#U KNOW IT SAM!! u could lit knock down my door and be like; top 10 men
darabeatha · 10 months
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@predeition said ; Can Ashmi and I marry all your muses / from : 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃
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#predeition#SHE AND U CAN!#WOE HUSBANDS BE UPON YE!!!#U KNOW IT SAM!! u could lit knock down my door and be like; top 10 men#and i would be like; yes ma'am right away#if i must say so; i hand picked them myself which tbh i dont know if that says something about me having a good or horrendous taste OIRUTOI#BOTH!!#WHAT are the chances that a.shmi is married to the god of night; darkness; conflict & war?#no okay but since ur giving me the opportunity; allow me to blabber about the rest of my muses with a.shmi#umm umm umm umm i think a.shmi and t.ezca could be like; a really hot idea#-twirls hair- there is something about something as crude and raw as justice clashing with a god who's all about duality#t.ezca tests the hearts of men; rewards justice yet just as he does this; he also tempts men#f.go t.ezca also finds this entertaining on itself#so im thinking about a.shmi being forced to take upon this role vs someone who is in a position to#deliver punishment and finds entertainment in it- just like how he would reward an honest warrior#ALSO THE IMAGE OF A JAGUAR AND A TIGER SLAPS HARD#i think that if she were to want to snap his neck it would be so understandable#i think he would find her story to be very interesting; u have a lazy cat tagging along and pulling at her strings to watch how she'll reac#also im unsure of how much tunglr will cut my tags but i'll quickly mention#a.shmi and a.shwatthama's rage??? hot#also turbo biased on c.onstantine so that's her gentle husband who fixes her house's doors and cabinets#im also absolutely biased over a.jurna so umm?? prince arju?? and a.shmi?? arranged marriage??#u mentioned how you wanted miss a.shmi to be romanced and im trying to think about my absolute rizzlords and#agh! my mind is blank rn but im sure i have them!! i know s.aito can be pretty smooth#i dont wanna give her g.il bc- why would u do that to urself OITHRUHGURDGD#but yeah lit anyone on any of my blogs;; go wild
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Feel Good
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 2,817
Warnings: lots o drinking (its new years!), mentions to being nervous/self-doubt, drunk sam wilson, perhaps some smooching idk guess u gotta read it man
A/N: ngl I have like 4 cheek to cheek one shots that I wrote yesterday instead of working on school work or art commissions so lets enjoy this before that motivation spark dies okay enjoy my two fav ppl ever
“Agent 51, stay behind, please.”
You meet Sam’s eye, confused for two reasons - this was supposed to be a quick debriefing after a mission, and he’s never called you out specifically before. You give him a nod and obligatory Yes, Captain before making eyes with Sharon, who gives you a quick smile before exiting the room with the other agents. That doesn’t give you anything. Is there already another mission? But if there was another mission, wouldn’t Sharon have stayed? Wouldn’t Bucky be here? Does it involve Bucky? Does-
“I want you to start training with the other recruits when they begin next week.” Sam informs you once the door closes behind the last person.
This Friday is New Year’s Eve, meaning Monday begins the seven-week training led by Sergeant Barnes for wannabe Avengers Agents, before whoever remains continues on to undercover and psychological training with Sharon and other legendary retired agents of the field.
“Are you... sure?” You didn’t think there was a problem with the training you were currently doing with Sam, in fact, you thought you were doing pretty good for someone who hasn't followed a strict workout regimen in ten years. This would be the first time being around so many people with a greater chance of interacting. All of the meetings you go to have made you a little more comfortable with larger crowds, but you haven’t actually spoken to anyone.
“You know your file well?”
“Then, yes, I’m sure.”
“I want you to continue your training with me on the weekends, though.” Sam adds.
Working out seven days a week? I might’ve considered prison if I knew this was a part of the deal.
“Won’t all of that all the time be hard?” You offer, suddenly scared for your biceps and hamstrings.
“Are you asking me if training to become a team member of the Avengers is hard?” Sam gives you a pointed look.
“...Right.” You stand, assuming that was all he had to tell you about.
“Also, there’s a little party Friday night. Nothing crazy, just me, Sharon, Bucky, Sharon and I are bringing some dates, maybe a few agents, but they usually go out and party. They don’t want to hang out with us more than they already have to around here.” He mentions as you reach the door.
Your hand pauses on the knob. A party. What if they pull some Carrie shit on you?
“A party?” You ask, eyebrows failing to conceal your silent fears as they tilt upward at him.
“I promise, it won’t be anything insane. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I didn’t think it was something you could handle.” He reassures.
Friday comes sooner than you’d hoped, and your anxiety still lingers, as much as you’d hoped it’d go away by now. You glance at the time, 8:00 in the evening. This was the time Sam told you everything would more or less be starting, but that you could go whenever you wanted, if you wanted.
You’ve actually been ready for about an hour, just too scared to go to the common area where everything was taking place.
You feel like you’re a teenager again; being invited to an event where you feel as though you won’t belong. An event where you know that everyone is so drastically different than you. You wonder how you would feel if you were different; if you weren’t so fucked up with trauma. Would you be a party person? Drinking and dancing through your twenties? Hooking up with men and women, maybe even having relationships?
You’re dressed in a short lilac romper, layers of silky ruffles around the tops of your thighs, and thin straps across your shoulders that cross against your back. The neckline is a tad low, a complimenting V that you’ve filled with layers of necklaces. Nude platforms put you about two inches taller without the fear of a heel, and you’re nervously picking at your recently painted green fingernails in anticipation for what the night will bring.
It’s not too late to not go. You can just tell Sam you ended up not feeling well, tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. not to let anyone bother you. Just take all these clothes off and put on your pajamas, and we can pretend you haven’t been thinking about this night for the last three days and spent all day thinking about what you’re going to wear, how you’re going to act, reviewing your file just in case anyone asks you anything - we can just pretend you were going to be staying in the whole time.
You stand to begin slipping the straps from your shoulders, mind made up, when a knock sounds at the door.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., who is that?” You whisper out.
“It’s Sergeant Barnes, Agent.” The A.I. relays in an equally hushed voice.
You sigh and walk over to the door before opening it a few inches.
“Hey! You look so cute! Party’s getting started, let's go!” He steps back out to the hallway, an excited smile on his face which drops when he focuses more on the frown that decorates your own face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, immediately stepping back towards you.
“... I’m nervous.” You all but whimper out. Why do you have to be such a baby?
“Why are you nervous?” Bucky asks, his voice calm as he genuinely wants to know what’s troubling you, not an accusatory tone found in his voice.
“Because there’s going to be a lot of people, and I don’t know anyone, and I’ve never been to these kinds of parties, or at least I haven’t in, like, a decade.” You ramble, exasperated with yourself.
“Would it make you feel better if I stayed with you the whole night? Either here or down at the party?” He offers, ready to give up one of his favorite nights for you.
“Bucky, I’m not going to make you -”
“You’re not making me, I’m offering. Besides, Sam’s all over the girl he brought and Sharon’s halfway drunk with her little boyfriend; they’re not going to be much fun for me tonight.” Bucky justifies, sounding like the eldest of three having to deal with their younger siblings.
“C’mon, you’re really gonna waste a dress like that? And your hair looks all nice! And - wait a minute, are those new earrings?” Bucky butters you, showering you with compliments in a sweet tone, metal hand reaching out to touch at the earrings hanging from your ears, the small tink sounding right in your ear.
A girlish giggle escapes you at his teasing. “Alright, alright, you’ve convinced me. But you promise you don’t mind staying with me all night?”
“I promise, there’s no one else I’d rather spend the night with.”
The common area isn’t how you expected it to be; there’s definitely more people than Sam promised there’d be, but it’s not the thousands of strangers you’d imagined in your head.
“Let’s get a drink,” Bucky’s deep voice speaks in your ear, and you’re not sure if it's his voice that makes you shiver or his warm hand in yours, but the two of you make your way to the bar.
“What do you drink?” He asks you, after ordering the name of some drink for himself.
“Uhm - I don’t, I don’t know.” You mutter to him. He scans your face for a second before rattling off the name of some other drink to the person behind the bar.
You never really drank; sure, you had the shitty beer as a teenager or perhaps a celebratory shot during your time in the Navy, but nothing you remember explicitly. You weren’t even old enough to drink in the Navy, you had turned twenty-one when you were already with HYDRA.
“Are you excited?” Bucky interrupts your thoughts of lost childhood.
“For the New Year!” Bucky exclaims, and you give him a smile even if you don't understand the hoop-lah.
“Sure?” You offer.
“C’mon! There’s so much opportunity and promise that comes with a new year! A million chances to grow, to experience things, to learn, to have fun. A new chapter for everyone.” He explains.
You smile at his positivity. A new year should be good for you based on his logic. A new chapter. You’d be starting your training. Getting ahead as an agent. Using your powers to help for good. Maybe making friends. Maybe getting closer to Bucky.
The drinks arrive and you appreciate that Bucky knows you so well; the drink in front of you is bright pink, different fruits crowded around the rim with a curly straw sticking out. His is a deeper brown, in a short, crystal glass, figures. Matches his whole dark and emo aesthetic. He stands before you in black jeans and a black buttoned shirt, black leather jacket to sit on top.
You take a sip of your drink and immediately have to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from spitting it out. Am I that much of a lightweight or is there actual gasoline in this?
“Sorry, maybe I should’ve warned you, babe,” Bucky chuckles, amused at your reaction to a mixed drink. “I think there’s, like, four different things in that.” He wants to cringe for you, but all he can do is look at you with a cheeky smile while you struggle to swallow the sip down.
“Christ, Bucky, I’ll blackout by ten at this rate, are all of the drinks like this?”
“Honestly? Probably. Everyone loves getting drunk on New Year’s.”
The night is not nearly as bad as you were thinking it was going to be. The room is lit up in different colored lights and screens; all of the TV’s display the annual countdown in Times Square but are muted so that music can be played the whole night. People are dancing, drinking, laughing, having the most fun you’ve seen people have in a long time. It’s 11:51 now, and everyone’s gathering closer and closer in anticipation for the countdown into the new year.
You and Bucky are gathered together with Sam and Sharon, and their respective dates. You don’t think you’ll let Sam live down how drunk he is; you never thought you’d feel so much joy seeing your Captain slurring his words while making jokes and telling stories.
Sharon leans over to you and whispers, a gentle hand on your arm, “Can you come to the bathroom with me?” A small giggle escaping her because she, too, is equally drunk. You give her a nod and hand your drink to Bucky to watch over while you’re gone.
The bathroom makes your ears buzz with the silence you encounter and Sharon walks over to the mirror to retouch her makeup.
“I just needed a little breather, have you tried the drinks at the bar?” She asks, and you laugh knowing that that’s the reason she, and everyone else at the party, is wasted.
“Yeah, Bucky proceeded to warn me after I had started drinking.” Laughs are shared as she reapplies her lipstick, a bright red shade.
“Do you know who you’re gonna kiss tonight?” She asks, smirk playing on her lips.
Shit, I forgot about that. How awkward would it be if you’re the only one not having a partner to kiss at midnight? Don’t worry, plenty of lame, single, psychotic basket cases that hear voices don’t kiss people on New Year’s Eve!
“Oh, uhm, I probably won’t be kissing anybody.” You inform her with a nervous laugh.
“I think you should kiss Bucky.” She states matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, why not? He’s not here with a date and he surely won’t kiss a stranger. I think last year Sam ended up planting one on him at midnight.” She laughs, a few hiccups interrupting her as she remembers that night.
As much as you want to join her in laughing at the thought of Sam drunkenly grabbing Bucky cheeks at midnight and smooching him, a pit opens up in your stomach at the thought of kissing Bucky.
“C’mon, T-minus five minutes.” Sharon tells you, interlocking her fingers with yours as she drags you back out to the common room.
The two of you rejoin the group and Bucky hands you your drink back, though you don’t feel much like drinking anymore, stomach suddenly knotted up with nerves. You’re torn because you don’t necessarily have a problem not kissing anybody, but now all you can think about is the urge to press your lips against Bucky’s, new year or not.
A husky voice whispers in your ear, “You okay? You look a little pale, you wanna head up to your room?” Bucky looks at you with concerned eyes, willing to go up to your room two minutes before midnight to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.
