#definitely tell me if this needs any more trigger tags. like it was a vent-shitpost hybrid so its kinda meant to be Blegh
pplatonic · 1 year
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my name is platonic or nexus i go by he/him :)
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. <- this dot is here so i can edit the userboxes easier :3
We're a system that collectively identifies as a multigender a-spec abrosexual. Me specifically as in the one that uses this blog i am a loveless heartless non-sam aplatonic bigender boygirl.
check out my sick neocities site
my main fandoms are Vocaloid, Serial Experiments Lain, Blue Exorcist, Soul Eater, and ones I'm less active in are Haruhi Suzumiya, MHA, and Touhou. Vocaloid is the biggest out of all of those, and I'm a synth v producer. I have Haiyi, Saki+AI, Yamine Renri, and Yuma. I also have all of the lite/free banks (including Mai) but like those are the babies that I paid for and would give my hand in marriage if they asked me even though I'm aro. I also sometimes use Neutrino, SEVEN is my fave.
i'm alterhuman and otherkin! All of my kins are endelic.
Rosy maple mothkin
Pink heronkin
@inspectorlyfra kin (u cant cancel me for this bc nym gave me explicit permission) (this one is a /j)
my fictionkin list looks like:
Platonic the Phantom Thief (Evillious Chronicles)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Clarisse McClellan (Fahrenheit 451)
Abigail Williams (The Crucible)
Millenium-chan (Living Millenium by Iyowa)
Susuwatari (Spirited Away)
...and kinsidering Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (Evillious Chronicles)!
日本語を勉強していますよ! 間違い出やすいからおかしな日本語になってたら、教えてもらいたいです。「時々」と「凸凹」ってはあたしのお気に入り言葉だよ!日本語のボカロ曲を英語に時々訳します。
Ich lerne auch Deutsch! Ich übersetze nicht vom Deutsch ins Englisch aber ich will für meinen Beruf in Deutschland wohnen. Mein lieblingswort auf Deutsch ist hundertprozentig "gequatscht."
Tags guide:
#plat art - All visual creative stuff #plat music - Original songs, including remixes #plat cover - All of my vocalsynth covers #plat writes - fanfic links #plat rambles - Random talky post tags
you hit kept reading and scrolled to the bottom so you get my super not really secret sideblogs list:
@non-sam-aplatonicism - Sideblog for aplatonic stuffs @ganbaruwayo - JPN to ENG translations @mogaihaze - Deluna's mogai coining blog @alexithymia-culture-is-what - Culture is blog for alexithymic folks @lumen-sancta - Kin-centric sideblog @gray-gray-gray-gray - Mental-health centric sideblog, used to just be my secret vent blog, but now I post my psychosis related nerd rambles @delunas-amazing-blog - Deluna's sideblog. @ghost-coral-girl - Haiyi's sideblog. @the-carol-of-caroline - Caroline's sideblog. @team-chimera-phoenix - The TCP group's sideblog.
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tboy-insanity · 10 months
i should probably make an actual intro post on this blog instead of just pinning the messy one i made on main so-
hai! i’m ryan. my main account is @autistic-katara and this is a sideblog to idk, post whatever i don’t feel comfortable posting on main (either that or i’m just gonna shitpost a bunch but we’ll see).
so basically this blog is for me to vent, be way more horny than i am on main, or post things i think might cause too much drama or smthn if i posted them on main (or again, shitposts // there might be other stuff too idk)
so yeah other stuff if u don’t know me from my main blog:
my pronouns r he/him
i’m jewish (ethnically and religiously)
i’m scottish (don’t think that’ll have any relevance but i don’t want use assuming i’m american or english so)
i’m almost definitely autistic (currently on the waiting list but like half the ppl i’ve ever spoke to have been like 🤨♾️🌈⁉️ + idk what else it could be so)
i’m (obviously) trans(masc)
i’m chronically ill (cfs)
and uhh yeah i can’t think of anything else to put in here if u think of smthn lmk :3
also if i make any vent posts i’ll be sure to tag them w/ the trigger/content warnings i think r needed but if i make any and miss one pls tell me :]
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let-patton-say-fuck · 3 years
Hello and welcome
This post is going to be long and detailed, but here’s the gist:
I want to create a blog that will serve as a collection of Patton content in which he's portrayed as the extremely interesting character that he is. This includes angst, character studies, theories, discussions of gray morality, etc, etc. Also, I personally heavily identify with Patton, and whenever I see content of him being absolutely feral? Incredibly cathartic. I just think it’s neat. So, this is a blog for Patton content that presents him as more than the “innocent soft little puffball” he tends to be percieved as in the fandom. And, to be honest, more than anything I just want to inspire as many people as possible to join me in my #LetPattonSayFuck agenda. Let him do it. He deserves it.
None (or almost none) of the content on this blog is going to be mine. If you have content you want me to put on here, you can:
Tag me in it
Submit a post
Send me an ask
DM it to me
I will reblog the things people send me and try my best to organise them (more on that after the cut). You can send art, fanfiction, edits, rants, headcanons, memes, just related thoughts that come to your head, basically anything you want.
