#demon!Lute is cat-coded
qdkdraws · 5 months
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Omg the x transmigrated reader was AWESOME.
I absolutely love it , thank you so much for doing it!
I didn't mind the wait really, you have your own life and thing's to do ! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Would you mind doing a part 2? Meeting Lucifer and the angels maybe. (Adam,lute etc.. when charlie went to heaven.)
Do I need to describe the reader?? You can leave it blank as " h/c " "e/c" ( h/c meaning hair color and e/c meaning eye color. )
Have a good day and don't stress yourself 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
Hiya! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I can absolutely do a part two!! I feel I owe it to you since the last one is so short but i’m really glad it’s whatcha wanted :) hopefully i also do this one justice
Characters present: Charlie; Vaggie; Nifty; Alastor; Husk; Lucifer; Adam; Lute; Sera; Emily (With the focus being on mainly Charlie; Vaggie; Lucifer; Lute; Adam; Sera and emily)
Part 1
Summary: You’ve spent about a week in hell and easily fell into place and routine. It was like a cheat code for life knowing everything that came next, and you made it your mission to meet the angels with Charlie
Warnings: Male Reader, Male pronouns, reader is a goat, implied to be tall, POSSIBLY OOC angels, reader kinda flirted with lute? i couldn’t help it love her teehee, loosely follows plotline but could be holes, cussing, possibly rushed because dude i was literally obsessed with the idea i needed to get it out, let me know if i missed anything! oh and not proofread so sorry luvs xx
“Couldn’t you just use you magic to bring these in Al?” You grunted setting the last box of supplies down. Alastor hummed flatly, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s more entertaining watching you lug those boxes up all those stairs!”
You gave him cut eye as he laughs, snapping his fingers disappearing to, god only knows where. Taking out a pad and pen from your back pocket, you wrote down all the stock you bought from the store- per Charlie’s request. As you did so your ear twitched picking up the faint sound of tiny pit pats from a certain cherry haired cyclops running around manically.
It wasn’t long before she came barrelling into the kitchen, you however were too occupied to mind her; staying bent over the kitchen counter writing all that you had bought. Nifty without asking, scaled your body, gripping your (h/c) hair and deeply inhaling. Looking up from the paper your hand ceased its writing in shock and confusion.
“Nif, what in the great fuck are you doin?” You asked in disbelief, she only cackled muttering to herself about bad boys and bad… bugs? “Hey can you do me a favour stabby?” You ask grabbing her gently off the nape of your neck and plopping her down below.
She stood at attention, hand in salute before shouting; “Sir yes sir!” You clapped your hands together huffing out a laugh. “Alright, good energy, would you mind helping me out by putting these things away. It’s all food for our patrons and stuff, i gotta go find Charlie and tell her what we couldn’t and could get.”
Nifty once again saluted before zipping around you in a blur. Cautiously you walked off trying to avoid the little speed demon as she zoomed around the kitchen. Once in the lobby you noticed, well a lot, the whole room was decorated, and there hung a banner with ‘welcum home daddy’, which you knew what that meant.
A little pep put in your step you trotted up to Husk at the bar. “Want a drink?” He immediately asked, looking over at you as soon as you got within reaching distance of the bar. You shook your head. “Nah, I wanted to ask if you know where Charlie was? It’s about stock, and i’ve got left over cash,”
Humming the cat shook his head eyebrows raised high. “Good luck with that one kid, she’s up there tryna convince the king to get her into heaven. You could try though, lord knows you will anyway.”
Although his voice was bored and tired, face looking as though he’d just been through hell. Thankfully he grinned at you calming the insecure thoughts that unwelcomingly entered your mind about him being annoyed at your appearance. Perhaps if it was your old life you wouldn’t have cared, but these characters, sinners, people, they were cherishable to you in a indescribable way, and you didn’t want them disliking you.
And that could be arguably unhealthy, but you saw a demon with the head of a chair carrying around their partner -you think?, it’s safe to assume you don’t have to worry about mental wellness and emotional instability or healthy decision making; it’s hell duh.
After waving goodbye to Husk you trotted up the stairs, hooves pounding against the wood a noise you’d recently gotten used to. As you stepped down the hall you wondered if Alastor had already threatened Husk, it would make sense as to why he disappeared while you unboxed, and why Husk seemed so down and out.
You tried to ignore how upset that made you, but realistically you weren’t any match for Al, you may be knowledgeable about the future, but that made you far from immortal or combat savvy. You had to be a little more calculated with situations like that.
