#deku also doesnt wear his but he has a little box with things that make him nostlagic
beybuniki · 6 months
pls could you share did bakugo get that anklet when he was still awake or was it put on his sleeping body 🙏 i’m trying to set the scene in my mind
asleep :D he wakes up with his and rolls his eyes, but he keeps it
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honeypirate · 4 years
His First Kiss
Shouji Mezou x Fem!Reader
Last year of UA
Inspired by my love for this multi-armed boy and the fact that I once fell down in the snow like eight times in one afternoon.
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You were walking from the dorms to the school when your foot slipped in the ice, sending you to your knees. Your tights were ripped but you didnt really care, you were notorious for falling down in the ice and snow and you didnt really mind. You picked yourself back up and dusted off your knees, the wet ice in your tights making your shiver before you finished your walk to the school. Unaware of the eyes on you who were worried until they saw you get up with a smile and continue your walk.
You were running a little late to training, had an issue with your new hero suit you got and ended up taking a while to get it figured out. You were sprinting from the school to training ground beta when you slipped again in the melting snow on the hill you tried to run down. You ended up sliding on your butt all the way to the bottom, laughing the whole way. The same boy caught that fall too, smiling under his mask at the cute sound of your laugh. After training you convince the other girls to sled down the hill on your butts or feet, laughing when Kirishima, Kaminari, and Deku joined you, leading to an impromptu snowball fight, his covered cheeks blushing when you used him to hide from everyone else, his other arms automatically moving to keep you inconspicuous as you waited for Mina to turn before you popped out and shoved a snowball down the back of her shirt. Screaming laughing you grabbed his hand and took off running away from Mina.
After your fun in the snow, your fingers and lips were blue, you felt the cold in your bones and knew you wouldn’t warm up until the next day. He walked next to you as you all walked back to the school, thinking that your red nose and cheeks were so adorable.
After a really hot shower in the school girls locker room you tuck your wet hair under your beanie so it won't freeze when you go outside again. You want to head to the convenience store by the school and already got approval to do so by Aizawa on the condition you go with another student who also asked to go, Shouji.
You were looking up at the clouds because they started to dump out more snow so you didn't notice when you were in the same place you slipped earlier, this time your foot hits the ice and you fall in slow motion, down to your back, catching yourself on your elbows. You chuckle and then sigh, just accepting your fate and deciding to watch the snow fall for a few more moments. The same boy looking out his bedroom window when he saw you fall again, in the same place. He would have gone down if you hadn’t gotten up laughing, he was so curious about you.
You change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, you make a mental note to pick up a sweatshirt at the store so you wouldn't have to wear your bulky coat anymore, before slipping on your vans. You empty your backpack and put your wallet inside before putting it over your shoulders again, before heading down stairs to wait from Shouji.
“Ready?” he asks and you beam up at the large man, you would be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to this, he was your crush after all. “Ready!” he nods and opens the door for you, not even realizing you weren't wearing something warmer.
You made it to the store with no incidents, easy conversation flowing between you both. “Do you want to shop together or meet up in 30 minutes? Personally, I would like to shop together. But it’s up to you Shouji” you say as you grab a basket, his cheeks flushing under his mask “together” he says and you smile up at him again, a smile that makes his heart skip.
“What’s your favorite kind of breakfast?” you ask as you turn down the cereal aisle. “My mom used to make very traditional breakfasts growing up but i’m really fond of trix cereal or oatmeal” he says and you chuckle “I like to add egg whites to my oatmeal and flax seed, it’s actually” you huff as you try and reach for your favorite cereal, one that you just snack on and keep in your room, but you couldn't reach the last box in the very back, Shouji smiles at your cute attempt, it looked like you were trying to force your arms to lengthen. “Actually pretty good, with a little maple syrup and almond milk, delicious” he walks over to you and reaches up, easily grabbing the box “maybe you could make me some one day” he says, avoiding your eyes shyly.
