animmaculateconcept · 10 years
Shadow Queen AU rp with demons-and-bird-people
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He could say that there were pockets of air in the deep black sea the world had become. They were cities that were never notified the world had come to destruction, festering hives of corrupt capitalism; and to think he was one of the pests hanging on to it. 
The Shadow Queen was nothing if not logical. Since she either worked most adults to death or just killed them, the world was heavily populated by children and teens. And since they couldn't gamble, the clubs were mostly empty-- the surface ones, at least. The Heligoland, as they just called it, was a shack-sized weaponry store on the surface (legal) and a room twice the size for gambling underneath (illegal). 
Jim tapped seven times in exactly the correct place on the door. A slat opened revealing only a pair of otherworldly eyes, like at a speakeasy. They would've asked for a password, but they knew him here, and he clearly wasn't a Shadow Guard. They sucked at Poker, and also the Dove equivalent of poker, which involved eyeliner. 
"I'm here, I'm here." He looked over the table-- a few grimy indivuals, one adult man, a crow, and a masked stranger. He chuckled at the getup, then crushed the cigar's remains on the wall. One more stain wouldn't change a thing. "Looks like you're putting on the ritz tonight, huh? Go on, fancy man. Deal me a hand." 
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fierykage · 11 years
Send me a ‘CONFESS!’ and my character will have to truthfully admit one thing they find sexually attractive about your character.
“I don’t know you very well…but I guess I’d have to say I like your personality.”
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animmaculateconcept · 10 years
Jolene and Dead?
"It's alright." And too, she believed. 
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animmaculateconcept · 10 years
Eve Lum
How I feel about this character: RAD AS HELL no she's become one of my favorite characters. In the days when we RP'd all the time, you walked a fine line between writing someone who would be easy to dislike (with a lot of flaws and no morality) but also writing them in a way that makes them likeable. You did it perfectly.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Let's see, uh... DB, Jim, sometimes Adam/Nathan but sometimes not... Alternate universe!Imm. Eve, and... Alice?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I still like the idea of her and Dead being vaguely like mother and child. (And her and Livvy being actually mother and child.)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Your Eve was great as a TBOI fancharacter and I know she'll be just as great as an original character. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take things in the future
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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animmaculateconcept · 10 years
demon sisters do demon things (a work in progress)
(Of Hugo's characters, Dead and Alive/Livvy. The Eve mentioned is his character, not mine.)
Maybe it's just the demon genetics in her sister, but Dead never understands what Livvy likes about Hell. 
Well, no, she should rephrase this. There's two 'Hells'. Sheol, which is quite cold and more akin to people who are quite cold themselves, and the Lake of Fire, which is the flashy entrance. The equivalent of theme music and LCD lights in the queue for a Disney ride. The American visualization of Hell just stops after 20 seconds and instead purchases the fast pass.  
"Ha ha!" It's an exaggerated laugh, so fake it almost sounds real. "That guy committed vehicular manslaughter! So long, sucker!" 
"It's because you're part demon that you like this, right?"
"Oh, no. I'm, like, 1/8th Spanish, according to Eve. We enjoy the cray-zee heat, she sa-- Look! That one got caught in Purgatory's long line and now the maggots are writhing in his tummy!"
Times like this are ones that Dead would much prefer were spent in a library, but the only reading material available in Sheol is Atlas Shrugged. She's also pretty sure she isn't welcome after Eve's last escapade into the literary world. Then again, the librarians bothered to gift wrap the mail bomb they sent them for Christmas, so maybe they were softening up-- BOOM! Before Dead finishes her line of thought, she's torn from their last 'Christmas Party' to the here and now, and the 'here and now' involves hard hats.
Ahaha! 'HARD' hats! Get it? Dead already hears Eve's jokes in her mind. Because you're HARD? Life is HARD? Because your life is over and you're in hell and... dicks, I dunno.
"Look, Big D, I made one of them explode!" Punctuating her sentence is unmistakably a kidney flopping on cheap synthetic material. 
