cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
Delta stood back on top of their castle looking down at the new landscape that would now be ever growing in their world. 
Their world. 
She could almost feel America ready to cave and give her jurisdiction over it despite her already considering it hers to begin with. That was going to crack her up if it happened, but rightly so. She could see them shaking in their military grade boots out there. 
She felt like it was a bit of a rush job but she was an landscaper or an interior decorator. She wasn’t an architect, but it sure looked like it. The one thing that was really bugging her about the place wasn’t even the rabble of stray people in it as much as she didn’t always like people-ing. It was the name. 
Nola. Fuck New Orleans. It had it’s day. It’s time. It’s place. It’s history was in books where history belonged. She never quite fit in anywhere so Delta solved that problem by creating her own world. She’d fill her world full of monsters. She looked up her favorite one now, her other half. 
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“We need a name for this place. The old one just won’t do. Every time I try to think of one something absurd pops out like Feral Cat County. Feral Cat in a Box. Cat Box City. I keep hearing Dad’s voice say if you’re going to live under my roof you’re going to obey my rules. I remember you looking at me to run when he came at me. That’s all I was thinking about as I jumped through that window was I win because that feral cat is still in his room. Now every time I try to name my city all I can think of is feral cats. My brain is broken.” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
All the Happenings
Valerie and Scout would have a freeze moment when they’d both be see what Chip was going through with swamp fires through the camp. No one would know for sure this was Piper but there would be suspicions after the magical reinforcements from camp were the best way to tame it. 
It was possible even Thomas got some connections with Raya on this one with her dead-side Hell-mind being so triggered. Valerie suspected Piper right away whether Brigitte did or not. She was too in tune waiting for news after Dale left. Laveau property being ground zero for a swamp inferno couldn’t be a coincidence. 
Valerie would tell Thomas about this tragedy. Her precious other world, her camp, Chip’s community, Zeke’s home, his mamma’s people, so many hurt, the village nearly destroyed. There was a selfish part of Valerie that felt her life in her new Lothlorien was exactly what she wanted with Thomas, protected, and safe, felt so fine. Then there was another part of herself that felt that natural inclination to need to help. It was in her blood to pull together with the group and help the village if something real went down. This was something real. But, not wanting the responsibility of it was also why she left and the guilt was going to be put to the test with this one. 
Zeke would have contacted Thomas personally just in case Valerie got any impulsive ideas. She was in no condition with the triplets to be coming home to all this mess. Physical labor was the last thing she should be doing and she didn’t need the emotional stress of seeing it all up close. He, Brigitte, Chip, and the elders left would handle it. 
That was one happening. 
The next happening was the most recent amazing moon. 
Thomas would change and head out like he usually does. Valerie would wish he’d not wonder too far. She couldn’t communicate with him, but she’d start to feel sick herself, nauseous, pain she wasn’t used to feeling. Victor wasn’t there. Jesula was in no way available. Scout stayed home on full moon nights out of habit and sense of duty ingrained, but she was still a kid, and no specialized nurse here. She had no idea how to help when her mother started to cry out in pain clutching round her middle. It had finally happened, the big it. The triplets were being affected by the moon and with three of them crammed in there Valerie could feel it and they would only get bigger. 
Valerie would be compelled to go outside swearing up and down to Scout the pups wanted their father and moon. In her condition, barely able to stand, Scout had to help her walk to the door, but would beg her to go no further. She was scared if she stayed on the porch she’d just be a target for other wildlife like that on a night like this. She didn’t trust her father was the only wolf left in New Zealand after the camp they plowed down. Who knew if there were any strays out there? So, Scout would sit on the kitchen floor with her mother right by door trying hard to muffle the sounds of a wounded animal Valerie might make by keeping the radio on unsure of what else to do as she tended to her mom with cold cloths, and they waited for Thomas to return. 
It didn’t end there. There was another happening. 
Flotsam/Valerie was groomed to have a connection with the other side. They’d had a strong one that had grown more powerful with age. Dr. F’s saying “He’s got friend’s on the other side” was one of Flotsam’s favorites. They tried so hard to appease the Gods, spirits, and such. That same full moon night would end with Valerie in an involuntary seizure-like trance ghost writing on the floor. It took a while for Scout to figure out to put pen in their hand. The writing would not be in her own handwriting, not even the parts that were clear, though most of it was scratchy and gibberish, hard to make out, like her body was hard to invade and control. Something possessed her and it was not Marrassa or Savvy. Neither entity had ever worked that way before. 
All of this was going to be what Maddy and Bastien were flying in from Nola to New Zealand to. As if their little miscommunication wasn’t a jumble of a mess of it’s own, the Laveau family stress just rose a little higher in worries that would feel a lot less petty or emotional and more life concerning. Valerie was still half in the dark about Thaddeus so she didn’t know Thomas had that piled on it too.
 Victor and Zero were traveling by the same Jolly Roger magic sea portaling and would be as long as Delta had anything to say about these trips. He’d be bringing Tree back to Nola with them. That said, if Victor were a guessing man, he’d guess Thaddeus better not test Thomas’s patience at this point in the game because his wife was now officially in a very, fragile, high risk state, and would get a doctor’s warning label over the phone before he’d arrive to see her. Emotions matter. Getting heated matters. Mamma gets upset. Babies get upset. They could have emotional changes too not just full moon just like daddy. 
