#deliver punishment and finds entertainment in it- just like how he would reward an honest warrior
darabeatha · 10 months
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@predeition said ; Can Ashmi and I marry all your muses / from : 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃
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#predeition#SHE AND U CAN!#WOE HUSBANDS BE UPON YE!!!#U KNOW IT SAM!! u could lit knock down my door and be like; top 10 men#and i would be like; yes ma'am right away#if i must say so; i hand picked them myself which tbh i dont know if that says something about me having a good or horrendous taste OIRUTOI#BOTH!!#WHAT are the chances that a.shmi is married to the god of night; darkness; conflict & war?#no okay but since ur giving me the opportunity; allow me to blabber about the rest of my muses with a.shmi#umm umm umm umm i think a.shmi and t.ezca could be like; a really hot idea#-twirls hair- there is something about something as crude and raw as justice clashing with a god who's all about duality#t.ezca tests the hearts of men; rewards justice yet just as he does this; he also tempts men#f.go t.ezca also finds this entertaining on itself#so im thinking about a.shmi being forced to take upon this role vs someone who is in a position to#deliver punishment and finds entertainment in it- just like how he would reward an honest warrior#ALSO THE IMAGE OF A JAGUAR AND A TIGER SLAPS HARD#i think that if she were to want to snap his neck it would be so understandable#i think he would find her story to be very interesting; u have a lazy cat tagging along and pulling at her strings to watch how she'll reac#also im unsure of how much tunglr will cut my tags but i'll quickly mention#a.shmi and a.shwatthama's rage??? hot#also turbo biased on c.onstantine so that's her gentle husband who fixes her house's doors and cabinets#im also absolutely biased over a.jurna so umm?? prince arju?? and a.shmi?? arranged marriage??#u mentioned how you wanted miss a.shmi to be romanced and im trying to think about my absolute rizzlords and#agh! my mind is blank rn but im sure i have them!! i know s.aito can be pretty smooth#i dont wanna give her g.il bc- why would u do that to urself OITHRUHGURDGD#but yeah lit anyone on any of my blogs;; go wild
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
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Welcome to EverythingTimeless’ Weekly Roundtable, a sprawling discussion in which your friendly neighborhood Mod Time Team breaks down episodes of our favorite show, Timeless. We can’t promise to be coherent, but we’ll try our best. 
This week: Season 1, Episode 2 - The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Sarah: Friends, family, Time Team. We are gathered here today. To talk about Robert Todd Lincoln. (Right? That’s what we’re here to talk about?) 
Kate: Can I say it is still to soon even if I was supposed to be prepared to? Because, RTL. 
Gissane: That’s exactly what I signed up for. I also think we should make a fan club. Posters. Tees. Mugs. ALL THINGS RTL.
Ann: Girls, we must be PROFESSIONALS about this now. We are SERIOUS bloggers. So we can only squee over Dreamboat Lincoln in due order of the episode conversation.(Also maybe set up a side-side RTL appreciation blog?)
Kate: Maybe? Definitely.
Sarah: Decorum is the name of the game. (What do you think - Robert Toddless? Thinkin’ Lincoln? Todd Team?)
Gissane: Todd Team. YES. Can we be the Todd Team?
Kate: Alright, perhaps we gather what is left of our dignity and start at the top of the episode. I shall begin with the brave opinion that John Wilkes Booth is a toady dumpster fire of a human.
Sarah: Opinion super sustained.
Ann: I always appreciate the complete and utter loathing he inspires.
Gissane: Agreed. Very much agreed.
Sarah: It really does quickly pull you into the episode - something so recognizable and startling.
Ann: It absolutely does.
Kate: Like every time I see Titanic and think they will avoid the huge chunk of floating ice, I saw it and was still somehow shocked he was assassinated? Timeless knows how to deliver the drama, even when we see it coming.
Gissane: Yup, because on a show like this, we somehow hope that it can happen, but at the same time, we know that it shouldn’t. And a huge part of that drama was that amazing debate among the Time Team. It breaks me every single time.
