#dental implant surgeries
gomissionsmile · 1 month
Who are the Best Candidates for Dental Implant Surgeries?
Discover the top 5 factors for successful dental implant surgery in Kolkata. Learn about ideal candidates, including jawbone health, oral care, and more.
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surgerypatient · 4 months
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Joseph’s dental surgery
Joseph had long wondered how long he could go without brushing his teeth, unbeknownst to him he would soon find out in a “routine” visit to a new dental clinic in his town after his previous one had closed down some years prior, they didn’t look horrendous- to him- of course most others opinions would vary from bad to worse. as it happened his appointment was scheduled to be the last of the day- this was because they knew of his attempting to avoid brushing as long as possible. The time finally came for him to go over, the building it was in was very nice, new, sterile feeling as many doctors offices are- part of the reason he picked this facility was their offering general anesthesia for dental phobia patients among other things he was not a fan of dental work done to him. He walked up to the door opened it and was greeted by Suzie the busty brunette receptionist wearing pastel blue scrubs and a scrub cap
Hi you must be Joe ❤️ she chimed
yeah that’s me, here for my appointment with Dr Grace Wheeler.
I’ll let them know youre here
I sat down in one of the tiny chairs and picked up an old magazine to flip through and before long they came for him.
“Hello, Joe “Dr Wheeler greeted and retrieved him personally wearing her wine red scrubs and glasses framing her face under her dirty blonde hair tucked in a cap.
those scrubs are cute Joe said
“Thanks, you won’t be seeing them much though!”
”Why would that be?”
you’ll see, come on back with me, gotta get you ready for your sleep!
“That’s why, I’ll be asleep, alright” I follow her down a long hallway with doors lining each side of the hallway until we arrive at the last one which looks different from the others!
I see some a teal gown, purple cap and blue grippy socks on the big navy blue debtal surgery table with a cup shaped headrest with a loaded mayo stand next to it full of tools and supplies but covered with a green towel. Next to it, a quite advanced looking large anesthesia machine
Just undress and put those clothes on and leave your belongings in this bin please! I’ll be back shortly!
I started to undress all the way and put on the patient attire before sinking into the immense surgery table awaiting my sleep
Then Dr Wheeler came back this time with 2 scrubbed-in figures in tow, they were wearing pale green gowns, blue, full head hoods and white tie-on surgical masks. you could tell they were women, busty at that.
“oohhh, is it time?”
I make myself still on the table, arms on the armrests, as one grabs a wipe and wipes his arm, before sticking a needle in and attaching a bag of saline to the new port in the crook of my elbow.
Then the other one grabs a big fluffy blanket and puts it over me , securing straps over my torso down to my feet.
“We don’t want you falling out now, do we?” Wheeler says, now dressed similarly to her helpers in a green gown, white mask and dark purple gloves
time to sleep you hear as a scrubbed figure places a mask over your face, at first it tastes normal but quickly you feel the flow change and become more chemical smelling, we’re just giving you some nitrous now, as she loads a syringe into your port filled with a strange white liquid
“this may burn or sting slightly”
she was right and soon in addition the back of your throat tasted a bit coppery, before long your vision began to blur as well.
you’re falling down so good, joe, keep falling ❤️ only a matter of time now!
pretty soon what was left of your vision finally faded out and you were in a state of anesthesia.
alright, he’s out , ladies get to work
the mask was renoved from your face then the restraints on your lower body loosened before your legs were moved into the frog pose and your groin shaved and wiped with warm water then painted with betadine followed by a syringe of sterile lubricant injected into your urethra and a catheter placed before the blanket and restraints were replaced.
While that was happening a nasotracheal tube was being introduced into your right nostril, and attached to the ventilator to keep you under and a ring mouth-gag sewn in place simultaneously, before a tube of opthalmic ointment was squirted over each of your corneas and they were sealed with surgical dressings then green towels were placed around your mouth and secured around the tube to keep it in place followed by the mayo stand being wheeled to hang over your insensate body and your chair was raised to just over 4ft off the ground before one of the assistant’s began painting the lower portion of your face with antiseptic, then placed a throat pack with the surgical clamps.
