#demo update eta is end of november :)
defiledtomb · 2 years
Look at me writing in fancy small text, ohohoho. I posted an update on the forum along with this sneak peek. Spoilers below:
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TEXT ID: The ground groaned with the roiling vibrations and your step picked up, struggling to find your footing against the shaking stone. As you pressed through the organized chaos on the ramparts, passing archers as tense as their bowstrings and amped warlocks squeezing in between them to ready the shield, you had the urge to press your hands against your ears though you knew it wouldn't help. The deep hum was so embedded into your entire body, your bones trembled with it, even your teeth rattled in your skull. Everything had grown so suddenly loud that you were barely fazed by the linking of forces when the warlocks linked their hands, every clasp a sonic boom, one after one, linking the surge until it wrapped around the Hedge proper.
"Steady—" You heard $!{yor} bellow, and aimed your run that way, skidding over piles of leaves before sliding up to, nearly into the big ${yo_man}. $!{yo_he} spared you a fleeting glance before aiming ${yo_his} attention on the beast. You finally saw it now, uprooting the forest with it as it came.  A soil lamprey, half it's maw visible as it forced itself through the ground, chewing trunks like snapping sticks, churning the dirt, the roots and grass, spitting it back out on the sides of the big gouge it left in the earth as it made way forward, frenzied. The arches straightened when the order to nock, though screamed from the cavernous lungs $!{yor} possessed, barely floated like a desperate whisper over the thundering noise. The warlocks buzzed with the surge, awaiting the archers to launch the first volley before erecting the shield. $!{yor} breathed in. The beast grew closer. END TEXT ID.
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