#definitely not my proudest gamer moment
discet · 2 years
I hope this fanfic creates a fandom ngl!
What games do you play (any type)?
That would be wild. Feels like that sometimes when I get fanart for it and stuff ^-^
I play a lot of games, table top included but Ill focus on video games here.
I really like platformers both 3d and 2d. Celeste, Hollow Knight, A Hat in Time, Tinykin, Rogue Legacy 2, and Shovel Knight are some of my most obsessively played games in the last few years. There is something so satisfying about a game with satisfying movement
I really enjoy roguelites such as Hades, Rogue Legacy 2, Into the Breech, and Binding of Issac have all been favs. Something about honing your skills and building up to overcome a great obsticle feels great. Clearing Heat 36 in Hades was one of my proudest moments as a gamer.
I also have enjoyed every Super Giant Game that has come out Bastion, Hades, and Pyre all being bangers. I also really enjoyed Transistor mechanically, even if I have some misgivings about its story.
Story focused games are hit or miss for me, but when they hit they hit hard. Night in the Woods and Beacon Pines were both delightful stories to explore.
The Return of Obra Din is in my top 10 absolutely, even though trying to categorize it is difficult. It's really its own thing.
I'm not big into Character Action games with the huge exception of the Soulslike games by Fromsoft. Sekiro is definitely my favorite among them, but I enjoyed all the Dark Souls and Elden Ring quite a lot. Haven't played much of Bloodborne tragically do to a lack of PS4.
I really loved Fallout 3 and especially New Vegas, but soured on Fallout 4. I also liked my playthroughs of Skyrim back in the day. RPG's that allow me to really immerse myself are my jam.
I also just love most of Valve's shooter catalogue. Half Life, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 were my top tier games in high school. Portal 2 remains one of my favorite games of all time. I liked the first 2 bioshocks for similar reasons (Infinity mostly pissed me off)
Oh I used to be huge into strategy games. Total War Series, Civilization, Fire Emblem, Advanced Wars, X-Com, Humankind. They used to be my obsession. I haven't played them as much lately, but they still hold a place in my heart.
Wow! I had a lot more to say than I thought. Thanks for this Ask Anon, it was fun thinking back on a hobby I've put so much time into.
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misskel39 · 2 years
All Grown Up
We all raise out kids the very best we can. We love them unconditionally from the very beginning,when we deliver them and hold them to our chest,thanking god every second. We journey through ages  and stages loving every step of the way. Teething, potty training, schools, puberty all the harder to love but the best memories moments. We go through all these years trying to mold them into the men the need to be when they graduate. Then, the graduation date actually is here and how do you let go? 
        As I sit here at this very moment, this is the question I'm faced with. We read books and talk about parenting but its seldom for a parent to talk about this part. The part where you ask yourself why did I raise him for this. For him to up and go. Your sending out invitations and making parties and it hits you like a ton of bricks. At least i know it did to me. A sadness comes over you. Should be the happiest, most proudest moment and yet its devastating you in a way. How exactly am i supposed to do this? 
         My son is graduating with honors. I'm proud I really am. He's also turning 18 next month, received his drivers license a few months before graduation. If that's not enough, he enlisted in the United States Navy and will be shipping out the next month. I didn't even know how to process all these things at once in the time frame of 3 months. I couldn't breathe. I have been through alot in my years, things that no one should ever have to endure but none of it prepared me for this feeling. Keep in mind that he didn't want to tell me about the Navy, he most likely would have not at all except that to get his contract in on time for the bonuses offered her had to get me to sign the papers because he wasn't 18. If you don't know what I mean, when you enlist they have sign up bonus and all that but it constantly changes so they have so long then the have to redo the contract. I begged and pleased with him and told him I didn't think it was his best choice . He never batted an eye, he said''Mom I have made up my mind and there's absolutely nothing you can say you change it.'' I had 2 days to complete the paperwork and on the 3rd weeks would be with recruiter completing it. He had definitely made a decision like i have never seen him do in my life. All I could do was pray , but he didn't change his mind. Now I have to explain why I feel my son didn't make his best decision even though his college would be fully paid for which after checking colleges for your masters which is 4years plus 2 years would be between 150,000 to 200,000 or a little more depending on the college just for his schooling, which was great just not for him. I'm going to point out that your supposed to do anything you want in life and if you put your mind to it you can become anything. I know that and I will probably receive backlash but let me explain. 
          My son has never played any sports, except for a half of year of school basketball. He hardly rode bikes didn't really go outside even. He barely can cut grass and that he didn't start learning till 15. He always has a handful of friends but that was as much as he could stand. He was in Ag the last few years of school. Well for sure 2 years. He's never been in a group or apart of a team. Now I tried to make sure that my kids know,stand up for family. Don't turn on friends when you apart of something you give your all to it. I just don't know. He can't handle confrontation either he will shut completely down. Now back in a corner I know he had would fight if he had to but this generation is nothing I have ever seen before. He just gained a little common sense this past year and a half cause he had none at  all. Very intelligent, book smart and that. My son is a gamer, a loner, a very spoiled one. Not really me as much as a few of my older family members, one is 92. He does nothing for himself except bath and go to bed. I wanted him to start cooking some of the meals cause he can barely cook noodles in microwave. Nope that didn't happen. He does do laundry but mostly you have to remind him. After graduation I told him start walking, jogging, exercising outside you don't know what's coming, he believes I'm joking. My heart aches. He didn't leave when he was supposed to because he found a big cyst on his lower back and when they did surgery and removed it the hole was the size of a fist.  After months on waiting for a doctors release and not being able to do anything a relative came back from vacation with mirsa which is way worse than staph and my son caught it because his wound was still open a little. He ended up getting cut open again in a new area and having his healing time prolonged for almost another month. In a way I thought god answered my prayers that he new I was right and they would probably break him in the Navy surely he would have a mental breakdown. He did give us more time but when my son got cleared he didn't miss a beat the Navy came get him and he signed his new contract. The past couple of weeks he has been doing some form of exercises each day. He still doesn't last long and gives up and doesn't try to do more things. My family tells him that okay. Try again tomorrow. I'm still in the blind about when he ships out. I never get a straight answer but I had a feeling it was soon and a friend of mine has been helping him workout for a little over a week told me I need to sit him down and have  a one on one family night or two because he suspects he may have a week or two at most but he believes its more like one. I still don't know how to let go and I feel bad that I'm literally scared to death that he  will get there and the first call he has tell me he can't. Can he surprise me and maybe not trying to be embarrassed man up and pull through, I certainly hope so. 
       Looking back I think I should of did it all totally different. Would it have made a difference I have no idea. He had ADHD they said playing games was good for him. His dad past away when he was almost 5 years old and my dad tried to fill that place. They are nothing like our generation where I was grown at 14. We shall see if it will make the man or break him. Y'all keep my family in y'all prayers. If this story makes a splash I will update y'all with what happens with our family time and if he makes it through boot camp. Hold on son you have to keep going 5 years!
                                 Love you no matter what! MOM
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ashenburst · 4 years
Any Which Way
Mista x Reader, fluff (?), 4366 words - oh GOD do I hate this one and I apologize if it sucks in advance I just aaa had no coherent ideas whatsoever and I was trying to write fluff at the time my brain was screaming angst and - well, it shows. Anyway.
Mista is acting up because you fed the Pistols. Oh no.
