#deliveries are so dramatic and over exaggerated oh my god these are gonna be so good sung live
cantofworms · 1 year
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myketheartista · 4 years
Do you think if a fan reasonably listed their dislikes and concerns with rvb zero, Fiona, Torrian, or literally anyone else would still come back and light a fire under them? (fiona’s comments have made me a bit annoyed but it’s understandable since some of the comments from fans have been stupid)
Because it’s not about “if it’s not your thing, sorry, you don’t have to watch it. It’s for other people!” It’s about the actual issues in the show that I feel like...the writers aren’t recognizing? And this isn’t me hating on the show really, I’m just confused if they notice the flaws?
This is probably turning into a long post so I apologize in advance, and if it does turn into some sort of hate-rant, I apologize for that too, but I’m mostly just letting my thoughts out on things I’ve noticed that aren’t sitting well with me—and SPOILERS for the new episode if you aren’t a first member, but-
———— sorry I’m on mobile idk how to do a read more if it’s possible
I think I’m allowed to get angry that they killed Tucker. Because even if it’s a fake out and they’re pulling another season 12 where we all thought he was gonna die after Felix stabbed him (because the situation was actually taken seriously and the atmosphere is what assisted the blow in comparison to rvb0’s not-so-great pacing skills) EVEN if it’s a fake out, it’s a shitty thing to do. I don’t care if it comes down to “oh, well Jason was the only one of the OG cast available and bringing back Tucker makes sense because of his weapon” you’re going to 1.) bring back a beloved character we’ve had for 17 years. 2.) KILL said character 3.) probably do it for dramatics and he’ll actually be okay because why would you kill off a memorable character 4.) god, not to mention, and this could just be me being extra bitter, but you killed him off in such a boring way? I know the guy is an idiot, a sim trooper thrown into a war he was never apart of with no fighting skills at all, but it’s Tucker. Make the guy go out in style.
I said the same thing about Carolina and how they’re doing her a disservice. Even though she had began to grow annoying to me in previous seasons (shisno paradox to be exact), I was still ecstatic to see her just like anyone else! Her and Wash! And I’m NOT her creator and I’m NOT someone who understands her character to the point where I feel like I have a right to start telling the writers they’re portraying her wrong, but I truly feel like Carolina is not in character at all. I think the constant usage of Wash’s first name is unusual (she even went as far as to CORRECT One??? Wash’s name is a personal thing and throwing it around makes me feel like he isn’t even worthy of respect at this point. I sincerely hope they aren’t using the first name basis thing as an excuse to say oh!! Look at how close her and Wash are!), the completely? normal?? private conversations she’s been having with specifically One (I’m unsure if it’s because Carolina is working with people who aren’t actually idiots this time around so the setting makes her more comfortable, but I don’t see Carolina as an advice-giver or a pep-talker. Maybe I’m so used to hardcore freelancer Lina that I’m brainwashed but these are really throwing me off), and finally— her reaction to Tucker’s death, and excuse me haha, is a fucking joke.
I’m not elaborating on that. I feel like it should be self-explanatory, to be honest. I could even say her reaction sums up MY reaction, but I’m hoping there might be some aftermath stuff, y’know? Then again, I’m praying he’s not dead because, again, what the actual hell?
But aside from me being annoyed by little writing things I’ve noticed, I’m really enjoying the animation and I’m totally into the characters, but who hasn’t said that? That seems to be the only good thing you hear after long posts that speak negatively of the show. I appreciate the enthusiasm and I completely respect others who enjoy it for what it is! I’m also trying to enjoy it from the perspective of a new fan or even someone who just LOVES rvb for what it is (because HEY any rvb satisfies me, I freakin adored the shisno paradox even if it’s hated on for its writing) buuuut the flaws keeps standing out to me whether it’s the unusually fast pacing, the awkward and very over exaggerated movements (because if we’re being honest, what human moves like this? Am I too rude to ask if we can just have someone speaking and bobbing their head but still have them animated like in PFL?), the delivery of lines (meh, sometimes it’s cheesy, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s just too fast!), and the unbelievable amount of “surprising” info I’m given without a cool plot twist or SOMETHING to make me actually give a crap about the characters lives and backstories.
Yeah, it’s probably turned into a hate-rant, haha. But I’m legit curious if Fiona is defending Torrian and hyping up the show simply bc it’s a first-time thing! Great! She’s happy and excited and so proud of the thing they’ve created, who wouldn’t be, but it’s severely disappointing to see something so awesome have so many problems that are making it an unenjoyable experience for me. And maybe that’s just me being someone who criticizes too much...which is ironic considering I’ll praise every episode of rvb because I’m being fed content, I’ll praise ANYTHING rvb RT gives me bc I’m so desperate, but rvb0 is uhhhh it’s not cutting it for me unfortuantely.