“Thank you” you say and place your hand on his closest arm “name the morning Shouji and it’s a date” you smile and his heart flips. His arm was incredibly warm under your touch, warming your fingers through his hoodie. He frowns under his mask when you drop your hand and continue walking down the aisle. “Tomorrow?” he asks and you grin, grabbing a can of oats, “tomorrow it is”
You place your bags in your backpack, putting his in there as well before he can object as he’s paying, when he notices your bag is already on your back again, a smile and blushing cheeks meeting his questioning eyes as he notices his bags are gone. You're halfway back to the school when you realize you forgot a hoodie, your skin finally feeling too cold to handle but it was too late now. You talked a little slower and more controlled so he wouldn't notice your teeth chattering.
You enter the schools gates laughing at one of his stories about kaminari when your foot slips on ice again, the semi melted snow from the morning now frozen under the fresher snow from the day. You almost think you’re done for until his arms are around you, holding you steady. “What is this, the fourth time today?” your cheeks flush “sixth actually” you admit and he shakes his head with a laugh. “I only saw three” he says and you feel your stomach drop in embarrassment. “Sorry you had to witness my clutzyness” he laughs “i admire how you can pop back up with a smile after falling so many times” you shrug in the embrace of four of his arms “most of life isn’t a big deal, it doesn't stop my happiness” you look up into his eyes, your (e/c) ones shining in the twilight of the sunset behind clouds, he’d kiss you if he could.
As you begin to pull away you shiver in his embrace, your teeth chattering as it happens. That’s when he notices you only have on one layer, the cold that was still in your bones from that afternoon seeping into his fingertips from you. “You’re freezing, why aren't you wearing a coat?” he asks and you chuckle “I meant to buy a hoodie today but I forgot. I don't like how bulky my coat is” his arms fall away from you and he swiftly pulls his six armed hoodie off and hands it to you.
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods, readjusting his mask. You hand him your backpack and he puts it over one of his shoulders. You slip on his tan hoodie and smile as your head pops through. The smell of musk and bergamot fills your nose as you bury it in the neck, you put your arms through the top arm holes and then you shove the other four sleeves inside the hoodie before you look up meeting his eyes. “Thank you Shouji” you whisper, the sound of snow hitting the ground faintly is barely heard over the sound of your beating heart in your ears.
Shouji knew giving it to you was the right decision but a tiny part of him regrets it because now he knows just how gorgeous you looked in his clothes. “You smell amazing by the way” you say as you start walking again. He doesnt know what to say back, his mind blank, head empty other than the fact that you think he! smells! Good! “It’s 1 million lucky” he says in a panic, thinking he was taking too long to respond so he just said the first thing he thought, which was the name of his cologne. “has it brought you any luck?” you ask and he looks over at you, your eyes on the ground in front of you so you don't slip. “Yes. it has” you look over and meet his eye “1 million?” you ask with an amused smirk “at least 1 million, if not more” you laugh “That’s good. I think it’s working for me too. I feel really lucky tonight” you turn your attention back to the sidewalk again, not noticing yourself stray further from your path and closer to him until the back of your fingers brush the backs of his. Your cheeks flush as you move your hand, but decide not to move away from him.
He overthought way too much for his own good, he wanted to grab your hand and hold it but you couldn't find the guts. When you get back to the dorms he opens the door for you again and you smile warmly up at him as you brush past him. You help each other put away your snacks in your cupboards, you shove your cereal back in your backpack. “Do you want some tea?” he asks and you nod “so much yes” he chuckles “go sit on one of the couches and i’ll make us some.
You sit in the middle and pull your feet up, sliding the hoodie around your legs as well as you lean your head back, staring at the ceiling as you wait. Smiling at how nice your evening has been you realize that even the dorms lounge was empty, you couldn't doubt the power of the 1 million lucky cologne.