When Mista asked you out, you told him his joke was tasteless. When Mista asked you out for the second time, you didn’t feel well enough. The third time, wondrously, your grandmother needed your assistance. He didn’t bother asking you for the fourth time.
It was a long gag running between the two of you, and the run started off wrongly. A marathon ought to begin with a leisure pace, and only by the near end should the contestants accelerate – this method would provide optimal results. Your situation was the exact opposite. Naturally, it did not turn out well enough.
At least for you, because you knew this was a silly mishap, from the beginning to the end. Yes, you may had been mean the first time, but it was an automated reaction: Mista was a jokester, and you enjoyed retorting. Many of the interactions weren’t serious, simply put. You were in Buccellati’s team for around a week and this dynamic had already been established.
So when he casually asked you out, after knowing you for such a short period, you brushed it off with a retort. For a moment, though, you were a mess. To be asked out by a guy this pretty, this… cool? Unbelievable, truly – it was only natural that shock rendered you dazed. Then, you procured a reply fitting to that disbelief you were stunned with: a snarky comeback. Afterwards, he quickly changed the subject, but did not change in behavior. There was no flinch in his voice, no meaningful allusion to the possible date, no, nothing at all. You had a valid reason to believe it wasn’t a sincere question.
And once you borrowed more thought to that matter, logic grounded your idea. You had seen Mista flirt with other girls, which meant he had a social life outside the mafia. This was not surprising, he had quite the unique charm. Therefore, he could certainly get together with people who were better than you.
However, this pondering had a side effect. The gunslinger crept onto your mind, binding your daily reflections into a slow realization that, perhaps, you had a thing for him.
But you didn’t feel bad. If anything, you were glad that he was your friend. Although his company was a gnawing reminder of your growing feelings, at the end of the day, he fulfilled you – and you supposed you fulfilled him too. Not once did he bully you, so you took that as a positive sign.  On the other hand, you had a slight bullying tendency towards him. Teasing him was something he always loved to respond to, dramatically, exaggerated, which would cause much laughter to the both of you. In other words… there was no harm done.
The next two times you were asked out held terrible luck to them. You simply could not make it. Upon uttering your excuse, in both cases, Mista laughed, commented, and moved on. Swiftly and comically, just the usual. You were left to rethink the tinge in your heart.
This third fiasco had occurred just a couple of days ago. What remained of it was – null, just some void of reminiscence that irked your daydreaming. Early in the morning, in Libeccio, you couldn’t enjoy your drink. The haziness of your mind did not carry a pleasant undercurrent. You did not know what to make of it, or what to remake of it. You were left to stare at your own beverage, hand on your chin, as your empty thoughts tumbled.
It was quite peaceful. The kind of peaceful you’d see in the first morning classes back in school. People all around you were barely awake, and quietly agreed to bask in the mutual silence.
That is, until Buccellati strolled in. His lively “buongiorno” made you flinch. Where did that energy come from?
The team leader explained himself. He already had a long discussion with some Mario La-something (you weren’t focused enough to catch that) and its result was a mission. You clenched your jaw. This early in the morning? Damn. You could only pray you wouldn’t be picked, you really weren’t in the mood –
But alas, Murphy’s law was in effect.
Buccellati rightfully deduced that there was something going on between you and Mista. Therefore he stated, “I’m sending (Y/N) and Mista on this mission, due to their remarkable chemistry.” Something that was, allegedly, apparent right from the start.
Not only that. Buccellati’s decision was (objectively speaking) great, as your and Mista’s stand were a powerful combo. Speaking of the Pistols, there was the amusing fact that you would die internally whenever you saw them. You surely were looking forward to that, and… cooperating with Mista too. This might work out well.
Someone tapped on your shoulder, making you jump in your seat. Looking at the culprit, you weren’t surprised to uncover his identity. It was him.
“Let’s go, sleepyhead,” Mista urged, wiggling his thick brows. Your smile was inevitable. “Or you’d rather trade places with Abbacchio?” He questioned with a smirk.
“Huh?” You took a glance at Abbacchio, and immediately scowled. He somehow slid so much down his chair that his chin was touching his chest – and he was sleeping soundly. How come you didn’t notice?
“Too bad, you can’t trade places with Abbacchio. Duty calls. Come on, on your feet,” Mista blabbered, which barely worked on your half-conscious self. You let our yet another “huh” which was followed by a disturbed squeak – Mista started pulling you up. You had no choice but to stand up.
“(Y/N) secured, Buccellati!” Mista proudly announced. Buccellati wasn’t too impressed. You, however, were impressed by the fact Mista was so… awake, all of a sudden.
Mista then put a hand on Narancia’s shoulder. “Okay, before we go, Narancia – you know what you’re supposed to do, right?”
The boy had a similar reaction to yours. “Eh? What?”
Mista nodded towards Abbacchio. Narancia grinned. You bit your lip, both grateful and sad you’d miss this. That was how you were brought back to your senses, and how you departed for the task.
Now, the nature of the mission was simple, but it took so long. Until you got there, until you found the exact location, until Mista talked with his Pistols (and you tried to, too), etcetera, etcetera – in the end, it took you hours to complete it. Funnily enough, you didn’t even take out your own stand. So, in your eyes, this was a complete waste of time.
Luckily, with that over, you two were free to go. Not before Mista had a little chit-chat with his stand, praising them all for a job well done. However, he didn’t really get the reaction he expected – instead of the usual one, just a “yay” in unison, the Pistols began asking Mista for a reward. A snack, to be specific. Mista quickly turned them down.
“It isn’t lunchtime yet, everyone, you’ll spoil your appetite,” he explained himself, only for the Pistols to start loudly pleading him for food. Mista crossed his arms.
“Come on guys, have some patience. We’ll go back to Libeccio just in time for lunch.”
It was a solid argument. Did that help? No, not at all. The Pistols were still floating in front of Mista and screaming with their tiny voices about how hungry they were. Their user, acting like the usual tired parent, tried to subdue them – but to no avail. They continued rambling, almost every single one of them, like spoiled children. Because, although did not want to be viewed that way, they truly were children. Even the fact they denied it supported the idea.
But these were no ordinary crybabies. They were sly and awfully intelligent, all while maintaining their characteristic lighthearted aura. Those childish antics? They lead to chaos, sometimes even to brutal honesty.
Mista got to deal with the downsides of that, but you? You would just stand aside. And whenever you did get to interact with those Pistols, you were exposed to downpours of compliments and almost perfect behavior. The brutal honesty? It came in the form of their heartfelt words and actions, as you were able to discipline them better than Mista could ever hope to. They listened to you, which came as no surprise.
Because Mista always played the role of the bad cop. In contrast, you were the good cop. It was only natural – you adored them, you had every reason to.
Taking all of these things into account, you couldn’t help but feel bad for them. You took their side.
“But Mista, they performed exceptionally well on this mission. On an empty stomach! Maybe they do deserve a little something, look at them. They’re desperate,” you made sure to point out. The Pistols approved of their new advocate.
“There’s no way in hell I’m wasting my money on them when we have free food at Libeccio,” Mista said, causing various sounds of disappointment. Even you sighed. He rolled his eyes.
“Come on now, shush, let’s go.” He waved his hand at the Pistols who did their best to ignore that.
“Aww, but Mista, we deserve a reward! You told us we did a great job! And! And (Y/N) agrees!” One of the Pistols was heard clearly. You nodded in approval, which Mista didn’t notice. He was too weirded out.
