#dentists in toronto canada
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Orthodontic therapy can be a lengthy process that takes a great deal of patience and effort. During this time, it's critical to watch what you eat because some foods might harm your braces or other orthodontic appliances, causing your therapy to be delayed. This blog will go through some of the foods you should avoid when undergoing orthodontic treatment. To know more visit https://www.roselanddentaltoronto.ca/orthodontics-treatment/ or call us at 416-743-4155.
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writemekpop · 2 years
On My Mind | Huang Renjun
Summary: You’re with your fiancé Renjun when you remember your bad boy ex Jeno. You realise you’re not over him. What happens when Renjun finds out?
Genre: Lumberjack!Renjun, criminal ex-boyfriend!Jeno, angsty 
Word Count: 2.1k
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“Hey babe, look at this!” Renjun yells.
As soon as you turn, Renjun whacks a snowball at your tummy. He collapses into laughter.
“Hey!” you shout, laughing, running for shelter into the log cabin you share. You have no neighbours – there’s only forest for miles around.
Your fiancé might be sweet… but he sure can be childish sometimes.
You collapse onto your worn couch, flicking on your 80’s brick TV while Renjun goes into the kitchen to make hot chocolate.
You freeze. One mitten still dangles off your fingers, forgotten.
The newsreader’s voice pierces your ears like glass. “A 22-year-old man has just been arrested for the attempted robbery of the Royal Bank of Canada. He has also been charged with the deaths of two security guards.”
The picture is grainy, but you would recognise that face anywhere.
Lee Jeno.
Everything around you fades except the pixelated shape of Jeno’s face. You can feel your heart racing. Your mouth is dry as salt.
For exactly three seconds, you allow your emotions to battle on your face, your eyes welling with tears, your chest heaving.
Then, you make your face perfectly smooth.
Renjun walks in, holding two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. “What’ya watching?”
“News,” you say lightly. It is too late to change the channel. Renjun will get suspicious.  
Renjun settles down, his frown growing as he stares at the screen. “Why do people do things like that?” he says. “I don’t feel any urge to rob a bank, do you?”
“Maybe he was having money troubles,” you snap. “Not everyone grew up with perfect dentist parents, you know.”
Renjun sucks in a sharp breath. “I didn’t realise you cared so much.”
You realise that you are breathing hard. You must control yourself, before Renjun starts to think something is up. You plaster on a smile. “I don’t.” You lift up your faded DVDs. “Now what’ll it be – Home Alone or The Notebook?”
For the rest of the night, you bury all thoughts of Jeno deep down.
When Renjun has fallen asleep, you pull on your winter coat and boots and creep out of the house for a midnight walk. You need to arrange your thoughts.
Tonight, the forest swarms with memories, like fireflies.
You remember those innocent days in Jeno’s tiny Toronto apartment. You would spend the daylight hours poring over bank blueprints laid out over the floor, exchanging glances of disbelief. You couldn’t believe you were actually going to rob a bank together.
In those days, you had nothing to feed the electricity meter, so when it got dark, you and Jeno would make fervent, excited love in the glow of candlelight, clinging to each other in the gloom.
You remember your first successful heist.
That night, there were no candles. Every electric bulb in the house blazed. You remember the way Jeno looked at you as you lay naked, amongst piles of banknotes. Jeno’s eyes drank up your body as if he had never seen it before. He looked at you like you were worth more than every flimsy slip of paper in the place.
You suddenly stop walking.
A memory has hit you that you have no desire to remember.
That awful final night.
“So what?” Jeno shrugged. “It was a close shave.”
“A close shave?” You shuddered. “We were almost caught tonight. Do the words ‘life in jail’ mean nothing to you?”
““I got us out, didn’t I? What the hell does it matter?” Jeno said, his voice rising.
You took a deep breath. “I’m out. It’s gotten out of control. I can’t do this anymore.”
At first, Jeno didn’t seem to realise you were serious. Then, his face suddenly changed. He fell to his knees, his eyes pleading. “No, please, baby. You can’t leave me.”
But you were pulling your suitcase, already packed, to the door.
Jeno was crying now. “Y/n. We’ll stop. No more robberies. Nothing. Just please… don’t go. I’ll die if you go.”
But you’d heard this speech too many times before.
You will never forget the sound of Jeno’s muffled sobs through the apartment door. That sound rings in your ears now.
And now, because of you, Jeno is in another room, smaller, colder than that old apartment. A prison cell, which he will never leave.
You fall to your knees in the bitter, icy snow.    
You wonder if you will ever see Jeno again.
The change seems to happen all at once. Which, of course, only means that it has been happening for a long time.  
Suddenly, Jeno is everywhere you look.
Each night, you’re ravaged by nightmares. Some nights, wake yourself up screaming, the blanket writhing like a snake around your legs. On other nights, your moaning wakes Renjun, who presses his lips to your hair in the dark.  
One time, you wake up and grab the man beside you, moaning, “Jeno, I’m scared.” You know precisely where you are: the dirty little apartment in Toronto. You know that tomorrow, there will be bank blueprints to study, over cheap liquor and cornflakes.
When the light flicks on and you see Renjun, you almost jump out of your skin.
Renjun’s eyes are concerned.
You know how choking Jeno’s cell feels because you are in there with him. You spend every hour of the day imagining Jeno in that cell. Perhaps he sweats. Perhaps he is dry. Perhaps he is hungry. Perhaps he has lost all appetite. You grow obsessive about the physical details of Jeno’s life.
Meanwhile, your fiancé Renjun grows more and more distant. You chop wood in the forest, your business, in silence these days. You don’t have anything to point out to each other.
You can only make love to Renjun in the mornings. You don’t know why. In the bright energy of morning, it’s just easier to do with your body what your heart is no longer interested in.
One night, Renjun finally brings it up. You are getting into bed to join him. He is reading a yellowed paperback.
He touches your arm. “I know you’re struggling, Y/n. Just let me help you.”
The genuine compassion in his eyes nearly breaks you. You harden yourself. “Don’t worry. It’s a little thing. I’ll be better soon.”
“You’ve been saying that for a long time,” he says. “What is it? What is bothering you so much?”
You try to smile. It must not work, because Renjun grimaces.
“I’m fine,” you say.
“It’s him, isn’t it? That guy from the news, what was his name… uh… Jeno Lee. Why do you care about him so much?” he says.
