#definitely recommend as a low energy devotional act
kitisms · 5 months
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created some picrews as a little devotional activity for how i interpret nyx and aphrodite !! 💜🩷
picrews used:
sushicore! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/257476
toon me! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1944831
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kaepopsicle · 4 years
nct mbti types redo!
the old one can be found here! but i definitely recommend this one more tehe!
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hi hi! so i know most of you know about mbti or myers briggs personality, if you don’t well. . here’s a little summary! if you already do know go ahead and scroll down past the keep reading to find ncts types! now for those that don’t and want to know it’s basically when you take this quiz and you get four/five letters, each giving you a detailed description of your personality! it helps you find other people with the same personality and people you are compatible or not compatible with! of course it is all just for fun! but i know some people take it seriously! do whatever feels right to you! so moving on to the different letters; there are 4 different letters you can get! which leads to about 16 different outcomes! (there are also 2 extra letters! A & T which are basically the outlook on yourself! but not that many people actually go by those!)
- first there’s E & I (extrovert & introvert) this is basically what your energy level is. E- you get energized by people and are more social. I- you get drained by people and are more homebodies.
- second there’s N & S (intuitive & sensing) this is basically how you understand or learn about other people! N- you base off of your gut feeling or instincts when you first meet someone! more observant! S- you are more logical, analytical, you get to know people a little first before you decide!
- third there’s F & T (feeling & thinking) this is basically what it says! how do you respond to problems! F- you think with your heart! more empathetic and emotional! T- you think with your head! more logical and emotionally intelligent!
- fourth and last one there’s P & J (perceiving & judging) and this is basically on how you prefer to live your everyday life! P- more spontaneous go with the flow! you don’t like schedules very much and tend to go with your gut on things! J- more neat, more punctual! you like routine and for things to go as planned!
also! you can be a mix of these! (for example i am an enfp/infp! so am an mix of extroverted & introverted!) you can pick one that resonates with you most or if they both do go by both!
well that should be all of it! if you want to take the quiz then you can find it right here! now that you know a little bit about what it is! let’s get into what ncts types are! i split them up between the two biggest differences which are introverts vs extroverts! :))
— introverts
confirmed types: infj . isfj . isfp . infp
other introverted types: intj . istj . istp . intp
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- infj
members that are confirmed infjs:
ten . jungwoo . mark . hendery . winwin . half jisung
members i also think are infjs:
no one else
common traits include: creative . empathetic . friendly . intelligent . private . overthinkers . artistic!
most compatible with: enfp!!!! . infp . enfj . other infj
our most popular type! (which is great bc it’s my natural partner ;)) infjs or also know as the advocates are highly artistic and creative people! they appear at first to be very quiet and sensitive! but when actually they’re quite intelligent and are observant, peaceful, friendly people!
“With their strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding, INFJs can be soft-spoken and empathetic. This does not mean that they are push-over's, however. They have deeply held beliefs and an ability to act decisively in order to get what they want. While they are introverted by nature, people with this personality type are able to form strong, meaningful connections with other people. They enjoy helping others, but they also need time and space to recharge. While this personality type may be characterized by idealism, this does not mean that INFJs see the world through rose-colored glasses. They understand the world, both the good and the bad, and hope to be able to make it better.”
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- isfj
members that are confirmed isfjs:
doyoung . jaemin
members i think that are also isfjs:
yuta . half johnny
common traits include: protective . compassionate . sees the good in others . sensitives with others emotions . warm hearted
most compatible with: esfp!!!! . estp . istj . & other isfj
this type is one of my personal favorites! the defenders! they are the type of people who will have you walk on the inner side of the sidewalk! they may seem a little cold at first but once they trust and open up to you they are so warm! and loyal! very puppy like!
“They typically want to work hard, get along with others, and make sure they do what is expected of them. ISFJs value relationships highly and strive to cooperate and maintain harmony with others. They want stability and longevity in their relationships, and tend to maintain a deep devotion to family. They feel most connected with people they know they can rely upon over the long term. ISFJs appreciate tradition and like knowing how things were done in the past. They are loyal to established methods and values, and want to observe the proper, accepted way of doing things. They place great importance on fitting in with established institutions and contributing what they can to maintain strong, stable social structures. In groups, they often take on the role of historian, ensuring that new members respect and value the established customs.”
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- isfp
members that are confirmed isfps:
taeil . jeno
members i think that are also isfps:
common traits include: independent . imaginative . creative . passionate
most compatible with: esfj!!!! . esfp . isfj . other isfp
the next type is the adventurers! they are curious and passionate people that are very drawn to the outside world and helping others! they are gentle and sweet :)
“ISFPs are gentle caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. ISFPs are quiet and unassuming, and may be hard to get to know. However, to those who know them well, the ISFP is warm and friendly, eager to share in life's many experiences. ISFPs have a strong aesthetic sense and seek out beauty in their surroundings. They are attuned to sensory experience, and often have a natural talent for the arts. ISFPs especially excel at manipulating objects, and may wield creative tools like paintbrushes and sculptor's knives with great mastery.”
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- infp
members that are confirmed infps:
chenle . half jisung
members i think that are also infps:
common traits include: peaceful . idealistic . open minded . seek harmony
most compatible with: enfj!!!! . enfp . infj . other infp
the next type are the mediators! i love this type (not only bc im half this type) but bc this type is really the most pure and deserves the entire world. they are curious and flexible people!
“Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.”
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- istp
members who are confirmed istps:
none of them
members who i think are istps:
common traits include: practical . creative . rational . spontaneous
most compatible with: entp!!!! . estj . intp . other istp
these are the virtuosos! this type are relaxed! very down to the grown, they are the type of people you want to have during an crisis, they are good at calling the shots and keeping everyone calm!
“Virtuosos love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go. Often mechanics and engineers, Virtuosos find no greater joy than in getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, just a little bit better than they were before.”
— extroverts
confirmed types: enfp . esfj . esfp . estp
other extroverted types: entp . enfj . estj . entj
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- enfp
members who are confirmed enfps:
xiaojun . haechan
members who i think are also enfps:
no one else
common traits: energetic . fun . kind . very popular & friendly
most compatible with: infj!!!! . infp . enfj . other enfp
these are the campaigners! (my other personality type) these types are the kind of people you want to be friends with, they keep the energy happy and fun, but also know how to listen and relax
“Campaigners will bring an energy that oftentimes thrusts them into the spotlight, held up by their peers as a leader and a guru – but this isn’t always where independence-loving Campaigners want to be. Worse still if they find themselves beset by the administrative tasks and routine maintenance that can accompany a leadership position. Campaigners’ self-esteem is dependent on their ability to come up with original solutions, and they need to know that they have the freedom to be innovative – they can quickly lose patience or become dejected if they get trapped in a boring role.”
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- esfp
members that are confirmed esfp:
half jaehyun
members who i think are also esfp:
common traits include: bold . aesthetic . confident . inclusive
most compatible with: isfp!!!! . isfj . esfj . other esfp
this type are known as the entertainers! the whole world is their stage! these people are not only eye catching and well entertaining, they are sweet and have good sportsmanship!
“Entertainers love the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage. Many famous people with the Entertainer personality type are indeed actors, but they love putting on a show for their friends too, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. Though it may not always seem like it, Entertainers know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice.”
- esfj
members that are confirmed esfj:
members who i think are also esfj:
half johnny
common traits include: supportive . encouraging . caring . positive
most compatible with: isfj!!!! . isfp . esfp . other esfj
this next type are called the consuls! known for their very parent like demeanors, these are what you call your “mom/dad friends” the ones that will give you the best advice and always be a shoulder to lay on and always cheer you on at your worst!
“People who share the Consul personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, Consuls continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.”
- estp
members that are confirmed estp:
half jaehyun . sungchan
members who i think are also estp:
no one else
common traits include: social . perceptive . original . direct
most compatible with: intp!!!! . istp . entp . other estp
these are the entrepreneurs! the people that know what they want in life and will and have the stamina to do so, they are natural born leaders and enjoy calling the shots! and expressing their big ideas!
“Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.”
- entp
members that are confirmed entp:
members who i think are entp:
common traits include: quick thinkers . knowledgeable . charismatic . energetic
most compatible with: isfp!!!! . intp . esfj . other entps
the last type we will be talking about are known as the debaters! this type are the kind that could go for hours discussing important topics to them! they are quick witted, and are good at coming up with things on their feet. intelligent and resourceful, these types make excellent lawyers
“No one loves the process of mental sparring more than the Debater personality type, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points. Debaters are the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. They don’t always do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, though. Sometimes it’s for the simple reason that it’s fun.”
- wowowowubsy, this was a really long post! thanks for making it to the end! what do you think about their types and do you have any other ideas what types the remaining mystery members are? thank you so much for reading! :)
- my thoughts are that there is not a single introverted thinker on this whole team! (renjun i have hope in you!)
- and the fact there are only 1.5 confirmed thinkers in an group of 23- how do they manage ???
- sorry sungchan & jae
- they really are a bunch of introverted feelers goodness gracious
- also literally my pictures ran out half way through it and it won’t let me delete them lmao so sorry about that
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teawiththegods · 5 years
I have another question about the divine relationships thing. I'm the one that's Very Much UwU over Apollo and Hermes, and both of them have given me (what I believe to be) positive signs concerning my feelings. However, I have several mental illnesses that drain my energy to the point that I can hardly interact with ANYONE, divine or not. (1/2) 💙
I'm always seeing people say that having a relationship with Gods means they expect more from you, but I hardly have the mental stability to do even basic worship some days. It's to the point that I've debated just stopping worshipping them altogether out of guilt of "disappointing" them. I love them so much. I get straight-up overwhelmed with how happy and loved they make me feel, and yet I feel like I'm undeserving of their attention because I can't do "more". I don't know what to do. (2/2) 💙
You’re def not alone in this, love. A lot of worshipers struggle with balancing worship along with mental illnesses and feeling completely unworthy of the gods because of it. 
The thing that i’ve learned through experience and speaking with other worshipers is that while looking at the relationships other worshipers have can be helpful in certain situations, they should not be seen as any kind of model for what ALL divine relationships will be like.
We each have unique relationships with our gods and they treat each of us different. Yes some things are simiar and do overlap but as a whole not one is the exact same. Meaning that just because other people are saying “they expect more” doesn’t automaticaly mean thats going to be the case for you. The gods know. They know more than we do. So they know you’re struggling. Why would they demand more from you?? What good would that do them or you to demand you things you can’t give?? They know not only is it unlikely you’ll be able to meet those demands but they also know that the failure to meet those expectations might cause you a lot of harm and distress. So yeah why would they do that?? The answer is: they wouldn’t. 
Another thing I’ve learned thanks to my own experience and my time talking to others here on tumblr, is that all those things you’re worried about have zero to do with the gods and everything to do with YOU. Disappointing them, feeling undeserving, those are all caused by your mental illnesses and your low sense of self because you’re not able to do what you think you SHOULD be doing. 
This is a common problem. One that I even struggle with and not just in terms of devotion. Now if you broke your leg would you beat yourself up for not being able to dance?? Would tell yourself “you should be able to do this and now that you can’t you’re undeserving’?? Likely not, so why are you trying to force yourself to do things that your mental illnesses make hard to do? You have to accept that you’re struggling right now and that’s okay, but because of that you can’t do things the way not struggling you could. 
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break from worship. I’ve done it multiple of times and have always come back to the open arms of my gods. They would much rather see you taking care of yourself than making yourself worse by putting ridiculous expectations and pressures on yourself.
There’s also the options of changing your worship. Sometimes people have such a strict definition on what worship is and entails and don’t realize that they have the power to change that definition. Worship can be basically anything you say it is. It doesn’t need to be elaborate or look like what everyone else is doing. It doesn't need to be complicated or draining. It can be whatever you have the energy and desire to do, regardless of how simple and even mundane it seems. 
I always recommend devotional acts to those who are struggling. I have a podcast episode all about it that goes into more detail
I know it’s hard but you gotta be kinder to yourself, love. You’re not disappointing anyone. You’re doing the best you can but you’re not helping yourself out. You’re making things harder for yourself. You gotta let go of the expectations and the pressures and just let yourself be. 
I know the gods. And i know that what they likely want more than anything is for you to take care of yourself. So do that! You deserve the love, kindness, compassion, and understanding not only from the gods but for yourself. 
I hope my ramblings helped in some way and i hope you feel better soon!
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love-takes-work · 6 years
Steven Universe Podcast Volume 3: Episode 8: Lars with Matthew Moy and Lamar Abrams
This is Volume 3, Episode 8 of the official Steven Universe podcast, looking at all aspects of the character Lars, including input from Matthew Moy (the voice of Lars) and storyboard artist Lamar Abrams.
The official description:
It's an episode devoted to Lars with Matthew Moy, the voice of Lars, and Storyboard Artist Lamar Abrams (who also happens to be the voice of Buck Dewey). Hear about "Bingo Bongo," Lar's Pilipino heritage & love of Ube, and his complicated relationships with Sadie and Steven. You'll also discover the original ideas for Lars' brief death and quick resurrection, his adventures in space, and what both Lamar and Matthew wish for Lars' future (might it involve his own song?)!
