#i made a post about that before we need to get back to thtarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttt
beybuniki · 6 months
pls could you share did bakugo get that anklet when he was still awake or was it put on his sleeping body 🙏 i’m trying to set the scene in my mind
asleep :D he wakes up with his and rolls his eyes, but he keeps it
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ilovethecolorpink · 3 years
7 am and i was holding back tears brushing my teeth because her birthday is in less than 2 weeks and last year i was so overwhelmed with love for her and sent her a long series of letters i wrote to her over the course of many months expressing that and while i do still love her, i don’t know what to send her other than a birthday text i would send just about anyone and that makes me feel guilty for some reason but also just so sad over the fact that that’s the case in general
#she said 2 months ago (after we’d not spoken for 6 weeks) that she wanted to try to get back to where we once were#and maybe it takes more than 2 months but we just aren’t. and somehow we feel even farther away than before#and that just makes me so sad#but i dont know how to talk to her anymore#she’s like sent me 2 tipsy snapchats talking about me to her friends and like they make me so uncomfy :/ and idk why they do#bc they should probably make me feel good that she wants to talk about me to other ppl and starts saying such nice things in them ???#but like i never know what to say to them and after the first one she was like i hope u dont think i was rubbing it in ur face#(rubbing in my face that she was with people i assume???) and like what do u even say to that like#she meant it nicely too i dont wanna misconstrue her tone but still lol#i sent her a tiktok 3 days ago that was like about long distance friendships and was all lovey about it and she hasnt responded and im just#like ughhhfhdajdjaktjajidj!!!!!#i need to not let this eat at me so hopefully this will help lmfao#anyways like i said in the post … i still do love her but idk it’s just not what it once was#and i dont feel like . as attached as i once did and like while i think that’s better it stil kinda sucks that after everything#this is where we’ve ended up#a month ago i started planning something to send her for her bday and then i just never continued bc i just never felt that same feeling#idk if i’m still hurt from what happened this summer but it just hasnt been the same since#i think i just kinda have to accept that maybe we’re too different now too busy too whatever and we can never had what we had again#at least not now… and that rlly sucks :(#this was word vomit and i think i accidentally made myself more sad but . on we go i guess#mine#x
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orcelito · 3 years
wrote like 300 words at 3 am bc i realized a thing would happen and i did a mini scene that Hurts My Heart like in a good way of course. i keep thinking about it,,,,,
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toytulini · 4 years
Sorry for the hiatus btw yall, and im probably still gonna have a little bit of a tumblr hiatus, i could blame it on my cat but honestly im just trying to get out of doomscrolling all day so im trying to get better at not getting stuck on social media sites. Unfortunately im most successful at this if i dont even open them.
Since im back for a second tho ill update yall on my cat, Shadow,
He's had to have surgery earlier this week for urinary problems and seems to be doing okay right now? But this will be ongoing and he's been very expensive. (Im not asking for money on this its just a pain that this has been so expensive) Anyway ive been doting on him since like. October 10th now i think? Hes been pretty much living in my room since the 14th. Surgery was on the 20th. So this has just been stressful as fuck lol. Oh also he had Xrays at one point and we discovered he has been shot before with like an airsoft or bb gun???? In his youth, when he was indoor/outdoor instead of indoor only. And thats just been in there since, they're leaving it alone tho since it doesnt seem to be causing any problems. Im now wondering if thats what it was that time when he came home with 2 holes in his sides that the other vet in MD thought was maybe an animal bite, but wasnt sure. Thats not really relevant to anything happening right now its just kind of a horrifying trivia that was uncovered in the process? And i feel vindicated in my pushing to convert him to an indoor cat. Also angry at whoever did that.
#toy txt post#hello im not dead#littlw more detail but uhh unsanitary tw?>#basically he had maybe a urinary tract infection but then also he had developed crystals in his urine#and there was a partial blockage of the urinary tract. they put a urinary catheter in to flush stuff or smth and that went okay until#he managed to get the cone off and rip the catheter out at the vets before we even picked him up#then he was still blocked off bc the catheter didnt actually flush the blockage out just back in or something???#and it wasnt fully blocked. he was dribbling and leaking urine out this whole time and making a huge mess bc his butt was soaked with it and#then he would lay in the litter pan and track the litter everywhere and it was a nightmare. he kept not eating or drinking.#then the vet suggested to go ahead w the surgery even tho hes old and fat and everyone was worried about that.#and basically it was like. they amputated the penis and maybe made the hole a little bigger? vet described it as altering his plumbing to#make it more female like which will not prevent the crystals from forming but should make it easier to pass them instead of getting blocked#the downside of this is that its possible he may dribble and or leak pee for the rest of his life depending on whether he figures out his#new anatomy and how to hold it etc?#and now hes going back again today to get an injection of antibiotics bc he wont take the pills and thats been a nightmare.#the syringes of liquid pain meds onto his gums? fine. that other smaller pill that started with an o? fine. the antibiotic? nope.#also after the surgery we got a different shredded paper pellet litter that doesnt stick to him as much and track all over the room#mixed feelings about it tho bc i cant scoop the pee out bc it doesnt clump#anyway. thats been shadows medical misadventures so far. its a pain and also stressful. i need to clean the room again this weekend and#put down freah blankets etc
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icharchivist · 4 years
GBF’s devs: “The craziest idea we decided to roll with was definitly Belial’s personality”
also GBF’s devs, writing the Aoidos Event: So we’re going to make a snuff band of sadistists who take pleasure killing people grudesomely for their aesthetics in concerts and one of them is an open masochist who moans everytime he gets the pain he’s asking for, and he’s accompanied by a sadist who’s answering to his demands a lot.
Because, obviously this is this part of Belial we all liked.
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lesbrarians · 5 years
people rbing my hs strider apt layout to tell me that bro sux:
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#i'm Tired and i quit reading hs long before that clusterfuck was dropped lmfao#that apartment layout was made in 2011#S E V E N  Y E A R S  A G O......#back when the entire fandom had a Very Specific Mental Image of bro and even if i'm not a hs anymore#i am still bitter about how#if hussie REALLY needed to put in a disgusting abusive parental figure plot which makes my skin crawl for so many goddamn reasons#he waited until Y E A R S years YEARS down the line to drop that fuckin bombshell#and it really ruined it for those of us who LIKED this image of bro that we had built up of him from what we knew of him and had created#into a really awesome little fandom community#you don't get to establish a world like homestuck and create an expectation in the reader that there are weird things like#strifing w your parental figure and things that would be fucked up if it was real life but is seen as normal bc it's a fictional world#bc mom and dad and bro are ALL weird and bizarre and kinda fucked up parents!!!#and then go 'oh but actually the things bro did were actually considered abusive sorry'#APPARENTLY I STILL HAVE BITTER EMOTIONS ABOUT THIS LMFAO#anyways i'm done bye#i really do not consider myself a homestuck anymore#but seeing my notes positively flooded w reblogs/likes for literally all of my homestuck posts i've ever made and especially that one#and being like sure i'll bite#i'll check the tags#it's got 11k notes on it let's see what people are saying#and seeing a few people make comments to that effect#just UGH#homestuck blogging#NEVER THOUGHT I'D USE THAT TAG AGAIN LMFAO
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shadowtearling · 6 years
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
finally home. that was... nice. i needed a nice day.
#the man without a plan {miscellaneous | ooc}#i thought we were just picking up a bookshelf from home but like#skip managed to fit the chair and the mirror into the car too#all that's left is the steamer trunk and some bits and bobs now#he helped me out a lot and on the drive there and then to coffee and then back from coffee he told me a lot about his life#about how he had to get sober a few times and about  the punk shows he went to and how he's punched misogynistic pricks#in mosh pits before or just peopel being assholes in general or dragged them away and told them off#and had these guys twice his size just fu cking cower back and apologise because skip can be fucking terrifying if he wants to be#he's not much taller than me; maybe a few inches taller and thin as a twig but holy shit that guy has#monumental energy and he's a scrappy motherfucker you can tell so i whoelheartedly believe people will back off when he says#he saw a post i made on facebook lsat night about being trans and spent a while talking to me about that and like#i didn't realise how much i needed an older as-far-as-i-know non-queer person to affirm me but i did#he told me about a song on the ride to the apartment that he shared with me to help with my feelings about being trans#and didn't talk more about it til our ride home when we were both a lil more talkative about personal things#i told him how long it's taken for my mum to accept that i was trans and that she could have told me ages ago bc she saw the signs#she just didn't wanna admit it - and he just sort of exhaled a lil laugh and said 'theres nothing wrong with it'#and i laughed kinda bitter and said that mos tpeople don't agree with that statement and i was driving#but i could kinda feel his eyes on me as he glanced my way and then he repeated in a quieter more insistent voice:#'there is nothing wrong with it'#anyway he's wonderful and said that my 'hands gave it away' to him at first that i was trans but i 'have the looks' and not to worry and tha#t he's thinking of telling his girlfriend's daughter - a lesbian - to come to me for fashion tips since she's having trouble shopping for#mens' clothing and i asked if he's okay with hugs and he hugged me super tight and said he is and that he also tells his friends he loves th#em and basically it was a super great day and he's a wonderful friend and he makes me smile and laugh and really that's what matters and imm#gonna go eat and shut up now see you all later
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I suspect quite a few people on this site don’t realize they are struggling with the effects of chronic trauma. In particular I think more people need to learn about the symptoms of C-PTSD.
Distinct from general PTSD, Complex PTSD is caused by prolonged, recurring stress and trauma, often occurring in childhood & adolescence over an extended period of time. There are many risk factors, including: abusive/negligent caregivers, dysfunctional family life, untreated mental/chronic illness, and being the target of bullying/social alienation.
I’m not a mental health professional and I’m not qualified to diagnose anyone, I just remember a million watt light bulb going off in my head when I first learned about C-PTSD. It was a huge OH MY FUCKING WORD eureka moment for me—it explained all these problems I was confused and angry at myself for having. The symptoms that really stood out to me were:
Negative self-perception: deep-seated feelings of shame, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, and stigma. Feeling like you are different from everyone else, like something is fundamentally ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ with you.
Emotional avoidance of topics, people, relationships, activities, places, things etc that might cause uncomfortable emotions such as shame, fear, or sadness. Can lead to self-isolation.
Learned helplessness: a pervasive sense of powerlessness, often combined with feelings of desensitization, wherein you gradually stop trying to escape or prevent your own suffering, even when opportunities exist. May manifest as self-neglect or self-sabotage. (I remember watching myself make bad choices and neglect my responsibilities, and having no idea why I was doing it, or how to stop myself. Eventually I just stopped caring, which led to more self-neglect.)
Hyper-vigilance: always feeling “on edge,” alert, unable to relax even in spaces that should feel safe. May be combined with an elevated “flight” response, or feelings of always being prepared to flee. (I used to hide important documents and possessions in a sort of emergency go bag, even when I was living alone and there was no logical reason other than it made me feel “prepared.”)
Difficulty regulating emotions: may include mood swings, persistent numbness, sadness, suicidal idealization, explosive anger (or inability to feel anger and other strong emotions), inability to control your emotions, confusion about why you react the way you do.
Sense of foreshortened future: assuming or feeling that you will die young. Recurring thoughts that "I'll be dead before the age of 30/40/18/21 etc." As a teenager I used to joke darkly that I didn't plan to live past 30—not because I planned to end my life, but because I simply couldn't imagine myself alive and happy in the long-term. I couldn't imagine a meaningful future where I wasn't suffering.
Emotional flashbacks: finding yourself suddenly re-experiencing feelings of helplessness, panic, despair, or anger etc, often without understanding what has triggered these feelings. Often these flashbacks don’t clearly relate to the memory of a single event (since C-PTSD is caused by repetitive events, which can blur together), making them harder to identify as flashbacks—especially if you’ve never heard the phrase “emotional flashback” and don’t know what to look for. For years I just filed it under “sometimes I overreact/freak out randomly for no reason, probably bc I am just a terrible human being.” (It turns out there was very much a reason, it was just hidden in the past. I have since learned to be kinder and less judgemental towards myself.)
There are other symptoms too, here are more links with good info.
I’ve been meaning to write this post for awhile, because I’ve noticed that a lot of the people I interact with online have risk factors and experiences similar to mine. These include:
growing up in a dysfunctional household
having caregivers who do not fulfill basic emotional needs (do not provide consistent positive attention, encouragement, support, acceptance, communication, a sense of safety and security)
on a very related note, experiencing neglect or abuse at the hand of caregivers or other adults. I also want to emphasize the significance of emotional abuse, since it is hard to recognize, easy to ignore, and utterly rampant in so many communities. In general, family dysfunction, abuse & neglect are quite difficult to identify when you are a child/teen and that is the only “normal” you have known.
(For example, in my family it manifested as an emotionally absent father I was vaguely frightened of, constant nagging from a hypercritical mother, and a house full of people who yelled and screamed at each other. It took me years to realize I grew up in an abusive environment, because there was no physical violence, because I participated in the fighting, and because my behavioral problems made me the family scapegoat. And I internalized that guilt: I thought I was the problem. But no—I was a child, and I deserved not to grow up in a household full of anger and fear and negativity. You deserved that too. You deserved to grow up safe and loved and treated with kindness.) 
anyway back to more risk factors:
being neurodivergent or chronically ill (especially without receiving proper treatment/support/accommodation)
being queer (especially in a conservative or undiverse community, or without the support and acceptance of family & friends)
being the target of bullying or harassment (from peers, teachers, authority figures, irl, online, etc)
being isolated or alienated from peers, from family, from your wider community.
growing up with chronic anxiety, discomfort, pain, fear, or distress caused by any of the above and more.
There are many other experiences that can cause chronic trauma, but these are some particularly common ones I see people in my own community struggling with. And I want more people to be aware of this, because we’ve been taught to ignore and second-guess the significance of our traumatic experiences. We’ve been taught to feel guilty for our own pain, because “other people aren’t struggling, so I shouldn’t either” or (contradictorily) “other people have it worse, so I shouldn’t complain.” But that’s not how it works—you are not other people, and you deserve to have it better. We all deserve better. We deserve to be happy. We deserve not to be in pain.
