Riddle's calmed down, he will start creating a plan to cut your s/o out of your life, forever.
"I simply will not tolerate a rule breaker, and it so happens, Rule #444 states that "the heads of liars must be chopped off by midnight". That's really too bad, isn't it, [s/o's name]?"
What's this? You're actually listening to your partner and now you want to delete the game?
He would love to see you try
Sure, he could sit back and pretend that the game is all fine and dandy so that you'll think your partner was lying and being petty, but that's boring, even if it is the easier way
You forget, he's the dorm leader of Savannaclaw; known for his drive to do what it takes to get his way
Don't you remember his plan from Chapter 2?
How offensive. [s/o name] is definitely taking way too much of your time if you managed to forget his role in the story
"You want to delete the app, do you? Then try it, herbivore. I'm sure you love what I've done to your phone."
Leona is smart, dangerously so. Whoever knew Savannaclaw's dorm leader was so well-versed with game code?
What?! You're going to delete the game?!
Panic surges through Azul as he combs through various alternate plans; it's okay, he's considered this possibility before
All he needs to do is craft a perfect plan to keep you from deleting the application, and to get that pesky human away from you!
It should be simple enough, but his fear clouds his judgment
Right, right! He has to address the immediate concern; that you were going to delete if you sensed something amiss again in the app
That's simple enough.
As long as he plays by the rules and keeps to the "character" the game developers originally intended, he'll be able to delay you, just by a few days
With a practiced smile, and lines that fit perfectly to script, he laughs to himself quietly;
Yes, you seem to be confused for nothing is out of place!
He may have to keep up this constricting act for now, but his plan has to be perfect if he's going to capture you.
Oh, the poor boy
He's panicking! His mind is all over the place the moment he heard your words!
Thankfully Jamil is there to set him straight
"Act normal" Jamil instructed him.
Easier said than done, especially when it comes to someone as jumpy and excitable as Kalim
Kalim tries not to laugh a little too loudly or make remarks that shouldn't be in his lines, but it's so hard!
He wants to yell out, "You can't! You can't leave me!"
But his fear of you realizing that the game is no longer working as it should overpowers his desire to call out to you
It's so hard...
Maybe tomorrow he can tell you how he feels! You're sure to have calmed down by then!
Really now?
You were going to delete the game all because someone told you to? You're willing to sacrifice all that hard work raising his everyone's cards and throw them all away?
He will not let even your finger touch the uninstall button! Ever.
Gaining sentience was a dream come true!
He too, had been working behind the scenes to find ways to bring you into this world.
Your lover? You mean that useless potato scrap that thinks they know better?
They mean nothing to Vil. After all, surely you would choose a queen over some peasant?
Strangely enough, he's not too worried.
Seriously, gaining Fourth Wall breaking sentience was like something out of an anime or a game!
This is his realm! You can't possibly do anything to it when he's tampered so much with the game code!
Try it!
You'll find your game uninstallable and registered as a default application for your phone!
Idia feels a little too proud of himself for forseeing this possibility. He's never been so prepared in his life!
"Hihihi, it's all in place! So what if the game continues glitching? You can't do anything about it! Hihihi, who would have thought even some shut-in nobody freak like me can do cool things!"
But right- he almost forgot about your partner...
How annoying. Game code he can deal with, but some irl person? No way...
"Ahh, what a pain... I need to hurry up with the program...then maybe you can leave that dumb normie behind..."
You want to delete the game because it's acting weird, you say?
Malleus is disappointed; he was hoping he could enjoy your presence and watching you go about your daily life for a little longer.
It's alright though, he just has to speed things up a bit!
He could care less about you deleting the game;
With Lilia's help, he's found a way to creep in to your phone and has since been existing as an undetectable character within several other applications.
A little longer and he's completely certain his magic will be able to transport into your world.
How exciting!
When he does, he hopes you will celebrate with him as well.
If you won't invite him to your world... well, he'll just have to invite himself, wouldn't he?
