commander-gloryforge · 4 months
so, whats the deal with demian anyways?
long story short: was born and instantly abandoned, fed power by a demon for long enough to survive, grew up to be the worlds biggest asshole selling drugs, ended up fighting a huge demon threat, got gay.
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long story long: demian was born somewhere in the shiverpeaks to two priory explorers that kind of did an oppsie while huddling for warmth, and they're really not in the mood to raise a child while exploring ancient tombs. so like, it's not like anyone knows about this kid, they may as well leave it in some cave and just piss off. so they did that. its whatever.
so we have a little asura newborn in a scary old cave in the shiverpeaks, and the baby should probably die any moment now. well, she doesnt, for some fucking reason. turns out some mysterious demonic entity was so attracted by the yummy smell of a sad lonely abandoned left to die little baby, and was like. fuck yea. dinnar🔥but like, thats a baby, and despite all that distress and fear its feeling, thats not a good snack, so the demonic entity just decided to chill within that baby for a while. maybe once she'd grow she makes a better snack.
so now we have a baby that is also possessed by an unknown demon, and it kind of can't die from hunger or thirst or cold, and it takes a while, but other explorers find the child, pick it up, take it to safety, and now it grows up somewhere between hoelbrak and lions arch, she never really has a home or a family, just gets nursed to health by someone who was kind enough to take her in for a while, but otherwise she's just being fed by everyone she comes across like a stray cat.
she gets older and finally chooses a name, demian. she begins to make money, selling people things she found on the ground and pretending like theyre worth something, swearing that they have some special powers. demian is a little odd, she senses things that others dont, she looks strange, sometimes it seems as though shes seeing things, so that alone often convinces people that maybe her snake oil does work.
silly rocks she found on the ground turn into vials of river water with supposed healing powers, then into strange mushrooms she found. she knows how to make money, shes oddly charismatic yet scary at the same time. shes a businesswoman at its finest, she cares about her survival and making money and nothing else. she grows up to be ruthless, and really fucking mean.
youd think the demon wouldve eaten her by now. well, as you can tell, it hasn't. its still there in her head or her body or wherever, and it doesnt seem like it wants to leave. instead, its feeding demian power. its giving her abilities to see and sense things, other demons of whatever kind, and to fight them. not kill them, probably, but to banish them somehow. demian doesnt know what exactly her powers do, but she seems to attract demons, and this is just a way to get rid of them and protect herself. like everything she does. she doesnt question things, pretends like these moments of possession are normal or not happening at all. whatever. its whatever, really.
somewhere in lions arch, she finds an empty structure, left in a hurry, rotting and abandoned. theres an odd smell to it. theres something in there. demian doesnt mind. theres something in her too, and its never bothered her. she opens the haunt, a club and means to sell more alcohol.
so there are demons! so what! yea theres a portal that lets in literally every bad demonic entity you can think of! demons feed on emotions and opening a club in a demonic hot spot is GREAT because if you get drunk or high or whatever, the demons will FEAST! and that will make you miserable, and then you buy more! fantastic! demian can easily "banish" the demons and cleanse her club if things get too bad, so its no problem, really! whatever!
so, now we have demian, the club, the demonic portals. its whatever, really. aaand there comes another demon out of another portal. eeewww its fleshy. well demian takes care of it, its no big deal, as always. the threat is dealt with.
and them some weird fucking wizard bursts in and thinks she can "help" with the "danger to tyria" pfff. okay girlypop whatever you say. oh the "rift needs to be closed" yea sure what the fuck are you doing in my club though. "this is a serious matter" uhu okay. "the astral ward will deal with this" okay do you even have a job. lol. fucking loser.
"rifthunter" lmao what a weird fucking title. i dont care. get out of my club we arent open. i said get out.
oh no shes not getting out.
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limbus-limousine · 7 months
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Genesis 8:11 [Old Testament]
"When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth."
Close up under cut
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ragzpizzle · 3 months
Here is my 9th ArtFight Attack. This one being for @starberriemilk . This is his two versions of two characters from a series called Limbus Company. In this AU, Demian and Sinclair are married to each other. I kinda love how this went, and I think these two are both cute together! I tried to make this look as good as possible. What do you guys think?
