#demonologist demian
sylvan-heart · 5 months
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I was hanging out as Gunner in today's art party, and I drew asura and Only asura today.
I dont, uh. .. it just felt right to draw Has Seen Things as pixel art. Sketching them in the hard pixel brush made me laugh real hard.
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Hopefully I've got the credits right here: Infiltrator Leyya @ratasum Demonologist Demian @commander-gloryforge Has Seen Things @legendaryskyscale
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"We make a good team, Rifthunter." "We absolutely don't, 'Demonologist'."
my mind slipped and now demian and elisa are "partners" in demon hunting. except that elisa is going insane and demian thinks its really funny to annoy her. but also the two are more similar that they want to (or can) admit and perhaps one day there will be a chance to bond. but until then? problems.
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9asurainatrenchcoat · 5 months
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VS Art Party NA #17(???) hosted by @leafofkudzu
From top to bottom: Demonologist Demian, Kattliadi.
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
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June’23 art party sketchies!! [NA] I had a ton of fun hanging out with everyone again this month!! ♥
Demonologist Demian - @commander-gloryforge Athinri of Twilight - @herald-of-aurene Myrra Sparkclaw - @dalennaugw Wuquoll - ???
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universalmovies · 7 years
Demian Bichir sarà protagonista in The Nun, lo spin-off di The Conjuring 2
#DemianBichir sarà protagonista in #TheNun, lo spin-off di #TheConjuring2
Anche se New Line Cinema e Warner Bros al momento sono attive in tribunale per una causa di possibile plagio riguardo l’intero franchise The Conjuring, intentata da colui che ha curato il libro The Demonologist (scoprite i dettagli qui), lo spin-off  The Nun ha trovato il suo protagonista in Demian Bichir.
Empire Online ha rivelato questa mattina che New Line Cinema ha messo sotto contratto Demia…
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commander-gloryforge · 9 months
anyways sometimes i imagine if my blorbos were a show so i can make up a fandom and the discourse theyd get into.
people make videos of every time elisa cries out "DEMIAN!!" in fear/shock/worry with that deperation in her voice.
people get mad over queerbaiting because there was no kiss between demian and elisa
also the age gap discourse. theres one camp that says "the age gap is too big" and means elisa being 24 and demian being roughly 35 with this. the other camo says "the age gap is too big" and means elisa being 248 and demian being roughly 35 by this
people who latch onto very minor side characters. who make a whole fandom out of it. horny fanfic about elisa's quaggan wizard mentor.
ambrose + vinzz + lore are seen in the background once. the crowd goes wild.
the show is bad lesbian representation because demian is a mean asshole that uses peoples pain and addiction to her advantage to make money off of them amd elisa is. well shes just really fucking stupid i guess
theories of every green haired asura being related to demian. and like some of it is right too.
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Okay, you probably haven't heard of it, the owner isn't good at advertising, but these's this club in Lion's Arch- It's called The Haunt. Kind of cheesy, right? But it's a great place. Hard to get to, kind of hidden, makes me think that the owner doesn't even want you to come. Her name's Demian, but she's an Asura, kind of unusual but who knows what she's got going on. You don't really see her a lot anyways. She just spends all her time in her office, I've heard she has a shit ton of cameras set up all over the club and all she does is watch them all night. Hey, whatever. The club's really good, I swear. I went there once and I just feel drawn in. I keep coming back. Not sure if it's the music, or the drinks or whatever, but it's crazy. You're drawn to other people too. Just keep talking to them. I don't even remember what I talked about, or who I talked to, but it was great! Sometimes it feels like you're being held there. Like someone's grabbing you when you're about to leave. You just wanna stay longer! It's quite the big place aswell, lots of rooms- though there are plenty of locked ones. Not sure what they're for. Someone said they saw Demian go in, but the doors are always locked. Adds to the mystery, though! You've got to come, seriously! It's such a- What, you think it's shady? Well, yeah, it's Lion's Arch. Of course it's gonna be shady. Don't be a coward. People deal drugs in every club here. The Haunt's different. It really gets you. Trust me, man!
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commander-gloryforge · 4 months
so, whats the deal with demian anyways?
long story short: was born and instantly abandoned, fed power by a demon for long enough to survive, grew up to be the worlds biggest asshole selling drugs, ended up fighting a huge demon threat, got gay.