Now it was time to work, Dr Grace Wheeler made quick work of your full clearance, removing each tooth individually before leveling the bone along your gumline with the piezoelectric grinder and sewing your new gums shut, who knows you might just learn a thing or two from being toothless now
hope you all like this story, i wrote it in one take, i know the grammar a d whatnot aren’t all there but the concept sure is
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froggybich · 8 months
Hey! My aunt is trying to win a contest (I think, idk the details) for an oral surgery and wants the video to just get some sort of traction, you don't have to watch the video but just copy the link, like, or comment.
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Achieving a Brighter Smile: Exploring Teeth Whitening Services in Las Cruces
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In the realm of cosmetic dentistry, achieving a radiant smile is often a top priority for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. Among the array of services offered by dental professionals, teeth whitening stands out as a popular choice for its ability to rejuvenate smiles quickly and effectively. In Las Cruces, residents have access to cutting-edge dental practices like University Family Dental, where a range of cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening services, are offered to cater to diverse patient needs.
Teeth whitening, also known as dental bleaching, is a non-invasive procedure designed to lighten the color of teeth and remove stains or discoloration. While over-the-counter whitening products are available, professional whitening services provided by experienced dentists offer superior results with personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique dental characteristics.
University Family Dental in Las Cruces specializes in cosmetic dentistry, offering advanced teeth whitening solutions to help patients achieve brighter, more radiant smiles. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and professional-grade whitening agents, their team of skilled dental professionals ensures safe and effective treatment outcomes.
One of the key advantages of seeking professional teeth whitening services is the customized approach to treatment. During an initial consultation, the dentist evaluates the patient's dental health, discusses their aesthetic goals, and recommends the most suitable whitening option. University Family Dental offers both in-office and take-home whitening solutions, allowing patients to choose the method that best fits their lifestyle and preferences.
In-office whitening procedures involve the application of a powerful whitening gel to the teeth, activated by a special light or laser to accelerate the bleaching process. This method typically yields immediate results, with teeth appearing several shades whiter after just one session. On the other hand, take-home whitening kits provide patients with custom-fitted trays and professional-grade whitening gel to use at their convenience. While results may take longer to achieve compared to in-office treatment, take-home kits offer flexibility and convenience for those with busy schedules.
Regardless of the chosen method, patients can trust University Family Dental to prioritize their safety and comfort throughout the whitening process. With years of experience in cosmetic dentistry and a commitment to delivering exceptional care, their team ensures that each patient receives personalized attention and achieves the desired outcome.
In addition to teeth whitening, University Family Dental offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic and restorative dental services to address various oral health concerns. From dental implant surgery to porcelain veneers and orthodontic treatments, their practice is equipped to enhance smiles and improve overall dental wellness.
In conclusion, achieving a brighter, more confident smile is within reach for residents of Las Cruces, thanks to the professional teeth whitening services offered by University Family Dental. With personalized treatment plans, advanced technology, and a skilled team of dental professionals, patients can trust in the expertise and dedication of this reputable practice. Say goodbye to stained or discolored teeth and hello to a radiant smile that exudes confidence and charm.
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Finally going to start getting my teeth (or lack of teeth) sorted. Not really looking forward to the bone grafting, extractions (root remains where teeth broke in the trauma), platelet rich injections, implant drillings, crowns… etc.
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littlefeatherr · 2 years
Ugh, today I had two teeth pulled and the titanium for dental implants set in the bone. The pain is horrible and Ibuprofen 800 doesn't help at all. Any advise, lovelies?
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andromedasummer · 1 year
helo bestie i am unwell
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gedc01 · 2 years
Gupta Eye Dental and General Clinic.
Welcome to GEDC, the center of excellence for eye , dental and general diseases. GEDC is established in 1981 in JALANDHAR CANTT and is based on the concept of “THE BEST TREATMENT IN THE BEST ENVIRONMENT “. And the treatment is performed with the highest priority on the satisfaction of patient.
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stylebeirut · 20 hours
Style Medical Beauty Center, Dr Medawar, Beirut, Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355, 00 961 70 610469, 00 961 3 081774.
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Style Medical Beauty Center, Beirut, Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355, 00 961 70 610469, 00 961 3 081774.
Dental Care:
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Hollywood Smile,
Dental Implants,
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Laser Gummy Smile.
Facial Plastic Surgeries:
 Rhinoplasty, Nose Job:
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 Blepharoplasty , Eyebrows lift:
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 Chin Liposuction.
Facial Injections:
 Botulinum Toxin /Botox/, Hyaluronic acid / Dermal Fillers, Lip Fillers, Lip Augmentation /.