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mostautisticsinner · 1 year
Finished Canto IV.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Demian is a clone of Bruce and Talia son whom died thanks to his grandfather actions. The pit failed to bring him back. Well back to them the timing of him being placed in the pit was the second time Jack and Maddie Fenton got their Portal to open just long enough to spit out a very hurt boy.
"I do not see why the Superboy being a clone is such a problem, Kent," Damian grunts, cutting off Clark mid-vent of Conner. He had come to part take in his first ever Sleep Over with Jon.
While the boys have gone upstairs to set up Damian's sleeping place Bruce once again tries to speak about mentoring Conner. It's not as bad as when Conner was first found but things were still strained between them.
It didn't help that whenever Clark fought against Lex's newest scheme, he would fall back to his mistrust of Conner. Tim's mood continually worsened around that time, too, since his boyfriend always returned to him slightly more broken by Clark's inability to trust him.
"You can not tell me the man of steel is so close-minded?"
"Damian," Bruce warns, but his son only raises a brow. He crosses the room to stand before the man of steel, crossing his arms over his chest to copy Alfred's disappointed stance.
"I'm not close-minded for being weary of a clone." Clark starts, face shifting into a defensive scowl.
"I am a clone, and you do not seem to mind my presence. Why is Superboy so different? Surely not the fact he has a boyfriend. I remind you said boyfriend is my brother-"
"What do you mean you are a clone?" Clark cuts in, voice laced with shock. Even Bruce seems baffled by his words when Damian glances at his father.
He squints at both men, trying to figure out what they are playing at.. "I am a clone. You are aware of this."
"No, I certainly am not aware," Bruce grunts, taking a threatening step forward. "What happened to Damian?
"Nothing happened to me, Father. I am standing right before you," Damian gestures to his healthy body. Jon chooses to fly down the stairs with a cheer, and he gives him a look that has the super son pausing. "Our fathers are behaving strangely."
Jon doesn't hesitate to blast his laser eyes at Clark with a quick "Sorry, Dad!"
"Johnathan Samuel Kent!" Clark snaps, having dodged the surprise attack but only barely. The boy freezes in the air, staring wide eyes at his parent, but Damian snaps out his arms and moves to lift his friend into the air with a quick
"I'm sorry! You can ground me when I get you free of mind control!" He shouts, flying right out the window. Bruce tries to stop them by flinging a net at them but Damian counters with his own batarang. The two are dots on the horizon as Damian's voice fades.
"We shall free you soon, Father!"
Bruce narrows his eyes at them but holds up his arm when Clark plants his feet in a position he usually makes when he's about to take flight. It speaks of the trust and years of friendship that the other man stays rooted to the kitchen tile instead of chasing his child.
"What is it, Bruce?" The man asks with slight impatience.
"They seem convinced we knew of Damian's status." Bruce holds up a hand again when Clark opens his mouth to argue. "Let me check something."
In quick motion, he pulls out his phone and places a call. Placing the speaker on, despite the fact Clark could have easily heard every word without it, Bruce holds the phone between them as Tim cheerfully answers.
" 'Sup B."
"Chum, is Damian a clone?"
".....ugh yeah? You know that."
"I do?"
"Yeah, you do. He said so when he first showed up. I mean word per word, "I am not like the rest. I am a copy of perfection, made from the DNA of Father and Mother in an artificial womb." Tim says mockingly, repeating what Damian had said the first night Bruce and the rest met him.
"He meant a literal copy. " Bruce repeats, mystified. "Does that mean I have another son out there?"
Tim goes silent, as his boy tends to do when he knows something but is unsure how to say it. Bruce barely refrains from snapping at him to tell him everything. Tim has a bad reaction to what he sees as disapproval. They talked about it plenty together and with Dinah on what triggers his issues stemming from his upbringing.
"B......Damian was made because Ra's killed the original. In a mock duel when he was nine." Tim's voice is gentle, but it does nothing to soften the devastating blow his words cause. "They tried to save him in the Lazarus, but he never rose. They had enough of his DNA around to make Damian two years later and forced him to match the original's age. Ra's had everything in his files, and Damian has talked about his original plenty of times. I'm sorry. I thought you knew."