“I’m… I’m fine.” You reassure him, giving him the most unconvincing smile ever, even you wouldn’t believe you. He silently pulls you away from the group and pulls you into a hallway.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
His pet names are, for once, not helping right now.
You take a large gulp of your drink, stinging a bit, but hopefully it’ll give you some courage and relax you a bit. Bucky chuckles and gently takes the glass from your hand, “Hey,”
“I’m fine, just have some jitters, is all.” You try and convince.
You take the drink back and grab his hand with your open one and take him back out to the open area, a sixty second countdown already starting.
You quickly down the rest of your drink and discard it on a nearby table as the entire room begins chanting. Sam is the loudest, one arm wrapped around the waist of his date and the other wrapped around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky’s smiling at his enthusiasm, yelling the numbers just as loud as he wraps an arm around your shoulders to bring you in closer to the group. Sharon is on the other side of you, but her focus is on her date as they look into each other’s eyes, just waiting for the clock to strike twelve so they can share a kiss.
The ball drops on the TV and the room erupts in cheers and “Happy New Year!”’s. Sam unhooks himself from Bucky and turns to grab his date's face as they share a laugh-filled kiss. You glance at Sharon and you suspect her and her date began sharing kisses a few seconds early. Bucky’s arm is still wrapped around your shoulders and he tugs you closer so you’re face to face.
His grin is wide, “Happy New Year -”
His excitement is interrupted as your courage finally kicks in, and with a hand on either side of his face, you pull him in and press your lips to his.
It takes him less than two seconds to reciprocate, dropping his hands to your waist and pulling you closer as your hands slide from his cheeks to his neck, wrapping themselves around.
There’s no more anxiety. No more nerves. No more doubts or second-thoughts. No more voices, no more people in the room, no more music; it’s just you and Bucky in that moment.
His lips are soft and sweet, a strong taste of the drinks he’s had tonight with a mix of sweetness that’s all him. He smells like man and like Bucky and your senses are overwhelmed in the best way possible. Tingles travel down your spine at the feeling of being so close to him.
You’re so, so, so good. Sure, Bucky’s imagined kissing you, but he never thought it’d feel like this. You’re sweet like cherries and you’re soft all over and your perfume is flooding his nose and it’s all he wants to breathe for the rest of time. Your skin sends sparks of fire through his fingertips as they rest on your bare back and slide down to your silk-covered waist.
You pull away and Bucky sneaks a few extra pecks before pulling away completely, not removing his eyes from yours.
“Happy New Year.” He wishes you with a love-sick smile.
“Happy New -”
“Happy New Year, Tinman!” Sam yelps in both of your ears, arms wrapping around Bucky and disconnecting him from you, but you can’t help but laugh at Sam trying to plant a kiss on Bucky’s cheek while he attempts to wrestle him off.
You feel electricity all over watching him, butterflies not only in your stomach, but all over your body, in every organ, in your bloodstream, in your head, everywhere. But as much as you feel as though you’ve been struck by lightning, you feel good; you feel really good.
A few months ago, you wouldn't have imagined that this is how you were going to be starting the new year. But here you are, and you feel good.
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star-spangled-steve · 5 years
His New Partner
Chapter 17: The Emergency Visit
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1846
Warnings: Some sadness, a heavily injured Steve, mentions of violence, a bit of fluff, light cussing.
A/N: This is Chapter 17 out of 50, meaning that this series is now officially a third of the way done!
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“Excuse me, sorry!” Y/N exclaimed left and right while she scurried down the hallways of the busy hospital in Washington. “My bad!” She winced as she accidentally bumped butts with some middle-aged lady. Yes, she was aware that several people might recognize her, due to her personal fame, but right now she simply didn’t care. It was an emergency. 
Y/N finally approached the counter, banging her hands on it a few times to get the receptionist’s attention. “Hi, hi, hello.”
“Oh, boy. Calm down, dear.” The lady at the desk instructed, trying to relax the trembling actress. “What can I do for you?”
“U-Um, Steve Rogers. Which room is he in?” Y/N asked, eyes darting all around the crowded space. She could see some people staring at her and taking out their phones, but decided to ignore it.
“Oh yes, yes.” The woman nodded, searching around her desk to find the specific papers. “I was informed that you’d be showing up, Miss Y/L/N.” She eventually located the document, bringing her glasses down from where they rested on the top of her head and putting them on for real. “He’s in room 228.”
“Thanks!” Y/N said rather loudly as she started to jog to the destination.
“No running in here!” The woman called from behind the counter, making the younger girl stop in her tracks.
“Right, sorry.” She sucked on her bottom lip with nervousness, heading more slowly down the hallway this time.
When Y/N first received the call that Steve was in the hospital, she didn’t entirely believe it. He went on dangerous missions all the time and never came out with anything more than a couple scratches or bruises. He was Captain America; reckless, and restless, and the owner of muscles that seemed like they were made of vibranium. Surely he couldn’t get too hurt. Right?
And the evidence was clear by the almost million machines that were hooked up to Steve’s injured body, a fact that Y/N noticed right as soon as she burst through the door.
“Oh my-Steve.” She covered her mouth with her hands at the sight of him.
“Hey, princess.” He gave her a small smile. “What are ‘ya doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Y/N stepped farther inside the tiny room, throwing her hands up in defeat. “Look at you!”
Even though Steve was the type to deny any pain that he felt, he could agree that today definitely wasn’t his prettiest day. The dark purple bruise that stained his right cheek, the numerous cuts that were scattered across his handsome face. Though, the amount of pain that he felt from it all was nothing compared to how pained Y/N felt just seeing him like this.
“Who hurt you?” She questioned softly with a frown.
“You don’t know?” Steve furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side, assuming that the whole world had known about his current predicament by now. “Come, sit down, baby.” He said before patting an empty spot next to him on the hospital bed. “What do you know so far?”
“Well,” Y/N began, sitting down just as he told her to. She placed her purse on room’s small table before rubbing a hand on his left forearm, the one without the IV in it. “Tony told me to turn on the news, and I saw those helicarriers go down. A-And they said that you were in one.” She stammered, tears beginning to well up in her eyes at the thought. Steve squeezed her hand, silently urging her to continue. “So I freaked out, we all did actually. The whole team was trying to find a way to c-contact you or contact S.H.I.E.L.D., but no one would give us any real information. U-Until we saw all of those secret files that got leaked to the world, and found out about Hydra b-being actually in S.H.I.E.L.D.” As Y/N wiped her eyes, Steve began to feel guilty for putting through all of this. “I-I said that I was going to head here, to D.C., b-but the team all told me to stay in Manhattan w-where it was safer. It wasn’t until the middle of the night that the hospital called, though all that they had told me was that they found you on the shore, and something about three bullet wounds.” She sniffed and glanced down at her lap, before finally making eye contact with him once again. “I-I was just happy that they found you alive, Stevie.”  
The man gulped, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb in a calming fashion. “I’m so sorry, N/N. Please, don’t cry, doll.”
The girl shook girl head with a small sniffle. “I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, right now.”
Steve shook his head even more forcefully than her, despite the soreness, leaving no more room for argument. “Not when I’m putting you through stress like this.” He glanced down at their connected hands, savouring the sweet moment.
“That’s what people in relationships do, honey.” Y/N told him earnestly, making the Captain smile in response. “I love you, and I’m sticking by your side no matter how much crap you put me through. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” She added with a grin.
Steve chuckled and moved his hand up to her beautiful face, cradling her jaw in a soothing manner. “I wouldn’t dream of getting rid of you, Y/N. I love you too.”
And with that, he pulled her head down to level with his, connecting their lips after them having been apart for so long. Too long. The kiss was gentle, chaste, and filled with love that the couple shared for one another. It was something that they definitely needed to lighten the mood after such a sour couple of days, something extra special. So, what a shame it was that it got interrupted by a hesitant knock on the half-opened door.
“Is this a bad time?” A voice asked from across the small space, making the pair turn their heads towards the sound.
There in the doorway stood a well-built African American man, holding what looked like a fast-food bag and large fountain drink in his hands. He walked across the room in quick strides, setting the items on Steve’s bedside table as Y/N tried to remember him, but couldn’t. He did look familiar, though.
“Kind of, but I’ll forgive you eventually.” The blonde man quipped, removing his hand from Y/N’s cheek and running it down her exposed arm softly. “What’s that?” He asked, gesturing with his chin to bag of food.
“Brought it from the cafeteria.” The other man answered with a shrug. “Figured that it’ll be better than whatever crummy hospital supper that they decide to serve you.”
“Thank you.” Steve smiled before lightly squeezing Y/N’s arm. “I don’t think that you two know each other yet.”
“Oh, I definitely know her.” The dark-haired man chuckled. “She’s a big star!”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She stuck out her hand with a laugh.
“Sam Wilson.” He responded before shaking her hand.
“My new wingman.” Steve remarked with a small nod, making the two turn to him. “This is a good guy right here.”
“Ohh.” Y/N finally realized where she recognized Sam from and pointed to him. “I saw you on the news with Steve, fighting the bad guys. You had the wings, right?”
“Yes, that would be me.” Wilson crossed his arms over his chest with pride.
“Well then, I must thank you for keeping his dumb ass out of too much trouble.” The girl joked, looking over to her injured boyfriend with a silly grin.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Steve said with a roll of his eyes, before teasingly poking Y/N’s side and making her squirm away with a tiny giggle. “Really though, thank you, Sam. We couldn’t have pulled any of this off without you.” He stated.
The airman nodded his head, seeing the uttermost sincere expression on Steve’s face. “You’re very welcome, Cap. Anytime you need me.” Sam moved back towards the door, giving the couple a quick wave. “I’ll leave you two alone.”
“Bye.” Y/N waved kindly as well before turning back to her boyfriend, running her fingers through his messy blonde locks.
“You met him at work?” She assumed.
“No.” Steve replied, running one of his large hands over her thigh slowly. “I met him on a morning run, he actually used to serve as well, works at the VA now.”
Y/N nodded in understanding, before quirking her head to the side. “And where do you work now? S.H.I.E.L.D. is like...”
“Gone.” He finished for her. “Destroyed.”
“So, d-does that mean-?”
“I’m coming home, darling.” Steve smiled at the sudden realization.
Y/N’s face instantly lit up, her smile wide and teeth on display. “Oh, thank god!” She squealed in delight, placing several joyous kisses on his non-damaged cheek, followed by one big one on his lips.
“Woah, woah, easy there, babydoll.” Steve chuckled as she nearly shook the bed with all her movement, now lying halfway overtop of him. “I may have fast healing, but I’m not invincible.”
“Sorry.” Y/N giggled, sitting up once again. “I’m just so happy.”
“Me too.” He grinned. “And considering that it’s been way too long since I’ve last shared a bed with you...” Steve pulled back the covers of his current one, gesturing for her to get underneath them. 
“What? Steve-“ Y/N began to protest, not wanting to accidentally hurt him even more.
“C’mon, N/N. There’s enough room for the both of us.” He smirked, patting the white sheets.
“No, there’s not!” She laughed. “You alone barely fit in there.”
“Well too damn bad.” Steve shrugged, gripping Y/N’s waist and pulling her closer to him.
She squealed in surprise, silently wondering how he was so strong even in this state of injury. “Fine.” The girl huffed before finally giving in, taking off her shoes and getting underneath the covers.
It was a tight squeeze inside the single bed, that’s for sure. But Y/N laid on her side and they eventually managed to make it work.
“Mmm.” She hummed. “It is nice sharing a bed with you again, I almost forgot how warm you are.”
Steve chuckled, rubbing his hand up and down her clothed back. “See? Things will go just back to normal.”
“A little different though, now that Nick’s gone.” Y/N said with a frown. Even though she didn’t know Fury that well, he was still very nice to her whenever they saw each other.
Now Steve, on the other hand, just realized that Y/N still didn’t know that Nick’s death was fake. She wasn’t aware that his neighbour, ‘Kate’, was actually a secret agent assigned to protect him. Him beating up ten guys in an elevator was something that would definitely blow her away, and would turn her on, Steve thought to himself. But most importantly, Bucky still being alive was a fact that she hadn’t found out yet. A big, big fact.
“Ya,” the Captain sighed, “you and I have a lot of catching up to do.”