Your heart speeds. You thought Renjun was oblivious. You were wrong.
“I… knew him in high school,” you say, offering part of the truth. You’re terrified of saying too much. You want to say too much. “He… offered me to go into some shady job, and I said no.” You risk a little more of the truth. “I should have stopped him from doing it. Maybe then, he wouldn’t be…”
“You blame yourself,” Renjun says knowingly. “But Y/n, you did the right thing. You couldn’t have stopped him.” He sighs. “You see, you have too much faith in people. Some people are just bad. Jeno’s a killer – and he was born a killer.”
“He’s not a killer!” you say.
You know exactly what would have happened in that bank. Jeno would have run out of the vault, the money in his hands. He would have seen two guards. Without a partner, he would have started to panic. They would focus their guns on him, like brutal black eyes. In his desperation, his mind would go blank. Shooting them would like seem like the only option.  
“Do you ever think how- how vicious those guards can be?” you say. “They shoot first and ask questions after. Did you ever think that it might have been self-defence?”
“There’s no need to shout,” Renjun says. “You cared about him.” He gazes into your eyes. “I know how you feel.”
“You don’t know a thing about how I feel!” you say. You run from the room. You cannot bear to look at him.  
It only gets harder to hide the truth from Renjun.
Finally, the inevitable day arrives. The day that you can no longer keep up the façade. The day that the lies that you tell so often you almost believe them, are revealed.
On that day, Renjun enters your tiny bathroom. You look up, toothbrush still between your lips.
“You lied to me,” Renjun spits, brown eyes glinting angrily.
The back of your neck prickles. Renjun is clutching a yellowed newspaper clipping in his hand. “Jeno had a partner. It says so right here! She was called Alexis Black. You’re her, aren’t you?”
You realise that it is too late to lie. “I can explain-“
“Y/n isn’t even your real name, is it? I don’t know who the fuck you are.” He crumples the paper in his fist. “We’re done.”
You step closer, cupping his face in your hands. “Renjun, you know me. You’ve spent a year working with me, fighting with me…” your voice softens, “making love to me.”
He shakes you off. “I can’t believe I was going to marry you. I was going to let you be a mother to my child. When we met two years ago, you were on the run. Was that all I was to you? A cover story?”
“No. I chose to leave that life. I chose you.”
“You didn’t choose a thing,” he almost spits. “You left Jeno because the police were onto you. You had no choice. And now, you hate yourself for leaving him.” He stops suddenly, a wild glint entering his eye, as if he has just thought of something.
He laughs. “Do you even regret what you did? Do you regret leaving Jeno? Or do you wish you’d stayed? You could be with Jeno right this minute, living the high life.”
Renjun grips the sink as if he is unsteady on his feet. You instinctively reach out to support him, then pull your hand back. That would not be comfort to either of you, anymore.
“I am such an idiot,” he moans. “How did I not see it? You have been killing yourself the past few weeks because… you’re still in love with Jeno.”
Finally, your throat opens enough to allow you to speak. But there is no point in denial, because you know that every one of Renjun’s accusations is true. Instead, you focus on another truth. “I love you. I’m your fiancée, Renjun.”
Renjun’s eyes are cold. “Y/n is my fiancée… not you. I have no fiancée. You are a stranger.”  
He moves through the bedroom like a whirlwind, throwing his few belongings into a suitcase. Renjun’s eyes are red with tears.  
You struggle to think of something to say, some parting word that will remove the bitterness between you. Something that will make him forgive you.
But when Renjun finally pauses in the doorframe, you are tongue-tied.
Renjun looks at you, the frustration and fear and longing bare on his face. “How will I bear the cold train journey home?” He steps closer to you, pleading in his eyes. “The worst part is, I knew. I knew that you were a stranger – that there was a part of you that you never shared with me.” He shakes his head. “Why did you wait so long? Why didn’t you just tell me the truth?”
He dips his face to your hair for just a moment, breathing you deeply in. Then, he pulls stiffly away and leaves the house.    
That night, you cannot bear staying in that cabin, which is crowded with memories. So, you sleep in a sleeping bag out in front of the house. It is bitterly cold. Even your flask of burning whisky cannot warm you tonight.
You think of Jeno, hunched in a prison cell. A place the colour of gunmetal, with bars on the windows. Perhaps he is alone, or perhaps he is with two or three other men. Smoking, playing cards.
You wonder if he has shaven, or if his beard has grown. You wonder if he is eating well. You wonder what he feels as he thinks that the rest of his life will be spent between those walls. Perhaps he feels terror. Perhaps, like you, he is swallowed by guilt. Perhaps he simply does not care anymore.
You and Jeno watch the same sunset.
You wonder if the sun will rise tomorrow.
Right now, it seems the most unlikely thing in the world.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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sumachdental · 1 month
Top Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies: Keeping Your Smile Healthy
Our teeth are very similar to our general health. Nevertheless, sometimes there are surprising dental emergencies that can change the regular rhythm of life, causing pain and worry. Toronto’s population has a good chance to get some of the fastest relief in emergency dental care. In this article we’ll talk about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry procedures, why it is important to have an emergency dentist nearby and emergency dental services in Toronto.
Identifying Emergencies in Dentistry
Dental crises can also be caused by things such as sports accidents, injuries, and underlying oral health problems. The usual emergencies are toothaches, cracked or broken teeth, empty dental fillings and infections. Not attending to these complications could result in serious problems like diseases, loss of teeth or even general health challenges. 
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The Role of Emergency Dental Services
Toronto emergency dentistry clinics also relieve pain associated with them while dealing quickly and effectively with major issues of oral health. Most dental clinics perform these processes beyond normal hours of operation and many of them accommodate last minute requests by having flexible time schedules. Getting emergency dental attention on time reduces chances for complications and quickens healing processes.
Protecting Your Smile with Dental Cosmetics
While a dental cosmetic tries to improve the appearance of your smile, urgent dental care deals with more serious dental disorders. Cosmetic dentistry Toronto offers veneers for teeth, bonding, dental whitening, surgical implants, and other procedures to address problems like discoloration, misalignment, or tooth loss. An experienced cosmetic dentist can assist you in achieving a self-assured, picture-perfect smile.
Locating a Dentist in Need in Your Area
In cases of mostly all dental emergencies, finding a trustworthy instant dentist in your area is essential.