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 07 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (06)
Next part (08)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Nothing Else Matters
Another big decision.
Why is this day filled with the need to make big decisions?
“Why do you need to know that?” You mumble, a shiver rolling down your spine when you feel his lips brushing on your ear.
“Because I don't want you to break my little heart, princess.”
Damn it. “Billy, stop calling me that,” you beg, fixing your hair around your neck so it'll be a barrier between you and Billy. The damn nickname makes your stomach burn, and it has an effect on your head...
“Aren't you going to answer me?” You sigh when he messes with your hair, pulling it to the side and exposing your neck to him again.
“Pay attention to the movie.” Muttering, you feel as his lips brush on the soft skin of your neck.
“Just because you're the one asking.” He says, and you feel your body involuntary sinking into his embrace.
Billy is silent for the rest of the movie, thankfully, but his arm feels like iron, keeping you close.
The night falls and you make a pause on what will be a movie night when the pizza gets here. You made everyone chip in since you weren't planning on buying pizza for another six people. It's almost ten when everyone leaves, and you ask Billy to take you home. It was a good day, and you're happy you got to see Billy's house. And about all the rest.
As he drives, you smell the scent of his cologne on you, and you smile to yourself. “So... Did you enjoy it?”
“Spending the day with me?” He stops by your place, and you step out of the car biting your lip. You wait for Billy to walk around the car before you start making the way over to the front door.
“I did.” You don't want to cover that up. You want Billy to know you like being around him. “I had fun. With you and the kids.” As you speak, you hear a low laugh coming from inside. “What's that?”
Gesturing for him to stay quiet, you unlock the front door, noticing how the lights are off, and the colorful ones coming from the TV. Slowly, you peak at the living room, smiling to see Diane is with someone, hugging, watching something on the TV. You don't want to ruin it, so you go back to the front door.
“My aunt is with someone. I need you to wait for me here, ok?”
He looks a little confused. “Yes, but why?”
“Just wait. Quietly.” You storm back inside when he nods, tiptoeing upstairs.
You know they can hear the footsteps down there, so you have to move fast. You grab your toothbrush and some clothes, throwing them on the first bag you find before running back down. “(Y/N)?” You hear her calling me when you reach the bottom of the stairs.
“I'm just going out again,” you say, running to the front door.
“Hey, hey!” She comes running, meeting you when you open the door. “You can... You can stay. Robert is just... Where are you going? It's late.”
It's so cute to see her like that, blushing. “Aunt, I'll...” Think fast. “I'll sleep at Billy's.” You gesture at him, standing behind you. He waves at Diane.
“Are you sure?”
“Yup. Now get back there!” You whisper-yell, stepping backwards, and closing the door. “Uhm...” You finally turn to face Billy, who's still pretty confused. “Sorry, I... Just take me to Monica's, I'll sleep there.”
“You told your aunt you'd sleep at my place. So that's where you'll be.” He raises an eyebrow, gesturing for you to head back to his car.
“Billy, I–”
“You'll sleep in Max's room. So chill.” He gives you that smirk again, and you roll your eyes.
You're soon back at his place, and he tells you to make yourself at home, so you take a shower in his bathroom. You brought leggings to sleep in, but you forgot to take a shirt. Sighing, you put the one you were wearing before, leaving the bathroom, finding Billy seated on his bed.
This is way too intimate. You're in his bedroom, showering on his bathroom, drying yourself with his towels... You weren't ready for this... But it's about to get more weird.
“Billy.” He looks up at you. “Do you... Do you have any shirts I can wear? I forgot to grab one... Or maybe see if Max has anything?” C'mon, you know you shouldn't do this, but the very thought of wearing one of Billy's shirts is just too strong.
There's a smile on his lips as he searches on his wardrobe. He hands you a dark red shirt, and you go back into the bathroom just to change. When you come out again, you feel Billy's intense stare. This is craziness. You shouldn't be here.