Next Chapter
Feedback is always welcome!❤️
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nixie-deangel · 6 years
I would love LOVE a Winter Soldier Steve, Stony AU please!! But like, fluffy and happy. if you could do that, please? Thank you!
Hope you enjoy it! Also, I hope you don’t mind me gifting this to my babe, Kat, who was a HUGE help in sorting out the dozens of ideas I got from this prompt!
Steve wakes to a streets illuminated by artificial lightning of street lamps and buildings still lit up, despite the ridiculously late (or early depending on how you look at it) hour. His breathing is more gasps and wheezes, as he shifts and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. He tries to quell the shivers raking his body, tries to stifle the way his arms shake as a jittery urge plays out under the skin of his hands.
It feels like something he understood once, but he can’t seem to place it now. He thinks maybe he can just sort of remember what it means from before.
Before the fall.
Before the chair.
Before Hydra.
Before he was half of what he could have maybe been once upon a time.
He sits on bed for a long while, trying to remember, to place the feeling as he watches lights flash as builds go dark or light up. But after a while he gives up, angrily tossing the blankets and sheets aside when the answer doesn’t come to him. He pushes himself slowly from the bed, raking his flesh hand through his unruly locks as he pads quietly into his bathroom.
Steve half-heartedly runs through his morning routine of stretches, a quick work out and then heads to the bathroom for a fast shower. He departs his floor and moves swiftly down towards Tony’s lab, to where he knows it’s safe. Stepping up, he lets out a soft, slow breath after placing his right palm on the scanner and the doors open with a soft swoosh.
Stepping through the doors, he feels a tension he couldn’t ever explain leak from his body as eyes immediately flick over to where Tony’s hunched over his desk, muttering to FRIDAY about whatever he’s working on. Standing there for a moment and just watching, Steve feels his mind quiet in a way it hardly does anywhere else in the Tower, before eventually moving over to and drops down onto what had become known throughout the tower as his couch. 
Leaning his head back, gently thumping against the top, he lets his eyes flutter shut, shifting slightly to snuggle down, resting for a while before a gentle beep sounded as if coming closer to him. Lifting his head up, his lips automatically move up into a small, soft smile as Dummy lets out a happy whir while moving towards Steve, a green tennis ball clutched gently in his claw.
“Hey buddy,” he rumbles, voice hoarse and quiet, and reaches over to carefully pluck the ball from Dummy with his flesh hand and tossed it carefully towards the other end of the workshop, opposite to where Tony . Steve can’t help but to let out a breathy chuckle when his eyes skim over the framed hole he’d accidentally put in the first time he’d try playing fetch with Tony’s bots.
(It’d been the first time Steve had well and truly laughed, doubled over and nearly choking on his own breath as his face red, nearly turning purple as he struggled to breath. He remembers Tony beaming and Bucky being shocked into silence before he doubled over alongside Steve. They’d try clutching at one another to keep up right, but ended up sprawled over each other on the floor, still clutching at their sides as they failed to get themselves under control.)
“Hiding from Cap down here, Big Guy?”
Freezing and tensing again at the sudden sound of Tony’s voice filling up the quiet of the workshop, Steve barely has to turn his head to see Tony standing over by his table now and quickly makes his posture relax as he sees Tony’s face scrunching up in concern. It takes another moment of just watching the genius before he remembers he needs to answer the man. “No. Not hiding.” It’s clipped and hoarse and Steve feels his shoulders tensing as he flexes his hands, trying to get the unknown urge to go away.
He watches Tony watch him before the other man gives a small nod as he shrugs his shoulders, “Alright then, big guy.” And with that, Tony goes back to working for just as Dummy whirs right next to Steve, nudging him to once again toss the ball he’s brought back.
He and Dummy play for a bit before Steve let’s out a sigh and turns his head fully to look at Tony, clutching the ball gingerly in his flesh hand and shifts where he’s still seated. Clearing his throat, he waits for Tony to turn and look at him before he starts speaking, “I feel,” he tries to start but snaps his mouth shut. Furrowing his brows, Steve quickly flicks his eyes down to his knees as soon as he sees Tony tilt his head towards Steve’s direction.
Flexing his hands, Steve watches as the ball drops, bouncing twice on the floor before Dummy snatches it up in his claw, whirring once before Tony called out for him to back off. Letting out a sad whir, Steve moves his head enough and watches Dummy move off towards where Butterfingers and U are on the other side of the workshop. He watches the bots for a long moment, trying to stall. Steve swallows around the lump in his throat as he curls his hands into fists, digging his knuckles into the sides of his thighs, and moves back to look at Tony.
“I feel like I need to do something,” he grounds out as he makes himself turn his head to look up at Tony, “My hands, they.” Letting out a deep breath slowly through his nose, Steve takes a moment to try and gather his thoughts, like Tony and Sam were always telling him to do. “I feel like I need to do something with them. Something I use to do before.”
Instead of answering him, Tony lets out a low hum, getting up and walking over to drop down onto the couch next to Steve. His brows furrowed as he brings his hand up, gently tap-tapping against his arc reactor as they sit in a comfortable silence for a bit, letting Steve calm down, the tension leave him again. They relax further into the cushions, Steve tilting sideways, leaning more into Tony’s space and soaks up the other man’s warmth.
“Something you use to do with your hands from before?” Tony moves around, slipping his arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Something you haven’t done since, since before falling from the train?”
Steve nods his head, accidentally knocking against Tony’s chin as he did.
Letting out a hum, Tony and Steve let the room fall quiet again. Steve fiddles with his tee shirt hem, eyes flickering to Tony’s hand still tapping against his chest before moving down to watch as the other man’s foot tapped out a rhythm against the floor.
They sit like that for a bit before Tony’s called back to work and Bucky comes to collect Steve for their morning run with Sam and Natasha.
It’s nearly a week later, when a manic andsleep deprived looking Tony, dark bags under his eyes, scruff along his cheeks,hair unruly as his mismatched clothing —the only indication he’s at leastshowered since the last time Steve saw him— and rushes up to where Steve hadbeen sitting, watching dog cops with Clint, and nearly trips onto the pair ashe flail’s to a stop before them.
Steve shoots up from where he’d been loungingstretched out along the chaise section, his flesh hand gently curving aroundTony’s elbow, while his metal wraps around Tony’s hip and steady’s the manbefore he can fall. “Tony?” Steve’s brow’s scrunching together in concern.
“I know what it is,” Tony calls outexcitedly, hands moving to curl into Steve’s shirt, failing to move Steve as hetries to shake him. “I know what your hands wanted to do! Come on, we gottahead down to the lab. I figured it out and fixed it.”
“Oh,” Steve mumbles, tightening his grip whenTony tries to take a step back but trips over Clint’s foot, from where he’d satup in concern at how manic Tony looked.
“Is he okay?” Clint asks, having snatched upthe remote and pauses the show before frowning up at their resident genius. “Hedoesn’t look good.”
“Just needs to get some sleep,” Steve murmurs,lips pulling down into a more pronounced frown as he stares down at the otherman. “Tony?” Steve calls, attempting to get his attention as he watches the mansway in his hold. “Tony?” Steve tries again when he watches Tony start mumblingand using his free hand to poke at Steve’s pecs.
It takes a few more times of Steve calling hisname, before Tony’s  head snaps up, lips stretching into a beaming grin ashis eyes light up. “Steve! Yes, I know what it is,” he nearly yells excitedly,failing to jump up in excitement. “Come on,” he tugs at Steve’s shirt again.“You gotta come with me,” he pauses as he trails off, eyes moving over to lookdown at Clint. “When did you get here?”
Snorting with a roll of his eyes, Clint turnsfrom frowning at Tony in concern and up at Steve, impish sparkle in his eyes.“You better get your genius to bed, Steve.”
Steve feels his neck heat up as he turns hishead to glare at Clint for a moment. Tugging Tony more firmly into him, Stevestoops down to slip his metal arm under Tony’s knees and the other around hisback, and swings him up into his arms as he stands up. He bites back a fewchoice remarks when Clint cackles as they stride off towards the elevators.
“Come on, T,” Steve mutters softly into theman’s ear as they wait for FRIDAY to open the doors. “Let’s get you to bed, котиться.”
“No,” Tony mutters wiggling until Stevetightened his grip on the man. “We gotta go to the workshop,” he slurssleepily. “Go'a show you I figu’e’ i’ ou’,” he mumbles as his head lulls ontoSteve’s shoulder, eyes fluttering close.
Smiling softly down at the man, Steve resiststhe urge to hold Tony even closer as the doors finally open and he steps in.“Tony’s floor, FRIDAY, please.”
“Of course, Captain Rogers.”
It’s almost into the late evening when Jarvis announceshimself quietly, asking if Steve would please come down to Sir’s workshop, ashis creator has something he’d like Steve to see.
Steve’s dip down into a small frown but he setshis book aside, sharing a quick look with Bucky, who mirrors the look on hisown face, before pushing up from the couch and making his way to the elevatorfor the ride down.
Stepping off, Steve feels his frown deepen ashis eyes flick around the abnormally quiet space until they land on a sectionthat’s been tarpped off. “That wasn’t there yesterday,” he murmurs softly tohimself as he takes half a step towards it before making himself stop and callout loudly, “Tony?”
He hears a small crash, Tony give off a small curseas he slips around the tarp, and Steve can’t help it as his lips twitch up intoa small, mirroring the way Tony’s face lights up when he spots Steve.
“Great, you’re here.” Tony grins as he boundshis way over to Steve. Reaching out, Tony curls his left hand into Steve’sshirt and tugs lightly, making the man follow after him as Tony walks backtoward the closed off area. “So, I figured out what your hands were trying totell you last week. And I,” he pauses to clear his throat, eyes moving down tostare at Steve’s chest instead of his eyes, “And I sort of set up an area foryou. Like. You don’t have to use it or anything, I just. I just wanted to giveyou a space where you could. If you wanted too, I mean.”
Shifting, Tony looks up from beneath hislashes, lips twisting into a small, uncertain smile before continuing on withhis rambles. “And if you want, we can totally move this up to your floor, ifthat would make you more comfortable. I just. Well. You seem like you’re comfortable down here, so I thought. Thought maybeit’d set it up here.”
Reaching up, Steve curls his hands around Tony’sforearms, cutting the genius off before he could continue to babble. “Tony?”
Sucking in a quick breath, Tony gave anotheruneasy smile, “Right, right. Okay, so. Here it is,” he flapped his free handbehind him, finally curling his fingers around the materially and pulling, sothe tarp fell to the floor when he yanked.
Turning his eyes from the man before him, Steveblinks once, twice as he takes in the space. Easels with blank canvas’ sittingon them, a table covered with paints, brushes and sketching pads. Shelving unitsstocked full with supplies lined the walls, while a stool sat before one of theeasels.
(He had a vague memory of sitting in a heavycoat, drawing a monkey dressed as Captain America, riding a unicycle whileheavy rain poured down from dark skies.)
It’s after a moment of strained silence, beforeTony once again launches into another round of barely understandable rambles,dropping his grip on Steve and moving back enough to cause Steve’s hands toslip down his arms, as he moved to flutter around to area as he explained thisand that.
Blinking, Steve feels his chest tighten, hiseyes sting as he sucks in a few quick breathes as he looks around. Taking onetrembling step forward, Steve reaches out with shaking hands to reach out andtug Tony into his chest, wrapping his arms around the man as he hugged himtightly for a long few moments.
“Oh, Steve,” Tony murmurs as he brings hisown arms up to wrap tightly around Steve’s waist. They stay like that for awhile, as Steve lets out shaky, wet breathes against Tony’s neck where he’stucked his face.
Eventually they pull apart, once Steve’s gothimself under control and Tony gives him a tour around the small corner,tapping a plaque that state’s it’s, ‘Steve’s Corner’ with a wiry grin.
Three days later, Steve is happily drawing inhis second sketch pad —having filled the first one up quickly that first night—when Jarvis announces Bucky’s arrival with Sam.
“Hey, Punk, it’s ti-” Bucky starts calls outbefore freezing mid step as he takes in Steve hunched over his pad on thecouch. His eyes widen as his brain finally registers exactly what his eyes areseeing. “Stevie,” he whispers, voice hoarse and thick with emotion.