"Could you please stop calling me 'Big D'?"
Livvy tilts her head in confusion, disposing of the organ into the depths below. "Do you prefer 'Little D'?" 
She knows her sister well enough to understand it's more of general naivete in her tone rather than sass, but Dead doesn't answer anyway. 
The other kidney smacks her head with all the sound a wet fish would make if it were a chain smoker. God-- Jesus-- whoever she swears to, was this guy a drinker. Dead peels it off her forehead and it leaves the Budweiser logo. 
"I don't think you should be tormenting the souls sent to damnation any longer, sis..."
"What are you, some kind of pussy?"
"Yes. Uh, actually, my genitalia has teeth, which is a lot more intimidatin--"
"So do you see an OBGYN or a Dentist?"
"An exorcist!"
Livvy bursts into laughter. Maybe it's because it's the 30th time this week, but Dead doesn't join in. She doesn't know if it's intentional or not that Livvy smacks her knee in her hilarity and triggers the detonator again.
"Man. Those serial killers splatter the most, don't they? It's like chunky salsa."
"Speaking of that, it's time for dinner," Dead says, checking her watch which has caught alight as well. "I think Mom's picking up some monster heart. You like that more than virgin heart, right?"
"You like hamburger more than raw cow, right?"
"I don't know, sis, I never ate a hamburger."
"Really? Scrap that, then, we're going to McDonalds," she says. Livvy makes it four steps before finally realizing that Dead isn't moving. "What?"
"If we go up to the human world, we're gonna be caught."
"You really think McDonalds of all companies doesn't have a branch in the underworld? I mean, like, hello."
There's no arguing with that logic. She has to quicken her pace to a run to keep up with Livvy's walk, only able to follow the trail of her words once she vanishes from sight. It had gotten colder, at the least, but using this as a comfort for Sheol is like saying that your murderer has a nice smile. 
And finally they hit the burger stand, Dead escorting Livvy inside. She didn't know when they began holding hands-- actually, she didn't know when she caught up to her. Livvy was too quick a runner and never bothered to slow down for anyone else. 
It smells strongly of regret, grease, and murder, in that order. In short, no different from a McDonalds not for the posthumous. Every little thing seemed to call for Dead's attention anyway. "Look at me!" even the salt and pepper packets seemed to be saying. At one point, Dead wanted to ask if the meat hooks with sinners hanging off were typical decor. 
"You done yet?"
Dead looks up from the floor, where she had been observing a cockroach eating a tiny scrap of hamburger. "There's MORE?"
"Well, yeah. You order the food."
"So you just, like..." she raised one hand and pantomimed some action that would have her arrested in 38 states. "Pay people and they make you the things? You don't have to hold them at knifepoint?"
"Not... usually?"
"Wow," Dead steps in line and places her hands on her hips proudly, "Mom's been doing this all wrong."
There are two things about Sheol that are the best. 
First and foremost, the peace. As far as the underworld's sounds, there's Screaming Sinners, then there's Screaming Sinners Lite, and then there's quiet. The latter is truly worth it. Whereas silence seemed the complete absence of sound, Dead's enjoyment of quietness reflected to her that that she could get away from it all and relax despite others doing their own thing.
The second is the food. Holy hell-- no pun intended-- did that burger taste good. It might sit in her stomach now, gestating into a demon beast that would soon attack the cosmos, but it was on sale. Urbanization had hit them all hard. 
"Big D?"
Livvy's in the doorframe, standing in a pose suggesting she'd be casually leaning on it if not for the spikes. "Mom called. She wants us up by, like, 3."
She springs to her feet. "We should--"
"Go, already?" Livvy shakes her head. "Nah."
"But she's gonna kill us!"
"Big D, she already tries to kill us."
"Well, yeah, but... she'll really mean it this time!"
"She means it every time."
Dead isn't entirely sure of this. But by the time she can even think on a decision, Livvy's out the door after puncturing the silence like a balloon. 
"Wait up!"