“What’s up with you? Why are you so persistent all of a sudden? I told you not to do this,” his tone suddenly hushed down. Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. He had no idea how to handle the situation, evidently – the Pistols wouldn’t shut up unless they were fed. It was as simple as that.
You shot another question at him, “And why won’t you let them have a snack, Mista?”
“I think I’ve been yelling my reasons up until now,” he murmured.
“Look, your method isn’t working. They won’t calm down. Why don’t you just give in and basically do the right thing?”
Mista made a disgruntled “eh” to that.
“Don’t be on their side. Just don’t. Please,” he pleaded, irritation lowering his tone. He kept that act of an exhausted father even with you – and this confused you. “Why?”
“Because,” Mista said, then paused, waving his hand towards the Pistols who were already parading in joy, “they’re impossible.”
“Impossible? Them? Ha, I wonder why. Maybe because you aren’t a good parental figure,” you teased.
“That isn’t true,” Mista quickly responded, clearly displeased. “If anything, they’re acting like this because they are a reflection of who I am. I’m not perfect, neither are they, but as you can see, I’m trying to make them… better.” He took a deep breath, and you had to think that, woah, he truly was invested. “I know them the best, because they are me and mine, so the task is on me,” he finished.
To that verbal essay, you simply shrugged. “Yeah, sure. So you know they’ll get quiet once they have what they want.”
Reluctantly, Mista nodded. “They need to be taught patience, though,” he added.
You were quick to counter. “Or do they need to be rewarded for doing great?”
You assumed this fried Mista’s brain because he couldn’t devise a proper response. His face, however, depicted the reply quite clearly – a pout appeared, such a childish move coming from the user of a childish stand. Soon, however, he had to react. The Pistols were getting too excited.
He waved his arms in a surrendering gesture, and almost hit some of the Pistols while doing so… purposefully or not. “Fine, you win. What’s your grand idea for the reward?”
That was where your little snack came in. Something you carried around in case a mission would appear out of nowhere. You once had the displeasure of going on a day-long mission without anything proper to eat. This instance, you weren’t hungry enough for the fruit. “I… can give them my apple,” you suggested. You were sure they wouldn’t mind. Their appetite was so blind, they would eat anything.
Mista, on the other hand, once again acted baffling. His eyes widened after he had heard your offer, and he denied it. “Aw, no, (Y/N) you won’t –”
But you interrupted him. “Again? Why?” Now, why was he so insistent on not letting them eat? Out of all people in the team, he was the most relaxed one. Even if he were trying to lecture the Pistols and set an example for them, he didn’t have to go this far. It was out of character, to say the least.
Strangely, it seemed as if he too was confused – he paused, as a furrow brought his brows together. “That’s your apple. Don’t waste it on them,” he reasoned strictly. Strictly?
You sighed, already removing your backpack. Mista obviously had ulterior motives, but you couldn’t care less. The Pistols wouldn’t be silenced until they had their meal – and not only that, but they deserved it. If only Mista realized that…
Maybe he did? Nevertheless, something was going on in his mind. You looked over to him. He was staring at you, despite the mess some of the Pistols were making in front of him. Number Five was already on the verge of tears. Oh, he was definitely hiding something.
You reciprocated his stern tone. “I’m not hungry, but they are hungry. Who should eat the apple? Them. Seems pretty logical to me.”
At long last, Mista gave up. “Aw, man, there really is no arguing with you, huh?” He waved his head in disbelief. “Alright, have it your way. I suppose there’s no harm done.”
And on that cue, the Pistols all flew towards you, squeaking their gratefulness. They were already in front of your face, telling you how amazing you were and how thankful they were. Just a bunch of overjoyed little gremlins. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Thank you, everyone, thank you,” you barely managed to utter, overwhelmed with their excitement. You had to stop and stare for a moment there – they were actually flailing their hand and feet in the air, performing a dance of sorts. They were that happy! It warmed your heart, it really did.
So, to reward them. As soon as you took it out, they were decimating the apple.
It looked like carnage. You were about to look away when you noticed something odd.
Did… did Number Three just push Number Five? Were you seeing that well? Yeah, you definitely were, since Number Three was now shoving his tiny hand into Number Five’s face.
“Number Three! Don’t be such a meanie, there’s enough for everyone,” you warned.
He looked up to you, his eyes squinted, then he huffed. “Sheesh, fine.”
“Thank you so much, (Y/N),” Number Five mumbled, his voice high-pitched on the brink of breaking, as usual.
“You’re welcome!” You offered a reassuring smile, and the little stand mustered one too. Your heart was melting. You had to squeal.
That attracted Number Three’s attention. “Ass-kisser,” he grumbled. You gasped.
That was when Mista came in. He stepped by your side, pointed at them, and ordered, “Oi, Pistols, behave yourselves! You don’t wanna leave a bad impression on (Y/N), now, do you?”
Naturally, they screamed a “nu-uh”.
You heard their user sigh. “Just as I thought, whew,” he spoke in relief.
You looked over to Mista, and he mustered a smile.
“You were asking the Pistols what’s wrong with them,” you told him, “but in reality, it’s you who has been acting weird.”
He chuckled. “What do you mean?”
The apple in your hand weighted so little that you had to give it a peek. Or at least, you gave a peek to of its last fragments as they were being devoured. They actually ate everything.
Redirecting your attention back to Mista, you told him what was on your mind. “You’re too… uptight. Relax a little, will you?”
“Ah, that. Absolutely, relaxing straight away!”
His showcase of relaxation was stretching himself. What an incredible way to put his muscles on display – but you knew better than to ogle. To avoid the possibility of being flustered, you looked away. The Pistols were a much more pleasant sight. Sitting on your palm, just enjoying the aftermath of their meal.
“Pistols! It’s go time, come here,” you heard their user’s demand, and you watched as they flew back to Mista. They vanished, and thus, the entire hassle was over with. Thanks to you, it was done so in no time. You almost felt victorious.
That would mean that only you and Mista were left – alone. This wasn’t a problem on your way to the mission, but now, after everything you had witnessed, some awkwardness spawned in the air. It was a shame, truly. You finally had some time alone with Mista and you were getting these weird vibes from him, and they unsettled you. Perhaps for a good reason.
The only way to find out more was through communication. You decided to be straightforward, and did not hesitate to inquire, “Alright, so, what’s up with you?”
Mista jumped, as if it were a gunshot he heard instead of your question. “M-me?”
“Yes, you. Have you seen the number four or something?”
“Ew, no. Why are you askin’ – have you seen it?!” He was already getting panicky.
Probably yes, but unlike Mista, you didn’t bother noticing and remembering them. “Nope. But why are you acting so weird? You okay?”
“What exactly are you referring to?”
“You being way too strict with the Pistols.”
He laughed. “Oh. That stupid thing. It’s nothing. Dontcha worry.”
“I am worried. You seemed too aggravated. Almost as if you weren’t yourself.”
He placed a hand on his chest, his expression that of astonishment. “Now that is what you call a surprise.”
You shook your head in misunderstanding. “What are you talking about?”
He then placed a hand on your shoulder and offered you his tearful answer. “You worrying about me! I didn’t know you would do that!”
You were partially offended by this act because, by all accords, you cared about him, more than he could ever imagine. Mista probably caught the meaning of your grim face, so he let go of your shoulder and talked on.
“Kidding, I know you care. Anyway, yeah, they messed up big time. We had a chat, me and the Pistols, and would you believe it, they act like brats so they could get you to take their side.”
Despite the annoyed façade you put on, you had to laugh. Those sly little gremlins, brightening your mood even when they weren’t present.