I used to think I couldn’t have a trauma disorder because (I argued in my head) the things that happened to me weren’t that bad. And then I spent five years in therapy learning to accept the full extent of my issues. I’ve since learned that trauma comes in many forms, and can happen quietly, invisibly, silently, chronically, and usually without the survivor being aware of the long-term repercussions of what they are surviving. That revelation comes later, after you have survived and must instead learn to live.
Finally, no single type of trauma is more real or harmful than any other. Severity is measured by the way the individual is affected, and the same situations affect different people in different ways. Because no one gets to choose how their brain reacts to trauma. No one gets to choose their hurt—otherwise there would be a hell of a lot less hurting in the world.
We can, however, choose to seek help. We can learn to recognize when something is wrong, we can learn when to reach out to professionals, and we can learn to educate ourselves on our injuries.
And gradually, we can learn to heal.
(posts like this brought to you by ko-fi supporters)
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staff · 3 years
tumblr tuesday: adam is not just kidding
So one thing that happens when you’ve been here for a while is that you end up with this archive of how you got to where you are now—a long lens of nostalgia on all the people you’ve been, those you’ve loved, and all the things you’ve done.
Adam JK (@adamjk​) was one of the first Artists on Tumblr—he’s literally been here for almost as long as we have! Since that first post, he’s journaled, made friends, found his queer community, met his future husband, and made some really great art that people really love.
We asked Adam to share some of the moments that shaped his identity—as a person, an artist, a writer, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. These are the posts he decided to talk about.
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This post really sums up how I used Tumblr for a long time. It was my diary and I didn’t think anybody was paying attention (because they weren’t).
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Usually in relationships, I was the one getting dumped, so when I had to break up with a guy, it felt so shitty, and I thought, “why isn’t there a thing for this?”The minimum order was 500 balloons, so I had 499 too many and posted about them. People started ordering them. I got some minor press coverage, I even got ripped off a few times! My art—really one of the first things I created that wasn’t for a client—was suddenly blowing up, and I put the profits (a few hundred dollars) back into this hobby of making novelty gift products nobody asked for.
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Around age 21, I became internet friends with a network of “Tumblr Gays” that made me feel more comfortable being myself. I would take the bus from Baltimore to NYC on weekends to meet up and go out and pretend brunch was an entire personality. At some point, I met Walt Cessna, who was flooding Tumblr with photos around that time. I feel like this photo captured me between two worlds, nervous about being on my own but excited to be my full queer self in New York.
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In 2013 I started making these “everything will be so good so soon” post-it note collages, and they took on a life of their own. So many people have told me this was their phone background or helped them through a hard time, and I learned the power of making hopeful, honest art. This particular reminder finds its way back to me just when I need it most, and I’m really proud to have re-drawn it for the back cover of my new book.
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My husband and I were mutuals but never exchanged messages or anything until one day I caved and asked him out. We both fell pretty hard for each other, and it was interesting how we kept posting on Tumblr while knowing the other could see it. We would buy each other donuts and flowers and write cute notes and the whole fucking thing. Before Mitchell, I never dated a guy longer than three months. Before me, he never thought about marriage. Love is real, and I’m so glad I didn’t listen to anyone who made me feel like I couldn’t find it for some reason.
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Tumblr… I love you. Thank you for being you!!!!!!
As it happens, Adam actually recently finished making a little blue book about learning to be a person and then being that person. So if you want to know where he’s at today, here’s the trailer for that book. Happy Tuesday, Tumblr <3
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acerosedrop · 4 years
So recently, I’ve been noticing a lot more people starting to call Disney out on their bullshit, which is really awesome because Goddamn have they just gotten worse and worse as time goes on, but there’s one thing I’ve started to notice about these posts that I think warrants a really important addition that needs to be made to all future callouts.
You see in a lot of these cases the consensus is “Fuck Disney” and while that’s very true, in reality your kinda being extremely broad here, as the company is broken up into at least 8 different studios, split into different divisions like ones for the theme parks and resorts, one for the cruise line etc, and has hundreds of thousands of employees under its belt. A lot of times when companies like Amazon and Tesla are called out, people are also making sure to specifically calling out their CEOs and founders, in this case Bezos and Musk, and making it very clear that they are also very much so in the wrong here, rightfully so placing the responsibility onto them.
But I rarely ever see this happen with Disney, and I thinks it’s important we start to change that a bit. Right now Disney as a whole is being helmed by two men, Bob Iger and Bob Chapek, as even though Chapek has officially been named the CEO and Iger was on his way out, he decided to step back into the role for a bit due to the pandemic, so he’s still very much at fault for a lot of this as well. You might know Iger as the man responsible for buying up, well, pretty much every hot ticket property Disney has right now including Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel as well as plenty of other shady deals. He’s even made it clear that’s he looking to take up a Presidential bid sometime in the next few years which is just Absolutely Yikes. Chapek on the other hand, is so notorious that even die-hard Disney fans more often then not will say they despise him, mainly due to his massive budget cuts in the theme parks that have not only dulled down the overall experience, but more importantly have resulted in thousands of cast members, even before the pandemic, being laid off because he didn’t see them as being “necessary”. His most common nickname is Lex Luther for a reason. And what’s worst, while they both agreed to cutting off their salaries completely at the start of the pandemic, they’ve since gone back to being paid-in full, and they’re still laying off massive amounts of their workers while their parks are being reopened, which I can tell you from personal experience is exactly what Chapek wanted all along.
There’s plenty more about these two guys that I could talk about, but the point here is it’s time to put faces and names to a lot of the shit the company has being trying to get away with over the years, and I wanna keep this post relatively short. So, just please remember, make sure whenever you say “Fuck Disney” that you also make sure to say “Fuck Bob Iger” and “Fuck Bob Chapek”. Make their names just as known as Bezos and Musk for all the wrong reasons, and maybe we can stop another fucking millionaire from having one of the highest seats in the US government.
Edit: I do want to make this clear since this has been gaining traction again, but I wanna stress that I’m not trying to tell people not be mad or angry or hold Disney accountable for what has happened with the company, but that I think it’s important that alongside that, people are aware of who’s at the top of this particular corporate ladder, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from making this post it’s that not a lot of people were aware of who either of these men are, despite the massive influence they’ve had on not only Disney but other companies as well, of which they will likely continue to have. I have an issue with the company itself and what’s its become over the years, as well as the two people who are currently at the head of said company.
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Would you look at that, another gift I made for Chrimbus
Thank you, @forcefulkitten​, for letting me post. Ilysm 💛💛💛
Pairing: Illumi x Fem!Reader
Yandere, Smut
Word Count: 6′943
Warnings: Dubcon, Predator/Prey kink, Implied kidnapping, Forced relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, Edging, Illumi being a sly motherfucker.  
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The Estate was honestly a really beautiful place.
It’s halls were always pristine, the artwork never crooked, and the plants decorating the rooms never had any dead leaves or petals under them.
It was beautiful… but boring. Painfully boring.
Illumi never let you do anything without him right there next to you. Any activities considered harmful or dangerous in his mind were automatically answered with a “no” when you asked to partake in them
So it was a pleasant surprise when he proposed something you considered fun that you had been wanting to do for a while out of the blue.
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“Wait what?”
Illumi’s sigh was something you were incredibly used to at this point. Early in the “relationship” you used to believe he was mad at you because of the tone of it, but now you knew that wasn’t the case.
He was more mildly annoyed than anything else.
“I said I’d indulge you in your little game if it will stop you from moping.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a little squeal of happiness, jumping in the spot and clapping your hands together in excitement. It had been so long since you had played and with how large the Estate was, you were dying to use the space for something other than reading books or afternoon tea.
“Okay, okay.” You tried to calm yourself down, but were still vibrating a little. “Do you know how to play?”
Illumi gave you one of his pointed stares from his spot on the couch, “If I needed to have the rules of a game that are clearly in the name itself explained to me, I would expect you to call the doctors immediately under the suspicion of brain damage.”
You pouted, “Sheesh, it was just a question.”
His lips twitched upwards for a moment before he stood, walking towards you in only a few long strides. He wordlessly offered his arm to you, running the cool pad of his palm over yours after you accepted and walked you towards a large set of doors on the other side of the room.
“All the butlers have cleared out for the evening, so it is only the two of us.”
You gaped at the large empty halls before you. You weren’t sure if you had been to this part of the Estate, but at the moment you didn’t care. It all looked the same, especially in the dark like this.
You frowned. The dark.
“The lights?”
“Will remain off.” Illumi answered, looking down at you. The partial light from the room behind you lighting his eyes in a way that was incredibly eerie. Your frown deepened.
“How will I know where I’m going?”
Illumi tilted his head almost in a condescending way.
“Ah, I’m not.”
“You catch on quickly.”
You whined. “No fair, you’ve been here your whole life, this is cheating.”
“You sound as if you don’t want to play anymore.”
“No…” you trailed off, trying to think of any excuse that didn’t sound like a bratty child complaining. “It’s just not fair.” you finished lamely.
Illumi hummed, releasing his arm from yours to pull out a small device from his pocket.
“Here,” He placed the device in your hands. “This is a portable security monitor I had specially made for the cameras that occupy the Estate. You may observe me as I seek you out, and I will allow you to change hiding spots. I will also not use En during this game.”
You stared at it mutely, mulling over the offer in your head. While it wasn’t quite knowing the estate like the back of your hand, you supposed it was the best you were going to get.
“Okay.” You beamed up at him. “Oh! We haven’t discussed the prize yet!”
Illumi blinked. “Prize?”
“Yeah!” You were back to hopping in place. “Okay so, what do you want if you win?”
Illumi only stared down at you and you blew a raspberry at him.
“You’re no fun.”
“So you’ve told me.”
“How about! The winner gets to do whatever they want?”
Illumi stared at you with low lidded eyes, but you could tell from the smallest glint in his eyes that that had caught his attention.
The doors behind you both suddenly shut, enveloping the two of you in complete darkness that made you yelp in surprise, clinging to Illumi out of pure enforced habit.
“The game is going to be over very quickly if you don’t hide soon, Y/N.”
“Oi, we haven’t decided who will count first!”
“I started counting as soon as the doors shut.” You felt the hot of his breath by your ear as he spoke. “You have 30 seconds left.”
“You suck!” You yelled, bolting down the hallway in complete darkness.
With the exception of a few windows here or there, there was barely any light to help guide your way. The moon was barely out, leaving only the distant twinkle of stars to serve as your aid.
You ran your hand along the walls of the hallway, catching along door frames when they suddenly appeared, and you grabbed onto the third one, hauling yourself inside clumsily. Illumi wasn’t counting out loud, so you had a countdown going on in your head from the 30 seconds he gave you.
You could barely make out the objects of the room you stumbled into, but you did spot what seemed to be a wardrobe. You ran towards it, gripping the handles before you began to second guess yourself.
No, this was too obvious of a hiding place.
You whimpered in panic, anxiety taking over your brain as your time ran out. Your eyes were adjusting a little better to the dark and you could make out some kind of couch or loveseat in the corner.
Fuck it, it would have to do.
You quickly realized, after a few seconds, you would not be able to fit behind it.
You could, however, fit underneath it. Just barely. You had to breathe very shallowly and press yourself as flat against the ground as possible in order for it to work. To any other person this would be a terrible spot, but you were small enough for it to possibly work.
And you would soon find out.
Here he comes.
The air in the house was incredibly still. It was almost too quiet without the normal bustle of the butlers around you. The only noise that filled the room were your quick, heavy pants that you forced yourself to try and calm - as much as the restricting space of the underside of the couch would allow.
The distant slamming of a door made you jolt, smacking your head on the bottom of the couch in the process. You had to bite your lip to hold in your groan of pain, resting your cheek against the cool wood of the floorboards.
You couldn't tell if the thumping you heard was the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears or his footsteps.
Realistically you knew it was the former. Illumi had been trained to make as little noise as possible while he moved, so you didn't know what else you expected while he hunted for you.
In retrospect, proposing a game of Hide and Seek with a professional assassin was probably a terrible idea if you hoped for any chance of winning.
Your suspicions regarding the sound were confirmed when the door to the room you were in swung open, and you held your breath. You could just barely make out the pale purple of his pants in the dark. He wasn't moving, rather he was standing motionless in the doorway - undoubtedly scanning the room.
You felt your lungs begin to burn for air, but you remained as still as you could.
Eventually he moved, walking towards the wardrobe you first considered and yanking it open. You could hear the hangers screeching against the railings as he shoved whatever articles of clothing that were hanging aside. He soon closed it almost as quickly as he had opened it, turning around and scanning the room once more.
You let out an exhale as quietly as you possibly could.
His feet turned towards your spot and it felt like time came to a complete stop.
The rush of blood in your ears got louder as he approached, and you braced yourself…
Only for you to feel the cushions of the couch dip as he placed a knee on it to peer over the other side. Your face scrunched up in pain, the already restricting space being compacted even further under his weight, but the discomfort ended almost as soon as it began.
You peeked an eye open just in time to see him exiting the room, leaving the door open behind him.
The relief had you damn near melting into the floor, suppressing delighted giggles at your temporary victory.
Now that you were in the clear, you pulled out the monitoring device he gave you earlier, maneuvering it so you could view it with the left side of your cheek pressed to the ground.
The glow of the screen was already dimmed down, a small mercy you had never thought about as the many, many camera images appeared on screen.
Everything was sorted into categories. East wing, West wing, South library, etc
You kept flipping through, but you couldn’t find a sign of Illumi anywhere. It was honestly getting a little aggravating since how was this damn thing supposed to help you if you couldn’t even find him in the first place?!
Finally you caught a glimpse of him, his hair the only portion left in the frame before you quickly flipped over to the next camera. He was entering a room that looked a lot like the one you were currently hiding in. He stood in the doorway completely still, scanning the room like he did with yours. You checked the name of the room in the corner of the screen
South Sitting Room 3
Looking back to the main part of the screen, you could see Illumi moving towards the other side of the room. You also noticed too little too late the faintest blue hue on the screen.
Coming from underneath the couch.
You felt ice wrap around your ankles before you registered his face only inches away from yours.
“Found you.”
You screamed bloody murder as you were dragged from your hiding spot, nails undoubtedly clawing lines into the polished floorboards, your skirt bunching around the upper portion of your thighs. Your heart was hammering in your chest like a little bunny, eyes wide in terror at the sudden and quite frankly horrifying materializing of Illumi.
