odeeba · 11 months
Hello Everyone, How have you all been doing? I want to apologize for my long absence. It’s been over one year but I haven’t forgotten this platform. I hope my absence have not caused any inconvenience and I truly apologize. I have had many things happening in and around me and I only came here to check in at time. Now that things are back to normal I will be writing again. Also, I’ve noticed…
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odeeba · 2 years
How Do You Manage Self-Doubt
How Do You Manage Self-Doubt
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odeeba · 2 years
Stop Criticizing Yourself: Why You Should Embrace Your Imperfection
Stop Criticizing Yourself: Why You Should Embrace Your Imperfection
What are your imperfections? These are the personal traits that we believe make us inferior or even hate ourselves. It is our flaws. Those things that make us wish we were and try to change about ourselves. You struggle to accept yourself for who you are. Many times you are unable to change these things. For example, hearing impairment or an accident that left you an amputee. These are some of…
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odeeba · 2 years
Self-Criticism: How to Manage Your Inner Critic
How do you deal with self-criticism?
Why do you keep bashing yourself? You critic your body, your performance at the things you do to develop your life, the clothes you wear, everything – until it becomes an obsession. How does criticizing help you; unless you are doing so intentionally? We all aspire to be the best we can be. And analysing ourselves is a tool for measuring our efforts and achievements. While this is an excellent…
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odeeba · 2 years
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com Habits are powerful routines of behaviours that dictate our life. And if we are not conscious of these behaviours we can ruin our lives. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. “Aristotle Can you think of a habit or habit in your life and the impact it is having on you? Are they worthwhile keeping? Habits are an…
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odeeba · 2 years
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com Habits are powerful routines of behaviours that dictate our life. And if we are not conscious of these behaviours we can ruin our lives. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. “Aristotle Can you think of a habit or habit in your life and the impact it is having on you? Are they worthwhile keeping? Habits are an…
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odeeba · 2 years
Top 10 Rules For Self-Love
Rules for Self-Love
What is self-love? How do you define self-love? Self-love is exactly what it sounds like – loving yourself. Loving every facet of your being, by recognizing and accepting who you are, all your weaknesses, mistakes, failures, flaws, everything and every part of you that you would have considered awful, ugly, silly, hideous or dreadful in the past or even in the present. Self-love is holding…
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odeeba · 2 years
6 Creative Ways to Practice Self-Expression
6 Creative Ways to Practice Self-Expression
What is self-expression? I am sure many of us have a good idea of what it is. I define self-expression as “the act of expressing oneself in a variety of ways such as dancing, writing, your dressing style, drawing painting, speaking and singing. Do you even sing? Can you? Hello my friends how have you been doing lately? When last did you check up on your friends or family? Recently, I’ve been…
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odeeba · 2 years
4 Strategy to Cultivate Self-Worth
4 Strategy to Cultivate Self-Worth
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com According to the merriam-webster self-worth can be defined as “a sense of one’s own value as a human.” This, in my opinion, can be interpreted as how an individual views himself or herself as having good qualities, capabilities and accepting yourself wholeheartedly and does not rely on the opinion of others. How do you value yourself? How do you base…
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odeeba · 2 years
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
5 Keys to A More Productive Lifestyle
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com Habits are powerful routines of behaviours that dictate our life. And if we are not conscious of these behaviours we can ruin our lives. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. “Aristotle Can you think of a habit or habit in your life and the impact it is having on you? Are they worthwhile keeping? Habits are an…
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odeeba · 2 years
How You Can Improve Your Day to Day Living
How You Can Improve Your Day to Day Living
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com What is your biggest distraction? I’m not sure what is my biggest distraction but I hate noise and sometimes I am unable to control it, because of the origin of the sound. So what do I do? Wait until the noise subsided and begin my work. Early mornings are not only great for exercising and coffee but to begin writing. When the mind is fresh and less tired.…
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odeeba · 2 years
Welcome to Empowering Minds
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odeeba · 2 years
How Do You Manage Self-Doubt
How Do You Manage Self-Doubt
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odeeba · 2 years
8 Things You Must Stop Waiting For
8 Things You Must Stop Waiting For
Have you ever found yourself waiting for others to get things done together? How much of your time was spent doing this? Can you count the times? Could it be more than what you think it is? Or all your life? What have you been waiting for? In my young adult years, I was constantly waiting for things to happen for me. This presented a lot of constraints and loss of time. It was not a situation…
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odeeba · 2 years
Self-Criticism: How to Manage Your Inner Critic
How do you deal with self-criticism?
Why do you keep bashing yourself? You critic your body, your performance at the things you do to develop your life, the clothes you wear, everything – until it becomes an obsession. How does criticizing help you; unless you are doing so intentionally? We all aspire to be the best we can be. And analysing ourselves is a tool for measuring our efforts and achievements. While this is an excellent…
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odeeba · 2 years
Strategies to Navigate Tough Situations
Strategies to Navigate Tough Situations
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Pexels.com Life is full of obstacles. And sometimes getting through these obstacles can be very tough and takes a lot of faith, positivity and will power. Faith, because it helps us to trust with our whole being, and that things will be taken cared of. Positivity and will-power because the former reflects that in positive thinking we are aided when frustrated; and…
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odeeba · 2 years
The Greatest Gift I Give Myself
The Greatest Gift I Give Myself
The Way to Self-Improvement Is to Work On Yourself Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Why do you want to refine your life? Is there something that is motivating you to do so? What is it? Perchance you want to learn a new language, start a business, improve your relationships or to balance your life. It is never easy to rewire yourselves. Changing perceptions, habits, unlearning what we thought…
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