#angelic dickhead & demonic bitch
qdkdraws · 5 months
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buttercup12233 · 6 months
Alastor is such a Gary stu that wants everybody to know that he's "sCaRy" because he can have black eyes and red pupils, turn big, and shoot out tentacles. Like bro. That's not creepy. And most of his lines fucking suck. How does he know about modern slang? Didn't this guy die during the great fucking depression? Not to mention, this guy swears a whole lot. It would've been perfect if the only time he ever swore was when his staff got broken apart. That would've really shocked the audience. I wouldn't mind him saying "fuck" a few times, but when that shit becomes a common thing, that's a problem. Swearing wasn't common in the 1900's. So why is Alastor using it on a daily basis. He no longer stands out from the cast. He's just another edge lord. He says the most corniest lines too like omg everytime he says ONE embarrassing word, I have to pause from watching the show bc the guy gives me second hand embarrassment. He's trying so hard to be terrifying that it's not working. For some reason, Alastor just wants power.... I'm not sure if it was planned from the start, but the execution is dog shit in my opinion. Pilot Alastor was done better than this. The reason why pilot Alastor was so creepy and overall an amazing character, at least in my opinion, was because you didn't really know exactly how he was feeling, or what was going on inside his head. The whole point of him volunteering to 'help' Charlie run the hotel was that he could see sinners fail and give himself some entertainment. He even flat out admits it in the pilot. But then you just have that gut feeling that there's something more going on with Alastor. That he's probably planning something else than just finding entertainment. Let the 'him wanting power' be like a b plot if THAT was the case (explain why he even wants power too bc if he just WANTS it for the sake of it, then that's boring). And I think what was the most exciting thing about his character, was that he was mysterious. Notice how the only times he EVER used his power or lost his cool was when Angel Dust claimed that he could suck his dick, or when Sir Pentious interrupted his song and threatened to literally hurt him. I swear, this guy used his title as the radio demon for times when it was appropriate. That's what I loved about Pilot Al. He wasn't trying to be creepy unless it was needed. In this show, he desperately wants people to fear him. He even tries to pick a fight with everybody, even the ones who are kind to him. He's a complete asshole and a dickhead. And I'm just like "boo, fucking corny, bitch". Idk, man. It's pro just me. But I hate Alastor so goddamn fucking much. At least in the show. He gives me headaches, he's a Gary stu, and I can't believe this mf got away with talking trash to the KING OF HELL like holy SHIT. Why didn't his ass get humbled at the moment there? He just got freewill the whole time during season one without consequences. Besides Adam tearing his ass up.
Alastor is just so- ugh.
I beg for you guys to let me know if some of my points were invalid. I would actively listen to them. I was just in rage the whole entire time while writing this, so my mind was just clouded with 'wtf happened to the cool guy I once loved' and just...RAAAAAH. so please don't hesitate to speak out. I'm aware that not EVERYBODY will agree with what I say. But it's great to hear y'all's opinions about this. Thank you.
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Rant incoming
I'm sorry I'm just so fucking tired of the "Lucifer is actually a good guy!" and the "Heaven is bad" schtick
You expect me to believe that the archangel that was considered arrogant, who hated humanity because he believed that they were inferior to him and he was God's greatest creation, purposefully caused the first sin just to be a dick, tempted millions of people, tried to tempt Jesus everyday while he was fasting and is the literal reason Hell exists in the first place to actually be good?
I'm sorry why the fuck is everybody in Hell terrible except Lucifer???? Even all the other demons are evil but not him
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scekrex · 5 months
I just want to preface this by saying I love your work, your stories are wonderful and I have been reading them nonstop since yesterday, thank you so much for making them
Since you are taking request, can I ask for another part of the Overlord!reader storyline, like, maybe part 2 but from reader perspective as his angel explore his new home, him slowly coaxing Adam too get use to him, to find comfort in his touch. OH, and maybe a shot of reader hidden on a balcony just watching as his sweet birdy wander about in his garden, just basking in this little piece of paradise in the depth of Hell
I fucking love Overlord!Reader x Adam, gimme more of that shit I'm addicted. Also I kinda already wrote a part 2 for Overlord!Reader, so I'll make this part 3
Bird of Hell's Paradise
I promise you that I'll be good to you if you promise that you'll try to love me too
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, tooth rotting fluff
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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The way Adam carried himself inside the walls of your mansion was surely nothing but divine, his chin was tilted upwards, his eyes were partly closed and his back was as straight as possible, making him seem even taller. His body language told you with how much pride this man was filled with. And while he appeared so prideful and untouchable, his actions spoke a different language.
In the beginning you had offered him his own room, a thing he had accepted without any hesitation but as the bond between the two of you grew, as you continued to treat his wounds with kindness even though Adam was acting like a huge dickhead - even back then you had known that most of his behavior had been an act, nothing but harsh words that he had spoken to keep you away from him, something that had changed over time. But then, slowly, he started to accept your touch.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” your voice calmed the first man down, that you noticed, his body visibly relaxed under your careful fingers as you took off one of his bandages. You eyed the healing stab wounds critically - they would scar, you had known that ever since you had taken the brunette in, those wounds would leave imperfect scars on Adam’s perfect skin and you could only imagine how much he must have hated the thought of that. “I fucking know,” the brunette mumbled barely audible as he avoided your eyes at all cost, his chin was tilted upwards as he sat on your bed, chest bare, body exposed. And you believed him, because he’d react differently if he wouldn’t know. That was something that filled you with pride - knowing that the first man trusted you enough to let you treat his wounds, saw him in a state as vulnerable as the one he was currently in. You didn’t voice your pride though, you knew Adam would just make a pissy comment about it.
You gently traced the outlines of the healing wound, careful not to hurt the first man and to your surprise he let you. He even closed his eyes for a moment and seemed to genuinely enjoy your touch against his skin, before he harshly pulled back and slapped your hand away a moment later, “Enough.” You decided it would be best for you to not respond to his sudden moodswing, you simply kept your hands to yourself as you rose from your knees and took a step back, “We won’t need to bandage your wounds anymore, darlin’, they have healed incredibly well.” Adam dared to look down on himself, spotting the still healing stabs of the dagger Niffty had rammed into his body countless of times. And while Adam tried to mask his emotions like he always did, a little bit of worry shined through his facade, “They won’t fucking disappear.” It was less of a question and more of a statement, as if he was trying to get himself used to the thought of it. “Well, we could ask-” “Fuck no. There ain’t no fucking way that any demon fuck-up shit is going to touch my damn body, this bitch is divine and it will fucking stay that way.” You simply nodded, it was his choice after all and if you were honest, you understood, If your roles were reversed you’d act the same, that was for sure.
Adam took your silence as his sign to leave the room - or maybe he took it as the sign that told him you were one touching his wounds, whatever it was, the brunette was quick to leave your bedroom and wander through the building, where he went you were never quite sure of, but you trusted him - there was literally no other place for him down here. It was either staying with you or getting killed over and over by angry sinners and while Adam definitely made some reckless decisions from time to time, he wasn’t stupid. Even if it seemed like it sometimes.
You decided for yourself that you needed some fresh air, Adam’s mood swings could weigh quite heavily on you, he didn’t intend on that, you were positive about this. You slowly stepped across your bedroom and made it over to the small balcony that was promising you the view of an amazing garden. Your garden was your treasure, it was probably the most peaceful little place in all seven rings of hell, the most beautiful area a sinner would ever see. So when your eyes watched over your garden in protection, you noticed Adam’s wings gleaming between a couple cherry trees. He had loved your little garden right from the start, once, when you had found him half asleep underneath one of the cherry trees, he had told you that your garden reminded him of Eden, that it gave him a welcome feeling that could be compared to feeling at home. You were sure he didn’t even remember telling you that little detail, he had looked at you with tiny, tired eyes that kept falling shut. But it explained why he spent so much time laying in the grass, why he loved to take a bath in a small lake that was located at the center. You adored the way Adam’s eyes would lit up whenever the two birds that were living in your garden would show their faces.
In amusement you watched as Adam rushed from his current spot to the other side of the garden, then he quickly made his way over to the strawberries. Whenever the first man was spending time in the garden he seemed so carefree to you. Like it lifted a burden from his shoulders that was usually so heavy to carry. You decided that joining him would be a fantastic idea, so you left the balcony and made your way downstairs to join the brunette.