“Are they like this with everyone or?” You had to ask – because as far as you had seen, nobody was as privileged as you were.
“Nah, just you. You’re the only one who’s willing to help ‘em anyway.” He put a hand on his chin, completely discarding your sudden smile. “Come to think of it, (Y/N), you’re too… hm…”
“I’m what?” You tilted your head, and he snapped his fingers.
“Nice! I think that’s the right word. You’re just too nice.”
Well, isn’t that a lovely thing to hear. “Aww, why, thank you.”
“Yeah, now listen up, you should really take care! There are bad people out there who can take advantage of that!” He raised a finger in the air to further emphasize his point.
“Err, Mista, hate to break it to you, but I’m literally a member of the mafia. I doubt that can happen.”
“And yet you’re so sweet! Sometimes, at least,” he whispered the last bit, and before you could say anything to that, he continued. “I’m telling you this for a reason. I mean, did you know that the Pistols were abusing your kindness?”
“Not that I was aware, and not that it mattered,” you replied with staggering indifference. Mista, on the other hand, was overly jumpy. This was so odd.
He went from one extreme to another in a handful of moments. The shift was so unusually stark that it left you perplexed. Lost in thought, you didn’t pay much attention to Mista’s future ramblings.
“You get it? You – you didn’t recognize their scheme! They’re acting all whiny because they know you’ll react. As I said, you’re too good… for your own good.”
Did you hear that well? You looked at him with a raised brow. He winked.
That sort of “joke” or whatever it was, deserved only a snort. That’s what you gave him, and he wasn’t pleased in the least.
“Did you just – oh come on (Y/N), why not actually laugh? Laugher is so healthy! It prolongs life expectancy. Or am I really that unfunny?”
 “You’re the funniest, Mista, don’t you worry about that,” you told him, and as a reassuring act, pat his head (or at least, his hat). His eyes widened and he smiled after the initial shock. You suddenly became aware of what you did, and you averted your gaze elsewhere to continue your explanation. “I… suppose I am simply confused as to why you are so…”
“Yeah, I guess, among other things.”
He provided you with an elaboration spoken through the smile you had caused him. “Worried, yeah, I am worried because you’re too nice to some people. You see, (Y/N), just like you, I’m simply confused as fuck. Some people get that nice treatment, and sometimes they’re undeserving of that. I mean, just look at you. You’re so weak for the Pistols. Like… why do you like ‘em so much, anyway?”
You looked over to him with squinted eyes. What was this question about?
He leaned in close. “Are they cute? Or just adorably… bratty? Is that what you like?”
It clicked. It finally clicked.
“Mista… oh, Mista…” You began laughing. This was unbelievable.
You were being such a prick towards him sometimes. It was no wonder why he went crazy once he saw you were actually capable of being so caring and sweet for none other than his stand. His stand! The irony! He must’ve been so jealous, even desperate, to see you side with them and not him.
And if he truly suffered from jealousy, well, only one thing could cause it. The revelation, no, the mere possibility was so wonderful –
“You okay?”
Not at all, but he didn’t have to know that. Shit, you had to do something – but what? Maybe this was the opportunity for you to come clean after all this time, and for him to, finally, admit if he was being serious or not. You took a deep breath and decided to delve deeper.
You took him by the arm, which scared Mista, who yelped. You looked in his dark, so comfortingly black eyes, and the lashes that softened their still gaze – and he looked back into yours with unyielding focus.
“You know the saying: it’s not you, it’s me. Well, in this case, it is you,” you chiefly began, and it was enough to bewilder Mista. “You are jealous of them,” you accused, and it did not go as you expected.
Then and there, he broke into a laughing fit. So much so, that you had to let go of him. You thought that, indeed, this was too blatantly exaggerated – but it was no bad thing! It could still, somehow, turn into something good!
He finally calmed down, and naturally, denied the envy. “Pfft. Me? Jealous of them? That’s ridiculous, (Y/N), very funny, ten out of ten, top-notch humor.”
“Aww, top-notch acting, Mista,” you reciprocated the compliment boldly. Despite that sarcasm, he was a grinning mess, and he immediately moved past it.
“Say, hypothetically, what would you do if I were jealous? Just what would you do?” His question was characterized by some shy excitement, as he darted his focus away from your face, then back at it, in rapid repetitions. And you were buying it. You were totally buying it.
But not to accelerate this suddenly delicate conversation, you continued that teasing tone – although your heart was pounding, mind buzzing. You knew things were set in motion and you had to be very careful about what you said next.
And what was on your mind? Mista, who was standing right in front of you, with that heartfelt and yet undoubtedly cheesy smile; his eyes that bore into yours, expectant, so shamelessly looking for a reply. All of that, such a rightfully overwhelming visage, it was too much – and you bent your head slightly, averted your gaze slightly, and with the same rocky smoothness offered him a truthful answer, “Laugh at you, because… it’s adorable.”
His eyes widened, lips parted – now, perhaps he too was having a whirlwind inside his mind. “You think so?”
“Y-yeah, I mean, I…”
And there you have it, the embarrassment you knew would be your doom. You were so unsure what to speak, what to do, even. Should you just say it? Get it over with –
But Mista just ruffled your hair. “Save it for a better time. Say, are you hungry?”
You swallowed hard. “Are you...?”
“Yes, I am,” he confirmed.
That didn’t make any sense, because, as you recalled… “But… isn’t this the fourth time –“
Mista jumped backwards, utterly and wholly terrified. “What the fuck?! Okay, we’re skipping this one too, sorry, (Y/N), but I can’t do this! There’s no way I’m putting either of us in danger because of a date!” He waved his hands around in what you perceived as comical outrage.
In it, you found some amusement. It relieved you, and relief was what you needed. The aftermath of this conundrum left you with an obnoxious heartbeat, and at long last, it was quieting down. Therein laid some peace, and with it, you garnered a brilliant idea. “And what if I invited you to that date? As… attempt number five.”
And he was shocked. Did it align with his logic? Or was the risk of the deadly number too high?
After what seemed like an eternity of processing, Mista’s expression shifted to that of an overjoyed one. He chuckled, commented, “Honestly? I’m sure Buccellati wouldn’t mind it if we were a little late,” and pulled you by your waist, ready to drag you to that goddamned date.
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
...i didn't notice when you reblogged the thing from me, fuck. anyways. Nicole; A6, A12, B4, C3, C8, F11, G1, G5, H3. Sky; A5, A17, A22 (like is she intentionally pretty or am I just too gay) B10, C3, C6, E3, F0. Annalee; A3, A17, B9. C1, D4, E2, F11, F12, I5. Kat; A5, A13, B2, B3, C7, E6, H1, H7. Also do the whole L section owo
Nah, it’s fine. XD
Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
Nicole definitely believes her interpretation of reality is what happened, but she’ll also tend to let it go in most cases. “Hey you said that!” “No I didn’t!” “But you did!” “I didn’t I said *insert thing here*!” “Okay fine you said that” I know you said the other. Type of thing. There are a few cases where she actually will take it as a confrontation, but most times it’s not really worth it to her to pursue the fight. 
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves?
Is there such a thing as a Tip addiction? She doesn’t really have an addiction, unless there’s something I’ve missed in her character sheet. There are things that make her mentally unstable, but they’re not addictions.
Do they tip well? How easily can they be moved to not leave a tip?