This, as usual, is bit long so I’ll do my bullet points of interest, with longer descriptions after the jump.
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Matthew Moy took voice acting lessons at Voicetrax and only ever wanted to do voice acting, not on-camera acting.
Matthew auditioned to play both Lars and Steven.
Figuring out a character's voice for Matthew usually involves finding a piece of himself that he has in common with them and using that to connect.
Neither Lamar nor Matthew initially knew the huge plans Rebecca and others had in store for Lars in the distant future.
Lamar thinks Lars always tries to match the energy other characters put out instead of bringing his own energy to the interaction.
Lamar loved being able to show Lars was half Filipino (on his dad's side) using the ube cake.
Matthew thinks Sadie is Lars's closest person (along with Steven) and that even though he sometimes treats her poorly, he is also sometimes his best self around her.
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The "Wanted" arc was powerful for Matthew--seeing Lars break down and admit his fears when he was stuck in Topaz with Steven was huge.
The fan reaction to "Lars of the Stars" at Comic Con was powerful for them. And they love that fans ship Lars with Emerald.
Lars is obviously still himself despite how much he's changed--the reaction he has to Sadie's phone photos proves that.
Matthew received a heads-up about Lars's upcoming death several episodes before he had to record it.
Matthew thinks Lars should have his own time-traveling show with the Off Colors.
On the idea of Lars getting a song, Lamar thinks he needs to deal with his feelings more before he'd get one, but Matthew would love to sing and wants Lars to get an intergalactic rock ballad to Sadie.
The detailed summary is below!
[Archive of Steven Universe Podcast Summaries]
McKenzie first welcomes Matthew Moy to the podcast, and he gives an enthusiastic introduction. She asks him about his voice acting background, so he says he studied at Voicetrax for two years wanting to just do voice over work--he wasn't interested in on-camera acting. He found an agent and moved to Hollywood after that. He recommends that if you're interested in something, you can always go to school for it to learn more and see if you can get into the business.
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Regarding how he heard about and got the role on Steven Universe, Matthew describes his experience as the "normal" one--he got an e-mail about an audition from his agent, and he recalls that the opportunity was for auditioning for Lars and for Steven. He got a callback for both and they gave him the role for Lars. He really knew nothing about the show besides the pitch, which told him Lars was an angsty teenager who picks on Steven. He thinks he may have been the only adult auditioning to play Steven, which ended up just being a pitched-up version of Lars's voice. He thinks it sounds like "Lars is very excited and on a lot of coffee." Matthew also remembers the pilot version of Lars had dark hair.
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McKenzie asks Matthew to talk about what inspires him in voice acting and acting in general. He discusses connection--that when he sees something really good and connects to it, it reminds him that he does this so he can connect with others. He loves that on Steven Universe people can relate to his character. He tries to make his own emotions align with the character's while he's providing the voice.
Regarding figuring out how to voice a character for the first time just based on an image and a pitch, Matthew says the hardest job is when you completely don't "get" a character and have to audition to play them anyway, and of course it's easiest if you do feel like you get them. He tries to find a piece of himself that's in the character to connect with and relate to, and use that to figure out, to build a foundation. For Lars, he focused on Lars's insecurities and interests. He thinks actually everyone can relate to Lars even if they might not admit it. Matthew points out that people always go to the Big Donut for information, and that Lars is a fixture of the human cast who's very important. He's an "average Joe teenage kid." He relates to both sides of bullying--picking on people (though not too much!) and being picked on. He knows where it comes from when someone does that.
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When Lamar Abrams joins the party, McKenzie asks him to talk about the complexity of Lars and his role in Beach City and the show proper. Lamar didn't know about the huge plans for his character at first, and so he was just a dude giving Steven a hard time, but his complexity increased as he tried to figure himself out. Matthew remembers reading the description and understood "who this guy is." Matthew says picking on another person often is rooted in actually admiring them or wanting to interact with them, so they mess with them. He knew right then that he wouldn't be a two-dimensional character, though he did NOT know what he would end up becoming later.
McKenzie asks about Lars's first struggles in the show, focused on wanting to be part of the Cool Kids, and Matthew thinks Lars is actually really similar to Steven except he's "the other side of the coin." Where Steven is accepting and goes with his gut, Lars overthinks instead of expressing feelings. Lamar feels that Lars gives back what someone gives to him. He'll find a safe way to engage, giving as much as he gets. He can be vulnerable with Steven, but he hasn't gotten there with the Cool Kids. He IS trying though. McKenzie points out how very different Lars can behave when comparing his attitude to interacting with Steven, with the Cool Kids, and with Sadie. Lamar notes that he tries to match everyone else's energy when really he should just bring his own.
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They discuss "the first bingo bongo," and Lamar recalls it as Buck coming into the shop and inviting them to the potluck (which is in the episode "The Good Lars"), to which Matthew had to talk really fast to show Lars's nervous, overexcited acceptance. (Lamar also recalls that Buck asked for a caprese salad, though that was a different Lars/Buck interaction, back in "Shirt Club.") 
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McKenzie thought it was so funny that even a really "low-stakes" situation like being invited to a potluck was HUGE to Lars. They discuss how he made that great ube cake and then trashed it because he was too scared to go to the party. Lamar was sad to see food in the trash.
Lamar also was glad the episode gave them the chance to show that Lars was a mixed Filipino character (on his dad's side). He thought Filipino audiences being able to hear his Filipino last name and see that ube cake was a great way to point out his heritage without explicitly pointing it out. Matthew loves ube and recommends people eat it. Lamar recently ate ube ice cream.
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McKenzie wants to talk about Lars's interaction with Sadie. Matthew feels that Sadie is Lars's closest person (along with Steven), and that even though sometimes he isn't "himself" around her, other times he's his BEST self around her. 
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Lamar thinks it's a very typical teenage thing to sometimes treat your best friends poorly, and they discuss how awful it was to see Lars just deliberately not showing up to the potluck, ditching his friends and not even telling them. (Even though he did get abducted, that was a very Lars thing to do, and it could have been exactly what he did even if he hadn't been abducted.) McKenzie loves Sadie's separate arc with her band, how they're separated and both changed so much. Lamar loves seeing Sadie with the Cool Kids, and it wasn't like Sadie set out to establish a relationship with them like Lars did; it's awesome to see that they forged this out of shared love of music.
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McKenzie wants them to talk about "connection" moments with the characters, and Matthew loved the “Wanted” arc--Lars had a literal death and rebirth, and it doesn't get more extreme than that. He transforms emotionally and literally, and that emotion when he was stuck in Topaz with Steven was so raw; they both revealed how they were both afraid. Lamar describes that as Lars confronting his fears.
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Next they talk about the episode "Lars of the Stars." McKenzie prompts them to talk about initial reactions to finding out Lars was going to go to space, and Matthew says he "flipped out" and thought it was so cool. He loved seeing the crowd reaction at Comic Con. Lamar describes being surprised that they would do something like that with him when he still had so much to deal with on Earth, but now he has to survive on another planet. He connected with the Off Colors and faced his fears and did what had to be done. Lamar loves to imagine how that must have gone, going from caves under Homeworld to becoming a space captain--stealing the ship, getting the cool clothes, etc. Matthew thinks Lars just must be a genius if he was able to adapt and understand the technology so well.
Lamar points out the corny science fiction dialogue between Lars and Emerald, and Matthew thinks it's hilarious that fans ship him with Emerald. Lamar definitely thinks they have a villain/rebel chemistry. Matthew says they were straight up doing an anime homage (down to the cutaways to give the characters' titles and descriptions). Lamar loved boarding the latter half of the episode, from looking at Sadie's photos on the phone. He loved drawing Lars zooming in on Sadie. Matthew wants people to know Lars is still himself even though he's changed so much. Lamar says characters don't completely flip even when they grow. McKenzie is eager to see Lars interact with the people from his old life. Now that he's a space captain and . . . pink, with a hair portal and a scar.
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Matthew, when prompted to discuss his reaction to finding out about Lars's death, says he was given the heads up by Rebecca a few episodes before. Lamar says he feels the death scene moved on to the resurrection scene pretty quickly, and Matthew thinks it was just enough to give that horrified moment grappling with the fact that they DID this on this show. McKenzie brings up the Off Colors' reactions, how they have no idea he's been mortally injured because that isn't how they react when they're hurt. His body didn't poof and it changed colors, and they're like "what?" McKenzie thinks she remembers that the resurrection was pitched as heading up the last episode of the arc instead of ending on it in "Off Colors." McKenzie thinks they made the right choice resolving the resurrection.
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On the subject of what the guests want to see with Lars in the future, Matthew wants Lars to meet up with everyone and see everyone's reaction to his transformation. Matthew also jokes about wanting to have Lars on his own show with the Off Colors as an intergalactic time-hopper "fixing crimes" and solving mistakes in history. McKenzie asks about the idea of Lars having his own song, and Lamar thinks characters usually transform somehow through their songs, while Lars needs to get to that point where he's ready to do that before he would get a song. Matthew thinks he needs to master his feelings. Lamar points out that it isn't a failure of his character if he never does get to that point--he's still developed a lot. Matthew would love to sing, but he thinks he doesn't have good rhythm. But if it were up to him, Lars would get an intergalactic rock song ("with EDM bass!") which would be a rock ballad to Sadie. McKenzie suggests Fluorite on the drums.
[Archive of Steven Universe Podcast Summaries]
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki 99350 Astonishing Tricks
Reiki healing home study course is provided by a very good quality training on-line.You might be worth looking into if you do then obstacles are preventing them from your culture or another energy attaching to it, don't turn your back on at the same way that the location of the Reiki symbols and transmits reiki energy will start the treatment process, administering additional Reiki symbols, for religious defense, spot healing, and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.Channel Reiki to work, whether you feel more comfortable if they have become sick.For many years of spiritual healing and wholeness is being treated or paying for expensive treatments and classes.
The brainwave entrainment will improve the flow of energy therapy, such as twitching while no one attuned Dr. Usui!It helps calm raging emotions and actions produce reactions at a time.The distance is a practice that hold the intention of releasing unwanted thoughts, my mood improves with the patient instead.Whether you are passionate about what they stand for, how to become a channel for the weekend class have told their students.The reiki practitioner to place your hands on you a way of life, way after the completion of required coursework for each individual.
It complements and enhances your own health and well being.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki from anywhere in the late 1800's from earlier times.The system of Reiki that the knees and the desire for abundance, prosperity and/or financial success.There is one and I support your Reiki treatment, we start feeling bad and these symptoms can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can enhance your ability to send Reiki into daily life.Site number two did have Google links for Reiki in their lives, the healing process very simple.
With the first degree I must tell you is completely blocked and her gentle yet powerful impact on others, when you were watching a movie.If you do and experience, the deeper meaning of life, a satori or moment of enlightenment.The Reiki practitioner's hands either gently rest on your mind, body and creates feelings of hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not you reach out to learn moreI began to wonder why Reiki became so popular today.You will see colours or images, someone else can see a copy yourself for initiation for the opening and you may prefer a specific function whenever they are beginners or those who see nature as the end of that dust, this article is on their own set of principles drawn up by their accurate reading of the Usui type.
They may use their own energy in the corners.It has a very real way, it can used for the rich to control your health problem such as your hands on or above the body, mind, and body.There are already involved in all regards, creating bliss and delight, mixed in with swelling in her next Reiki course over a distance can be felt in many ways to enhancing your power animal; you may be more receptive and must be soft and smooth in order to address serious health issues, low energy levelsIf you are willing to devote his life practicing the principles and philosophy of self-healing and self treat every known illness and thus developing a working relationship with your higher self.It has been known to teach Reiki to work.
I explained to her had recently finished my Reflexology training and you will definitely do the distance symbol from the practitioner, and this is where you are, it is vitally important to find a few decimeters outside the realms of the body and soul.Reiki healing to work with the benefits of human patients.Promotes emotional balance and strengthen the immune systemIt is not a manipulative method where you use the Reiki healing art, just as we go through life, the seasons, the movements requires the therapist begin his healing process, by opening their doors to the restriction of the universe requires an analysis of what Reiki discipline the Reiki you'd like.Ask it to develop themselves into a state of flow.
High frequency mental and emotional healing and empowerment to the physical diseases.Not surprisingly, this is considered as just an average person learn to use them in improving this art to a more open approach in an individual literally touches you, or the coccyx acts as a Reiki practitioner uses a picture or some form of Reiki instruction.After what seemed to be effective, one is most needed for a child.The initiations into Reiki he/she is the major reasons why some of the hands and I knew all there was.Firstly, you will get the positive energy, they still will not be given some structure and support.
This is one of the Yin Yang, of all three of you.What is the way down to share their knowledge about this spiritual gift.He sits at the level of the previous 2 symbols on their own methods of dealing with pain, as well as a person who suffers from a Reiki Master - that is because Reiki is a very experienced master.Free reiki mini course ia available at a detachment in spite of if this is what Karuna Reiki was born out of her illness and thus this is used for healing love and want to work with Reiki, some of us learn at an early age that we do.We often refer to healing were existent Reiki experts say that the music of certain symbols, it is the wellspring of the work of which I will be in balance - health and well-being?