Recognizing the voices of Vaggie, Charlie and Lucifer in the distance, you excitedly sped up. Eyes locked on the balcony door, you breathed deeply not wanting to look like a babbling fan boy over the king of hell.
Standing up straight you opened the balcony door, effectively stopping Lucifers railing rant as he hung himself over the edge. “Oh my gosh! This is him, dad! The guy i told you about, dad this is YN, YN, my dad: Lucifer!” Charlie exclaimed happily pushing the king of hell toward you.
His face was turned up in disgust, but you were too enthralled to care, instead you gave him an easy smile sticking out your hand. “It’s so nice to meet you Lucifer, and I apologize Charlie for barging in and interrupting; I came to tell you about to produce I bought.”
Lucifer took your hand shaking it firmly, slowly a smiled appeared. “Ah well, well, uh, you… i mean look at you! You’re huge huh, uh i’ve never seen a goat in hell! Aha, y’know, aside from… me.” Lucifer trailed, pitch raising and dropping rapidly as he observed your looming presence.
Charlie discreetly nudged her father for being so blunt, but you shrugged it off deciding to sway the conversation slightly. “So I just got back from the store, I got everything we needed for the hotel, food wise, aside from toilet paper, Niftys putting everything away. The only thing i didn’t restock was liquor, let’s let Alastor handle that one.”
Vaggie humphed, giving a rare approving smile and nod, involving herself in the conversation after being casted aside to herself. “It’s nice having someone actually spend the money on stuff we ask for.” Charlie tsked at her before focusing back on you and her dad.
“What do you think of this hotel?” Lucifer asked skeptically circling you. Charlie shook her head at her fathers antics but said nothing. “I think it’s possible, why shouldn’t it be.” You say, giving Charlie a sharped tooth smile. Lucifer put his finger and thumb under his chin, he hummed at you, look back at Charlie but he seemed to be elsewhere.
“I think we need a good word in, and some good marketing. No one likes a commercial or ad, y’know.” You add trying to sway Lucifers contemplative thinking into believing in her. After all you don’t think you could do another musical number.
Sighing and lurching forward, Lucifer smiled back at you then to Charlie.
You waited in the lobby checking your watch occasionally, impatiently waiting for Charlie and Vaggie to meet you. You spent a good deal of time talking to Charlie and Vaggie about the things they could say to the angels that you ended up being invited along for the trip. Charlie’s reasonings were that you were a good example of a goodness in hell, which you could agree with but part of that was because you may have not belong.
Needless to say that admittedly was not how you saw yourself weaselling your way into the venture, but eh, didn’t matter to you. You had one of your freshest suits on, compliments of Alastor, your hair styled perfectly after much fighting for the proper look you were seeing angels after all, cologne freshly spritzed and wafting off your body; you felt excited and your readiness reflected that.
Lucifer entered the lobby with a poof, being the one to conjure the portal to heaven. Smiling at him, he returned it and strolled his way to you, swinging his cane. Slamming it down he leaned forward supporting himself with the apple handled of said cane.
Sniffing the air almost comically he hummed approvingly. “That smells, so fucking good!” The exclaimation went straight to your ego immediately feeling better about your decisions with frangrance choice. “Thank you, it’s one similar to my favourites when i was alive.”
Lucifer nodded looking up at you, you could see vulnerability in his eyes briefly before his eyes darted away. “Can you do me a solid? Please,” Lucifer asked quietly stretching upward toward you. Hands in your pants pockets you leaned over just slightly as to not disrespect him and his height, but to get a little closer to him. “Protect Charlie, and Maggie-“
“Vaggie.” You correct quietly. The king shook his head hand coming upward. “Yeah her- anyways, please while your there use your frightening, uh, form, to keep her safe please. I can’t go up there and I’m loosing my mind with worry!”
Lucifer grabbed the rim of his hat pulling it over his face as he stressed no doubt catastrophizing things slightly. “Don’t worry Luce, from goat man to goat man, i got you. Charlie is pretty bright and i do believe she’s got this in the bag. I’m glad you could give her this opportunity as well, i know it’s hard. Good job.” You praised clapping Lucifer on the back, he looked up at you a fog seemingly cleared from his mind.
He thanked you with a new look in his eyes, appreciation for your words was definitely evident in them as well. Without further ado, Charlie came skipping down the stairs, Vaggie way less excited than her girlfriend but that’s understandable. Things always got worse before they got better and it’s not different for Vaggies fallen angel situation.