She tends to default tip 18-20%, sometimes more if she has extra money like post an adventure (she’ll actually do 25% tips post SC, for example.) She’s easily pushed to tip 15% if the service is a little bad, and in order to tip 0% she’d have to get given such poor service that by the end of whatever’s going on she’s ready to walk out without paying, so she’s really hard to push to not tip.
Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own?
Not for the most part, but there are a few issues that if pushed can end up causing some really bad dissonance. She definitely doesn’t work well with people who are anti-Faunus and definitely can’t hang around them, even if they don’t know she’s a Faunus. Other than that, so long as they have a reasonable moral code (as in they aren’t about to go out of their way to hurt her or her friends) she won’t have too many issues with it. She’s argumentative, but so long as nobody is bringing up the issue, she finds it difficult to actually fight it.
Is your OC more practical or ideal morally? I.e., do they hold people to high expectations of behavior even if it’s not realistic for the situation, or do they have a more realistic approach and adapt their morality to be more practical?
Practical morality,  I mean, hard to argue ideal when she was saying that it was okay to murder if you’re protecting people, and holds herself to that same standard and has attempted murder to people who hurt the people she cares about.
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
She actually genuinely enjoys combat training to an extent. She often times gets into it to get out of either her situation home and escape anti-Faunus sentiments (like in SA or SC) or to try to improve how people view Faunus (SC and LoR) but she genuinely has fun with it. She also really loves music, which she mostly got into because it’s relaxing and a good way to help with her more volatile reactions. Also if there’s technology for it in the world she’s a bit of a gamer, if there are phones she mostly plays mobile games, if there aren’t she’s a PC gamer.
Is your OC close to their family?
She has a good relationship with her parents, her sister and her are fairly estranged due to some dissonance in how they believe they should go about Faunus rights. 
Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
Thankfully no but she almost had an emo-phase. And I said almost because her sense of style never changed, but she certainly had the attitude and music taste in her preteens. 
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right?
It’s complicated to explain. She believes there’s one person who is exactly what she’s looking for and 110% perfect, but she also believes that other people could be right for her and that she’d be happy with, just not that perfect match that’s exactly what she’s looking for. Of course that person she believes is perfect is who she ends up with, so she’d never realize that somebody else could be that good for her either.
It certainly doesn’t hurt this view that the first person she ever fell in love with is an immortal considering her perfect person will never ever go away so she’d never have to even consider that he might die long before her and somebody else might be just as good for her.
Are they good at handling change in their life?
She’s not really that great at it. She can adapt to smaller changes, but when it comes to larger changes she starts getting very quickly overwhelmed with them. When her Keyblade Master died, even after she’d started moving on, it took a lot of time to adapt to her new Master because she had no idea how to adjust.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
When she first became a Keyblade Master was definitely it. In most verses, it’s the last moment she really has with both of her friends as actual friends, so it’s a happy memory and it’s a super happy occasion because she spent a lot of time training with her Keyblade and it was a cultivation of over ten years of hard work. 
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
Why not both.
I'd say so. A lot of people view her sister as prettier than her, but she has a fair amount of people who think she’s really pretty.
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
Let’s put it this way, when she first met Yuuya, she thought it would be funny to put a tree in a dress and see if he’d end up flirting with it because she was laughing at the idea of him being a dumb flirt. And I’m pretty sure she also laughed at a few of the lines from Aghnia.
So she does have a bit of a mean sense of humor, and she also has no regret about it.
Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own?
She does, I’m having difficulties explaining why but when it comes to any of her particularly important ideologies, they have to match. She won’t start fights over it in most cases, but she’ll definitely make a note to avoid those people who collide with hers.
What do they do when they see someone asking for money or food? If they ignore them, why? If they help, how so?
She’s got more than enough munny to occasionally spare some to those who need it, but she’s more likely to do it with food. She feels bad leaving them to starve, so she’ll make an effort to help them, especially since as a Keyblade Wielder she views it as her duty to help anyone who needs her.
That being said she’ll only do it if she has the ability to. If she’s put in a situation (like post PoD) where her own survival has to come first, she’ll prioritize that instead.
How many languages do they speak?
I’d like to imagine she picked up some French from Yuuya in addition to English. Besides that she’s not wired for linguistic.
I’m not sure if you mean F9 or F10 for F0 so I’ll just answer both. owo’
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home?
She likes her time at home, but she very rarely actually gets to spend time there because she’s always got something going on that requires her to be away from home for long periods of time.
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
All my ocs have some kind of artistic skill, but hers is a bit lacking compared to most of my ocs. She can play piano, but she’s only an average pianist, which is about where she assesses her skills too.
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
Annalee has a fair degree of anxiety, it’s especially bad in social conditions, but it’s still bad outside of those too, so I’d more call it GAD. (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). She is aware of it, but she doesn’t truly understand how bad an issue it is so only kinda, she doesn’t seek treatment.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
Given her limited experiences with normal life, by far her proudest moment is making her first friend. She’s super proud over the fact that Emmett is her friend and that she was able to be friends with him.
What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
She starts off actually as kinda a punny person just because like it’s clever and hanging around Emmett actually causes his morbid sense of humor to rub off on her. Dammit Annalee.
Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
Her moral code is very kinda weird. She has a definite sense of what isn’t right and tries not to do it, but she’s not really great at identifying what’s wrong. She tends to be very forgiving of things that would be wrong, not because she sees the best in everybody, she just tends to think that there really isn’t a sense of 100% wrong. Everything’s a case by case basis, and she’ll judge based on that. So she mostly determines based on the situation I suppose.
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be?
No, she wouldn’t be. She doesn’t like the idea of spending forever never changing and losing everybody who cares about you, especially since she doesn’t have an easy time making friends to begin with. Having to lose all your friends and then make new ones all over again would just really suck to her.
Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest?
Is it bad that as a Psych major I don’t know the types?
I’m gonna make an argument for her being particularly good with musical intelligence She’s one of my more musically inclined ocs, so it fits.
Her worst is Interpersonal and Intrapersonal. She doesn’t really get other people or fully understand herself either, so those are pretty weak in comparison.
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
...She literally spends most of her free time reading manga and watching anime. Some of it’s spent on her violin, but most of it is spent being a shitty little weeb. As for how she got into it, she picked it up by coincidence and given her low amount of experiences, she used it to go to places she wasn’t really able to see. So she loves it for the ability it gives her to escape.
Would they enjoy a theme park? 
Yes but she gets terrified of most of the thrill rides. Why do I have this horrible feeling that Emmett somehow drags her on them anyways?
Are they a good cook?
To survive, she could probably make decent food that’s edible, but she’s not that great at it. Unfortunately.
Are they good at handling change in their life?
She encourages changes in her life because literally it’s the only way to get out of the situation she’s in thanks to coming from a heroic family. If she leaves the house, she can’t be as easily associated with her. So she’s gotten very good at handling changes, to the point where when she moved to Ravenwood dorms out of her parent’s homes she didn’t even have any difficulties adjusting.
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
Well fear’s a large motivator for her anxiety given that she’s always afraid that she’ll let her family down by not being the big success they are, so she’s certainly afraid of failure. She’s also a bit of an insectophobe, but this doesn’t apply to spiders. She’s mostly just afraid of them because they just creep her out.
Do they get frustrated when lines at places like pharmacies, check-outs, delis, banks, et cetera, are moving slowly?
No, she’s surprisingly patient, she doesn’t like waiting in line, but she doesn’t get too frustrated while waiting at least.
Under what situations would they get angry at servers, staff, customer service, et cetera?