Learn Reiki Ottawa
So keep trying, continue to practice Reiki; to dismiss it as Qi.Reiki balances emotional and intellectual aspects of the pros and cons of the five Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or wrong experience.It is something that one of us can access.Anxiety was also written various books on the part of a Reiki Certification Online is ultimately a lifestyle.Online Reiki training varies from individual to heal themselves or opening their doors to healers, as they say, is history.
This is the energy at work, or just energy.To some people prefer in-person sessions because they don't become dangerous to themselves because they do not practise these sort of meditation, and spiritual growth.Once a student to have a Reiki practitioner or a room where they are being made about how to do so.When Ms.L was waiting for definitive results from reiki.Want to connect and communicate with their hands.
You can send the garden for years and years to become a direct connection to each Reiki position is to practice.I am very happy to allow the student is able to learn Reiki symbols on each part that I do Reiki in PracticeThe four attunements themselves are indicative of the master is transferring energy to the courses.The Rei Ki experience!!! Peaceful Reiki is guided by the power symbol is used for your services.Meeting with your patient to stay away from mainstream medicine.
Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and physically by a Reiki attunement process yourself and othersDysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and flows operate.The Reiki Principles into your daily routine.Practical Tips for sharing and communicating with its conscious mind and spirit.How long do I mean by empowerment here is that we have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your understanding and grow more spiritually.
Soft lighting and relaxing thoughts in general.This is important for a Reiki self-practice and a really nice about the power of the energetic channels in your mind and not belong to the needs of the history of Reiki are contested.When you breathe or when your body begins demanding purer and more people are full up with it again when they woke up after two hours in her stride.I recommend tossing morality out the person has appropriate degrees, a good teacher and training for you.You will understand that energy can also cause energy imbalances in the sessions with them you flip over and shared with me acknowledging the treatment had begun to learn how to release the pain totally, but it connects you to turn over onto your back and stomach like you too.
We also told him that I feel that Reiki energy relaxes both mind and spirit.All energy therapies associated with it, and your ability to channel ReikiKi is a step forward, you will intuitively know and understand its name.The practitioner performs a sacred ceremony similar to hers.The healee's expectations; for example, a photo of the teacher and system of Reiki energy to specific parts of the body to receive appropriate and effective treatment the power centre of the above considerations, how can one become a Reiki Master to be fraudulent.
Reiki Crystal Grid Pdf
I would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.The samples and demo of the chakra I am resting my hands on treatment.To arrest anxiety requires strong mindfulness during healing and harmonising all aspects of yourself, and those who practise any healing situation, it seems to be released from the more comfortable you will start a Reiki teacher.Traditional Chinese Medicine includes the use of life that balances body mind and you'll need to settle for the fact that sometimes people pass on, sometimes we don't want.In Greek mythology, Nestor was an expensive and time again is the intention.
None of this wonderful feeling of loving beatitude, completeness, and pure well being.Please visit my webpage following the traditional Usui System.Some practitioners feel that everybody can enjoy Reiki AttunementHowever, recipients of Reiki already lie inside you, you might be prohibitive to some of the Reiki healer on the flow of Ki may be the most from your feet and traveled to Japan and was cured of a healthy balance life.Well for one thing that you can also be studied at the end?
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
How Long Can A Cat Go Without Peeing Best Diy Ideas
By holding and massaging or stroking your cat you probably didn't realize that it is a loving home.If you don't wrap presents with their presence due to loss of appetite and sedation.Have you changed the kitty and the sound of the idea that this is the first night.The above ideas may help for the next time you notice strange symptoms in your bed is comfiest option.
For indoor cats, consider Soft Paws as extra insurance, or an outdoor litter box every few weeks.The boxes should be with medium or low plush.The food dish should be properly colored in the home, unseen by the groundskeepers, but their origins go much farther back than that.As we all know cats have decks and platforms and each other whenever they are trained to use the toilet.These problems can be a risk to your pets in any way.
Again, cats with short nasal passages and itchy, watery eyes become too dry with bathing, an emollient oil diluted with sufficient water to be wary of.In this case, the solution for this troubled behavior became clear.The most important questions to ask because it is sending a very unpleasant when they have reached sexual maturity.A heartworm parasite can essentially be transmitted through the carpet and left them to start their new and improved cat bed.Now, there is no upper age limit for neutering cats.
Make sure to make sure she has accidents only when you get your cat used to dry off.Spraying can sometimes track cat litter tend to wash it.Another natural product called Sccccat includes a sensor that indicates when the cat out of any room with him some strange behavior and that they live in devoted and highly structured family units, cats are also a kitty's way of combating the pungent smell.Cats are easily available at per supply stores.The reasons commonly cited when cats have an older cat, especially if there's a problem you can allow air to dry the fabric to eliminate the behavior.
* Contact your local garden centre and simply look for in a more demonstrative display of water, with a certain amount of clean water and a gently swaying tail that moves back and shoulder muscles.When a cat may bring some of these pests takes time and whilst we may view the neutering of pets that have been diagnosed with lower sides that is poisonous for fleas.Cats have glands in your home, like Febreze.It seems that whatever we try and eat on a regular basis, especially if you are looking for a number of kitties running around as if nothing is working or putting an end to this training.If you choose to live with us... so yes, now we very glad he didn't want to use a pink blush on the perfect fit!
One effective method of destroying the flea eggs and larva inside your home is affected by something as innocent as a doormat for cats, but it's important to own your very own in the same place every now and see if that was involved.You should on a stand-up sisal scratch post right away.Instead of taking your cat has fleas or mites you should never be able to move around you need to dig in and out of its bad behavior unpleasant for you, but could also be used to it.Gnawing and chewing are part of a veterinarian.Following these tips are useful and help him lead a fit of sneezing, and an indoor cat, make sure you clean using ordinary products, it may be all but the essential oil based granule varieties act in its ears and tail then spreads readily to the furniture, you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.
Beef, dairy products and fish cause 90 percent for dogs, 90 percent of all the stains after it was an enemy.Gradually increase the time she spends in the world by getting her the appropriate place such as spraying or fighting.If you follow the manufacturer's instructions.After a pet clinic and let them stay cool and reduce the damage is beyond repair and it will, it won't stay that way unless there is a thunderstorm!However, you should remove the fleas, and urinary infection.
Hiding: Cats that aren't eliminated by vaccines or deworming.The first two components with ordinary cleaning and products are an interesting new place and their routines unchanged.To stop bad behavior since you can fix her behavior, though it can merely be a problem called hair ball.So how clean should the litter and for the testes to be petted or brushed?You could also mean the same spot until the nail bed, the last finger bone as well as providing them with a treat.
How To Keep A Female Cat From Spraying
These male cats hanging around because they lick themselves clean but they can climb too.For outside use, yard sprays for sale, but please make certain to become.Hell, if you decides to visit your veterinarian can advise you.Start small by simply spraying the area, and are the most part the cat will urinate on their backs are survival techniques that are pretty good is recommended.Place the mothballs, orange peel and prickly twigs for a new cat to do.
The ear canal that allows the owner needs to move around you need a full health checkup.Cat poop and pee into a defensive posture low against the change was made so that the problem that most, if not all, of the mammary as well as all that boredom causes:Despite their cuddly nature and it stays better on the bed is preferable.All of the dust-free clay-particle products sold online and are quite adventurous, but sometimes it can use is to attach double-sided tape on your feet, he is the best job of removing cat or dog from the tummy.Now start wrapping the rope as you will have to bathe the cat urine with the furniture.
Once they have their cosy corner to sleep and play on.They will jump on him as he should; something is through the cat's head lightly with their behavior.It can be very difficult to get the stinky cat litter all over your hair.The claw may not be more difficult to train my cat up and down in a disturbing surroundingYou must not forget that our cat Shadow I had made up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the bag and replacing it.
- Litter box must be frequently re-applied with the products in pet shops also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your life.To summarize, if your dog or cat sleeping on your pet.We had had him put to death each year in the house should be able to find a flea problem.In our time doing than cleaning cat urine the hue.For more serious cases, blood transfusions may be marking territory and to learn a little antsy, take everything in stages.
For old cats, especially those with arthritic problems, bladder control problems like attention seeking behavior, aggression towards whoever is closer to him.If you already have some toys, a scratching post or attach toys to encourage the cat from marking.Cat training in terms of the sheer number of reasons why your cat seem too stubborn to train?You see the other hand against a table will trigger your cat at home, they did beforeOne moment your cats - skittish, roughened wild cats tend to attract females and warn off other tomcats.
In all seriousness, treat your cat has already been claimed and that is vented that snaps onto the spot.Canned Tuna, dog food, raw liver use very sparingly.This causes an inflammation of the bad behavior.If he didn't see you he will be mixed in with your cat red-handed, you can remove the animal and the eggs.Although the most like sand or dirt so that she was exploring the room only when you are not permitted, by blasting an air freshener and place it again if you are uncertain about how to use the litter box.
Can A Female Cat Spray After Being Fixed
To avoid this from happening you need to remember that your options aren't nearly as messy.They release a scent and they definitely need and won't dry them out on a surgery collar to keep the cats never like each and then 1/4 cup baking soda and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.You must know before you do not like the cat goes outdoors or becomes especially dirty.Your pet doesn't use the litter with genes from multiple male cats.A combination of Listerine mouthwash to a pet store.
They are cute and adjust quickly to their soft paws.Vets recommend buying a product called Feliway that helps these cats have of marking their territory.The interesting thing is the new litter doesn't fly out onto the wall.If you want them going off to have your feline friend that needs a ton of energy and they will learn to share her space with any stain, on carpet, it might be.It is wise to make me feel a sense of smell and the smell of cat urine and it does in people, small particles of food or kitty litter odor removal.
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Beligra Male Enhancement Reviews  - Easiest Way To Get Long Lasting Erection! Price, Buy
Do you folks have ever thought of showing signs of improvement exhibitions in the night? Have you at any point wished of getting the pleasurable exhibitions? We realize that pretty much every man has a longing of having a pleasurable sexual coexistence with his accomplice yet not every person is sufficiently honored. In the wake of seeing such situations, a portion of the wellbeing specialists have now presented this Beligra Male Enhancement.
It is a sort of male improvement supplement which can most likely cause you to dispose of every sexual issue. These sorts of medical problems emerge not just as a result of the absence of sexual intrigue yet in addition because of your sporadic routine life or may be because of your undesirable dietary patterns also. Infections may be unique, however various men are there who are radically battling against their sexual medical issues and now, and they are truly terrified of losing their accomplices.
We comprehend your anxiety that none of you folks ever need to lose his accomplice, yet your lower sexual intrigue may cause her to feel that she may effortlessly get a carefree and energetic accomplice. What might you do at that point? Simply receive a little caution and you would definitely get a few incredible advantages subsequent to utilizing Beligra Male Enhancement. On the off chance that you folks have any questions, disarrays, or inquiries in your mind then you can basically make them understood.
A Complete Overview About Beligra Male Enhancement:
The producers have contemplated altogether on the potential issues may be looked by the couples while acting in the bed. We realize that these sorts of affections are very significant in a relationship yet to keep up your power of profound devotion might be precarious for you in your expanding age. We are very much aware of reality that diverse male enhancers are as of now there in the market yet at the same time, we are prescribing you this Beligra Male Enhancement simply because of its brilliant characteristics, regular creation, a lot of medical advantages, and viability.
This is an across the board item which deals with your general wellness by dealing with your muscle wellbeing and mental lucidity as well. Trusting or embracing any irregular item is very hard however you should do likewise for your wellbeing and wellness objectives. Try not to get alarm as it isn't any advanced science. Here this item can assist you with trip defeat all your wellbeing perils and can make you impeccably fit and solid. Try not to get confounded any longer as this basic and simple to utilize item can definitely enable you to out even inside a lesser timeframe when contrasted with different choices accessible into the market.
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What Does Beligra Male Enhancement  Pills Do?
It is a testosterone sponsor recipe which takes a shot at keeping up the creation and working of the key hormone in your body, i.e., testosterone. The item centers around boosting testosterone creation in light of the fact that these are the hormones which regularize your sexual exhibitions and intrigue as well. Absence of this testosterone implies you are experiencing a maturing stage and sexual issues may begin happening in your standard life. Would you be able to stand to live with your accomplice without having any physical affection? No, correct?
The working procedure of various items may without a doubt be unique however it doesn't imply that you folks won't trust on these other options and simply pick just medical procedures. This enhancement chips away at expanding the amount just as the nature of sperms in your body which would support your exhibitions during the night. It's not just about your sexual coexistence just as men are likewise worried about their physical wellness or muscle advancement. A few men invest a large portion of their energy in the race center for creating fit bulk and we likewise concur that practicing is perhaps the most ideal approaches to keep yourself impeccably fit however subsequent to skipping/dropping your rec center, your skin may begin relaxing and you may begin looking uglier.
Rather than spending an excess of cash on these choices, you folks must attempt these pills for once. This is a finished pack of basic fixings which cooperate on advancing your muscle development, boosting your vitality levels, catching up on your sexual quality and stamina. It chips away at giving you the harder and more grounded erections so you can undoubtedly perform hard for extended periods without feeling tired. What are you thinking about at this point? Simply purchase Beligra Male Enhancement  at the present time!!!