The main thing you could see were his eyes - the rest only a mere outline. The inhuman glow of purple from the marginal amount of moonlight staring down at you with an intensity that made you shrink further into the floor. If you stared long enough, you were sure you could eventually make out the details of his face, but you couldn’t help but feel… intimidated a little.
“You weren’t very smart, Y/N.” You could almost hear the smile in his voice. "You should only check that device periodically, otherwise the glow gives you away quite easily.”
“Okay okay, you win.” You admitted defeat quickly, “Can we turn on the lights now?”
“Why? I thought the winner got whatever they wanted.”
You frowned. He wanted to keep the lights off as his prize?
“Is that it?”
You felt him wrap his arms around your torso, lifting you off the ground with incredible grace.
“I request that we play another round. Same rules, same stakes, only one condition.”
You stared at him in confusion, hesitantly keeping your hands around his arm as you regarded him. The sensation of one of his hands cupping your cheek made you flinch, not expecting the sudden cold on your face, but you quickly leaned into it.
“Hide better.”
You pouted against his skin, your voice slightly muffled as you spoke. “You literally gave me 30 seconds, becoming a master of disguise isn’t exactly in my skill set.”
Part of you hoped he couldn’t feel the heat rise to your cheeks when he let out a quaint, low pitched chuckle in response.
“I’ll give you two minutes this time. I expect you to utilize the advantages I gave you.”
You pulled away from him, picking the monitor off the floor and slipping it back in your pocket.
“Are you going to tell me when you start counting this time?”
The small tilt of his head gave you the answer you felt you already knew.
"You've been hanging around Hisoka too much."
You bolted past him before he had time to make a response, although you were smirking as you ran down the moonlit halls. Nothing was funnier than yanking the assassin’s chain and getting away with it - even temporarily.
You kept the mental count down going as you ran through halls and rooms that felt like a labyrinth. Part of you imagined that the doors you shut behind you would reveal a completely different hallway if you opened them again.
Half your time was gone when you reached another door, however this one didn’t lead to another room or another hallway like the others. Instead it led to a staircase. You couldn’t see how far down they went, only that they were shrouded in complete black around ten steps down.
While it would be an amazing place for you hide, you still hesitated. The air coming up from the doorway was cold and humid. It made you wrinkle your nose and look down the hall while you weighed the pros and cons of continuing on vs taking the chance.
The first step groaned under your weight, making you cringe as you gripped the railing and descended the steps as quickly and as quietly as possible - the darkness swallowing you as you went.
The temperature dropped the further you went down, the hairs on your arms standing up straight by the time you reached the bottom. If it wasn’t so dark, you were sure you’d be able to see your breath as you exhaled.
Feeling along the walls, you walked further into the room while shuffling your feet to avoid tripping. There were a few crates here and there. Wooden. Heavy. You could hear the clinking of bottles when you bumped into one.
A wine cellar.
You felt around for anything that felt light, possibly even empty. There were around four crates that you could find that fit the description, however once you lifted up the lids, they were still too full for you to fit inside. Your hands began to shake again and you pulled out the monitor, increasing the brightness to the highest setting.
The room lit up almost completely, the racks of wine and stacked crates in one corner coming into view. The ones you had found were further confirmed to be too full to hide you, and you spun in a slow circle, taking in all your options. There was barely anything. Hardly anywhere you could even try and hide, and it was much too late to go back up the stairs now.
As time ran out you debated it. You fully debated going back up the steps and attempting to find a better hiding place while also running the risk of encountering Illumi. You had the monitor on your side, but you also knew that the chances of being found increased dramatically while you were distracted with the device.
Continuing to use it as a light source, you walked the rest of the room’s perimeter. Overall it wasn’t very large, only about 15 x 30 feet. You could try pulling a few crates together and hiding behind them, but you would be found almost immediately, and Illumi said he wanted you to hide well.
You heard the distant slamming of a door, making you cringe in on yourself like it was done in front of you. Shining the light back towards the stairs, you made your way back towards them, ready to take your chances until something else caught your eye.
Right at the side of the stairs was a cubby. It was small, only about 3 feet high, but it was something decent. It took a bit of effort to get the thing open, which surprised you a little bit considering the finery of everything else in the Estate.
From what you were allowed to see, anyways.
Thin strings of cobwebs hung just inside the mini doorway, and you grimaced, hoping to any and all gods that these webs were abandoned as they stuck to your hand when you crawled in. You were pleased that they seemed to be the only ones as you crawled deeper into the cubby, maneuvering yourself so your back pressed against the cool cement of the wall with a grunt. You wiped the spider silk on your skirt before flipping through the cameras again, trying to remember where he found you and the areas you had gone through before reaching the cellar.
You eventually found him leaving a room labeled Dining Room 4, walking back out into the hallway and continuing his way down. You continued to follow him through the cameras, and you couldn’t help but feel a switch in roles for a moment. You hadn’t thought about it for a while, but you wondered how often he sat like this. Watching you through the very monitor you were holding.
Part of you could understand how addicting it was while you stared at his pixelated form moving from room to room, repeating the same process of scanning, searching, scanning, and then moving on.
It was almost hypnotic.
You committed the most recent room he was in to memory before flipping further ahead, trying to see how far away he was from the room you were hiding. You went through about 15 screens before you reached the hallway that led to the cellar, the polished wooden door hanging open in the hallway.
 “Oh fuck”
That was a dead giveaway to where you were. You flipped back to where you last saw Illumi, and he was now only 10 rooms away.
Damn he moved fast.
If you moved right now you might have a chance. Might be able to crawl out of your hiding place, run back up the steps, shut the door, and then go back down to your spot while being as quiet as possible.
It was a risk. A big one.
8 rooms away.
You scrambled out from your spot, awkwardly clamouring over your limbs as you emerged from the cubby; a cramp forming in your back from how hunched over you were inside. You held the screen out in front of you as you ascended the steps again, swearing under your breath when the wood creaked once more under your weight, but you forced yourself to continue up.
You were halfway up when you heard another door slam, this time way too close for your comfort and you froze. You slowly turned the screen to face you, body shaking when you found him to only be 3 rooms away.
There was no way you’d make it.
While you weren’t sure if it was just him being fast, or you moving too slowly, you didn’t think about it much as you descended the steps as fast and as quietly as possible, all but diving back into the cubby underneath the stairs. Your last panicked motion before slumping back against the cool wall was grabbing the edge of the cubby door and pulling it shut, enveloping you in true darkness.
You didn’t dare click the monitor back on, not after how he found you last time. All you could do was sit in horrid suspense and wait.
The minutes felt like hours as they ticked by, and you were thankful it allowed you the time to slow your breathing. You ignored the urge to click the device back on to see just how far away he was. It also allowed enough time for you to lose some of your anxiety and properly kick yourself for being so stupid and leaving the door open.
You also realized too little too late that coming down here was perhaps not the smartest idea, as there was only one way in, and one way out.
You felt the full weight of your mistake as soon as the hair on your arms stood up, and this time not from the cold. You couldn’t see Illumi from your spot under the stairs, but you could certainly feel the aura radiating off of him.
He drew out your name as he descended the steps slowly. Almost deliberately slow. You bit your cheek, pressing yourself further against the musty wall as you felt the dust fall from each step as he took it.
He stopped around the second to last step, undoubtedly scanning the cellar for you. You felt the dust floating by your face, and you had to slap a hand over your mouth and nose to keep yourself from sneezing.
The sharp sound of his tongue clicking echoed off the walls as he descended the rest of the steps.
“Credit where it’s due, I was not expecting you to hide this well” There was a crash of a crate being tossed to the side followed by glass breaking, making you jump a mile.
“By keeping the lights off, I assumed you’d keep to the upper levels.”
You smiled behind your hands at the clear annoyance in his tone. There was little you enjoyed more than gaining a victory over this man, no matter how small it was.
Most of the time, anyway.
“However, I think you know as well as I do that coming down here was incredibly foolish.”
You grimaced at the confirmation of your earlier thoughts.
“Nowhere to run, very few places to hide.”
Yeah. You noticed that.
The smashing of another crate told you he was on the opposite side of the room near the stacked ones. He must have thought you were hiding amongst them.
You expected to hear the noise of more bottles breaking as he tore the tower apart for you, but no such sound ever came.
Instead you heard the faint click of his shoes against the concrete coming closer to the stairs.
It was honestly a little naïve to hope that he wouldn’t check your little corner of the room. To think that he would ascend the steps and continue searching the rest of the Estate for you.
It took nearly every fiber of energy within you not to yelp in surprise or startle when his knuckles knocked against the cubby door three times.
“I know you’re in here, Y/N.”
You didn’t move, your hands clasped firmly over your mouth and nose so you didn’t make a fucking sound.
There was no way he could see down here. If you didn’t move at all, there was no chance he’d be able to know.
There was that sigh of his again, “Y/N.”
You had to bite your cheek harder to keep yourself from making any involuntary noises. You could tell he would get more annoyed - possibly even angry - if you didn’t obey him right now, but you still stayed where you were. He said he wanted you to hide well, so you were going to give him that.
The metallic taste of blood burst over your tongue as you heard the groan of the cubby door open, the external cold air rushing in and clinging to you almost like a virus. It was impossible to suppress the shiver that ran through your body.
“If you don’t answer me, I’ll have to come in there and get you.”
In that moment it was with both an insane amount of courage and stupidity that you began very, very gradually moving yourself to the part of the cubby that was slanted closer to the floor, following the decline of the steps. It wasn’t directly in front of the doorway, and if you could maneuver yourself so you were flat against the ground by the time he reached in for you, you might be able to get away with it.
You pressed your palms against the ground, gritting your teeth as you slowly lifted yourself up, shifting your pelvis over and lowering yourself back down; repeating a similar process with your feet. You didn’t dare breathe.
Except that wasn’t the sound that was your downfall.
The crunch of debris under your palms rang out absurdly loud, and your heart leaped into your throat as the room stood still.
Illumi’s aura flared. “Got you.”
It was like Deja vu the way you were dragged out from your hiding space, although this time except for the smooth wood of the floorboards to ease your way, you had rough, frigid, damn near sandpaper-like concrete scraping against your skin. You smacked your arms against the frame of the door, eliciting a cry from what would undoubtedly become a bruise to add to your collection later.
You were once again in the position you were before: Illumi overtop of you and pinning you against the floor, except this time you couldn’t see shit. While it didn’t help that the light of the monitor prevented your eyes from properly adjusting to the dark, you doubted that, even if they had, you’d be able to see Illumi above you.
Instead you were forced just to feel. Forced to feel the aura radiating off of him as well as the conflicting temperatures of his hands vs the rest of him. Forced to feel the warm air of his breath across your face as he used his upper body to stop you from struggling more. Forced to feel the soft material of his pants brushing against the upper portion of your thighs.
“Okay, Okay” You laughed nervously, opening your hands in surrender from their place against the floor. “You win. Again.”
He didn’t respond. You swallowed thickly, trying to calm your racing heart rate.
“Did I do better this time?”
You squeaked when you felt his aura flare again, but he didn’t move.
“You could hear me the entire time I searched for you down here. You know you did.”
You smiled, a surge of pride running through you. “I got you pretty good, huh?”
“Yes, however you still did not win.”
Your smile was gone in a flash, mumbling under your breath “I was pretty fuckin close though.”
He pressed his body closer to yours, and you could feel the movement of his lips by your ear. “Watch your tongue.”
You bit your lip at the sharpness of his tone, squirming against him from the discomfort of being so heavily pressed to the floor.
“Okay, alright, I’m sorry. Please Illumi, you’re crushing me.”
He still didn’t move. You could feel your spine grating against the concrete, causing you to begin hyperventilating a little.
“If you wanted your prize to be me dying from suffocation, you’re well on your way.”
“You’re being dramatic, but no that is not what I want.”
You laughed, a sound of mixed discomfort and nervousness. “Then what?”
You blinked in the darkness at how fast his answer was, but also in mild confusion.
“But you already have m- oh.”
He ground his hips into you, and it clicked. You would’ve had to have been stupid not to understand what he meant, and you couldn’t help but feel dumb for not noticing how hard he was in the first place; but something about the setting made certain old things fall into place.
The depths of the cellar. The dark. Not being able to see him properly. Being pinned against whatever surface he wanted.
Memories that had been buried under the affection you had grown to have towards him.
There was a small tremor in your voice as you spoke. “Illu I am… more than down, but can we please go back upstairs?”
His voice was strained, but commanding all the same - accompanied by the rustling of clothing. “We agreed that the winner gets what they want.”
You had your mouth open to protest, but became slack-jawed from the sensation of your panties being pushed to the side and his cock pressing into you to the hilt.
You were just barely wet enough to take him. Barely. The stretch, however, was insane. It had been a long time since you had taken him without any prep; those days seemingly far behind you, but the burning was something you’d never forget. Tears slipped past your eyes, a small shriek on your lips from the completely unexpected intimacy forced upon you.
He held you close, one of his hands keeping your leg hooked around his hips while the other was snaked between your shoulder blades and tangled in your hair, practically crushing you to him. Your entire body was tense as you desperately tried to adjust to him, your fists bunching the fabric of his shirt, which would undoubtedly leave creases.
It wasn’t in his character to let you adjust for long. You weren’t sure if it was due to impatience, or him thinking the time he gave you was adequate - perhaps it was a mix of both. Regardless, you were not ready when he pulled back, slamming into you once more with a roughness you weren’t used to.
While he was a little rough normally, sure, this was different. Rather than it being from his typical stiff, arguably robotic movements, this was almost unhinged. Desperate. He was fucking into you at a pace that all but sucked the air from you with every thrust, and your lack of sight amplified every single stroke of his cock against your plush walls.
It was far too much, way too fast.
“Illu-mi!” Your words were choked, “S-slow down! Please!”
“No,” He repeated, “You can take it.”
He didn’t let you lean your head back against the pavement, his hand gripping your hair and tilting your head so your face was buried in the crook of his neck; his personal musk adding to the cocktail of sensations bombarding your brain. The open collar of his shirt allowed for proper skin on skin contact, and you dug your teeth into what was offered to ride out the continuous zaps of throbbing pleasure that radiated throughout your body. 