Snapping his head up, Steve starts to smilebefore his lips turn down in a frown as he watches Bucky’s eyes well withtears, sucking in a breath that turns into a sob half way through.
“The hell?” Sam calls out alarmed as he turns,placing his left hand along the small of Bucky’s back, while he brings hisright up towards his face but pauses. “Bucky? James? What’s wrong, Cap?”
“You’re, you’re drawing again?” Bucky gasps outin between shaky sobs. “Shit, Stevie.”
“What is Capsicle crying about?” Tony asks inalarm as he pops up from behind Sam and Bucky, swinging his head wildly betweenthe pair and Steve, who’s setting his pad aside and pushing up to pad over tothe trio. As soon as he’s close enough, Bucky pushes Sam aside and yanks Steveforward, wrapping him up into a tight hug as he cries into his best friend’sshoulder.
Glancing at the pair, Tony and Sam turn toshare a bewildered look, shrugging slightly before backing away and heading offso the super soldiers could have a private moment.
Just before the elevators close, Tony looksback to catch Steve’s eyes. Sending the man a soft, encouraging smile, Tonygives a quick wiggle of his fingers in a wave just as the doors slide close.
“Weird, right?”
Turning to shoot Sam a look, Tony gave a quicknod. “Yeah,” he agrees softly. “But expected. Steve was,” pausing to shiftbefore glancing at Sam before looking back down at his feet. “It’s the firsttime since everything that Bucky sawSteve doing something from before they joined the Army,” waving his hand about,“Understandable but still, weird.”
“Yeah,” Sam agrees after a moment, nodding. “Stillgonna roast him for the dramatics though.”
Chuckling, Tony nodded.
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
poppy: parenthood
A flower that blooms in the desert
Plance x Kallura Week 2018
Guess Who’s Having a Baby: No seriously…guess
Allura’s phone buzzed and when she looked at the caller her face lit up.
“Hey Katie! What’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” the voice hissed in hushed tones on the other end.
“Why are we whispering?”
Allura looked around. Keith was outside mowing the lawn. She excused herself to the bedroom and shut the door.
“What’s going on?”
“I think I’m pregnant.”
“Ok ok sorry. Are you sure? How do you know?”
“My period has been harder to find than Where’s Waldo.”
“Did you take a test?”
“I have one but I haven’t taken it. I’m scared. I wanna know, but then I don’t” Katie’s voice softened.
“Look come over and you can do it here, I’ll be with you.”
“With Keith there?”
“All the guys are going to the baseball game tomorrow remember? Come then.”
“Ok…ok…thanks Lura.”
“No problem. Everything is going to be ok no matter what.”
“I know, I know. Ok bye.”
The next night Allura and Katie sat in Allura and Keith’s master bathroom waiting for what felt like an eternity. Katie sat on the edge of the bathtub while Allura perched herself on the counter. Katie held the little white stick in her trembling hands.
“Oh my god I see something. A blue line! No, two blue lines! What does two blue lines mean?!”
Allura picked up the box and turned it over, studying the back.
“Well,” Allura said slowly, “we’re having a baby!”
“Oh god…oh god oh god oh god.” Katie leapt up and snatched the box out of her hand, giving it a second look.
“I know it seems scary now, but you guys are gonna be great parents! Motherhood is beautiful and magical!” Allura tried to comfort her.
“If it’s so beautiful and magical why aren’t you and Keith trying?” Katie arched a brow.
“Uh…well…you see, uh…look this isn’t about us right now. How are you going to tell Lance?”
Katie tapped her finger to her chin.
“I was thinking we could just not tell him, like until the baby pops out. By then I’ll have thought of something.” She smiled.
“Katherine Elizabeth McClain.”
“I just need a little time! I’ll figure it out. And don’t use my full name in that tone you sound like my mother.” She slapped Allura’s arm.
Suddenly the ladies could hear the front door open and close.
“Allura? Baby I’m home!” Keith’s distant muffled voice could be heard through the locked bathroom door.
“Shit shit shit he’s home early! What do we do?”
Then came a knock.
“Babe you in here? You ok?” Keith asked from the other side.
Katie and Allura panicked. Allura grabbed the pregnancy test and shoved it in a stack of hand towels that were purely meant for decoration while Katie took the box and threw it out the window. Allura shoved Katie while mouthing “what the hell are you doing?!” to which Katie shook her head frantically and shrugged.
They straightened themselves up, put on their best innocent smiles and opened the door.
“Hi darling!”
Keith looked at his wife, then at Katie, together, in a locked bathroom.
“Everything ok?” he asked.
“Yes, just…uh…” She looked at Katie.
“Doin girl stuff…y’know facials and uh beauty things” Katie finished.
She cringed at her own bullshit.
“Ok…” His eyes narrowed.
“Well gotta go! See ya later Allura!”
Katie moseyed by Keith before practically sprinting down the stairs out the door, making sure to snatch up the box in their front yard before getting into her car.
“Well if you’re done doing uh girl stuff, can I use the bathroom? Traffic back from the game was terrible and I’ve been holding it for like an hour.”
“Sure honey. I’ll go get dinner started!” She kissed his cheek and skipped out of the room.
Keith shook his head, accepting that he would never understand women and shut the door. After relieving himself and washing up he did the one thing Allura constantly scolded him for: wiping his hands on the goddamn decorative towels.
Lance’s cellphone went off while he was still in the car. He answered it and put it on speakerphone.
“Hey Keith! What’s u-”
“Why are you yelling?”
“I’m in the car by myself, chill out. What’s going on?”
“Allura is pregnant.”
“I’m alone idiot! Now are you sure? How do you know?”
“I found a pregnancy test hidden in the bathroom!”
“Whoa, way to go sharp shooter!”
“This is not the time for jokes.”
“Well were you trying?”
Keith paused.
“Well we weren’t trying, but we weren’t exactly not trying y’know?”
“Oh I know.”
“What do I do?”
“Wear condoms next time?”
“Look you don’t want it to look like you were snooping so just give her time and wait for her to tell you.”
Keith sighed.
“You’re right…”
“Duh. Now put it back and pretend you never saw it.”
Keith hung up and placed the little white stick of destiny back where he found it and went downstairs to have dinner with his wife.
A couple weeks later the Koganes had the McClains over for dinner and a game night.
“I mean it’s a decent show, but it’s not realistic. Like giant robot cats that morph and turn into a giant robot man?” Lance scoffed before sipping his beer.
“Right? Like shouldn’t they at least turn into an even bigger cat?” Keith chimed in.
“But Cattron sounds stupid.” Katie chuckled.
“And that princess character? Her ears are so weird!” Allura said as she grabbed the wine bottle in front of Keith and poured herself a glass.
Both men stopped abruptly and watched her intently as she filled it up.
“Uh, are you sure you should be drinking that hun?” Keith asked casually.
Allura blinked and titled her head.
“Why not?”
“Uh…well,” he met eyes with Lance and did he best to no give himself away, “you shouldn’t drink too much it’s not good for your health.”
“But you’re drinking.”
Keith looked at his own glass of wine. How was he going to broach this without letting Allura know that he knew about the you-know-what?
Allura shrugged and brought the wine glass to her lips.
“You can’t drink that, think about the baby!” Lance blurted out, slamming his hands on the table.
A pin drop could’ve been heard in the resulting silence.
“I’m sorry, think about the what?” Allura nearly choked on her chardonnay.
“The…baby?” Lance was suddenly not so sure about his words.
“What baby?”
“The baby we’re having” Keith finally cut in. “It’s ok Lu, I know.”
“Know what?!” Allura yelled, feeling like she was losing her mind.
“I found the pregnancy test.”
Allura did a double take. Katie sunk down in her chair.
“Oh…” She put her glass down.
“And I just want you to know it’s ok. It was a surprise for sure but I’m up for anything as long as we’re together. You’re gonna make a great mom.”
Allura’s lip quivered as she brought a hand to her heart while taking Keith’s hand in hers.
“Darling that is incredibly sweet and it means the world that you’re supportive but the test isn’t mine.”
“It’s…it’s not?” Keith pouted, confused, relieved, disappointed all at once.
“Then who the hell was it?” Lance questioned.
Allura’s gaze fluttered over to Katie. Keith followed. Then Lance.
Katie had slid so deep in her seat she was practically under the table.
“K-Kit Kat?” Lance’s face softened.
“It’s mine” she grumbled, keeping her eyes down.
Lance felt his heart skip.
“I was gonna tell you, I just didn’t know how and I wanted to see the doctor first to confirm and…well we’re gonna have a baby.” She smiled anxiously.
Lance just stared at her then the tears welled in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before they fell.
“I’m gonna be a dad?....I’M GONNA BE A DAD! HOLY SHIT I’M GONNA BE A DAD!”
Lance leapt out of his chair and yanked Katie to her feet, cupping her face in his hands and peppering it with kisses.
Keith and Allura held each other’s hands tightly as they looked on at their friends, hearts full.
“I gotta call mom and dad and grandma and Veronica is gonna piss herself and then we gotta call Sam and Colleen and Matt and Hunk will wanna know and-”
“Ok ok easy there champ.” Katie wrapped her arms around his waist. “How about we just enjoy tonight and we can do the press conference tomorrow?” she joked.
Lance nodded and kissed the top of her head.
“I love you” he whispered in her hair.
“I love you too” she murmured back.
They finished out the dinner, Allura was allowed to finish her wine and they played a few rounds of Pictionary before calling it a night.
“I can’t believe Katie and Lance are gonna be parents” Keith said as he slipped into bed.
“Pretty crazy huh?” Allura replied as she tied up her hair.
“Yeah but they’ll be great don’t you think?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Man I really goofed earlier didn’t I?” He grabbed Allura and snuggled up close.
“You did, but it was sweet that you handled the news so well, even if it turned out to be a false alarm.”
“Well if it happens for us one day it’ll be fine.” He kissed her nose.
“It will.” She looked up at him and lifted her head until her lips met his.
He returned her affection, kissing her a bit more deeply. She sighed happily into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled back and began to nibble a trail down her throat while working his hand up her nightgown.
Katie sat at her office desk, typing a lengthy email when her ringtone sounded off. She picked it up and tucked it between her ear and shoulder as her fingers continued to tick away at the keys.
“Hey Allura, what’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” she whispered in a distressed tone.
“Why are you whispering yet yelling at me at the same time?”          
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rebellious-chi · 5 years
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Bloody Mary
Warnings: Language
Word count:1000ish
A/N- the picture is made by Jax and the idea of the story was originally from a post Jax found so I decided to write about it, hope you enjoy because I died laughing my ass off.
“You know what we should do?” I ask Jax, coming up with a genius plan after being bored out of my mind for almost 3 hours. “What?” He asked, suddenly interested in my idea. “We should chant ‘Bloody Mary’ into a car’s side mirror three times and watch her try to keep up.” I suggest, slightly joking, slightly hoping he agrees. “Rachel, no.” Cas glared at me, but before he could stop us Jax stood up from his chair. “I’ll get the car!” He says. “I’ll get a megaphone!” I giggle and run into Sam’s room to get one.
Jax pulls up to the front of the bunker and I get in. “Nice megaphone.” He compliments. “Thanks, it’s Sam’s.” I giggle and he laughs. The car starts to shake and then stops. “What was that?” Jax asked me. “One second, I’ll check.” I hopped out of the car and looked at the top of the car and saw Castiel and Lucifer sitting there. “I convinced Cas to come with me and sit up here to watch.” Luci explained. “Awesome! I’m so glad you two are coming.” I say and get back in the car. “What was it?” Jax asks. “Our angels, they want to sit on top of the car and watch.” I explain. “Cool, ready?” He asks, including a mischievous smile. “Hell yeah!” I laugh.
Just then, Kyler, Karly, Reegan, and Gibbs run out to see us. “On the count of three.” I start. “One...Two...Three!” We repeat the words ‘Bloody Mary’ three times in unison and she appears out of thin air. “Step on it, Jax!” I hear Lucifer yell and we speed off. “Slow down, she can keep up.” I giggle and stick my head out the window, raising the megaphone to my mouth. “Keep up, Assbutt!” I yell.