Clark places a firm hand on Bruce's shoulder, speaking softly, but he can't hear him. All he can hear is the ringing in his own ears as he realizes that, once again, he has lost a part of his family. Distantly, he knows Clark has helped him into a chair, but he can't really understand his surroundings.
It's like he's watching himself from outside his body as Clark takes the phone out of his slack hold to speak to a distressed Tim, who frantically asks if he's alright.
"What-" he chocks after a moment. "What was his name?"
"Oh, Bruce," Clark whispers in a sympathetic tone as Tim answers.
"Danyal. His name was Danyal."
It's a lovely name. He weeps into his hands for the boy it belongs to as his best friend holds him through grief. They tell Tim to find Jon and Damian so he can break down in private.
A few states over, Danny Fenton sneezes violently three times. His friend Tucker gives him a teasing smile.
"Oh, some girl is crying over you!"
"As if" He laughs punching the other in the arm "Who would cry over little old me?"
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Damn... if we go back to au, where Demian's twin reader becomes Harley's child, how much will Talia be jealous.
She's like, yes, I didn't put my child in anything, he's an unworthy brat, but I hate even more that she found another mother and thinks I'm worse😡😡
And Ra, outraged at the conditions in which his grandson is being brought up (and angry that Talia allowed the child to escape with these people, and full of hatred because now his role as the main male role model has been replaced by some crazy clown)
Talia would be incredibly jealous and irate but it wouldn’t stem from her own maternal instincts, it’s all about principle. That child, even though she despises them and thinks their nothing but a defective spawn, is her child. It all comes down to possessiveness. And she especially wouldn’t take well to the situation if her child was absolutely thriving with Harley as their mother.
Ra’s would be incredibly enraged, mainly at Talia. Whether the twin!Reader left of their own accord (before Talia could do anything to them) or Talia got rid of them herself and sent them to their demise, Ra’s would blame Talia for the Reader ending up in the hands of Harley. In his eyes it was her fault, if only she had opened her eyes and saw what he saw in them then she would have tried so much harder with them. But seeing that his favorite grandchild was flourishing with Harley (and the fact that when he first visited them the Reader had a sword to his neck in protection of their new mother), Ra’s would be more inclined to allow the a reader to stay right where they were. The only thing he’d want in return would be for them to keep in contact with him. Even if they weren’t to do so he’d have his people watching over them and keeping him updated.
Meanwhile, Harley would have no problem kicking Talia’s ass and even going as far as killing her for how she treated Harley’s bby. When she learned of the Reader’s upbringing and how Talia Ned Damian treated them, Harley would be out for blood. She wouldn’t be able to wrap her head around how a mother can be so cruel to her own child. If Harley ever catches sight of Talia, it’s on sight and she’s aiming to maim. But I could see Harley and Ra’s coming to some kind of agreement regarding the Reader. The two aren’t exactly allies but when it comes to the Reader they’ll keep in contact with each other and if they need to they’ll work together for their precious darling.
In the case of the jokerized!twin!Reader then that would be a completely different situation. If Harley had taken the Reader in on her own, with no Joker in the picture, then things would be alright, but if Joker’s playing ‘daddy’ and especially if twin!Reader has already had a visit to the chemical vats then shit is hitting the fan (mainly in regards to Ra’s’ reaction).
Talia’s reaction to Jokerized!twin!Reader isn’t going to be anything positive. If anything she’ll only double down on her terrible treatment of the Reader, becoming even more disgusted by them and what they move become. She’ll accuse them of having finally sunk so low that there’s no coming back and that she was right to want to get rid of them. But once the Reader starts attacking her and is using their training from their upbringing among the League of Assassins and the unhinged, uncontrollable, unpredictable rawness they’re coming at her with has her shook. It’s probably Harley who goes at her first in retaliation for what Talia is saying about her bby and the Reader only jumps in to protect and fight for their new mother.
Fleeing, Talia would plan to come back or have some members of the League come and retrieve her faulty child so that she can train and forge them into what they should have been all this time ago, maybe even making them into something even better than that.