The air stunk of spilled wine and sex, a scent that would forever be ingrained in your memory along with the soft claps of skin and fabric echoing off the cement walls as they connected faster and faster.
This is what he wanted. To fuck you into the floor while you had no other choice but to take what he gave you. 
The hand holding your thigh would undoubtedly leave a handprint by the time he was finished with you, his fingers digging into the skin and turning it the same brilliant shade of violet as his outfit. He wasn’t normally one to mark you physically, preferring to show his possessiveness over you in other ways, but once more this felt different. You keened when his hand moved higher to support your ass, raising his upper body off of you and detangling his other hand from your hair so it could grip the other side of your hips and haul your lower body onto his lap; the new angle allowing him to drive even deeper into you.
He was barely pulling out, but his pace remained the same as before, and you had to grip his forearms in order to ground yourself. The small sparks shooting up your spine fully gave way into fiery pleasure, all discomfort from earlier dissipating each time his cock fully disappeared inside your cunt. If his goal was to hurl you over the edge as fast as possible, he was succeeding. Your walls gripping him tighter and tighter, your mixed fluids undoubtedly leaving a giant mess on his pants as he continued to ruin you. Your face burned in mortification even though you couldn’t see the extent of the mess you were making.
You were so close. You were teetering right on the edge, but you couldn’t fall. The whine you let out was positively sinful, and you were glad that the only person who could hear you was Illumi.
Every single one of your words were punctuated by a gasp in time with his thrusts. “I can’t… Illumi please, I want to cum.”
You genuinely let out a sob when he slowed down, all movements coming to a halt and ripping all hope of an orgasm away from you in an instant. You couldn’t stop the whiney “why” that slipped past your lips before you felt his thin fingers wrapping around your throat. He never squeezed, simply letting the natural weight of his hand do the work for him.
“Stop whining.”
You managed to stifle your cries into soft whimpers with the aid of your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Remind me, who was the winner of this little game of yours?”
“And what does the winner get, again?”
You paused, reluctantly giving out the answer.
“Whatever they want.”
“So does it matter what you want?”
You clenched around him, and he hissed through his teeth, tightening the grip on your throat.
“Answer me.”
You expected him to go back to ruining you with no personal regard to your own pleasure after that, but were surprised when you felt him lean forward, pressing his lips to yours with a gentleness he didn’t show in his thrusts when they started back up again. You moaned unabashedly into his mouth, determined to drive him out of his mind as much as possible.
If you couldn’t get him to give in to you by begging for him, you were going to try and send him over the edge by losing all restraint on the noises he ripped from you.
A plan that was very short lived once his lips were replaced with his hand covering the lower half of your face - something he had never done and had you gushing around his cock like mad.
Part of you expected him to call you a brat, something he was particularly fond of calling you - especially earlier in your relationship, but the comment never came and you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed.
It made sense though. That would be giving you exactly what you wanted, and this wasn’t about you.
The position must have been rather awkward - trying to hold his hand over your mouth with one hand and keeping your lower body in his lap with the other because he pulled out of you very suddenly. Half your mewl in protest was muffled by his hand before he rolled you roughly onto your stomach, hauling your hips up so he sheath himself back inside you and lifting your upper body up by your jaw so your head was pressed against his shoulder from the force of his hand pressing against your mouth.
You could feel the damp patch you had created against the bottom of his shirt hitting your ass with every thrust and tears leaked out of your eyes. You couldn’t tell if they were from the mortification or from the edging.
His thrusts were beginning to lose rhythm and you could feel his cock twitching each time he re-entered you. You lifted your arms up, finding his head in the dark and tangling your hands in his hair. He rarely ever allowed you to do that. You had found out the hard way that his scalp was something of an erogenous zone for the man - one that he wasn’t happy with you finding out.
A small tug to his hair, and it was enough to rip a proper groan from his throat. What you were not expecting was for him to pinch your jaw, taking advantage of your yelp of shock and sudden pain to shove two fingers into your mouth. You gagged a little, even though his fingers didn’t go further than your molars. Instead they pressed down on your tongue, quickly creating a pool of saliva that was soon dripping down onto your shirt. When he was satisfied, he withdrew his fingers, reaching down to where your bodies were connected and finding your clit with frightening accuracy.
You shrieked, the constant edging being cut by an overwhelming amount of additional pleasure had your mind spinning in overstimulation and flooding your veins with ice. You detangled one of your hands from his hair, reaching down out of pure instinct to pull his hand away.
“Too much, I can’t.” You panted.
“Yes you can, and you’re going to.” His fingers continued to swirl around your clit, undeterred from your own trying to stop him. “Right now.”
And as if on command the coil in your core snapped, your walls fluttering around his length - trying to suck him in as deep as possible.
Illumi wasn’t far behind you, holding you flush to his body as he finished inside you with three final thrusts, his release seeping out of you around his length, staining his clothes further and dripping onto the floor.
All you could hear was your ragged breaths echoing off the cellar walls. The air was much warmer now, so you didn’t feel cold when Illumi pulled out of you. The shiver that ran through you was from the sensation of his cum pooling in your panties as he slid them back into place.
You whimpered when he pressed a chaste kiss to your tear stained cheeks, re-adjusting your clothing and his with a level of care and precision that when you had first met him had seemed cold and ironically cruel, but you had learned were just practiced movements to ensure the best result possible.
“If you think I’m walking up the stairs after that,” you sniffled, “you’ve got another thing coming.”
He didn’t respond, but you didn’t need him to. His arms looped under you, hoisting you up bridal style and carrying you back towards the steps.
You buried your face into his chest, your eyes heavy lidded as his body came into view again once you both re-entered the light.
“If we ever play again, I’m gonna win. You’ll see.”
He glanced down at you briefly, in time to see your eyes close completely.
You were blissfully unaware of the ghost of a smile on his lips as he kicked the cellar door shut.
“I’m sure you will.”
He’d let you think you could win, but you never could. Not just because his skills were far superior than yours, but with everything factored in, you winning was impossible.
But it was a nice thought regardless.
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2021. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
Tag List: @prettycutebunny​, @my-child-gaara​, @we-are-so-close​, @shorkbrian​, @biby-24k​, @ao-writes-filth​, @/forcefulkitten, @eleventhdoctorsangel​, @siphite​
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xieula · 3 years
How they would comfort you if you were insecure
Encanto characters x Female Reader
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A/N: alright, this is a new account.. which is a new start. So I hope I'm welcomed on tumblr in this .. account. First thing I'd like to post a writing of is Encanto. Since it's such a good movie, how can I resist myself? Enjoy.
Also, I do have insecurities of my own. But in this chapter, I'll place SOME insecurities I do not own, because it can't just all be about me.
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Your looks.
Now, don't get me wrong- looks aren't everything. But you fear that Camilo may lose all interest for you.
It's scary to think, "Camilo only goes for looks." But that's what you often think to yourself, which isn't very unusual for people to see you pacing back and forth, thinking ways on how to gain much more beauty.
The people from the village, Encanto started to aware Camilo by telling him all the things you've been doing recently, and has been going on for quite a while now.
Which makes Camilo upset.
Not upset at you, but at himself. He's been so busy with chores recently that he didn't even notice himself any sooner.
"Y/N, can we talk?.."
Now you were trembling, is he planning to break up? What have you done now..? Have you done something upsetting?
"Mi amor.. I fear that you have a.. huge insecurity about.. your looks?"
Oh, this?
How did he catch up ? How did he take notice ? WHO TOLD HIM?!
"waaaaat, me? Insecurity? About my , pfft, looks?! Funny , Camilo."
Now you know he was being dead serious.
"Mi vida , you are perfect in every way, and I want you to never forget that. Alright? No matter how much insecurities you have, my love will never fade for you."
Those words touched your heart fully.
Now, you don't know if your insecurity is going to fade, but all you know is that it will die down for a bit.
C'mon. This guy literally looks at you for 1 second and he has hearts in his eyes already!! He's in love😔‼‼
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Your smile.
Being a good girlfriend as she already is, she caught up to that pretty quickly.
She's always noticed how you'd always look away from her, like turning from the side whenever you'd smile.
From your whole 3 months of dating, I dont think shes ever seen you smile before.
It's either that you cover your mouth when laughing
Or looking away to which she can't completely see your face!
She knows it's just out of habit but she is very sure your smile is as bright as the sun.
"Uhhh, s/o?" Mirabel lightly spoke
"Yes, Mirabel? Need anything?"
"I've been wondering.." Mirabel stops mid-sentence to gather up her words, "why haven't I ever seen you smile before?"
"Huh..?" You asked, knowing full well what she was saying. You just needed to double check if your ears werent fooling you
"I-I mean, it's either th-that or you're always hiding your smile because you're ... insecure?" Mirabel replied rather quickly, in panic of thought that she offended you.
"Oh.. insecure, seems like you've catched up rather quickly than I expected," you spoke.
Mirabel walks up to you and smudges your face in order for you to make a smiley face.
You thought it was adorable and ended up smiling, which you did NOT want.
Mirabel's cheeks started turning red, probably flustered.
"See?! You're so adorable, awhh!~"
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Your teeth gap.
You've always been so insecure about your stupid teeth gap, why does it have to look so stupid?
Due to your insecurity, whenever Bruno made you smile or laugh, it shows your teeth gap- making you cover your mouth.
Bruno's been quite concerned about it for a while
He decided not to make a scene and just ignore it for a while, though.
But that won't help anything, he wants to see your smile, your wonderful smile..
It may seem selfish of him, but he wants to see you laugh without your hand in the way.
He's decided to approach about your certain habit, which he is aware it may seem offensive- which he prevents on making it sound like it.
"Uh.. i-is it just me or you're always covering your hand whenever you smile or laugh.."
"Oh, uh, yeah, just out of habit. Heh, nothing to worry about, Bruno."
Yeah, easy for you to say that.. he just wants to see you smile for once!
"I just wanted to say that.. I wanna see you smile without covering your hand.."
"Uhm." You spoke- not liking the idea of doing so.
"I-I'm so sorry, if it made you uncomfortable then it's alright , again, I am so so sorry-"
You couldn't help but smile, I mean, that was adorable. And you know he's going to apologize for the next few hours if you don't, so you just had to.
Bruno suddenly stopped talking to gaze at you, with love hearts in his eyes. It just like in one of his dreams.
He's indeed lucky to have you, and he sincerely hopes you continue doing this often.
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Alright, that's the end of it. If you want a part two, well I'll try decided that for now.
If you actually want one, do suggest me some characters!
Hope this one was good enough for you, thank you and goodbye!
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obey-me-rot · 3 years
Praise Me?
A/N: Be a writing blog, they said, it'll be fun, they said. Next thing you know I'm swamped with graduate school and 100 different OC's that my mind decided to make. Long story short, this took far too long and I'm ashamed. I wanna dedicate this to @warm-meelk letting me rant to them as I as running out of ideas q wq Uhm, I'll post a pin of what I write and not write since I guess I'm taking requests. Anyways, enjoy my self indulgent shit. Warnings: Descriptions of gore, Emotional manipulation, implied cannibalism and just general no good bad behavior from the boys.
Demon culture is hard to grasp.
It wasn’t like good ol’ regular human culture. Sure there were some differences here and there but with enough practice anyone could work around them and possibly thrive.
But Devildom culture was another beast entirely.
Among all the dances, all the flirting, the parties and the cute touching moments, these seven demons didn’t fail to remind you that you were now the human master to the Seven Rulers of the Underworld.
And as your demons they had their own set of rules to obey.
As did you.
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You put your backpack down and squat in front of the school bench, coming face to face with Belphegor as the other continues to sleep despite your face being a mere inches away from his.
“Hey. Sleepyhead. Wake up.”
A smile appears on his face as he barely opens his eyes to look at you, instead giggling as he pretends to sleep on while you poke his cheek.
“I’m serious. We are supposed to be going home!”
“Mmmm...I’m perfectly comfortable here, though.”
Always the sweet talker, Belphie takes your hand and brings it close to his chest trying to pull you in as you laugh and try to pull your hand back.
“Come on MC, let’s just stay a little longer. I just made the bench comfy.”
“And where am I going to sit?”
The demon hums before sitting up and pointing at the seat next to him with a trademark shit eating grin.
“Here. So I can lay my head on your lap.”
At this point you can’t help it. You and Belphegor may have had a rocky start but he had deemed himself worthy to trust. Honestly, you never thought about it too hard. It was just family business after all, you had just been caught in the crossfire.
Not really, your brain fills in the gaps, you’ve been manipulated into believing him and had been promptly betrayed once your purpose was over…
But he apologized, right?
An apology from a demon. It was a big step.
You take your place and smile as the Avatar of Sloth’s hair now covers your lap. Soft and lush, Belphegor yawns again and makes himself comfortable while you run your fingers through his hair while closing your eyes and feeling a soft, cold breeze.
This wasn’t so bad...
A rough hand shakes you awake, knocking you out of your dream.
“Wake the hell up, human!”
Startled, you hold onto Belphie’s shoulders and look up at an angry looking demon, fangs out and ready to use as they point a finger at the bench.
“We’re trying to clean the school grounds and you’ve been loitering for an hour. Get out already!”
Oh. Oh! An hour? You fell asleep on a school bench for an hour!? Belphie was starting to rub off on you, wasn’t he? Your hands gently shake your demon awake while you give the other demon the most apologetic look you could.
“Belphie. You need to wake up.”
“Belphie we need to go!”
“I don’t wanna--!”
The demon speaks up again, getting closer and kicking right under the bench where your backpack was as hard as he could.
“Wake the fuck up already! Go and play with your human pet somewhere else!”
Belphie sits up slowly as you stand up and grab your backpack, wincing when you open it up and see the mess of books, notebooks and pencils now either bent, cracked or straight up destroyed.
Oh well, easy fix. These notebooks were easily replaceable and pencils you could get anywhere, book like this on the other hand would be a bit--
“...Did they do that?”
You jump as you feel Belphegor looking over you, bringing your backpack close to you and hiding it from view. He frowns at your actions before tugging the backpack out of your grip and looking inside, face devoid of any emotion as his gaze goes from the item in his hand to the demon now glaring at you both.
“Belphie. Come on. They need to clean.”
He growls. “They ruined something of yours.”