Once you set foot in the garden, Adam was quick to notice you - it seemed as if he noticed everything that was going on there. His eyes watched you skeptically, then he walked over to you, “I still don’t fucking understand how you manage to keep all of that shit alive in a hellhole like that.” The brunette sounded genuinely impressed and that filled you with pride. “TIme and love, my dear, and a little bit of patience of course,” you hummed proudly as you wrapped an arm around his waist. In the first moment the brunette flinched, tried to pull away from your touch, but then he seemed to change his mind because suddenly he was leaning into your touch instead of trying to get it off him. “You know,” you started as you gently guided Adam back to the cherry trees, they provided some shade and given the temperature shade seemed like a good thing. “I’m glad I found you,” Adam huffed at your words as he watched you while you sat down. Your back rested against one of the trees and you patted your thigh to tell Adam he was very welcome to sit down. The brunette hesitated for a good moment, then he sat down in front of you, his back towards you. And just as you were about to complain he leaned back and his head was resting in your lap. That was definitely something that you hadn’t expected, it wasn’t that Adam strictly avoided your touch, he just never initiated body contact this soft before. “Do you give me permission to touch your hair darling?” The question was spoken quietly, you were afraid to scare him away, but a hum in agreement answered your question and blew away the doubts you had.
Your hands gently massaged his scalp, fingers comed through his thick hair as Adam relaxed his muscles and allowed himself to fully drown in the feeling of your touch - it was beyond cute. Despite pushing you away over and over again, you had always managed to get close to him again and it seemed as if Adam was slowly growing tired of pushing you away and denying himself the comfort of your touch. His eyes cracked open a little as he asked, “Does that fucking offer still stand?” You curiously tilted your head a bit as you looked down on him, “Which one?” “Y’know, sharing a room,” he mumbled and turned his head to the side in order to avoid your eyes, one of your hands came up to move his head back into its original position, forcing him to look at you, “Yeah, that offer is still on the table.” A small yet cocky grin appeared on Adam’s lips and all he said before closing his eyes again was a simple, “Good.”
You leaned down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead and the satisfied sounding hum the first man let out at that told you that he was enjoying having you close - no matter what lies his words had tried to tell you, no matter how often he had pushed you away. “Could get fucking used to that,” and his words not only tool you by surprise, no they also made you smile against his soft skin. You placed yet another kiss to his forehead before you responded with the softest voice you had to offer, “I can offer you this,” Adam felt a quick peck on his cheek, “For all of eternity, if it is what you desire.”
The brunette opened his eyes once more as your face pulled away from his, and his beautiful golden eyes met yours, the lighting made them look even more beautiful, “What if I fucking want you?”
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fandomworld9728 · 6 months
Oops... (Angel Dust/Lucifer)
(Requested by @buuteer) (AppleDust hidden relationship getting found out) (Hope this is okay. I wasn't really sure how to go about it and ran with this idea when it popped into my head)
(Warning! This takes place during episode 6 of Hazbin Hotel! So not only spoilers but trigger warning for Val being his usual dickhead, possessive, violent self!) (Also, protective Lucifer and Alastor as a bonus!)
"You forget who you're talking to. I own you."
The pink chains connecting Angel to the Overlord were yanked, pulling him close to him. "Yeah. You do. In the studio, and you can do anything you want to me in there, just like our deal says. But out here? I get to do what I want. So once again. Fuck off-"
Before Angel could finish, the moth demon had back handed him, sending him and Niffty to the floor. Mouth now bleeding. It had felt good to finally stand up to the man even with the repercussions. He wasn't about to let the creep mess with his friends. Especially not after what had happened that day with Charlie.
"Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."
A flash of light bright light mixed with an eerie green filled the place, a summoning circle now between Angel Dust and Valentino to keep them separated. "What the fuck is this?"
Hushed whispers came from the sinners arounds them as Lucifer stepped out of the circle and walked slowly towards the moth demon, Alastor, who had accidentally got caught up in this, stayed put scanning over the people of the hotel. More importantly, over the two souls that he owned.
"That is a good question. What is all this?"
"Oh. Fuck. No, wait. Luci don't."
"Luci? Angel sweetie, have you been fucking our dear King and keeping it from me?"
Fuck. "Val listen-"
"Wow. You're that possessive that you need to know all of his clients when you never bothered to ask in the first place? That's how it started out and now it's much more than that. I've tried to stay out of this because that's what Angel wanted. However, this is the second time you've struck him since we've been together."
To say that Lucifer was pissed was an understatement. The day that Angel came to him after a long day of work to relieve some stress and was sporting a black eye, he was ready to go and teach that Overlord how to properly treat the souls under his care. But he was asked to stay out of it. Was reassured that Angel wanted to get out of this and handle it on his own. Lucifer only backed off when he was promised that the next time something like that or worse happened that he had permission to break the guy's face in.
"Ugh, I'm getting an ache in my neck. You're too goddamn tall. How about you come down to my height?!"
Seeing this side of Lucifer did something to Angel. Small, beautiful, powerful, Lucifer. The King of Hell. Defending him like this. The spider demon couldn't help but feel so loved and cared for.
"Holy shit, Angie. You're datin' the King of Hell and didn't tell me?" Cherri asked, helping her best friend up.
"I'll uh... explain later. Oh shit. Where's Niff?"
"Our dear Niffty was involved in this?" And now Alastor was going to join in the beating. Angel wasn't going to complain. The guy had it coming for a long time.
Landing on her butt in the hotel's foyer after Adam forcefully sent them back through a portal, Charlie jumped up and ran over to the group sitting and tending to Angel. Her dad was wiping the blood from his lips to make it easier to heal while Alastor, surprisingly enough, was holding Niffty protectively.
"Dad! You've been dating Angel Dust?! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't either of you tell me? When did it happen? For how long?" A long string of rushed out questions tumbled from her mouth before Vaggie lightly took her by the shoulders and made her sit down.
"Babe. Give them a chance to answer."
"Wait.... how did you find out? This came out while you were in Heaven."
"Oh. Well. We were watching you guys to prove to Sera and the court that redemption could be possible. Uh... Adam was not happy when he found out... but the rest of the court was pleasantly surprised at how you acted and handled the situation! So, Sera would love for you to join us for our rescheduled meeting."
"Of course she does."
"Hey. It's alright baby. I'll join ya if it'll make ya feel better." It felt good to have their relationship out and in the open now. He should have listened to Lucifer before about just being open about it since the beginning.
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101flavoursofweird · 6 months
How about "It's not your choice." for Husk/Angeldust?
((Thank you for giving me the chance to write about these two!))
Warnings: References to character death, drinking and abuse… and cursing. (Sera’s not here to censor anyone like in my previous Hazbin fic)
Spoilers: For most of the series, including the finale
Set: After the final battle but before the hotel has been fully restored
Title: Anchor
Summary: Even in Alastor’s absence, something keeps Husk tied to the hotel.
“Those angelic bitches owe me a new bar,” Husk grumbled.
He pulled his once-gleaming ‘Concierge’ sign from the wreckage of the lobby. Between ‘Con’ and ‘cierge’, a crack had formed.
That’s what this had been all along, right? 
Another con from Alastor. A calculated show of power. A way to keep Husk in line, stuck on a leash…
The ironic part? Husk had actually started to like it at the Hazbin Hotel. Then, Alastor had finally— finally— fucked off, and it had all come crashing down.
As destructive and sadistic as Alastor could be, he hadn’t done this just to spite Husk. (Though, Husk definitely wouldn’t put it past him!)
No— Alastor, along with whatever deity controlled his leash, were far too invested in Charlie’s hotel.
The almighty Radio Demon hadn’t intended to get his ass kicked by that dickhead Adam… 
Alastor hadn’t made some heroic sacrifice like Sir Pentious.
Hell, Alastor wasn’t even dead! He couldn’t be.
Husk would have felt it otherwise. He would be free…
The sign broke in two as Husk lifted it up. Huffing, Husk tossed the pieces aside and continued sweeping through the rubble; splinters of wood, fragments of bone decor, shards of glass…
Husk dragged his claws over his head and groaned. “All that good booze— gone!”