MY PASSION FOR RAYMOND LIVES ON THOUGH! I love burger man and I love his funny lines and his relationship with everyone and I love how he’s a goofball. I love lots of things about the show and I still think the cast thing with Carolina was funny :) so sorry if I come off as mean because I’m really trying to not let my love for old rvb get in the way, but I dunno, maybe I really cant accept something new? Or maybe I’m just sad something with potential isn’t doing so great :(
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oboevallis · 4 years
Can u do a part 2 of cuddles where Amelia and link go go the hostpital and she has the baby
cuddles pt 2
thank you so much for the prompt! i hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!! lol i really didn’t k or what to do for the name so it’s kind of random my apologies
"I forgot how much this hurts." Amelia groaned squeezing her husbands hand.
"You got this." Link encouraged, rubbing his wife's arm up and down.
"Your looking good Amelia. Your about 5cm dilated so far." The OB informed before leaving the room, Amelia was unsettled that her usual OB wasn't unavailable since she was on her honeymoon.
"Everything is gonna be okay. She's a great OB." Link comforted, sensing his wife's nerves. She smiled at him before doubling over in pain, clutching his hand.
"I know, but what if something goes wrong? I trust Carina, not this doctor who we met five minutes ago." Amelia sighed once her contraction had passed.
"Nothings going wrong, it's going to be just fine."
"It better be." Link smirked at his wife and kissed her forehead in an attempt to comfort her.
"It's been foreeeeeeeeeeeever since we've been to the park!" Scout exaggerated as he walked to the park with his sister and aunt. "Aren't you excited, Addie?"
"No." She sighed resting her head on Maggie's shoulder while she was being carried. Scout had basically dragged the two out of the house.
"It'll be nice to get out of the house, you'll be begging to get away once the baby is crying all the time." Maggie chuckled.
"Are they here yet?" The girl asked, suddenly perking up.
"Nope not yet, it's gonna be a little bit." The girl sighed dramatically in response, as her aunt let her down and she ran to the slide, her brother right behind her.
She quickly checked her phone to see if there was any update on Amelia's progress, nothing new. When she looked up she spotted the kids crouched down by the slide, she ran over thinking one of them were hurt.
"What happened?" She asked, engaging into doctor mode.
"This dogs leg looks like it's broken." Scout said standing up, allowing Maggie to see the small dog.
"Oh." Maggie breathed out, relieved the kids were fine. "Okay, let's see." She kneeled down to examine the dog. She wasn't a vet, but she did assume the dogs leg was broken. She looked for a tag, but found nothing.
"Your a doctor, help him Auntie Maggie!" Addie exclaimed, visibly upset.
"Well I'm a human doctor, not a dog doctor." Maggie looked down and contemplated what she was going to do. "Alright we're going to have to go back to the house since my car is there, and drive this little guy to the vet."
The kids nodded in agreement, following their aunt as she carried the whimpering dog. Maggie was silently cursing herself, obviously someone needed to help the animal. But she knew the kids were going to get attached to the dog, and Amelia made it clear, absolutely no dog.
"We should name him." Addie smiled once Maggie buckled her in.
"No!" Maggie nearly shouted.
"Your right, we'll name him once we know he's okay."
"Nope, we're not naming him. We're taking him to the vet and they're gonna make sure he's okay and has a home." Maggie affirmed, she knew her sister would kill her if she came home with a new baby and there was a dog at the house.
"Auntie Maggie, they kill the dog's there if they don't have a home!" Scout exclaimed to his aunt, visibly upset.
"They don't do that, I'll make sure of it." As terribly as it sounded she was starting to wish she left the dog in the park, so she didn't have to deal with the broken hearts of her niece and nephew.
"We can't let that happen!" Addie was now nervous that they were going to hurt the dog.
"I promise the dog will be fine." Maggie sighed as she parked the car at the vets office.
"I hear we have a baby on the way." Jo smiled as she walked into the room putting on a pair of gloves.
"Where's Dr Abbot?" Amelia asked through strained teeth as she went through a contraction.
"An emergent case came into the ER, so she's asked me to come and do this."
"Jo I love you but you've been training as an OB for two seconds, you are not delivering my baby." The neurosurgeon said as she sat up.
"Babe, it's Jo she's an amazing surgeon."
"Emphasis on the word 'surgeon'."
"And an amazing OB. She's delivered babies before, we all have." Link pointed out to his wife. "I could deliver this baby if it was necessary."
"Hopefully it doesn't come to that." Amelia nervously chuckled, all she wanted was a healthy baby and a safe delivery. She started down Jo before speaking again. "You kill this baby, I kill you."
"Well that not going to happen." Jo shakily smiled, she was nervous before she came in here, and that statement didn't help.
"Everything is going to be just fine." Link smiled reassuringly as his wife gripped his hand. "There's nothing for anyone to worry about:"
"Easy for you to say, you just sit there and look pretty." Jo laughed as she sat down in front of the hospital bed. "Next contraction I want you to push."
"Okay." Amelia nodded tiredly, allowing herself to lean back in the bed. "Alright I feel another contraction." She said while she sat back up, supporting herself on her elbows.
"Whenever your ready."
The neurosurgeon screamed in pain, her husband stood there helplessly as she tightly squeezed his hand. The last two times they did this he didn't have the watch his wife in pain. Everyone gave her encouraging words as she screamed through the pain. After a few short minutes she felt relief, and heard the cries of her son.