She wouldn’t be able to bring herself to be angry at the people who have to deal with the job seeing what her friends go through at the cafe.
...Bad customers on the other hand...
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort?
She does believe that’s the case, due to her experience with the creations, I mean, she’s definitely heard stories from her grandmother about how much Tip has changed over the years for one. And she believes that it’s something that happens naturally even if they don’t try. It’s sudden change that’s abnormal.
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
Yes, she tries to learn whatever she can, but only in certain fields. In most cases, she can’t bring herself to look for sources of self-education despite that she enjoys learning.
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
She identifies as pansexual panromantic. She’s had issues dealing with it not in coming out (her mom never hid that she wasn’t straight, and her sister is also ace so that helped) but more in that she’s just not really comfortable with her own sexuality and it took her forever to realize that she was actually pan.
What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
Physically: She doesn’t really mind people who aren’t attractive physically, but if they don’t at least fall somewhere in her aesthetic preferences, she won’t take it.
Emotionally: They have to be...they’d need to be somewhat emotionally stable. She wouldn’t be able to emotionally handle somebody with severe depression or anxiety due to her own mental issues.
Mentally: No requirements here, so long as they’re not about to fall apart at the seams she’s fine, and again, that’s only because she wouldn’t be able to help them.
Author Questions:
How have your characters changed since you created them?
Nicole: ...I don’t even want to think about early BATU!Nicole anymore. She was just literally seventeen year old me and that’s the most cringey thing I’ve ever read in literally my entire life. I’m so glad she became a cat Faunus because that made her her own character and not just me.
Sky: She started as an emotional mess to me who was kinda all over the place and never had any consistent personality. Granted she didn’t get a lot of interactions or have any backstory at the time since when I made her she wasn’t met to be an oc, but still.
Mirai: So, shall we talk about how in the original HE I was so deep in my own bad mental state she was practically an angsty character, or as close as you can get to one who’s just kinda upset and cursing? Because yeah, somehow that girl became a cinnamon roll.
I think that’s it for drastically changed ocs at least.
What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
I don’t really think too many of my ocs have too many themes to them, or at least not that I can think of.
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
Some of them I feel converge from my personality, but aside from my self inserts (which I don’t do anymore) I don’t tend to have them too similar to me in how I try to write them at least.
Would you hang out with your OC if you could?
It genuinely depends on my ocs, but considering some of the bullshit I put these characters through, I don’t think that might be a good idea. Mirai would be nice to hang out with though.
Which OC do you think is the most decent morally or behaviorally?
I actually had to think on D&D morality lines because I think the most moral character is the Neutral Good (because the laws aren’t always moral or good) and really I’d lean towards it being Sera. She’s incredibly selfless and her morals are fairly strong but she does believe in exceptions. She’s also not too argumentative so her behavior isn’t bad.
In case you’re wondering why not Mirai, the girl has stolen things before. She does it out of necessity, but that’s not good behaviors.
Which OC do you think is the worst morally or behaviorally? AKA, which is supposed to a “good guy”?
I think this is mislabeled because I wouldn’t think of a good guy as somebody with bad morals or behaviors???
Anyways, probably I don’t really have ocs with that bad morals or behavior, but if I had to predict one, I’d probably pick Marina? (I know not my oc with darkness issues) She tends to have a fairly flexible moral code, meaning that while she’s a good person she could condone murder if it’s for the greater good, and her temper makes her behaviors sometimes not always the best.
Which OC do you think is the most attractive? AKA, which is supposed to be a “bad guy”?
I’m not sure how to answer this because I don’t think bad guy has anything to do with attractive???
But in other words I can pick Nicole because her appearance was inspired by me right? *shot* Okay serious answer for attractive and ignoring the bad guy thing, my ocs have reminded me I’m really gay and tbh I love Ami’s design a lot. (Particularly her Dreamselfies. I think with the exception of Sera I find all my ocs more attractive in Dreamselfy form. XD)
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for?
Nicole’s coming up on four years old now~
How did you come up with your OC?
I sit down, I say “Alright brain ideas” and suddenly I have a new oc who still needs a lot of work but I have something at least.
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hallowedmasamune · 8 years
for the gaming asks~ EVERY SINGLE DING DANG ONE OF THEM~ you're welcome :3
I freaking hate you XD
1. First console you’ve ever owned?
I can’t remember for certain, but I believe it was either a Nintendo 64 or a PlayStation.2. First game you played?
Oh gosh, that’s a hard one to remember, too. I’m going to say Pokemon Stadium, since that is the first game that I can vividly remember playing.3. Favorite childhood game?
Specifically as a child? Probably Pokemon or Shadow of the Colossus. Or Final Fantasy. My favorites haven’t really changed.4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?
Hm… Probably around half or more of an entire game. I’ve spent ALOT of time into Pokemon in particular.
5. Game with the best soundtrack?
This is a hard one. There are so many amazing video game soundtracks! I’ll say Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, any Final Fantasy, and Okami.6. An underrated game from within the last few years?
OH GOSH. The Last Story, definitely. That is a really amazing game that deserves a remaster.7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
I’m not sure. Most of the games that I’ve played are games that I’ve played before at a friend’s house, so I knew beforehand if I would like it enough to play it or not. I will say Gary’s Mod, though. I don’t really get the appeal, and it wasn’t really fun the round of Prop Hunt that I played.8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS. The scenery is so beautiful, even though it seems empty and barren to some people. It’s just vast, and there are good varieties in the environment. I thoroughly enjoyed going through the landscape and exploring every bit of the world that I could.9. Last game you played?
Basara 4 Sumeragi with a friend. It was fun~10. Prefer PC or console?
Console. I’m not sure why, but I just don’t really like the idea of using a computer to play video games and stuff on. I use that for school work, working on artwork or stories, and watching YouTube or something. Not really games beside visual novels.11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?
Oh, HAVE I. It’s a bit embarrasing, really. I think the ‘best’ one that I made was one for Samurai Warriors. It’s called Dear Agony. It’s not finished, but it’s one that I’ve always wanted to finish.12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
Let’s see… I’m not sure. If we mean bizarre as in a weird or an ‘interesting’ experience, I guess DRAMAtical Murder would be the most bizarre. It was…an experience to go through the…situations that happened in that game. I like the story and the characters (most of them), but there were just some moments that would have been better without.13. Scariest game you’ve played?
That I have played personally? Probably The Evil Within. I would say Resident Evil 4, but there are only a couple of parts in that game that truly terrify me. I can only spend a few minutes with each session of The Evil Within before I feel too stressed out to play it.14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
Sometimes, for games that I don’t really think I’ll play or for tips. Sometimes I’ll watch people I like online play games that I like or have played as well. It just depends on the Youtuber.15. Favorite animal in a video game?
It’s a REALLY hard decision, but I would say Agro from Shadow of the Colossus, Epona from Legend of Zelda, Repede from Tales of Vesperia, and Trico from The Last Guardian. I can’t pick one.16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?
2016 was a pretty good year, mostly because two games that I’ve been looking forward to came out last year (Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian). Another good year was either ‘05 or ‘06, since that’s when I played alot of my favorites, like Final Fantasy VII and Grandia III.17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen?
N-no! …..Almost all the time. If it doesn’t pertain to an anime, then it’s more than likely related to video games. Right now my lockscreen is Noctis and my phone background is the special artwork for the FFVII remake that was released recently. My computer background is Gladion and Silvally from Pokemon Sun.18. Worst game you’ve played?