Chip hadn’t even reached out to Maddy he’d been so exhausted and busy in the village. Though the fires themselves were all over the news, so the Bellerose’s had to have been wondering. If anything they might have been able to get more news out of Scout than anyone. Scout would be the most open line in the Laveau family at the current moment. 
Still, with all this going on in the background, Bastien and Maddy were going across the sea. So, were Delta and Frank. 
Delta and Frank were happening. 
Delta wanted to check out this place Tree had been. They thought about not making a move till Maleficent did something, but it was dragging out. They took a risk and left Heresy alone in the castle. It was a big risk, but damn it they were bored. Fuck it all. They would not even announce they were coming to anyone. They would just board the Jolly Roger right before they set sail, even Victor and Zero did not know. They would tell no one where they were going to stay. They would tell no one their itinerary and just show up and take over the Captain’s cabin. Smee would start to lift a hand when they chose that door and all it would take was one look from Frank and the ever slow slight bounce of one of Delta’s curls as if she might turn her head and he lowered that hand and opened the door for them. Delta never had to turn her head. Frank’s stares always did it. 
The Cap’n wasn’t going to be happy about this. He doesn’t like his things moved unless he’s the one doing the breaking or throwing of course. Delta decided it was much more fun to stow a ride on the infamous Jolly Roger and mess up Hook’s room than to hitch a ride a plane with the Hunch and Maddy if given the choice and since Victor was going they had a choice. So, Delta told Maddy they weren’t going and gave no other reason. She didn’t say they had another ride, just that they weren’t going with them. 
Bastien and Maddy went on a plane. Maddy got a plane all to themselves this time she said. Bastien liked that. He was not a fan of ear popping in planes and going deaf when going high and low, but he was a big fan of being alone. So he would sing his wife lots of praises for that.  
 This was a new place and Bastien got a little skittish about leaving the airport unless it was dark. He kept asking what time it would be when they landed even after he’d already asked. He was jazzed up in Paris on marriage confidence. In Nola everyone knew him as Delta’s hammer guy at the very least. Going out in the day just wasn’t so bad anymore, but this was a brand new world out there that didn’t know him. The nerves started to hit. He was very thankful their arrival was in the evening. They’d arrive at Valerie and Thomas’s most bragged about and highly recommended honeymoon hotel. They’d mention Valerie and Thomas and get the star treatment from moment one. With a pocketbook like Maddy’s they won’t be regretting it or wasting their time either. They’ll surely be amply rewarded for their hospitality. 
Still, Bastien had that groggy after-transformation face with extra travel exhaustion on top as he sat down on the balcony for a smoke without taking much of the room in yet. 
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“Look at us in a whole new world again.” 
He was calming down after everything. Bastien always needed a moment to step back and recenter after the pain. He gained strength through the night. As confident as he’d become in Nola in the day his love for the night would always remain. He always longed for a day in the sun like a normal man but there was comfort in the dark. There was muscle memory in what this was. There was never pressure here to be brave or overcome. He could just be. 
He liked that feeling. 
“Come check out the view, Mama Bear.” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
That Hobbiton Tour Only Thomas Can Give
When Thaddeus saw the Laveaus arrive at Hobbiton with so many tickets on the camera he’d get up and start to head over even though it wasn’t his night to work. The guy couldn’t help himself. He’d be late, but he’d show up eventually to play his Green Dragon part. 
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Delta, Frank, Victor, Zero, and Bastien, Maddy, Scout, Thomas, and Valerie made quite the group. Frank got all the stares though Zero and Thomas might be a match for scars under the clothes and peeking out from the neck. 
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There were two tour choices and Valerie was kind enough to give the Belleroses a choice. So, this was actually Bastien’s call. But, they actually came for the dinner tour which started in the day light and changed over to night and would end with the biggest dinner banquet and the lantern walk. Bastien wanted to be able to experience the grandest experience Valerie described. He felt bad if he chose the lesser experience. She even tried to tell them that they could come back later at night themselves because she had the keys, but Bastien insisted on doing the long tour so he could see all the little details in the light. That meant he’d be shifting at Hobbiton. That was a big deal shift. The tour was only so long and that took time and privacy. It was definitely going to draw attention. Valerie wasn’t sure if she should have let it happen, but the part of her that wanted to share Hobbiton with everyone, and that meant day time too, and night time, then by God Bastien was going to get to see it too. If something went wrong Valerie already decided she’d just force Thaddeus to fix it with that family of his. He just had to because she said so. 
She also never spared dressing up when going to Hobbiton. She often went elven something slightly in Middle Earth style when she went to fit the mood. She was really showing now and her styles were changing in general. She’d been wearing a lot looser clothes for comfort, lots of dresses so there was no restriction at all. Maddy liked to dress up a lot. This was one of those times Maddy couldn’t over dress because Valerie was on it too. She was in good spirits after their snow day the night before. She was dressed in green. She wasn’t bundled up for this one. Hobbiton was like her own backyard. She even took her shoes off and went running when they finally got a chance. She was a nature brat that liked to stay grounded with the earth. 