“You look beautiful.” He says, coming to stand before you. “Max has one of those mattresses she uses for camping. It's lied on the floor for you and you should take a blanket. The nights can get a little cold even in summer.”
“Yeah, I noticed...” You move away, to the door. You don't want to sleep, not yet. “Are you going to sleep now? Or we could watch some TV...” Biting your lip, you watch as he starts moving towards you, so you go to the living room, sitting on the couch.
Billy turns the TV on, in some random talk show, and turns the lights off. “Do you mind?” You shake your head no and he comes to sit by your side. “Why did you storm out of your house like that?”
“It's kind of a long story.”
“Tell me everything about it.”
“Uhm... Diane is more of a mother to me than my real mother, Laura. I have a very complicated relationship with my parents since forever so...” You use the light coming from the TV to analyze his face, to see if you're boring him already. But Billy seems to be curious, intense eyes focused on you. “Her husband died years ago and she has never been in a relationship after that. Diane... When she loves, she loves deeply and I remember how happy she was. I want her to be that happy again. She has always been there for me since I can remember. She's my anchor when things fall apart. She's the reason why I'm here, you know. When I started looking for a place to move to, she told me about Hawkins. Being born and raised here, she only moved to Indianapolis because her husband lived there. My plan is to live with her there during the week, when the classes are back, and come here for the weekend.”
“You really plan to live here?”
“Yes... You?” You move your body towards him, pulling one of your legs up, folding in under you. Billy looks so handsome, even in the dim light. You're distracted for a bit when Max comes from her room and goes to the kitchen.
“I'm... Reconsidering.” He smiles.
“Why?” Because of you? No, it can't be. Billy would never take this big of a decision because of you.
“What's the matter between you and your parents?”
Of course he won't answer. “They're both lawyers, as is my brother, so they wanted me to follow up. But since I can remember I knew I didn't want to do that... So it was always a nightmare.” Putting some of the hair behind your ear, you take a deep breath. “I had to study like crazy to keep my grades next to perfect because whenever I got a B it was like the end of the world. And the talk about my career was constant since I got into elementary school. There was yelling, cursing...” Talking about it makes you feel like a kid again, when you were too young to be forced to talk about University. “Maybe I should've played along to avoid the arguing, but I always wanted to stand my ground. And to them, to both of them, there was no other option, I had to become a lawyer and as I grew old, the humiliation started. You're not part of the family. You're nothing like your brother, he cares about us. We should've given you away, to a mediocre family so you could fit in. Why can't you be like your brother? You're a failure.”
“It got so much worse when I got into New York University...” You continue, looking down at your hands. “They told me I'd never do it. That Biomedicine is way too complicated and, let's face it, if I was smart enough, I'd pick Law. So in the end, I wasn't coursing Law because I'm dumb. And my brother is such an asshole. He feels so proud that our parents love and basically worship him as the perfect child... I just...”
“Hey...” Billy lifts your face, his index finger on your chin. “You're not dumb. You're very brave for standing up for yourself like that.”
“So that's why I'm here.” Breathing out, you move closer to him because you suddenly feel so comfortable here... Like you can trust him, completely. “I wanted somewhere new, to have a fresh start and this place is just perfect. It's so beautiful... I can actually picture having kids here and raising them running around the town like the kids I see.”
His fingers start moving, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. “I'm sorry you had to go through that in your life. I... My father was an asshole too. He... Hit me. Made my life a nightmare.” Billy's face changes, as the memories hit him like a train. “I'm only here because of Max's mother. Susan divorced Neil and bought this house so Max would have a place to live since she didn't want to leave Hawkins. And when she doesn't want to do something, nothing in the world changes her mind.” You feel relieved when a small smile comes to his lips. “That's why I'm still here. To look after Max and because the University of Indianapolis was the only one that accepted me.”
“Well, nothing matters now, right? We're both here now... Not paying attention to whatever is going on there.” You gesture at the TV.
“Nothing outside these walls matters.” He pulls you close and you move, your foreheads touching.