“It doesn’t matter I can just replace it, let’s go--”
Your demon moves faster than your words, Belphegor’s snarl ringing loud in your ears despite how far he is away from you. The lesser demon barely has time to react as Belphegor grabs him by the back of the head in full demon form and yanks him back onto the bench, his bright blue nails now far larger than you’ve ever seen them before as they dig deep into the scalp of his victim.
Belphegor grabs your backpack and empties it out, your belongings clattering onto the floor as he tilts the demon’s head back with one hand while the other starts bunching up your backpack into a small ball of nothing but zippers and strings.
In your head you are already yelling at Belphegor to stop but your brain is screaming at you to run away as fast as you can while your legs don’t respond to any of the distress signals and remain locked in place, forcing you to watch as the demon scratches at Belphegor’s skin but fails to do any damage as the hand holding his head now moves to his mouth and forces it open with a sickening crack.
“You were acting so high and mighty before.” Belphegor grins as he stuffs the bag into the demon’s mouth. “What’s wrong? Did you think I would let you walk away from ruining my master’s things?”
The demon scratches his throat when Belphegor pushes the bunched up ball deeper into their throat, a gasp escaping you as you see the outline of some of the zippers pressing right against the inside of their skin and threatening to pop out.
“Haha, I never knew scum could talk. Maybe if I shove this far enough down your throat and then pull it out, I’ll rip out your vocal cords as well. Then my master won’t have to hear your ugly voice--”
It’s pushing. Whatever is getting lodged in that demon’s throat is pushing to get out and you can almost see their nose bleeding from the pressure that is being created as their hands slowly stop moving and one of them falls limp--!
The words die in your throat as Belphegor’s hand is wretched out of the demon’s mouth, the bag now lodged in their throat as their fingers twitch against the now half destroyed bench. The Avatar of Sloth looks down at the demon before looking back at you, shoving him down so that they hit the ground with another sickening crack.
He smiles as he stands in front of you, your eyes looking at anywhere but him as Belphie waits a couple more minutes before clearing his throat.
You can only make a noise, it’s almost like you are trying to hold back from swallowing your tongue. He calls your name again before letting out a quick ‘oh’ and smiling as he pats your head.
“That’s right. You have no idea how to be a master. Haha, I forgot.”
His smile is soft compared to angry trails of blood running down his arms.
It takes every single ounce of your self control to not slap him away when he grabs your hand, Belphie leaning down to press your palm on the top of his head just like you had been doing before.
“You need to praise me...or else I’ll feel neglected...”
He closes his eyes and leans into your touch.
“And do something much worse.”
Praise? He wanted praise? For almost killing--no--he had just killed another demon in front of you in cold blood for something as simple as some ruined books! Your eyes actively refuse to look at the corpse a couple of feet away from you as your hands continue to run through Belphie’s soft hair, the shock leaving you to mutter a few words that you thought would be enough to satiate your demon’s bloodlust and keep you safe.
“Good...Good job Belphie…Thank you.”
Your demon smiled, letting out a soft hum as you two walked hand in hand back to the House of Lamentation.
He had a nap to catch up to.
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“You’ll like it.”
A bat’s eyes stares up at you as you do your best to not stare back.
“MC, just give it one bite.”
You give the sandwich in your hands a squeeze and see the eyeball pop out--
“Nope. Sorry Beel. That's just….this isn’t for me.”
Beel bumps you lightly as you both walk down the rather busy Devildom street, people walking around with several prime Devildom snacks as the food trucks behind you work overtime to try and feed all of the hungry demons that were patiently waiting their turn. It was rather sweet of your demon to invite you to one of his few lesser known hang out spots, one even his brothers didn’t know about, so they wouldn’t know about Beel eating half of these food trucks out of house and home.
Turning around, you look at the two food trucks that closed down already due to being labeled as Beel’s favourite.
Those poor souls, well at least they get their food’s worth in cash with how much Grim Beel was throwing at them to get the food out faster. The memory made you giggle as you hand the bat sandwich to Beel and look for something else to eat--
A large hand tugs you back as a demon speeds past you with cash in hand, your back pressing against Beel's chest as he looks down at you in worry.
“Don’t stray too far away from me, MC. I don’t want to lose you.”
The little flip flop your heart makes feels light and fluffy, a smile creeping up on your face as you nod and hold out your hand for him to take, Beel smiling as you two walk down the busy street to make your way back home.
Until you sniffed the air.
Your eyes turn to the direction of the delicious smell, your stomach growling as you tug on Beel’s hand and point to the only thing that seemed edible for a human person.
A popcorn stand.
Purple eyes shine as Beel repays the favor and tugs you towards it, a Little D running the concession looking up at you two and grinning as he sees Beel.
“Finally! Been waiting for the star of this whole show to notice me!”
“Aren’t you popular~?”
Your hand pokes Beel’s side but the demon is already drooling at the mouth, holding up one finger as he looks down at the very simple menu.
“One gargantuan bucket of popcorn with Devilcheese topping and chupacabra butter drizzled on top--”
Beel nods, realizing he almost forgot his manners.
“Coming right up!”
The Little D takes out a rather big bucket and starts filling it out, Beel’s eyes not once straying from the deliciously warm, popped kernels entering the bucket as you take your time to look at the rest of the concession stand. As much as you would love to eat some of the popcorn with Beel, your hand was most likely at risk if it ever came near the vicinity of Beel and his food.
Besides, your demon would most likely finish that in 5 minutes flat.
So you scan the other items in front of you before shrugging and deciding on a small bag of pre-popped popcorn. This was more your speed anyway.
“Oh and can we also get--”
The bag gets snatched away from you quickly as another demon stands beside you, slamming down a couple of Grim on the counter as he makes quick work of the snack. You can’t help but stare as the demon grabs a handful and starts eating, his eyes meeting yours once he finally felt you staring.
“...did you want this, human?”
The question isn’t asked with any apology or remorse. It’s almost as if he is daring you to say something. Something inside you wants to call out to Beel to come help you deal with the less than savory Devildom interactions but you had 6 months left in this program...you needed to learn to stand up for yourself!
And by standing for yourself you meant saving your own ass.
With a grin, the demon laughs and throws a piece of popcorn at you.
“Good answer. At least you’re a human who knows their place.”
The piece lands on your jacket, your eyes rolling as you wipe it off and turn back to look at Beel.
Despite the sickening bone crushing sound as a spray of something flickered past your vision, nobody in the street seems to pay any attention to the now screaming demon behind you. You slowly turn around, looking down at the other demon now prostrated at your feet as the bag of popcorn was in Beel’s left hand--
And the demon’s arm was on his right.
“Order up--oh.”
The Little D blinks at the sight before frowning as he snaps his fingers at you, the demon’s screams now replaced with angry snarls and cries as Beel keeps holding him down onto the pavement. You put a hand over your mouth at the black blood now pooling under him and move away when the puddle starts growing outwards to you, your stomach churning and losing any sort of appetite you could have had at the sight.
“Hey human. I don’t care if one of your demons does this but mind taking it somewhere else? It’s going to wreck my shop.”
Wreck his--someone’s arm had just been ripped off!
Your eyes look to see if someone, anyone, was paying attention but the only thing you could seem to find were a couple of passing glances here and there as the rest of the Devildom went about its day despite the horrifying scene playing out next to them.
The Little D speaks up again.
“Aren’t you going to call him off?”
Beel’s usual friendly face is replaced with a calm anger as he stares down at the arm in front of him with a tentative look. He brings it close to his mouth, a similar string of saliva running down his lips as he opens his jaw---
He stops, eyes going back to stare at the way your legs were shaking and how much you were holding back from throwing up due to the smell of demon blood mixed with buttery popcorn.
“Scum like you aren’t worth eating.”
The Avatar of Gluttony drops the arm close to his victim, the demon quickly grabbing it and scampering off as you watch the droplets of black follow in his quick steps. You lean against the concession stand and put a hand over your heart as you try to calm yourself down and to get the bile in your throat to go back to where it belonged.
You jumped when you heard Beel calling out to you, your demon smiling as he took your hand and handed you the bag of popcorn you no longer wanted.
“This is the one you wanted, right?”
It was slimy. The popcorn inside was clearly not affected by the blood now sticking to the bag and your fingers.
“Or did you want some of mine? If it’s with you I’ll always share.”
That wasn’t the issue! He had just ripped another demon’s arm off and he was going to eat it--!
Beel calls out your name once again, smiling as he gets closer and looks down at you expectantly. You both look at each other for a good three seconds, the longest three seconds of your life, before the demon picks you up so that your backside is perched on his arm. A part of you was still willing to complain and demand that he get you down but he takes one of your hands and puts it on his cheek, kissing your palm while his tongue licks up some of the blood that had dried between your fingers.
“Did I do good?”
You can’t answer, the only thing you can do is watch as he presses another kiss to your hand.
“I heard human masters praise their demons when they do good…”
He nibbles on your thumb.
“Aren’t you going to praise me, master?”
A tongue licks right under your fingernail, trying to get to every nook and cranny almost as if he was savoring you--
Beel’s face lights up as he looks at you, eyes softening and bringing back the Beel you knew as you rub your thumb lightly across his cheek and do your best to swallow back the bile threatening to gargle its way up your throat once more.
“Thank you Beel...thank you.”
The touch of a master felt so nice, Beel thought, that it almost made it worth not eating what he had craved for in such a long time. But he was satiated with just this--the demon’s blood on your fingers tasted better than any topping he could think of.
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You laugh as you feel Asmo wrap his arms around you and tug you close, the music thumping in your ears as Solomon chuckles at the image you two make. It had been a rough week for Asmo with the launch of his new perfume line, the plans he had for his pop up stores and then the collaboration he wanted to do with Majolish that was almost late in its release--but somehow it had all finished right on time in what had to be the longest five days in your life.
Being a celebrity in the human world was hard, you thought, but being a celebrity in the Devildom was much harder when you had to do most of the collaborations and testing of products yourself.
Maybe that is why Asmo brought you along, you guessed. In a way, you were providing him with emotional support and praising him every step of the way whenever he managed to get one thing done and immediately move to the other.
There were no breaks this whole week, either for you or for him, so coming to the Fall after the announcement of the collaboration with Majolish was like the cherry on top of a pretty piled up ice cream sundae.
Asmo lets out a happy hum as he presses a kiss to your cheek, pulling away with a loud smooch as he settles into the backrest of the seat.
“Everything got done on time! I can’t believe those jerks at the perfume company thought to move up the launch to Monday when they knew that I would also be talking to the palette company the same day! I gave each and every one of those executives my calendar! It’s like they can’t even read…”
Solomon shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, looking out into the sea of bodies on the dance floor dancing along to the music.
“You are becoming increasingly popular lately, Asmo, maybe they just wanted to get the launch done soon so they could start another project with you.”
The Avatar of Lust sighs and leans against you, cuddling close as you run a hand through his hair instinctively.
You’ve been doing this two or three times for the past five days so it's almost become second nature.
“I understand that they do want to get me into as many ad campaigns as possible, but if that is cutting into the time I spend with MC then they can just wait.”
His eyes shine when he looks at you, your heart picking up in speed as he leans closer.
“Right, MC? You’re all mine tonight?”
You can’t help it, Asmo has been working hard and you knew he thrived off attention so you just answer without thinking.
“As long as you don’t tell the other’s about it...I’m all yours.”
Asmo’s squealing and his arms wrapping around you cover up the worried look Solomon sends your way--
Only to be interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
It’s hard not to stare at the pretty demon in front of you. She is wearing a beautiful dress that shows off every asset from her hips to her chest, making it hard to concentrate on just one thing as she sends Asmo a shy smile. Her wings twitch lightly, letting you see the way the inside skin of her bat-like wings caught the neon lights and made them shine even more.
You still hadn’t gotten used to seeing succubuses and it showed.
Your demon unwraps himself from you and sits up straight, the other sitting down beside him and subtly pulling him close to whisper something into his ear. He nods and lets her go, the demon waving at him and heading out to the dance floor as Asmo starts stepping out of the booth the three of you occupied.
You can't help but ask.
"What did she say?"
Asmo takes out a pocket mirror and fixes his hair.
“She wanted to dance. I think I saw her at the pop up store today so she’s most likely a fan.”
He snaps the mirror shut and sends a wink your way.
“I’ll see you two in a bit~! Don’t miss me too much, okay?”
Solomon waves goodbye as you watch Asmo get lost in the crowd, sighing as you let yourself relax.
“He certainly kept you busy.”
You chuckle and put your drink down, eyes staring at the demons losing themselves to the song.
“I didn’t mind...it was nice to see him work so hard on something he was passionate about. I never see him try this hard at RAD so I didn’t know he had such a work oriented attitude when it came to stuff like his product line. Especially when it comes to organizational skills.”
Solomon snorts.
“Did you see his face when one of the demons tried to stock the facial cream right next to the body wash in the store? I thought he was going to have a breakdown.”
Both of you laugh at the surreal memory as the music slows down to a smooth and intimate beat.
Swirling his drink in the glass, Solomon's voice gets serious as he speaks up again. “How much praise have you been giving Asmo lately?”
What...kind of question was that? Did he mean how much you had been praising Asmo this week or as a whole?
“A regular amount?”
There was Monday when you praised him with dealing with such a short notice change to the plans, Tuesday when Lucifer caught him trying to sneak away from RAD in order to talk to some other company that wanted to work with him and he ended up coming back to RAD instead, Wednesday was a day full of praise because you got to see Asmo’s work ethic first hand with the pop up store as well as how nice he had been to his fans, Thursday and Friday sort of blended together---
“You may want to cut it back.”
The beat drops low as the music gets more intense, the bodies on the floor grinding against each other as Solomon puts his drink down and makes an effort to look you in the eyes.
“Asmo hasn’t had a master like you before. You tend to be free and open with your affection and to a demon that is--”
“Sol, I'm not their master. I'm their friend. ”
You didn't want to explain this to Solomon again. The title of master was so pretentious, just because you shared a pact with the seven Lords of Hell didn't mean you could boss them around! And you didn't want to order them around in the first place!
The brothers were your family, Asmo was your family and you'd be damned if anyone tried to put you in a level above them.
Surprise is the first reaction you see in his eyes before Solomon concedes and drinks the rest of his cocktail, gently placing the glass down and sending you an understanding smile.
"The brothers really got lucky when they got you, didn't they? A human who is kind even to a demon."