Shadow Warrior. That was not a game that appealed to me at all. I gave it a shot, and it was just…no.19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
Probably something like Bloodborne. It’s a game that I’m not used to playing, and a game that I would normally avoid. I try not to get super angry with things, even though it happens all the time regardless.20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?
Probably Square Enix or Team ICO. 21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Shadow of the Colossus or the whole series of Final Fantasy VII. Or maybe Final Fantasy XV.22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?
As long as it’s a good rendition of the game, probably The Last Story. I feel like that would be a really beautiful movie.23. Favorite genre of video game?
Action or adventure, more than likely. It’s a wide genre that most or all of my games have in common.24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?
There have been too many emotional times in video games for me to just list here. I will try to list the ones that impacted me the most. Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XV, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Story.25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?
Being able to defeat Sephiroth when no one else could. I’ve beaten him in every game that I have that he appears in. I’ve had people ask me to beat him in Kingdom Hearts II, almost begging.26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
I don’t play online ever. I don’t really like playing with other people. I’ll play co-op with friends. Whenever we feel like playing Basara, Dynasty Warriors, or Samurai Warriors, we’ll play together.27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
OH BOY. Most of my friends are gamers. That’s basically a requirement for being my friend. Although I did get one friend who didn’t really game before into playing games, like Pokemon Channel.28. Who got YOU into gaming?
I can’t remember. I guess technically my parents. I remember my dad playing Tomb Raider alot when I was younger, and they didn’t really have a problem with me and my brother playing games.29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?
Watch. I love story, so I watch cutscenes. Although if I’ve seen a scene too much because I keep losing a boss fight (freaking Riku in Hollow Bastion in the first Kingdom Hearts), I’ll skip it.30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
I try not to spend too much time there. I don’t really like elaborate character creation stuff, so I tend to avoid games like Skyrim and Dragon Age. I would say maybe 5 or 10 minutes.31. Game with the best theme song?
I’m not sure of that, either. There are a good bit of games with great theme songs. I’ll say Final Fantasy XV. The cover of Stand By Me was really great.32. Do you cosplay?
I cosplayed once, but it wasn’t anything special or any good. I don’t really have the talent with clothes and stuff to do that.33. Favorite female npc?
Of all time? Probably Aerith. She’s always so precious and amazing. And she’s a person who seems girly and like she can’t defend herself, but she can prove very easily that she can save herself if necessary.34. Favorite male npc?
Since there are too many to list more than likely, I’ll think of the first one that comes to mind… Therius from The Last Story. He had really great character development, and he’s just a really cool character in general. He’s a great example of a knight.35. Best protagonist? 
Oh no, this question. I’m not sure again. Too many good people. I will say Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII or Wander from Shadow of the Colossus.36. Best antagonist?
Hm, antagonist… Maybe Caius from Final Fantasy XIII, or Kuja from Final Fantasy IX.37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?
Nothing too extensive. I was pretty quiet, so not many people knew what I did and didn’t like. 38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?
That would be Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII, although I wouldn’t say that I hated them. I couldn’t get them at first. It was either the Sphere Grid, the License Board, or the battle system, but I just couldn’t play them when I was younger. I tried them both again recently, and it seems like something finally clicked and I had no trouble whatsoever with playing them. I have a new adoration for them now.39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?
Eh, they aren’t that important. If I like the game enough, then I might go for a complete trophy list, but other than that as long as I enjoy the game I’m good.40. Favorite voice actor?
FRICK NO. This one is really hard. There are too many awesome seiyuu, so I’ll just say my favorite voice actor. That would be Crispin Freeman. He voices characters like Haji from Blood+ and Itachi Uchiha from Naruto.41. Gone to a midnight release before?
Yeah, I’ve gone to one myself, for Final Fantasy XV. I have worked a couple while at GameStop.42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?
I’ll always have a gross memory of Shadow Warrior. It was just….too weird. 43. Favorite sidekick or companion?
Would you count animals? ‘Cause it would be Agro, Epona, Repede, and Trico again.44. Do graphics matter?
Not entirely. Some of my favorite games are older and not as good in the graphics department as recent games. Although if a game has really great graphics, I most certainly won’t complain.45. Do you like funny or more serious games?
I tend to lean toward serious games, but I don’t mind if they have funny moment in them. I like comic relief, especially in games with stressful storylines or situations.46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?
It depends on the game. Or if I’m playing it in English or not.47. First person or Third person?
Third person, all the way. I’m not a huge fan of first person.48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it?
Kamigami no Asobi. I’m sure there are a couple more, but that’s the only one that I can think of. I hope they bring it over to the US someday.49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?
DIRGE OF CERBERUS. And Shadow of the Colossus. Always Shadow of the Colossus50. How many games to do you own?
….No idea. I would say around 25 or 30. Maybe. 51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
I have no idea. It’s been so long, and I can’t remember when I started thinking that it was okay to have a crush or something on a character. I’ll say either Link from Zelda or Blank from Final Fantasy IX. 52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?
Any game that I like, really. But I guess if I have to list anything specific, Final Fantasies that I like, Shadow of the Colossus, Pokemon, The Last Story, and The Last Guardian.53. Your most immersive game?
Resident Evil 4, probably. That game somehow made it feel like what happened to Leon was actually happening to me. 54. A sequel you really want?
Honestly, a sequel or at least an explanation to the secret ending of Dirge of Cerberus. I won’t spoil anything just in case, but that last scene just leaves a big ‘What now?’ question that has never been answered. 55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?
I’m not sure of an exact amount. I try to play as much as I can between school and work.56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?
Of course. Why wouldn’t I? It’s something that I enjoy doing and something that I have to be able to connect with other people.57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?
I’ll say Fire Emblem Awakening, since I’ve been seeing alot of people saying that about it and that you’re not a true fan if you’ve only played Awakening, Birthright, or Conquest. (whoops, I played all three)58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?
I have no idea what that is, but I have had my mom walk into my room and want to talk to me when I was playing DRAMAtical Murder. A couple of times had been during an awkward scene.59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
Breath of the Wiiiiild. I feel like it’s going to be a really great addition to the series. 60. The game you are best at?
Probably Shadow of the Colossus. I’ve gotten to the point where I can beat every Colissi in less than a day.61. A game you know everything about?
I won’t say everything, but I have more knowledge than I know what to do with about Final Fantasy VII. I’ve done alot of reading and research about stuff that happens in that game.62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
Of course. I don’t know if I can do the techy stuff, but I would love to create storyboards or art for a game.63. What’s a game that has inspired you?
Pretty much any game that I’ve played, really. I feel like each one carries a sort of message that I take away from it when I play it. Some more…friendly than others.64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?
Kill giant creatures.65. Any favorite screenshots of games?
I can’t even begin to express how bad it is that the PS4 has an option to screenshot. I have so many from FFXV that it’s ridiculous.66. Game with the yummiest looking food?
FINAL FANTASY XV. I want to experience Ignis’s cooking for myself. It looks TOO good.67. Most violent game you’ve played?
That would be either Bloodborne or Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Both games are really violent and gory, buuuuut they’re pretty fun.68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?
I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but a friend of mine gave me a copy of Legend of Dragoon. I’ve always wanted to play it, and I’m looking forward to trying it soon.69. Your first LI?
Again, NO idea what that means, so I’ll just ignore this one.70. Do you play any mobile games?
A couple, but not nearly as much as on my consoles. I have at the moment Love Live!, Terra Battle, Pokemon Go, and Fire Emblem Heroes.71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?