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long story long: demian was born somewhere in the shiverpeaks to two priory explorers that kind of did an oppsie while huddling for warmth, and they're really not in the mood to raise a child while exploring ancient tombs. so like, it's not like anyone knows about this kid, they may as well leave it in some cave and just piss off. so they did that. its whatever.
so we have a little asura newborn in a scary old cave in the shiverpeaks, and the baby should probably die any moment now. well, she doesnt, for some fucking reason. turns out some mysterious demonic entity was so attracted by the yummy smell of a sad lonely abandoned left to die little baby, and was like. fuck yea. dinnar🔥but like, thats a baby, and despite all that distress and fear its feeling, thats not a good snack, so the demonic entity just decided to chill within that baby for a while. maybe once she'd grow she makes a better snack.
so now we have a baby that is also possessed by an unknown demon, and it kind of can't die from hunger or thirst or cold, and it takes a while, but other explorers find the child, pick it up, take it to safety, and now it grows up somewhere between hoelbrak and lions arch, she never really has a home or a family, just gets nursed to health by someone who was kind enough to take her in for a while, but otherwise she's just being fed by everyone she comes across like a stray cat.
she gets older and finally chooses a name, demian. she begins to make money, selling people things she found on the ground and pretending like theyre worth something, swearing that they have some special powers. demian is a little odd, she senses things that others dont, she looks strange, sometimes it seems as though shes seeing things, so that alone often convinces people that maybe her snake oil does work.
silly rocks she found on the ground turn into vials of river water with supposed healing powers, then into strange mushrooms she found. she knows how to make money, shes oddly charismatic yet scary at the same time. shes a businesswoman at its finest, she cares about her survival and making money and nothing else. she grows up to be ruthless, and really fucking mean.
youd think the demon wouldve eaten her by now. well, as you can tell, it hasn't. its still there in her head or her body or wherever, and it doesnt seem like it wants to leave. instead, its feeding demian power. its giving her abilities to see and sense things, other demons of whatever kind, and to fight them. not kill them, probably, but to banish them somehow. demian doesnt know what exactly her powers do, but she seems to attract demons, and this is just a way to get rid of them and protect herself. like everything she does. she doesnt question things, pretends like these moments of possession are normal or not happening at all. whatever. its whatever, really.
somewhere in lions arch, she finds an empty structure, left in a hurry, rotting and abandoned. theres an odd smell to it. theres something in there. demian doesnt mind. theres something in her too, and its never bothered her. she opens the haunt, a club and means to sell more alcohol.
so there are demons! so what! yea theres a portal that lets in literally every bad demonic entity you can think of! demons feed on emotions and opening a club in a demonic hot spot is GREAT because if you get drunk or high or whatever, the demons will FEAST! and that will make you miserable, and then you buy more! fantastic! demian can easily "banish" the demons and cleanse her club if things get too bad, so its no problem, really! whatever!
so, now we have demian, the club, the demonic portals. its whatever, really. aaand there comes another demon out of another portal. eeewww its fleshy. well demian takes care of it, its no big deal, as always. the threat is dealt with.
and them some weird fucking wizard bursts in and thinks she can "help" with the "danger to tyria" pfff. okay girlypop whatever you say. oh the "rift needs to be closed" yea sure what the fuck are you doing in my club though. "this is a serious matter" uhu okay. "the astral ward will deal with this" okay do you even have a job. lol. fucking loser.
"rifthunter" lmao what a weird fucking title. i dont care. get out of my club we arent open. i said get out.
oh no shes not getting out.
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canach youre ruining the shot get the fuck out of MY club
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trustworthy lady :)
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Demian and Elisa were supposed to be a silly haha Ryan and Shane esque demon hunter duo and then I slipped and now all I can think about it "You truly are the worst person I've ever met, nothing is important except for your own amusement, nothing you do for this world is with others in mind but merely for your own convenience, and yet I care so deeply for you, yet all I do is with you in mind, and it pisses me off, because you deserve worse, but perhaps I deserve you and only you, perhaps caring about you is my penalty, my punishment for my sins."
or something like that idk
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kinda obsessed with demians hashtag normal girl smile.
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"dio, the album came out 8 hours ago! you cant just make a new oc based on it instantly!"