“Lucifer, stop recording this.” Cas tells him. “You can’t make me.” I hear him reply and it’s almost as funny as what I’m seeing. I can hear Mary going ‘huff huff huff’ when she gets closer. At this point everyone except Cas is laughing their asses off because it’s just so damn funny. “Lucifer, what the fuck are you? 12?” Cas glared at him with a judging face. “Loosen up, Cas. Have a little fun!” I try to tell him and he listens because after that, he started engaging with our acts of stupidity. Lucifer started throwing fire-lit marshmallows at Mary. “Hey, give me some!” I half command and get some.
Out of nowhere, Andrew comes running up behind her. “Kill me! I wanna die! Free murder victim right here, lady! Turn around!” He shouts. Eventually, he gets tired out and falls behind. We make a U-Turn and head back toward a the bunker where we find our friends cheering us on. “Yeah!” Kyler shouts. “Speed up and turn around to run her over!” I faintly hear Gibbs suggest while Reegan just pumps her fist in the air and jumps with a huge smile on her face. Karly jumps up and down with Reegan and clapped. “Don’t forget to kill her after you’re done having fun!” She reminded us. “We won’t!” I assures her.
“We’re fucking geniuses” Jax chuckles. “Go faster!” I giggle uncontrollably. “Jax, gimme your phone so I can record on yours!” Luci says and Cas smiles heavenly. “Luci if you drop my phone I will purposely slam on the breaks to make you fall off!” Jax yells back to him, handing him his phone. “Please don’t.” He says with a worried face. “You’re all assholes!” Bloody Mary shouts at us in a gravelly voice. “We know!” We all shout. And then, Carry On Wayward Son came on the radio while Jax and I sang along “Don’t you cry no more!” We say, looking at each other. It’s a miracle we didn’t get in a car crash due to how many times neither of us were looking at the road. I guess it was the fact our angelic boyfriends were with us. Ah, the perks.
After a while, we had to stop because the gas ran out but it was fun while it lasted. We went back to the bunker and met up with the others. We killed Bloody Mary and went inside. Lucifer showed everyone the videos he took while I cuddled with Cas on the couch and Jax was getting impatient for cuddles from his own hellish angel. “If I knew that’s what you guys would’ve done while we were out, I would’ve stayed behind and went with you!” Dean said. “Maybe next time you can!” I suggest. “Next time? We killed her, Rachel.” Sam pointed out. “Tulpas, Sam. Tulpas.” I said. “I think she knows more about monsters than you do, dude.” Dean joked. “Well, what can I say? I watch Supernatural,, I’m basically a hunter in training.” I giggle, flipping my hair. “Sam, if you grow your hair out a little more, you can do that too.” Karly joked around. “Hey!” He started to get defensive before Dean told everyone to start heading to bed because it was 2:00am.
“Dude. I never sleep.” Half of us say. “And that’s why two of you are dating angels.” He says, walking off. “Maybe you guys should get angels, the perks are 10/10.” I say smiling. “Yeah, like getting healed whenever we do something stupid.” Jax says. “And don’t forget the sight seeing! That’s great.” I bring up. “Eh. I like my phone.” Jax half jokes and I make a small giggle. “Let’s ‘sleep’ and talk about new stupid idea in the morning. I need to lay down and snuggle with my angel for a while.” I say, dragging Cas off to bed. “Goodnight, guys.” Karly says and departs from the group. Gibbs, Reegan, and Kyler all do the same.
At around 3:30 in the morning, the door to the bunker is being violently knocked on and it wakes everyone up. “What the hell?” Jax complains. “Who is that?” I ask, rubbing my eyes. “Go away, we don’t need house keeping.” Gibbs says. “I’m pretty sure we have enough towels.” Karly jokes sleepily. “I’m gonna kill whoever that is, it’s too early for this.” Dean says and Kyler nods. Sam goes up to open the door. “You assholes left me out there!” Andrew shouts, slapping Sam in the face. “It’s cold out there and raining!” He yells.
And that was the end of it because Dean basically beat him up and none of us were awake enough to care so we all went back to our rooms. The next time we decide to play a demonic teenager game, everyone will be involved. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
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jaxiferfanpage · 5 years
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Bloody Mary
Warnings: Language
Word count:1000ish
A/N- the picture is made by Jax and the idea of the story was originally from a post Jax found so I decided to write about it, hope you enjoy because I died laughing my ass off.
“You know what we should do?” I ask Jax, coming up with a genius plan after being bored out of my mind for almost 3 hours. “What?” He asked, suddenly interested in my idea. “We should chant ‘Bloody Mary’ into a car’s side mirror three times and watch her try to keep up.” I suggest, slightly joking, slightly hoping he agrees. “Rachel, no.” Cas glared at me, but before he could stop us Jax stood up from his chair. “I’ll get the car!” He says. “I’ll get a megaphone!” I giggle and run into Sam’s room to get one.
Jax pulls up to the front of the bunker and I get in. “Nice megaphone.” He compliments. “Thanks, it’s Sam’s.” I giggle and he laughs. The car starts to shake and then stops. “What was that?” Jax asked me. “One second, I’ll check.” I hopped out of the car and looked at the top of the car and saw Castiel and Lucifer sitting there. “I convinced Cas to come with me and sit up here to watch.” Luci explained. “Awesome! I’m so glad you two are coming.” I say and get back in the car. “What was it?” Jax asks. “Our angels, they want to sit on top of the car and watch.” I explain. “Cool, ready?” He asks, including a mischievous smile. “Hell yeah!” I laugh.
Just then, Kyler, Karly, Reegan, and Gibbs run out to see us. “On the count of three.” I start. “One...Two...Three!” We repeat the words ‘Bloody Mary’ three times in unison and she appears out of thin air. “Step on it, Jax!” I hear Lucifer yell and we speed off. “Slow down, she can keep up.” I giggle and stick my head out the window, raising the megaphone to my mouth. “Keep up, Assbutt!” I yell.
“Lucifer, stop recording this.” Cas tells him. “You can’t make me.” I hear him reply and it’s almost as funny as what I’m seeing. I can hear Mary going ‘huff huff huff’ when she gets closer. At this point everyone except Cas is laughing their asses off because it’s just so damn funny. “Lucifer, what the fuck are you? 12?” Cas glared at him with a judging face. “Loosen up, Cas. Have a little fun!” I try to tell him and he listens because after that, he started engaging with our acts of stupidity. Lucifer started throwing fire-lit marshmallows at Mary. “Hey, give me some!” I half command and get some.
Out of nowhere, Andrew comes running up behind her. “Kill me! I wanna die! Free murder victim right here, lady! Turn around!” He shouts. Eventually, he gets tired out and falls behind. We make a U-Turn and head back toward a the bunker where we find our friends cheering us on. “Yeah!” Kyler shouts. “Speed up and turn around to run her over!” I faintly hear Gibbs suggest while Reegan just pumps her fist in the air and jumps with a huge smile on her face. Karly jumps up and down with Reegan and clapped. “Don’t forget to kill her after you’re done having fun!” She reminded us. “We won’t!” I assures her.
“We’re fucking geniuses” Jax chuckles. “Go faster!” I giggle uncontrollably. “Jax, gimme your phone so I can record on yours!” Luci says and Cas smiles heavenly. “Luci if you drop my phone I will purposely slam on the breaks to make you fall off!” Jax yells back to him, handing him his phone. “Please don’t.” He says with a worried face. “You’re all assholes!” Bloody Mary shouts at us in a gravelly voice. “We know!” We all shout. And then, Carry On Wayward Son came on the radio while Jax and I sang along “Don’t you cry no more!” We say, looking at each other. It’s a miracle we didn’t get in a car crash due to how many times neither of us were looking at the road. I guess it was the fact our angelic boyfriends were with us. Ah, the perks.
After a while, we had to stop because the gas ran out but it was fun while it lasted. We went back to the bunker and met up with the others. We killed Bloody Mary and went inside. Lucifer showed everyone the videos he took while I cuddled with Cas on the couch and Jax was getting impatient for cuddles from his own hellish angel. “If I knew that’s what you guys would’ve done while we were out, I would’ve stayed behind and went with you!” Dean said. “Maybe next time you can!” I suggest. “Next time? We killed her, Rachel.” Sam pointed out. “Tulpas, Sam. Tulpas.” I said. “I think she knows more about monsters than you do, dude.” Dean joked. “Well, what can I say? I watch Supernatural,, I’m basically a hunter in training.” I giggle, flipping my hair. “Sam, if you grow your hair out a little more, you can do that too.” Karly joked around. “Hey!” He started to get defensive before Dean told everyone to start heading to bed because it was 2:00am.
“Dude. I never sleep.” Half of us say. “And that’s why two of you are dating angels.” He says, walking off. “Maybe you guys should get angels, the perks are 10/10.” I say smiling. “Yeah, like getting healed whenever we do something stupid.” Jax says. “And don’t forget the sight seeing! That’s great.” I bring up. “Eh. I like my phone.” Jax half jokes and I make a small giggle. “Let’s ‘sleep’ and talk about new stupid idea in the morning. I need to lay down and snuggle with my angel for a while.” I say, dragging Cas off to bed. “Goodnight, guys.” Karly says and departs from the group. Gibbs, Reegan, and Kyler all do the same.
At around 3:30 in the morning, the door to the bunker is being violently knocked on and it wakes everyone up. “What the hell?” Jax complains. “Who is that?” I ask, rubbing my eyes. “Go away, we don’t need house keeping.” Gibbs says. “I’m pretty sure we have enough towels.” Karly jokes sleepily. “I’m gonna kill whoever that is, it’s too early for this.” Dean says and Kyler nods. Sam goes up to open the door. “You assholes left me out there!” Andrew shouts, slapping Sam in the face. “It’s cold out there and raining!” He yells.
And that was the end of it because Dean basically beat him up and none of us were awake enough to care so we all went back to our rooms. The next time we decide to play a demonic teenager game, everyone will be involved. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #249
“Little Dragons vs. Mobs, Harvestman”
-After a few days CP's better and going over plans down in his private chamber late at night.  Lie can hear him rustling papers and is in debate herself.  As the moon reaches it's highest apex she makes a decision.  Hastily she writes a note and places it on the pillows of the bed before heading for Endrea's room.  She cautiously pokes her head into the dragon's bedroom-
[Lie] - Endrea?
[Endrea] Lifts herself having not been asleep but curled around her children- Yes?
[Lie] - I need your help
[Endrea] - What is it?
[Lie] - I need to get to the other server
[Endrea] - Are you sure that's safe?
[Lie] - It's safer than if CP were to go
[Endrea] - Very well, give me a few minutes to get my children situated and on their way towards GG's
[Lie] - I'll meet you outside
[Endrea] Nods in understanding and once Lie is gone she wakes her three children- Come now, it's time to get u
[Ashe] Very sleepily- Mama?  What's wrong?
[willow] I want to go see gg
[oak] yes me too
[Endrea] - That's exactly where you three are going, but it's very dark outside so you'll have to move fast, okay?
[Ashe] - Mama, I don't understand...
[Endrea[] - It's okay Ashe, just do as I say
[willow] -runs around the room in dragon form- I will go very fast
[oak] -is trying to keep up will willow-
[Endrea] - Ashe, keep your siblings safe
[Ashe] - I will Mama.  Willow, Oak, come on, stay close to me
[willow] -runs around ashe-
[oak] -stop next to ashe- I will stay close to big brother
[Endrea] - Go out the front of the house, now hurry
[Ashe] - Yes Mama!- He leads his siblings downstairs and out the front of the house and into the yard.  He scans the path from their home to GK's while still in the safety of the well lit area.  There are a few mobs, but he thinks they can get around them- Let's go- He begins trotting along, making sure not to go to fast for his siblings
[willow] -is keeping up-
[oak] -is having a little trouble but is keeping up-
[Ashe] Hisses at a spider which moves closer-
[willow] rawr go away spider
-The spider lunges at Willow-
[Ashe] Jumps over his sibling and bites the spider-
-The spider ends up with a leg torn off but Ashe is also bitten-
[oak] big bother are you ok?
[Ashe] - I...  I think so...  Just keep going!  I'll take care of this spider!
[Mb] Lunges out of the dark and stabs the spider gleefully-
[Celine] Hisses at the dead spider from her perch across the back of  his shoulders
[Mb] What the fuck are you doing out here?!