Seek out a clinic that has:
· Extended hours or round-the-clock service Modern tools and technology
· Dentists with experience and certification
· Satisfied patient evaluations and references
When you most need prompt, professional care, having a reliable emergency dentist near me guarantees that you will get a good treatment.
Preventing Dental Emergencies
There are things you may do to dramatically minimize the risk of crises occurring, even though it could occasionally not be feasible to prevent them from happening, such as practicing good dental hygiene. A balanced diet, frequent dental exams, and good oral hygiene—brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use—all contribute to strong, healthy teeth.
While dental disorders might be distressing, residents of Toronto can rest easy knowing that they will include access to first-rate emergency dentistry services along with timely, expert care. If you understand the significance of emergency dental treatment, research cosmetic dentistry options, and choose a trustworthy emergency dentist in your area, you'll be in an improved position to maintain your smile beautiful and strong for years to come. Remember that a happy, healthy smile is just a few steps away! Visit our website at Sumach Dental  for more information.
Name, Address, Phone Number (NAP):
Name of Business: Sumach Dental
Address: 146 Sumach St, Toronto, ON M5A 3M4, Canada
Phone Number: 604 446 0779 
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Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT)
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Everything you need to know about Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT).
About Internationally trained Dentists interested in applying to advance dental education or post-graduate training programs in USA and Canada, need to take Advance Dental Admission Test (ADAT). ADAT along with other selection criteria helps you to secure admission into more than 400 advanced dental programs across American and Canadian dental schools. Recently from the 2021 University of Toronto and McGill University started accepting ADAT result for admission to their International Dentists Advanced Placement Program (IDAPP) and DMD Advanced Sanding for Foreign-Trained Dentist pathway respectively instead of Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge (AFK).
ADAT is Governed by American Dental Association’s (ADA) Council on Dental Education and Licensure (CDEL) and administered by Pearson VUE (Virtual University Enterprises) across USA and Canada only. Pearson VUE is the deliverer of computer-based tests. ADAT test assesses an applicant’s relative potential in success of various advance dental programs. The duration of the test is 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Who should take ADAT? ADAT is a test of choice for – a. Dental students in their final year interested in specialty programs in USA and Canada, b. Practicing Dentists in Canada And USA interested in specialty programs, c. Internationally trained dentists (Apart from USA and Canada) applying to advanced dental education programs like Degree completion programs in the University of Toronto and McGill University.
Structure ADAT consists of three sections 1. Biomedical Sciences (80 items) – anatomic sciences (20 items), biochemistry and physiology (20 items), microbiology and pathology (20 items), dental anatomy, and occlusion (20 items). 2. Clinical sciences (80 stand alone and Case-based items) include endodontics, operative dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, oral diagnosis, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, pharmacology, principles of ethics, and patient management. 3. Data, Research interpretation, and Evidence-based dentistry (40 items).
Eligibility and Registration Candidates from the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) and the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) accredited programs and non-accredited programs can be eligible to take ADAT. Before registering for ADAT candidates need to have their DENTPIN.
DENTPIN DENTal Personal Identifier Number (DENTPIN) helps protect your personal identification number like Social Security Number (USA) and Canada Social Insurance Number (SIN) by replacing it with unique eight-digit number. Apart from ADAT, candidates can use DENTPIN number to apply for various American Dental Association (ADA) examinations like the Dental Admission Test (DAT), Admission Test for Dental Hygienists (ATDH), National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE), National Board Dental Examination (NBDE II), Integrated National Board Dental Examination (INBDE), and DLOSCE. Please note while registering for DENTPIN you must enter your name exactly mentioned in your official IDs and educational credentials. You can use link to register for DENTPIN.
Dental students from CODA and CDAC Accredited Dental Schools  The dean of the school should confirm that the student is in good standing and is in process of actively applying to the advance dental education program.
Dental Students from Non-accredited Dental Schools Dental students who are studying in non-accredited dental schools need to submit a Certification of Eligibility Form (not for graduated dentists). The form should be signed by the Dean or Registrar of the university where they are studying. Dental students and Dentists who have obtained degree from non-accredited schools need to verify their educational credentials (transcripts) by Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc (ECE). Candidates should request ECE to send the report directly to ADAT program.
Practicing Dentists Graduated from CODA and CDAC Accredited Dental Schools Dentist who has graduated from CODA or CDAC accredited dental schools should submit verification that he or she is a Dentist. This verification should be in the form of a Letter of Recommendation from one of the following:
The secretary of a board of dentistry of a United States licensing jurisdiction in which the individual is licensed or eligible for licensure as a dentist.
The dean or registrar of an accredited dental school from which the dentist graduated.
The dean, director, or registrar of a CODA-accredited advanced dental education program in which the dentist studied or is studying at the postgraduate level.
The dean of an accredited advanced dental education program to which the dentist is applying for admission with advanced standing.
The letter must state the name of the school that granted the D.D.S. or D.M.D. degree, the exact degree granted, and when it was granted.