Ra’s would be outraged and plain disgusted with both the clowns and Talia. Again, if it weren’t for her his beloved grandchild wouldn’t have been desecrated and ruined by them. He would take matters into his own hands and save his grandchild from their ‘new family’. And he won’t let anyone stop him. He may even team up with Bruce but there’s no guarantee that Ra’s will allow anyone to have anything to do with the Reader when he gets them back. Not Talia, not Damian, not Bruce, no one would be allowed to come anywhere near them. They’ve been failed and ruined enough, he won’t let it happen again. It’s safe to say that Joker would surely meet his demise and there’s nothing Bruce could do to keep Ra’s from going through with his eradication of the Clown Prince.
And if getting the Reader back means having to kill them to do so then Ra’s will, but they won’t stay dead for long. He can promise that.
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youthofpandas · 8 months
I keep coming back to how in Hell Screen when Yoshihide is torturing his apprentices for reference material, that he uses a snake and then a bird, and the two animals eventually attack each other and vanish after escaping the room. Two very Sinclair coded animals... Given Sinclair's already established understanding of Ryoshu + the fact in Demian he is, of course, also an artist even if that aspect of his character has yet to be shown in Limbus, I just really like to imagine in Ryoshu's canto we might get a former apprentice character who she had mistreated before and has now grown up to hate her and consider her an enemy and that Sinclair will get an Identity based off of them...
Relevant passages below for anyone who hasn't read Hell Screen or wants to look at them again.
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pobopolybius · 1 year
Thoughts thoughts Demian thoughts
This post will be a mess but. Bear with me a sec. For a little while now I couldn't help but notice a distinct similarity between the pale shrine and Demian's colour schemes, primarily how his little necklace (?) gem looks a lot like the eye of the pale shrine.
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And now I got to thinking, Demian's attack against Kromer is done without any physical touch, quite similar to how the pale shrine deals damage by just standing near your employees, rather than physically attacking them like the other shrines, with the spikes, hands, and tentacles.
Pale damage is also the damage to one's soul, and from what we have seen so far of Demian's whole character is that his main goal is to get Sinclair to bare himself, or his soul, to the world. One's soul is also a prevalent theme in The Little Prince, as the prince gives up his own life so his soul may fly back to his comet with the rose, giving up his physical self for the spiritual self.
On the subject of the little prince, I was wondering what type of damage it did, expecting it to be pale. And I also checked Child of the Galaxy's because his necklace reminds me of the child's stone ego gift, however, I found both abnormalities do black damage instead, to the body and mind.
That threw me in for a loop, as it's hard to associate Demian with the black shrine, until I noticed someone else with ties to snakes, much like himself, has a similar colour scheme to that of the black shrine, that being, of course, the purple tear herself.
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It's also interesting to notice that Iori is implied to hop between dimensions according to battle dialogue, in a similar fashion not just as to how the little prince hops between planets, but also, as to how the black shrine attacks, with piercing spikes that seem to tear through reality.
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I'm not entirely sure how to explain what I'm thinking and I am 99% cornplating this but. I dunno. I think Iori and Demian are not just, as obviously noted, incredibly powerful, but also they absolutely have some form of relation to one another. The theming of snakes in project moon always comes back to Iori, I mean hell, even our lovely snake Yesod is purple (joking), but yeah. I think her and Demian have some relation to one another. The Little Prince being dead, Iori having lost her child. Who knows!
Edit: check reblogs I added more to this!
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offshore-brinicle · 5 months
Other misc things:
- Chains of others gets the Gloom effect rather than Pride when Meur uses it in story. Given how he says outright he wishes to protect Heathcliff and how the idea of an unfair judgement [from Erlking judging that all Heathcliffs must die to the court in his novel] is a theme they both share.
- In the end scene, Rodya is at the back of the bus and seemingly in deep thought, can't remember her saying much in the later parts of the Canto either. Something must've hit her hard.
- Is the river under the Heights something connected to the 'stream of human consciousness' [paraphrased] that I believe was mentioned in lobcorp?
- We know boughs can be destroyed, but I wonder if one can be 'reactivated'. The one Dante hold onto in Pass On is charred black but still intact.