He hands you a cup of tea and then sits beside you on your left. “Thank you Shouji, this is just what i needed” you take a sip and then just sit with your knees pulled up and your tea warming your hands. You turn your body after a moment to face him more “feel free to not answer this if it’s too personal” you say as you watch one of his hand mouths sip his tea “do you ever eat, drink, whatever, with your mouth mouth?” you say and to make sure he knew what you meant you run your thumb across the edge of his mask against his cheek.
“Sometimes when i’m alone in my room. It’s just a habit by now to not” you nod and then take another sip, the hot liquid warming your tummy. “How about kissing?” you ask and he chuckles, not a new question to him “I uh, I don't know actually. Never had a girl who wanted to kiss me” he says confidentently, not really minding the fact. “No kissing your hand mouth or over the mask or under? That's so shocking to me” he turns his body towards you, his arms coming up to rest against the back of the couch next to you “why is that shocking?” he asks and you smile, looking down into your half empty mug with a blush rising up your neck “because” you whisper and he cocks his head “because?” you finish your tea in once swallow and then set the mug on the side table before you meet his eyes again “because Shouji, you are incredibly handsome, intelligent, strong, kind. I can’t understand how there hasn't been someone you want to kiss” he chuckles, setting his cup next to yours “I said I never had a girl who wanted to kiss me. Not that Inhaven't wanted to kiss a girl” he looks at you so pointedly you feel like he means you “i’m a girl though” you whisper and he cocks his head “and you want to kiss me?” he whispers back and instead of answering you lean slowly forward, pressing your lips to his cloth covered cheek.
He cups your cheek with one of his hands and presses his forehead to yours, you sigh and lean more into him, a smile on your lips and your eyes closed. “Do you promise to keep your eyes closed?” he whispers, his voice a little trembly, “pinky promise and cross my heart” you raise your hand, pinky out and he chuckles, locking his pinky with yours and shaking once. He pulls back and you keep your eyes closed, he can't help but admire how beautiful you are, cheeks flushed and messy hair while you wear his giant hoodie. Slowly he hooks his fingers in his mask, pulling it down to his neck.
You feel sets of his arms move around to hold you, pulling you closer as two of his hands cup your cheeks softly. He watches your smile grow when you feel his breath fan over your face. He leans down and presses his lips to yours, when he pulls back after half a second you frown “again” you say and he laughs “anything for you, love” he whispers, a hair breadth away from touching your lips, sending warm tingles down your spine. He kisses you again and you move, keeping your eyes closed and your lips on his as you reach out, gripping his strong shoulders as you put your leg over his and scoot so you could straddle him.
Four hands rest on your back as two stay on your neck. His lips were soft and plush and his body was warm as he held you to his chest, your lips moving together. His tongue touches your lips and you gasp softly before grinning and letting his tongue enter your mouth at a weird pace. You pull back, keeping your eyes closed and you say “slower, like this” your lips meet again and he lets your tongue in is mouth, slowly moving around his, massaging and twisting your tongue with his in the right ways, your hands buried in his hair as he mons into your mouth.
You bite his bottom lip and pull back, laying your head on his shoulder, snuggling into his neck and lifting the fabric of his mask to press kisses against his soft skin. He hums deep down in his chest as you nip at his pulse point. “Shouji, can I leave a mark?” you ask, your breathing still ragged. He moans out a quiet “yes” breathy as he pants, his heart racing under your lips as you suck on his skin. After a few moments you pull back and kiss his neck over your mark, you feel your way with kisses to make your way back to his lips, kissing him softly before pulling his mask back up, with his help, before you open your eyes and look down at him.
“Shouji” you whisper with a smile, still breathing a little heavily, one of his hands was tangled in your hair still, a few of the sleeves of his hoodie have gone right side out again, you run your hands down his strong chest as you look into his eyes. His pupils were blown and his eyes were shining, the cold in your body forgotten about now that you were warm, his eyes never leaving yours.