Ann: Well and there is the *actual* chance they can change history, they could right a wrong. And even if we know that would royally fuck up so much more, a part of us still wants to save Abraham Lincoln, you know?
Kate: I love that the team members each have a voice though. Like a passionate though respectful debate about changing the entire course of history because how do you pass up the chance to save Abraham Lincoln?
Gissane: Always save Lincoln. Always.
Sarah: Well, Rufus’s point of view actually makes me cry.Because for him the ramifications of Lincoln’s death are so rooted in his oppression.
Kate: Rufus always providing such an important representation of a perspective rarely entertained.
Sarah: And seeing the hope in the soldier’s eyes as they talked about freedom - devastating.
Ann: That scene where the soldiers asked him to write letters for them? I cried.
Kate: And the whole while Rufus knows what is coming for them historically, so then when he might have a chance to save Abraham which would go a long way in saving them all? Gahhhhh. I am undone.
Gissane: It literally doesn’t matter how many times I watch this episode, I will choke up like a baby every time. I don’t think any episode has gotten to me as much as this has, to be honest.
Sarah: Right Kate - Lucy idolizes Lincoln, Wyatt sees saving Lincoln as proof that fate can and should change - which would in turn save his wife. But to Rufus, he still lives with a piece of that. 
And agreed so much, Giss. One of the soldiers - who had fought for the country, for his freedom - hasn’t seen his wife since she was sold. Timeless took this Lincoln episode seriously, and it shows. 
Kate: Rufus is the character that won’t allow us to conveniently forget the implications of history. HE IS SO IMPORTANT.
Gissane: I feel like we’ll say this every week, but I love how unapologetic this show is in regards to painting the ugliest sides of history to remind viewers of just how awful it was and essentially still is at times.
Sarah: Yes and yes.
Ann: It’s scary how much these lessons both still resonate and beg to be learned, you know?
Gissane: I love that even though we can definitely mess with history, the show still sticks to telling us truths that we may have forgotten upon learning or that may have been concealed from the textbooks.
Kate: Both, so so much Annie. 
Let us take a sojourn to another important little piece of the episode. In which the impeccable Jiya offers to help Lucy figure out what happened to her sister.
Sarah: Here. For. Lady. Friendship.
Gissane: You mean in the second episode of a show two women had a conversation that didn’t revolve around a man!?And it was done so effortlessly, you could tell right away that because both these women are incredibly kind, they’d get along perfectly with one another.
Kate: Meanwhile Conner “I have the sympathy of a plastic bag” Mason is all like, ummm sorry bout your sister maybe not really.
Gissane: Connor “No Chill, No Grace” Mason.
Sarah: Someone did not attend Mason Industries sensitivity training. 
Kate: It tickles me that every time the Time Team returns and reports a disturbance in the history force that Denise and Connor are all like, whatttt? Nooooo. How?!?!?! 
Ann: I also live for Denise’s face every time Connor speaks.
Gissane: She is all of us.
Kate: She wants to hit him so hard. Upside the head, really quickly and repeatedly.
Sarah: Can you imagine, though, finding out that not only is your sister just…not in existence…but the man who you thought was your father was, in fact, not your father…and then you are pushed into a small deathtrap and flung back to the assassination of your country’s greatest leader?
Kate: Also she is engaged to a stranger. Lucy has way more composure than pretty much anyone ever.
Gissane: And we can talk about how Wyatt slams Connor about being a little more sensitive. But in all seriousness, if I was Lucy, I’d lose my head in a heartbeat. Actual QUEEN.
Ann: Oh I would have crumbled immediately, if not sooner. I would have traveled back in time to crumble sooner probably.
Kate: This is where Wyatt really begins to take a stand for his team and I love it. First with assuring Lucy that they would fix the timeline and get her sister back. Then with Rufus, building up his self confidence.
Gissane: YES. I love his moments with Rufus too much to be able to form words.
Kate: Wyatt started becoming more than just a super pretty face with a head that rocks a hat like nobody’s business this episode.
Sarah: It also begins one of my favorite pieces of this stupid (wonderful) show - which is Wyatt helping Lucy with her seat belt. (And Wyatt’s perpetual motion sickness.) 