- To add to the parallels, Heath n Yi Sang both get stabbed in the heart by a bough, one by their own volition in an act of love, and another by someone else.
- Why does Demian remember Cathy. It's probably something to due to the stars but half the time I'm fairly certain he's just standing invisible somewhere during the story given how much he knows. But given the body and coffin were both still there, I doubt ctrl alt deleting someone fully erases them from everything.
OK answering one by one:
I LOVED THAT MOMENT SO MUCH. In general it was such a surprise and treat to see how much more active Meursault was in this Canto and I was wondering about the Gloom change unless I was just misremembering the color since Pride is also blue but thanks for confirming. Meursault......... It's also so so cool to see the EGOs being used for practical uses like restraining someone like Meursault does, it makes me wonder what it can be do with some of the others like for example Ishmael's anchoring with Snagharpoon or Yi Sang's teleportation in Crow's Eye View
Actually good point though she actually spoke quite a bit I think, mainly in the first part about the resentments she has towards the rich, and the moment she has when they're approaching the mansion that brings up her dark side to the others in full force even if just for a second. Since apparently she's gonna be the focus of next Intervallo I hope it means she's getting more character development...
I say "yes, most likely" as I talked in my previous answer, taking in count Hermann has an interest in it and finding "the prime form of humanity" and The Well they talk about is the origin of everything in the world and humanity itself and responsible for The Light and EGO and everything, it's not the first time there's been a physical entrance to it somehow, the other most notable one is the Black Forest in the Outskirts that comes up more in-depth in Ruina.
Yeah I wonder how it can even get "burnt up" in the first place and what they're even gonna do with it since getting the charred Bough is treated as a grey area of sorts between success and failure. I wonder just How it lost its power and how it can be reactivated though taking in count it's basically magic
I SEND AN ASK TO MY FRIEND ABOUT THIS TOO, the other party involved for each Heathcliff and Yi Sang's cases are also the two most important women to them and great symbols for their own nostalgia and overall arcs, and they are connected to them through flowers that carry symbolic meaning and are tied to their homelands. Heathcliff stabbing himself as an act of showing his love to Catherine is also interesting because Dongbaek's reason for stabbing Yi Sang could also be interpreted as being a form of love, but...marred with heartbreak and hatred and resentment for what happened to the League like in the original Wuthering Heights [edit cuz I forgor: this is something amplified by the fact that when she stabs Yi Sang she quotes the line from The Camellias where the protagonists fall in love together both physically and metaphorically], specially since she was so overwhelmed seeing him she went for him when she was going to initially attack Dongrang derailing her plans. How she talks about it when questioned adds to it too since she kind of justifies herself saying that Yi Sang wanted to die too and isn't spiteful like she is towards Dongrang even being calm seeing he was just fine despite her murder attempt (but also the fact that she was unphased by that still gets me. She's really got no sanity left), and she was correct in claiming Yi Sang was longing for death even if the moment left a big emotional scar on him, much like Heathcliff's heart was broken by Catherine and so he breaks it in a literal sense for her.
Honestly Demian is just Demian. He's a weird little guy and probably exists out of time or something tying to his star. It's probably for the same justification as to why Heathcliff and Dante remembered Cathy, and she's def not truly "gone" since they couldn't really erase the consequences of her actions and presence. Hindley and Linton are still dead because of her.
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Books I think the crows would enjoy:
Kaz: Frankenstein, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, The catcher in the Rye, The secret history, Crime and Punishment, No Longer Human, The silence of the lambs, Demon Copperhead, Eileen, Trainspotting, Hesse's and Cormac McCarthy's works, Antigone, Hamlet, The Stranger, Sherlock Holmes (when he was a child), Attack on Titan & Vinland Saga (manga)
Inej: The color purple, all of Toni Morrison's books, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Jane Eyre, Love in the Time of cholera, Mrs. Dalloway, The Bell Jar, a lot of Shakespeare's work, Antigone, Medea, White Nights, Wuthering Heights, Valley of the dolls, Play it as it lays, On earth we're briefly gorgeous, Sex and Rage
Wylan (he'd listen to audiobooks): Giovanni's Room, The picture of Dorian Gray, also the secret history, The great gatsby, The song of achilles, The Illiad, Shakespeare, Letters to a Young Poet, Demian, also Jane Austen's works and Wuthering Heights, Confession's of a Mask, Joan Didion's works
Jesper: That man doesn't read for shit nor does he have the patience to listen to most audiobooks but he'd like to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter, definitely a lot of fantasy partly ya, On the Road and also The Great Gatsby.