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 3.6
Alamo Day (Texas)
Black Balloon Day
Blackout Day
Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
City of Toronto Day (Canada)
Day of the Dude (Dudeism)
Day of Tolerance and Coexistence (Iraq)
Dentist’s Day
Equal Pay Day (Germany)
European Day of the Righteous (EU)
European Day of Speech & Language Therapy
Feast of Excited Insects (China, Korea)
Headache Relief Day
Hospitality Workers in HealthCare Day
International Agunah Day
International Ballprank Day
International Day of the Sculptor
International Day of the Skype Call
International Metal Pipe Day
King Tut Day
Labour Day (Western Australia, Australia)
Marion Berry Day (DC)
Narcissus Day
National Brian Day
National Damien Day
National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence (Iraq)
National Deaf Youth Day
National Dress Day
National Emotional Civility Day
National Ford Day
National Jute Day (Bangladesh)
National Pharmacy Education Day (India)
National Report General Service Administration (GSA) Fraud Day
National Shirley Day
No Homework Day
Remember the Alamo Day
Silly Putty Day
Snowshoe Day
Sofia Kovalesvskaya Math Day
Spinach Day (French Republic)
Stoneware Pottery Appreciation Day
Tolerance and Coexistence Day (Iraq)
Toronto Day (Canada)
Trollface Day
Women’s Day (Tajikistan)
World Conservation Strategy Day
World Lymphedema Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Frozen Food Day
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
Oreo Cookie Day (a.k.a. National Oreo Day)
World Laksa Day
1st Wednesday in March
Discover What Your Name Means Day [Wednesday of Name Week]
Global Day of Inclusion [1st Wednesday]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants Day [1st Wednesday]
National Surface Finishing Day [1st Wednesday]
Spread the Word: Inclusion Day [1st Wednesday]
Stop Bad Service Day [1st Wednesday]
World Maths Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
Ghana (from UK, 1957)
Servia (Proclaimed a Republic; 1882)
Toronto incorporated (Canada; 1834)
Überstadt (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 6, 2024
Celtic Fair (Sonora, California) [thru 3.8]
Charleston Wine + Food (Charleston, South Carolina) [thru 3.10]
Geneva Book and Press Fair (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.10]
Rogue Festival (Fresno, California) [thru 3.14]
Steam Fair (Pomona, California) [thru 3.7]
Heritage Miami: Wine and Food Experience (Miami, Florida)
New Colossus Festival (New York, New York) [thru 3.10]
North Dakota Winter Show (Valley City, North Dakota) [thru 3.10]
Tampere Film Festival (Tampere, Finland) [thru 3.10]
Western Stampede (Chowchilla, California) [thru 3.8]
Feast Days
Abelardo (Muppetism)
Baldred of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Borrowed Days begin (Pastafarian)
Cadroe (Christian; Saint)
Chrodegang (Christian; Saint)
Colette (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Cyneburga (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Day of the East Wind (Pagan)
Elizabeth Barret Browning (Writerism)
Feast of Eriu (Celtic Book of Days)
Felicity and her Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Mars (Old Roman God of War)
Fridolin (Christian; Saint)
Fusilli Day (Pastafarian)
Gabriel García Márquez (Writerism)
Jesus Nazarene of Atalaya (Christian; Saint) [Panama]
Krishima Jingu Otaue-Sai (Ceremonial Rice Planting; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba (Christian; Saints)
Lao-Tzu Day (Taoism) [15th Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
March Goblins’ Galumphing Gala and Display (Shamanism)
Marcian of Tortona (Christian; Saint)
Michaelangelo (Artology)
Olegarius (Christian; Saint)
Perpetua (Christian; Saint)
Quisling Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rose of Viterbo (Christian; Saint)
Ta’anit Esther (The Fast of Esther; Judaism) [13 Adar]
Treachery Day (Church of the SubGenius)
William W. Mayo and Charles Frederick Menninger (Episcopal Church (USA))
Xenophanes (Positivist; Saint)
Christian Moveable Calendar Holidays
Mi-Carême (Guadeloupe, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin) [Mid-Lent]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [12 of 32]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Ariel, by Sylvia Plath (Poems; 1965)
Barnyard Amateurs, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Big Lebowski (Film; 1998)
The Bird Who Came to Dinner (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1961)
Brementown Musicians (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1935)
Brotherly Love (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1936)
Chappie (Film; 2015)
Cyrano (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1974)
÷ (a.k.a. Divide), by Ed Sheeran (Album; 2017)
Dog Meets Dog (Phantasies; 1942)
Eat Me Kitty, Eight to the Bar (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Everest (IMAX Documentary Film; 1998)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Film; 1921)
The Fright-Seeing Trip of Visit to a Small Panic (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 30; 1960)
Hasty But Tasty (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
History of the World, Part II (TV Series; 2023)
Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (Film; 2015) 
Kissin’ Cousins (Film; 1964) [Elvis Presley #14]
La Sonnambula, by Vincenzo Bellini (Opera; 1831)
La Traviata (The Fallen Woman), by Giuseppe Verdi (Opera; 1853)
Lethal Weapon (Film; 1987)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Song; 1970)
Logan's Run, by William F. Nolan (Novel; 1967)
Lorenzo (Disney Cartoon; 2004)
Medusa, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1995)
Onward (Animated Film; 2020)
Paint It Black, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1966)
The Pen-Pals or Rock Hocky Rocky (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 29; 1960)
Play Ball (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Playdate with Destiny (Animated Simpsons Cartoon; 2020)
So Sorry Pussycat (Terrytoons’ Hashimoto Cartoon; 1961)
Starting from Hatch (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1953)
There Goes My Baby, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1959)
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2015)
Three-Ring Government (America Rocks Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1979)
To Be or Not to Be (Film; 1942)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (TV Series; 2015)
U.S. Marshals (Film; 1998)
Watchmen (Film; 2009)
The Young Victoria (Film; 2009)
Today’s Name Days
Fridolin, Nicola, Rosa (Austria)
Ruža, Viktor, Zvjezdana (Croatia)
Miroslav (Czech Republic)
Gotfred (Denmark)
Tarmo, Tarmu (Estonia)
Tarmo (Finland)
Colette (France)
Fridolin, Nicola, Nicole, Rosa (Germany)
Isyhios (Greece)
Inez, Leonóra (Hungary)
Colette, Giordano, Ezio, Marziano, Marzio (Italy)
Centis, Gotfrids, Vents (Latvia)
Karigailė, Norvilas, Raminta, Rožė (Lithuania)
Andor, Annfrid (Norway)
Eugenia, Felicyta, Frydolin, Jordan, Klaudian, Koleta, Róża, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wojsław (Poland)
Radoslav (Slovakia)
Julián, Olegario (Spain)
Ebba, Ebbe (Sweden)
Carlton, Charlton, Colette, Collette (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 66 of 2024; 300 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 26 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 26 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 25 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 6 Green; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 22 February 2024
Moon: 18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 10 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Empodocles]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 77 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 17 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 3.6
Alamo Day (Texas)