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commander-gloryforge · 3 months
Relationship asks: 51 and 88 for elisa/demian :)
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
I want to say that Isgarren does the way he keeps insisting Elisa stays with Demian. They're rather private people, especially Demian, who really has no friends or even contacts at all. Elisa really only speaks to Isgarren, Mabon, some of the astral ward, but there's nobody outright able to ship the two- again, except for Isgarren. He does set Elisa up to work with Demian, and for some fucking reason trusts Demian enough to have her involved in the Kryptis threat/general Astral Ward happenings. I may not like that wizard very much, but he's known Elisa for many, many years. He knows how lonely she is. Maybe Demian being a competent demon hunter isn't the only reason he wants to keep her around one of his best rift hunters.
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
In Elisa's case: her age, her life, her immortality. The fact that over 200 years ago, she decided to be too selfish, too curious, too stupid, going against every rule, betraying the trust of the people that had taken her in. she wizard ascended when she was young and it's something she's grown so ashamed of. There's a lot of conflict between Elisa and Demian regarding "selfishness", and Elisa constantly accusing Demian of only acting for herself without consideration for rules, morality, feelings, despite Elisa having committed the ultimate selfish act herself centuries ago.
For Demian: Her fear, or rather, suspicion that the demon that posesses, lives along sider her body, may not stay peaceful towards her or Elisa forever. She's never been very open about this co-host of her, mostly because she doesn't know much about it herself and has been carrying this demon along with her since she can remember. But one day she does open up about something, talking about it as nonchalantly as she talks about anything. "One day it might take over. I don't know. Maybe it'll destroy me one day, or take control of me, or hurt me, you, whoever is around. In case that happens, you're free to kill me on the spot. I ask you to, in fact." Demian is scared, though her voice or words won't tell. Elisa just knows that Demian is scared, especially of herself.
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i came up with that pairing TODAY and im kind of obsessed with them so heres some thoughts from the blorbo server
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(copy pasted messages under the cut)
elisa and demian. one a demon hunter that is actually trained and has been dealing with posession and all kinds of creatures for a questionably long time, takes her job seriously, sees killing demons as her number one priority in life. the other one is just kind of hanging out and just so happens to be thrown into some haunted ruins as a baby, has incredibly strong powers to find, fight and banish demons but is barely aware of them herself
vague ryan and shane dynamic
elisa is so fucking frustrated with demian all the time. what do you mean you do not care about the literal rip in the fabric of our realm in THE MIDDLE OF YOUR CLUBS DANCE FLOOR. someone suffered so much in this very spot that they tore themselves apart and turned inside out and unleashed thousands of years old demonic magic of a dead god, and all you care about is if your drinks sell well????
demian: man chill im mixing a new cocktail
elisa has been training to be a demon hunter for centuries a couple of years, and she's always been quite... solitary. for most of her life she had two companions: her moa and her strange shark. she's kind of an exemplary student, so highly skilled, knows so much about history of demons in tyria and beyond. and she's the kind of person to push away and ignore her emotions, because everyone knows that demons feedon emotions. she's proud of who she is and what she's accomplished in her life, even though she can't quite remember her life from before being part of the astral ward
demian is- well, she's a business woman. she is mysterious yet charismatic, she enjoys being around people but still prefers to be hidden in the shadows and watch from the outside. she sells, she trades, she scams, she isn't the most ethical person in lion's arch, but also not the most evil one. she's good at making money and using people to make more money. oh and also she just so happens to be fantastic demon hunter, kind of on accident.
demian is chill and doesnt care about anything other than her own well being and also money. demian is effortlessly powerful, demian doesn't need to force her emotions away because she just doesnt feel all that much in the first place, demian gets along with everyone and yet does not care if someone doesn't get along with her, demian is so damn charismatic and convinced of herself and naturally gifted without even trying
and its annoying
at least to elisa
whos nothing like demian
really. i promise. theyre not alike in any way.
elisa could never see herself in that annoying egotistical rat that cant shut up about money and being cool and jazz music or something, like never ever, shut up
oh no elisa! youre so composed and calm all the time and now youre starting to crack because of some sharkrat with goop coming out of her eyes! whatever shall we do! its almost as if demians speciality is bringing out negative emotions out of people!
its almost as if demian literally cannot help herself but make people feel miserable to profit off of them!
oh gee i sure hope this wont
cause any problems
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