“If you’ve got a problem,” a voice sang behind him, “you ain’t gonna find it at the end of a bottle… or something.”
Turning around, Husk found the one feature of his bar that was (thankfully) still in tact: His most regular patron. 
Angel Dust— battle-worn and bloodied— beamed at him.
Despite himself, Husk snorted. “Where did you hear that one?”
“Some drunk old loser…” Angel Dust shrugged, somehow making the casual movement seem theatrical.
He watched as Husk resumed his sorry attempt at a clear-up. Husk bent down to pick up a bag of peanuts.
“You gonna stand there or help?” Husk called over his shoulder.
“I’m enjoying the view,” drawled Angel Dust.
Frowning, Husk faced him again. Husk threw his hands out. “Not much to look at in this dump…”
“Here’s a bright idea!” Slinking closer to Husk, Angel Dust raised all four of his arms. “Why don’t we just ask Daddy Lucifer to make us new bar?”
Husky growled, “It wouldn’t be the same.”
Husk didn’t want a brand spanking new set-up. He wanted his old bar with the counter stains from spilt drinks and the scuff-marks from shoving people aside (mainly Angel Dust) and the stray cat hairs. He wanted it to smell of cheap alcohol and roasted peanuts.
He wanted the soft orange lighting and the squeaky bar stools and the sound of laughter… like last night, when they had all celebrated just being alive. (Husk hadn’t felt that alive in years.)
The last thing Husk wanted was to be indebted to another ruler.
Husk ground his teeth together. The peanut bag nearly exploded in his fist.
“Whoa— easy, tiger!” Angel Dust patted down the bristling fur on Husk’s back. “Fine, we’ll fix it withoutFallen Angel magic… Might just take us a little longer—“
“I’ve got time.” A sigh escaped Husk.
“Yeah, you do!” Angel Dust slung an arm around Husk’s shoulders. “And right now, it’s time to unwind! There has to be one club in town the Exorcists didn’t destroy—“
Husk ducked out of Angel Dust’s embrace. “I… I can’t. Not till I’ve fixed things here.” He tossed the peanut bag away. His attention returned to the ruins of lobby.
“C’mon, Whiskers…” Angel Dust rolled his eyes. “We’ve just survived a battle! Don’t you want to relax? Maybe raise a toast to our departed pal—?”
“‘Course I do—“ Husk grunted as he shifted a hunk of rubble, “—but I can do that in my own bar—“ The rubble was heavier than he’d realised. “Shit…!” Husk stumbled under its weight, until Angel Dust caught the other side.
“It’s your soul, isn’t it?” Angel Dust breathed. “It belongs to Alastor, and since he ordered you to work at the hotel… Your soul’s tied to this bar.”
“What?” Husk scoffed, dropping his end of the rubble. “I can leave here whenever I like! You’ve seen me—“
“Sure—“ Angel Dust spun around and chucked the rubble away, “—but you can’t leave permanently. You have to come back, sooner to later. Just like…” 
He gazed down at the dust on his hands, before clenching them into fists. “Like me and Valentino.”
“It’s not… that bad,” Husk muttered, with a slight wince.
For the most part, Alastor had kept Husk on a light leash, only tightening the chains if Husk dared to act up. Alastor had threatened him in private, but he hadn’t followed through on those threats (so far).
On seldom occasions, he had even saved Husk’s ass…
Contrary to Valentino, who took pleasure in violating Angel Dust whenever he could.
Angel Dust was staring down at the ravaged ground.
Husk gestured to him. “Any chance, uh, Valentino got exterminated?”
“I wish!” Angel Dust exhaled. He flexed his limbs, pushing against invisible bonds. “I don’t feel any different…” He looked up at Husk. “What about you? Is Smiles gone for good?”
“Nah!” Husk’s gaze roved around the ruins. Alastor would pop up at any moment. “He’ll be back before we know it.”
“And you’ll still be here,” murmured Angel Dust, “even if it’s not your choice.”
“Eh.” Husk shrugged. 
Running the front desk and the bar wasn’t the worst job in Hell. Maybe Husk was tied to the hotel… compelled to stay there and maintain it by Alastor…
Husk would complain about having to listen to everyone’s moaning, but honestly? He’d had grown quite fond of their company. (Plus— the booze was free!)
A smile slipped across Angel Dust’s face. “What about when— if— I ascend to Heaven?”
“Seriously? You still wanna go up there, after how they treated us?”
“We could take ‘em…” Angel Dust pursed his lips. He caught Husk’s hand. “Come with me?”
“I don’t give a shit about Heaven...” Still, Husk didn’t pull away. He coughed. “But, if the whole hotel happens to ascend, somehow? I’ll see you up there.” He gave Angel Dust’s hand a squeeze.
It wasn’t a contract, or a promise, or an aspiration binding them together… but something filled with hope. A gamble. A shot in the dark… and some other third thing. (Husk had run out of hopeful metaphors.)
Deviously, Angel Dust grinned. “You might need to get in line— Charlie said Heaven’s full of hot people.”
“Ha!” Husk laughed as Angel lifted his arm and twirled Husk around on the spot. “I’ll wait… Now, help me find the front desk, will you? Then, maybe I can take a quick break in town…”
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This is another one shot I wrote over on Archive of our Own.
It’s another extended scene. Takes place in “Welcome to Heaven”, if Cherri confronted Valentino, too.
“I said fuck off!”, repeated Angel, keeping a protective arm around Niffty. “I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain’t fucking with any of my friends!”
Valentino got to his feet. “You forget who you’re talking to?”, he waved his cigarette in front of him as the trail formed a chain with one end attaching itself around Angel’s wrist. “I own you, bitch.”
“That son of a-“, muttered Cherri. She stepped away from the table until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She caught a glimpse of Husk with a look of caution written on his face. He shook his head. Cherri rolled her eye, shoving Husk’s hand away.
Angel took a deep breath. “Yeah, you do, in the studio, and you can do whatever you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want.”
“Didn’t ya hear him, ya multicolored floozy?”, asked Cherri, prodding Valentino on his back. “He told ya to fuck off.”
“Cher, what are you doing?”, asked Angel, both his voice and eyes softening at the sight of her.
Valentino turned his head with a confused expression which briefly turned to one of recognition. He pushed Angel away. “I know you”, he said slyly as he extended one of his lower arms, grabbing Cherri by her wrist and pulling her closer to him. Close enough for her to see her reflection in his glasses.
Angel felt his face getting hot. “Let her go, Val.”
Valentino ignored him. He raised a hand, stroking a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him, “You’re the fiery minx who’s been wrecking my billboards all over town.”
“Aww. Have I struck a nerve, ya fucking pussy?”, she spat out, forcing a smile. She struggled to free herself. Unfazed when Valentino took a puff from his cigarette and blew the crimson smoke in her face. She stifled an urge to cough.
He chuckled. “No”, he turned his head, a malicious smile forming at how pissed Angel was. “But it seems that I have…”
Angel scowled. He was no stranger to the merciless abuse at his boss’s hands. He could take it. What he couldn’t take was the sleazy Overlord having the audacity to lay his filthy hands on Cherri.
Valentino, grabbing a fistful of Cherri’s hair, looked her body over. “You know, if you need a job… I’m always hiring.”
Angel saw red.
Extracting his third set of arms to hold onto Niffty, Angel used his first set to wring the chain in his hands and threw the slack over and around Valentino’s neck. “Motherfucker!”, he yelled, yanking him back, causing him to release Cherri.
Valentino grit his teeth as he used one hand to grab the chain, keeping it off of his neck, allowing him to breathe, and used another to grab Angel by his shirt collar. The chain disappeared.
Before he could even brace himself for the impact, Angel felt a white hot pain as he fell to the floor, pushing Niffty out of harm’s way. He could feel something dripping from his nose and he could see small red drops of blood hitting the floor. A shadow loomed over him.
“Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I’m going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow”, said Valentino, returning to the two demons he’d been flirting with.
Cherri glared at him. “Fucking dickhead!”
Angel picked himself up. “Fuck it. It was worth it.”
“Way to go, kid”, said Husk, placing a comforting hand on Angel’s back.