He taps the table with his hand and stands up, a hand going up to stop you when you copy his movements.
"I'm sure Asmo will want to keep you here for a bit more. I think I can make my way to Purgatory Hall by myself."
Well, now you feel bad.
Solomon knew more than you on the matter of demons and pacts but you knew how to handle the brothers now. You’ve been with them a full year, that’s enough to know a person’s inner workings. You could handle Lucifer at his crankiest, Mammon at his craziest and Satan at his angriest. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to know more about pacts, it’s just that what you had with the brothers, what you had with Asmo, went beyond that--
Your view of the club is cut off as you feel a pair of hands cover your eyes.
"Guess who?"
Fight and flight instincts are subdued when you recognize the voice, your body relaxing and smiling as you touch the demon’s hand to pry it away--only to feel something warm and wet covering his skin.
"Ding! Ding!"
It's strange how quickly you’ve come to recognize the smell of demonic blood. The brothers had done their best to hide that side of the Devildom for you but you caught glimpses of the violence here and there. It was a demon’s nature, you supposed, but the strong odor always made your eyes tear up.
So having the smell so close to you now, it was making you dizzy and keeping you rooted to your spot.
"Oh? MC you are all tensed up--ah."
The tilt in his voice changes as Asmo pulls his hands away so you could blink away the spots dancing around your eyes.
"Do I smell bad, MC?"
You waste no time standing up, turning around and then walking behind the booth, pupils shrinking as you see the black liquid running from Asmo's arm all the way to the very tip of his fingers. Whatever isn't soaked up by Asmo's jacket drips onto the floor, each drop heavy and messy as they littered the flashing floor.
"I probably do to a human, huh? The feeling alone is disgusting--"
"Asmo what happened?!”
Why was he bleeding so much? There were no cuts in his jacket and he didn’t seem to be freaking out. Did something happen in the dancefloor, had someone tried to attack him--why wasn’t he more alarmed!? You stop investigating his arm when Asmo coos at you as he takes your hand and intertwines it with yours.
“Always so cute~ Are you worried for me, MC?”
“Yes?! Did you get into a fight--?”
“Shush shush.”
A blood stained finger taps your lips, Asmo letting out a sly grin as he leans close to whisper into your ear.
“It isn’t mine, darling, you don’t need to worry so much.”
Your hands try to tug away from his when he speaks but he keeps you close, his other hand wrapping around your waist as he forces your attention on his voice and his voice alone.
“The succubus I was dancing with? She was a bit...rude. I don’t know why she started making such accusatory comments about you keeping me all to yourself and not letting me pay attention to my fans, but she just let her mouth run anyway. She started saying such mean things about you, MC, I just couldn’t take it.”
He lets out a happy sigh, as if satisfied with the decision he had taken as he buries his face in your shoulder.
“So I just ripped one of her wings off to warn her. I didn’t think she’d spray this much out--ruined my entire outfit.”
Asmo presses a kiss to your neck as you try to pull away again but can only budge from his hold as he starts swaying you to the music.
“Hehe, I did a good thing, didn’t I? What is it Levi says? I protected your honor?”
His fingernails seem to almost dig into your back, your body now barely feeling like yours as you let Asmo move you side to side as the music switches to a love song from the human world.
“So shouldn’t I get some praise, master?”
You can’t breathe. It’s not just Asmo pulling you close as you feel yourself sag in his arms with how tightly he is holding you, you can’t breathe because of his confession and just how stupid you could be.
Solomon didn’t praise Asmo as much, in fact he was stricter with Asmo than the other demons you knew he had a pact with, and you had just blown off any sort of advice because you thought that you and the brothers were the same.
“Masteeeer~ Tell me something good...please~”
His words are no longer coherent but just mumbles as you feel him breathing you in as the music grows louder and louder and his grip grows tighter and tighter.
Asmo grins as he feels two hands embrace him, burying your face in his chest as you let him move you in whatever way he wants.
“...thank you...thank you for protecting me…”
He lets out a pleased sigh as he feels your arm rub his back up and down, his mouth opening up to lick and bite at the skin you were so carelessly letting him be so close but stopping himself. It wouldn’t make sense to worship his master with all this blood on one side of him. Words of praise were enough for now.
Once they get back to the House of Lamentation, he’ll ask for a different kind of reward~
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Demons do not necessarily have to please their masters but the stronger the connection the stronger the need to make their devotion shown. It is important that the connection between a demon and their master stays one of giving and taking. If the balance is shifted, the human or the demon may lose control of the pact entirely, leaving the remaining party to act irrationally. Just remember:
Your master is temporary.
What exists between you and your master is temporary.
Humans stay with humans, demons stay with demons.
You read the passage a couple more times and then take a peek at the blonde in front of you, blinking when you see Satan meeting your eyes. Both of you look at each other before he breaks first, smiling as he puts his book down and speaks up.
“How are you holding up?”
Looking down at your notes, you blink at the lack of writing on the page. You two had been studying here for an hour for your Pactology exam but your eyes had just been stuck on that passage since you first opened the book. You weren’t going to be forward enough to say that Satan was in love with you but you could admit that the feelings between him and you had certainly grown.
“I’m good just...studying, you know?” In fact, it had been that way with all of the brothers.
You weren’t necessarily friends but also not necessarily lovers. All of it was just a convoluted mess that all of you preferred to not give a name because of just how complicated it was.
Yet Satan had always been a bit more straightforward with you.
The rather direct straight messages, the always polite yet flirty attitude, the secret glances he thought you wouldn’t notice that used to make you laugh but now they made you worry.
Were you being too lenient?
The book was set up as a case study so there were some pages filled with stories about demons who had done atrocious things in order to please their masters in the name of 'love'. Some demons had killed entire royalty lines while others had topped over governments and kingdoms. It wasn’t necessarily spoken as if it was a bad thing, what a demon did when they were in love, it was just spoken as a sort of ‘warning’ that most demons should be the level headed ones in the pact relationship.
Lest they wish to be subjugated to a unilateral pact rather than a bilateral one, all for 'love'.
But maybe you didn't need to worry about that? The stories they spoke of were of some sort of twisted devotion a demon could have for their master! The brothers weren’t devoted to you like that. Satan still teased you from time to time and he knew you were still working your way around having seven pacts. Why would he be devoted to a human like yourself? Why would any of them be devoted to you in such a way!
You close the book as your demon comes to sit down next to you, Satan putting an arm around your chair and sliding closer so he could look at your notes. He hums at the blank pages before smiling and opening the book back up, scanning the index for a moment before tapping one line and flipping to the correct page.
“The test is going to be handwritten so you have to make sure you can explain this case in detail--” He flips back a couple pages, not noticing you looking at him as he clicks his tongue when he finds it.
“And this one as well. If you know these two by the time the test rolls around you should be fine, these are the professors favourite cases so they are bound to be on there--"
“Satan, how do you feel about me?”
Surprised wouldn't begin to cover what he looks like. Satan pulls away slightly to get a better look at you and then smiles as he tucks a stray piece of hair over your ear.
"Why the sudden question?"
You can't help but blush, he always acted like this even in public. Were you enabling him, maybe, by letting him do this? But it felt so nice--
"Just...want to know, you know?
Satan nods before flipping a couple of pages on the book and stopping on the page you were reading. He takes a couple of seconds to scan the words.
"Humans stay with humans...demons stay with demons."
He blinks and looks at you, his eyes fixated on every involuntary twitch as the library gets even more quiet.
"Do you believe this, MC?"
You look at Satan and then back to the book.
"What do you mean?"
His expression softens as he clears his throat.
"Well some of these books were written a very long time ago and times change. Just like the Devildom changes. Look at us, we have a library now. One with computers and everything."
"And not one with typewriters?"
Both of you laugh, the mundanity of it all setting in as you feel yourself relax. It was the same back in the human world, afterall. Things changed, people changed, everything was in a constant state of change so why shouldn't the Devildom experience the same thing?
You weren't doing anything wrong.
"I'll find a newer version then--"
"No need. The notes I took should be enough. Besides--"
Satan scoots even closer and leans over the table to grab his notebook, smiling as his hand grabs your shoulder and brings you closer to him.
"We can just study like this. Since we are at the library we should be keeping quiet."
With renewed confidence, you smile and lean against his shoulder as the hand on the back of your chair pulls you in closer to press a kiss on your cheek. The next few minutes are spent doing nothing but whispering to each other about the exam and several other questions you might have had before Satan mentions something about grabbing a book he needs and how you just needed to sit tight.
Your eyes had to stop staring at so many pact symbols so the break was highly welcome.
Rubbing them with your hands, you miss the demon standing up and walking towards your table.
The tone is stern but surprisingly polite, making you pay attention quickly as you greet the demon with a slight head nod. They take a minute to look at you up and down before speaking again.
“Listen...I really don’t mean to sound rude but I really don’t think you should be doing this outside.”
You blink and look around you, trying to find the clear social violation you had crossed, which only made the demon roll their eyes and tap their finger on the table to bring back your attention.
“I meant the affection, human. I understand that Lord Satan is proud or whatever of having you as his master but that sort of praise should be kept private. If you want to subjugate your demon like that, please do so where none of us can see---”
The liquid that hits your face is warm, disgustingly warm, that you immediately put a hand over your eyes and hiss at the small stinging sensation it seems to be leaving behind. A scream, far too close to you, makes you jump from your seat as you rub at your eyes furiously with your sleeve in order to see what had happened...or what was possibly attacking you.
You don't waste a second, you immediately react with your first instinct.
Your blood was pumping, your face was warm, every single hair on your body was standing on end as you finally rub and blink away the thing that was blinding you--
Only to be met with Satan's eyes shining as they look at you, a smile on his face while preening at the fact that you had called out his name, not once caring about the eyeball he was now holding in his hand and the demon kneeling in front of him gripping at the blood and skin that was now pooling and dripping down their face and to the floor while hazardously, screaming bloody murder.
Satan’s breathing is heavy as he throws the eye off to the side, smiling as he ignores the demon bleeding out on the floor in favor of taking care of you.
“What a shame, it got you all dirty.”
He takes a handkerchief from his pocket while his other hand went to delicately touch your chin--
Only to blink when you step away from him, his hand hanging in the air as he looks at you. You open your mouth to speak about what he had done, to give any sort of reprimand or punishment but the anger in your demon’s eyes as he smiled and tried to reach out for you again kept you from saying anything and only letting you close your mouth as his hand tilted your chin up.
“I was right. We should have just studied in my room. You shouldn’t have had to deal with someone like them.”
You can only stare at him in horror as he cleans away the blood slowly, licking his lips before leaning down to give your now clean cheek a brief peck.
“Aren’t you happy I was here to protect you, MC?”
Your eyes darted down to the demon on the floor, picking themselves up and running out of the library as everybody else continued working in silence, as if only a mild inconvenience had happened that had barely disrupted the atmosphere of the library.
“I did a good job, didn’t I? Getting them away from you..”
Why did no one help them? Why did no one stop it?
“You even called out to me.”
Your heart stops as your demon takes your hand and presses his lips to your knuckles.
“What sort of praise will you give me, master?”
No one stopped him because that was your job.
The text flashes in your head, a note you had also forgotten to jot down. You do not need praise from your master.
Humans do not realize it but their praise, due to the pact's effects, gives a sense of calm that is not present in a demon’s nature and can keep a demon subjugated and even persuade them to make the pact permanent. A demon will find themselves seeking out that praise indefinitely, leading to irrational acts of violence that aren’t stated in the pact and an increase in a demon’s possessive nature towards their master if praise isn’t given often.
Keep a level head and remember, you work for you and not for them.
Satan smiles as he feels your fingers on his cheek, wiping the blood away slowly as you try to continue the action despite the small thrum of pain on your thumb as you touched the now drying black blood.
“You did good...thank you…thank you Satan.”
It’s like he can breathe again, your demon thinks, with the way you are touching his hair and looking up at him. You looked so helpless and how could he possibly ignore such a cute look? He takes your hand and helps you pick the stuff strewn across the table, tutting at the mess the bug dared to leave behind on the notebooks.
But it didn’t matter now, his room was a lot quieter and a better place to study anyway.
If he and his master ended up studying at all.
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You sigh as your fingers move against the controllers, your character gliding on the screen as they did their signature move and jumped back onto the platform with great ease.
Good thing this was just the practice stage, you were pretty sure you wouldn't have made that smooth a-jump if you were playing against Levi.
Another sigh escapes you as you look at the door.
Where did Levi even go?
What was the point of playing a new game if he wasn't around to tell you every single detail about it? That was the first reason you had bought Demonic Gear anyway, to laugh as Levi complained or praised a certain feature in the game.
This game specifically had been one Levi was extremely hyped to buy, even inviting you to wait with him outside one of the few game stores the Devildom had opened for the release.
The experience itself was one you had to take part in, Levi insisted as he dragged you outside, one that would take a normie like you and turn them into a hardcore gamer.
Which you honestly couldn't care less about.
You just liked seeing him excited.
Was it silly to say that it also got you excited as well? Levi tended to share everything with you when it came to his interests that it made it hard not to get excited as well.
And with how often Levi tended to put himself down for having no friends, inviting you to something he enjoyed was probably the biggest test of friendship he could give you.
One, you would like to say, you barely passed.
You look at your fingers on the controller, frowning as you tap 'A' to restart the match.
Waiting in line with Levi had been a good experience like you thought, he had a backpack full of snacks and even warmers for your pockets so that your hands wouldn't get cold.
It was cute when you offered to hold hands inside your jacket pocket so that he also wouldn't feel cold, Levi nearly dropping a full chip bag in surprise as he sputtered about how he needed to keep himself bright and alert in case the doors opened early--!
Only to mutter in a low voice how he wouldn't mind doing it for a few minutes, just as long as you paid attention as well.
You smiled and let his hand intertwine with yours while huddled close, smiling whenever you felt him squeeze down just to prove that this was in fact real.
Maybe that had been your first mistake.
The doors had opened earlier than they had advertised, people immediately rushing in as the line moved fast and hazardously--
"Move over, human trash!"
It was fast, whatever the demon did to make you trip, but you barely could pull your hand away as you felt yourself about to fall--
Levi's hands were rough as he caught and pulled you away from the sea of people, hugging you tight to his chest as the demons in line quickly shuffled into the store and out with their copies in hand.