[Ashe] - Mama told us to go to Uncle GG's
[Mb] Alone!? What the fuck man...
[oak] big brother is strong
[Ashe] - Mama told us to hurry so we'd be safe...
[Celine] climbs down to sniff at Ashe - squeaking urgently at his small wound.
[Ashe] Looks at it- It really stings...
[Mb] You got bit didn't you? Fucking nether... Can you walk?
[Ashe] Switches to his human form- Yeah, it's my arm
[Mb] Ah fuck it, I was going that way anyway... Come on kids, we're going to the bar.
[Ashe] - Come on Willow, come on Oak!
[Celine] Tugs at Ashe's pant leg to hurry him
[willow and oak] -follow closely-
[Mb] - is brandishing a diamond sword- You little fuckers stay close to me
[Mb] Raises his blade to deflect an arrow and pauses on the bridge to punch a creeper straight off the side and into the creek below
[Ashe] - There's the bar!
[Celine] skitters awkwardly to the door and head-butts it open
[Ashe] Follows, holding it open for Willow and Oak- Uncle GG?
[Sam] Is a bit surprised as Celine clambers onto he bar and starts squeaking at Sam
-The bar is empty except for Sam-
[Mb] Grumbles- kid needs milk....
[Sam] fetches it and puts the full pail out for Ashe
[Ashe] - Thank you...  Do you know where Uncle GG is?- Starts drinking the milk slowly, wincing a little at the liquid
[Mb] How the fuck should I know? Hey Sam, gimmie two steaks, both raw.
[Sam] eyeridge raise but does as he's asked.
[Ashe] - But mama told us to go to Uncle GG!
[Mb] And I care why?
[Sam] Fetches some dragonwort for the little ones and plates it nicely-
[Ashe] - Because Mama had to go somewhere and Uncle GG will watch us
[Mb] And? She just wants you inside right?
[Ashe] - And for somebody to be able to watch us.  I can watch Willow and Oak for a little while, but not very long
[Mb] Starts tearing bits of steak for Celine - Why only for a little while?
[Ashe] - Because mama says they can be a handful
[Mb] Shrugs -
[Ashe] - Please?
[willow] -is trying to get into the chest the holds the axes from the target-
[Ashe] - Willow no!
[Mb] Incredulous - Please? Fucking really? - He doesn't indicate himself but Ashes eyes are drawn to his appearance. His shirt is torn in several places to reveal deep scars carved into his chest and fresher wounds from his dragons claws. His clothing is stained with both mob blood and some of his own.
[Ashe] Shrinks away a little- Fine, then I'll just go out and find him myself!
[willow] -stops and then tried to get into the kitchen to explore-
[Sam] Lays a hand on Ashe's shoulder and shakes his skull-
[Mb] Listen to old boney. Stay inside.
[Ashe] - But we have to get Uncle GG!
[Sam] Makes a poking motion like they're typing and then a questioning expression.
[willow] -get's over the fence gate and is looking and goes into the kitchen-
[Ashe] - Willow!  Come back here!
[Sam] Panicked rush into the kitchen to get Willow out-
[Ashe] - I can't use chat very well...
[Mb] Snorts- You just gonna not use it then?
[Ashe] - I'm gonna find Uncle GG!  Besides, Mama doesn't use it
[willow] -is looking at the kitchen-
-There are some vegetables sitting out and the air smells of fish cooking slowly in the furnace. -
[Mb] You're just gonna get in trouble again....
[Ashe] That makes Ashe pause, remembering his moms anger-
[willow] -tries to save the fish so it can be free and tries to reach into the furnace to get it-
[Sam] frantically tackles Willow before they can touch the fire but gets fish all over the floor-
[Mb] Mean laugh- And you can't just run off and leave your siblings here. Guess you're gonna have to learn a thing.
[Ashe] - But...  I'm technically a mob...
[willow] save fish
[Sam] Shakes hir finger at Willow in frustration-
[Mb] Looks above Ashe's head and his eyes flicker slightly- You have a name though.
[Celine] Woofing down steak-
[Ashe] - So I could respawn and Mama wouldn't lose me
[Mb] Then you're not a mob, you're a player. At least when you look like that. - Indicates Ashe's childlike form
[Ashe] - Couldn't you find Uncle GG?
[Mb] Why should I? - Goes back to eating his steak-
[Ashe] - Because I don't know how...
[Mb] To find somebody? I don't know either kid. You just ask in chat or go out and look.
[Ashe] Thinks for a minute before taking a deep breath and screams at the top of his lungs, it sounds a little like a roar-
[Mb] Claps his hands to his ears and he swears in a string of particularly vile numerical combinations -
-There's a long pause and the sound of something large stumbling against the side of the bar-
[Ashe] - Uncle GG?
[Celine] Leaps off the bar and hides behind it-
[Gk] From outside - ASHE?!
[Ashe] - We're in here Uncle GG!
[Gk] Shuffles around for a moment changing and dashes through the door. He spots Mb and hauls off to punch him-
[Mb] Is still a bit stunned-
[Ashe] - Uncle GG, mama asked us to find you so you can watch us
[Gk] what? Did this fucker hurt you?!
[Ashe] Shakes his head- No, he brought us here when I got bit by a spider
[Mb] You hit me I knock your fucking block off old man-
[Gk] Growls-
[Ashe] Uncle GG, do you know where Mama was going?
[Gk] No? I was sleeping, you startled me awake and I knocked over a whole bookshelf on my head.
[Ashe] - Oh...
[Gk] Endrea went somewhere? Why are you out by yourselves in the middle of the night?!
[Ashe] - Mama told us to come to you, I think she and miss Lie were talking...
[Gk] Checks the chat to see if anyone left the server -
- Lilinthia has left the server -
[Gk] That's not good...
[Ashe] - What's not good Uncle GG?
[Gk] Lie left the server without Cp and presumably with Endrea in a hurry....
[Ashe] - But she's with Mama, that means she's safe, right?
[Gk] Considering what happened to Cp... I hope they're both safe...
[Ashe] - But maybe they're just looking for more eggs?
[Gk] Pats Ashe's head- yeah maybe.
[Mb] sneers- Let's just hope she didn't decide to fight in her mates place.
[Ashe] - Miss Lie doesn't like fighting!
[Ashe] Yawns- Uncle GG? Where are we going to sleep?
[Gk] Shut your face Mb.... Oh? Well... My house is pretty small. So... If you guys want to stay in your humanish shapes there are beds downstairs - points to the ladder at the end of the room- Or we can run next door real quick and have a dragon pile in the librairy.
[Mb] Awww how cute.
[Celine] Teeny hiss at Gk.
[Ashe] - Um...  Isn't there lava downstairs?
[Gk] Just a little pool and its mostly fenced in
[Ashe] - Mmmm, but Willow and Oak like to climb fences...
[Gk] Fiiiiine we run for it. Change back we'll book it next door.
[Mb] Snickers
[Ashe] - Okay!  Willow!  Oak!  Come on!
[oak and willow] -runs up next to ashe and are ready to go-
[Gk] heads out the door and shifts back, immediately pouncing on a spider and tossing it into the lava pool at the bottom of the hill
[Celine] Scuttles to the open doorway.
[Mb] where are you going?
[Gk] Shelters the little ones with his wings and hustles them along-
[Celine] Red!
[Mb] Huh? - Follows reluctantly
[Gk] Swishes his tail quickly and takes an arrow for Oak-SON OF A-
[Ashe] Echlocates a little-
[Lie] Feels a little nauseated after going through the cold of the void directly into the heat of the Nether.  She is grateful when Endrea lands in a secluded area and she has a chance to catch her breath-
[Endrea] - Are you alright Mistress?
[Lie] - I'll be fine...  You said Winston had gathered the others near here?
[Endrea] - The Nether mobs, yes
[Lie] - Then let's go- She strides purposefully forwards and Endrea soon points out a cleverly hidden entrance hidden in the netherrack.  Walking through it opens into a massive cavern and Winston quickly approaches
[Winston] - Mistress!  What are you doing here?
[Lie] - Checking in on all of you, how has it been?
[Winston] - Unnervingly calm, but I think I may have figured out why
[Lie] - What do you mean?
[Winston] - I believe the strike on Zacharia was to see if the Master had actually been deleted.  The NOTCH knew that he would be unable to resist revealing himself if the mobs continued to die
[Lie] - So you believe it was a ploy to make certain CP was gone?
[Winston] - Yes, there's been no sign of the NOTCH for a few days now though
[Lie] - Thank goodness.  If he believe CP is actually gone, then maybe he'll move on and we can strike at him elsewhere
[Winston] - Mistress...  The other mobs could use some reassuring words...
[Lie] - Absolutely, lead the way.  And then we'll go check on the mobs in the Overworld
[CP] Stretches and briefly concentrates to figure out what time it is.  Sensing that it's almost morning he decides he's done enough work for the night.  He quietly heads towards his bedroom, he opens the door, expecting to see his wife sleeping in the bed.  He freezes in his tracks and stares at the empty bed- Lie?- His eyes scan the bed and spot the note.  He picks it up and hurriedly reads it.  A wave of fear travels out from him, spreading across the seed as he rushes out the door- No...  Nononononono
[Doc] Feels the fear a little bit even before TLOT alerts hir, Xe's out the door in a flash and quickly reaches Lies house- Cp! Cp! What's wrong?!
[CP] - Lie's gone!
[Doc] Growls - why would she...? Oh... shit. - in chat- TLOT I need you!
[CP] - The fuck does that bastard have to do with anything!?
[Flux] Hears them yelling and steps outside- Is everything alright?
[TLOT] Tps to Doc and slides to the ground already getting a feel for the situation.
[Doc] Looks at Flux and the commuication is plain- Lie is gone. - Xe's already searching the server. - Endrea too....
[Flux] - I did feel an opening to the End earlier...
[CP] - That's how Endrea can travel between seeds...- His panic is growing
[Doc] to TLOT - Hold him.
[CP] - What!?
[TLOT] Makes a gesture and traps Cp under far more weight then normal. -
[CP] Grunts and pushes against it-
[Doc] You're staying here.
[CP] - Like fuck I am!
[Doc] Flux... will you come with me? I know it's dangerous, but I may need your magick.
[Flux] - Absolutely, but where are we going?
[Doc] Cp's server. I bet you a diamond that's where she went.
-There's a sound like tearing sheets from above them and a very unstable opening to the void which surrounds the End is forming-
-all eyes skyward-
[Endrea] Falls from the opening in her largest form.  Even from the distance they are at they can see the multitude of wounds which she bleeds from as she hurtles towards the ground. The lands and crashes into the wall of the village-
[TLOT] Can't move because of holding Cp but he sends out a message, and the Testificates swarm Endrea to tend to her. Steve is also running that direction-
This message has been removed.
[Stevie] Comes out of his house and heads towards the commotion- What's going on?
[Doc] Types to Deerheart - I'm going into danger again. I'm sorry but it's not safe to send anyone else. I love you and Yaunfen so much. If I die there are bits of me hidden in the castle, but the biggest part is a heart in a box under your side of the bed. Keep it safe. - Xe scoops up Flux and leaps for the sky-
[TLOT] Trouble, lots of it....
[Stevie] - Shit...  Doc! I know the seed better than you, do you want me to go with you?
[Deer] - Please don't make me open that box
[Doc] I'll do my best. - Xe opens a hole and shoots out of it-
- / player_DoctorF_and _player_Flux have left the server / -
[TLOT] No, you're supposed to be dead. Trust Doc for once in your life.
[TLOT] And our friend. You think I'm not upset too?!
[CP] - She's not safe...  I have to protect her!
[Doc] Is speeding through the void and pops out into Cp's server in the sky for once.
[Flux] Sends out her senses- That way, to the south
[Doc] Got it. - There's a nasty churning noise from the dragon's guts-
[Flux] - What was that?
[Doc] I'm compiling some very unsavory codes, just for emergencies.
[Flux] Tenses a little- I can feel him
[Doc] Lands on an extreme hill and starts sniffing around -
[Flux] - We're close...  I can feel all three of them
[Doc] Guide me-
[Flux] - Keep going south...  The piece of CP is closest
[Doc] Goes scuttling through the trees, sniffing for any trace of Lie -
[Flux] - To your left
[Doc] Chuffs a whoosh of air at the sudden strong scent of brimstone and plucks the silver heart locket from the grass- Found the piece, but where is Lie?!