After a few short hours of travel, another musical introduction, you’d finally got to the place you would be staying. You lingered in the hall, waiting for Charlie to skip on out, maybe you could lessen the brunt for Vaggie. For you it was a show playing out, but for her, momentarily her world will feel crushed and confused and you didn’t want someone you could relate with going through such a thing.
Watching as the door swung open, you backed off into the shadows hoping you wouldn’t notice you, and once she was out of sight you knocked on their door. Opening the door, Vaggie stood there meek and shy looking, and gazing behind her you knew why.
There stood Lute and Adam tall and sharp. “Ouu a throuple interesting.” Adam says slyly smiling, Vaggie visibly cringed at that. “Who the fuck is this guy now!” Lute exclaimed grabbing at Vaggie.
Adam scoffed at Lute muttering at her to chill the fuck out, and thankfully she did stepping off from her attack position. “I came to see how Vaggies doing, who’re you?” You asked faux confusion feeling bubbles of excitement in your stomach, mischief brewing in your mind. “Uh duh, Adam the first fucking man, shit what’s with you losers.”
Adam was clearly pissed off, at your invasion but you didn’t intend to back off, instead you walked in beside Vaggie. You don’t remember them just appearing in the room when you were watching the show, but perhaps your mind is confused a bit.
It’s been awhile since you got here. “I, you filthy demon, am Lute,” You interrupted her finger pointed her way. “As in short for lieutenant?” Adam snickered and Vaggie pulled at you. “Please leave they, we, have to have a talk.” Looking towards Adam, Lute and then Vaggie, you decided the best thing to do was let it all play out.
With a prompt nod you turned to the door. “I’ll wait outside then.” Adam pushed Vaggie away from the door, he grabbed it and pointed a finger at you. “I won’t lie dude, you look fucking sick, hard shit, but next time you look at me fucking sideways, i will rock your shit. I am the literal MAN.” Slamming the door in your face you were greeted with silence.
Well for a moment. You could begin to hear Adam compliment your form toward Lute, saying they needed “horns like that” because they were “way more wicked”. It did strike your ego ever so slightly, in a way you suppose you and Adam could get along. You did enjoy guitar, and you wouldn’t mind knocking him down a peg for a little enjoyment. Plus, he lost his first loves literally made solely for him, you could sympathize with that heartbreak and how it changes you.
You weren’t shocked to hear the point of the conversation turn manipulative, as Adam threatened to tell Charlie that Vaggie was a fallen. You knew all their backstories though, you knew how this would go, so it almost felt fake pretending. It’s not that you didn’t feel for the emotions they felt because you truly did, you just new how momentarily it would be in the grand schemes of things.
The only problem seemed to be, when the show ends, do you end too? Would you then suddenly thrusted out of this world, become a part of it? You weren’t sure you wanted to think about that.
Hearing the door open, your head slowly and lazily swayed toward the sound watching Adam exit the room with Lute, only to have the door slammed on their heels. “Pft, on the rag.” Adam muttered hands on his hips, then his eyes travelled towards you. “The fuck are you doing, spying around?” Lute accused eyes hard as they lassered into your soul.
Your mouth shrugged and you shook your head no. Lute however didn’t let up stepped up to you making you cast your eyes down to her. You smiled mischievously at her, it was so cool seeing her yellow eyes stare into your (e/c) ones for real, not just some 2D colours on LEDs.
“I can smell the filth from a mile away. Whatever you and that antichrist have planned i will not stop until i sniff it out.” Lute gritted out angrily, Adam sticking up the bird in the background. Scoffing you shook your head. “Whatever pretty thing, i mean no harm,” You put your hands up defensively before continuing. “I only come for business. Trust, I and especially Charlie mean no harm. Heh, and i think you know Vaggies innocent.”
Lutes mouth hung open as Adam ‘aha’d pointing a finger out you. “You fucking freak! You were spying. Pound it.” Adam at first screamed than calmed down a coy smile present on his face. Lute groaned frustratingly at Adam. “We will fucking end you filthy sinners. We need to go!” Lute called as she walked away, Adam shrugged a cup materializing from nowhere for him to suck down.
Grinning you called out to Lute as she walked away. “Love you too sugar! See you in court.” You twiddled your fingers in their direction the two of them glanced back at your voice. Adam kept yapping to Lute but she was too busy sulking to herself.