Angel smiled as the four of them walked back to their table.
Cherri nudged his arm, offering a handkerchief she pulled out of Husk’s pocket. “Hey, ya alright, Angie?”
“As good as I can be. You?”, he said, dabbing his nose.
“I’m always alright.”
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timmburrton · 1 year
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Character Representation: Lock
Name: Choi Il-Seong
From Busan, Korea
He // They || Pansexual || 24 {November 20 // Scorpio} || 6'0"
Occupation: Tattoo Artist {Secretly an Arsonist}
Appearance: Ginger Red Short Hair {They Tend to dye it Often}, Black Eyes {The Whites can Turn Yellow}, Freckles all Over his Cheeks, Nose and Ears, Bunch of Piercings: Eyebrow Piercing, Snake and Angel Bites, Multiple Ear Piercings, a Septum Piercing, Belly Piercing and Back Piercing, Lots of Tattoos on Arms, Legs, Chest and Back, Can Wear Both Masc and Fem Clothing, Skirts, Thigh Highs, Crop Tops, Dresses, Baggy Shirts, Baggy Joggers, Skinny Jeans, Chains, Rings, Reds, Oranges and Yellows
Personality: can be Baby Girl or a Bitch {if you do Something to Shock {Lotte}, Barrel {Valentino} or Boogie {Leon} They will Just be a Straight Bitch-}, Flirty, Fake as Fuck to Your Face, Talks Behind Your Back, Will Love you to Death if you do Something he Likes, Once You're Close he can be Really Protective, Possesive and Clingy
Likes: Shopping, Knives, Blood, Broken Bones/Breaking People's Bones, Tattoos, Piercings, Drinks, Alcohol, Acrylics, Gel Polish, Fire, Spikes, Music, Cursing, Dramas, Gossiping, Working out {to Stay fit That's all}, Makeup, Bats {Both the Animal and the Weapon}, Breaking Legs
Dislikes: the Dark While Alone, Misogyny, Dickheads
Values: Small Things; They might seem has a heavy maintenance person but in reality they just like small things. Not having an amazing childhood made him appreciate the smaller things in life. At home dates, quiet talks, spending time in the presence of someone else, good food, etc. are things he took for granted and now greatly appreciates.
Monster Info: Demon {not Sure What Kind yet}, in his Demon Form he has red horns and a red tail, their nails become black claws and the whites of his eyes turn yellow, they have leathery red wings and sometimes have webbing in between their fingers
NSFW: Switch, Hard Dom and Bratty Sub {can be a Soft Dom}; Size Kink, Breeding, Toys, Collaring, Bondage {Might Hesitate at First}, Shibari {Might Hesitate at First}, Choking, Severe Marking, Severe Burning, Wax Play, Oral, Overstim, Edging, Pet Play {Puppy Boy}, Pain Kink, Blood Play, Mirror Sex, Gun Play, Primal Play , Somnophilia, Sadasim, Masochist, Autassassinophilia, Corruption, Dacryphilia, Impact Play/Spanking, Gagging, Ball Gags, Recording/Being Watched {All kinks go both way. They are open to most kinks might sub/dom drop with harder ones, NEEDS TO 1000% TRUST YOU IF YOU WANT TO DO ANYTHING WITH BLINDFOLDS}
Relations Within the bot:
Relationship: Dating and Obsessed with @creepypasta-cb Jeff {Little Strawberry 🍓} {08.18.23}
Sign off 🔒Il-Seong
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Faceclaim: @/chenyangyii on Instagram
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boyakishantriage · 2 years
Due after 1Jan, Perth WA time.
Search "open rp".
Welcome to this blog, the long and short of it is that it's a fucking mess of RP, various characters reblogging and various parts that make no sense.
This pinned post summaries this entire blog. Send a message to this account for questions or inquires on RP stuff.
Send in an ask, don't be a dickhead. Just ask a question, situation or something. I can't draw, so...
Tags are who posts them.
This is an account based off the book series "Aura. Stories Not Told." (Correction, it's just called Aura:[Title])-Rose
I use Singapore time, I don't live there because fuck you.
WA time, monday-friday I may not be able to respond until ~3:10pm because the government bans all "mobile devices not specified by an educator."
These [ ] are me talking, these ( ) are I'm character notes. These, { } are Beta talking.
Tag with Boyakishan means it's a semi serious shit post or me in character. Or I'm shit posting :)
Ask one of the people something. Accounts below are specific to certain things.
@boyakishantrio-beta she's named Beta and a bitch.
@boyakishan is just me, but dump all questions about the blog and characters. Everything said not in 10:30pm to 7am is questionable at best.
@boyakishannarrative it's a narrative thing.
Ask for RP, questions or anything really. It's not helpful, profound but it's fun I guess.
Timezone is Western Australia. 7-10:30 is when I'm myself. Outside, take with a grain of salt. Also go fuck yourself.
Ask Alpha, Zeta, Foxtrot, Delta, Omega, 0mega, Rose, Ceta, Yankee, Shitaki and a lot more names that aren't gonna be listen below.
Alpha's a warrior angel commander, Zeta's a wolf changeling thing and Delta's a slightly less powerful Beta. There's also Foxtrot, no power Beta. Ceta, Alpha but a female and kinda like Foxtrot. Yankee, miss quiet girl. Also go ask the narrative thing for dumb ideas.
Note: BoyakishanTrio means that the characters may switch, specific parts will be added in lower reblog.
^more added later
Tina: Hybrid division
Charlie: First scout.
If you've reached this point, meet Charlie. I don't know either, post here.
Ooh, found a better worded post that kinda explain what this is about here
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Note: First cohort, divine. Second human, each cohort has at least 1000 men. 6th is Charlie's and Tina's. Tina is retired. Sixth is demonic/misfits. As is every sixth unit. That's base army Beta
Alpha follows heavenly system, works slightly different. Work out later
Don't ask me
Are the characters real(it'll take forever to respond)
Porn, send to the Beta account.
If you're reading this still, I have several trillion characters. Just send in an ask and DM me what continent U on, is it the left right or middle and specifications I should know/characters U want.
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 25
Eyed By a Deal Not Your Cone
Pairing: Alastor x F!OC (Theia, The Demon of a Thousand Eyes)
Chapter Summary: Angel shows the hotel his Show and Tell, Angel has to leave to go to work, and you volunteer to go with Charlie to the studio when Vaggie encourages her to go there on her own.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Mentions of Valentino
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Charlie looks to Angel as Sir Pentious steps back down. Angel smirks and presses play on the TV, and an interrogation scene begins. As he walks to plop back on the couch, you recognize this immediately as porn, but don’t bother to comment, given that this is fairly tame, at least in comparison to what you got up to two nights prior.
Niffty, the deranged little gremlin of chaos that is your friend, jumps down off your lap to lay on the table on her belly, her legs in the air.
As the thinly constructed plot devolves into rough, foreplay and lubeless anal sex, Angel declares proudly, “Yaj know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-xi' award!”
“It's, uh... very... honest?... Oh.” You watch as Charlie tries to hide her vision from the scene in front of her, clearly nauseous.
Vaggie looks at the screen deadpan, declaring, “Ew!”
Charlie peeks from her fingers back at the TV screen, before turning her head away to avoid watching, with her hand covering her mouth this time. The recording of Angel moans loudly as Vaggie shouts, “Okay! Enough of that.” She leans towards Charlie and tries to cover the side of her girlfriend’s face with her hand so she doesn’t have to see. Vaggie gives Angel a disapproving and unamused glare. “Angel, what the fuck?”
“What?! Yah said it was ‘Show n' Tell’ day. I'm showin' yah my best film, and I'm tellin' yah that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker.” He grabs his chest fluff as he expresses disdain for a rival you’ve heard of but have luckily never met.
“Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene.” Husk says casually as he cleans a wine glass.
“Alright, dickhead. What makes you think yah have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?” Angel retorts as he glares over the back of the couch at Husk.
“You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?” Husk raises an eyebrow and tosses the rag he was using to clean.
“Fuck you. This is classy art!” He waves to the screen with two hands, then turns to you of all people. “Occhi, you know my work. Back me up here!”