[Flux] - Moving this way, quickly
[Doc] Goes in that direction-
-There is noise ahead of them and a forest.  There's the barest flash of white from Lie's hair as she runs through the tree's.  The mobs converge behind her, trying to protect her but she is injured and not moving as quickly as she could be-
[Doc] Leaps toward her, intending to grab her-
[Lie] Looks up, an expression of relief crossing her face before it shifts to shock as a diamond blade pierces through her chest, her code immediately beginning to unravel and pull apart-
[Harvestman] Grins darkly as he pulls the sword out of her- Stevie told me about you, but at that point you were still human...
[Flux] Shifts into her mist form as soon as the blade pierced Lie-
[Harvestman] - Oh look, more things to delete
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legion1993 · 7 years
Chained By Sweet Hungover Rhythms
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Prompts: “It’s 8:30, i have a hangover and you’re annoying me.” (Dialogue Prompt) Chained To The Rhythm by Katy Perry (Song Prompt) 
this is dedicated to the wonderful person who put this lovely idea together and inspired me to write this lovely piece @thing-you-do-with-that-thing may you enjoy this as much as i did writing it 
Plot: Based in Season 11 ep 9 we find a distracted Dean who with his brother Sam decides to investigate the murder of a preacher they think it could be connected to Amara but Dean goes into the morgue to look at the body and runs into our reader who he had hooked up with 3 years prior... what starts as something innocent soon discovers as something that was ready to be more but didnt cause they had their memories erased and only now do they get them back and thus also getting eachother back... But how long will that last?????? 
A/N: this is written specifically for week 1 of the Supernatural Hiatus Writing Challenge 2017 this contains a few of my own twists to the in between points of this episode so bare with me for this crazy adventure... hope you guys enjoy it if so give it a love tap and a few comments would be most appreciated... :)
Never once had either of you thought things would end, but that night it did for a Jinn hunt gone wrong 2 lovers seperated for they were so sure it could have been more..
“Dean don’t the floor its rigged to blow... i know you came all this way to save me but save yourself, save your brother get out of here...” Dean looked around and got knocked over by a jinn hitting him on the head your name falling from his lips in a slow breath; shortly after that you screamed Dean’s name as that same jinn knocked you over the head as well, then everything to them felt as though their bodies were being dragged off...
they both woke in the hospital a few days later with no memory of who eachother was nor what happened. they were released only hours later after a few tests and talking to the doctors but still felt like they were missing something, they felt like something had been torn away from them.
no one expected this to last no one had wanted them to do this hunt, they exited the hospital only to discover there wasnt any shortage of space for they bumped into eachother exiting the hospital you got knocked off your balance but apoligizing to eachother Dean strode off with his brother Sam towards the impala and you towards a taxi which would take you to the nearest bus depot.
over time the reader & Dean have emerced themselves in hunting full time no questions comments concerns or anything, they were trying to find someway to fill the void the emptiness within their own hearts, the void that was created when the jinn wiped their memories of eachother.
for together they were stronger, but you seperate them you kill their strength and you show them what its like to be truly weakened by your own emotions.
It is said some lives are linked across time and space. Connected by an ancient calling that echoes throughout the ages. something that is older than fate herself. you and Dean had always been connected by Destiny. for it would be another 3 years before you would see eachother again.
----------3 YEARS LATER----------
amara is slaughtering preachers in search of a way to get in touch with her wayword brother God, Sam and Dean meet with crowley who didnt believe Dean at first when he told him about how if Amara were to unleash her full power that not even crowley the king of hell would be safe.
crowley then tells the boys that there may be a way for Sam to meet with Lucifer, but that they would need to neutralize Lucifer`s power. Upon their discovery of that knowledge, Crowley continues to tell the boys that the only way to neutralize lucifers power is the need for certain spell work; which would come from the book of the damned, which they learn is in the book of the damned, which they find out is with Rowena.
the boys work with Rowena and Crowley to get everything ready while Dean catches wind of the murders being done by amara decides to leave Sam and rowena in the bunker to set up the spell while dean goes to investigate. Meanwhile, you are rolling into town the same time as Dean you both end up at the police station not acknowledging eachother at first until the sherif turns to acknowledge you noticing your badge he says, "well agent your partner is already inside the morgue come let me show you where it is.."
at this point you were very confused, you had no idea what kind of idiot boy scout you were dealing with but you were sure going to kick them in the ass if they screwed this up for you. you followed the sherif who let you into the morgue and you wlked in behind him, stopping slightly as you caught sight of the other 'badge' you immediately cleared your throat and gave him a small smile as he extended his hand to you, "agent dean macoy..."
you took his hand, "agent 'your first and last name' so your my new partner... from headquarters i assume... funny they didnt tell me you were coming in on this..." you said with a snarky attitude kinda not getting a good vibe from this guy. as he chuckled and began to show you the otopsy report you as the radio in there was going it was playing your favorite song,
"Turn it up, it's your favorite song Dance, dance, dance to the distortion Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat Stumbling around like a wasted zombie Yeah, we think we're free Drink, this one is on me We're all chained to the rhythm To the rhythm To the rhythm"
you sang loud enough that your 'partner' could hear you, he then smiled and looked at you, "you know this song is like totally easy to strip to right?" you turned to him and chuckled, "whats the title if your a fan of this song for your own twisted reasons?" agent macoy chuckled and you could tell he liked your sass, "Chained to the rhythm by katy perry... im not an idiot i wasnt born yesterday sweetheart.. would you like to get a beer after work partner?"
you agreed and walked out of the station together and started talking you both discovered your interests were the same, you also discovered you were both staying at the same motel across town. you guys drove back playing leap frog on the road, upon their arrival back at the motel to discover that their rooms were beside eachother.
with a swift chuckle out of Dean he got out of his sweet looking 1967 Chevy Impala, coming to your drivers door and smiling as he opened the door helping you out of the car. you smiled as your hands lingered, your eyes locked onto eachother with the look of lust swelling across the seas making your heart beat faster in your chest.
Dean cleared his throat and walked you to your room and kissed your hand and smiled, "such nice soft hands for a hunter... how long you been in the life?" you smiled and sighed, "that is a story better left for the bar... meet by ur nice impala when we are cleaned up and done?" you say as you lean over and kiss his cheek the stubble off his chin tickling you.
"absolutely sweetheart..." dean smiled at you one more time before you both entered your rooms at the same time. you were relieved to remove your fed outfit, and now to find your perfect outfit to go to the bar in with Dean. you loved the way his name sounded but you wondered if that fed name was his actual name or his fake name.
considering he is a hunter too it wouldnt surprise you if that wasnt his real name so you called Garth and decided to check in, "your name whats the word on those church murders is it something heavenly or hellish???" you chuckled and smiled, "calm down Garth i met up with another hunter when i went to talk to the sherif. he has these green eyes that make my heart soar... we are actually going to grab some beers for some relax after our win at the police station."
Garth chuckled on the other end and you smiled as you zipped up your favorite mini jean skirt and put on your jet black tank top, "oooo your name gots a date your name gots a date... i want a full report on it within the fortnight..."
that made you laugh as you tried to do up your leather boot, "of course Garth i gotta go ill call you tomorrow.." you hung up the phone and laughed grabbing your holister and tucking it under your right boot and tucking ur gun in there and then you grabbed your brand new leather jacket (cause your other one had been shredded by a werewolf a while back).
you made sure you had your phone but left your pager in the room and obviously had your ID and your wallet you werent sure where this night was going but it was looking good so far. you made sure your room key was in your wallet and then you exited the motel room. you looked up to see Dean, looking ravenously hot leaning on the hood of his sleak black 1967 Impala.
"well well well she cleans up good for a huntress... perfect to match my hunter... wouldnt you agree..." Dean said as he strode towards you, making you smile, "Dean when i checked in with my friend he mentioned to me that i should have started dating years ago... not saying you know i dont actually know if this is a date or not but he said he wants a full report within a fortnight..."
Dean laughs as he opens the passenger door to his 1967 Impala and lets you inside. the leather interior cool against ur skin but u didnt care, things at that moment just seemed to feel normal like it had all happened before. Dean closed the door when you were safely inside and he crawled in on his side. he stuck the key in the ignition and your face lit up happily as the engine purred to life, you smiled as led zepplin or metalica or whoever it was blasted thru the radio you didnt know why but it made you all warm and fuzzy inside.
like something out of a dream or a movie, something that made your heart skip a few beats till he reached and took your hand in his and your heart stopped slightly as you turned slightly to look in his eyes, "this is gonna sound crazy but i feel like i already knew you before today... i'm sorry if that sounds crazy but its just how im feeling."
Dean tightened his hold on your hand for the fear he had in his stomach was far too great, "no no no 'your name' dont ever think anything sounds crazy for infact i feel the same way... but why would we both be feeling like this i mean it cant possibly be the fact that... no no no there wasnt anyone with me on that hunt and plus i think i would remember...."
you looked at his now very confused, confused as to what he was talking about you took a sigh and you smiled lightly, "remember what dean?? whats going on???" you asked now slightly worried that dean might have... "yourname dont walk out on me please i dont want to loose you after i say what i am going to i fear i might..."
you reached out and touched his cheek lightly feeling his stubble run across your palm, "im not going anywhere dean i promise.." Dean breathed in and sighed, "about 3 years ago to this day i woke up in a hospital and my brother said i had been attacked by a jinn with no major injuries but he also mentioned someone else had been found where i had been found too but why would he mention that to me if not for me to question eventually he ignored me on it and everyday since ive had to live with the feeling like im missing something."
at that moment it occured to you that a similar thing had happened to you about 3 years to date, "it doesnt sound horrible actually something similar happened to me about 3 years ago too except i dont know what happened doctor said that i came in with brusing and a small concussion and a sprained shoulder but was also knocked out from the time i was brought in till 2 days later and that i wasnt the only one brought in too... same sitchuation what the hell is going on???"
Dean at that moment had an idea, he knew it was gonna be a long shot but it was their best chance possibly at finding out more about what this all means and what actually happened... dean then turned to the window and turned off the car as a smile crossed his face. he got out of the car and came over to your side and smiled as he twirled you closing the door and walking with you into his motel room, "just relax 'yourname' im not gonna get freaky but we are gonna get some answers... Castiel if you got your ears on get your feathery ass down here we need answers and we need them now"
at that moment a small woosh, suddenly a man in a trenchcoat was standing across from you and dean. now dean who now got up and sighed, "cas we need help something happened to us and made us not able to remember all the details we need to know what happened and whether or not we are connected by something..."
"actually you are... Dean Winchester meet YourFirstandLastname and vise versa your story is one hella complex thing you already knew eachother but 3 years ago you were on a hunt together you had slept together and chased this cluster of jinn across america agreeing to meet in the middle for the final 2 but when you arrived together you were a couple and it had taken you guys 1 year and 7 months of working as a couple to get that far but along the way... well why dont i show you that very same day...."
Castiel came to you and dean and touched your foreheads showing you everything from that same 24 hours:
Dean stopping at a little jewelry store and getting an engagement ring,
you both showing up at the abandoned mental hospital where the jinn had set up shop,
Dean following your every move as you did his and you both killing the first jinn only before Dean getting hit really hard and passing out slightly and you getting taken by the second jinn,
dean getting up and scowering the entire facility but finding you tied to a chair in what he presumed to be the morgue but the floor had been booby trapped and dean getting clunked on the head,
saying your name as he passed out and then you screaming his name before you got clunked on the head and passed out both of you waking up in the same hospital, both of you walking out of the hospital and back to present day...
once Cas took his fingers off yours and Dean’s foreheads you both shook your heads from the sudden return of your memories and then Cas smiled,
"your parents were destined to have both of you exactly at the precise moments you were conceived and born because you are soulmates... your destined to be together written in the stars type thing. you both were destined for a greater purpose and for that i leave you to get back to your original states."