The tour had finally gotten to a point where they could drift more on their own and roam and she would take every chance to run over the grassy hills in the breeze, her green dress would billow in the breeze. She took a break and sat on the hill to enjoy the sun. She noticed Scout was getting a piggy back from Thomas while he was pointing more things out to Bastien. She thought it was funny even with Scout on his back they weren’t quite as tall as Frank. She’d give her husband a wave to let him know she was taking a break for a moment. Then she waved Maddy in hoping to get a moment alone. “Take a load off. They’ll take us up to for the banquet soon. Enjoy the landscape.. and me for awhile.” She grinned. “No, really. How do you like it? I missed saying goodbye last night. We got separated. You guys having fun yet?” 
Zero and Victor had been here before with them but they didn’t mind an evening tour. They came for the second breakfast short tour last time so this was fun to change it up for them. Delta wouldn’t have came to this place as a vacation spot all on her own without Valerie’s persuasion, but now that they were here she didn’t mind checking it out. A free meal was always cool, so was free ale. She liked the movies, but she wasn’t an uber fan in the way the Laveaus were, but she noticed Tree got pulled in, so she figured she’d entertain it. It was just sort of funny to be all fanboy about a story when they had a world in the fairy realm with walking Trees that were real and not fake. She preferred to focus on the fairy realm Moores than the Ents and other Middle Earth species because... well... reality. But, she thought they were all sort of cute they were obsession a storybook land to the point of Valerie moving to New Zealand and hoarding keys to the movie set on the regular for her own little fantasy. 
Delta spoke in Frank’s mind, “I wonder what these people would do if they ever saw what was inside the tree stump portal in my childhood bedroom into fairy realm? You think they’d feel stupid for obsessing a bunch of fake hobbit holes then?”  
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
When Delta first thought something was amiss she sent out Diablo to figure out what was going on. It seemed the safest way to go. She stood atop the castle as the mist was clearing and the fog was lingering on the down on the streets below. She’d already shut the dungeons off and closed her Hunch and his mousey reaper wife in for safe keeping. 
Heresy came to the top of tower high on the ledge where Delta stood watching her bird head out into the horizon. She loved that ledge. She remembered the plummet where Frank followed. It was one of her favorite memories even if she didn’t get to see him fall. She could picture it. She knew it still just from their shared minds. It made this ledge one of her favorite places in the whole castle, the most romantic of all spaces, a place of comfort for her, even better than Christmas Town. 
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As Heresy approached it was sort of like Thomas when he approached the living room and saw the happiness he didn’t want to destroy. She saw her daughter’s happiness there and she knew when she approached she might destroy it and for once that was the last thing that cold heart wanted to do. This wasn’t how it was suppose to go. Heresy miscalculated. She thought he had more time. She was wrong. 
Heresy didn’t need Diablo to tell her what was going on. She already knew. She’d been working the Horned King. She knew quite well what his plans were. She knew quite well where he was leading all the dead. She’d wait for the bond of Diablo to show her and then she approached the ledge. 
They’d have their moment these two Maleficent women. That was thing about Delta though. Heresy too. After that initial hug that she was back and alive the communication broke down. If wasn’t for Diablo the two would hardly know each other at all. The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree on this one. They just couldn’t seem to re-click, but there was weird silent trust through Diablo. Then the confessions would come. 
She’d explain the hoards were going to Skull Rock where Heresy made her big speech oh so long ago. This time only the Evil Queen Grimhilde would be there in her stead, not that he knows that. 
“He’s waiting for me at Skull Rock. He thinks I’ll be there to meet him as a queen for him on each arm for his rise in power and dominion of this world.” 
Two queens for the big bad Lich King. 
Delta looked at Heresy. Heresy look at Delta and they both threw back their heads and started cackling. It echoed demented and maniacal over the city at how preposterous the very idea was. They both knew about the fae ring Delta had set. Their silhouettes were epic with their staffs and horns high in the clouds draped in black and their horned head thrown back in deranged laughter in the cloudy sky line.  
Delta could barely contain. Dominion of this world? “He won’t be getting past Nola much the whole world. Oh that’s a good one.” 
The two were really bonding there. Delta’s eyes turned dragon, yellow green with the slits as Diablo made it to Skull Rock. 
‘I can see them all.’ She’d say to Frank silently just to him. 
She always wanted an Army of Darkness. Guess she’ll just take the Horned King’s. How fun! She won’t even get blamed for it. Delta will end up smelling like a rose again and looking like the hero while getting a prize to boot. It was hilarious really. She could see the Merry Men. She wasn’t that upset. She’d just use them now in a different way. She was practical like that. 