The scenery is nice, Dead thinks, at the least. Never a dull moment with those scattered crackling fires or the adorable wildlife (mostly the rats, admittedly, but she liked rats; sometimes her half-bird genetics added she would like them over some french fries and ketchup). Oh, and the millions of tortured souls, there certainly was that too. 
"Wanted: Dead or Alive." Livvy's laugh comes a second later.
She thinks that hamburger is catching up to her by now. Maybe it's just the fear of being caught, maybe it's just a demon beast-- things every teenaged girl worries about. Livvy continues on regardless.
"Have you ever seen a sunrise, Big D?"
"Mom thinks sunrises are gay."
"That's silly. Sunrises don't have sexualities. And if they did, I think they'd be more along the lines of pansexual. The sun shines over everybody, you know."
By the time they reach one of the rivers of lava, she's classified everything except the aurora borealis, which is still figuring out who it is. Now that Dead looks about the underworld, she notices so many different figures; over the millions of years it had existed, it became a melting pot for people of all different times and walks of life. "Look!" she calls out, "there's Abel!"
And Abel looks upon them, and says, "GAY."
"Abel, how in the world did you make it here? You're the first human to die."
And Abel says upon them, "I'm the real O.G."
"Original Gay," Livvy says.
"Yeah. And I'm just on a business trip. Aren't you two due at bird school or something? Which is for birds?"
"We're on a tour."
"Tours are gay."
"Actually, I think tours are asexual, thank you very much."
"Now you're getting it!" Livvy says. 
Of course they're tired by the time Abel moves on, both because it's quite a long walk and because he can't take a hint. The river of lava and fire and all that bad stuff that some sinners swam in, of course, banned flash photography and encouraged users to keep their arms, legs, tentacles, and other appendages inside the torture device at all times. 
"This is pretty recent, I think. Big flashy stuff. Scares people straight to blind faith like no tomorrow," she boasts. 
"If we're underground, isn't that magma rather than lava?" Dead crosses her arms. What's so amusing about this? Once you've seen one tortured soul, you've seen 'em all, she figures. 
"I dunno. Same thing. Or budget cuts or something." 
They stand for a minute in the glow of the fire's light, much brighter because it was the only source. 
"You know, you're right."
"I know, but about what?"
Dead chuckles. "I mean about this place. It isn't really all that bad. I mean the weather's consistent and I'm sure the trains are on time."
Livvy leans forward on the bone railing, hands on her cheeks. "I don't really care about it here, actually." Her voice becomes quiet and meek, to Dead's surprise. "I just like spending the time with you."
"Yeah, and all that mushy shit."
When Dead turned to look at her, she was smiling. If they had an eternity together, Dead thought, it couldn't be so bad. Adorable, quick-witted, sometimes actually funny rather than morbid-- 
She was sure they would've hugged if the burger hadn't chosen that exact moment to tear itself from her chest. It would inevitably fly over Nevada somewhere and cause another UFO report. 
At least it was only 99 cents. 
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animmaculateconcept · 10 years
SD-Eve x DB babbu
nobody asked me but i thought about it anyway \ 'u' /
for hugo
Sometime after their weird excuse of a relationship got strong enough, Eve/Julie Lum (?) and DB wanted to have a child. This was no problem for a SCIENCE GENIUS so forget the fact that they're women and different humanoid species. 
DB was sure as shit not going through pregnancy again, though, and Eve realized that giving birth could potentially keep her from having sex ever again. This left the monster-fetus to be carried by someone else. I'm honestly tempted to say it was Dead, making her much more than a half-sister. DB also realizes she can attempt to destroy two of her offspring in one go.
Name: Livvy. This came as a nickname for 'Alive', which Eve named her after she somehow lived through the entire pregnancy despite absolutely all the odds. 
Gender: Born female, presents female. This leaves Adam as the only male in the mess of a 'family'.
