2queer2deer · 7 years
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kinda different from my normal stuff - but some doodles i did a couple days ago of Logan boy from the Demon!AU ?? //go 2 @demonsides for more info I’m tagging it as body horror just to be safe but if anyone needs me 2 tag for anything else feel free 2 ask and i’ll do so ; v ;
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junkie-virus · 7 years
Strong Boi
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Okay,,, so I was just hit with a brick.
A brick called writers block.
So I decided to draw! I love the AU so much- And so my boy is strong.
Very strong boy.
*cough* *cough* Anywhoo, my anatomy sucks. So what did we learn here? Well what we always knew don't trust anatomy.
@2queer2deer Well, doing that made me anxious. And, this is becoming awkward so-
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divinedrabbles · 7 years
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I loved @2queer2deer's idea of the demon sides type AU so... Naturally I had to draw it right away! (I couldn't find any other paper, sorry.)
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2queer2deer · 7 years
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I know everything is rlly stressful rn w/ nn but I’ve been nervously doodling the sides as demons all day //wheezes I kinda wanna try to pad out the AU a bit - i think it could be kinda interesting ?? //click 4 better quality
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2queer2deer · 7 years
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here he is  dat Virgil boy now w/ colour woah woah  if ya wanna see more about the demon AU you can do so here (I still need to make the blog look pretty but shh its fine 4 now) @demonsides !! 💜💜
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2queer2deer · 7 years
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@@@cosmic-chu : eY so I was gonna give this to u on the Demon bois blog but the asks and submissions were off so I couldn’t do it :00 so I guess here then?? W h e e z e it’s the only decent thing I’ve been able to draw today since I’m having an art style crisis- every drawing I’ve been making has been in a different art style cri \( ̄▽ ̄;) sO yeah enough of that here’s a demon boyo for u-
yoooOOOOO this is s o cool aaaaaahhhhh mY BOY //WHEEZES this looks amazing ??? aaaahhhh i know you say ur having an art style crisis but ur style always heckin amazes me oml all of the horn details and hiS FACE AAAHH perfect perfect - bless //or dont bc hes a demon //wheezes ooo also I rlly gotta turn on asks and submissions - I forgot about that O:
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2queer2deer · 7 years
ooooo idea for that demon!sides au what if Thomas moves into a house that's infested w/ them and at first they’re annoyed but then they just kinda get attached ??
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2queer2deer · 7 years
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patton likes to randomly press buttons on the tv remote,, living w/ demons who you can only sometimes see can be kinda weird
this is a rlly quick doodle i did before getting kicked out of the lounge for the night pft it’s kinda cute tho so ??? I thought i’d share idk haha
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2queer2deer · 7 years
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@csauce-and-chips :  Ahaaaa.. Ok So I love your Demon AU and just thought I’d try my hand at the Patty boi!! A colored version, I was glad to have that creative liberty to try put colors. He was really fun. I hope you don’t mind me trying him out! Also can I just say that your art makes my day? I can go on about what I adore about your art (colors, style, etc) but I’m just going to say that your art always makes me smile. You lighten up my day and I really appreciate that. Thank you very much!! Aha.. I love Patton :> ☆
aAAH THIS IS SO COOL !!! I love these colours for him omfg the blue ?? the way it goes onto his shoulders and elbows and fingers ??? yes ??? I may have to steal that ??? and i heckin l o v e your style oml  TYSM !! this is rlly freakin cool aaaahhhh 💕💕💕
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2queer2deer · 7 years
beep beep more rambles about the demon AU bc i can’t think of anything else atm //wheezes  //I’m also working on more art atm - so that’ll be posted in a bit :3c
Given that I don’t think they’d be particularly powerful, I’d imagine in order to stay in the human realm (?? plane ?? material plane/realm idk ??) they’d have to have some kind of tether. In this case, that tether is the house itself. Meaning they can’t leave the threshold of the house. Although they can also have lesser connections to specific objects such as Logan with his tie.
In Logan's case, given that it’s his last remaining possession from before he got turned into a demon, it gives him the energy required to create and continuously hold the glamour to make him look and act more human.
It’d also be possible for them to create a connection to a human such as Thomas himself, should the need ever arise, for example, if the house was destroyed. 
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2queer2deer · 7 years
In the demon AU, can Thomas see Patton? Or can he like turn invisible? Or is Thomas just oblivious?
I kinda imagine that they can choose who can see them and when?So like, when Thomas moved into the house he wouldn’t have been able to see them (it was probably listed as just haunted, making it cheaper and because Thomas didn’t believe in ghosts it seemed like a great option at the time) 
More info under the cut!!
Patton was for sure the first to show himself, given that he would have been messing with him (by doing stuff like pressing tv buttons and moving that thing that Thomas could’ve sworn he just put down right there and now can’t find because it’s on the other counter) since Thomas first moved in. 
He’d probably get glimpses of Virgil after that - like see him out of the corner of his eye but he’d vanish as soon as you tried to look straight at him, or brief glimpses of his shadowy figure sat on various surfaces (but never the chairs of sofas)
Roman would be second to properly show himself tho - all big gestures and theatricals, really playing up the whole demon thing for all it’s worth. He probably used up a bunch of energy making the room look smoky so he could pose dramatically
Logan would be next, but just - really understated. One day he’d just show up to tell Thomas he’s being an idiot and how watching him make so many illogical choices since he’d moved in had been infuriating. 
and then slowly but surly Virgil would just stop vanishing when you looked straight at him. Not counting Logan without his tie, Virgil is for sure the most messed up/freaky looking, so letting Thomas see the others first was probably a good move. 
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2queer2deer · 7 years
im loving the demon!sides AU!!! its really cool!! btw can totally see logans tie holding together his sanity/humanity in a way? idk how to describe it ^^; like without it he starts acting kind of like the rake but with it hes the closest to being human? though that may be what you intended so oops ^^;
ooOO HECK YEAHthat’d be rlly cool !!! idk what the rake is exactly but i looked on google images for like 2 seconds and it looks p spooky and the right sort of aesthetic so im gonna say a big ol’ yes to this one haha
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2queer2deer · 7 years
I can't believe I'm only just seeing the demon!au stuff but I love the idea! I could see Virgil being defensive but Ro and Patt are just so eager XD
I only just started posting about it this evening so you don’t have much to catch up on !! ahahand iTS TRUE - honestly, Patt is s o excited to have a new peep to play tricks on and and Roman just finds flirting with and seducing humans really amusingso once he realises he can’t bc of patt at first he’s kinda annoyed about it bc “its so bORING” but then he watches patton play his tricks and pretty quickly gets to a point of “awh well,, I guess he is kinda cute and fun in his own way”
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2queer2deer · 7 years
*wispers again* is there going to be some shipping? Like logicality?? or Polysanders?
not in the main AU but likethere can totally be a shipping ,,, au ??au of an au ??
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2queer2deer · 7 years
Logan as a dark sided demon??? Sign me up
EYY heck yeah hahahonestly, it was 90% just bc his design looked a lil boring bc i wanted him to look most human-like w his shirt and tie and stuff //wheezesbut then i was like ‘oh shoot wait a sec’
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2queer2deer · 7 years
DemonSidesAU is probably what I’m gonna start tagging stuff as! If u guys wanna post anything for it feel free to put it in that tag too 💜💜💜
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