As the terrible porn on screen devolves into Angel’s co-star slapping him on the ass and then biting what little he has,Sir Pentious covers his eyes. You wince. “Angel, as much as I value our new-found friendship, I have to be honest with you. The scripts are terrible and the acting is worse—excluding yourself, of course. You could be doing so much better. It’s mostly Tino’s fault, honestly. He doesn’t see what a great actor you are. You could be doing so much better than porn, I bet, if he’d let you.”
Angel doesn’t know whether to be offended or flattered. He swallows visibly and Husk uses this as an opportunity to jump into the conversation, walking away from the bar to stand next to the couch on which Angel is lying. “See, even the kid knows that’s bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point.” He points to Sir Pentious, “That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep!” He points to Charlie, “Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own.”
Charlie looks flustered at that. “What?! No, I-- what? Pffff, no, no.” Vaggie just stares at her silently, and you wonder what she’s thinking.
Then Husk points to Vaggie. “This one.” Vaggie stops staring at Charlie to scowl at Husk instead, growling soft and low at him. “Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.” Vaggie groans but doesn’t deny the accusation. “Theia over here,” He points to you, “Goes on and on about how she can’t tell anyone some big secret, about how she doesn’t have enough time, about how she’ll miss all of us when it all comes crashing down. The worst part? She word-vomits puns so much it’s painful to listen to and impossible to understand.”
“Hey, I thought view liked my puns, Husk! It’s rude to eye to a friend!” You give him an incredulous look.
“Listen, kid, I don’t mind your puns, but too much of anythin’ is terrible, and I assure you that without them you would sound just as, if not more, coherent.” He gives you a pointed look and you let out a half-hearted sigh.
“So, what’s Al like when he’s drunk?” You ask curiously.
“I won’t speak about him while he isn’t here.” Husk says defensively.
“You wouldn’t talk about him while he’s present, either.” You decide as he looks away from you.
“No, I wouldn’t.” He tells you definitively, and you sigh, letting the question drop. When you think he’s done speaking, he says, “You’d like that side of him. I, on the other hand, as his lackey, tend to get the short end of the stick when he’s had enough to drink.” He sets the glass down and points to Niffty, who grins mischievously and blows him a kiss. “ And Niffty? Heh... You don't even want to know what her deal is, ‘cept maybe you, Theia, but that ain’t my business.”
You chuckle. You would, actually, and maybe that time will come someday.
As Husk takes a swig of his cheap booze, Angel kicks his legs, cackling. “You weren't kidding! Oh ho, wow!” He gets up in Vaggie’s face for a moment, before he sits back down on the couch’s arm to get up in Husk’s face.
“Kitten's got claws!” He mimics claws with his hand and looks at Husk flirtatiously. Husk’s eyes widen and eyebrows raise. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he is not interested in Angel’s over the top porn persona. As Angel places one of his top hands beneath Husk’s chin to turn his head towards him, he places one of his middle hands on Husk’s arm. “Meow.” Angel purrs, and you hold back a sigh. This will not end well.
Just as you think those words, Husk breaks away from Angel’s grasp, pushes him back onto the couch, and points at him with his index finger, annoyed. You see Angel’s eyes widen and his eyebrows rise in surprise from the sudden movement. “And you!” He scoffs grumpily as he gestures with two fingers to symbolize observing him, “Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are.”
“Oh ho ho,” Angel laughs into the couch’s back then turns back to look at Husk, putting on a dramatic air of fake surprise, “Me? Fake? Wow, I had no idea.” He gestures towards Husk with a deadpan look, then stands to get up in Husk’s face, bent at the waist and irritated with him, “Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass. And—” He points as if to drop a whopping zinger on Husk, but gets interrupted by his phone vibrating and ringing. “Hold that thought.” He answers the phone and walks a few steps away. “Hello? Uh, yeah I'm-I'm... No, No, I just, I…” His voice gets more tense, nervous, and you can hear loud berating from the other end despite the distance. Tino. I’m going to fucking kill that stupid-ass moth. Angel sounds nervous, “No, I-I'm not... But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there.” He hangs up the phone. Charlie looks crestfallen as Angel says, “Well, uh... Looks like Val needs me for an... Uh-- emergency shoot.” He starts to walk away, but as Husk snarks back at him, he turns around and stalks in his direction.
“Uh-huh, sure.” Husk replies as he takes another swig of his bottle. Your heart bleeds for Angel, but there’s nothing you can do, with his soul in Tino’s possession. You white-knuckle the chair.
“Yah know what? Fuck you. I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks ah me.” He points to himself defiantly as Husk barely looks at him. He pulls pink cat-eye shades out of his chest fluff. “So why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from, porn critic.” Angel flips him off, puts on his shades, and stalks off to the front door. You see husk growl and glare at him as he does so.
Charlie jumps up from the couch to run after him. “Angel, you can't leave yet.” She squeezes between him and the closed door, leaning against it in an attempt to prevent him from leaving. You sigh. There’s nothing I can do here. You think to yourself frustratedly, irritably. I can’t intervene. Angel has to go to work, or Tino will drag him there by his soul chain himself. I can’t tell Charlie this, because she doesn’t know and if I don’t explain why she’ll think I don’t believe in her cause. You feel frozen, as if someone tied you to the chair you’re sitting on, like you are in that terrible porn script but instead of getting fucked by some limp dicked porn actor you’re forced to watch your friends fight. You watch as Charlie grabs him by his middle hands and tries to lead him back to the lounge. “We haven't finished our exercises for the day.”
“I'm sure you'll manage without me.” Angel replies with a dramatic air and a grand gesture as he makes a second attempt. He gets as far as slightly pulling it ajar before Charlie sprints back again and closes it with her back, facing him, trying to block the exit so he can’t leave.
She pleads, “There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself.”
Angel places his upper hands on his hips and his middle hands on his thighs, then facepalms with his right upper hand. He places his left upper hand on her shoulder while he removes his glasses with his right, then he leans down to look into her eyes. His middle hands go to his hips as he does so. “Dollface, it's my job. I know yah wanna to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing yah can do.” Angel says as he moves her out of the way with his right middle hand. He opens the door with his left upper arm, puts his shades on with his right, and shuts the door behind him as he leaves.
Charlie collapses onto the floor and leans back against the door, kicking her legs and pouting. It reminds you of your youngest sister’s tantrums as a child, when she didn’t get what she wanted from the store. Naina always gave in when she did. “Uuugh, why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong?”
Vaggie gets up and walks over to her, hand on her hip. “Well, I mean... You're the princess of Hell.”
“So?” Charlie replies, not understanding what Vaggie’s point is.
“So,” She says as she leans down to talk to her, “you don't really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can... I don't know, command a little more... Authority?”
“But that's so mean.” Charlie whines, and you wince.
“It's not mean, exactly. It's... uh, aggressive kindness.” Vaggie says as she places a fist into her palm. You’re not buying this. What exactly is Vaggie’s plan here? You wonder to yourself. Surely she’s not just going to let Charlie go to the studio by herself. She may be the princess, but that doesn’t mean she’s invulnerable. Tino is a nightmare. He’s a threat to anyone and everyone, even if he is just a fucking moth and she’s half-fallen archangel half-first woman in creation. You feel that if Vaggie is going to let her go alone, that despite not wanting to get involved, you’re compelled to go along with her to prevent him from putting his disgusting tongue where it doesn’t belong.
“Okay…” Charlie says as she stands, fueled by her girlfriend’s pep talk and starts pacing about the room, “I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss... That I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!”
“Sure, whatever gets you there, babe.” Vaggie replies, and you stand up. You’ve had enough.
“I’m coming with you, Charlie.” You tell her simply, easily. “If you’re thinking you’re going alone, you’ve got another thing coming. Valentino, or as I refer to him every other time other than now, Tino, is a dangerous man. You may be the princess, but he is a man who doesn’t care about boundaries or political lines. I know his games and I refuse to play them. I want to warn you though, there’s more to this than you understand, and some of it I don’t think Angel would want me to discuss without him telling me it’s alright.”
“You want to come with me but you don’t even think I’ll be able to bring Angel back?” She raises an eyebrow at you, confused.
You try to elaborate. “Things with Angel and Tino are a bit more complicated than they appear at first glance. Again, it’s not my place to say, but I worry that if you go there, alone or accompanied, it might only make matters worse. Tino isn’t exactly an easygoing overlord. I should know.”