Truly the two Maleficent women had finally come together. Yes, Heresy fucked up and misjudged the time she had to make a move. Delta thought it was her mother taking forever to do something, but it was Heresy waiting out the Horned King before she could approach Oogie. She couldn’t tip off the Evil Queen until it was time. But the Horned King wasn’t about to tell her his true timeline. She got a little played. It wasn’t the first time Heresy got played by a man. The first time she lost her wings. Delta was angry to some extent her mother didn’t tell her what was happening long before this. Heresy swore she was going to tell her when she found out more, knew everything... like exactly when. But she really thought it wasn’t for months. He made sound like it was still so far away. She thought she time to come up with her full and complete plan. She was just plain wrong. 
Then Delta saw her father. 
For some reason she thought she should be having a reason but her biggest reaction was a sarcastic thought. ‘Guess Frank gets his wish and Sally doesn’t have to marry him after all.’ That was it. That’s really all that went through her mind. Maybe it didn’t really hit her or maybe her wall about him was still just that high. 
She’d step away from her mother after that. Her mother might not have meant for the timing, but it was when she saw Sally and Frank was deducing by his unanswered texts what was going on there. 
Then Valerie called as Delta was taking a moment to herself and she was about to get Frank’s reaction to Sally. Herself meaning her and Frank. The weird part was she wasn’t even angry despite also feeling like she was seething inside. 
‘I’ll send out the Hunch to capture all the voodooists. If he can capture flying lost boys, he can snare the walking dead.’ 
She wanted to be mad at her mother. She wanted to be mad at Valerie.  Somehow all she could find in her heart to be angry at all was her father. In her mind he should have been the one to fix this. That’s what fathers are supposed to do right? Delta didn’t think of Flotsam as a father but she caught the vibe like Maddy did when she lived there. She saw that glimpse and it just pissed her off more when things didn’t go right with her own. 
Her mom is so messed up she’s fucking around with a skeletal corpse and popping zits on a familiar teen that isn’t even human to fill the void of her parental absence. Her dad is dead and when he was alive it all felt like too little too late. Now it’s a done deal and all she can wonder is what is Frank feeling about Sally. She sat there on the beach waiting for him to say something. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 10 months
Delta X Frank
Delta: I just started watching Who Were We Running From? on Netflex. Only about 15 minutes in. But I'm blown away by this mother/daughter duo Delta: It's so dejavu. We didn't live in hotels, nor were we on the run that I knew of, and I get the show is setting up to make you wonder if they're really mother and daughter at all so it's different, but that's it. How they interact. That's me and mom. How she talked to me as kid. She was this dark mysterious beautiful thing to me, me her bright little dancer, me and her, and then everything else. And of course rich. If you check out even the first 15 minutes I think you'll see it as I do. I'm not sure I've ever been this creeped out before.
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
Delta x Frank
Delta: The docks. The docks Frank. do you know how fast people get married after they finally pick a venue?
Delta: Fast
Delta: Picture out parents on the docks.
Delta: we're not together right now. tell me if you can see what I see if our parents get married on the docks.
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Delta had a lot of hobbies. Dancing was a big one, but it was the sort of thing she felt estranged from since her childhood, death, years through hell and back. It was like riding a bike. Dancing itself wasn’t the problem. It was more she’d lost as a kid with her classes and crews. She had parents clapping in the background building the most confident kid in the world. She stopped after her mother’s death except by herself. She isolated herself to the streets. It was more a private thing now too unless they happened to be somewhere like Hogfest and let loose for the hell of it. She wasn’t a club goer. It wasn’t really her scene. She didn’t like people enough anymore to want to be around any scene actually. But, she did have a few misfits loyals that she didn’t mind hanging out with sometimes. She knew it drove Frank a little jealous sometimes. But, she had a feeling Frank put up with Zero because he gave Delta an outlet to get back to what he would know deep down she misses. He was the completely gay boy that wasn’t going to be thinking bad thoughts at least when he was dancing with her. 
Zero came running when he got upset with the Pierre situation. He acted like he wanted to throw down all hyped up via text to Delta so she was in. But, when he got there before Maddy ever came up and they started warming up she could tell something wasn’t right. She didn’t even need Frank’s feed to feel it. Dance partners feel each other and he was off. So, they took it down a notch as she was trying to find the right chemistry for the body language he was putting off. But, she didn’t demand answers. If Frank was around she’d ask for a feed. But, she’d still not call him out. She’d let dance do what dance does. It was language she could speak with Zero only.  Frank was more a watcher and silly dancer for fun and slow dancing. Zero was her only technical dance partner unless Maddy ever really kept it up. Then she’d have a girl. There was a little part of her that wondered if she could get a whole crew again. 
That is what Maddy would walk in on. It was one they worked on every now and then but hadn’t perfected yet. All the choreography wasn’t done yet. But, they’d wing it. She was feeling him out her way. 
Zero would be in the state of mind he came for. He was trying to get lost in it and he was. Little ghost twink that liked to dance and nothing more pushing his problems away. He felt free from it all in that room with Delta. She might have been a crazy, malicious, 2 headed monster, but sometimes she had her own magic with people. This was one of those moments like whatever inspires her to to help the down and out all while being the same person who calls for the Butcher. But, this was a moment she extended to Zero of herself. 
Then when the music was over and his chest was hurting from whatever place he went inside the music and the motions Zero saw Maddy standing there watching. He hadn’t noticed her there he’d been so engrossed in it. 