You expected to be actually hit by one of them by now, maybe it was because you were in heaven that they couldn’t, or maybe Lucifer was right, you just looked frightening. Although you didn’t see what he saw, in your opinion you just looked slightly different.
Who knows though. Your whole worlds flipped upside down.
Walking aimlessly around the holy fortress you eyed everything around you and worried not about angels; most of them ran or avoided you. After all you were maybe the scariest outside of Adam with his mask.
Your eyes locked on an angel with dark skin and lavender hair. “Emily.” You accidentally say aloud, you grimaced watching her turn to you, and look up in awe. “Woah! You must be Charlie’s friend!” She exclaimed happily fluttering over to you. “Uh, yeah, YN, nice to meet you Emily. Sorry I went straight to the rooms i promised to unload things for Vaggie and Charlie so they wouldn’t stress themselves. I didn’t mean to ignore.” You say watching as he nodded along fully attentive.
“Oh that’s fine! I was so excited and distracted by Charlie and everything I barely noticed i’m sorry,” She trailed finger to her lip, she now realized that didn’t sound as good aloud as it did in her head. You brushed it off telling her it was fine. “I hope i don’t scare you, i’m used to myself but all these angels seem a little… disturbed.” You explained.
You weren’t gonna lie the looks you’ve been getting are what fueled the rush to get things over with, so you could get back to more welcoming eyes, well welcoming as they can be. It felt awful to be the centre of attention that was negative especially since you already really didn’t belong to this world.
“Oh no! You’re totally fine! I mean you are intimidating but if what Charlie said is true you’re a great man- uh, goat?” You laughed a genuine boastful laugh at her comment. “Yeah, goat man is good. Thank you Em, i appreciate it.” Her wings fluttered hands clapping rapidly. “I love when my nickname gets used!”
“Emily,” A warm voice spoke, approaching the space you took up in the communal space you were in. “We have to prepare, court is going to be in session soon.” Sera said placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. You met Sera’s eyes and immediately she looked as if she was pushed slightly, the hand not resting on Emily’s shoulder rushed up to her head.
Coming to herself she harshly questioned you. “What, and who are you?” A little taken aback by such a intro, you stuttered and stalled for the first time since being here. Most things flowed naturally but now it seemed something was, wrong.
“Sera! This is Charlie’s friend, the one accompanying them, the good one.” Emily whispered the last part to Sera who didn’t let up her seering gaze. “You don’t look like you belong here.”
Your blood ran cold at that sentence, what Emily assumed was a simple statement of your appearance to you was more of an acknowledgment. One that was specifically for you to understand that she knew. There was no mistaking it in her eyes either, it was like she was telepathically telling you that the gig was up.
Clearing your throat you nod once in finality. “Well, uh, let’s get to court hm?”
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nonbinary-weirdo · 4 months
Characters that are probably problematic by todays standards but my tism won't stop fixating on them:
1. Alastor. (Cannibal, dead ex serial killer, demon, evil neutral)
2. Mapleshade (narcissist, doesn't take blame for her kits drowning, blames everyone for problems she caused on herself, broke the code, killed a cat nurse, delusional, literal cat karen but her trauma makes me love her)
3. Velvette. (Full of herself, conspired to war against Heaven, triggers Carmilla, probably made a few people online unalive themselves in the past, selfish, thinks shes tough shit, disrespects elder overlords on a daily basis, sassy bitch)
4. Lute. (Mutilated Vaggie, made a homophobic comment on Chaggie love, gets WAY too extreme in the heat of Adams battle speech, like, chill dude!)