Ann: Sarah no.
Kate: Yes Sarah. YESSSSSSS. Yep. 
Sarah: I don’t know what I did in a past life to be punished? rewarded? thusly. But I curse and praise some deity.
Ann: I swear to god every time I put on a seatbelt now I am pissed as hell that it’s my hands and not Wyatt Logan’s adjusting the strap for safety.
Kate: Wyatt Logan is the sear belt fastener we all deserve.
But also, and finally going back to where we feverishly began. Lucy and RTL. Going to the Ford Theater. Making eyes at each other. DISCUSS.
Gissane: THE WAY HE WALKS IN. Just. I need to go lay down.On a serious note though, the thing that gets to me is how proud he is to be Abraham Lincoln’s son. He doesn’t feel pressured to live in the shadow, he appreciates it. An absolute babe with a heart of gold? I cannot handle. 
Sarah: It is a beautiful thing.
Kate: I will never get over the anguish in his face when he found Lucy outside of the theater.
Sarah: I think all of it is so lovely in setting this scene - it’s a story we (or, well, we as Americans in this chat) know well. But he helps to humanize it. All of the small details - including the mailroom and the dimly lit theatre and trying to avoid the show (or help Ulysses avoid the show).
Kate: I feel like we think of Abraham Lincoln as ours, you know? Leader of a country through one of the most tumultuous times in our history. But he belonged to others, and this show allowed us to see the imitate cost.
Gissane: Oh man. I have chills. 
Sarah: Yes, Kate. 
Gissane: KATE. SARAH. Wow.
Sarah: Even seeing Ford’s Theatre now, it’s hard to place it back to that time. But I think that Timeless really succeeds. All while weaving an interesting story and building this new relationship between our 3 main nuggets.
Gissane: The first time I ever passed by Ford’s Theatre. I couldn’t describe that feeling even if I tried.
Kate: Yes. It gives new breath and dimension to characters or stories we felt we knew, and draws us into the new stories of this team.
Sarah: There’s a Sephora about 300 feet from Ford’s Theatre now, so it really is worlds removed. It also created a high stakes mission. 
There were several moments where I thought, “Oh damn. Lucy is going to save Lincoln.” And Lucy had to make the choice (Though, in that moment, the chaos made it impossible to save him anyway. And here we see Fate in action once again.)
Gissane: But I also love that she clearly tried towards the end, but it was too late. It was just not meant to be I guess. IT HURTS. 
Kate: And considering she was in the box when it happened. How traumatic. Lucy Preston is so damn strong I cannot.
Sarah: SO strong. (Of course RTL sees that and comes to her immediately after…)
Kate: A small aside. Garcia. We don’t know him yet, his motivations, his past. It is jarring to be attached to him  now (because damnit I am) and go back and see him at his most detached.
Sarah: He was outright terrifying. He killed Lincoln point blank, no hesitation. 
Kate: But I swear there was regret in his eyes when he shot Lincoln, so this is when I started wondering just what the hell he was up to. Or maybe I imagined it because he has really pretty eyessssss.
Gissane: But I feel like Flynn is the kind of man who’d look up to Lincoln in one way or another. If there’s one president that could win even the cruelest hearts, it’s Lincoln.
Sarah: True, Giss.Which makes his desperation all that much more apparent.
Well, friends and Todd Teamers. Final thoughts? 
Kate: Other than poor Lucy, she goes from watching the president be assassinated to an engagement party to a man she is just meeting? Time Travel Whiplash, my friends
Gissane: After this episode, I became Timeless trash. There was no turning back.
Sarah: Mostly I think they’ve started to really carve a few important paths for the show: There seem to be no stakes too high for Garcia. Fate appears to be unavoidable. And time is malleable. 
I cannot wait to see what timeline our friends mess up next - and hopefully we get some Amy-related answers? P.S. I would also not cry about seeing Wyatt shirtless again
Kate: Until Atomic City, location Trash Vegas, my friends.
Gissane: Good day, darling souls! 
Kate: (On to dream about Wyatt shirtless, thanks muchly!) 
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