lilyblisslys · 1 month
if you’re ever worried about accidentally letting your kinks influence your art, just remember the guy who made superhot made one of the major modern experimental fps classics and it’s like 80% hypno degradation kink. Don’t let your dreams be dreams!
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zhaleys · 2 months
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grogumaximus · 30 days
Two minutes of Crane's 'proud dad speech' about Max racing the Imola GP and the 24 Hours of Nurburgring in the same weekend.
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sainzstorms · 3 months
australia just confirmed that anything indeed can happen. i thought lewis moved to ferrari was the maximum of it but apparently not.
today we started with 19 cars (bc williams withdrew logan's to give his car to alex) and finished with 16 cars across the line. ferrari finished 1-2, max dnf, mclaren in top 5, checo only finished p5, britcedes dnf, haas double points, and yuki & lance got points. ferrari have a better car than last year, you can clearly see it from carlos' & charles' smiles, they seem confident that they can close the gap with rbr and it's showing this early in the season (hopefully they can only get closer). same thing with mclaren, they definitely have a much better car than last year, lando and oscar deserve that.
but rest assured that silly season will only get sillier!!! 21 more races plus 6 sprint races (which im not so excited about), 13 unclaimed seats, moving rumors left & right (be it drivers or staff), and other drama. drivers market is going to be chaotic interesting. this is f1 ig.
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corromon · 11 months
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I have a redesign for her coming up so enjoy this last one before I do it c:
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moog-enthusiast · 7 months
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toki sappy drunk lol
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chytilovian-daisy · 3 months
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Dir en Grey on Indies Station, 1998 [x]
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strongbabe2907 · 3 months
28/3/2024 Oberhausen, turbinenhalle
GIG REVIEW, DIR EN GREY mode of withering to death.
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Since the m&g was at 6 and the gig didn’t start till 8 it was a bit of a long wait.
Luckily they started right on time!
It was just surreal to see them again and so up close, RAHHH. Shinay wore a white dress jacket and black trousers. Kaoru wore a beautiful 3 piece. He later took off the jacket so we could see the waistcoat and billowy shirt underneath better. Die wore his black dress/leather shorts combo with a red and black thing over it for most of the show. Toshiya wore his sparkly black dress with the leather boots, gosh, so pretty!! And Kyo was in his black adidas tracksuit. Tshirt underneath and a necklace over it. He wore 2 rings on his left hand, pinky and middle fingers, I think. He wore a white/blind contact lens in his left eye and his right was normal. Had the bald head with the extensions on it and the make up he did for most of the shows. Ah speaking of make up- Kaoru had two little vampire fangs drawn on him!! It was so cute.
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I don’t know the exact setlist. I’m sure someone has already posted it but I think it was the same for the other Withering shows. It was just amazing to hear these song live and the music was good and Kyo was audible and RAAHH it was just so, so fucking good.
They seemed really energetic and especially during Jesus Christ R ‘n R Kyo was interacting with the crowd a lot. He took out his earpiece to listen to us sing and also shouted ‘Sing!’ at us at the ominous communication part. AHHH. It was amazing! I think I spotted the tiniest crack of a smile on Kyo’s face.
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The others switched places during playing which was very nice! They just all seemed to be in good spirits. I also saw Kaoru singing along with a few songs and so did Die and idk why but it just made me immensely happy.
I’ve worn blind/white eye lenses before and you can’t see much out of them so Kyo only had 1 good eye during the show. He had moments of looking into the crowd but I noticed he spend a lot of time singing with his eyes almost closed for a good while. I can relate, I couldn’t help from closing my eyes from time to time to just feel the music, even though I didn’t want to miss a second of it. He also danced to a few songs, and after having seen them live for quite some years, to me it felt like he generally had a good time and good live. His voice was also SO good, gosh. How that man has grown (figuratively, bwhaha).
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They ended with Akoru no oka (my heart) and it was quiet a moment before Kyo just said BYE BYE in the mic and left the stage. Shinya threw his drumsticks and the other 3 stayed a little longer to throw their water bottles and plectrums. Kaoru threw one of his weirdly on the otherside where we were standing and I think it bounces off the barricade or something!? But it made him burst out in laughter and that was so nice to see ;o;
Die nearly killed someone with his bottle throw LOL, and after that we gathered ourselves and it was time to get ready to leave and head back home. I just felt filled with joy, and still do the morning after. So happy I decided to go and also finally chance the meet and greet.
Feel free to repost pictures, but please credit!
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brie-draws · 3 months
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Dir en grey icons!!
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drugsforaddicts · 4 months
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Käärijä x Erika Vikman - Ruoska [MV]
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saltroclus · 2 years
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Laurent snagged up one of the soft towels and draped Damen’s head in it. Engulfed, Damen let his hair be rubbed about, then let Laurent dry the rest of him, the softness of the towel against his skin as unexpectedly tender as any touch Laurent had offered him. It wasn’t sensual, it was coddling, comforting, and so unlooked for that it made him feel strange, lucky, part of the summer scents, the sunlight and wonder of this place.
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decrescxndo · 4 months
On apprend que JK Rowling offre 70 000 euros à l'association anti-trans "For Women Scotland" afin de l’aider a pousser la Cour Suprême à définir le mot "femme" selon le sexe biologique uniquement, donc encore une preuve tangible qu’elle finance des politiques transphobes, mais vous allez encore nous expliquer que vous vous « desolidarisez » d’elle et que vous « ne soutenez pas » cette femme.
Alors que vous faites tjrs la promotion de son univers en le maintenant en vie via vos forums et maintenant cette espece de hype décomplexée qui survit depuis qu’on sait que c’est une énorme connasse.
Ca me deg.
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grogumaximus · 4 months
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sakuhai · 10 months
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corromon · 11 months
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I tried shooting her with the marketability ray. Did it work?
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mingtze · 1 year
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