By the time you two were able to go in, there wasn't a single copy left.
The walk back home had been quiet, a look of guilt on your face as you tell him that the moment a new shipment came you would go back and buy it yourself--
But Levi just said it wasn't your fault and that he was just happy he got to hold your hand.
You insisted on going to his room and playing a different game but Levi asked you to just wait for him there, stating that there was something he needed to do before he could be worthy to stand by your side again.
That line alone made you worried. He only talked like this when he was really upset about something.
Without waiting one second, you run to his room and search up the game on the online store. Levi was planning to spend this amount anyway so it didn’t matter whether you purchased it online or as a physical copy, right!
Who were you kidding? It mattered to him...and so it mattered to you.
“Maybe I can reserve a copy now? Surely the shipment will arrive soon--”
“MC?” You jump up and put the remote down on his chair, smiling as you turn around to at least tell him about how you got him a consolation prize--!
Yet your gasp interrupts any sort of good news that you could give, almost tripping over yourself as you watch a small drop of blood drip off from Levi’s nails, the rest matted to the clothes of his demon form as he gave you a small smile.
“Levi!” All your thoughts are on immediately making sure he isn’t hurt, going to reach for his arm--but feeling your hand stopped by his as he immediately gets down on one knee.
“I took care of them, Master.”
“...what? Levi--”
“The rats that tried to hurt you.”
He looks up and you feel yourself back away, the hand grabbing yours tugging you back slightly as you look away from him. Levi had never looked so focused, his eyes never once breaking eye contact with yours as he switched from grabbing onto your hand to holding it with both of his hands.
“I saw their faces...the ones who did something so unforgivable. My instincts had told me to get rid of them right that instant but my Master needed my protection first.”
Levi presses your hand to his cheek and closes his eyes.
“But I followed their scent afterwards, the sick scent they had left behind on you when they got too close. They hadn’t even gone straight home to play the game they had stolen from us--they were just bragging...bragging about their foolish attempt to hurt you.”
He smiles as his hold gets tighter.
“But a fool always gets what a fool deserves.”
You remembered that line. The fourth book from the TSL series, the line the Lord of Shadows whispers to Henry before killing off one of the Lord of Fool’s messengers who had been sent to take Henry away. You remember Levi talking about how that book nearly had not been printed because of such a graphic detail on the description of the murder, revealing a side of the Lord of Shadows that fans may not have seen before…
The quiet and reclusive Lord, ripping the arm of the messenger clean off before proceeding to gouge out the inside of the stump with just his nails, the messenger only being able to scream in pain as the viscera gathered in a pool of meat and blood right next to his feet--!
Your hand twitches in realization as the blood burns your skin slightly, like when you put it far too close to the stove when it was clear that you needed to pull away.
“And better news yet, I reaped their spoils for you...for us…”
He shakily presses your hand on his head, his smile getting wobbly as a small trace of saliva slowly drips down the side of his lips.
“S--So please...praise me, my Master! Praise the good job your demon has done for you…! The Hero he has become for you!”
In your head, you remember the rest of that scene. The Lord of Shadows had turned to Henry with a nervous but victorious smile, claiming how he had saved his friend from being taken away from his side. Yet the book spoke about Henry's sudden and tiny fear of what the Lord of Shadows was capable of, his praise not born from gratitude but from fear of what would happen if he didn't give the once evil Lord what he wanted.
So you spoke your line perfectly and with what must have been the same fear that Henry felt as you gently ran your fingers through Levi's hair.
"My...my friend. My hero...thank you for keeping me safe...and keeping me close to you."
Levi feels his heart beat fast at your words, his breathing now ragged and heavy as he feels your words affect every single nerve in his body.
This...this was his first headpat! A headpat from his Master! Of all the items he could have possibly gotten from this quest--this was the rarest item of all! Even if he had to go and waste his time with some normie demons, it really had all been worth it! All for his master's praise!
Maybe if he begged enough...their Master would spend the night with him as well?
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Your leg was bouncing more than you’d care to think about.
How did you even get into this mess? It wasn’t that you were unsupervised at any time during the day, Mammon was always the one insisting he walk you to and from classes the first few months of your pact with him so it was almost impossible to be alone..
But demon's were crafty and you had let your guard down while in RAD.
You look around and sigh, Mammon was really late.
It had been his idea to meet in this cafe, why was he the one late!? Your leg starts bouncing again as you look down at your phone and the rather glaring message that was from an unmarked number.
[You better not forget your promise, human, else we'll go after your scumbag protector!]
As much as you loved Mammon, it was getting harder to get him out of his debts nowadays. Not that you could possibly pay off any sort of debts that he had, you were sure some of them were in the millions, but this one had been different.
Some demons had managed to corner you outside of RAD, telling you that Mammon had given them a fake human artifact and how they wanted the 'real' thing.
You had made a face apparently because they told you it wasn't something that disgusting and that they weren't the kind of demons to 'mess around' with humans and how that was only for freaks.
They just wanted something of yours that they could sell.
Which, okay, you could do that.
"Mammon, where are you…"
They had agreed to meet you in an alley near the cafe you were currently at, one of the reasons you said yes to Mammon in the first place. You were just going to have coffee with him and then excuse yourself to give the demons what they wanted. It was going to be the quickest exchange of your life if only your demon would get here!
You grab your phone and shoot back a quick message, telling them to be patient and that you would be there in a few minutes.
The promise was getting harder to keep though.
With the ghost waiters staring at you and the other demons looking at you pitifully for sitting at a table all alone, you were starting to get more and more upset by the minute.
This was spoiling Mammon. Lucifer was right, you were actively spoiling Mammon at this point.
But how could you say no to him! Mammon may have his moments and, yes, he may have tried to sell something of yours but almost all of that cash that he seemed to get back went to get small presents for you and him! Your entire shelf back at the House of Lamentation was filled with little knick knacks he had bought you over the past few months and even the sight of them were enough to send your heart flying.
Any gift that Mammon gave you was stored and kept away at a very special place, both in your room and in your heart.
You weren’t shy about it either, any sort of jewelry he would buy would be worn by you the next day. It was met by annoyed comments and an occasional outburst as to why Mammon had such bad taste in jewelry but you knew that was the brother’s usual way of teasing you and him.
Your eyes go down to the bracelet you were wearing, smiling as you rub your thumb over the small golden links that kept it hanging around your wrist.
He had done so much for you, it was time you did this for him.
[Mammon! I need to go somewhere first! I’ll meet you at the cafe when I can, okay?]
Good thing you didn’t tell him you got here first and even better thing that you didn’t order anything. The chair scrapes against the cobblestone as you make your way out of the cafe, running down a somewhat familiar street as you try to find the correct alleyway.
“In front of The Fall and then take a left, in front of The Fall and take a left--”
You smile as the lights of The Fall greet you, illuminating the only alleyway that could possibly fit the description. Digging into your pockets, you pull out the artifact you were going to hand over and nod in determination.
“Hand it over and get out...nothing hard about that.”
Your hand goes over your heart as you try to calm it down while you turn and take the first few steps in--
The name escapes you before you can take in the image in front of you, a pair of blueish eyes staring at you Mammon’s leathery wings open up to hide the splatters of blood all over the concrete walls, but failing to hide the thing that he was holding in his hand.
A head. A head with a spine underneath that curved so perfectly, just like horns adorsninf the top.
The horns of a demon who looked so so similar to the one you had spoken to today--
His fingers immediately drop what he is holding on the poorly hidden pool of viscera strewn around him before retracting back to the fingers you were so used to seeing steal that it was so different to see them covered in blood.
"Why didn't you wait a the cafe…?"
And although you know it's him, you know that Mammon would never hurt you, your body takes a few steps back when he turns around to face you entirely.
Mammon in his demon form wasn’t anything new but your brain had equated it to match more serious events such as being in the Demon Lord’s castle or a dangerous situation. So seeing him in this form, with blood almost dripping off the leathery garments as he turns to look at you and calls out your name again in a worried but serious tone.
It was getting harder to fight your survival instincts.
He holds out his hand and you quickly recoil away, Mammon looking down and cursing when he sees it is caked with viscera and demon blood, the stench of it getting heavier the closer he gets to you. Quickly wiping it away, your demon wastes no time in meeting your steps as his hand goes to grab the back of your head and his arm wraps around your waist to pull you close to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were bothering you?”
Your eyes were stinging from the smell of death all around him, which you guessed was a good thing since you didn’t even know how to answer his question.
“When did they get to you...I was with you this entire week…”
It was like he wasn’t even directing these questions at you, just thinking out loud to himself as you feel his wings stretch out so that you wouldn’t be able to see the bloody mess on the cobblestone street--
A hand runs through your hair as Mammon hugs you tighter, your lips now pressed in a thin line as you hear vague whispers of what he should have done to them in the first place if they had dared to come and talk to you so openly.
“They shouldn’t have been around you, none of them have, nobody but me should be around you always…”
Your hand grips at his bicep as you feel his hold tighten.
“I had to protect my master...who else is going to protect you but me?”
He quickly pulls you away slightly and cups your face, your skin crawling when you feel the other hand he had fail to clean press against your cheek as he forced your eyes on him.
“You really should have told me something sooner...but I don’t mind forgiving my Master for something they couldn’t control.”
Mammon smiles and wraps his wings around you, so that nothing could possibly deter you from staring only at him.
“...I’m your protector, aren’t I?”
His hands fingernails lightly dig into your cheek as you jump when he speaks again.
“Say I’m your protector...please Master…”
It was fight of flight for you and the only way you could defend yourself was to soothe the beast in front of you with the words he wanted to hear.
“You’re...you’re my protector...Mammon...you always protect me…”
Your eyes never tear away from him as you copy his movements, cupping his cheeks and doing your best to hold back tears as the worry inside of you morphs into an awful dreadful feeling.
“Say it again.”
“You’re my protector…”
“Thank you for protecting me…”
“Mammon please…”
Your demon lets go of your cheeks as you start to cry, smiling when he feels just how shaken you were by the whole situation. It must have been scary to be bullied by those scumbags, wasn’t it? But you didn’t have to cry anymore, your Mammon was here to protect you from everything that wished to take you away from him. He presses his lips to the corners of your eyes before hugging you close, reminding himself that from now on he would never dare to leave you alone.
His master deserved his protection, even if they didn’t know they needed it.
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“Nice to meet you!”
You try to hold your smile just as you are holding out your hand, looking at one of the many Dukes of Hell that Diavolo was introducing you to during one of his many birthday parties.
Only for them to once again ignore you, smiling at Lucifer as they shake his hand and go back to enjoying the party.
“...well so much for that.”
You sigh and let your hand flop to your side as Lucifer stares at the guest walk away before turning back to you and offering you a sympathetic smile. As much as you wish you could return it, it was annoying to think that Diavolo had once again invited you to one of his many parties and decided to ignore the very clear fact that you were still a human.
And that most demons, especially demon royalty, tended to hate your guts.
No matter what you could possibly represent, you were still one of the races that they believed themselves to be superior to and no amount of smiling and hand shaking could fix that.
So it was annoying that Diavolo still thought that he could put you in those situations and pretend like there was nothing wrong.
“Did you see how she looked at me?”
“They were most likely impressed by your outfit, they had the decency to look at you at least.”
“They stared into my eyes for one second before ignoring me and being all smiley with you.”
You make a face as you turn towards Lucifer and give him your best aristocratic ‘I’m so much better than you’ gesture.
“Why Lucifer, you look just as radiant as the day we met! Would you save a dance for me later on tonight?”
Lucifer chuckles and takes your hand, leading you towards the stairs of the great palace.
“As much as I enjoyed the joke, I will have to let you go. One of the Duchesses of the Seventh Layer of the Devidom has asked for a dance and Diavolo fears she might throw an earth shattering tantrum if she does not get her wish.”
Your eyes look out towards the crowd as you spot the duchess in question, her eyes not once staring at you but almost drilling holes into Lucifer’s back as she tapped her fingers against her arm in anger at the mere thought of being kept waiting.
“Oh her? I like the hairpin she has on.”
Letting go of Lucifer’s hand, you go up the first few steps as Lucifer’s eyes remain fixed on your form.
“Her hairpin?”
“Yeah. I think it was a ghost lily? Either way, it was beautiful. It looked like it could go well with either long or short hair, those kinds of hairpins are hard to come by.”
You grin and turn to look at Lucifer.
“You think it’d look good on me?”
He doesn’t get to answer the question as you feel a rumble underneath your feet, both of you turning to stare at the fuming woman making her way towards you.
“That’s my cue. Good luck!”
Lucifer calls out to you but you are already halfway up the stairs, giggling to yourself as you realize just what your poor demon had to go through by being Diavolo’s second right hand man. That Duchess looked far too angry to be a regular demon, if you had stayed any longer she would have probably killed you right where you stood!
Well, not like Lucifer would let that happen.
Despite already being far away from the crowd, your smile stays on your face as you make your way towards one of the many balconies around the castle. The air is fresh and cool on your face as you lean against the dark marble to take in the view of the Devildom from Diavolo’s castle.
Whatever this had been, whether a cultural exchange program or some form of divine punishment, it was becoming easier to manage.
In fact, it had become a lot easier to manage once you had Lucifer’s pact mark imprinted on your left eye, officially making it the most prominent pact mark on your body. As much as you wished to believe that you had accustomed yourself to regular ol' Devildom life, Lucifer's pact mark had done most of the heavy lifting.
And that alone was enough to make you feel guilty.
The point of this entire 'exchange' was to lessen the strain of many years of conflict between the three realms and while Simeon and Solomon were pulling their weight, with Luke following behind rather dutifully, you had still struggled with basic demon interactions.
Until you got Lucifer's mark.
It didn't necessarily get better, but you were snarled at less by those who didn't want you there and that was enough to count it as a positive.
You press your hands against the marble of the balcony and let out another sigh. Didn't this just prove you were also putting pressure on Lucifer? Ontop of what he already had?
No. You weren't about to be a dead weight to your demon.
With how often Lucifer took care of you? And how much he said he treasured you? No! You refused to be a burden to him!
Shaking off the sadness you take in two deep breaths before humming and thinking of a way to possibly repay it back to him. You two dancing at Diavolo's party would be a bit too much for guests--so maybe you could dance here?