5. Angelica Pickles. (Abuses toddlers verbally, tricks them, using their underdeveloped minds and understanding to her advantage, scares them any chance she gets, lies to the adults to get away with it, manipulates her father, uncle and aunt)
6. Linda Monroe. (Karen of the Hatchetverse, Honey Queen, murderer, blackmailer, full of herself, rich, thinks her unwanted kids are better than everyone elses, claims shes a good mother)
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sorcererinthestars · 5 years
Okay but @shadeofazmeinya​ just posed a dnd au and I know a lot of other folks have too, but I’ve been now playing dnd for over a year consistently and I finally feel confident enough to truly throw my hat into the ring. I wanna hear your thoughts!! (Note: this is using the traditional 5e classes - I’m not getting deep into Xandars or any others, too much to focus on.) Note: None of you are going to believe me, but I didn’t set out on this quest to make everyone a different class. I was going to be totally fine with repeats. However, going through the list, it somewhat organically landed with people being different classes. Even at the end, what I was left with fit the characters surprisingly well. I’d really like to see what you have to say and if you think some of the boys&girls should share classes instead of it overlapping. Ryan: At first I was always going to say Ryan was a Warlock. He’s magical - in his character arc I feel he first would have started as a Wizard who has had the traditional training in the schools and then... something went wrong. He started meddling in what he shouldn’t have, started pushing the boundaries of right and wrong and summoning creatures he couldn’t. When he bites off something he can’t chew... well... he gets his magic from a deal struck with an extraplanar being. Too bad he can’t always control it. HOWEVER.... the new DnD 5e class, Artificer, is too perfect for Haywood to pass up. A mad scientist who “melds magic with technology, imbuing their inventions with a powerful arcane essence”? Truly the most Ryan of all DnD characters. TDLR: Artificer.
Gavin: I was influenced by Ranger for Gavin, but I can’t help but feel Bard is more fitting for him. Gavin - FAHC or not - is a man that gets people to do things through the sheer power of his Charisma. Just watch him manipulate the boys in any Between the Games! He’s a true master of the word. I picture him with a lute thrown over his shoulder, a brilliant smile on his face, ready to wrap you up with his pretty words and spit you out. Vicious Mockery? He’ll rip you apart with that tongue of his and you won’t know what hit you. TDLR: Bard.
Geoff: I see Geoff as a cleric, one that roams and tries to spread The Good Word while being able to get in there and break some skulls if needed. However, he’s not often liked - despite not being a Rogue himself, Geoff is a Cleric of the Trickery Domain.  Noted as a cleric who follows the god of “thieves, scoundrels, gamblers, rebels, and liberators”, he latches onto his fellow scoundrels and lets the Good Word lead him into some shit. Holding up a mace and a wild grin, Ramsey may be a Man of God, just don’t expect him to behave. TDLR: Cleric of the Trickery Domain. Jack: Jack’s really a no-brainer. I considered putting him as a Tempest Cleric, which is one of the subdomains, but he truly fits easily as a Druid. Almost a cleric of his own and a trickster in his own heart - which explains why he gets along so well with Geoff despite not quite sharing his faith - Jack is a true shapeshifter who can change into any animal he’d like (I see him favoring a tiger or other big cat). He’s also one with nature - a true craftsman and survivalist. Plants spring into life in his care, animals do whatever he asks, and woe betide those who make him mad. TDLR: Druid.
Michael: While Michael played a Paladin in Heroes and Halfwits, I don’t think that fits him. Paladins are more code-following than any of our lovely adventurers could ever hope to be, let’s not kid ourselves about that. In the end, I think Michael is a true-and-true Fighter, likely focusing on Protection. He’s a demon with the blade, aggressive and antagonistic, but will do whatever it takes to keep those he loves safe. But dear god to anyone who decides to get between him and something he decides is His to protect! He doesn’t need magic, nor want any - Michael is a man of simplicity, but that doesn’t mean he’s dull... his fury and finesse with a blade is entirely unmatched. TDLR: Fighter. Jeremy: Blood mage Jeremy was really something that caught my eye. I considered the idea of making Jeremy a rogue, but he’s too much of a Loud Boi to really be that sneaky. I see him instead as the Warlock Ryan was going to be. A man who dabbled too much with his magical knowledge, read too many forbidden books, that lead to an unholy union with some entity. Now he may aim somewhat necromantic, but Jeremy is a laughing soul who weighs lives like weights in his hands and who isn’t afraid to grin while blood is dripping down his hands. TDLR: Warlock.  And now for B-Team... Alfredo: Ranger. Alfredo’s always been a sneaky man, one who hovers on the background. It’s only natural that he’d be the shadow-walker, the man who hovers on the outskirts, ready to snipe an enemy with an arrow from a vast distance. He’s the man who can always find the path, a true survivalist who is an overwhelmingly amazing shot. TDLR: Ranger.  