The song was almost ironic to Delta realizing what was happening when Zero stopped and all he released came rushing back into his body. It was the very girl he’d yelled at and held such a grudge against only to over hear what he did on that phone call. Delta was a pretty private person. He knew they were in the dungeons, but he in no way thought she’d be up there in the dance room or even see her at all. 
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But, part of him was scared. Another part of him was just thankful she was here.
There was a nervousness in his eyes and a softness Zero just plain didn’t usually wear, usually the hyperactive rearing to go guy, always on the move. Delta would look between them both wondering where this was going and Zero would say to Maddy, “Can I hug you?”  
((she’s younger here, but just pretend. her and zero. lol))
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Flotsam slept the rest of the day unable to make peace with themselves after Thomas confronted their stapled on smile, as it was so named now after their conversation. He just had to dig in there and couldn’t leave it in peace. Making Flotsam talk about it stirred it up and brewed it up. A bubbled up Flotsam was never a good thing. They wished Thomas could focus more on the fact it was their way of trying and being as nice and good as they can instead of rattling up their worries and feelings that cause problems. This was why Flotsam stayed a shut in within themselves. They didn’t want to make Thomas as miserable as them no matter how much misery loved company. This was just untrue whether they made Thomas miserable or not. 
To hurry this along so Flotsam couldn’t make it any worse than it already felt they got with Delta and decided they were doing this old fashioned way. They just plain didn’t care what they were supposed to ease into. They were knocking down the damn tower if only because Delta was excited for a new one now and didn’t want to disappoint her or make her angry. But, there was absolutely no talking them out of it for any sort of health reason. They were given the green light and they were going, end of story.  However, they couldn’t connect with the real reason they were doing this anymore. It became all about leaving so they wouldn’t make Thomas look so worried and sad anymore. They hated themselves even more for it. 
That was until the moment Delta led Flotsam up the stairs. That’s when it all flooded back. It was like their brother lived in those stone walls. They could hear the screams and Maleficent’s laughter echoing. It made them actually take a step back out of the room to catch their bearings and closed their eyes. 
Delta rose a brow and looked over at Frank. “Dude a PTSD freak that can’t handle his pain or what?” She asked in Frank’s mind trying to figure out what was going on there, but had a pretty good guess. The physical was one thing, but Maleficent knew how to be cut throat with the emotional too making all their mistakes fall on their brother. 
Flotsam would ask if he could have a moment alone there. “Then I’ll be ready. I’ll get this done.” 
Delta looked over at Thomas then up to Frank. It wasn’t like she intended to be in the tower when they took it down. She was a little surprised they didn’t have a team of people with them, but whatever. She didn’t care how they did it, just that they did it now that they’d gotten her excited for a new chamber. 
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“Fine. Whatever. You guys just better not break anywhere else when it falls.” 
Flotsam nodded. They thought they had that challenge covered. That’s why they made Chip and Dale tag along. Delta would head down the stairs making eye contact with the one in camo. 
“Hick.” Popped into her mind as she passed. It didn’t matter if the guy had brains or not he looked like one. Dale looked like the guy at a frat party who was passed out in a bathtub with a lampshade on their head after every one else had already gone home. But, Frank would be the only one to hear those opinions. 
When Delta and Frank would be gone Flotsam would look at their crew, Thomas, Chip, and Dale. They were waiting for them to step out too. “I just need a minute.” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
Delta hadn’t wanted to leave the castle until she’d gotten another sign from Hell or Jenner had gotten back, but she was making special exception for Robin Hood. How dare he go and get himself committed right before Hunchy’s big day? What an annoying medieval speaking prat with excellent aim. 
Well, they had to get him out. She thought about doing it the easy way and simply demanding it. But, the more she thought about it the more it annoyed her he was locked up in the first place. The Merry Men had an underground system going on that helped poor and it might have all started with silly rivalry over a Nottingham Country Club, a business competitor using the same Robin Hood theme which drove the two businesses into arch nemeses just like in the olden days. Still, the reality was, people knew by now those Merry Men (curse their name) people still seemed to know they were with Delta. So, the more she thought about it the more it felt like the asylum really thought they felt like they had the right to take one of her people even if she never really thought of Robin as one of her own minions like that before. But, suddenly, she decided she was offended. She didn’t want to do this the easy way and just make it happen. She wanted to leave an impression. 
Delta went to Dr. Frankenstein for some white coats so she and Frank would be able to blend in. Oh my, oh her Lurchy. Those lanky arms came out of those sleeves a good foot even with Victor’s man size coat. Meanwhile, Delta swam in it.
Security wasn’t a problem. She ported them in with her staff.  She gave  Frank one of Robin’s personal cloaks and daggers to keep folded and hidden away in case they weren’t together and the situation called for it. There was no specific plan, but she knew she wanted to make sure she had things from his Robin Hood life on both of them in case they got split up. She worried about what his mental state might be and him possibly needing a reminder of who he was. His bow would be too much to carry. So, if she had to she could conjure that later. 