Vaggie raises an eyebrow, her hands on her hips. “And how would you know exactly?”
“A few reasons, actually. One, I’ve met the Vees, not just Vox. I’ve known the three of them for years. They are forces to be reckoned with, and are especially brutal in the way they work together. Tino and I are barely amicable. He treats his employees like shit and then expects them to work better and harder than ever before. He’s been desperate to get his disgusting hands and tongue on me for years, but I’d never stoop so low. Additionally,” You turn to face the whole room, “Since I basically showed my powers all over Vee territory two nights ago, I will no longer be keeping them from anyone. I can use any eye iconography that I’ve seen and know where it is to look through at any point in time later. I can also use them for travel.”
“So that is how you knew Keekee was on the second floor so easily, and how you knew Niffty was up in your room even though we were on the second floor!” Sir Pentious exclaims, and you nod.
“Yes, exactly.”
“Wait, you knew about Theia’s powers?” Husk raises an eyebrow at Sir Pentious.
“What?” Sir Pentious looks defensive, “Theia does weird shit all the time, and no one ever bothered to tell me she didn’t tell anyone what her powers are! How was I supposed to know it was a secret?”
You laugh. “I thought I told everyone that. It used to be a little bet between Vox and myself, actually, that if he ever figured out what my powers are that I’d consider joining the Vees. Of course, even if he had I wouldn’t have actually done it. Being a free entity has been far more beneficial. I’m surprised that Vox hasn’t decided to broadcast my little stunt from two night ago for all of Hell to see—”
Just then the TV kicks onto the 666 News without anyone touching the remote. “It’s another shitty morning in Hell. This is 666 News. I’m Katie Killjoy.”
“And I’m Tom Trench.”
At the intro sequence, everyone but you crowds in to see the TV.
“Here’s today’s surprise news update! Our top story is about the mysterious young woman who calls herself ‘Theia, The Demon of a Thousand Eyes’! The footage you’re seeing now was taken two nights ago. She was seen tearing into a sinner with such brutal force that onlookers were stunned and frozen with intrigue! Her companion, none other than The Radio Demon, Alastor himself, was there to egg on the destruction she caused. Will there be more attacks in cold blood? Is anyone safe? The answer: of course fuckin’ not! This is Hell.”
“She’s fuckin’ hot though. All those tentacles and eyes—” Tom Trench pipes up.
Katie cuts him off. “You fuckin’ would, Tom.” She pours her scalding coffee in his lap, a classic of hers. “No one cares what you think.” She gives a bright, too-wide smile to the camera. “Stay tuned in to 666 News for updates on this murder spree as it unfolds!”
The 666 News logo flashes on the screen. Niffty jumps up to turn the TV off then climbs you to sit on your shoulder as you mutter, “It was one kill; I’d hardly call it a murder spree.”
She grabs your face to stare with her eye into your largest one. “How was Stab Stab Murder time? Was it just as amazing as it sounds?”
You grin wickedly, maniacally at her, “One of the greatest times I’ve had in years, Niff.”
She looks pleased, boops you on the nose. “Such a bad girl. So proud of you.”
You laugh but hug her. Charlie looks crestfallen. “You killed someone two nights ago, Theia? I thought you were better than that.”
You sigh. “Listen, Charlie. I told you that redemption isn’t possible for me, and I meant it. While you may be upset by this, I, just like Al, am a killer. I killed while I was topside and I kill while I’m down here. Of course, I’ll never be as prolific as Al himself, nor do I plan on trying. I kill when there’s someone who was wronged and it’s the best option to seek justice. Al was going to kill him anyway, and I’d made him a promise to use my new knife to tear someone apart. I don’t back down from my promises, after all.”
“But you enjoyed it.” She protests with tears in her eyes.
“Yes, I did.” Everyone looks at you, shocked, except for Niffty, who is beaming like a proud mother. “What?” You shrug the shoulder that Niffty isn’t perched on, “Did you think I was going to deny that? I’d never lie to Charlie, even if it would make her feel better.” You turn to her to face her directly. “Look, Charlie, you deserve the truth. It’s the most I can give you. I can’t share my secrets with you, but I will never lie to you.” You turn to the rest of the room, “That is a promise, a vow, that I make in front of everyone in this room tonight. I never have, nor will I ever, lie to Princess Charlotte Morningstar, not even to spare her feelings. I may omit part of the full truth, but I will never lie.” You turn back to her. “So, while I am not someone worthy to be redeemed, never have been, and never will, I still believe in your cause, in your message, in your purpose. I will fight for it, and I would and will defend you and yours with my life. As such, I will go with you to Tino’s studio to see what we can do about Angel. I can’t promise it will be successful, but I promise I will try my best, and I will do everything within my power to make it work.”
“You can’t kill Valentino.” Charlie says, more tears in her eyes.
“Oh c’mon, Charlie. Tino deserves to die for what he’s done. No, worse. He deserves to suffer for days and then die.” You huff and cross your arms at her.
“You can’t kill Valentino today.” She amends, and you sigh.
“Fine, I promise I won’t kill Valentino in his studio today. Now are you ready to go, or are we going to wait until Angel is three cocks deep before we arrive?” You raise an eyebrow.
Vaggie glares at you. “Don’t say such nasty mierda to Charlie, Theia! She’s more sensitive than you!”
You raise an eyebrow. “You coddle her. She’s two hundred years old and the Princess of Hell itself. Besides, she’s going to see far worse in Tino’s studio. She might as well hear a little of it before we arrive on set.” You shrug. “So, I’ll manifest in the studio and then we’ll cause a little mayhem.”
“No,” Charlie shakes her head. “We’ll materialize just outside of Vee Tower. It’d be rude to just show up.”
“It’s rude to arrive unannounced, too, but this is where you draw the line?” You sigh, put out. “Fine. We’ll materialize just outside of Vee Tower. Whatever you wish, Princess. I am your humble servant.”
She chuckles. “Happy to have you to assist me, Lady Theia.”
You brighten at the title she gives you. “I’ve always wanted to be a Duchess of Hell. It sounds like fun.” And a lot less awful than the future I have ahead of me, you think to yourself. You hold out your arm for her to take as Niffty scrambles down from your side and goes to sit on the table again. “Ready to go, Princess?”
“Ready, Theia. Lead the way!” Charlie calls out, and you focus on the eyes in the lobby and then the eyes in the middle of the entertainment district, just outside of Vee Tower, then manifest where you pinpointed.
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A/N: I hope this chapter diverts enough from canon to be interesting.
Chapter 26 will be the confrontation at the studio.
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First || Chapter 24 || Chapter 26
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lilakennedy · 5 years
101% a vampire, i’ve literally told you this before
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5 notes · View notes
star1117-archives · 3 years
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬
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➵ Genre : Crack
➵ W.C : 939
➵ Warnings : N/A
➵ © 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟕-𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost or use my work in any way, shape or form.
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Drama queen
But is that weird ass toddler who likes tidying up
Very protective over everyone
Lowkey depressed from 2yrs old
Golden child
Helped the teacher tidy up
Ate all the leftover snacks as he tidies
Advises others on how to keep their rooms tidy
“Put the teddies at the top and the cars at the bottom so the teddies don’t get dirty!”
Fuckboy face
Fuckboy body
Cutest ray of sunshine
Because he was more reserved as a kid, takes his time to enjoy the simple things
Literally blows bubbles while his friends are talking about going to clubs
But also fusses and babies them all the time
Model child
Likes to watch yt, especially mvs
Just sits there and babbles and laughs at the tv as the music plays
Could literally leave him next to a knife and he wouldn’t do nothing
Again, golden child
Always looking out for his friends, siblings and even his parents
”Excuse me sir? You can’t look at my mommy, or my daddy will kill you.”
The most helpful child ever
But can be real fuckin annoying when he’s singing at 3am.
Worked 3 jobs as soon as he could to buy sound equipment
Locks himself away all day making beats
Only stops for coffee and instant noodles which he eats raw because “genius takes time that he doesn’t have at this moment”
Does no studying but somehow gets the top marks
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks!
Did i mention cheeks?