Black Balloon Day
Blackout Day
Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
City of Toronto Day (Canada)
Day of the Dude (Dudeism)
Day of Tolerance and Coexistence (Iraq)
Dentist’s Day
Equal Pay Day (Germany)
European Day of the Righteous (EU)
European Day of Speech & Language Therapy
Feast of Excited Insects (China, Korea)
Headache Relief Day
Hospitality Workers in HealthCare Day
International Agunah Day
International Ballprank Day
International Day of the Sculptor
International Day of the Skype Call
International Metal Pipe Day
King Tut Day
Labour Day (Western Australia, Australia)
Marion Berry Day (DC)
Narcissus Day
National Brian Day
National Damien Day
National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence (Iraq)
National Deaf Youth Day
National Dress Day
National Emotional Civility Day
National Ford Day
National Jute Day (Bangladesh)
National Pharmacy Education Day (India)
National Report General Service Administration (GSA) Fraud Day
National Shirley Day
No Homework Day
Remember the Alamo Day
Silly Putty Day
Snowshoe Day
Sofia Kovalesvskaya Math Day
Spinach Day (French Republic)
Stoneware Pottery Appreciation Day
Tolerance and Coexistence Day (Iraq)
Toronto Day (Canada)
Trollface Day
Women’s Day (Tajikistan)
World Conservation Strategy Day
World Lymphedema Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Frozen Food Day
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
Oreo Cookie Day (a.k.a. National Oreo Day)
World Laksa Day
1st Wednesday in March
Discover What Your Name Means Day [Wednesday of Name Week]
Global Day of Inclusion [1st Wednesday]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants Day [1st Wednesday]
National Surface Finishing Day [1st Wednesday]
Spread the Word: Inclusion Day [1st Wednesday]
Stop Bad Service Day [1st Wednesday]
World Maths Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
Ghana (from UK, 1957)
Servia (Proclaimed a Republic; 1882)
Toronto incorporated (Canada; 1834)
Überstadt (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 6, 2024
Celtic Fair (Sonora, California) [thru 3.8]
Charleston Wine + Food (Charleston, South Carolina) [thru 3.10]
Geneva Book and Press Fair (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.10]
Rogue Festival (Fresno, California) [thru 3.14]
Steam Fair (Pomona, California) [thru 3.7]
Heritage Miami: Wine and Food Experience (Miami, Florida)
New Colossus Festival (New York, New York) [thru 3.10]
North Dakota Winter Show (Valley City, North Dakota) [thru 3.10]
Tampere Film Festival (Tampere, Finland) [thru 3.10]
Western Stampede (Chowchilla, California) [thru 3.8]
Feast Days
Abelardo (Muppetism)
Baldred of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Borrowed Days begin (Pastafarian)
Cadroe (Christian; Saint)
Chrodegang (Christian; Saint)
Colette (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Cyneburga (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Day of the East Wind (Pagan)
Elizabeth Barret Browning (Writerism)
Feast of Eriu (Celtic Book of Days)
Felicity and her Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Mars (Old Roman God of War)
Fridolin (Christian; Saint)
Fusilli Day (Pastafarian)
Gabriel García Márquez (Writerism)
Jesus Nazarene of Atalaya (Christian; Saint) [Panama]
Krishima Jingu Otaue-Sai (Ceremonial Rice Planting; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba (Christian; Saints)
Lao-Tzu Day (Taoism) [15th Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
March Goblins’ Galumphing Gala and Display (Shamanism)
Marcian of Tortona (Christian; Saint)
Michaelangelo (Artology)
Olegarius (Christian; Saint)
Perpetua (Christian; Saint)
Quisling Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rose of Viterbo (Christian; Saint)
Ta’anit Esther (The Fast of Esther; Judaism) [13 Adar]
Treachery Day (Church of the SubGenius)
William W. Mayo and Charles Frederick Menninger (Episcopal Church (USA))
Xenophanes (Positivist; Saint)
Christian Moveable Calendar Holidays
Mi-Carême (Guadeloupe, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin) [Mid-Lent]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [12 of 32]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Ariel, by Sylvia Plath (Poems; 1965)
Barnyard Amateurs, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Big Lebowski (Film; 1998)
The Bird Who Came to Dinner (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1961)
Brementown Musicians (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1935)
Brotherly Love (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1936)
Chappie (Film; 2015)
Cyrano (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1974)
÷ (a.k.a. Divide), by Ed Sheeran (Album; 2017)
Dog Meets Dog (Phantasies; 1942)
Eat Me Kitty, Eight to the Bar (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Everest (IMAX Documentary Film; 1998)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Film; 1921)
The Fright-Seeing Trip of Visit to a Small Panic (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 30; 1960)
Hasty But Tasty (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
History of the World, Part II (TV Series; 2023)
Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (Film; 2015) 
Kissin’ Cousins (Film; 1964) [Elvis Presley #14]
La Sonnambula, by Vincenzo Bellini (Opera; 1831)
La Traviata (The Fallen Woman), by Giuseppe Verdi (Opera; 1853)
Lethal Weapon (Film; 1987)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Song; 1970)
Logan's Run, by William F. Nolan (Novel; 1967)
Lorenzo (Disney Cartoon; 2004)
Medusa, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1995)
Onward (Animated Film; 2020)
Paint It Black, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1966)
The Pen-Pals or Rock Hocky Rocky (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 29; 1960)
Play Ball (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Playdate with Destiny (Animated Simpsons Cartoon; 2020)
So Sorry Pussycat (Terrytoons’ Hashimoto Cartoon; 1961)
Starting from Hatch (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1953)
There Goes My Baby, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1959)
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2015)
Three-Ring Government (America Rocks Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1979)
To Be or Not to Be (Film; 1942)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (TV Series; 2015)
U.S. Marshals (Film; 1998)
Watchmen (Film; 2009)
The Young Victoria (Film; 2009)
Today’s Name Days
Fridolin, Nicola, Rosa (Austria)
Ruža, Viktor, Zvjezdana (Croatia)
Miroslav (Czech Republic)
Gotfred (Denmark)
Tarmo, Tarmu (Estonia)
Tarmo (Finland)
Colette (France)
Fridolin, Nicola, Nicole, Rosa (Germany)
Isyhios (Greece)
Inez, Leonóra (Hungary)
Colette, Giordano, Ezio, Marziano, Marzio (Italy)
Centis, Gotfrids, Vents (Latvia)
Karigailė, Norvilas, Raminta, Rožė (Lithuania)
Andor, Annfrid (Norway)
Eugenia, Felicyta, Frydolin, Jordan, Klaudian, Koleta, Róża, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wojsław (Poland)
Radoslav (Slovakia)
Julián, Olegario (Spain)
Ebba, Ebbe (Sweden)
Carlton, Charlton, Colette, Collette (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 66 of 2024; 300 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 26 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 26 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 25 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 6 Green; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 22 February 2024
Moon: 18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 10 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Empodocles]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 77 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 17 of 30)
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marketingblitzinc · 9 months
Web Designer Canada: Find the Perfect Company And Essential Hiring Tips ...