She had no doubts she would leave the building with Robin Hood. She was however in doubt of the condition she might leave the building or it’s inhabitants, patients, employees, doctors, or visitors. She wasn’t going to guarantee anyone’s mental or physical state when it came to that. As a matter of fact the first thing she did while in the center of the building was gag and hog tie with magical binds the therapist who’s office they randomly ported into. 
She shoved her into a closet and then sat in her office and took her next 3 appointments. For each patient she’d tell them their usual doc was away dealing with unexpected personal problems and she was filling in. Then she’d get every patient to complain and vent about what her and air all their gripes about the facility or treatment. As a new face there it made them trust her like they were trying to warn her in hopes of getting something better from her. One in particular actually recognized her. So, Delta actually told this mental patient after reading her compulsive liar and schizoaffective file that this was her city now, and she had everyone trapped in a fae ring, the city would soon realize it’s wrongs fix them, or cower to their knees, or pay the price, including the wrongs here. Justice for The Hunch. Justice for Robin Hood. Then she’d ask her name ask what she wanted justice for. 
This would have the girl down in the community room later running her mouth about Doctor Delta being in the building which everyone would think was just another lie. Just this girl telling another tall fish tale. But, it would get others talking too. 
This community room forced Robin into the modern century with the shared television. All these people around talking about his life wasn’t helping. All sessions were getting to him, plus he was doped to the max or he’d be uncatchable to begin with. He was a patient on serious meds to the point of slurred speech and corner mouth drool. 
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Delta however wasn’t ready to go barreling in to the rescue. She was observing him and sneaking around. She was getting a good feel for the place. It wasn’t like she’d ever really been in one, not like this. Once she got done screwing around with people a little and got the lay of the land she had Frank in a janitor’s closet and started to come up with a plan. 
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“We need time to clear those meds out of his system.” 
Then she tapped her chin. 
“Actually, wouldn’t be more fun if no one was on their meds? I always did like Placebo. Great band. Even better plan. I say we wait out next med call before we approach for the great Undermedicated Uprising of the Asylumville Horror?” 
Then after she said her great idea title she goes, “Too much?” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
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“So, you know how Bastien likes to tell me all his sick jokes he’s worries are little over Maddy’s level still? So okay, Piper tells him the prom at the human school is themed Enchanted Gardens. Last year at the Magisterium they had that dance with the flutes and forest critters running around and she gets wind from some friends that the humans have done this as a bit of shade at the magic kids. The human kids were making jokes wondering if the atmosphere would give the magic kids PTSD, feel spooky, stuff like that as if they’d been abused, and then laugh as if they think it’s funny to be abused because they hate them all, when really the only person who didn’t think that whole incident was hilarious later was Maddy. Arthur loved that night. No one gets to hate on him but me, unless I’m there laughing along with approval. 
“Piper and Bastien were cracking up at the idea of those humans seeing their enchanted garden come to life and how fun it would be when they get spooked. Bastien was a little worried Maddy might not like things relating back to a day that brings her pain blah blahblah whatever I don’t care right now because I’m bored and this is funny. So, I told him then he can consider it a mission from me. I demand Hunchy come out and have fun making fun of people. They want an enchanted garden. That’s what they’re going to get. You with me? For the Arthur? Because I’m going.” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
A Two-Headed Monster’s Acid Castle By The Sea
Delta’s eyes had shifted to dragon from the moment she gripped Maleficent’s staff and they had not returned. 
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The car they had stolen broke down not far from their destination at the bottom of the stony mountain trail. 
“We really should have gotten that convertible.” She stepped out and looked up. Frank’s words were still in her head. ‘You’re the powerful witch here.’ 
She’d held back all her life minus anger explosions determined not to be compared to her mother. She never wanted to stand in her shadow, but times had changed. She’d learned too much. She wasn’t so worried about those sorts of judgements anymore. Her priorities had changed. So, she took Frank’s hand and remembered one simple lesson she’d learned in Halloween Town High, Professor Cromwell’s class. 
“Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.”
Delta wanted to be up at the top of the mountain and in her castle with her monster. She took Frank’s hand. She lifted her staff and she let herself have it. In a sudden whirl of green tornado shaped smoke they were ported right inside the kitchen with a thud hard landing. She almost fell over from the force of it but managed her footing. Both their heads would have windblown hair. 
She looked around at the filthy, dusty, abandoned castle so time worn. She wanted it clean. She wanted it back to normal, only not the same. This wasn’t her mother’s castle. This was hers and Frank’s. She eyed the walls, the floors, the high stone casting, pillars, ceilings. Then with the sudden splay of outstretched arms would boom more acid green. The sound of water would rumble through pipes that hadn’t been used. Lights burned bright in every room, chandeliers and candles lit. The electric emerald blast would climb up walls fixing damage from the war. Thorny vines would spiral around pillars and feed through cracks like ivy. Potted plants grew. Grandfather clocks began to tick. The whole place would come alive like it was never abandoned and just waiting to welcome them. 
The whole castle would glow from the outside with every single light on, hazy soft green. She’d cast Diablo off and he’d soar circles above the mountain castle, a look out for them, but a foreboding warning to the city below. They were here. Let the rumors soar. Frank was right. Everyone was about to know they were here. If no one believed social media or telephone gossip all they had to do was see the acid green beacon that now shone above the city. 