"He's beautiful." Amelia smiled in awe as she stared at her son who was placed on her chest. Link nodded in agreement kissing his wife's forehead.
"Hate to break up the moment but I've got do his newborn checks." Jo smiled taking the baby away yet again.
"Good job." Link smiled as he leaned down to kiss his wife properly.
"I don't work alone." She tiredly smirked back at him.
"This is one healthy baby." Jo announced as she passed the baby back to the couple.
"Hey Mer." Maggie greeted, once her sister picked up the phone. "There's kind of a slight situation."
"Oh God, what wrong?"
"Well, we found this injured dog. So we took him to the vet, and I was firm that we were not keeping the dog, but now we're home and the dog is with us."
"Maggie." Meredith sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That's the last thing they need right now, you have to take the dog to the pound."
"I've tried but the kids are keeping it captive in Addies room."
"Well you need to find a way to fix this." Meredith said before hanging up the phone and walking into Amelia hospital room.
"Was that Maggie? How are the kids?" Amelia asked anxiously.
"The kids are good, Maggie's taking good care of them." The neurosurgeon sighed in relief.
"At least I don't have to worry about them." Amelia smiled, spotting her husband as he walked into the room.
"Jo says he's fine, you finally got one that looks like you." He smiled as he sat down on the bed next to his wife, their baby in his arms.
"That's what we said about Addie, and now she looks just like you." She softly smiled, allowing herself to sink into his chest.
"I have a good feeling about this one."
"Hmm." Amelia hummed in agreement, basking in the relief that her newest baby was going to be okay.
"Well I'm going to go check on a patient. Congratulations." Meredith smiled before leaving the room.
"I'm going to let you get some sleep, and I'm gonna head home real quick to shower and check on the kids make sure they aren't driving Maggie insane." Link told his wife as he stood up,  realizing his wife was totally enthralled by the baby and not laying any attention to him. He chuckled to himself, and quietly left the room.
"Who's dog is that?" Link asked as he stepped into his home to see Maggie, Addie, Scout, and a dog playing on the floor.
"They were gonna kill him dad!" Addie exclaimed hugging the dog to her chest.
"Yeah! And his leg was hurt, but it's all better now see?" Scout agreed, pointing to the cast on the dogs leg. The father looked between his children, the dog, and Maggie.
"A word Maggie?" Link asked as he stepped into his wife's study.
"How's the baby doing?" Maggie asked as she shut the door bracing herself.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
"You see, at first I was very firm, but I'm gonna be honest I don't know what happened. The next thing I know, we're back here with the dog." Link sighed looking up. "How's the baby?"
"He's good" The ortho surgeon smiled.
"That's good." Maggie smiled, feeling guilt the couple didn't need anymore stress on them by a dog in the mix. "You guys decide on a name?"
"What are we going to do about the dog?" Link asked nervously ignoring the question, he wouldn't mind a dog but he knew his wife was going to be against it.
"I don't know, I'm really sorry."
"It's honestly not your fault. They're stubborn just like their mom." Maggie nodded in agreement. "Maybe I can convince Amelia to keep the dog."
"Your really beautiful, do you know that?" Link asked as he wrapped his arms around his wife and sat down next to her.
"God what did you do? Or what did the kids do?" She could tell by his tone of voice he was going to try and convince her of something.
"How would you feel about a dog?" Link asked only to be met with silence.
"There's a dog at our house isn't there?"
"He's really sweet, and the kids love him."
"I- Ugh." Amelia groaned leaning back on the bed, contemplating for a minute. "Fine, I'm not doing anything for that dog though. It's fully the kids responsibility and if they can't take care of it, it's gone."
"Really?" Amelia nodded. "Thank you! The kids are going to be so happy!"
"Im serious though, it's the kids responsible." Link nodded in agreement. A knock then came from the door, revealing Maggie and two of her kids.
"Hi mom." The kids whispered in unison. Scout went to look at the baby, while Addie climbed on the bed to get close to her mother.
"What's their name?" Scout asked standing in his tip ties to see the baby.
"His name is Anders Sutton Lincoln." Link smiled as he picked up the baby, and told his son to sit down on the couch so he could hold him, with his fathers assistance.
"That's the name I picked out!" Addie whispered excitedly.
"And what's the name of this dog who's living at our house now?" The mother asked, raising her eyebrow.
"You know about that?" Scout asked, somewhat spooked out.
"I'm your mom I know everything."
"Are you mad?" The girl asked, suddenly feeling guilty.
"No." Amelia sighed, if this was any other day she probably would've been mad, but right now all she felt was overwhelming joy. She knew it'd probably fade once she got home and there was a baby crying all night and a dog barking and running around. But in the moment she was enjoying the new additions to the family.
"Good." Addie sighed in relief leaning into her mother for a hug. "And his name is Rex."
"I just want to make it clear Rex is your responsibility." Link told his two oldest children, they both nodded in agreement with smiles plastered across their faces.
"This is the best day ever!" Scout whispered to his little brother who sighed in content and nestled himself into his brother.
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