Hey there, Canadian small business owners! Whether you're a dentist with a dazzling smile, a landscaper sculpting nature's beauty, an accountant balancing the books, a lawyer upholding justice, a grocer nourishing community, or a skincare expert making skin glow, your online presence is crucial. And who better to sculpt your digital face than a top-notch web designer Canada? Welcome to the vibrant world of web design, where your business's online journey transforms into a success story!
Chapter 1: The Magic of Professional Web Design
In today’s competitive business environment, a website is more than just a digital business card; it's a virtual storefront, the first handshake with your potential customer. A professional web designer in Canada understands this. They blend aesthetics with functionality, creating a website that's not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, responsive, and reflective of your unique brand identity.
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Chapter 2: Why Small Businesses Need Expert Web Designers
As a small business owner, you might wonder, "Do I really need a web designer?" Absolutely! A web designer in Canada specializing in small businesses knows exactly how to highlight your strengths and attract your ideal clients. They ensure your website speaks directly to your local audience, whether they're in bustling Toronto or the serene landscapes of the Yukon.
Chapter 3: The Marketing Blitz Approach to Web Design
At Marketing Blitz, we don't just build websites; we craft digital experiences. Our team of expert web designers in Canada is dedicated to understanding your business inside and out. We focus on creating a website that not only looks great but also ranks well on search engines, drives traffic, and converts visitors into loyal customers.
Chapter 4: Web Design That Sets You Apart
In a sea of digital sameness, standing out is key. Our web designers in Canada are masters of creativity, ensuring your website is unique, memorable, and perfectly aligned with your brand's voice and vision. We believe every small business has a story to tell, and your website is the perfect stage.
Chapter 5: The Technical Side of Web Design
But it's not all about looks. The technical aspects of web design are equally important. Our web designers in Canada ensure your site is fast, secure, and optimized for all devices. From seamless navigation to quick load times, we cover all bases to provide a superior user experience.
Chapter 6: The SEO Edge in Web Design
What's a beautiful website if it's hidden in the depths of search engine results? Our web designers in Canada integrate Google SEO best practices right from the start. We focus on optimizing your site for relevant keywords, ensuring it's easily discoverable by your target audience.
Chapter 7: Continuous Support and Evolution
The digital world is ever-evolving, and so should your website. Our web designers in Canada offer ongoing support and updates, ensuring your site stays current, functional, and ahead of the curve.
Why is hiring a local web designer in Canada important for my small business?
Local web designers understand the Canadian market and can tailor your website to resonate with your specific audience. How does a well-designed website benefit my small business?
A well-designed website enhances your brand's credibility, attracts more visitors, improves user experience, and increases conversions. Can a web designer in Canada help with my website's SEO?
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Absolutely! SEO is a critical component of web design, and our designers ensure your site is optimized for search engines. How often should I update my website?
Regular updates are crucial for security, functionality, and keeping up with the latest web trends. We recommend reviewing your website at least every six months. What makes Marketing Blitz different from other web design agencies?
Our personalized approach, deep understanding of small businesses, creative flair, technical expertise, and commitment to ongoing support set us apart. Conclusion:
In the digital landscape, your website is your most powerful tool. With Marketing Blitz's web designers in Canada, your small business's online presence will not just exist but thrive. Ready to embark on this web design adventure? Contact us at [email protected], call 1-800-897-3900, or visit http://marketingblitz.ca. Let's create a website that's as remarkable as your business!
Checkout our channels: YouTube: Marketing Blitz YouTube ChannelTitTok Channel: Marketing Blitz TikTok ChannelInstagram: Marketing Blitz Instagram PageTwitter: Marketing Blitz Twitter PageLinkedIn: Marketing Blitz LinkedIn page
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roselanddentaltoronto · 5 months
Know More About Leading Dentist at Roseland Dental, Toronto
Learn more about the leading dentist team at Roseland Dental in Toronto. See what makes their dental care approach unique and how they can help you achieve optimal oral health.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Dr W. O. More, Toronto dentist, was shot down coldbloodedly in his office by two would-be robbers and died ten days later. Two hours before his death, police announced they secured confessions from two suspects, Ewart O. Warren, 26, and Harold Hicks, 23, both married. Both Dr. and Mrs. More, art graduates of the University of Toronto, and the young father leaves a distraught wife who cannot in her grief understand why fate has dealt so hardly with her once happy home. The late Dr. More is shown in No. 1 and his wife whose family home is at Beamsville, Ont., in 2; Warren, sketched in 3, was born at Marmora, Ont. and his mother is believed to be living in Western Canada. The bonny More daughter is pictured in 4. In 1927 Warren was in the news with plans whereby he and comrades in the Canadian Machine Gunners were to make a horseback trip from Toronto to Prince Rupert, B.C. He also served in the U.S. Marines.”
- from the Kingston Whig-Standard. October 18, 1932. Page 9.
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owldentalca · 1 year
Unveiling the Smile Makeover: The Marvels of Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto
In the heart of Canada, amidst the vibrant cityscape of Toronto, a dazzling transformation is taking place—one smile at a time. Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto is making waves as an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to enhance their dental aesthetics and boost their confidence. Let's explore the world of Cosmetic Dentistry in Toronto, where art and science converge to craft the perfect smile.
A Blossoming Trend
In the bustling streets of Toronto, the demand for Cosmetic Dentistry is on the rise. It's no longer just about routine dental care; Torontonians are embracing the idea that a captivating smile can transform their lives. Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto is all about enhancing the appearance of teeth, and it offers an array of services to cater to various needs.
Whitening Wonders
One of the most popular treatments in Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto is teeth whitening. In a city where life moves at the speed of light, maintaining pearly white teeth can be a challenge. Coffee, red wine, and other indulgences often leave their mark. Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto offers advanced teeth whitening procedures that can make teeth several shades lighter, leaving you with a dazzling smile that's Instagram-worthy.
Revitalizing with Veneers
Porcelain veneers are another favorite among Toronto residents looking for smile makeovers. These custom-made, ultra-thin shells are placed over the teeth to conceal imperfections, such as chips, stains, or misalignments. With Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto, a flawless smile is just a few appointments away.
Straightening Smiles with Invisalign
Traditional metal braces have become passé in Toronto thanks to the advent of Invisalign. These virtually invisible aligners have revolutionized teeth straightening, offering a discreet and comfortable solution. Invisalign is the go-to choice for adults looking to achieve a beautifully aligned smile without the inconvenience of traditional braces.