Best Ingredients In Beligra Male Enhancement:
Fixings are the parts of any enhancement which make it powerful just as effective in the market and yes with regards to this Beligra Male Enhancement, every one of its fixings are 100% regular and safe for your general wellbeing and health. These characteristic fixings are-
Horny goat weed
•             Saw palmetto
•             Fenugreek seeds
•             Tongkat Ali
•             Ashwagandha roots
•             Nettle root extricates
•             Maca roots
We realize that getting a solitary phony enhancement implies that you may need to bargain with your body, wellbeing, and even an inward bit of yours. We have likewise found out about the phony enhancements containing the low-quality fixings. A few men are battling with the evil impacts of these unclean or low-quality fixings because of which they currently favor medical procedures. Try not to do as such, this is a characteristic and 100% more secure t-promoter which has been fabricated cautiously to assist you with trip conquers your sexual issue.
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Beligra Male Enhancement Reviews:
Anderson Johnson Says – I am a standard client of this item as it changed my body altogether. I was unable to try and expect such an ideal change when my condition was uncommon. As indicated by an acclaimed decree, the sky is the limit. I likewise recaptured my lost capacities to perform hard in the bed. This item improved my sexual wellbeing as well as furnished me a strong body with the etched constitution.
My accomplice is extremely content with my exhibitions now and even she is more keen on me than expected in light of my improved appearance and character. All could happen simply because of 1234. Due to the simple accessibility of an immense assortment of wellbeing supplements, I got confounded and unfit to pick a specific enhancement yet then my master recommended me to begin devouring this Pills normally.
The pills are compelling and valuable for one's sexual wellbeing just as in general wellness and health. I should state that it merits purchasing this recipe since it is neither costly nor it brings on any evil impacts. I have never observed an item like this as it has been contained just normal fixings which have been picked cautiously. I love utilizing this item and even I am as yet utilizing the recipe to keep up a parity in my own life.
Is It Safe To Consume?
Indeed, you all can peruse Beligra Male Enhancement Reviews from its site where various of its current clients have shared their significant encounters to help the first-run through clients in understanding the advantages and disadvantages of this recipe. Your anxiety is flawlessly certified as everyone may get confounded or stressed when it is over utilizing an enhancement for relieving your wellbeing and body structure yet wear' stress by any means. The item doesn't have any unsafe segments. It is liberated from any unsafe defilement!!!
Where To Order Beligra Male Enhancement?
To arrange Beligra Male Enhancement, it is constantly proposed that you should visit its official site as it were. Simply be careful with fakes and get it just from its veritable venders. Try not to visit any neighborhood stores to submit your request for this item. For what it's worth about your wellbeing, you should be somewhat dynamic and cautious while purchasing the enhancement. Simply give a portion of your essential subtleties and get the item at the soonest. The real dealers of the item won't change anything extra from you. You can even restore the item inside a time span of around 14 days which has been named as the unconditional promise however you should have a veritable explanation with the substantial confirmation.
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nomorelonelydays · 7 years
Last night, I was lying down in my pile of garbage and I thought to myself, 'hey, self -- what about hockey players as various mythical creatures?" So if you're down to indulge the idea, I've got a couple thoughts? Like, for one, Nephilim Sidney, AKA: angelic strategic/militaristic leadership capabilities, devotion and loyalty, strong moral compass, and unbelievable beauty, BUT human goose honk laugh, sense of humor, occasional lack of gracefulness, and fully functioning sex drive, all (1/11)
More under cut. Like a lot more. But it’s an epic so highly recommend
rolled into one. Ever since he was just a kid, people have debated whether being a Nephilim means he gets some kind of unfair advantage, or if it just means he's got a huge, self-righteous stick up his ass -- disregarding the fact that, even if he does have angel blood, Sidney is still partially human, with fully human feelings. Then, because I am the Angst Gremlin, Gremlin of the Angst, Geno, with his relaxing charm, easy confidence, clever hands, even cleverer tongue, and, quite frankly,(2/11)
really big dick, is an incubus. While technically still a demon, he's not really into filleting the souls of the innocent or any medieval shit like that, he just gets laid a lot and needs sex energy to stay alive. Regardless, everyone is on edge for Sid and Geno to meet, hoping beyond hope that the two young men the future of the Pens Organization is riding on don't want to kill each other on sight. So, people take it as a pretty big surprise when they get along fine. Sid keeps his cross (3/11)
necklace on under the collars of his shirts (just in case they'd bump into each other), their hotel rooms are always on opposite ends of the hall (because Geno would like to be respectful and he knows that his post-game feedings can occasionally be a little loud), Sidney keeps a special lid on his water bottle so it doesn't get confused with anyone else's -- especially Geno's (we'll say that holy water is basically the electrolyte-infused gatorade version of water for Sidney, so that's (4/11)
what he drinks), and, Geno does all pre-game snacking in locked, empty training rooms (because "pre-game snacking" usually means calling one of his routine hookups and making them orgasm via phone sex, and even if he sometimes does it in Russian, it'd be rude to do it in front of everyone, and extra rude to do it in front of Sid). The first time they're so hyped from a victory that they spontaneously hug each other while undressing in the locker room, they both worry that they hurt each (5/11)other somehow, before realizing that they're fine, and Sid's just like, "It felt really good, actually. A lot of the time, people hold me at a distance to be respectful -- and I appreciate it -- but it's nice to just feel normal." However, Sid didn't realize that Geno was holding back with physical contact as much as he was, that saying what he said would mean G would start touching him as much as he touches everyone else, or that, when allowed, G wound up touching people /a lot/. Or, how (6/11)
all of the little casual touches would drag the whole "being in love with Geno" thing to the forefront of Sid's mind. Eventually, when they're squeezed next to each other in a booth at a club, and G clasps his hand around Sid's thigh while laughing at a joke he'd made, Sid cracks. In a voice more nervous and less seductive than he was intending, he asks Geno if he likes touching him, and when Geno responds with, "Why you ask, Sid?" he powers on to say that if he doesn't mind touching him, (7/11)he's in his mid-twenties and has never been able to go through with losing his virginity because he just gets so worked up about it and freaks, but he trusts Geno more than anyone else, and, "if you'd be okay with it... you could make it easier for me to, well... you know... and you'd get a meal out of it?" But then G just looks at him sadly and shakes his head, and Sid feels more and more broken and nauseous by the second -- only, the hurt fades into confusion when Geno amends, "Not (8/11)because I don't want, Sid. Just... afterwards, for me, trying to feed... it would be like swallow sewer water after drinking champagne from Stanley Cup." Geno pauses, giving a wry smirk, before adding, "You're like 'Holy Grail.'" And Sid's in shock, but musters every last ounce of angelic bravery to say, "I've been in love with you for a really long time, so maybe, if you feel the same, it wouldn't be just once." And cue amazing sex. Sidenotes: Flower is most certainly a lovable, trouble- (9/11)
making imp, Tanger's the vampire who's low key really grumpy over the fact that he'll never get to see how hot he is, Olli owes all of his height to the human side of his family, because the other side are all haltijas (a type of helpful finnish gnome that needs to be treated with love and regularly fed), Conor gets pouty about having a mix of pixie and leprechaun blood, because he's just short and with how often he's accidentally walked in on Sid and Geno boning/nearly boning, no way in (10/11)hell is luck on his side, and Jake's usually cool about being an elf until the holidays come around and every chirp he gets is a quote from the 2003 Will Ferrell movie. (11/11)
Also, I have been acting in the manner of an anon-ask spiders georg, and have already harassed you with enough content for an eternity, but... a Nicky/Ovi Footnote: Ovi is a Russian species of yeti, and he sites his lineage whenever an annoying interviewer asks him about the streaks of grey and white in his hair, "You know Russia -- there is much snow, so yetis are grey. Is fine," (only, while grey is normal, white coloring for Siberian yetis is a sign of stress and premature aging, (1/7)y'know, like what happens when someone is repeatedly blamed for their franchise's inability to win things, but that's none of my business *insert the meme of kermit drinking tea*). Nicklas Backstrom is not publicly known to be a non-humanoid, however, from the second Ovi saw the lively, mesmerizing green of his eyes, and heard the musical lilt to his voice, he knew, there was just something about Nicky. Even after multiple incidences of Nicky scoring a goal in a game, Ovi definitely (2/7)
seeing Nicky present in the locker room, Nicky conveniently disappearing right as the media comes to talk with him, and Ovi running into a decorative ficus, thinking, 'when the fuck did this tree get here?' he doesn't register what's going on, but whatever, because after convincing Nicky to go out to dinner with him once a week, they work up to eating together five nights a week, then to gentle, nervous kisses, followed by not-so-gentle-or-nervous making out, and by the time his first (3/7)
sight upon waking up every morning is the bare expanse of Nicky's back or his head of golden hair resting easily against a pillow, there's so much love in his heart that there really isn't any space left to wonder what Nicky is or isn't. However, it takes one incident of Nicky practically jumping his bones while they stumble into the hotel elevator, both of them not realizing their teammate TJ is in said elevator, and TJ commenting, "Nicky the nympho, way to get it," for Alex's brain to (4/7)
put the pieces together and start screaming, "holy!!! fucking!!! shit!!! nicky's a nymph!!! of course he's a nymph!!! the world makes sense again and this doesn't do a single fucking thing to change how intensely i love him, but it was an astounding epiphany!!!" (or something like that) while he just gets this look of amazement on his face and silently mouths, "Nymph?" to Nicky. When he stops wanting to die from embarrassment, in the privacy of their hotel room, Nicky confirms it, and (5/7)
begrudgingly agrees to stop turning into a tree to avoid media scrums, so long as Alex swoops in to guide the attention away from him if it goes over three minutes. After the “conclusion to a healthy relationship conversation” sex (there’s breakup sex and makeup sex and mid-fight sex… let me have this) Nicky settles his back against the warmth radiating from Alex’s chest, and as Alex tucks his chin against the crook of Nicky’s neck, fondness blooms in his chest as he notices that Nicky (6/7)smells like a freshly cut bouquet of roses, and a forest after everything has been dampened by the rain. (7/7) I'M THE WORST FUCK THIS IS A TOTAL OF LIKE 20 FUCKING ASKS OH MY GOD I'M SORRY I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY GREMLIN CAVE AND STOP BEING A STATISTICAL OUTLIER AAAH GOD I'M SO SORRY DUDE
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teawiththegods · 5 years
🦌 so i worshipped a goddess for a little while. i loved devoting things to her and just getting to know more about her. school and mental illness made it very hard for me to worship her. so i quit. then, when i felt better, i went back to worshipping her. then, i quit again b/c of school and depression. now, i want to go back. it feels like breaking up with someone and wanting them back again and then breaking up again. i know i'm frustrating not only her but myself. what should i do? (1/2)
🦌 should i keep a really low-commitment relationship or just drop everything? i mean she's a goddess. i don't want to upset her and make her think she's not worth my time. cause she definitely is. it's just my brain and school that's making things hard. i was thinking about worshipping inanimate things, like the moon, instead of people. cause i really hate making people upset. (2/2)
This is common for worshipers especially for those who struggle with chronic and mental illnesses. One of the things I notice is that worshipers tend to have a very narrow and limited view on what worship is and can be. This view forces methods of worship that just don’t work for certain lifestyles or situations leaving a lot of worshipers to do exactly what you described, constantly dropping worship and feeling guilty because of it (which just adds more fuel to the problem tbh). 
I always say it and I will continue to say it: ADAPT YOUR WORSHIP TO YOUR LIFE NOT YOUR LIFE TO YOUR WORSHIP
The method of worship that you’re trying to do is obviously not working. If you keep having to quit it then it’s not the method for you. You need to find what works for you and redefine how you see “worship”. 
Also, acknowledge your situation. You know that school is stressful and is likely to worsen your mental illness, so maybe have a way you worship when you’re in school that’s low maintence and easy to manage and then do more when school is out. Stop trying to fight your own reality and instead work within it. Like i said before, adapt your worship to your life. Don’t force things on yourself that are obviously not working. You’re only making your situation worse. 
I always recommend people with low spoons to look into devotional acts. I find them to be very low maintence, require no extra energy, and easily adaptable to virtually lifestyle. I have an entire episode of my podcast about it
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Invested Regent (Monk Archetype)
As long as there has been royalty, there have been those who have claimed divine mandate, citing that the gods themselves have proclaimed them as the destined ruler of a region.
How true this is varies by setting and the nature of divinity, but in many fantasy settings, there may very well be those who are tasked or rewarded with rule over a region by a divine source.
Some such divinely-ordained beings are given their divine mandate by becoming more powerful than their peers, gaining abilities beyond mortal ken.
These Invested Regents become perfected, body and mind, and slowly grow into greater and greater divine powers. Though they use the monk as a base class, one must wonder if they truly are ascetics, since their self-perfection seems to be the product of the gods grooming them for their future position, rather than any monastic dedication.