                                           Aesthetic Treatments:      
PRP Plasma, Radio Frequency.
Facial Threads,
Facial Care
Hifu, Radio Frequency, Micro-Needling,
Carbon Laser, CO2 Laser,
Laser Hair Removal.
Hair Transplant
Medical Care:
Cosmetic Gynecology,
Cosmetic Urology,
Diet, Diabetes, Thyroid, Internal Medicine.
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Style Medical Beauty Center, Dr Medawar, Beirut, Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355, 00 961 70 610469, 00 961 3 081774.
Lebanon-Beirut: Sin El Fil -Horsh Tabet main street n:12 facing Habtoor-Hilton hotel /FedEx/, next to Home Center /Kore/, Formula building, 4th floor, Mobile or WhatsApp: 00 961 3 379355, 00 961 70 610469, 00 961 3 081774.
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eremedium · 22 hours
A Comprehensive Guide to Reproductive Health Education and Medical Procedures
Understanding Reproductive Health Education
Reproductive health education is a crucial aspect of overall health education. It encompasses a broad range of topics, including sexual health, family planning, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reproductive system anatomy. Effective reproductive health education aims to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
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The Importance of Comprehensive Reproductive Health Education
Comprehensive reproductive health education empowers individuals, particularly adolescents, to understand their bodies and make informed choices. This education helps in:
Reducing the incidence of STIs by promoting safe sexual practices.
Lowering the rates of unintended pregnancies through knowledge of contraceptive methods.
Improving overall sexual health and well-being.
Encouraging healthy relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Key Components of Reproductive Health Education
Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the reproductive system's structure and function.
Contraception and Family Planning: Various methods and their effectiveness.
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
Healthy Relationships: Communication, consent, and respect.
Sexual Rights and Responsibilities: Awareness of rights and ethical responsibilities.
Enhancing Learning with Patient Education Videos
Patient education videos are invaluable in medical education, offering visual and auditory learning that can enhance understanding and retention. These videos cover various medical topics and procedures, making complex information more accessible to patients.
Benefits of Patient Education Videos
Increased Comprehension: Visual aids help patients better understand medical conditions and treatments.
Improved Retention: Videos can be replayed, allowing patients to review information as needed.
Enhanced Engagement: Dynamic and interactive content can hold patients' attention better than traditional pamphlets.
Accessibility: Videos can be translated into multiple languages and tailored to different literacy levels.
Types of Patient Education Videos
Condition-specific videos: Detailed explanations of various medical conditions.
Procedure videos: Step-by-step guides to common medical procedures.
Post-care instructions: Guidance on recovery and post-treatment care.
Preventive care videos: Information on maintaining health and preventing illness.
Insights into Echocardiography
Echocardiography, or echo, is a non-invasive diagnostic test that uses ultrasound waves to create images of the heart. This test is essential for diagnosing and monitoring heart conditions.
How Echocardiography Works
Echocardiography involves a device called a transducer that emits sound waves. When placed on the chest, the transducer sends sound waves through the body, which bounce off the heart and return as echoes. These echoes are converted into detailed images of the heart's structure and function.
Types of Echocardiography
Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE): The most common type, providing images from outside the chest.
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE): Involves a probe placed down the esophagus for clearer images.
Stress Echocardiography: Performed during or after physical exertion to assess heart function under stress.
Doppler Echocardiography: Measures the speed and direction of blood flow in the heart.
Applications of Echocardiography
Diagnosing heart conditions: Valve diseases, congenital heart defects, and cardiomyopathies.
Monitoring heart function: Particularly after heart attacks or in chronic heart diseases.
Guiding treatment: Helps in planning surgeries or other interventions.
Understanding Deviated Septum Surgery
A deviated septum occurs when the nasal septum, the bone, and cartilage dividing the nasal cavity in half, is off-center. This can cause breathing difficulties, nasal congestion, and frequent sinus infections.
What is Deviated Septum Surgery?
Deviated septum surgery, or septoplasty, is a surgical procedure to correct the alignment of the nasal septum. This procedure aims to improve airflow and reduce related symptoms.
Indications for Deviated Septum Surgery
Chronic nasal congestion: Not responsive to medical treatments.
Frequent sinus infections: Due to obstructed sinus drainage.
Nosebleeds: Caused by the dry air passing through the narrow nasal passages.
