#definitely the undefeated worst fanbase in this crazy fandom
bohemian-nights · 9 months
i saw a rhaenyra stan post where someone asked them how can they love rhaenyra knowing that she's racist
and this person really said - 1. everyone is racist in F&B (no they aren't, nettles was respected by literally all of TB except your crazy fav) 2. she thinks that rhaenyra calling nettles a "low creature" is not racist she was just being paranoid. (mmm ok sure) 3. ugh no one is perfect your favs prob did something bad too (accidently exposing that they know their fav is racist and just don't care)
like are you for real?!!! so you think rhaenyra is not racist or you just don't care that she is?!!?! rhaenyra stans are the worst fandom i have ever seen
Every character in F&B is a racist yet somehow Missy Anne calling Nettles a low creature without a drop of dragon’s blood who has to use spells to bind her dragon to her and to seduce her husband (because there is no way her pure Valaryan husband would willingly sleep, impregnate, and fall in love with a Black woman) isn’t racially motivated? Okay.
By their logic, isn’t Missy Anne a part of that everyone being a racist? Aren’t her actions therefore gasp, racially motivated?
Silly me I forgot, it’s not racially motivated because Missy Anne loved Visenya who is white and Visenya used magic too. She had bastards (who were white) with dark hair. They didn't look Valyrian.
She has no problem with white people who are/look non-Valyrian or white people who use magic therefore she must love Nettles and only tried to kill her cause she had a teensy tiny breakdown. I mean who doesn’t try to murder someone in cold blood every once in a while? Calling her a low creature was maester propaganda spread by the evil greens 🥦 She’s innocent I tell you! They are the real racists cause they made note that Nettles had brown skin🫢
These people are straight-up nuts. I mean yeah, everyone probably does hold prejudices. I don’t disagree with that.
See how Corlys calls Nettles dirty and ill-favored even when he actively trying to save her life. Or how Miss Maegor's own grandmother thought a Black person was a demon because he had dark skin.
However, only one person tried murdering a Black woman(who was possibly pregnant) in her sleep and used racism to justify it.
Everyone might be unconsciously biased(just like in real life), but they aren’t out there trying to commit hate crimes. What Missy Anne does is straight up KKKaren behavior.
Once again her stanbase knows she’s a racist psycho. I mean they admitted to it when they contradicted themselves and tried to justify her behavior by claiming everyone is racist.
They don’t really care about the issue, but they do care about appearing racist since being a racist isn’t really in right now.
By them trying to justify her bad behavior they actually end up looking like racists themselves when all they had to do was admit that Miss Maegor is a racist.
It’s fine to like problematic characters. That’s not a reflection on your character, but you’re going off the deep end when you start trying to make excuses for their actions.
Don’t justify it because the actions aren’t justifiable. In Miss Maegor’s case, no amount of stress turns you into a murderous racist. And stop getting mad at people for not liking her. She's awful. Just admit that and move on.
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