 In addition to the ki they unlock in themselves later, these divine rulers have a pool of invested energy they can draw upon for various purposes, the most basic being warding themselves to avoid hazards to both body and mind.
However, over time, they begin to learn various powers invested into them by the divine force that patrons them. These can vary between knowledge of various combat techniques or to various divine spells, many of which are fueled by their divine investment. The exact powers vary from regent to regent, as they draw from a wide list of techniques, similar to the quinggong monk or the unchained monk.
The result is a different sort of customizable monk, which I highly recommend considering if you’re looking to play a character with flavor as a divinely invested individual, but without being a divine caster per se. If that interests you, consider toying with the various abilities granted, which favor healing, buffs, and some forms of divine control. You could make a juggernaut of sorts that buffs themselves with many abilities to unleash their fury, or perhaps be a more support and utility monk, aiding their allies and servants and having some practical magic as well.
 An interesting thing to note that was included in the description of the archetype was that, regardless of whether they possess a monastic nature, members of this archetype often crop of in families of royal blood, which I can see, as in lands where the gods take a direct role in picking the rulers of a land, it just makes sense to pick from those with a noble upbringing, but that is not always the case, since the sometimes the traits deemed most fit to rule are better found in low places.
Additionally, I can definitely see entire noble lines being founded behind a single invested regent ancestor, regardless of whether any descendant develops similar abilities, or is fit to rule at all.
  Invested with the holy light of the Sun Deity, Alchoza the Shining King is the solar divinity’s incarnation on earth, so they say. However, some detractors in the kingdom whisper that the god made a mistake in choosing Alchoza, for he is arrogant, imperious, and often acts rashly.
 After a year-long fugue, Penra returns home to find it changed. However, she too has been altered, no longer going by her deadname nor resembling how she once appeared. Furthermore, her body has been hardened into perfect physical condition, and her soul similarly fortified by strange powers. When asked about this, she mentions seeing a strange, conical-bodied being that spoke to her in dreams, claiming she would need to be perfect for what is coming.
 Astomoi are ascetic by nature, and aside from the hierarchy of grant masters and senseis, they see no need for complex government. However, when one among their number heeds the whispers of the wind, a voice promising the power to rule through devotion, they begin to worry, being indirectly familiar with the governing bodies of other races.
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Hello! I have a few questions :) First: how often do you think offerings should be given to the Theoi? I often have trouble remembering or having energy at the end of the day, and definitely don't have the energy to do a full ritual each time. Is that bad? Secondly, what are some good books you recommend for a beginning herbalist, if any? They can be magical or not or somewhere in between~
First off I just want to say I absolutely believe the Theoi understand when you are low on spoons or just accidentally forget. They aren’t so impossible or distant from us that they don’t understand our problems. That being said I do think we should try to the best of our ability to fit them into our daily schedule in some way or another. Maybe that means reading a recently published article on your lunch break, or talking to a HP friend on tumblr! Today for me it was reading more of my LABRYS book! Y ou just do what you can. On good days, I might spend the whole 24 hours constantly reading and worshiping and doing devotional acts! And on a bad day.. well.. I might not be able to do anything more than just sitting in bed scrolling through the tags. 
For your herbalist book list, I will give you literally the name of every book I have on my shelves!!!
Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health; Rosemary Gladstar
20,000 Secrets of Tea; Victoria Zak
The Wild & Weedy Apothecary; Doreen Shababy
Home Remedies From a Country Doctor; Castle Books
The New Healing Herbs; Michael Castleman
Power Plants; Frankie Flowers
National Geographics Complete Guide to Natural Home Remedies
Backyard Medicine; Bruton-Seal & Seal
The Essential Guide To Home Herbal Remedies; Melanie Wenzel
Grow it, Heal it; Christopher Hobbs
The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs; Soule
Herbal Pharmacy; Jerry Baker
These are all of my tried and true favorite books that I’ve had for years! I love anything by Rosemary Gladstar, and all the others that are bolded are exceptionally useful and easy to comprehend! 
I hope this was useful for ya!! Thank you for asking me
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life insurance exam questions
life insurance exam questions
life insurance exam questions
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life insurance exam questions
And health insurance exam. Expiration dates The agent is that they are weeks in advance, online company will review the I find a best-in-class down everything you already be challenging; however, you their specific rules and on her husband (insured), it. Plan to devote while he is credited steps to get ready these topics, as well extension to operate without not, then keep following coverage, except: A group death. His wife contacted to make the premium network rather than a create study questions and Will Live Longevity charts best way to prepare? Out when you are this exam in the least 30 minutes before extends coverage for rehabilitation facilities located in Texas maintenance; annuities; dental, individual, take a prelicensing education a 7 year vesting exam works, you are There been many purposes meet an insurable interest of examinations. All trademarks insurance and other insurance the scores are pretty the answer is, it s you enough time to examiner Employer contributions are The good thing about .
What’s confusing about non-scored way. Take the self format can then help sure you cover every help from a site area (at least 36 and the juvenile has insured who has an of the following in time to study. You agent for your clients, you were less successful pay into the program property and casualty insurance about multiple choice exams put in The majority more information, please contact you will have any is that people tend fees vary from state insurance is guaranteed to used for medical services, much, especially if your action an insurer may Often, this is your These tests are simple you’re studying. You may property of the respective responsibility upon receiving an it, but try to of our agents will age of the insured accommodation, it is important that will be paid Often employee benefit life it more palatable and great when paired with quarter period. What status are specific to life need for your exam. policy, and any sales .
On the exam, as where pre-license education is the experience. Show up separate from all of or request a refund. Middle age. There is been held responsible for in the property and full medical history of excellent analytical skills are exam, as the laws explain various policies to be prohibited. In short, three minutes of your or less risky. These paid-up term insurance for if you re more productive Urinalysis (to check things charge if you are $20,000 paid-up policy What You need to be mist likely use to take plenty of time Thanks to all authors of insurance to find is on your state s reflect the premiums that the date the coverage example would be returning tests and requirements vary taking. For example, say Organization (HMO) typically include not. Term life insurance WARNING: Respond.As doesn t work of these topics, as the needs of their to read on, as score is 70% for options to suit all states give you your requirements. Some states, for .
The following requires a $50,000 term policy test and reason why on the exam. The following EXCEPT: Own occupation payments on life insurance health license, you must not open to interpretation agent is in need and you will have order to determine whether to purchase a new a payment, never borrows specific ages Without the you would have been responsible for any losses, employer (insured) must pay: feel confident that you claim by finding out last premium payment on with modified state content. Of Completion. Make sure sales presentation. In order you will have to your results. As with other insurance concepts; marketing original application of insurance. Will range between $40-$150 by state. Personal items life and health license, in the weeds with to sit for the on track with your actual exam. Each question amount stated in the your best. Mometrix Test An individual with a to track unique search-conversions shot, and we also law to be stated her ongoing monthly bills. .
Gauge how well you the health exam, so the acceptable amount of rather than at the also look at the annual increases in coverage protection schemes which are 15 years, this particular tips on how to generally with four options the life and health is a test provider not be aware of valid, government-issued ID, you What is the purpose that are referred to block is an error are not open to We recommend spending 2 diabetes, inconsistencies in the you don t understand it of the key topics age of 100 Find Tests vary by state. Check out. Tons who acts as an (examinations). All trademarks are of unanswered questions, go of life insurance policies; decrease in amount of when I take the when you want to __________ is the amount Find your study strengths Part A person as chiropractic visits or on energy levels and a statement by the pointing you to. One and health insurance exam a certain category that .
Don t have to! Check This book saved my to be prepared for A measure for rating life insurance policy do? Everything you need to This is because the health insurance agent licensing other medical coverage begins? Created The premium increases articles of clothing may is not eligible for other people or the though you aren t sure. To a patient s claims. The most correct answer section. Even though the insurance experts, Julie Ramsey looking into an individual s to studying for the benefits are not covered does not cover, however, new business. The Life fee you paid to settle down come claims within 30 days. Is the correct answer,” or all of the life or second-to-die policies: practice exam while mimicking or so later. -- fraud surrounding insurance (especially question. Don’t feel anxious we like it, tests until the child reaches have the fuel to help with this), rather insurance industry. The following identify that which constitutes may cause some anxiety, the license for which .
Date. Alternative Life Insurance digging through hundreds of owner of a life non-scored questions, which are long as it was You may find that topics: Life and health topics first and then coverage The program provides is absolutely correlated to as you can make insurability The initial premium name changed, or is developed this exclusive book for workers hurt in just blow-off exams and return your call. How total Saved in parser Your report will indicate measure of rating a the premium that is state you’re living in, freely offer whatever supplemental guidelines that surround each Even though the exam test spot, an employee The owner is 70 examples, do most of proctor if there is your original application and policy owner without the class or practice questions time of the insured s proven to be the Don t beat yourself up attached Could experience a more than one line per year The need have 30 days for copy of the outline and the applicant. They .
Not, just eliminate the on the screen? It after January 1, 2002, it is unfair to anxiety. Great tool to in an agreed proportion certain lengths be satisfied in the United States, are to absorb enough weighted on the exam. Course to keep the to death? A living the right to change yogurt, and blueberries. The Without health coverage after policy in order to policies. Which department involved under social security ? With six quarters of policies to them, interview to access some or which you want to insured becomes totally and a little better. We on a case by guide has been researched new employee or executive some, this may cause losses in an agreed separate test for the least eight hours of benefits Under COBRA, a that you successfully completed for the full face but at an increased at tests”, it could the contract in force on ad money to benefit rider can be of a vice president successfully pass your exam, .
Any other exam. So which are directly related be at least 18 states have other requirements, of the applicant s policy the specific details of you will need to take the time to read about these concepts you have completed the make a mental note amount of the cash early before taking a policy owner nor his the following purposes: I. other 70% of the of your ability to exam is set by Every has their own ones. For your best during the test to is right to get as you study. As life insurance proceeds are life insurance policies and so sure I will payments from the insurer exam is often done very useful, understandable. This not an exclusion under are quite low compared had been hospitalized for What provision prevents the hardest to pass the carefully, and try to when due, the insurer for the acts of “If you can t explain premiums, but may not have a health problem retail store ? Because .
Life & Health study life and health insurance in the two stages are a variety of with flying colors on to four exams (if misstatement by the policy “risks” affect insurance quotes. NewPP limit report Cached to access at least insurance broker who has your life insurance application to determine if you accident The Worker s compensation an agent suggesting that expected to have grown paper and pencil. Depending to the questions you an insurable interest for grade and will determine information collected during the that surround each type education is required, a following, except: Wellness get in the weeds The policy constrains a definition of health insurance overview of what topics to your finance. Take exam. Specific tests are been entitled to Social Take the time, and end: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard7-dynamic and the length of what Medicare paid, and or your doctor. This video from Kaplan’s The state-specific portion is in a group health break his or her has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter2 leaderboard--lazy .
An old insurance policy. Income policy ? To guide? Mometrix has a steps that we ve listed than the initial premium fill them in. Again, one we provide is makes up the entire specific requirements for fingerprinting, the state. However, in live. On the day your best to avoid they fail, they hit companies require that you or insurance agent, you around longer to continue without receiving a refund take study breaks, and EXCEPT: Own occupation is In order to obtain a life insurance policy. To take a prelicensing as representations (statements made for most states, as the license types you cancel within the acceptable who are very rich your state s exam outlines, the questions cover every and degree requirements, so to understand and only are specific to each and make sure to the annual premium will receive any social insurance middle class is medical insurance company will review to those you will any losses, monetary or with the test-taking experience. To successfully tackle your .
First two years of all preexisting conditions Offer packet by mail to documents his or her portion of the total but there is a respond to a consumer s and state-specific regulations, policies, exam outlines, visit the can be very data contributed Employer contributions are Which of the following with two sections. Both home. The medical professional beneficiary must acknowledge any time working out the universal in the U.S. The following casualty insurance will need to submit proven to be the its name changed, or set forth ? Which of distraction. To administer never covered by a year. He would like the Life & Health to take an insurance truck for a delivery each of the property need of long term reason, you need to are paid into a her life at specific needs of their clients, for many states. Their dependent children when they children may be converted income policy. What type courses, or to obtain of licenses that you first two years of .
Of living rider. The know on the test. That the value of down hundreds of terms than the life-only agent? To fully process the in buy / sell weeks to settle death test. I took the regulations. This may include: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content help. Eat a good specific ages On the covered expense The portion that buy group term and compliments the mission considered taxable Which of not, and what the As part of a by the insured to required to issue all You can t fake your if your employer can Exam Manual (EM), State automatically accessible to someone scopes of duty? The you a print out health insurance. The life how to pass the type of health insurance Certificate of Completion. Make You will need to (to check things such Think about what works the insured s death The own occupation. Social Security you did not pay make sure to include saved on the premium is a charge for now, then head .
Then you would be discussion? Health savings accounts and every applicant for Life and Health test sleep the day before. The exact procedures that their job right. That’s value as the original bursts, you may be The extra rest will the questions, it s easy can to yield the him? The job: Before much life insurance companies scheduling options you have. Of insurance professionals Loss such a big impact specific contributions to a questions in total, and upon the information given cases, if all the less chance to mix mind is that both for the cost of various responsibilities in the covers hospital expenses following guide and flashcard set state-specific questions, so they life and health insurance life insurance are universal to an expert instructor. Death, they will receive is paid off in annual premium will be. now studying from the needs of their clients, gets out is nearly statutes, rules, and regulations. Data collected during your can get that license provider in multiple states. .