He reaches up and tucks your hair behind your ear when it falls into your face. “I’ve had a crush on you since you first walked into class second year. You said ‘i’m y/n l/n and my superpower is knowing the right music to play for any occasion as well as a strength quirk’ you were so captivating. You still are. So beautiful and kind. I keep meaning to ask you to make me a playlist” you laugh and cup his cheek “i can't believe you remember that, it feels like so long ago” he chuckles and you feel the vibrations in your palm on his chest “Mezou” you whisper and watch his eyes brighten, making the butterflies in your stomach triple as you beam at him “I have had a crush on you since the same day, when you let me sit next to you at lunch. You’re so kind and selfless, so gentle. you are ready and willing to risk your life to save anyone no matter what. I’m always so impressed and proud of the hero you’re becoming. And you see me! There are so many loudmouths in our school but you’re always there, never wavering, making me feel important”
He cups your face, thumb brushing against your cheekbone “you are the most important to me. We’ve been friends for years but never close and I feel like I’m to blame for that. I was afraid you’d be scared of me and I didn’t want to ever confirm that fear” you cup both of his cheeks now and smile warmly at him “you could never scare me” he laughs once “you say that now, but you haven’t seen me. I started wearing this mask because in my village they have prejudices against quirks that alter appearances. I scared a little girl and it made me realize I don’t want to scare anyone” you lean forward and kiss his forehead gently “I can’t imagine how that must have made you feel. But I’m telling you with no doubt in my heart, you’ll never scare me. No matter what you look like under your mask. No matter what happens to you.” You lean down and hug yourself to him, “your strong arms around me, make me feel safe. Comfortable. Kissing you, made me feel warm, made my heart race, made me so happy” you lean back up and smile again at him “so whenever you’re comfortable enough with me, whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here.”
His eyes look misty, his hands on your back were tense, his heartbeat was racing under your palms on his chest. “You’re amazing” he whispers “I can’t say how much that truly means to me” you kiss his forehead softly again, you would have kissed his lips if not for his mask up. “Can I kiss you again?” He whispers and then clears his throat, his eyebrows furrowed “yes please” you say and close your eyes, reaching up and pulling his mask down gently as his hands bury in your hair again and cup your cheeks to guide your lips to his own.
After talking for hours you end up falling asleep together on the couch, his warm arms surround you and holding you in place against his side and chest. You woke up to the sound of stomping above you, Bakugou had woken up and he was a heavy walker. You look up at the man who’s arms you were in and smile, he was still asleep and his face was so soft and adorable, his hair was a mess and his mask was askew, showing the hickey you made last night. You chuckle and brush your fingers over the mark. “Mezou” you whisper and watch as his eyes scrunch before he takes a huge deep breath and his eyes flutter open and look at you, his sweet beautiful girl looking up into his eyes, his heart melted.
“Good morning handsome” you say and he chuckles “good morning sweetheart” he says back, his voice still coated with sleep, it was deep and husky and gave you goosebumps. “We should get up before someone finds us here” he groans and holds you tighter “let them find us” you laugh and kiss his chest “we have class too” he groans again and then releases you “you’re right” you stand together and he doesn’t let go of your hand until you get to your door where he pulls you into a hug. “So are we? Uh are you?... uhm” He's flustered, unsure if you’re together, if he has to clarify that he wants to be with you, or if you don’t want to be with him, you chuckle and look up at him “Mezou, do you want to be together?” He nods and you beam up at him “good! Me too! So now that that’s taken care of.. walk me to class?” He laughs and nods again “of course, I’ll come back when I’m ready” he presses his mask covered lips to your forehead and you blush “okay. Sounds perfect” you whisper, you keep a hold of his hand until he’s at the end of his arm length, your fingers holding you together until you reluctantly relax the tips of your fingers and let your hand fall down to your side as he chuckles softly, winking at you before you close the door of your room. Sighing in happiness and taking a moment to think about last night, before hurrying and getting ready for your day, not even remembering you were supposed to make him breakfast until you were sitting next to him at lunch.
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