Nina: Let's be honest she would probably read a lot of trashy romance novels or fun, lighthearted stuff, not that there's anything wrong with it she has endured enough. Would enjoy tropes like enemies to lovers, smut and ya. I have a feeling that she'd like Sarah J. Maas' stuff. I think she would also like Daisy Jones and the six and the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
Matthias: He doesn't care.
Feel free to leave suggestions.
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owenc1to · 27 days
7th Attack. Who let bro travel to formosa?
OC: Demian - Owner: @guaca-and-her-sonder
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v4mpzyyx · 2 days
Some Headcanons I have of Ferid!
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First of all, I wanted to let you know that these are just some of my thoughts, it's okay if you don't agree, just don't make hate attacks in the comments :)
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❧ Ferid is Queer, being a bisexual and demian (or demi-aroace, as you prefer to call it);
❧ He does Drag Queen and Drag King as a hobby;
❧ I don't imagine him within a subculture per se, but I believe he would be an admirer of Goth, especially Romantic Goth;
❧ He loves cats;
❧ If he celebrated, he would have a Halloween party on his birthday;
❧ Sweets lover (don't ask me why, it just makes sense in my head);
❧ His bathroom is full of bath, skin and hair products, while his bedroom is full of makeup, boots, accessories and expensive clothes;
❧ He has freckles on his cheek and nose;
❧ If he could eat, he would be a great cook;
❧ Another hobby he would have would be painting and drawing, and maybe photography;
❧ He is weak to pepper, maybe even allergic (?);
❧ His skin is so white that it turns red easily;
❧ If he were in a relationship, he would be the most affectionate person in the world, but he would also love to annoy you;
❧ He is a polyglot;
❧ He listens to pop divas, his favorites being Lady Gaga and Britney Spears;
❧ He looks like someone who is attracted to Vkei and Ouji Fashion;
❧ He has a bookshelf full of his favorite books;
❧ He does his own nails;
❧ His favorite color is lilac;
❧ He would have piercings in his nose, eyebrow, nipples, navel and >>maybe<< tongue (don't ask me why either, they're just voices in my head).
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Well, I think that's all for now, so thanks for reading this far (⁠^⁠^⁠)
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limbus-limousine · 9 months
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Okay so I'm talking real crazy because my hyperfixation is going strong but like.thinking abt.Demisin as Moon/Tide symbolism, which is appliable to any iteration of them, but my favorite ever is NClair mirror world. And just obssesed with that AU in specific so.
Rambling abt them under cut>>
I keep getting the notion that Demian has the potential to be REALLY fucked up, and he expresses that through the book, like nonchalantly suggesting murder, for starters. Let's say, Sinclair is the moon, Demian is the tide. Demian bends to his behavior as he seeks to guide him accordingly, and Sinclair is of considerably tame morals.
Now, enter NClair. I reckon a day would come when Demian is done watching his raptor getting fed trash by Kromer. And so he shall reclaim him, but Sinclair has been subject to a lot of change in this period. Not only would he resent the abandonment on Demian's part, but he had also been taught that violence would get him gratitude. Although not worthy enough of a substitution for the affection of his family, it was all he had.
Demian surely would match this approach, as tide to the moon, and even if it's within his power to end a life, he'd allow a handful of blows from the halberd to land in. He'd let them hurt, and then deliver his own in exchange.
Even so I don't think Sinclair would be consumed only by hate, as Demian himself triggers many things. Surely he'd be slightly relieved to see him again. But he'd still attack nonetheless —it's everything he was taught how to do— and the motivation stronger than ever. There'd be a certain charm to Demian being affected in one way or another. Something as simple as his breaths growing shorter by a fraction of a second, something one couldn't notice unless they eagerly seeked such signs. But that would still be a steady reasurance.