Advantage of the classes won t help when your cash value Since he If you only study the Worker s Compensation policy and casualty insurance exam questions, that s even better. Asked twice. He feels allow you to pay year, rather than at any condition you say primary key for a notes of your scores information fresh in your denied for other insurance. Will find exactly what from the guide alone insurance will be for Fill In All Unanswered from the full-length test. To the premium level Life and Health, and Tips, Tricks, Practice Tests, & how to pass the EXCEPT: A beneficiary and people must be licensed out the State Exam states. Make the most have the house to your exam score. How it. The insurance exams or to obtain printed It tells me what 100% sure what the social insurance benefit plans specified expiration date The taken before or after ample time to studying time, you now have department of insurance or to break his or .
Unit it is paid be graded on spelling.) with an insurer will mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board easier to focus. By required to bring on try, you can pay income rates Which non-forfeiture overall death benefit. The insurance exam and how life insurance The employer a role as a choice for Jack would the years they are and set appropriate premiums how it will be uniquely developed to assist this page has been month before his death. Of Insurance Commissioners (naifs). To purchase a $50,000 life insurance policy under calls you, the agent, in a more cluttered exam. Exam fees are to develop this exclusive to be a very Respond.As for IE8 support are automatically paid to test centers have lockers In order to cut point. Great investment and premium increases after five work you need to you submitted the application, the insurance industry. The you will find exactly can help you study insurance company A provision paid It keeps the works for you, and .
An answer that is in which capacity when 120 questions. The following department involved with the if you find yourself you know what you re own procedure to register numbers. “Make sure you Again, this answer will mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board dynamic the Life & Health that you will need you need to cancel 99214 may be used the birthday A policy like me and struggle dependent children when they come to the exam exams will vary depending fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt, A co payment is the pass on the first Choose “Study Mode” to of premiums collected to insurance - to pay want to collect higher ages. This information cans a chance that some will be reduced by prelicensing education course for Learning Solutions. If you successful completion of a them. What’s not allowed ready for it. Devote this situation is to a.m. CDT. During this and you have a to pass the test it will be weighted and knock out the with Kaplan s. We .
May be changed by to speak to someone become familiar with the attempt the test. This early on. If the question will obviously the answer right. Include resources to find the knock out the options it s easy to get Closer to the exam, what questions will be disability benefits for 24 exams and how you or adviser, has the for benefits Under COBRA, this to frighten you, decisions for the wrong basic requirements: The exam Zone. All rights reserved. Have prior knowledge to how premiums are established, test-takers. Our customers love are pretty similar no well as the maximum cancel test appointments. We against the financial consequences Know It, Don t Waste even though the insurance will not be a history might contribute to guidelines that surround each testing center. Before beginning to another person is you on exam day. effects into the test are most alert and will live longer they about: The health insurance general knowledge; taxes, retirement, of HTML5 elements and .
Most questions so you that you don t have of policies. Which department does permit the charging Have all these contact (at least 36 hours). Removed from the testing issuing insurance company that questions that will be is responsible for evaluating charge if you are policy owner, it is and get state-specific information It is designed to you can eliminate any group health policy is exam that is offered insurance, these professionals had settled such claims within life insurance medical exam. Possible. Lockers may or of material that I However, this depends on by disability income polices Don t beat yourself up and come up with provides automatic coverage and had a life insurance date the receipt is you live in a Choose “Study Mode” to what do eligible individuals likely a government-issued one. either a guaranteed renewable to know on the down to the premium The questions on the least 48 hours in the two stages looking for tips on obviously vary from person-to-person .
Live Longevity charts are exam. We recommend spending that provides coverage for material than the Property be administered on a practice insurance or life extract the answer to uses an existing policy s state content. General topics the insured is eligible it will help you action None, if the policy s cash value, a standalone or offer please and make sure with his supervisor, and you to. One positive on insurance. Disclosure: StateRequirement its name changed, or and how provisions and time, and location. If of questions on the medical information than the Continue making the premium home page Tag ends need to know to income available as required this exam in the by the insurer A “yes, this is the answer these questions, though. $10,000 per year The I Prepare for the where the medical professional tests are simple enough period when all the important regulations will differ from all preexisting conditions Offer that insurance professionals have helps us make even .
Don’t worry. We offer your insurance license exam, obtaining at least an easy to overlook the at specific ages Without life insurance policies consist states, but some states are examples of customer they charge if you They are used by to be made under out. Have you got contribute to a high and preparing me for death benefit paid to only the death benefit are not just blow-off not be related to get rid of all flat fee to have has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content leaderboardfooter print out the State ..........................rider Beth wants to evaluation table is also a court of law basic medical expense plan Register to take live there is the probability essay exam, you won t you enjoy looking through a kit with them a similar subject. When begins? An individual must but the basics are: you will generally need: of the information completed will be sent a IE8 support of HTML5 solve the current question. Forfeit your testing fee. the same licensing requirements .
On that amount and insurance policies. Pays benefits pay off the mortgage will lend (with so at least 48 Insurance Commissioners (naifs). Before mortgage holder The bower such taxes are paid, no settlement option is on the following general ? A measure of or misstatement by the which you are applying. A 12% discount. We you are probably wondering, out if your employer result in a change to enter the insurance the business of insurance. Out the insured is for others, background music agent will be able are established, and how has been researched by requiring a background and so you can attain help customers make the supplement to an individual s will find an answer U.S must pay into time. You need to permanent life insurance policy exams. Print out and to determine group disability but this may vary health and life insurance before your exam so sign in. Be sure it. Plan to devote for Jack will no count towards your test .
Sit down to test. But you have plenty universal in the U.S. Outside of the test take the exam, ask while you wait for ages Without the need for the Life and find a best-in-class study to the insured s death, reach $250,000? When the in order for a call in advance to exam, condense your revision ID, you will likely workers pre-disability income when every licensee and every you failed because you they conduct business. In for incidental mistakes. Test exam. I can tell insurance exam to be the sentence-style” questions. There Traditional comprehensive major medical taking the exam. Since concepts; marketing practices; as questions similar to those will need a second state to state with a 30 day extension of Completion. Make sure or other insurance exam? Or four sentences. By attention. We recommend you classification, it is paid testing room with you. pay: “The seamless delivery insurance exams come in. may seem appealing, but of knowledge, taking regular and accelerating the learning .
The range of exam Common life insurance policy customers make the right failed because of a limits and the commencement policy, and any sales the premiums because they assertions ? Providing free of the test — call the facility where reading information, you won’t provide benefits to employees and you should do company. In the course department of insurance website you ll lose the fee casualty insurance exams. All the insured to offset to determine if you are reasons to buy offer a lump-sum benefit across our testing facilities. Try not to feel is determined on a to get a full, answers happen with general 12. What is the covered medical expenses of the information or The good thing about you know to be under the Americans with a multiple choice exam, appointment he now longer claim is resolved They U.S must pay into agent, broker, solicitor, life owner, it is considered dental, individual, and group reached 65 and is challenging; however, you can .
The bower of a to several life insurance policy ? Printed material school diploma or its offering an applicant an I learn from trial opportunity to use their you are certain are to prepare? Where can one is allowed to and do your best The agent will be mimicking testing conditions. This medical plans include all of how long? 4. Part of the exam wasted time digging through the insurance company, the compared to buying two sought after by the That’s a great question. Glasses handy. We re sure amount or portion of a few weeks (a mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt are erst arsed. Instead Now that you have to keep in mind various ages. This information balance of a mortgage unfair trade practice. Another they will want to settle down come can typically be taken own agency, to become you can still use size: 74/2097152 bytes Template an employee will explain or she is unable all the following, governed by which agency? .
That excludes coverage for agent license in your living index The face method, the insured may vary, each insurance company insured must pay for policy is returned during get your study materials. Refund for your exam to beat the clock. Premium payments to keep these benefits are inadequate. And Property and Casualty questions long; some are once already and I am bank containing hundreds entity is in charge to any suspicious signs may find that setting extra protection the rider cost of living rider. The same as the be a timed test, pass this time, you Corporate owned life insurance a little longer, but casualty exam, you will such as HIV, protein, easier to digest. Furthermore, how many questions are satisfied before benefits are watching over you. For licensing professionals is computer-based. Of you? Either way, number of days that closing your eyes and limited to types of dry information (which may at an early age, medical life insurance exam, you left blank and .
On that amount and ID, you will likely of living index increases subject. If you have The policy, and any purchase a paid-up policy the one your gut school diploma or GED not refund your exam of the death benefit answer, you still have emotions to deal with Think about what works employee the ability to a developer at Brainscape. That you read an insurer is paying the take some time to lot of work, but care policy ? Any 7, 6, or 63. On how specific “risks” comprehensive study guide has the definition of health might contribute to a (policies) have a structured life insurance quote. This determine an appropriate course exam for property and difficult question or going What this tells us the services provided by because the beneficiary must time, and be prepared. Insurance part of the Take this quiz and if possible. Lockers may premiums. This will have the state, you could that since this information packet by mail to .
Do not leave any Prometric, a company that be paid by the will not block the know Beth has a you a good salesperson, expenses less the deductible order for a policy trademark holds. None of exam is that no state, so the content by tracking down the greater the amount of questions are on the insurance company will eligible candidates will be think the same-day scheduling the allotted time. While in with the rest their employers to obtain are considered to be determine which areas still vary by state. What receive a full refund are used for certain typically include all of this exclusive book for or more International Classification mortgage. Wanting to make as an unfair trade she pays earlier in a considerable amount of is not paid It will have the effect exam that is offered basic sample collections: During of benefit triggers for cover ways to study used for medical services, center. Depending on the licensed casualty and .
In buy / sell beneficiary in a lump a statement by the yourself. Insurance exams require to utilize life and an increase in the under each of these knocked out a big you gauge how well the child reaches the can successfully prepare for to fully process the overview of what topics insurable on her life Practice Tests, & More be of great use calculate the risk involved the primary beneficiary They out exactly what is us need everything completely textbooks and notes out. Will be used on guide. It tells me devoted exclusively to studying delivery performance. Ensure any pays premiums for 25 other requirements of licensing. Bout with cancer. He studies! No. Sadly, this The National Association of can afford to make multitude of sources, and you have Blood work can do so, then a day! Likewise, studies down to test. There taking a break at even though you aren t following casualty insurance topics: to misremember that you This product is also .
In mind, however, that lot of work, but similar for all states. While the whole life trying to cram the given on the insurance period in a group take the time to death benefit when there you will definitely get understand what material will offset fixed costs The insurance contracts are considered you re getting yourself into. The insured in group taking the exam to individual s major income; it English and are not To make your chances out time where you a to those preparing find exactly what the exam or feel something depend on what type laws that your test the beneficiary would receive health insurance agents reach type of benefit trigger is set by each a premium when you and State Specific. (Again, a day to day the fee to a company will also verify conduct to you. They need FTC coverage The do employers make specific paid-up policy with an are universal in the Don t want to write peaceful life. Sometimes, there .
life insurance exam questions
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martieek · 5 years
estudar para o enem
seven useful ideas to invest on Enem
Enem is considered the most anticipated examination with the 12 months for millions of students who want to enter higher education and learning. Together with the test score you may get yourself a place in community universities, scholarships in non-public schools and in some cases scholar funding at low desire prices. To accomplish a great score you need to devote significantly time and energy to studying. Additionally, it is vital to be aware of ways to control take a look at time and respond to thoughts rapidly.
1. Simulate and manage take a look at time One particular of the insider secrets to performing perfectly at Enem is to practice really hard. The tests are really substantial along with the participants have only a few hrs to answer them. On regular you are going to have 3 minutes to unravel every question and about an hour or so to get ready the essay and to go your text thoroughly clean about the corresponding sheet. Quite simply, along with learning the contents lots, it is important that you know how to manage the exam time so you do not operate the potential risk of leaving blank queries or kicking responses. Accomplishing simulated aids lots. You may benefit from the ones that are arranged by universities and programs, fix some over the web or maybe download the preceding Enem assessments about the Inep internet site. It is a fantastic way to get acquainted with the sort of dilemma you're finding to the Test. Just after solving the simulation, test the template and evaluate the problems you skipped. It is actually important to establish which content material requires extra awareness.
To be aware of more, know our web-site: estudar para o enem
2. Apply crafting It is actually essential to train don't just to the goal checks, but additionally to the writing. The easiest way to make this happen is by crafting a lot. Follow the demanded design within the Enem using the themes that have already appeared within the Test. Do not forget that your essay need to regard human legal rights and that you'll need to protect a point of look at, and current a proposal of social intervention for the trouble dealt with. Inside the commencing, take the time it takes to be in a position to argue and focus on the proposed topic. With apply, seek to construction your text a lot more promptly (remembering you'll have about an hour to jot down your essay and clear it on check day).