Restorative Artistry
Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto also specializes in restorative procedures. Crowns, bridges, and dental implants are often essential in rebuilding a smile that has been damaged by accidents, decay, or other issues. These treatments not only restore the aesthetics of your smile but also improve functionality.
A Personalized Approach
One of the hallmarks of Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto is its personalized approach. Dentists take the time to understand the unique needs and desires of each patient, crafting individualized treatment plans. This ensures that the results align with the patient's expectations, resulting in a smile that feels both natural and beautiful.
Beyond Aesthetics: Boosting Confidence
It's not just about the aesthetics; Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto has the power to boost one's self-esteem and confidence. A radiant smile can open doors, whether it's in your career, social life, or personal relationships. It's a testament to the belief that when you feel good about your smile, you feel good about yourself.
The Gateway to a Brighter Future
Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto isn't just about achieving a picture-perfect smile; it's about embracing a brighter, more confident future. In a city that thrives on diversity and individuality, the transformative effects of Cosmetic Dentistry have become a part of the Toronto lifestyle.
From teeth whitening to orthodontic innovations and restorative procedures, Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto offers a plethora of solutions. The city's residents are increasingly recognizing the significance of investing in their smiles, as the positive impact of a confident, radiant smile can extend far beyond the surface.
So, if you're in Toronto and looking to embark on your journey to a more beautiful and confident you, don't hesitate to explore the world of Cosmetic Dentistry Toronto. Your dream smile is just a dental appointment away in this dynamic and lively city where smiles are the currency of charm and charisma.
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sumachdental · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry in Toronto
Cosmetic dentistry is a sub-discipline of dentistry that focuses on the aesthetics of teeth; such a branch has received a lot of praise in Toronto since everyone would like to have attractive teeth that could enhance their confidence. 
Yes, there are a lot of options – from bleaching and applying veneers directly to correcting the entire look of your teeth, and depending on the type of smile makeover required, it can be from a natural-looking sparkling white smile to a complete Hollywood smile. 
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What is Cosmetic Dentistry? 
Aesthetic medicine is known as dental cosmetic, which is the public health science that addresses the appearance of the gum, teeth and bite. Compared to general dentistry, which is mainly focused on the accurate assessment /diagnosis and management of oral disorders, cosmetic dentistry is mainly focused on facial aesthetics.
Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures 
Choosing the kind of cosmetic dentistry in Toronto that you need will not be a problem because there are many. Here are some of the most popular procedures:
Teeth Whitening 
Cosmetic procedures that are frequently used include dental surgery such as the whitening of teeth. It cleans the teeth by ridding them of any build up of colored materials thus producing a white and healthy smile. They are trying to offer the treatment inside the cosmetic dentist’s office or through the mail subscriptions or delivery of the necessary kit.
Dental Veneers
They are given thin layers of material that can either be ceramic or a resin substance that fits over the front of the teeth. They are ideal for reconstruction of the teeth that have broken, discolored or crooked. 
Dental Implants
Dental implants should be considered if one has lost a tooth, or more than one for that matter. They take a root of the tooth and place a titanium screw in its place, then put on a tooth that is real looking and feels the same. 
People who have crooked teeth but do not want metal braces on their teeth have the best solution in Invisalign. These clear aligners are chosen for your teeth and over time adjust them to the proper position. 
Dental bonding is the process of placing a putty-like material onto the tooth and curing it with a light. This is suitable for fixing small chipping and cracking on the walls. 
Finding the Right Dentist in Downtown Toronto
To find the right family dentist in Toronto , the following methods may be employed. The type of dentist to visit before getting the cosmetic dentistry work done is very important. Choose a dentist near me in downtown Toronto whom you can trust, specifically in cosmetic dentistry services. Request to see pictures of work done before and after the disaster, look at the numbers of satisfied clients and ensure the firm applies advanced tools and techniques. 
Final Words 
It is obvious that a confident smile can earn a lot for an individual, be it in a personal or professional life. If you're ready to improve the look of your teeth, take a look through the measures in cosmetic dentistry. 
To those people who may have misaligned or deformed teeth, the correct procedures will change the look of their teeth and increase their self-esteem.  Visit our website for more information.
Name, Address, Phone Number (NAP):
Name of Business: Sumach Dental
Address: 146 Sumach St, Toronto, ON M5A 3M4, Canada
Phone Number: 604 446 0779
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tipsbyabrax · 1 year
Selecting the Finest Orthodontic Equipment Supplier in Canada
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As a dentist in Toronto, providing top-quality orthodontic care to your patients is your priority. Central to achieving this goal is having access to the best orthodontic equipment available. To assist you in this endeavor, we present a comprehensive guide on how to identify the most exceptional orthodontic equipment supplier in Canada. Plus, discover valuable insights on how to maintain and sharpen your dental instruments for optimal performance.
The Quest for Superior Orthodontic Equipment
Elevate your practice by selecting orthodontic equipment that meets the highest standards of quality. A reliable supplier should provide instruments that are not only precise but also durable, ensuring they withstand the demands of orthodontic procedures.
Explore an Extensive Range of Orthodontic Tools
Orthodontics encompasses a wide array of procedures, each requiring specific tools. Seek out suppliers who offer a comprehensive selection, including braces, wires, pliers, and other essential instruments. This diversity streamlines your procurement process and guarantees you access to all the tools you need from a single source.
The Advantage of Local Suppliers
For dentists in Toronto, collaborating with a local orthodontic equipment supplier offers numerous benefits. Local suppliers understand the unique needs of Canadian orthodontic professionals, ensuring quicker deliveries and responsive customer support.
Unveil Supplier Reputation Through Reviews and Recommendations
To gauge a supplier's credibility, delve into reviews and seek recommendations from fellow dental practitioners. Your peers' experiences can provide valuable insights into the trustworthiness and performance of various suppliers.
Certification and Quality Control
Make certain that the supplier adheres to industry standards and holds relevant certifications. Suppliers with stringent quality control measures are more likely to deliver instruments that align with or surpass your expectations.
Balancing Quality and Cost
While quality is paramount, it's also essential to consider affordability. Compare prices among different suppliers to find a balance between quality and cost-effectiveness. Investing in superior instruments can lead to long-term benefits through durability and precision.