Delta, with horns spiraled, dragon eyes, and wings that drug on the ground turned to her monster. 
“How do you like our summer home dear?” She spoke in a mock Hampton’s voice feeling clever since their other place was always winter. Then as much as she did rather like Summer’s dress she snapped and her outfit changed from head to toe back to the one she lost. She wanted it and let herself have it. 
Then in an the most contradictory question that didn’t seem to fit with all the acid grandeur she asked, “You want some SPAM?” 
Po’ folks meat. It helped her feel a little more at home while they were going to be there. Triton’s mistake had made sure this place was stocked with it. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Audience Day
Delta would indeed send Flotsam Laveau his email of prescreen questions. He filled it out in a timely manner as requested and had arrived at the castle at least 30 minutes early just in case. He wasn’t going to have something stupid like traffic ruin it for him. 
On the way there he’d be laughing with Thomas about the questions sent. They were mostly yes or no questions. 
Are you wasting my time? If yes do not continue the questionnaire. 
Are you positive you’re not wasting my time? If you’re not sure then you are wasting my time. 
Did you hesitate to answer questions 1 & 2? If yes do not continue with this attempt to waste my time.
Is risk of life or limb really worth what you want to say? 
Are you absolutely certain because this is the last chance you have to change your mind before hitting submit and wasting my time before you even get here by receiving your imbecilic answers? 
“I really like this gal’s style.” Flotsam’s would laugh. 
Then when they rolled up the mountainside they would see they really weren’t the only ones coming. There was a line of cars and signs giving instructions on the way up. 
Do not get out of your car until directed. 
Do not honk. 
Do not feed the birds. 
Do not feed the trees. 
If you’re scared you answered the questionnaire wrong leave now.
Reconsider passing this sign
Point of no return
Flotsam would look over at Thomas with each sign more impressed with each one. It was amusing to him more than scary. At least, for him. 
“If I was anyone but me I’d be scared to death by now. Class. This chick’s got class.”
They’d eventually see a line of about 3 cars ahead of theirs and one car parked empty on the side. No one was getting in the secret parking garage. They were letting in one guest at a time right from their cars, having the audience, and then letting the next one in as the last would go out. The organization wasn’t the most impressive part. It was all wings. 
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She had armed guards, large otherworld fae with massive wings standing in rows on each side of the main driveway turn-about enforcing the protocol. 
They’d watch as Little John came out of the castle. Little John being one of her favored merry men was holding up a tee shirt like he just came out of a meet and greet. 
“I got her to sign my shirt. I got her to sign my shirt.” 
He was high fiving the smaller merry men standing around outside waiting for him to come out. Then they all got back into their car and drove down the mountain as Cruella herself stepped out of the car next in line and was escorted by a large tundra fae up to the castle’s heavy door. 
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas.” 
As if the grandeur of the fae guards weren’t enough and watching the in and out reactions as they sat in their car Flotsam’s eyes picked up something that at first was hard to notice. They blended in with the rest of the landscape. The rocky terrain did have a few trees now that Delta had been landscaping and making the place her own. But, one blinked. 
Blinking eyes. 
Blinking eyes on a tree. 
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“Thomas. Thomas.” He reached over slow and patted his arm. Then it was Flotsam’s eyes that could not even blink if they wanted to. He absolutely could not. 
The tree on the left stood up and walked right in front of their car and crossed the driveway and planted itself down on the other side. 
Meanwhile, inside the castle Delta sat her throne in a large high ceiling room that guests would have to walk down and be told to stand on the center of the circle to be addressed. It was the sort of room that would be so big it would echo if one yelled into it. But, from that center circle visitors would have to look up high to the throne where she would be. More fae guards would line the outer rim of the room and at the bottom of the stairs on each side that led to the throne itself. 
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Delta would be on Frank’s lap while Frank was the one actually seated on the throne. Inbetween visitors she’d say, “You’re my real throne” as she nibbled at the side of his jaw. All she ever needed was his lap. She’d only straighten up when she saw the next person being escorted to the marked spot. Diablo the raven would be perched atop the winged back of their seat and her dual combined staff she would have in a stand in the curl of the wing tip of the throne so it was prominent on display, but not in her hands.  
The lighting was haunting and what was once ruins were refurbished by her magic, but she left it with a dragon’s lair gothic dungeon feel. Clopin might approve of the deep purple drapes. Thomas might approve of the greens mixed in. But, right now it was Cruella that would be standing in the center for her audience. She really showed up to try to get her car back. 
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“Darlings! How are you? So good to see you alive and ... well alive, isn’t it? How marvelous and you’ve grown so much. How long has it been?” 
She was looking up even at her tall height and trying very hard to seem familiar like she belonged there. 
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Delta’s face went into instant eyeroll. “Do I know you?” She asked just to be patronizing. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Delta would show up at the bar Frank was drunk texting from. She thought about coming super sexy. She thought about coming in what she was wearing and not putting anymore thought into it, just her normal clothes. But, something after his drunken silliness inspired her to play. 