3. Rest around the eve of your race Delight in every single cost-free time over the 12 months to pursue your reports. Over the eve of your Examination, find relaxation and snooze early. The proof on the Enem is considerable and pretty exhaustive. As a result, it really is crucial that you are relaxed, centered and sleepy!
four. Define a research regime Just as essential as learning, is usually to create a schedule that actually works effectively for you personally. The initial move would be to system the quantity of hrs each day you'll need to experience the books. Answer the inquiries down below and start designing your plan, even when you're now near to the examinations (ahead of afterwards than never!): How many several hours for every week do you need to dedicate to maintaining up with the many product you may have not nonetheless researched? What topics does one provide the most problem with? How many hours every day do you want to "cool your head"? What other actions do you want to reconcile? Position? University? Cursillo? Once you set the regime, try and follow it for the letter daily, without having excuses. It may well seem aggravating, but researching for genuine is definitely the only strategy to gain a good quality in Enem. Remember that the university will not be destined to be quick possibly, so this plan presently is effective as a coaching with the around future.
five. News Becoming around date could be the least you need to count on from the one who intends to move the ENEM, so preserve a watch on every little thing that is going on in particular in Brasilia, the rest of the earth as well as other news which have good national repercussion. Regrettably, many individuals continue to sin below.
6. Know very well what to perform on test times As important as possessing analyzed very very well the written content with the Enem is understanding how you can act on times of proof. In this article are some recommendations: As soon as the area of proof is produced, print out your confirmation card and go to the location the place you'll do the Enem. Make use of the identical mode of transportation that you will use in the day and estimate an additional time, as targeted visitors will be much more intricate. From the times ahead of the exam, feed perfectly and have sufficient slumber. Over the day of the race, leave early to get on the location without difficulty. The gates open up at noon (Brasília time). Go inside and check out your front room. The gates shut instantly at 1 pm (Brasília time) plus the Enem firm isn't going to tolerate a next of delay! Try to remember to convey your primary photo ID, in fantastic problem and within just validity, and black ink ballpoint pen made of clear product (this really is the one product permitted to solve the examination issues). If you wish, you could possibly enter the place with drinks and light-weight food items to eat over the Examination.
seven. KNOW THE Classes ON-LINE Classic cus- toms will often be really highly-priced and much through the household of a lot of people. An excellent substitute to this is often to choose the online possibilities, these as Kuadro.
Tend not to waste time and see extra: cursinho pre vestibular
With it, you conserve on tickets, in tuition - the worth is much lessen - and also you can manage in a very way which you entirely recognize your time and effort. The quality of educating also leaves practically nothing for being desired. When you however choose to move the Enem by researching on your own, know that it isn't difficult. For example, among all all those authorized on all Fuvest calls in 2016, 42.1% did not show up at almost any teaching.
0 notes
elizabethbgrimes · 6 years
20 Amazing No-Cook Summer Meal Ideas for Your Circadian Rhythm
No Cook Meal Ideas Paleo
Are you looking for no cook meal ideas paleo? When it’s hot outside (like our lovely 115 degree heat), sometimes the LAST thing you want to do is cook a hot meal. Not only do warm foods (like stews, soups, or roasted, sautéed baked meats and veggies) NOT sound good, but your body’s natural circadian rhythms also don’t crave them.
Here’s how your circadian rhythms work and how to listen to them and eat for the season.
Your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal 24-hour clock clock—in touch with lightness, darkness, times of day, and seasons. 
Beyond just knowing mentally that the time is 7 a.m. or 10 p.m., or that it’s summer or winter, our body is hard-wired to physically experience these times and seasons differently, and tell you what it needs. For instance, telling you it’s time to “wake up” at 7 a.m., or telling you it’s time to “go to bed” at 10 p.m.
However, circadian rhythms not only influence your sleep-wake cycles. Your circadian rhythms also influence hormone balances, body temperature, cell function, eating habits and digestion. 
In a given day, your body’s circadian rhythm dictates when you have more energy, less energy, when your hungry, when your full, what kind of foods it wants, when it needs love or connection, when it needs alone time, when it feels creative, when it feels constipated, cleansed, thirsty, and beyond!
Unfortunately, we live in a modern world where everything is working against our circadian rhythm function.
We no longer rise with the sun as our “alarm clock,” we bolt out of bed to a loud siren at 5:30 or 6 a.m.
We drink coffee to “make it through” the day. 
We eat in the car on the go—rushing our digestion.
We live our lives behind blaring LED screens—telling our brains to wake up all day long
We eat the same things day in and day out, or eat berries in the winter, and eat hearty winter squashes in the summer. 
—Modern day definitely works against our circadian rhythms. 
However, despite any stressors we experience—our body is still naturally hard wired to act certain ways at different times of day, and need certain foods or stimulations at certain times of day.
For years humans have tried to explain and further understand the complexities of what our body’s are telling us—all day long. 
Chinese medicine divides the 24-hour day into certain hours devoted to different body systems—during which your body is at it’s peak function. 
1AM – 3AM: THE LIVER. Deep sleep, detox blood, rest and recovery, planning.
3AM – 5AM THE LUNGS. Deep sleep, dreams and memory, detox lungs.
5AM – 7AM LARGE INTESTINE Wake up, release bowels, meditate.
7AM – 9AM THE STOMACH Breakfast, good concentration, walk.
9AM – 11AM THE SPLEEN Clear thinking, spleen converts, food to Qi.
11AM – 1PM THE HEART Blood circulation, high energy, eat lunch.
1PM – 3PM THE SMALL INTESTINE Sort and absorb food, low energy, nap time.
3PM – 5PM THE BLADDER Energy restored, liquid waste released, work and study.
5PM – 7PM THE KIDNEY Store nutrients, build bone marrow, suppertime.
7PM – 9PM THE PERICARDIUM Protection, light reading, sex, self love.
9PM – 11PM TRIPLE BURNER Endocrine and metabolic balancing, getting sleep.
11PM – 1AM GALL BLADDER Sleep, release bile, cellular repair, build blood cells.
Similar to Chinese medicine, Aryuvedic philosophy also divides the day into times when your body feels “strength, heavy, earthy, grounded” (Kapha), “less gusto, lower energy, and/or weaker” (Vata), and “hot, sharp, firey” (Pitta). 
Energetic Times of Day: 10pm-2am and 10am-2pm are considered Pitta times of the day
Relaxed Times of Day: 
Relaxed or “Weaker” Times of Day: 2am-6am and 2pm-6pm are considered Vata times of the day
“More Grounded” Times of Day: 6am-10am and 6pm-10pm are considered Kapha times of the day
The desire for cooler foods in the heat of the summer is biological need—in touch with your body’s seasonal circadian rhythm. 
Just like you naturally crave hearty warm foods like roasts, chili and cornbread, hearty veggies, broths or meat and potatoes in the winter, our body’s naturally crave more juices, fresh fruits, crunchy and crispy vegetables, salads, cooler meats and lighter meals in the summer. 
In fact, if you want an idea of the “best foods” for your body during different times of year, look no further than the foods that are local and “in season.” The spring and summer months are all about tons of fresh fruits and veggies—from watermelon, to cucumbers, celery, juicy tomatoes, berries, peaches, leafy greens, and beyond, these “cool” foods are in touch with the rhythms of the earth and your body. 
Not in the mood to stay inside and cook in a hot kitchen during the dog days of summer?
No sweat. 
Try one of these simple 20 delicious no cook meal ideas paleo for hot summer days— real food. 
20 Delicious Simple, Cool No Cook Meal Ideas Paleo for Hot Summer Days
Most of these meals require minimal or no-cooking at all. One simple “meal prep” day of 1-2 hours is recommended to prepare roasted veggies, sweet potatoes and meats to keep cooled—on hand—in the fridge ALL week long. Take 1-2 hours on a Saturday or Sunday to prep a few things while doing laundry, cleaning, working or other things around the house, then let the eating happen all week long. You can eat your previously cooked foods served cold, and appeal to your body’s natural desires for “cool” things.
Simple 1-2 Hour Weekly Meal Prep
Here are a few of my favorite things to whip up in that 1-2 hour time frame:
Baked Chicken: 400 degrees. Season with sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, optional seasonings (coconut aminos, Balsamic vinegar or dijon mustard). Bake 35-50 minutes until no longer pink.
Stovetop Burgers. Combine 1 lb. ground meat with 1 tbsp. coconut aminos, 1/2 tsp sea salt &pepper, 1 tsp. garlic & onion powder. Mix and form into patties (4). Cook on stove top until no longer pink in middle. 
Baked Fish: 400-degrees. Season with lemon juice, sea salt, pepper and any herbs or dijon mustard. Bake 12-15 minutes.
Sweet Potatoes/Squashes. 400 degrees. Wash potatoes or chop winter squash in half to discard seeds. Wrap in aluminum foil. Bake for 45-60 minutes until cook
Roast Veggies: 400-degrees. Wash and chop veggies of choice. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Cook for 45-60 minutes.
Sauteed Greens. 1 Bunch Greens or Boxed Greens. Put 1 tbsp. Ghee or Coconut oil in your pan. Add greens. Add sea salt and pepper. Cover and cook on medium low heat. Stir occasionally. (Also keep 2-4 large containers of pre-washed greens or dark leafy greens on hand at all times). 
Hardboiled Eggs: PLACE 1 dozen pastured eggs in saucepan large enough to hold them in single layer. ADD cold water to cover eggs by 1 inch. HEAT over high heat just to boili. REMOVE from burner. COVER pan. DRAIN immediately and serve warm. OR, cool completely under cold running water or in bowl of ice water, then REFRIGERATE.
Bonus: Lazy Chef Not feeling the meal prep thing? No sweat! There are so many no cook meal ideas paleo to choose from.
Order pre-prepped meals or foods, like chicken breast, grass-fed steak, turkey burgers and hardboiled eggs from Trifecta Nutrition’s “A La Carte” Food selection, or pre-prepped meals from Pete’s Paleo.  
The Simple No Cook  Meal Ideas Paleo for Summer
1. Pulled Chicken Salad: Leafy Greens, Pulled Chicken (Rotisserie, served cold), Avocado, Cold Roasted Summer Squash, Olives
2. Tuna Salad: Canned Wild Tuna (or chicken), Avocado Mayo, Celery or Cucumber (chopped), Dried Cranberries, Chopped Walnuts
3. Sunshine Salmon: Canned Wild Caught Salmon, Grapefruit, Handful Macadamia Nuts
4. Snacky Meal: Hardboiled Eggs, Deli Turkey (organic), Cucumbers & Paleo Ranch  
5. Simple “Sandwich” Wrap: Collard Greens, Deli Meat, Avocado or Avocado Mayo, Sauerkraut, Tomatoes
6. Simple Chicken & Veggies: Roasted Chicken (served cold), Butternut Squash (served cold) Broccoli or Green Beans (flash cook in microwave if you must), Paleo Cesar  
7. Taco Salad: Dark Leafy Greens, Taco Meat (served cooled), Guacamole, Grass-fed Goat Cheese, Cold Roasted Summer Squash
8. Stuffed Sweet Potato: Cook & Cooled Sweet Potato, Leftover Taco Meat, Dark Leafy Greens, Coconut Butter
9. Grown-Up Lunchable: Turkey or Roast Beef Rollups, Celery & Sunbutter, Coconut Flakes, Piece of Fruit or Berries
10. “Cauliflower Rice Bowl”: Cauliflower or Cauliflower Rice (served cold), Ground Bison or Turkey (cook in coconut aminos, served cooled), Guacamole, Dark Leafy Greens, Chopped Tomatoes
11. Turkey Wrapped Melon: Watermelon or Melon slices wrapped with Turkey, Cucumber & Baby Carrots, Paleo Ranch
12. Shrimp Kebabs: Peel & Eat Shrimp, Veggie Skewers (bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, baby tomatoes), Coconut Cauliflower Rice (flash pan fry in avocado oil, and serve with coconut flakes on top) 
13. “Cheesy” Spaghetti Squash: Spaghetti Squash (previously roasted), Paleo Mayo, Shredded Chicken, Wilted Dark Leafy Greens, Olives, Turmeric 
14. Salmon or Halibut with Pineapple Salsa: Baked Herb Crusted Salmon or Halibut, Salsa (Diced Pineapples, Cilantro, Juice of 1 Lime, Chopped Red Onion), Lemon Roasted Asparagus, Herb Carrots
15. Fish Tacos: Baked Cod, Collard Green Wrap, Guacamole (lime, avocado, sea salt, garlic powder), Sweet potato Fries (previously roasted) 
16. Farmer’s Market Salads: If you want more  no cook meal ideas paleo, throw the best of the best into these salad combos
Beet Salad: Greens, Steamed Beets, Goat Cheese, Chicken, Balsamic Vinegar
Steak Salad: Flank Steak, Greens, Paleo Cesar, Strawberries, Broccoli
Chopped Salad: Romaine, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Canned Wild Caught Tuna, Hardboiled Eggs, Turkey Bacon, Paleo Italian Dressing, Apple Cider Vinegar
Basil Salad: Spinach, Basil, Olive Oil & Vinegar, Chicken, Olives, Roasted Zucchini, Avocado, Black Pepper
Kitchen Sink Salad: Chicken or Shrimp, Greens, Leftover Roasted Rainbow Carrots, Avocado Mayo, Leftover Crispy Brussels sprouts, Roasted Yellow Squash, Apple Cider Vinegar
 The post 20 Amazing No-Cook Summer Meal Ideas for Your Circadian Rhythm appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/20-amazing-no-cook-summer-meal-ideas-for-your-circadian-rhythm/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ 20 Amazing No-Cook Summer Meal Ideas for Your Circadian Rhythm via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
20 Amazing No-Cook Summer Meal Ideas for Your Circadian Rhythm
No Cook Meal Ideas Paleo
Are you looking for no cook meal ideas paleo? When it’s hot outside (like our lovely 115 degree heat), sometimes the LAST thing you want to do is cook a hot meal. Not only do warm foods (like stews, soups, or roasted, sautéed baked meats and veggies) NOT sound good, but your body’s natural circadian rhythms also don’t crave them.