Castiel disappeared shortly after his statement, you got up and stood at the mirror in the bathroom sighing as you splashed some cool water across your facial features you looked at dean through the mirror. you smiled lightly as your head felt like it was about to explode, your memories changing and you started to giggle,
"after all this time i thought i was alone, i never imagined that coming here would not only let me figure out this case but allow me to find my soulmate. let alone finding out it is the famous Dean Winchester, Garth Fitzgerald talks about you all the time."
you said as you strode back to him slowly but hearing him chuckle was what made you look up at him, "Garth that’s your friend, Garth really why him why Garth... is that who wants you to report in..." you giggle as you trip over his napsack, landing in his lap, his arms tightening around you, "yourname i know that this has been just crazy, its been very crazy and we have been seperated for 3 years but right now we need to make things official they should have already been official but you need to accept my question now..."
you felt dean reach into the pocket of his leather jacket and then move himself out from beneath you, you watched him kneel on the ground in  front of you,
"yourname i know that getting our memories back filled in alot of blanks but right now its just about us. so one very important question still needing to be answered, yourname will you become a Winchester and marry me in the process???"
you nodded as he slid the ring on your finger, "yes Dean although me becoming a Winchester means my family line is officially dead, oh well we were all ready a dead line, together we start something new cause we are all chained to the rhythm and we can turn it up cause its our favorite song and we will dance dance dance to the distortion..."
you kissed him pinning him to the bed between the giggles, laughing, beers, shirts flying, everything flying around the room the feeling of sensation and pleasure fill the bed your lives and the room.
you woke up to your ringtone, "It is my desire Break down the walls to connect, inspire Ay, up in your high place, liars Time is ticking for the empire The truth they feed is feeble As so many times before They greed over the people They stumbling and fumbling And we're about to riot They woke up, they woke up the lions (Woo!)"
Dean stirred beside you and tightened his grip on your waist as you reached for your phone and groaned at the call display, "Garth, its 8:30 i’m hungover and you're annoying me with this call because..." Garth cleared his throat on the other end as you felt dean bury his face into the back of your neck as he groaned kissing your neck now sort of conscious his stubble drafting cross your neck, "well yourname how did the evening go..."
dean picked up on the fact that it was Garth you were talking to and he nodded for you to put this on speaker, "Garth you best have a good reason for disturbing me and my gorgeous fiance at this obscenely obnoxious hour of the morning." Dean kissed your lips softly as Garth gasped, "dean my man hows it going??? & yourname you didn’t tell me you were with Dean Winchester, nor the fact that you knew him i mean both of you... but how?????"
you smile as dean buries his lips into the crook of your neck and you giggle, "Garth, that`s a long story which i will tell you when we next do a meeting, but i plea you to spread word around amongst the hunters that Dean Winchester is getting married and formal invites will follow..."
you smiled as a light moan slipped from your lips and Garth cleared his throat, "well well well so whens the wedding????" dean then sighed, "bye Garth we will speak to you when we do..." dean then closed the call and hung up you only smiled and laughed it was the most amazing night ever.
-------- 1 year later---------
THE DAY HAD ARRIVED, the flowers everywhere, the bunker dun up in loads of twinkle lights, the hustle and bustle of Charlie and others rushing round, getting everything ready but mostly the annoyance of Sam and Charlie having you and Dean trapped away from eachother.
Charlie having you stuck in your old room & Sam having stuck Dean in what was soon to be your shared room but there was something that made today seem like something out of a dream.
thru text tho you and dean were able to exchange i love you's and chit chat while you both were prodded and poked and dressed and such by Charlie and Sam. everyone was having fun but as the music started you started to get nervous...
you and dean were allowed to call only once both of you were ready, "Dean i don`t know if its just me but now wearing this dress and these stupid heels, i suddenly am nervous to do this in front of all these people..."
"don`t stress sweetheart just think we will be legal after this.. trust me we have been chained into the same rhythm for a long time and today is my favorite day cause today i get tied to the woman who has made me a better man... i`ll see you out there babe..." Dean said as Sam and Charlie both entered your quarters and announced it was time and took your phones away hanging them up...
you breathed in and smiled as you heard the intro to your favorite song and you started to sing along, "Are we crazy? Living our lives through a lens Trapped in our white picket fence Like ornaments..."
as you were led from your room down the hall which now had a red carpet and still yet you continued to sing but once you entered the main hall you were stopped by Sam who had volunteered to walk you down the aisle even tho technically he was also the best man but he was the closest person to do the job and you wouldn`t have it another way.
you walked over to Sam who hugged you and congratulated you before linking your arm in his and the chorus started and everyone rose as Castiel said, "all rise for the entry of the bride..." at which point you started down the aisle with Sam and as soon as you locked eyes with dean you were sure you would fall but you knew that wouldn't happen as long as you lived with these fantastic people.
it was here finally as Sam placed your hand in deans and took his place beside his brother you smiled as you and dean approached Cas who smiled,
      "ladies gentlemen friends family it gives me the extreme honor of marrying Dean Winchester and YourFirst&LastName, these 2 people have been through so much being hunters, this life is never easy but when things get tough the tough stay strong for it is the strength of family and friends that gets us through this rough life. now as dean and yourname have opted for saying the short and sweet versions of their vows i would like to invite them to do so now..."
dean straightened up and smiled,
      "yourname i know we have been through so much but now we never have to be alone again you have a home with me and Sam and everyone here we know how this life is especially for someone who had no one else who searched for so long we know that nothing is easy, but everything comes with a price, you paid that price when you started hunting you killed the thing that took your family from you.. but it was your courage and thrill of the hunt that brought you to me, now we never have to be apart again. i love you yourname and i`m happy your mine..."
you smiled and sniffled slightly as you sighed,
       "Dean your right you always are no matter what anyone says, i know we shouldn`t have taken our time together the first time for granted but loosing you and yet still ever worse loosing my memory of you has made me a better person a stronger hunter and as you said the huntress to your hunter. i`m proud to on this day become your wife and i only regret not stabbing that stupid memory stealing jinn when i had the chance... i know i`ve said it before but i wasn`t kidding you make me happy you are not useless you are my superman and i wouldn`t want anyone else... i love you dean and i cant wait to see where life will take us..."
Cas cleared his throat as Charlie and Sam handed off the rings which were immediately placed allowing Cas to continue,        
"and so by the power vested within me by the laws of heaven and earth i hereby finally pronounce you husband and wife, dean you may kiss your bride"  
Dean was familiar with that part he wrapped his arms around your waist and dipped you kissing you passionately earning claps awes and ooos from the crowd as the song finished,
"It goes on, and on, and on 'Cause we're all chained to the rhythm"
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delos-mio · 7 years
Partners- Part 5- College Logan AU
A/N: This chapter is a little bit of set up for future plot and also for the *ahem* events of the next chapter
“I have to tell Evan.”
Sam was sitting across from you at the kitchen table. She looked around for a moment, deep in consideration. “Well, you don’t have to.”
“Yes I do. It’s not fair to either of them if I don’t.” You took a long drink out of your water bottle, fighting off the hangover that had infested your body. Last night had been more than you had planned on. It had been full of laughs and skin on skin and alcohol and Logan’s stupid, perfect smile.
“Not even close to true. You’re only hooking up with Evan when it’s convenient for him, and you haven’t even slept with Logan. You don’t owe anyone anything.” Sam’s reasoning did make sense to you, so why did you feel like you had 26 rocks in the bottom of your stomach? You let out a long sigh and let your head drop back behind you.
“Maybe I’ll wait until I can walk into a lit room without wanting to kill myself,” you said with your eyes pinched shut.
“At least until then,” Sam laughed. You finally gathered the energy to get up and walk to your room. The curtains were already drawn, giving you the peace and quiet you so desperately needed right now. Your bed was so soft as you flopped down, letting the messy bun on the top if your head smack the pillow. Something was making a faint buzzing noise on your nightstand. You groaned as you rolled over to see who could possibly disturbing you at a time like this.
L: Does your head hurt as much as mine does?
You smiled and rolled on your back, lifting your phone above your face.
Y: I can’t open my eyes ever again L: That’s a shame. I really liked your eyes Y: Oh stopppp L: I’m serious!
You looked away from your phone for a moment, letting a warmth come over your face. It was starting to get really irritating that he could make you turn into a puddle with just a text. There was another buzz from between your fingers.
L: I can’t stop thinking about kissing you Y: Shouldn’t you be paying attention to your family? L: Eh they’ll live. But maybe I should tell them why I’m so distant Y: Omg please don’t L: What? You don’t want them to know about how all I can think about are your lips? L: Or how fucking hot you look in my clothes?
L: Or how badly I want to see you naked under me? Y: Logan!! L: Sorry babe. It’s the truth. Y: You wanna help me with our lab tomorrow? L: Don’t really want to do the lab…but if it means seeing you, then yes Y: Finally I can get you to do some work L: Haha very funny. Smartass. Send me your address tomorrow Y: Ok see you tomorrow Lo L: Aww do u have a nickname for me? Y: Shut up
You put your phone down and jumped up to your desk, quick to finish the lab that you had already nearly finished. There was going to be nothing left for when he came over tomorrow.
First thing when you woke up, you sent Logan the address for the little apartment you shared with Sam. She mentioned to you that she’d be out most of the day at work. You cleaned up as much as you could, finding yourself wanting to impress him. You still weren’t sure what it was about him that made you so nervous, what it was that you liked so much. No! You didn’t like him. You barely knew him. Just as you were trying to talk yourself down from your nervousness, there was a light knock on your door. You rushed over and flung the door open to reveal the tall boy you had been thinking about for the last day.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Logan grinned. He was leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed over his black shirt. His fitted jeans hugged his toned legs perfectly and you were turned back into that puddle you’d been transforming into so often.
“I think it’s technically the afternoon,” you joked. He narrowed his eyes at you, but you just stood on your toes and gave him a chaste kiss. “And hi,” you smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him into your apartment. “Sorry, not quite a full house, but we like it,” you said as you watched him look around your kitchen and living room.
“No apologies. I really like it,” he said letting your hand drop as he walked to a canvas hanging on the far wall. “Is this yours?” he asked, pointing at you as his eyes stayed fixed on the painting.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did it last winter.” You looked down at your feet, a sudden shyness coming over you. Suddenly you felt a finger curl under your chin, lifting your head. Logan was back in front of you, his dark eyes peering into yours.
“It’s incredible. I love it.” He gave you a crooked smile before running his fingers through your hair. “Why didn’t you tell me you were so good?” A laugh came out of your lips, making your eyes squeeze shut.
“What did you want me to say? ‘Oh and by the way, I’m really good at art’?” you teased as you ran your hands over his biceps.
“Fuck yeah! You should lead off with that anytime you meet someone new from now on,” he said, pulling you in even closer.
“Well…um, I guess we should probably finish that lab,” you whispered, his face just inches from yours. You saw his face fall a little, still unaware of why you had really asked him over. You took his hand and led him down the narrow hallway to your room. His eyes lit up again once you were inside and he was able to take in more of the art that was on your bedroom walls. “Do you think it’s conceited of me to hang my own art in my room?”
“Absolutely not,” he laughed. “I mean, I have my trophies out in my room. That’s the same to me.” He walked over and sat on the foot of your bed, kicking off his shoes. He had noticed, however, that you weren’t making any moves to pull out this lab work. Everything he knew about you told him that you would be eager to finish up any outstanding work and that nothing could distract you until it was complete. But there you were, still standing against your closed bedroom door.
“You finished the lab, didn’t you?” You nodded your head, biting lightly on your bottom lip. “So then what am I doing here?” Logan raised an eyebrow at you, leaning back on his elbows. You didn’t say anything further as you walked over to him. Logan sat up straight, hyperaware of every move you made. Carefully, you lifted your knees to straddle his lap. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, his hands made their way to your waist, his strong fingers gripping your exposed soft flesh. You sat there a moment, your fingers knotted in his soft, dark hair. Every second brought your lips closer together, his breath hot as you anticipated the feeling of his mouth on yours.
“What was it you said yesterday? You couldn’t stop thinking about kissing me?” you breathed out, dipping your head down to press soft kisses along his neck.
“Something like that. I’m pretty sure I said something about wanting to fuck you too.” You could hear the shit eating grin in his voice as he threw that idea out in the open. You gave his neck a hard nip at his proposition, making him sharply inhale.
“Behave, Logan,” you warned.
“I’m not the best at that.” In a single move, he flipped you onto your back, his body hovering over yours. “And something tells me you’re not so good at behaving yourself.”
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