#definitely someones fault tho 🤷🏻‍♀️
deathberi · 2 years
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buggiebite · 7 months
What's your favorite character from all across THG trilogy & TBOSAS?
Why do you like this character?
Favorite quote or moment from them?
Please state one (or more) thing which you don't like from them.
Thank you 😊
I pray this isn’t basic, but Peeta and Lucy Gray!
Starting with THG: Peeta is such a complex character who I just adore. He wants nothing more than to be himself, even if it kills him. Willing to do anything to make others happy, but also not afraid to do the right thing. Then going through the journey of being himself after he is hijacked and learning that he’s someone completely different. Gets me every time. I just really align myself with Peeta.
TBOSAS: I read the book when it came out… so 2020. And being honest, it really went over my head at the time. I need to reread it. So based off the movie and my little recollection of the book, Lucy Gray. She’s a wildcard. Very connected to the natural world around her. That Covey way of life is so addicting. But, needless to say, I need to reread the book and maybe I will have a different answer. It’s been 4 years!
Quote: Movie and/or book
Peeta - definitely, “I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not” / "If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me”. I’m a sucker for things like this, being who you are, because that’s all you can be.
Lucy Gray - “People aren’t so bad. It's what the world does to them. Like what they do in the arena. I think there is a natural goodness born into us all.” Gagged me. I’m a personal believer in the whole: people aren’t born bad they become that way or choose to be.
One or more things I do not like about them:
Peeta - he doesn’t hold his life for value! Saying his family or anyone back home didn’t need him. Not his fault tho, I feel like his childhood trauma made him believe that..and rejection/confusion from his crush of eleven years. Also, some people say his life revolved around Katniss. I think people think this because all we see is Katniss’ side of the story. It’s her narrative. But I’m not Suzanne so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lucy Gray - I don’t really think I can give an accurate answer to this. Given I am so uneducated on the TBOSAS lore and part of the fandom. Don’t get me wrong, I know about it, just not enough as I know the THG side. Reiterating: I need to reread TBOSAS! Then maybe I can give a better reply. But as for right now, I’d say her sporadicalness. It’s both my favorite and my least favorite thing about her. As of right now!
Thanks for the ask! -buggiebite
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soleilars · 3 months
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summary: what I think dating leo valdez looks like
pairing: leo valdez x fem!reader
warnings: mentions to making out
a/n: this man not existing is a crime
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leo valdez has my heart the second he cracked a joke in the lost hero
he’s so dreamy idc anymore
first of all: jewelry.
it can be rings, bracelets, necklaces or even earrings
this man doesn’t even care anymore
oh you wanted this amazing pandora bracelet? no worries he made you one identical to it
fr your half siblings would be like “omg where did you got it?” and you would be like “I didn’t, my boyfriend crafted it for me😁😁😁”
definitely into frank ocean (change my mind, oh wait you can’t) and would 100% say that pink + white is your song
hear me out. abba.
would start singing kisses of fire to you out of nowhere and make some cheesy joke about it that ended up on you kissing him while trying to suppress your giggles
you two have a secret handshake
and it’s the most random but somehow cool handshake you ever did
it takes whole 20 seconds for you two to finish it
percy yawns every single time you both do it because he’s just 🧍‍♂️waiting until you both finish so he can recall what he was talking about
it took him 5 months of relationship to finally open up about his insecurities and what happened to his mother
it was the first time he ever cried in front of you
he was sure you were just going to walk away after that but when you just cradled his face in your hands and kissed his tears away…
he felt like his heart was doing backflips
one of the tears that fell from his eyes that day was actually from how gentle you were to him and how safe you made him feel
but he wasn’t going to tell you that ofc
this boy has abandonment issues I just know
picnics picnics picnics
would wait until the sunset so you both could go to the spot you usually go to make out hang out and talk the evening out
and kiss ofc
he hates hot summer days
it’s great to go swim at the lake but you just refuse to cuddle with him bc he is naturally warm warm
he just frowns and pout his lips the whole time muttering how his natural “hotness” wasn’t his fault
if you stayed at camp for christmas tho it would be a total different story
he would be your all time heater and was exhilarated about it
his favorite ice cream flavour is cookie dough and acts absolutely offended when you two go to a gelateria in nyc and they don’t sell it there
ends up sticking with fragolla for me🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (also known as strawberry gelato)
in resume he is the most qualified boyfriend out there
please someone (me) date this (fictional) man!!!!!
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jiaoqiu-s-bitch · 3 years
the last episode was way too emotional uGH i need more gyuutarou content pls😭
could you do some headcanons for an artist!reader that really sees beauty in gyutaro and spends SO MUCH TIME drawing him? or even paints a picture of him? and how would all that situation go????
AAAAA ANON ILY!!!! this is exactly the kinda shit we need😩🙌🏼
as an artist myself I FUCKIN LOVE THIS IDEA, SO HERE WE GO—
Gyuutarou (+ Daki) with an artist!reader (sfw)
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• first of all, Gyuutarou would seriously question your taste AND your sanity
• he would get extremely suspicious of you too.. is that just a backhanded way of mocking him? why else would you want to waste your time drawing someone as ugly as him??
• you’re trying to explain to him that there’s more than one kind of beauty, and that in your eyes he holds a certain kind of beauty too, but everything you say sounds wayyy too absurd for him, so he’s far from convinced
• it’s not just him either, Daki would probably feel a shift of the force and immediately demand for you to draw her instead
• as compromise, you‘d ask both of them to be your models, most likely with Daki being planted on Gyuutarou‘s shoulders
• not wanting to disappoint either you or his sister, Gyuutarou eventually complies
• holding still is not exactly Daki’s strong suit, so it would inevitably end up in a sibling quarrel
• "Hold still dammit!! You’re heavy enough as is"
• "Haaah?? It’s not my fault that you have no meat on your bones, toothpick!!"