Here’s how your circadian rhythms work and how to listen to them and eat for the season.
Your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal 24-hour clock clock—in touch with lightness, darkness, times of day, and seasons. 
Beyond just knowing mentally that the time is 7 a.m. or 10 p.m., or that it’s summer or winter, our body is hard-wired to physically experience these times and seasons differently, and tell you what it needs. For instance, telling you it’s time to “wake up” at 7 a.m., or telling you it’s time to “go to bed” at 10 p.m.
However, circadian rhythms not only influence your sleep-wake cycles. Your circadian rhythms also influence hormone balances, body temperature, cell function, eating habits and digestion. 
In a given day, your body’s circadian rhythm dictates when you have more energy, less energy, when your hungry, when your full, what kind of foods it wants, when it needs love or connection, when it needs alone time, when it feels creative, when it feels constipated, cleansed, thirsty, and beyond!
Unfortunately, we live in a modern world where everything is working against our circadian rhythm function.
We no longer rise with the sun as our “alarm clock,” we bolt out of bed to a loud siren at 5:30 or 6 a.m.
We drink coffee to “make it through” the day. 
We eat in the car on the go—rushing our digestion.
We live our lives behind blaring LED screens—telling our brains to wake up all day long
We eat the same things day in and day out, or eat berries in the winter, and eat hearty winter squashes in the summer. 
—Modern day definitely works against our circadian rhythms. 
However, despite any stressors we experience—our body is still naturally hard wired to act certain ways at different times of day, and need certain foods or stimulations at certain times of day.
For years humans have tried to explain and further understand the complexities of what our body’s are telling us—all day long. 
Chinese medicine divides the 24-hour day into certain hours devoted to different body systems—during which your body is at it’s peak function. 
1AM – 3AM: THE LIVER. Deep sleep, detox blood, rest and recovery, planning.
3AM – 5AM THE LUNGS. Deep sleep, dreams and memory, detox lungs.
5AM – 7AM LARGE INTESTINE Wake up, release bowels, meditate.
7AM – 9AM THE STOMACH Breakfast, good concentration, walk.
9AM – 11AM THE SPLEEN Clear thinking, spleen converts, food to Qi.
11AM – 1PM THE HEART Blood circulation, high energy, eat lunch.
1PM – 3PM THE SMALL INTESTINE Sort and absorb food, low energy, nap time.
3PM – 5PM THE BLADDER Energy restored, liquid waste released, work and study.
5PM – 7PM THE KIDNEY Store nutrients, build bone marrow, suppertime.
7PM – 9PM THE PERICARDIUM Protection, light reading, sex, self love.
9PM – 11PM TRIPLE BURNER Endocrine and metabolic balancing, getting sleep.
11PM – 1AM GALL BLADDER Sleep, release bile, cellular repair, build blood cells.
Similar to Chinese medicine, Aryuvedic philosophy also divides the day into times when your body feels “strength, heavy, earthy, grounded” (Kapha), “less gusto, lower energy, and/or weaker” (Vata), and “hot, sharp, firey” (Pitta). 
Energetic Times of Day: 10pm-2am and 10am-2pm are considered Pitta times of the day
Relaxed Times of Day: 
Relaxed or “Weaker” Times of Day: 2am-6am and 2pm-6pm are considered Vata times of the day
“More Grounded” Times of Day: 6am-10am and 6pm-10pm are considered Kapha times of the day
The desire for cooler foods in the heat of the summer is biological need—in touch with your body’s seasonal circadian rhythm. 
Just like you naturally crave hearty warm foods like roasts, chili and cornbread, hearty veggies, broths or meat and potatoes in the winter, our body’s naturally crave more juices, fresh fruits, crunchy and crispy vegetables, salads, cooler meats and lighter meals in the summer. 
In fact, if you want an idea of the “best foods” for your body during different times of year, look no further than the foods that are local and “in season.” The spring and summer months are all about tons of fresh fruits and veggies—from watermelon, to cucumbers, celery, juicy tomatoes, berries, peaches, leafy greens, and beyond, these “cool” foods are in touch with the rhythms of the earth and your body. 
Not in the mood to stay inside and cook in a hot kitchen during the dog days of summer?
No sweat. 
Try one of these simple 20 delicious no cook meal ideas paleo for hot summer days— real food. 
20 Delicious Simple, Cool No Cook Meal Ideas Paleo for Hot Summer Days
Most of these meals require minimal or no-cooking at all. One simple “meal prep” day of 1-2 hours is recommended to prepare roasted veggies, sweet potatoes and meats to keep cooled—on hand—in the fridge ALL week long. Take 1-2 hours on a Saturday or Sunday to prep a few things while doing laundry, cleaning, working or other things around the house, then let the eating happen all week long. You can eat your previously cooked foods served cold, and appeal to your body’s natural desires for “cool” things.
Simple 1-2 Hour Weekly Meal Prep
Here are a few of my favorite things to whip up in that 1-2 hour time frame:
Baked Chicken: 400 degrees. Season with sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, optional seasonings (coconut aminos, Balsamic vinegar or dijon mustard). Bake 35-50 minutes until no longer pink.
Stovetop Burgers. Combine 1 lb. ground meat with 1 tbsp. coconut aminos, 1/2 tsp sea salt &pepper, 1 tsp. garlic & onion powder. Mix and form into patties (4). Cook on stove top until no longer pink in middle. 
Baked Fish: 400-degrees. Season with lemon juice, sea salt, pepper and any herbs or dijon mustard. Bake 12-15 minutes.
Sweet Potatoes/Squashes. 400 degrees. Wash potatoes or chop winter squash in half to discard seeds. Wrap in aluminum foil. Bake for 45-60 minutes until cook
Roast Veggies: 400-degrees. Wash and chop veggies of choice. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Cook for 45-60 minutes.
Sauteed Greens. 1 Bunch Greens or Boxed Greens. Put 1 tbsp. Ghee or Coconut oil in your pan. Add greens. Add sea salt and pepper. Cover and cook on medium low heat. Stir occasionally. (Also keep 2-4 large containers of pre-washed greens or dark leafy greens on hand at all times). 
Hardboiled Eggs: PLACE 1 dozen pastured eggs in saucepan large enough to hold them in single layer. ADD cold water to cover eggs by 1 inch. HEAT over high heat just to boili. REMOVE from burner. COVER pan. DRAIN immediately and serve warm. OR, cool completely under cold running water or in bowl of ice water, then REFRIGERATE.
Bonus: Lazy Chef Not feeling the meal prep thing? No sweat! There are so many no cook meal ideas paleo to choose from.
Order pre-prepped meals or foods, like chicken breast, grass-fed steak, turkey burgers and hardboiled eggs from Trifecta Nutrition’s “A La Carte” Food selection, or pre-prepped meals from Pete’s Paleo.  
The Simple No Cook  Meal Ideas Paleo for Summer
1. Pulled Chicken Salad: Leafy Greens, Pulled Chicken (Rotisserie, served cold), Avocado, Cold Roasted Summer Squash, Olives
2. Tuna Salad: Canned Wild Tuna (or chicken), Avocado Mayo, Celery or Cucumber (chopped), Dried Cranberries, Chopped Walnuts
3. Sunshine Salmon: Canned Wild Caught Salmon, Grapefruit, Handful Macadamia Nuts
4. Snacky Meal: Hardboiled Eggs, Deli Turkey (organic), Cucumbers & Paleo Ranch  
5. Simple “Sandwich” Wrap: Collard Greens, Deli Meat, Avocado or Avocado Mayo, Sauerkraut, Tomatoes
6. Simple Chicken & Veggies: Roasted Chicken (served cold), Butternut Squash (served cold) Broccoli or Green Beans (flash cook in microwave if you must), Paleo Cesar  
7. Taco Salad: Dark Leafy Greens, Taco Meat (served cooled), Guacamole, Grass-fed Goat Cheese, Cold Roasted Summer Squash
8. Stuffed Sweet Potato: Cook & Cooled Sweet Potato, Leftover Taco Meat, Dark Leafy Greens, Coconut Butter
9. Grown-Up Lunchable: Turkey or Roast Beef Rollups, Celery & Sunbutter, Coconut Flakes, Piece of Fruit or Berries
10. “Cauliflower Rice Bowl”: Cauliflower or Cauliflower Rice (served cold), Ground Bison or Turkey (cook in coconut aminos, served cooled), Guacamole, Dark Leafy Greens, Chopped Tomatoes
11. Turkey Wrapped Melon: Watermelon or Melon slices wrapped with Turkey, Cucumber & Baby Carrots, Paleo Ranch
12. Shrimp Kebabs: Peel & Eat Shrimp, Veggie Skewers (bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, baby tomatoes), Coconut Cauliflower Rice (flash pan fry in avocado oil, and serve with coconut flakes on top) 
13. “Cheesy” Spaghetti Squash: Spaghetti Squash (previously roasted), Paleo Mayo, Shredded Chicken, Wilted Dark Leafy Greens, Olives, Turmeric 
14. Salmon or Halibut with Pineapple Salsa: Baked Herb Crusted Salmon or Halibut, Salsa (Diced Pineapples, Cilantro, Juice of 1 Lime, Chopped Red Onion), Lemon Roasted Asparagus, Herb Carrots
15. Fish Tacos: Baked Cod, Collard Green Wrap, Guacamole (lime, avocado, sea salt, garlic powder), Sweet potato Fries (previously roasted) 
16. Farmer’s Market Salads: If you want more  no cook meal ideas paleo, throw the best of the best into these salad combos
Beet Salad: Greens, Steamed Beets, Goat Cheese, Chicken, Balsamic Vinegar
Steak Salad: Flank Steak, Greens, Paleo Cesar, Strawberries, Broccoli
Chopped Salad: Romaine, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Canned Wild Caught Tuna, Hardboiled Eggs, Turkey Bacon, Paleo Italian Dressing, Apple Cider Vinegar
Basil Salad: Spinach, Basil, Olive Oil & Vinegar, Chicken, Olives, Roasted Zucchini, Avocado, Black Pepper
Kitchen Sink Salad: Chicken or Shrimp, Greens, Leftover Roasted Rainbow Carrots, Avocado Mayo, Leftover Crispy Brussels sprouts, Roasted Yellow Squash, Apple Cider Vinegar
  The post 20 Amazing No-Cook Summer Meal Ideas for Your Circadian Rhythm appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/20-amazing-no-cook-summer-meal-ideas-for-your-circadian-rhythm/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
0 notes
mira02l52255-blog · 7 years
Authorities Protests In Venezuela.
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Trump seems to become ping-ponging in between taking one of the most pro-Nazi posture available to him and also refusing that he has actually done so, however last evening he performed three traits that created that look that he thinks his political survival relies on moving biased support to his attacked ensign.
Disruptive Uranus, which is in Aries and also your 7th home from partnerships, produces its own yearly U-turn off August 2 till January 2. Over the following five months, a relationship might undergo a handful of weave. This one's a whopper: Certainly not only is this a rare second Leo brand-new moon (there was actually additionally one on July 23), that is actually additionally an overall solar energy eclipse that will definitely show up partially of the United States for the very first time in decades. Congressional Republicans have been actually servicing a border-adjustment tax obligation proposition that they say will achieve one thing similar, yet Trump has but to obtain firmly responsible for it-- and this, also, seems on the rocks due to opponent from business. March has been actually officially designated by National Affiliation for Popular music Learning (NAfME) for the observance of Popular music In Our Schools Month ®, the moment from year when popular music learning comes to be the emphasis of colleges all over the country. The misogynistic Trump carried out much worse among white colored ladies than George W. Bush performed against John Kerry (55 per-cent to 44 per-cent). The rest might decline." Those consist of the significant public colleges created since the 1860s, when a federal grant reserved property for them in every condition. Disruptive Uranus, which is in Aries, makes its yearly About-face off August 2 till January 2. Uranus is reversing via your eleventh property from unity as well as technology, which could agitate your inner cycle. Under enormous stress off Democratic politicians, consumer teams, as well as student protestors, the management vowed to supply borrower-defense discharges to pupils who had actually been harmed through predatory for-profit schools. Total teachers at public doctoral colleges actually create 24 per-cent below their counterparts at private ones, according to the American Association of University Professors.
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