“Billy, please...” You beg, because you don't think you can hold back if he kisses you. You know you'll surrender. “Not yet... If... If you like me, please... Don't kiss me...”
You're scared. Scared he'll be mad at you, that he'll get tired and push you away.
But when you open your eyes, you see a smile on his lips. “I won't kiss you until you want me to.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him close. Your heart starts beating even faster, if it's even possible, when you feel his strong arms embracing you. You never hugged Billy, and honestly, you have no idea how you could not have done it before. It feels right. So damn right.
You want him. You were careful with your heart, but he did it. He's making you fall for him.
When you pull away, he's smiling. Not the sassy smirk, but a true, bright smile. As if he just found a treasure, something valuable. “Let's stay here for a while...” He says. “Your aunt is cuddling with that Robert guy, we should do the same.”
Biting your lip, you sigh. You don't want to go to sleep now. You rather be with Billy for a while longer. “Alright.”
“Come here.” You lay your head on his chest, as you move to watch TV. You're not really paying attention, listening to his heartbeat.
• • •
A loud noise wakes you up. With a low groan, you pull the light sheet over your head to protect your eyes from the sun coming through the window. A soft, fresh scent makes you smile. You know this scent, it's familiar, comforting. “Watch out, Max!” Billy's low voice reaches you and you open your eyes, removing the sheet and realizing you're not home. That this is Billy's scent and this is Billy's bed. So you get up abruptly, looking around for a while, a hand on your forehead, before going to the kitchen, where you find him and his sister.
“Hey, I...” You gesture at where you came from. “Was that your bed?”
“Yes, princess. But don't worry, I slept on the couch.” He comes to stand before you, too close, handing you a mug with coffee.
“I will leave you guys alone,” Max mutters, leaving the kitchen.
“Thanks,” you tell Billy, taking a sip. “Sorry to take your bed.”
“Apology not accepted.” He gestures at the table. “Let's have breakfast. I made you toasts.”
“I like the toasts.” You sit beside him, trying not to be too happy about the fact that you're still here, having breakfast with Billy.
You chat a little, laugh a little, and accidentally spill your coffee on the table, which gets you a funny comment about him making you nervous. Of course he makes you nervous, how could he not? Hella good looking guy, calling you ‘princess’ and treating you with such attention, unlike anyone else before... Of course you're nervous.
You take your time showering, and you put his shirt on your bag, hoping he won't notice. Then you wait for him as he showers, watching TV, seated on the bench press.
“(Y/N). You know what time is it?”
“No. But we should get going.” Shrugging your shoulders, you stand up.
“We're late.”
“How late?”
“Late as in the pool is opening right now.” He says as if it's nothing.
“We gotta get going then.” It's unbelievable how he doesn't seem bothered by it, so you take his hand, pulling him out. “We still have to stop by my place to get the swimsuit, Billy. Let's go!”
He seems amused by your desperation, so you roll your eyes. You can barely talk to your aunt, since you're in a rush, just grabbing the uniform and heading back to the car.
It's so hot already. “Billy, can you stop by that store? I need something to drink.”
“Weren't you desperate to get to your job?” He smirks, giving you a glance.
“We're already late anyway. It'll only take a second.” When he stops the car you jump out, being in and out of the store in record time.
“Damn, you're fast.”
“Drive, Billy.” Rolling your eyes, you open the can, taking a sip.
Two minutes later he's parking on the reserved place for the lifeguards. You see as the heads turn at the sight of his car. Girls smiling, gossiping, telling her friends to check out who just got here. Taking a deep breath, you step out of the car, trying really hard not to notice how people stare. You haven't had time to consider what would mean showing up here with Billy. You should be used to having eyes on you since you're still the new girl, but this is for a whole different reason now. You're around Billy for quite a while now, and people are starting to count, to notice he still didn't ditch you.
Taking another sip of the soda, you wait for Billy to join you before start walking towards the entrance.