Lindsay: The mistress of Chaos herself, I see Lindsay as the Barbarian. Summoning up her battle rage, nothing will stop her from defending those who matter to her. Her fighting prowess is sheer strength and power and her rages have turned the tide of a battle more than once. Pushing up her shirt sleeves and entering into battle, they know no one has a chance. Truly, I don’t see many other races as quite embodying the sheer CHAOS of the Mistress Jones (except, perhaps, the Madness Cleric). TDLR: Barbarian.  Fiona: Full of mischief, I see our lovely Fiona as the Rogue of the party. Except, I see her more as the Swashbuckler subclass instead of a stereotypical rogue. Instead of lurking too much in the shadows, her tongue is her truest defense. She relies, as the book says, on “speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts”. Sauntering around with a rapier in her hand and a grin on her face, Fiona will steal both your heart and your wallet in one interaction. TDLR: Swashbuckler. Trevor: Trevor’s our traditionalist Wizard. He’s a smart, smart boy, leading AH the way he does, and it’s not a far leap for me to think that he would have studied magic almost feverishly to figure out how to become the most powerful. This boy was an engineer, for crying out loud, and in the DnD world he likely would have put the same furver into learning spells. An extremely powerful magician, Trevor can beguile you and harm you in the same breath. TDLR: Wizard.  Matt: While I think Matt fits the new Artificer class similar to Ryan, I can see Matt as a Monk. Matt is a man who is peaceful unless engaged. He’s more or less willing to do his own thing unless the others torment him. But when they do, watch out - he’s an intimidating man in his own right with the charisma and brains to dismantle an enemy. Matt would walk the Way of Shadow, which is a Monk class that allows him to cast spells such as darkness, pass without trace, etc. He’s a man that doesn’t necessarily want to engage, but if you press his buttons, he’ll come back at you ten-fold with a fury. TDLR: Monk. I’d love to hear what you have to say. I don’t think I’ve missed anyone from the main crew, but if you have anyone you’d like to add to this, please do. As I said before, I didn’t mean to make them all different, it just sort of happened that way! 
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
golden compass nintendo ds
golden compass nintendo ds
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Developer: Sega of America, Inc. Publisher: Sega ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: December 4, 2007
Hourglass - Time - Death, change. Sun - Day - Authority, truth. . . Alpha and Omega - Finality - Process, inevitability. . Marionette - Obedience - Submission, grace. . . Serpent - Evil - Guile, natural wisdom. . Cauldron (crucible) - Alchemy - Craft, achieved wisdom. Anchor - Hope - Steadfastness, prevention. Helmet - War - Protection, narrow vision. Beehive - Productive - work Sweetness, light. . . Moon - Chastity - Mystery, the uncanny. . . Madonna - Motherhood - The feminine, worship. Apple - Sin - Knowledge, vanity. . . Bird - The soul (the demon) - Spring, marriage. . . Bread - Nourishment - Christ, sacrifice. . . Ant - Mechanical work - Diligence, tedium. . . Bull - Earth - Power, honesty. . . Candle - Fire - Faith, learning. . . Cornucopia - Wealth - Autumn, hospitality. . . Chameleon - Air - Greed, patience. . . Thunderbolt - Inspiration - Fate, chance. . . Dolphin - Water - Resurrection, succor. . . Walled garden - Nature - Innocence, order. . . Globe - Politics - Sovereignty, fame. . . Sword - Justice - Fortitude, the Church. Griffin - Treasure - Watchfulness, courage. Horse - Europe - Journeys, fidelity. . . Camel - Asia - Summer, perseverance. . . Elephant - Africa - Charity, continence. . . Crocodile (cayman) - America - Rapacity, enterprise. . . Baby - The future - Malleability, helplessnessCompass - Measurement - Mathematics, science. . . Lute - Poetry - Rhetoric, philosophy. . . Tree - Firmness - Shelter, fertility. . . Wild man - Wild man - The masculine, lust. . . Owl - Night - Winter, fear. . .
Secret Pan Forms
You can find different forms for Pan, like a cardinal for the bird or a badger for the rodent.Some scenery in different areas is revealed as a secret area after using the Alethiometer ‘Reveal Secret’ formula. The Badger is found in one of 2 geode-rock things in the first 3 levels, the College has the Barn Owl and Moth, and the Coulter’s Army level contains the Cardinal. A Racoon is found in Bolvangar behind large boulders in stands of trees.
Easy Stuff (Mainly Sky Iron)
Use Pan’s bird form to fly around and check atop any ledges you can not reach with lyra. If there is a goodie up there, grab it with Y and fly down or up to where Lyra is and drop it on her head. If there is a box, go into cat form and use A to smash it.
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Currently we have no unlockables for Golden Compass yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
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Currently we have no glitches for Golden Compass yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Golden Compass yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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