Laughing all the time
Loves when people touch his cheeks/squeeze them
Literal ray of sunshine
Always happy for no reason
Would take a bullet to wipe the bright smile off his face
Everyone adores him
Gets away with literally every. fucking. thing.
Lowkey deserves the world tho
Yes he’s an angel, yes he’s a hoe, yes they exist
The kinda guy to twerk at a school dance
Probably onto mingi or smth
Never does the work but gets good grades????
“Okay but like, be truthful. is my ass phat, thicc or a pancake?” *to some poor random stranger*
Quiet and calm
Literally never cries only when he needs to
A sweet angel who likes to play with people’s hands
His smile brightens the room
Quiet little savage king
Literally never talks unless spoken to
Tomato cheeks and staring at his shoes when forced to talk
Completely different story when he gets home, could literally kill a mf
Even at his tiny age
Still the quiet kid
But is known for putting any bitches in their place
Meaning mostly Jung Wooyoung
Threatens Woo 24/7 but is also super depressed when his bff don’t come into school
“Hey dickhead! At least call me next time you ain’t coming, i was fucking worried.”
Modelled as a baby
Everyone’s whipped for his dimples
Spoilt brat tho
Needs a strict routine or can’t do anything
Gets away with literally everything
Bundle of fluff who drags his teddy everywhere
Feeds Shiber his vegetables at dinner through a hole made in his neck
Give him candy and prepare for war
Demon wrapped in gold and puppies
Oh god
Super popular class clown, forever violating people unprovoked
“You’re acting like i’m not better than you in every way possible”
Could be studious if he acc tried but he cba
Somehow manages to get decent marks with no studying
Always throwing shit at people
He’s so fucking cute but he’s so fucking skinny and long
Nicknamed giraffe
Probably licked food off the floor
Or tried to eat a charger (me)
Has an accident slip every day
”Mingi fell over and cut his knee, cold compress applied” (also me)
All the boys in his year jumped on him for no fucking reason (…yeah me too)
So bloody snotty, always carries around tissues
Awkward giant
Would be pretty good at sports if he didn’t fall on his face in every game
Has bruises all over him from falling so much
Loud af and always gets detentions for laughing too loud at jokes
Eating snacks at the back of the classroom 25/9
Super cute and he knows it
So fucking whiny
Literally needs to be spoiled
It takes three bottles, 183 changes in sleeping position and a sacrifice to satan to get him to sleep
Super sassy and always making the grown ups laugh
Gets into fights with older kids because of his mouth
Everyone either loves him or hates him
“Respect the drip Karen” *to his teacher*
Lowkey needs to be slapped
Flirts with everyone
Literally everyone thinks him and his bestie are in a relationship but they’re not
“It’s totally normal to sit on his lap, why does it mean we’re dating?”
Doesn’t learn shit and is always getting detentions
Tries to fight everyone
Bit a kid and made them bleed
Is really cute when he’s not a complete demon
Growls and headbutts to show affection (my brother deadass)
Super strong for no bloody reason
Sporty kid who gets all the girls cause he can run the fastest
constantly trying to show his strength off
“I bet i can pick you up! Watch, i’m gonna pick you up!”
So talented in sports it’s fucking annoying
Underrated class clown
But also loses his shit when someone cuts his favourite teachers off.
He literally never listens in lessons but will shut anyone down in maths cause he likes the teacher
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Highlighted, I'm cool with...
Thanks to @jezifster for making this!
Bestie / Beastie / Love / Darling / Bitch / Bastard / Bitchard / Sweetheart / Slut / Cunt / Asshole / Babe / Baby / Princess / Prince / King / Dickhead / Asswipe / Fucker / Motherfucker / Twat / Skank / Honey / Cutie / Buckaroo / Cowboy / Cowgirl / Cowpoke / Kitten / Hot stuff / Sexy / Clown / Dumbass / Shithead / Pal / Friend / Partner / Homie / Homeboy / Homegirl / Dweeb / Nerd / Loser / Geek / Babygirl / Blorbo / Stankdick / Goblin / Demon / Fuckhead / Sis / Bro / Sib / King / Queen / Highness / Goofball / Joker / Jackass / Boo / Bae / Angel / Shortie / Sunshine / Buddy / Kiddo / Sport / Cupcake / Sugar / Punk / Chief / Dude / Dudette / Sir / Ma'am / Your Honor / Boss / Dear / Sweetie / Variation of my name or username / Other (pls specify)
Bestie / Beastie / Love / Darling / Bitch / Bastard / Bitchard / Sweetheart / Slut / Cunt / Asshole / Babe / Baby / Princess / Prince / King / Dickhead / Asswipe / Fucker / Motherfucker / Twat / Skank / Honey / Cutie / Buckaroo / Cowboy / Cowgirl / Cowpoke / Kitten / Hot stuff / Sexy / Clown / Dumbass / Shithead / Pal / Friend / Partner / Homie / Homeboy / Homegirl / Dweeb / Nerd / Loser / Geek / Babygirl / Blorbo / Stankdick / Goblin / Demon / Fuckhead / Sis / Bro / Sib / Queen / Highness / Goofball / Joker / Jackass / Boo / Bae / Angel / Shortie / Sunshine / Buddy / Kiddo / Sport / Cupcake / Sugar / Punk / Chief / Dude / Dudette / Sir / Ma'am / Your Honor / Boss / Dear / Sweetie / Variation of my name or username / Other (pls specify)
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MY LIFE... Sucks!
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Skipped town to Makai to get more training since the incident with Bitch-Yukina.
I trained my fucking ass off for months in hopes to awaken a hidden power within my ass, found out that even though I became stronger, I...
I didn't get the results I was aiming for for the entire duration of the 5 months I've been away from Ningenkai.
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What I was aiming to achieve is the hidden potential that my dead demonic ancestor spoke to me about: the ability to conjure up and wield lightning.
Well, I did get the lightning part finally toward the end of my stay! Raizen had finally given in and gave me the secret on how to do so, after he laughed his sorry ass off!
But controlling that shit is far more fucking difficult than I imagined it would be!
Anyway, I mainly returned from Makai because I caught wind of the stench of Lord Dickhead Enma and that he is still around... Alive... and he's back in Reikai-- Spirit World!
Who the fuck knows where the real Enma was hiding while Kurama and Hiei bagged the fucker's clone. Just know that I am every bit as disappointed as I sound, yet, part of me looks forward to breaking his face with my very own fists!
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In other news...
Upon returning, Keiko's Yusuke-Radar went off and she came charging at me, screaming at me for disappearing and having not been hear for some mushy holidays that normies with normal lives celebrate.
Hello? I'm not normal. Have I ever been? And has not my life been far from anything relatively normal?
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She yelled. She bitched. She punched my lights out.
Then the strange demon who watches over Kuwabara showed up. She told me that Kuwabara was alright during the holidays since Kurama kept him company, but meanwhile his home life was the same, yet, worse than normal. She informed me about how the Old Hags have been really harassing him for these past 5 months, that the enemy's use spiritual warfare had rocket up and scorched the charts. She says Kuwabara won't turn to anyone about any of it, since he has difficulty in admitting issues in his personal private life.
She spoke to me, warning me about imposters giving or selling false or corrupt information. She swears up and down that she is very much a part of Kuwabara's very own soul, but oftentimes she loves mixing up things a bit. She says she's one of his own personal manifestations and that, yes, they share the same soul and that she's merely an astral form of his. She is legitimately Kuwabara himself, but an extension of himself.
She said that guy I spoke to, that I had hunted down, was not the real guy I was searching for, but an imposter who sought to add confusion to our predicament and that he was an ANGEL who serves Enma.
Well, this sucks.
Hiroginna gave me some answers.
My real demon name is Kimaris who is also Purson.
Then she told be the weirdest shit EVER!
Hiei is actually a part of my soul, so is Yoko Kurama. That they are separate manifestations of my own soul, parts of me who gained physical forms... bodies!
And she told me some other shit, too, with all of that. Pheh.
Apparently Kuwabara's old, original and first incarnated self--Lucifer--and my other selves (Kurama and Hiei) and myself got into some serious fights with Lucifer, vice versa, on account of something I did.
Hiroginna never told me what it was I did. Not yet anyway...