I will also sometimes reblog things to this blog just because I feel like they fit and I want to. If I reblogged something you created to this blog and you don't want that, please let me know, and I will delete it. Essentially, this is just a place for me to hoard (and navigate) any and all content about my favourite types of Patton characterisation. And you can join, if you want!!
And now onto the details:
About The Different Kinds Of Patton:
Different sides (ha) of Patton might be explored in the posts of this blog, so I think they will require some sort of classification. You can block or search certain tags based on your preferences.
The tags I will be using:
#let patton say fuck - any post where Patton swears (not necessarily “fuck”)
#feral patton - feral Patton. That’s it that’s the tag. Let my boy go feral. Whatever level of feral. From dying your hair at 4am to murder. Give me feral Patton
#angry patton
#patton angst - h u r t  h i m (then help him pls. Not a requirement, just a personal request. Unhappy endings accepted but not without tears). This one will probably have a lot of subcategories
#flirty patton - I will be using this tag for any flirtatious actions from Patton, especially those that wouldn’t usually be seen as “typical” for him.
#suggestive patton - taking the previous tag a step further, this one is for any innuendos, sexual jokes/hints from Patton, whether in a flirty context or just for humour reasons.
#smart patton - any kinds of intelligence. Emotional intelligence, academic intelligence, strategic intelligence, musical intelligence, etc. Bring it on. If anyone wants me to make separate tags for different types of intelligence, please let me know exactly how you want me to do that, and I will, as soon as I can.
#BAMF patton - let him fuck shit up a little. As a treat
#mischief patton - Patton doing pranks, teasing someone, making fun of someone light-heartedly, messing with people. Sarcastic Patton. All that adorable devious shit. Gimme
#smug patton - smug bastard man,,,,,, sarcastic bastard man,,,,,,,,,, teasing bastard man,,,,,, (this one and the mischief one will probably overlap yeah)
#patton and morality - gray morality Patton. Being confused abt moral concepts because morality is hard, man. Patton being wrong, but learning. Patton making mistakes,,,,, I love him
#nsfw patton - I accept NSFW content, it will always be tagged. These posts will also be tagged with "#nsfw" and "#nsfs" (Not Safe For Sanders). This tag is for explicitly sexual things only. Sexual humour/innuendos/hints will all be in the "suggestive" tag. You can filter out one or both, if you want.
Once again, if anyone wants me to make a separate tag, I will.
About The Different Kinds Of Content:
As I’ve mentioned before, absolutely any form of content is accepted. Some tags that will help in looking for specific things:
#pat art - Some art,,, of the Pat,,,,,
#pat fanfic - More on ships later
#pat thoughts - any kinds of thoughts/rants. If you wanna share your ideas or just talk about Patton, this is probably how it will be tagged. Lemme know if you want me to change anything
#pat analysis
#pat theories
#pat hcs - any headcanons!! Ship headcanons!! Random headcanons!!! Vent “This is about Patton but I Am Patton” headcanons haha definitely know nothing about those!!! All headcanons are welcome
#pat memes - memes, shitposts, funny thoughts, incorrect quotes. Anything like that
#pat edits - Video, photo, audio, GIF. Once again, if anyone wants separate tags, I will add them.
Any other types of content will be given their own tags in the future, if they will be needed.
The tag for any asks is just "#asks". Anything related to this blog will be tagged "#blog stuff".
About Ships:
All ships will be given their own tags. More ships (poly ships, ships without Patton in them) will be added later as we go. For now here are the tags I will be using for Patton ships (tell me if anything needs to be changed):
All characters will be tagged as “#ts *character name*”:
#ts logan
#ts janus
#ts roman
#ts virgil
#ts remus
If you don’t want to see certain characters or ships, please just filter the tags.
About Trigger Warnings:
If you ever need me to tag (or change) anything for any reason, please feel free to tell me, and I will do so as fast as I can and as thoroughly as I can.
Trigger warning tags are added to this post as content is being posted. Before posting anything, I will review it for potential triggers and update this post if needed. If anyone wants to add a tag for anything in advance - let me know, and I will do it.
So, let's start:
#pat discourse - any kind of argument against the way Patton is treated by the general fandom. While I think most people here would agree with those opinions, sometimes just the notion of an argument is distressing.
#tw cursing - I mean just in case
#tw murder mention - for references to murder with no details or visuals
#tw murder - discussion of murder with some details and/or visuals
#tw repression
#tw self-hatred
#tw anxiety attack
#tw threats
#tw alcohol
And finally!!!! This is a No Unsympathetic Patton Allowed zone. I guess it depends on how you would define "unsympathetic", but no content of Patton being abusive and/or anything similar to that will be posted, and please, please do not send it in. Please don't send Patton hate either, I won't post it, but it will hurt me quite a lot, please don't do that. If you don't like Patton, just go to another blog.
#tw arguing
#tw self-destructive behaviour
I'm sorry in advance if I ever forget to tag anything, please tell me right away so I can fix it! I don't really know how to run a blog, so I'm sorry if anything is wrong. I'm willing to try my best to keep this as organised as possible, since it's For A Good Cause. Thank you so much for visiting this blog, and I hope you enjoy it!!
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