“Give me a sip.” He asks, taking your mind away from all the glances you're getting.
“Let's get inside. I'll get you a glass.”
“Uhm... Because I'm drinking straight from the can... With my mouth. I just thought...” Shrugging your shoulders, you watch as he takes the can from your hand, stopping by the entrance. You guess you're not worried that you're late anymore. You're already here anyway.
“Wait. Let's rewind a little.” Billy looks down at you, apparently ignoring how people linger around, walking slower when they're close, trying to overhear something. He doesn't seem to care. “You went to my place–”
“Keep your voice down, Billy. Please.” You warn him, and he seems to take this as a chance to step closer. So you back up, but your back hits the way. Why does he do that? Why does he pretends you're alone when you're surrounded by people?
“You went to my place, showered on my bathroom, used my soap, slept on my bed...” He squints his eyes a little, taking a deep breath. “And you're using my cologne.”
Damn it. You were supposed to keep a distance today because you put some of his cologne when he was showering. “Busted,” you mumble, feeling your cheeks burning.
“And... Considering the fact that I want to kiss you, why would I have any problems with drinking from your can?” When he's done speaking, he takes long sips from the soda.
“Why do I feel like you enjoy taking every chance you have to tease me?” You whisper, crossing your arms in an attempt to create some distance between your bodies.
“Because I can't stay away from you.” He hands you the can back. “And I know you don't want to stay away from me either, so yes, I'll take every chance I'll get to show you I want something different this time. I would never allow any girls to my place, much less introduce them to Max. That's like a point of no return because if I push you away, I'll never hear the end of it.”
Your eyes are fixed on his, and as much as you try, you can't look away. “Let's get in, please. People are staring.”
“Let them stare, I couldn't care less.” Billy bends down a little, closing the final distance between you and placing a kiss on your cheek. “I meant what I said last night. I won't kiss you until you ask me to.” That said, he steps back, gesturing for you to move.
Taking a deep breath, you enter the pool, drinking what's left of the soda. You make your way straight to the locker room, changing and applying the sunblock before shoving everything in your locker.
“Hey.” You're about to go out when someone calls. Turning on your heels, you see that girl Jennifer with her friend. “(Y/N), right?”
“Yes. Do you need anything?”
“No. We're just curious.” They come closer, arms crossed. “We couldn't help but notice Billy is still hanging out with you and we need to know what you're doing so right.” The girl says, and Jennifer nods.
“What do you mean?”
“C'mon, we're not stiffs. What's your trick?” Jennifer flashes you a dirty smile, and you can't wait to get the hell out of here. “What do you do that he likes so much?”
“Nothing. I don't do anything.” You simply say, shrugging your shoulders.
“Nothing? Like... How the hell–”
“Yup. Nothing.” Waving at them, you decide not to let them say anything else, leaving the locker. Billy comes out of the boy's locker at the same time you do, a curious expression on his face. “Did you... Did you hear that?”
“Couldn't help it.” He admits. “Are you ok?”
As you nod, the girls come out, walking away. “Don't worry about me. I can deal with some mean girls if I have to. And they're just jealous that it's my turn with you.” That's how they speak of it. Every girl has her turn with Billy, and when it's over, they have no choice but to back off and watch as he picks someone else.
“Yeah. But it's the last swift.” He steps closer, a hand caressing your cheek. “You're the last one.”
“Don't say stuff like that, Billy.”
“Alright, alright.” Monica's voice startles you, and you bite your lip because you're just a little mad she broke the moment. “You two are late and I've been the only one watching three pools. Get to your posts.”
Billy rolls his eyes, winking at you as he walks away.
“Mind to tell me what happened? I saw him kissing you.” Monica speaks low as you make your way to the chairs.
“On the cheek, Mon.”
“I don't care, I know something is going on.”
Yeah, there's a lot going on. “We need to talk, Mon. I'm losing my damn mind.” You say with a smile.
“You're falling for him, aren't you?”
“I really think so.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7
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