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 1:
-        Butcher has said approximately 5 words
-        I’m already dead
-        I should not be this turned on by such a fuckin maniac
-        Oh ok so Homelander digs a mommy domme
-        Ok no but Annie needs a hug. She needs to be protected at all costs
-        Why is Hughie only hot covered in blood?
-        Deep needs to choke on a bag of dicks but also he’s an insecure baby who wants to feel important
-        I love Frenchie. I have nothing else to say about him I just love him
-        Butcher needs to stop saying things. Every time he opens his gob the fanny flutters get worse
-        I like this Mister Milk guy
-        Oh ffs Homelander is legit jealous of a baby
-        This subby bastard needs to go on fetlife or the femdom subreddit and get himself an actual mommy domme
-        Poor Hughie in the middle of this domestic between Frenchie and the Milk guy
-        FUCK Butchers chest looks good in this episodes shirt
-        Frenchie you perv no of course no cameras in toilets
-        OH his name is Mothers Milk not Mister Milk
-        The Maeve actress looks really familiar imma have to google to find out what else I’ve seen her in
-        Ohhhh Homelander is insane insane
-        I mean he’s pretty, and he’s hilarious, but WOW
-        He’s a lil off on the crazy/hot scale
-        Ohhhh no Atrain is a using BASTARD GIRL BEAT HIS ASS
-        Welp imma be listening to Butcher say “we’ve gotta get some” on a loop for days
-        Maeve is so sick of Homelanders shit
-        Yup I’m shipping Hughie and Annie hard. They’re so adorable and they both really just need a hug
-        Well episode 4 is officially my favourite:
He said my name
He sleeps nude
-        Oh ok so Deep is actually just a soft baby
-        He’s in therapy omg
-        He needs a hug
-        And he loves dolphins and he’s lonely oh man why am I feeling bad for this douche he assaulted Annie
-        Hughies phone beeps and immediately the guys are like “he got texted by a girl, look at his face, has to be”
-        Oh Frenchie is a subby boi too apparently
-        Kevin and his soft spot for dolphins is melting my heart this kid just wants to do good things and he really needs a cuddle
-        They’re on a bowling date oh my god they’re too precious
-        Oh dude I’m such a slut for Butcher this isn’t even funny
-        Homelander is insane and I adore that but also I’m LIVING for Maeve’s facial expressions when he’s on his bullshit
-        Frenchie is such a sweetheart with his lil home cooked meal and setting her cutlery properly
-        I feel bad for the female
-        Why does Hughie only have one jacket
-        Oh boy the Jesus nutters festival
-        Ngl the stretch Armstrong fella is kinda attractive
-        “You’ve done a murder, comparatively speaking, blackmail is a piece of cake”
-        Girl help I’m in love with a fictional unhinged angel muffin
-        Shapeshifter? Some kind of Antman type person??
-        More importantly how do I find a genie to make Butcher real cause no joke I love him
-        Oop Toni’s kiwi accent slipped out when he said mayonnaise
-        Homelander is the neediest little subby bitch boi I swear to fuckin god
-        Ooooo something shady with Becca…tenner bets it’s something to do with Homelander somehow
-        Ok so I adore Kevin the Deep. He’s comfort eating junk food and looks like he’s been crying cause of the dolphin
-        Aww Annie standing up for herself
-        Oh wait no ok she didn’t actually say who it was
-        I don’t know why I feel protective over Sad Kevin but he’s so sad and he’s so bad at doing good but he’s trying and dear lord he needs a cuddle
-        Hughie clapping Annie after she basically told them all to fuck off  😂
-        Butcher just weaponised a baby. What. Like it was a little gun
-        Homelander is NOT getting horny cause Stillwell called him a bad boy and started mommying him OMFG
-        And now she’s calling him her good boy with her shirt open
-        Subby boi and his mommy domme I FUCKING CALLED IT FROM THEIR FIRST SCENE
-        Bitch got gutted then just like eh no big lemme just knit my internal organs back together
-        Awww Kevin tryna do good again he’s so cute
-        Kevin is so bad on camera oh dear
-        He’s trying to apologise and he’s so bad at this
-        Who and what the fuck is Black Noir
-        Awwwwwww lil baby Homelander
-        They need to stop making me feel fuzzy over dickheads
-        Kimiko trusts Frenchie this is precious
-        Jamming out to the end credits song is one of the best parts tbh, the soundtrack is boss
-        I feel so bad for Kevin
-        He’s been exiled to Ohio and he’s sad
-        They didn’t even give him a plushie dolphin to cuddle
-        I’m rooting so hard for Hughie and Annie, this had better work out for them
-        Oh what I’d give to have Butcher stalking menacingly after me in a train station
-        Sixth sense guy doesn’t know how lucky he is getting cornered in a bathroom stall by the hottest psychopath on tv
-        Yeah I’d let him smash me on a sink any day
-        Oh no not more Sad Kevin
-        Traumatised baby needs someone to mind him
-        BUTCHER SHOT ANNIE?!?!?!?
-        Oh god Homelander in Syria this can’t be good
-        Aaaaaand more Sad Kevin
-        Yeah I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s doing the full breakdown shave
-        Oh no sad Annie
-        Atrain is gonna do himself an injury
-        Black Noir is hilarious even though they don’t say anything and have no face
-        Soooo he admits to creating supervillains behind her back, and she tops him? As reward??
-        This bish does remember what happened to Becca, right? Demon spawn clawing out of her
-        Frenchie and MM bonding in captivity 🥰
-        Ooooh conflicting stories re Homelanders baby
-        Not Hughie going in all badass and immediately getting creamed 😂
-        The retainer! Hughie is a genius
-        I mean he’s a dumbass
-        But so smart
-        Hughie: *firing machine gun* I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY
-        YES ANNIE!!
-        Uh oh
-        Roided up Atrain
-        Oop heart attack
-        Oh fuck he melted her face
-        Butchers hurt little face nooo
-        Oh ok season 1 is over
-        …it’s 5am
-        Aaaaand I can see daylight
-        I’m very tempted to just pull an all-nighter and watch season 2
-        But bed also sounds nice
-        I think bed
-        Dream of Butcher
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asmo-ds · 4 years
Imagine Mc being like a caring persin like baby's love them also animals, sometimes demons too
so one day they find a demon baby and they decide lmao this child shall be mine till i find the parents (the parents left the kid there not waning them) since Mc found out of that they took the kid and now is raising a demon baby. Lucifer told them you should give them up and Mc started to yell at himof how hecould think that they are as heartless as him, than slapped him for ever thinking they would listen to him. Him being the DICKHEAD he is he tried to attack them but Mc used the pact making him stay where he is and Mc went into protective parent mode ready to kill lucufer bc they had the baby. Turning to Mammon they said "hold my baby, i need to but a bitch in they place." Mammon being the simp he is said ok and than Mc stsrted to fistfight Lucifer. (ya know the ask that Mc was someone that dosent take shit from others that was me and this is like a continue verson kinda-)
Divolo was called along with the angels and the witch guy(forgot his name ✋🏽💀) they saw that Mc was ready to sganj a bitch for their baby. Beefy prince said "I dont see anything wrong with then having the kid just let them." after the whole think Mc grabbed the baby and said "I don"t fucking care if ya going to be there for kme, but I'm not gonna abandon my (son/daughter)!" Luke than grabbed tgeir arm adking them what the baby's name was Mc smiled and replies eith "oh their *name you chosen* aren't they so cute my little demon child!" and started to attack the baby's cheek with kisses and the baby sarted to giggle and laugh. Mc also started to get more jobs to make sure the baby and them have money for everythung for them the brother did help but Lucifer took him a long time to come close with the baby, mostly because Mc was always bear them and ready to fight him like a (dad/mama) bear. The baby LOVES Mammon their first word was "dad" while Mammon was holding them (he cried like a baby bc of that he was so happy) Levi is suprisingly the favriot uncle bc of the toys he get the baby also showing them multiple cartoons and anime for the baby.
The babysitter is Asmo and Satan, the twins take care of food and naptimes for the baby. Mc didn't want Lucifer near their child, Mammon became VERY protectuve of the baby too and even threatened Lucifer if he came near he would rip him a new one.
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