The Power of Outstanding Customer Support
Responsive and knowledgeable customer support is invaluable in ensuring a smooth procurement process. A supplier with excellent customer support can address your queries and provide assistance when required.
Efficient Shipping and Delivery Options
Swift and reliable delivery is crucial, particularly when you need orthodontic equipment promptly. Evaluate the supplier's shipping and delivery options to confirm they align with your needs.
Sharpening Dental Instruments for Prolonged Precision
Maintaining the sharpness of dental instruments is critical for effective orthodontic procedures. Some suppliers also offer guidance and high-quality tools for sharpening dental instruments, helping you extend their lifespan and preserve their precision.
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visagurukul012 · 1 year
Affordable Dental Hygienist Courses in Canada
Are you dreaming of a career in dental hygiene but worried about the cost of education? Canada offers some excellent and affordable options for dental hygienist courses that can help you achieve your career goals without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best colleges for Dental Hygienist Course Fee In Canada For International Students with a focus on fees that won’t burden your wallet.
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George Brown College (Toronto, Ontario)
Tuition Fees: George Brown College in Toronto offers a competitive and reasonable tuition fee structure for its dental hygiene program. The program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC), ensuring a high-quality education.
Algonquin College (Ottawa, Ontario)
Tuition Fees: Algonquin College provides an affordable dental hygiene program that attracts students from all over Canada. The college is known for its modern facilities and experienced faculty.
Camosun College (Victoria, British Columbia)
Tuition Fees: Camosun College in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, offers an economical dental hygiene program. With a strong emphasis on practical skills, this program is an excellent choice for those looking to start their dental hygiene career.
Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Tuition Fees: Dalhousie University’s dental hygiene program is another cost-effective option. Located in the scenic Halifax, Nova Scotia, this program offers a unique blend of academic excellence and hands-on training.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) (Edmonton, Alberta)
Tuition Fees: NAIT’s dental hygiene program is renowned for its affordability and quality education. Edmonton’s cost of living is also reasonable, making it a great choice for budget-conscious students.
Make sure check this link:- Study abroad
Collège Boréal (Sudbury, Ontario)
Tuition Fees: This French-language college offers an economical dental hygiene program. Students can benefit from smaller class sizes and a close-knit community.
New Brunswick Community College (Moncton, New Brunswick)
Tuition Fees: If you’re considering the East Coast, New Brunswick Community College offers an affordable dental hygiene program. The low living costs in Moncton make it a budget-friendly choice.
When considering a dental hygiene program, remember to factor in not just the tuition fees but also the cost of living in the city where the college is located. Some provinces may also offer financial aid and scholarships to eligible students, so be sure to explore these options to ease the financial burden.
In conclusion, pursuing a dental hygiene career in Canada doesn’t have to be financially daunting. Many colleges across the country offer affordable programs without compromising on the quality of education. By choosing the right college and exploring available financial aid options, you can embark on a journey towards a rewarding dental hygiene career without worrying about excessive fees. Your dream of contributing to oral health in Canada can become a reality without breaking the bank.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a dental hygienist, and what do they do?
Dental hygienists are oral health professionals who work alongside dentists to provide preventive dental care, including cleanings, X-rays, and patient education on oral hygiene practices.
Why should I consider a dental hygienist career in Canada?
Dental hygienists are in demand across Canada, and it’s a rewarding profession with good job prospects. It also allows you to help people maintain their oral health.
What are the tuition fees for dental hygienist programs in Canada?
Tuition fees vary by college and province, but many colleges offer affordable dental hygiene programs. It’s advisable to check with individual colleges for the most up-to-date tuition information.
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johnmoakler · 1 year
John Moakler, a Financial Planner well known across Canada, wants to rectify this imbalance. With a client list exclusively comprised of physicians, dentists, & business owners, this is his straightforward but ambitious vision: That every doctor and dentist in Canada will take as much care of their financial health as they do of their patients’ health.
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dentistrynearmeca · 1 year
Dentistry Near Me
Address: 5351 Tree Crest Ct, Mississauga, ON L5R 3Z6, Canada
Phone No: +1 866 614 1416
Dentistry Near Me is a trustworthy team of professionals that schedules dental appointments for you with the most experienced and affordable dental clinics in Canada conveniently located within your region. Whether you're living in a bustling city or a quiet town, Dentistry Near Me provides you with a comprehensive list of the most reputable dental practices in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal, Edmonton, and so many more areas. You can always get in touch with our team to book your visit with the best dentist around you in less than a minute. Contact us to gain more information. For more details visit our Website URL: https://dentistrynearme.ca/
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hayescanadaca · 1 year
Your Reliable Dental Handpiece Repair Company in Toronto
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As a dentist, you know the importance of keeping your equipment in top condition to ensure the best patient care. One essential piece of equipment is the dental handpiece. Dental handpieces are the workhorses of any dental practice, and they need to be in good working condition to provide effective treatment to your patients. That's where Hayes Canada's dental handpiece repair in Toronto services come in.
The Importance of Well-Maintained Dental Handpieces
Any dental practise needs dental handpieces as vital equipment. They enable dentists and hygienists to perform a range of procedures with precision and ease. However, like any other mechanical device, handpieces require regular maintenance to perform at their best. Neglecting maintenance can lead to a decline in performance, shorter lifespan, and increased repair costs.
Meet Hayes Canada's Highly Skilled Handpiece Repair Technicians
At Hayes Canada, we understand the importance of having well-maintained dental handpieces. For this reason, we have a group of incredibly talented specialists who specialise in dental handpiece repairs in Toronto. Our technicians have years of experience in repairing and maintaining all types of handpieces, including high-speed, low-speed, electric, and air-driven handpieces.
Our Comprehensive Handpiece Repair Services
We offer a comprehensive range of handpiece repair services to ensure your dental practice runs smoothly. Our services include repairs, maintenance, and cleaning of handpieces. We also provide turbine replacements, chuck replacements, and motor replacements. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and the latest techniques to diagnose and repair any issues with dental handpieces quickly and efficiently.
The Benefits of Choosing Hayes Canada for Your Dental Handpiece Repairs
Choosing Hayes Canada for your dental handpiece repairs has numerous benefits. Firstly, our technicians have the skills and expertise needed to repair and maintain your handpieces to the highest standard. Secondly, we use only high-quality replacement parts to ensure your handpieces perform at their best. Finally, we offer a fast turnaround time, minimizing any disruption to your practice.
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