• luckily you had the sketch down already, so you could do without them posing for the rest of the process
• though you‘d probably still want them around for reference
• Daki is hella impatient, so she would constantly keep nagging you about just how long it‘ll still take you to finish
• meanwhile Gyuutarou just quietly and patiently watches you paint (if you let him), fascinated by the way every colorful stroke would breathe life into the previously plain sketch
• in fact, he’s so quiet and is sitting so still that you keep forgetting he’s even there, so whenever he would shift his "weight" (what weight tho-😭), you‘d most likely get startled and flinch
• you’d try to not let it show, but he definitely picks up on it every time and apologizes ceaselessly, probably mumbling about how useless and unnecessary he is
• which could go two ways.. either you stop him by talking back at and comforting him orrrr by splashing paint on him.
• both has proven to be quite effective, but the surprise effect of the paint attack surely proved to be superior
• pillow fights? lame. PAINT FIGHTS IS WHERE IT‘S AT
• Daki would most likely stay out of it and use her belt as shield, refusing to get stained by some dirty old paint
• meanwhile Gyuutarou LIVES for the mess
• he’s used to being dirty and filthy, but this is on an entirely different level
• no one else has ever wanted to get near him because of it, but here you were, actually laughing with him instead of at him
• bonus points if you actually sit back down and finish the painting before even bothering to get cleaned up
• once you’re actually done, Gyuutarou is still not sold on the idea of him being part of the painting‘s motive, but he wouldn’t dare complain again since you put so much work into it
• he most definitely won’t be able to let go of his self-hatred anytime soon, but your drawings and paintings of him sure make him feel appreciated to no end
• Daki on the other hand would complain about every little detail that you got "wrong" in your painting of her ("My nose doesn’t look like that!"), but you genuinely don’t really mind
• all that is to be expected when you decide to paint the siblings🤷🏻‍♀️
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bisluthq · 2 years
My take on this is that people don’t get the difference between being an asshole and not. The person who said they like Jack a bit more than Joe wasn’t being an anti, the person who came to say Jack was overrated was. Not because they think Jack is overrated but because they were just trying to be an asshole. This has happened before too, people saying “hey now that you shared that you have to share my take about how much I dislike Jack”. It never feels like this people actually hate Jack for anything he has done, they hate him because he doesn’t get enough hate on the blog. I get it because it happens to me when I don’t get why something is so popular. For example, I hate a lot of foods but I don’t complain about them like I complain about peanut butter. For whatever reason everyone thinks peanut butter is great but I don’t get it and I hate that people love it so much so I hate on it. Jack hasn’t done anything hugely problematic and that Nat isn’t having it when you come at him for random things isn’t really anyone’s fault. I also don’t know why you find someone writing a long message about Jack so annoying. We all write long messages about anything all the time here, they’re not even that deep. I don’t know why it bothers you that Nat isn’t getting annoyed? The problem here is that you guys are Joe and Taylor cupcakes and they get antis here all the time so it bothers you that Jack and Saoirse don’t get antis. But there’s a difference between the person who told someone to leave on the street because Taylor can have as many mansions as she pleases and people saying they’re a Jack cupcake and they don’t like when Nat says this or that about him
Ya again the key here is just not being an asshole lol. And like also there’s a difference between being an asshole in your own lane - if you do hate Jack and bring it up a lot idc even if you’re like a Saoirse account - and harassing other people.
As I’ve said before, I cannot harass anons. It’s impossible. You are anons. By definition idk where to even go to do that and dragging you when you’re an asshole to me isn’t fucking harassment it’s just defending myself from like online abuse. If weird people read my blog and then harass other bloggers with my take that really sucks but there isn’t much I can do about it either because that’s SO not the spirit of anything I ever do or say like AT ALL but fwiw I’ve heard this discussed but never seen real life evidence of it lol.
You can however harass me and some of you do.
I’ve never felt harassed by a Jack stan tho so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s usually Taylor cupcakes and Joe antis or huge Taylor antis or Gaylors.
So basically be chill, block tags you don’t enjoy, and just vibe and have fun lmao.
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bunnyjiu · 3 years
in the spirit of being controversial I also don't think blackpink deserves all the hype 🤷🏻‍♀️
they're talented and cool, but I really think if they didn't have so much money behind them they wouldn't have nearly the fanbase they do, and like that's not their fault, but the fact that a song of theirs gets 20 million views in an hour or whatever doesn't necessarily mean the song is good...
like I obviously say this from a somewhat bitter place bc I stan dreamcatcher, but it does kind of suck to see girls who I think are substantially more talented get less attention than other (talented but not as much imo) girls only because of the money their company has
and it's all subjective, someone out there thinks every blackpink song is revolutionary and the future of kpop, but I...don't. like really don't, they do somewhat of an SM thing too where it's 'experimental', except it's kind of just two songs mashed together without any connective tissue. also, I just don't get the appeal of Jisoo or Rose, they don't really add anything to the group for me personally and sometimes blatantly don't fit the concept? I think Lisa is probably the standout for me, even tho I don't think she could make it as a soloist because I don't think she has the variety, but she's definitely the one with the most stage presence. Jisoo always kinda looks dead behind the eyes to me, and I really didn't like Rose's solo debut... Jennie I think is a good all-rounder but I still think Lisa raps circles around her (except when she says shit like 'gon finna')
I'm just a random person tho and they're rich so obviously the market doesn't agree with me lol
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