Yes. Yes!
You grin and put your hands up as if you were with a partner, doing your best in imitating the basic waltz steps that Lucifer had taught you. Surprising him by offering to dance outside, with the moon shining down on you two as you thanked him for all he had done!
Best idea you've had this whole cultural exchange, really.
You laugh and spin around but a barrier stops you from making a full spin, hands grabbing your shoulders and keeping you in place.
"Are you enjoying the party, Master?"
Perfect! He had finished!
"Lucifer! I had an idea! How about we--"
The hairpin catches your attention first, the ornament being just as beautiful as close as it was at a distance yet speckled with something red against its shiny gold leaves as Lucifer held it up to you--
You push the hairpin away from your face as Lucifer smiles and leans into your touch, your left hand cupping the side of his face that had been sprinkled with the most blood. Your eyes go down to his collar and gasp when you see angry, red lines running from under his chin all the way to his collarbone, making his black shirt look even darker with the blood it was now absorbing.
And yet he didn't seem panicked, just smiling calmly as he holds your hand and presses it against the harsh wounds.
"Lucifer, we need to get you some help! We--We need to get Barbatos or Diavolo! Oh my stars you're bleeding so much--!'
"What happened! Is anybody else hurt? Why didn't you call for me--!"
You yelp when you feel Lucifer pressing your hands against the wound, the blood feeling wrong against your hand and skin but it does help from feeling the angry ridges from where the skin had been ripped.
"Do I look in pain?"
No. And that's what worried you the most.
"You...you don't but--"
"Believe me, these wounds are more than welcomed. Especially when they are a sign of how I protected you."
He keeps your hand pressed against his wound, pressing it closer and closer until you were sure that the tingling sensation in your hand was the feeling of it lightly burning your skin.
"The Duchess was just a pest as I thought but one good thing came from her corpse. I figured if a demoness that could run her tongue for so long didn't need her head to begin with."
The words don't hit you until you feel the hairpin pressed against your hair, feeling it clip into place as Lucifer adjusted it just a bit.
"No matter if short or long...I think this hairpin suits you best."
Lucifer smiles as he wraps one arm around your waist, keeping your hand trapped against his wound while he pressed a kiss to the tears now forming around the corner of your eyes.
"It's alright, Master, no need to thank me with your words. This should have been expected of me in the beginning..."
He smiles as he takes your other hand and places it on his shoulder, gently guiding you through the steps you had danced by yourself as his lips move from your eyes to your own trembling ones.
"Although it would be a shame if I had to go after another duke or duchess all to seek out my master's praise...it would be a hassle for Barbatos to clean up…"
Lucifer smiles as your lips quickly press against his, your entire body trembling against him as he continues to guide you through your little dance. How awful, you were probably cold from standing outside so long…
He'd be a waste of a demon if he didn't warm his master up, but he guessed that it would be appropriate to look for a private room first.
No need to let the pests see how cutely his Master cried for him.
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38riku · 3 years
synopsis: college au! eren visits the library with his friends and manages to score some alone time with his crush (f! reader)
warnings: mdni. smut. penetration. dry humping. public sex. cursing. horny college students.
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“DUDE it’s 1pm during finals week why are we at the library?” eren questioned as he followed behind armin who insisted he had a ‘really good study spot’ since the latter was distracted in their dorm.
“I have to agree with eren on this one. it’s unlikely there’s a study room available.” mikasa, the one tasked with helping eren study, added.
“just trust me guys.” he stated as they entered the library.
their worries and doubts came to light as the building was packed. every table, chair, and workable surface was occupied by students cramming in a semester’s worth of knowledge in a day or less.
“hey y/n!” armin beamed as he waved toward the girl who pulled a cart of books. “working during finals week?”
“hey armin and yes, this is the busiest time of the year and I get paid extra.”
eren watched as they shared a friendly hug with one another. armin never mentioned her before, and he was his best friend. the two of them lived together for crying out loud.
“we were hoping to get some last minute studying in but it seems everyone else had the same idea.” the blond admitted sheepishly causing his two friends to snort at him playing coy.
but, y/n only laughed, gesturing to the amount of people in the building. “yeah, no kidding. i would think someone as smart as you knew that beforehand.”
she ushered for the three of them to follow her. armin went ahead, engaging in a conversation with the girl, while mikasa and eren walked behind.
“you know the girl in my philanthropy class I was talking about?” he spoke, his voice audible to only mikasa who nodded.
eren gushed about a girl in his philanthropy class at least three times a week. armin and mikasa advised him to asked her out. admiring her in secret would get him nowhere.
it didn’t take mikasa long to figure out what he was saying. her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape when she realized y/n must be the same girl he’s been pinning.
“here we are! just don’t trash the place ok?” y/n smiled as she opened the door with the words ‘authorized personnel’ on the front. “i got to get back to work. good luck you three!”
with that she went the way they came and they piled in the break room. it was decently sized with a small kitchen, two tables, and a bathroom on the side.
“told you I had a spot.” armin boasted as he sat at one of the tables, unloading his supplies from his backpack. “she usually doesn’t leave until around eight or nine. is that enough time?”
eren didn’t say anything, leaving mikasa to nod in response as she too took out the required materials for them to work.
two hours in they improved in one subject. eren passed the practice tests his professor posted, armin flies through his flash cards, and mikasa can hold a decent conversation in french.
tired and in need of recharge mikasa and armin offered to get snacks, leaving eren in the break room alone to take a power nap.
at least that’s what he said.
standing up, he stretched his tired limbs and made his way out of break room in search for a certain brown skin girl.
he found her on the second floor in the cultural history section. she stood on a rickety stool to reorder the books.
he admired her for a moment. the sunlight from the windows casted a golden glow on her figure. adding to her natural ethereal appearance. her skirt showed off her legs, her skin looked soft, pliable. he wondered just how easily she’d bruise.
“you need some help?” he questioned, keeping a bit of distance not to startle her.
“ah, no thanks. this is the-” she was cut off as the stood started to wobble and in a fit of panic she lost her footing.
eren extended his arms, allowing her to fall on him instead of the carpeted floor.
she started to ramble apologies, making sure she didn’t elbow him or step on his shoes as a result of her clumsiness.
he couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. she was close, close enough for him to smell her hair, the faint scent of coconut wafting in his nose, her skin, a vanilla sweet enough to eat.
his eyes focused on her lips. did her lipgloss have a scent too? was it flavored? he wanted to know.
“oi.” the tone of his voice made her mouth shut instantly. assertive, demanding even. “stop apologizing.”
“but-” she tried to retort but he leaned closer. effectively shutting her up.
“you just don’t listen do you?” his hand ran up and down her sides before squeezing her waist. “you and armin a thing?”
“what? no. he used to mess with my roommate.” she rolled her eyes. “why? you want to fuck me or something?”
eren chuckled at her words, leaning his back against the bookshelf as his thumb continued to rub circles on her hip.
“yeah.” he admitted, cheeks inflamed with an embarrassed blush. he tucked his head in the crook of her neck, mumbling. “but I want to do it right. make you mine first. then mark your pretty self up.”
she slowly closed her thighs as a familiar heat filled her body. the boy she brushed fingers with in class when handing him a pencil. the one that whispered questions in her ear to avoid disrupting the professor.
the one she found devilishly handsome and too attractive for his own good.
“sorry baby, got you all hot and bothered.” his voice was low and sensual, hands intimately exploring her body .
his kisses started at the nape of her neck, moving to her jawline, until he put his lips on hers to stifle her whines.
gently, he switched their position to where her back was against the wall. his body caged her in as he tapped her thighs, signaling her to jump which she obliged.
as she wrapped her legs around his waist he rutted his hips into hers, groaning into the kiss as he felt her arousal.
his mind went blank as she started to grind herself on his erection, breathily moaning at the friction.
“f-fuck you want this?”
he watched as y/n nodded, not stopping the pull and push of her legs as frustrated tears littered her waterline. the sight of her coming blissfully undone caused him to reattach their lips in a fit of desperation and uncontrolled lust. his tongue infiltrating the space and claiming his dominance.
using the wall as leverage he bunched up her skirt in one hand, the other moving her underwear to the side to reveal her soaking cunt. he lazily pumped his finger in and out, relishing the way she squirmed against him.
a trail of saliva connected them as he broke away to watch his ministrations. “so tight, gonna add another ok?”
he quickened his pace, curling his fingers to elicit an array of whimpers from her. “that’s it baby, stretch for me.” his thumb rubbed circles on her clit as tears slid down her cheeks out of pleasure.
removing his fingers he stuffed them in her mouth, watching her devour her own slick. he wanted the sight engraved in his memory.
he lowered his sweats enough to free himself from his boxers. “you want it pretty girl?”
“beg for it.”
he half expected her to say no to his request. but, to his delight, she didn’t. “please eren I need you to fill me up. only you. i need you here.” using a free hand she guided his dick to her pulsating heat, running it along her folds as they moaned in sync.
satisfied, eren started to sink in the warmth and plushness of her body. his hands had a bruising grip on her thighs, lip caught between his teeth as he focused hard not to cum.
“holy shit.” he breathed out as he pulled back just to ram back at in, setting a slow yet brutal pace. capturing her lips in yet another kiss. this one sloppy, swallowing each other’s whines, grunts, and groans.
her legs started to tremble in his hold, “e-eren-”
“you better fucking cum on my dick.” he interjected, sweat littering his forehead as he continued to pound into her with calculated thrust.
“it’s yours,” he whispered sweetly with a gentle lick on the shell of her ear. his change from demanding to sweet caused her to cry out his name, muffled by his lips, as she unraveled.
“and you. are. all. mine.” each word was punctuated with a thrust as he pulled out, splattering the mess on her thighs.
silence ensued as they caught their breaths. eren had hearts in his eyes as he looked at her; fluttering brown eyes, tear stained cheeks, plump lips swollen, and a trail of dark bruises from her collar bone to her neck.
“you’re so pretty y/n.” he stated, gathering the mess he made on her thighs with his fingers.
with glazed eyes she lolled her tongue out, cleaning it up and swallowing with no complaints. his lovesick stare intensified at her actions. “you’re driving me crazy.”
fixing her up, she recovered after a few minutes and the first thing she did was hit his arm. hard.
he didn’t take it personally, from her puffed out cheeks and pout he could tell she was flustered.
“we’re going out when your shift is over. on me.” he smiled and as much as she wanted to be upset with him, she couldn’t.
“whatever.” tucking the damned stool that started it all under her arm, she tried to walk past him only to be pulled in for a quick kiss.
“don’t make me fuck that attitude out of you.”
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and scene. feedback always welcomed since this is my first time writing smut. thanks for reading <3 riku
© 2021 38riku. all rights reserved.
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24hlevi · 3 years
Squid game characters react to s/o who smiles for the first time
im posting this bc im in need of fluff and im sure you all are too after all my angst posts recently w/ squid game so here <3
Squid Game Characters Reaction To Their S/o Smiling For The First Time
Squid Game Characters (Gi-Hun [456], Sangwoo [218], Sae-Byeok [067], & Junho X Gn!Reader
Gi-Hun [456]:
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- gihun was starting to get worried that you didn’t like him with how many jokes he made that failed to make you laugh and even smile
- but one day, he made a joke/pickup line that he thought would make you laugh and so he told it to you when you got home from a stressful day at work
- “hey, y/n, why did i lose my heart? because you stole it!” he said to you with a wide smile on his face
- a smile lit up across your lips as well which surprised gihun as he hadn’t seen you smile even before
- he got so much more happier that he ran up to you and hugged you
- “i made you smile! that means you don’t hate me, right?!”
- he would then keep coming up with terrible pickup lines just to keep telling you them so that he would see you smile more
- but he wouldn’t mind if it took more time for it to happen, he is perfectly fine with knowing he at least made you smile once!
Sangwoo [218]:
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- we all know sangwoo doesn’t smile basically at all so he really wouldn’t give a shit if you didn’t either
- so he didn’t try to make you smile either, it just happened naturally one day
- he was out on the porch smoking a cigarette early in the morning and you had woken up because of it when you walked out and took the cigarette away from him and took a hit of it yourself before saying “y’know smoking can kill you.” and then smiling
- let me tell you my man was shook to the point that all he could say was
- “that’s very attractive of you.”
- since then he would tell you when he’s going on smoke breaks if you both were together at the moment in hopes of seeing you smile again which he didn’t even realize
- he was whipped for you from that point on and he didn’t even know which you thought was funny especially when you told him and he just denied it over and over again
- but he knew he was, he couldn’t help it </3
Sae-Byeok [067]:
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- saebyeok didn’t care much about if you didn’t smile or laugh around her, but there was still a tiny piece of her that would be sad about it despite being the same herself
- she didn’t try to figure out ways to make you smile but then she came up with the idea of kissing you for the first time and seeing how it went
- so while you two were sitting inside your place on the couch and talking, saebyeok suddenly just stopped your talking by kissing you
- and when she pulled away, the first thing she saw was a smile plastered on your face, resulting in her smiling back
- “i guess i’ll just have to kiss you a lot so i can see that smile more.”
- she wasn’t lying, she really did that so it would work which is very hot of her
- but eventually she would try and find different ways to make you smile more after seeing how beautiful your smile was and because she wanted to see it more
- this would also cause saebyeok to smile a lot more too, because seeing your smile makes her smile despite how much she denies it
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- junho is another one who thought you didn’t like him genuinely which made him really sad because he thought the reason was his job
- so he took a “vacation” for two weeks when it was him staying at home with you the whole time
- junho got you to smile when you came home from wherever and he had made you a full course meal all by himself with a smile on his face as he stood in the dining room with his hands open, gesturing to the table that was filled completely with food and wine
- “i made you this dinner because i love you, and i hope you love me too.”
- he really thought you didn’t like him so please reassure him that you do or else he’ll do this everyday and won’t stop until he knows completely
- he would be so happy that he got you to smile with this idea and that it worked so every two weeks, junho would take the day off work and make a full meal like that day so you both can be reminded of when you first smiled and when he knew that you did love him
- he would try other ways to make you smile and every time it worked, he would write it down so he knows how to make you smile for literally everything :( he’s so sweet
- junho would always work so hard just to make you smile because he loves seeing it so much that he can’t help but have to work his hardest just so he can see it once more
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