Breathing difficulties: Especially noticeable during sleep or physical exertion.
The Septoplasty Procedure
Preoperative Assessment: Includes a physical examination and imaging studies.
Anesthesia: General or local anesthesia is administered.
Incision and Correction: The surgeon makes an incision inside the nose, repositions the septum, and removes any obstructive tissue.
Postoperative Care: Includes managing swelling, and pain, and monitoring for any complications.
Benefits and Risks of Septoplasty
Benefits: Improved breathing, reduced nasal congestion, and fewer sinus infections.
Risks: Bleeding, infection, or changes in nasal shape.
The Evolution of Dental Implants
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made of titanium, that provide a permanent base for fixed or removable replacement teeth. They are an excellent option for people who have lost teeth due to periodontal disease, injury, or other reasons.
Advantages of Dental Implants
Natural Look and Feel: Implants are designed to mimic the look and function of natural teeth.
Durability: With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.
Improved Oral Health: Implants do not require altering adjacent teeth, preserving overall dental health.
Convenience: Unlike dentures, implants are permanent and do not need to be removed for cleaning.
The Dental Implant Procedure
Initial Consultation: Assessment of oral health and planning of the implant procedure.
Bone Grafting (if needed): Enhances the bone structure to support the implant.
Implant Placement: Surgically inserting the implant into the jawbone.
Osseointegration: The process where the implant fuses with the jawbone over several months.
Abutment Placement: A connector placed on top of the implant.
Crown Placement: The final prosthetic tooth is attached to the abutment.
Caring for Dental Implants
Proper oral hygiene is essential to maintain dental implants. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to ensure the implants remain in good condition.
Reproductive health education, patient education videos, echocardiography, deviated septum surgery, and dental implants represent critical areas of healthcare. Each plays a unique role in improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Understanding these topics comprehensively can empower individuals to make informed health decisions and seek appropriate medical care.
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aarondevin · 2 days
Top Questions to Ask an Oral Surgeon Before the Procedure
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Oral surgery may seem overwhelming, but being knowledgeable will assist in alleviating many of those fears. Individuals can gain a true understanding of the procedure, recovery times, and anticipated results when they ask valid questions. These are the paramount inquiries that people need to make to their dental surgeon before going through an operation.
What is their Experience with this Specific Procedure? It is necessary to know the level of experience of the surgeon patients are seeing. They should know how many times the operation they require has been carried out by them and the levels of success. A competent surgeon has improved his or her operating skills and proficiency in managing any contingencies that may arise. Moreover, it is advisable to find out any specialized education or training undergone by such professionals in the field, especially concerning new methodologies or technologies that have come up recently.
What Should Patients Expect During Recovery? Understanding the recovery period can greatly affect people's readiness and peace. They should inquire about how long a normal recovery process takes and if there is any need for them to quit work for a specified period or even stop doing some things temporarily. The patient should further discuss with the caregiver how pain will be managed after the operation and what to eat while still at home or hospitalized thereafter, including any required visits later on. It is also crucial to recognize when there might be any danger signs postoperatively and then look for their oral practitioner instantly.
In the years to come, it will be even more essential that one remains a well-informed patient with changing trends in medical technology. Folks must have these vital discussions with an oral surgeon to guarantee the healthiest states of their body and mind.
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drkimsdentistry · 2 days
Comprehensive Recovery Tips for Dental Implant Surgery Patients in Moreno Valley
For those recovering from dental implant surgery in Moreno Valley, our comprehensive tips are essential. From managing swelling to maintaining oral hygiene, we cover all aspects of recovery. Ensure a successful outcome and enjoy your new dental implants with our expert guidance.
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thedentistryzone · 8 days
Zygomatic Implants are the type of dental implant where the implant support is taken from the zygomatic bone and part of the alveolar bone of maxilla. It is a graft-less technique and is done in patients who had bone graft failure in the past, atrophied maxilla, medically compromised patients and cannot tolerate extensive surgical procedures.
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hehroralsurgeryus · 10 days
Best Goose Creek Dental Implants in Charleston, SC
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Discover Hehr Oral Surgery which offers superior Goose Creek Dental Implants that may help you regain confidence in your smile. With results that flawlessly complement your tooth architecture, our cutting-edge technology guarantees a comfortable operation. Accept that you can now eat all of your favorite foods without restriction. Contact us at 843-767-3310.
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