General appearance: She's half-bird, half-demon (unlike Dead, who is full-bird. Genetics say that bird overrides human, if Dead still has a human father). She's born with stronger and fuller bones but finds that she can't fly. At best, she can sort of glide, like Knuckles the Echidna except without the attitude. Inherits most of her looks from Eve, but her eyes- and her glare- are from DB. 
Personality: She has two moms and turned out ok. This includes the fact that both her moms were pretty fucked up in their own ways. Pretty carefree, all things considered, to the point that she doesn't understand the big deal about death. People worry about it so much! When she was a baby, she took life recreationally and teethed on a femur. Livvy still is able to defend herself. Most of this training came from her half-sister, Dead, who learned in turn from DB. 
Special talents: Evading death. DB, even after agreeing to this whole arrangement, would find it far less of a burden to kill the baby and go on with her life. She just somehow kept avoiding her mother's attempts on her life until adulthood. Now Eve expects them to have some dramatic showdown in front of a sunset somewhere, all before remembering that both of them despise sunlight. 
Who they like better: Eve, fo'sho. 
Who they take after more: Unknowingly, Dead, who doesn't even count. She ages at a much slower speed. Taking into account that Dead is immortal and has much more time than the proper parents, she took a lot of care of that baby. When she gets older, the two of them get along pretty well, except Livvy has much more of a temper. She also is much more impulsive and ends up rushing into things that Dead hadn't even thought of. 
Personal headcanon: Doesn't know jack about any 'Lum' girl. A doctor? A human? Nonsense! (Don't even mention 'Diana Brooks'. As far as she's concerned, DB stands for Da Best.)
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animmaculateconcept · 11 years
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i'm slightly apologetic
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animmaculateconcept · 11 years
 demons-and-bird-people said: "That is illegal in AT LEAST seven states."
"No... not like that. Just... just go away. 
N-nobody likes you.."
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animmaculateconcept · 11 years
Revolution {Shadow Queen AU, demons-and-bird-people}
For a split second, the world was on fire. It started small, a spark on the silhouette of the Queen; the eruption of flames caught on the dry banner in the dry air in the dry everything and the Queen's image was reduced to ashes. She was the world to them.
There was no fresh air, no ventilation, no escape. Smoke encompassed the area. Perfect cover. Lilith avoided any of the Shadow Guards on the way. Can't let them set off a scream.
She almost made it, too. It would have been a great sign of rebellion to burn her precious banner; if she was lucky, the Queen herself would get caught in the fire. If she was lucky.
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animmaculateconcept · 11 years
When Julie Lum was 4, she came across a ladybug on a leaf. 
She placed her index finger to the side of the leaf in an attempt to convince the bug it was a viable place to travel. She (Julie assumed it was a she) paused for a moment at the new curiosity and made her way over.
"Missus ladybug?"
The creature didn't respond, of course, but it did wriggle its tiny spotted back. Julie giggled; it was like a dog shaking water off its coat. 
She wanted to know about it. Where did it come from? What did it eat? The girl briefly entertained the idea of taking it inside and setting it down near crumbs, but that would require moving, and this spot near the oak tree was so comfortable.
The ladybug stopped, looked about, walked for a moment, found no food, decided it had enough, and left as quickly as it appeared. Julie watched wide-eyed as it disappeared like a dream. 
One day, she wanted to become a scientist. When she did, no matter what she did, she hoped never to forget that creature.
When Julie Lum was 19, she checked out half a dozen medical books from the library. The lady behind the counter gave her a confused look when she checked out a small one about ladybugs as well.
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animmaculateconcept · 11 years
{w/ demons-and-bird-people}
She never claimed to have a track record of 100%. 
The list of ones that got away included a goddamn persistent knight, a tyrant who ignored her charms, an adorable blonde- no, this birdthing would not be added to the list.
"If I can't kill you, I'll at least make you suffer," snarled 'Lilith', mouth puppetlike. "Loved or not by your mother, I still want to forcefeed her your eyes individually."
The Whore of Babylon tossed aside the knife. Finicky tool at best. Her hand instead shot forward to grip Dead by the throat, tired of play. 
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