eastwardb0und · 6 months
when you want to reach out to like... old friends but you are not sure if that feeling would be reciprocated.
Hell, would they even recognize me? Recognize nightmaresimon as I used to go by back in like... 2013?
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network-robin · 10 years
The jackal makes grabby hands for Delsin.
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thecrankysheriff · 10 years
delsindelsout replied to your photo:Mundaaay blegh
look at dat cutie B)
u forgot fire and death again huff B((
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hellofajob · 10 years
Delsindelsout has met the Demon
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"It's rare to meet some one of my kind, I feel as though I should either take you for a drink of react unkindly for you encroaching on my territory."
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all-as-one · 10 years
delsindelsout said: fiRST OF ALL Now imagine Del being bullied at school because he is a 'double orphan', and he is lonely and beaten, and doesn't study, so the social worker is trying to take him from Reg and back to the orphanage
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brent-walker-blog · 10 years
[text]:That's a lot of judgement coming from a man wearing a dress made from a bedsheet.
[text: delsin r-oh]: yeah but the fact that i can run around seattle lookin for the clothes thief makes it worth it
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controloverwritten · 10 years
The Watch Dogs 2 release date is coming. We know that. But when?
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loonyclownprincess-a · 10 years
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Your guys' skype names I swear.
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lxserboy · 10 years
delsindelsout started following you
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"Uh, D, why are you in the dumpster?"
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raininghellfire · 10 years
[text]:I have an interview tomorrow and listed you as a reference. If they call you, please don't tell them about the time I smuggled a Chalupa out of Taco Bell in my underwear.
Texts from Last Night
[ Text ] : I don't 
[ Text ] : Delsin please, I dont even remember that happening
[ Text ] : I think that should go on your app. It's a valuable skill.
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eastwardb0und · 10 years
❛ brush ❜
Journal squeaked, at first not recognizing the hand, but then simulated itself into a purr of pure bliss as it familiarized who was brushing its hair.
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thecrankysheriff · 10 years
melon for delsindelsout because i'm too lazy to switch blogs
melon - my first impression of you
I followed you on my main before anything else bc I liked your writing so I was like hell yeah man hell yeah and you seemed awesome and again I just watched from a distance. So when I made Reggie my first priority was to follow you even though I was 100% certain you were way too cool for me. So when you sent me that ask my brain literlly just d ONT FUCK THIS UP WII DONT FUK THIS UP.
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loonyclownprincess-a · 10 years
chin, wrist, hips.
Living with Delsin was working out better than Harley thought it would. He was sweet yet still a bit of a smartass. Just what she needed to get away from Joker. She still had nightmares. Brought on by the memories of all the abuse and near death experiences. But she would wake up to Delsin laying beside her, touching her wrist gently. She had to admit that she was afraid to lose him too. He brought sanity to her life and chase the bad dreams away. 
Harley always tried to dress up for him. She would walk up to him in the sexiest outfits she could put together. She could tell in his eyes that he liked it but he always had a smirk on his face or would chuckle. It made her wonder if he was making fun of her or if he just wasn’t attracted to her. One night she didn’t try at all. She just threw on shorts and a t shirt. No make up and nothing going on with her hair. She sat next to him on the couch and he leaned over and touched her chin, gently. She could tell in that moment that he thought she was beautiful no matter what. Harley didn’t think she would ever be interested in anyone, romantically after the Joker. Yet when Delsin would touch her in the smallest ways, like placing a hand on her hip when the slept next to each other, she thought that maybe she could try.
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raininghellfire · 10 years
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Oh he can think of a few things but instead settles with “I figure I’d give Heaven’s Hellfire a shot. You know. Make my own character and everything.”
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    "You'd really do that? I mean.. that's cool! I don't know if you;ll like it, it doesn't seem like your kind of game but you can always try. I'll set it up right now. I never thought this would happen. It's really fun, I promise." Eugene grinned and ran over to his system turning it on. "You'll like it."
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