She’d try so hard not to focus on his mind, but they were so two-headed now it was damn near impossible. But, she thought since he was drunk she’d see how long it would take it him to notice her down at the other end of the bar counter. She’d be leaning casually in Frank’s own clothes. The jacket was from Christmas Land and she even had to use her magic to shrink it. Lurch clothes rolled up and baggy and cut off at the ankle because she was so damn short and magic shrinkage just wasn’t good enough. Her curls would be slicked down making her totally dyke vibing and she kinda loved it, truth be told. 
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But, she’d just wait and see how long it would take a drunk Frank to notice her existence without all the normal give aways that she was in the room. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Delta was admiring the actual sign of rust outside their personal pit in Hell, some dug out, thorn ridden space, all their own that said The Acid Queen’s Pit of Frank ‘n Fucks. She wasn’t sure that afterlife could get any better than this. 
It was in that ultimate contentment owning their own despair and creating their own world in the one they were given that she could honestly say she was happy. She trusted the world went on long before they were there and would survive well enough without them. No unfinished business, and it wasn’t that there weren’t things that she ever wished she could do that she didn’t, but it was the fact that she couldn’t that made her make peace with them. She might not like her mom is trapped in a time loop, but with little to do about it, she let it go. The same type feelings came about the her father or any semi-friends or allies she had on earth. 
She built a real afterlife here with Frank. They had privacy and they had company if they really wanted to. They had pineapples damn it and they had laughter. They had darkness that they both knew how to embrace. Some demons around the area even started to refer to their pit as “the other dragon’s den” and Delta liked that too. How a 16 year old girl and her zombie boy managed to become renowned with names synonymous with the devil she couldn’t say, but it really might have had to do with Hitler and Sadam. Delta and Frank were practically like the annoying neighbor kids that always rang the bell and ran away, only in Hell they were able to do so much worse. Nothing happened to them there unlike all the stress they went through over two irrelevant teens. Yes, to say Delta had really settled in was an understatement. 
She was contemplating exactly how much she loved life now, laying with Frank against his chest, after a rather sweaty round of original sin that she just said it, “I love our life.” She had to admit it. Times were good in Hell or wherever they were. “I can’t even understand it now, why witches want immortality. The Horned King’s body a rotten fest of funk for what? To live more? More power? So what? Or he could just let his damn self die and be here and seriously more happy.” 
“It’s safe to say I don’t understand people at all.” Then she grinned, “Except you.” 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
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‘Good ol’ Halloween Town High.’ 
Delta would keep her conversations with Frank within the head of the two headed monster here. They were out side of the fae ring that the city had yet to realize they were trapped by. In time. All in due time. Maybe an average citizen would figure it out? Maybe Oogie would blow the whistle? Maybe Delta would get to make the announcement herself beside her mother and live happily ever ever as the Queens of Narnia. Whatever. Delta didn’t care what people thought or believed. In time all would be revealed and then she would know herself because only one thing mattered however anything Delta played with unveiled. Their hive mind couldn’t be split. Their bodies could be dragged to separate ends of the earth and she would know she was still part of Frank. This was beyond obsession. This was her existence and she feared little with their combined powers. Together they were a menace. Delta had evolved limitless in physical abilities taking after her mother’s grimoire. She still grew by the day as she learned and learned. Throw in the insanity of Frank’s mind, a twist of cruelty, and pack that into a curly haired street punk with a nose for trouble, and they might as well have been the sith and the jedi somehow combined into one monster unit. 
‘This place always was such a drag. Lame. I don’t want to hang out here. I think we should get all our friends and go clubbing.’ 
Friends. She was using the term as sarcastically as possible. 
She had a list of doors to knock at in her head. 
Declan - and if he didn’t have a room she’d go to the office last to see Oogie or Barrel or whoever. 
Silas, Lena, Spade, Hypno - and anyone who happens to be in the Spade circle at the time. She intends to invite the whole gang, whoever that is nowadays. She’ll find out when she gets there. 
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Boredom Sets In
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Delta had been round and round Christmas Land until she knew the village inside and out, from the Christmas Tree Forest, to every candy coated shoppe, the actual North Pole itself. She’d met every overly cheerful elf even the damn dentist. The yeti was no longer a mystery and one could only offend Santa Claus’s naughty list so many times before even Delta got bored. As much as she didn’t want to admit it something needed to happen. More. There were even only so many drunk and alone dance parties she could have without the music seeming old hat. Cabin Fever wasn’t a good look on her and her jingle bell toes. 
She stood in the light of the window blinds thinking of Valentine’s Day and how romantic Frank was out of no where using his body as vases. Her skin was still brilliantly untouched and baby new from her rebirth of the phoenix ashes. 
Room service and bloody walls, a favorite couch, and besides Frank Zero, a dog boy who got way too excited and spun circles when she arrived. Gotta love being liked, but it was just weird, in a way that Delta never stopped dead panning. Still, Zero never seemed to notice. He was just happy when she came. 
While she stared out at the sun glinting off an ever expanse of snow as far as the eye could see she finally said to Frank, “Hell was better.” 
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