As long as Demian remains disheveled he shall not leave. He shall not vanish without his eerie mystique back in place. And Sinclair would eat him alive if that meant he'd stay for a little while longer.
Also you get a version with added in lyrics because i was in a music induced craze while drawing this. Song is DEVIL NOBODY by stomach book & zombAe
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Just finished Canto III. Batshit insane Canto. Just deranged through and through.
Although some things feel off (with how I feel as though a good few things were lost in adaptation, the concerning rhetoric Demian puts forth about only select individuals making it to the new world, and the imperfectly done analogy with Prosthetics), I fucking love it. Kromer is just like. Perfectly deranged. Everything about that was perfectly deranged with how absolutely fucking insane N Corp is. Adds another thematic weight and threat to the setting of the city. The thought that you can be put through such an awful attack at any moment, no matter your privilege, or where you are, pretty scary shit ngl. Idk I guess alls there is to say is that I like it. Even though Inquisitors were like. Insanely fucking annoying starting out. Also that Kromer invalidated most of my fully leveled Blunt characters. Project Moon pls don't pull that shit next time. Leveling in this game is too resource heavy for tomfuckery like that. Anyways yeah. The game actually gets the shit going in Canto 3. Song at the end is so fucking peak as well.
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tortelette · 1 year
Demian my boy, so basically you are not just "you" in your own novel from Emil Sinclair but you are also the Prince from "The Little Prince."
Now because of this, you are implying that Dante, is not just the average Dante from Dante's inferno but also the pilot from The Little Prince. So applying this kind of thought, the Sinners or other side characters can represent not themselves from their respective literatures but also other nameless or established characters from other timeless literatures.
Also the fact that The Little Prince's plot has tackled the usage of stars and Dante has been finding the star and Demian is waiting and searching for the stars for Sinclair... fuck wait my head hurts.
Sigh, despite that I am more excited on other novels that can be applied to other side characters that is tackled on. Demian has the mark of Cain which is a biblical reference that tells about the story of Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and because of that he is casted out. When Cain thought he would be killed soon just like how he killed Abel, God's forgiving and selfless nature gave Cain a mark on his forehead (which is the Mark of Cain, Demian's symbol on chapter 3) to repel back those who harm him but returning the pain sevenfold to those who attack him. So he is connected in the literature of Demian, the Bible, and also The Little Prince... SO THIS FUCKER HAS THREE CONNECTIONS ALREADY.
I will be fucking shitting myself if there would be a character who would connect themselves in the short stories of "The King in Yellow", "The Tell-Tale Heart", or stories from the Ctulhu Mythos (I love lovecraftian stories, I always hid it from anyone else so I can mald in peace.) Imagine a character who talks to them about "Carcosa" (have to be a vehicle, a headquarters, a place, ANYTHING PLEASE JUST TELL ME IT IS CARCOSA AND I WILL SING CASSILDA'S SONG HAPPILY FOR YOU) and I will fucking piss myself in happiness. That is how excited I am.
Now excuse me, I will be drawing Demian in The Little Prince style. Good fucking bye.
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josieblueart · 10 months
Canto V thoughts but it’s very disorganized
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Faust. What the fuck are you talking about. Did I miss something??? There’s a Golden Bough shard in Dante’s head???? HUH??
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So one of the League members became Rim, and they became part of Demian’s group. I can’t remember if there was a member named Rim, but I saw someone theorize that this could be Young-Ji, which seems possible. Anyways WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS ORB MAN.
Also, the fact that the poor Before Team agents were still alive, and seemingly trying to communicate through Morse code based on their attacks, is just so dark and tragic. I tried translating the Morse code, but I wasn’t really successful.
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WINDMILL MENTION. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING DON. Combined with her recognizing that Dongrang was distorting, this girl has seen some shit.
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Info about X-Corp, which I’m pretty sure was mentioned in the stories for Little Helper and We Can Change Anything. They seemed to be based on technology? That’s kinda broad considering the other Wings but still.
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That eye is horrifying
Ishmael is going Ahab mode
What the fuck are we going to encounter here
I hate the curse of waiting I NEED ANSWERS‼️
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