#/JOKE please live <3
defiledtomb · 2 years
Look at me writing in fancy small text, ohohoho. I posted an update on the forum along with this sneak peek. Spoilers below:
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TEXT ID: The ground groaned with the roiling vibrations and your step picked up, struggling to find your footing against the shaking stone. As you pressed through the organized chaos on the ramparts, passing archers as tense as their bowstrings and amped warlocks squeezing in between them to ready the shield, you had the urge to press your hands against your ears though you knew it wouldn't help. The deep hum was so embedded into your entire body, your bones trembled with it, even your teeth rattled in your skull. Everything had grown so suddenly loud that you were barely fazed by the linking of forces when the warlocks linked their hands, every clasp a sonic boom, one after one, linking the surge until it wrapped around the Hedge proper.
"Steady—" You heard $!{yor} bellow, and aimed your run that way, skidding over piles of leaves before sliding up to, nearly into the big ${yo_man}. $!{yo_he} spared you a fleeting glance before aiming ${yo_his} attention on the beast. You finally saw it now, uprooting the forest with it as it came.  A soil lamprey, half it's maw visible as it forced itself through the ground, chewing trunks like snapping sticks, churning the dirt, the roots and grass, spitting it back out on the sides of the big gouge it left in the earth as it made way forward, frenzied. The arches straightened when the order to nock, though screamed from the cavernous lungs $!{yor} possessed, barely floated like a desperate whisper over the thundering noise. The warlocks buzzed with the surge, awaiting the archers to launch the first volley before erecting the shield. $!{yor} breathed in. The beast grew closer. END TEXT ID.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I feel unwell
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local-omen · 2 months
guys i—
i don’t think. … . .. i don’t think tech is coming back
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csphire · 4 months
Whispers and hopes when it comes to a future BG3 DLC.
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For the record, I'd love to do a playthrough romancing Karlach while playing as Dammon. One where he has got some backstory rather than making a clone of him. Another to romance him while playing as Karlach. Yet another where I could romance them both as a Tav or Durge. That's how much I adore, love and relate to both of them.
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Their and our stories deserve to be told.
Some of us need more sunshine in our lives too!
Feel free to use any of these for drawing references with your player characters but please tag me because one, I can't get enough of him and Karlach, and two, I want to reblog your hard work. <3
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n1ghtwarden · 5 months
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she won the idgaf war in the shadowfell
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dontsteponthatfish · 4 months
I need to kill every prominent AkatsukiP on social media and take their place
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stinkrascal · 7 months
OH also me and bf are going to ren fest this weekend! and we bought our tickets in advance so we'll DEFINITELY be able to go and we won't get turned away at the door like last time ha. and we're still doing our low effort bg3 cosplays so im very excited about that :3
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crayonurchin · 1 year
21 year old Me: I guess I'm just paralysed by fear of alcohol forever it's just who I am OCD: :3 21 year old me: OH
22 year old me: If I drive I'll murder someone so I must not drive OCD: :3 22 year old me: wait is THIS why I asked for convention tickets and not driving lessons on my 16th birthday??
23 year old me: It's totally normal to be so scared of failure you never try OCD: :3 23 year old me: God damn it that's obvious
24 year old me: I think it's totally normal to be afraid that everyone is constantly on the verge of suicide and that if I don't prevent it I technically killed them OCD: :3 24 year old me: you soN OF A BI-
25 year old me: Despite having never once questioned my gender identity in my life, if I don't figure out right this second if I'm secretly trans and need to cut off my boobs, I will surely die and everyone will think I am transphobic OCD: :3 25 year old me: I am this close-
26 year old me: As long as I constantly monitor myself to be as perfect as possible, nobody will know or suffer how horrible I actually am OCD: :3 26 year old me reaching for the rusty stapler: okay you little shit...
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Adults stop telling kids how much "adulthood sucks" challenge. You might be jealous and nostalgic but you never know which one of those kids *already* has an awful life and can't stand the thought of things getting any worse
Btw, if you are that kid, it doesn't get worse. Adulthood actually gets much better, don't let assholes scare you
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cutie--q · 1 year
pinky in the trailer: we can’t just do the same thing every time! after two whole seasons, the fans deserve something fresh. sorta like…
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(me in full clown attire) please be a psychological exploration segment, please be a psychological exploration segment, please be
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bladenotblaze · 3 months
I’m probably the best person at my school (I literally hate everyone in this fucking school). I’ve never bullied anyone (my friends have to physically hit me to change the look on my face) I don’t judge people (I’ve sat in the lunchroom and question what we did as a society for people to mix denim and leather) and I’m very accepting of other. (I love my friends) I think people should be more respectful to others. (We need to talk about how I don’t like Helen Keller and Amelia Earhart)
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pepprs · 1 year
being m*rried would fix me. goodbye
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bucketinyourwalls · 4 months
Hah, imagine having a Powerwolf oc what kinda-
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(Bonus doodles under cut >:3)
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im-still-a-robot · 10 months
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Hello minecraft mutuals....
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cloud-the-forgotten · 5 months
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Is this new or am I seeing this later than everyone else?! :0
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azulathetrashyler · 2 years
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I’m gonna have to move houses.
my mom just set up an apartment deal for us and our animals..
but- but when she gets sad, she gets clingy- and I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to use tumblr, roblox anything for a long time after we’ve moved.
if I just, disappear? This is why..
I’m so so sorry @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @sleeping-little-cloud
but- I’m pretty sure pretty soon I’m not going to be able to talk with you guys for- 3 more years until i’m 18..
I’m sorry, I’m so.. so sorry.. I din’t want to. I don’t want to have to leave you guys but..
i can’t, she’ll get clingy, and I won’t be able to use my iPad without her constantly on my ass.. I’m sorry everyone..
I’m so. So sorry…-
Keep March 9th 2025 in mind. That’s my birthday, and past that? If I don’t come back after?… assume the worst. As it’s probably the truth.
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