Final Fantasy XV. It’s really amazing, and has been a truly great experience, even though it seems like it’s getting nothing but complaints and hate. I know that people still enjoy the game but think it’s unfinished, but I personally have loved every moment of it, even the moments when I wanted to throw my controller across the room because of a frustrating enemy.72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
Ripping the spines out of cyborgs in Metal Gear Rising. It’s way more fun that it should be, and it’s very stress relieving for me.73. A game with the best fandom?
The Last Story. It isn’t that bad with shipping and stuff.74. Which game has the best lore?
Not sure. I think most of the games that I play have really great stories and lore to them. I don’t really play games where the storyline doesn’t interest me.75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?
I try to even the two out. I try to go through the plot when I feel like it, but I also make sure to do sidequests so that I’m not underleveled or I can get weapons or items that are hard to get in the main game.
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megadads · 5 years
Matt T. Wood (Game Designer, Artist, Programmer)
Matt has been creating video games for over 2 decades, getting his start in 1997 when he joined 3D Realms as a level designer and worked on games such as Prey, Duke Nukem Forever and Max Payne. In 2003 he moved to Seattle to work with Valve where he helped to create some of their most iconic titles including Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead, Portal 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. He recently departed Valve and formed his own company, Double Dagger Studio, where he is working to create his next games. Matt lives in Seattle with his wife, three children, 2 cats, and leopard gecko.
What is the first video game that you remember playing?
“This is a tough one. I have so many memories of playing games when I was young, but I don’t recall which was the very first. In the arcade, it was probably Pac-Man or Centipede. I remember playing a lot of Centipede in particular. I think I just really enjoyed spinning the trackball around. It’s funny, thinking about this now brings back all of the memories of where these arcade cabinets were located. I can vividly see them in the pizza parlors, the sub shops, the bowling alleys, the corner shops and of course, in the arcades with kids just hanging out together and watching each other play. Those were good times.
I spent a lot of time in the arcade when I was growing up. My dad worked in the department store at one end of the mall, so I would wander around the arcade with my pockets empty, watching all the bigger kids play. Sometimes I would go up and down the aisles checking the coin return slots for quarters and sometimes I would get lucky, but most times not. Haha.
The first game I played on console was definitely Pong. It was at my grandmother’s house and I don’t recall whose console it was, but I distinctly remember spinning those big dials to play. What a special day that was!”
What are your favorite games of all time?
“Honestly, my list is way too long! But here are some that have impacted me in various ways throughout my life.
Zork, Enchanter, and Planetfall (and most other Infocom games) were very pivotal for me and had a big impact on me early on. Experiencing these games and the “feelies” as they called them, which were all of the supplemental things they put in the box, I think were what made me want to make games. I would pore over all of the text included in the box and imagine all the things I could do if the parser were more robust. I wanted to do what Marc Blank, Dave Lebling and Steve Meretzky were doing. To me, they were making magic.
Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, and Quake gave me the inspiration and the tools that I needed to start making video games. Up until that point, the closest I had come to making games was when I entered them into a computer line by line by copying out of a magazine. I had no idea what I was doing and all the books that I picked up on programming were over my young head. So when these games had tools that you could use to make ACTUAL levels…..wow, I was so hooked! Plus, Quake was an industry exploding phenomenon. It’s hard to imagine where gaming would be today if Quake hadn’t happened.
Some of my other favorites in no particular order are Dwarf Fortress, Sim City 4, Dark Souls, Morrowind, Half-Life, Baldur’s Gate 2, Diablo 2, Final Fantasy 3, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, World of Warcraft, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, and Counter-Strike.”
Which hobbies or pastimes do you enjoy besides gaming?
“At one point when I was younger, I thought I wanted to be a movie special effects and prop maker. So now, sometimes, for fun, I’ll build and paint models and props and things. I’m thinking about growing out my mustache and getting a pipe too. Just to complete the dad hobby cliché look. Haha.
But with my current game and the kids, I don’t have as much time for that anymore. Now we try to do more things together as a family. We like to travel together when we can and we recently started doing a board game night at our house.”
Do you and your children play video games together?
“Yes! All three of my kids have been head over heels in love with Minecraft for years. Every time they play, they ask me to play too and it’s always a blast. What I love about Minecraft is that all four of us can be working together on a house one minute, and then the next minute, we can go off in different directions and explore. I love watching them work together and discover together.
Speaking of working together, we love co-op games. Any game that we can play together on the same team to solve problems or work together is a big win in our house. Some of my kid’s favorites right now are Castle Crashers, Battleblock Theater, Overcooked 1&2, and Mario Maker. My youngest son is really looking forward to a game called Moving Out where you work together to move furniture out of houses. He’s been asking me about it almost every day since he first played it at PAX.
Some other games we like to play together are Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the new Spiderman on PS4, Mario Kart, Donut County and pretty much any Mario game.
In addition to playing games, we also work together to make games too. I have a whiteboard in my home office where the kids will write up ideas or drawings and we’ll work together to turn them into little games. We make them in Unity and that experience has been really great for us.”
How do you make time for gaming with a busy family life and career?
“The kids go to bed relatively early every night. My wife is pretty militant about their bedtime and I support that. On the bright side, my wife’s unwavering mission to make sure the kids are getting as much sleep as their bodies need also means there’s consistently a good chunk of time in the evening for game time! But yeah, sometimes it can be pretty tough. The gaming is usually the first to fall off the list and I still have a huge backlog of games that I want to play that I’ll probably never get to. Something to look forward to in my old age, I guess. Haha.”
What is your proudest moment as a parent?
“Again, too many to talk about! But there are a few that I’ve been thinking about recently. They might be small things, but they made me really proud: moments when they demonstrate maturity, compassion, and kindness.
All three of my kids are dancing in The Nutcracker this year and I was helping wrangle the little “party boys” backstage. To begin the show, they all have to line up single file and grab the shoulders of the kid in front of them and trail their “nanny” out onto the stage. They didn’t have a specific order and when my 5-year-old son grabbed the shoulders of the boy in front of him and another little boy just about had a breakdown. HE wanted to be behind that boy! There were only a few seconds before they needed to go out onto the stage and I was about to intervene when my son put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and said, “It’s ok! You can go” and stepped back so the other boy could take his spot. So proud of him for that.
More Nutcracker: my daughter (age 11) was asked to fill in at the last minute for a child who had gotten sick. She put in extra hours at added rehearsals for this part but on the day of the performance, the other child was well enough to perform, so she didn’t end up performing the part. We asked her how she felt about the situation and she said she was just happy for her friend to be well enough to dance because she knew how devastated she would be if she got sick and missed her performance. *heart swells*
Another thing that happened with my 8-year-old son recently was when he was with some of his classmates and they all had to choose a bandana. They were all different colors and one of them was pink. It was the last one to get picked and the boy who was left with it loudly exclaimed that he wasn’t going to take the pink one! Pink was for girls! My son looked at him and said, “Oh come on. It’s just a color!” and he gave that boy his and took the pink one for himself.
Also, in general, I’m proud of how much my kids love to read. Our house is full of books. They stack up in piles on the stairs and in corners and are sometimes used as makeshift desks and writing surfaces. The kids devour books and I’m really happy about that.”
Gamer Spotlight: Matt T. Wood Matt T. Wood (Game Designer, Artist, Programmer) Matt has been creating video games for over 2 decades, getting his start in 1997 when he joined…
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