#deport bieber
sassyfrassboss · 1 year
Hm, legit question, but doesn’t marrying an American warrant you a right to citizenship? What makes us think he wouldn’t apply for it? Wasn’t it made clear she was in the process of taking her British one (not sure if she ever went through with it)? I sincerely doubt he’s getting deported for admitting to using cocaine and even if someone does have a problem with it, he’s married to an American, so he’d go to Canada and back I guess? Justin Bieber style
I guess it is one of those obscure laws that you can't become a citizen if you have done drugs...like you can't ride a horse into a post office in some town in Texas (or something like that).
You aren't automatically granted a citizenship. There are a ton of steps you have to take. He might have applied but doesn't mean he will get it.
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sentrys · 3 months
guysysssss. we need to deport justin bieber
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toshiakikijima · 1 year
any taki fan please tell me the whole timeline for him!!! im really to commit homicide for him. 
(i actually cant afford the kop cause im waiting for luke the wasian and ivan LMAO)
i understand he dropped out in his last year of high school, but in a later side story he says he graduated high school and college??? 
please i beg someone!!! tell me where most of the backstories are from!! 
drop down is a spolier if you never read the KOP title! 
what i know: 
- happy birth day (literally) 
- mother is sick :(
- daddy issues 
- mommy skrrt into heaven
- middle school heart throb *>*
- high school with lizard dude and the side character that shows up in every title
- high school numero uno in test scores 
- he asks the mc out YEAH (PLEASE TELL ME WHERE ITS FROM PLZ) 
- he and lizard, nepo doctor do not like each other (but me, the MC) 
- daddy issues piling up 
- no dad :( (just like me; he got deported) 
- debt :()
- has to drop out and find MC to break up 
- k-i-s-s-i-n-g ?? MC AND NEPO lizard????
- gets abducted by justin bieber wannabe
- becomes a debt slave to elon musk 
- yay rich 
- light yagami phrase
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hypegirl4510 · 2 years
C𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓫𝓻𝓮 C𝓱𝓪𝓮𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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🐯Nació en el centro de Seúl.
🐯Tiene un hermano pequeño llamado Jeong Hun que es aspirante a modelo.
🐯Pasó la primera audición que hizo para JYP el 6 de Junio del 2012.
🐯Su nombre en inglés es "Katarina", en japonés "Che Yon" y en hangul de escribe "손채영".
🐯Odia las judías y Nayeon se burla mucho de ella por esto.
🐯Se le da bien imitar el sonido de patos y de cristales limpiándose.
🐯Le gusta cantar con Tzuyu la canción "PPAP".
🐯Cuando Chae no puede dormir suele escuchar música, mirar su móvil, leer el diccionario y desviar la mente a otras cosas que la hagan dormir.
🐯Fuera del grupo, es amiga de Rosé de Blackpink, Yeoreum de Cosmic Girls, Jinsol de April y de Somi.
🐯Chaeyoung práctico ballet cuando era más joven pero no se le daba muy bien.
🐯Su canción favorita es "If" de Taeyeon
🐯Le encanta el arte (sobre todo el abstracto) y los museos.
🐯Mide 1.59 cm y es la más baja en estatura de Twice
🐯Le gusta escribir poesía, pintar, dibujar y decorar cosas.
🐯Es la que más canciones ha compuesto de todo Twice.
🐯Es fan de los cantantes Justin Bieber y D'angelo's
🐯Es de religión católica
🐯Su pintor favorito es Van Gogh y asistió a una exposición de sus cuadros en Ámsterdam (Países bajos)
🐯En la secundaria se le daba especialmente bien la clase de deportes.
🐯Cuando debutó prometió comprarle a su abuela mucha comida como agradecimiento por siempre cuidar de ella y por ser la que más se alegró cuando la seleccionaron como integrante de Twice.
🐯Asistió a la universidad "Hallim high school of Performing Arts" junto a su compañera de grupo Dahyun, Yugyeom de GOT7 y Jiminde de 15&.
🐯Recomendó a l@s onces a través de su cuenta de spootify la canción "Bicochito" de Rosalía.
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2econd2ight2ydney · 3 months
in honor of justin biebers birthday:
You make me sick Justin Bieber,
with your hard skin,
and your beached whale odor.
You think it’s funny.
Disrupting feasts at our White House,
casting dirt on our presidents food.
With your milky eyes and your bell-shaped shoulders
You and your classless posse men, cussing indiscriminately on your pirate television station.
Thumbing your nose at our FCC.
Taunting our FBI with Polaroids of missing Beliebers.
With your marionette walk,
and your grinning, pizza stained mouth.
You compliment yourself, but you know not how to dougie.
You lied to Ellen.
You blackmail your songwriters,
and you have them killed when you’ve had your fun.
But I can hear their desperation encoded in the notes you sing.
Your voice is like watery, shit hiccups.
You dance like someone’s father getting his legs crushed in an industrial accident.
You make me sick with your bacon strip hair, and your sticky ass
You held a press conference just to denounce condoms.
You fired a gun on Splash Mountain.
You’re an unrepentant little monster.
You left dirty heroin needles at the Vietnam Veteran Memorial.
You threw up on Rosa Parks grave.
Our Supreme Court legally classifies you as a fucking scoundrel.
I say enough.
Deport Justin Bieber.
Not to Canada,
but to St. Helena in the south Atlantic
where Napoleon was exiled.
Perhaps Justin and Napoleon’s ghost can sing a duet
To an audience
Of zero.
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carruechedaily · 7 months
When I saw Justin Bieber and Jamie lee posting photos of bombings saying #Istandwithisrael and they deleted when they realized his photos were actually from Palestine I knew celebrities are the biggest fools ever.
I hope Justin Bieber gets deported to Canada someday so he will know how it feels !
They're all puppets of the industry
But Kae , Beyonce and Rih >>> ❤️❤️❤️
You would think that would make them reflect but no
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Blog Post 1
El Introduction de Nuestro Blog:
¿Sabías que la persona medio escucha a 20 horas de música cada semana? La música es en todas partes; en anuncios, en televisión, en videojuegos, en deportes y en cualquier otro lugar que puedes imaginar. Y todas personas escuchan música. En adiccion, musica no sólo es enorme aquí en los Estados Unidos, pero también en otros lugares, incluida América Latina. Hola, mi nombre es Rabee Singh y soy uno de los escritores de este blog. Michael Rosenberg y yo exploraremos la música en América Latina y los países que habla hispana. Somos contento para mirar y mostrar a muchos temas sobre: ​​la industria musical, los muchos cantantes hispanas, cómo la música juegan un parte en la cultura hispana, las tendencias de la música hispana y muchos más. Si personas leen nuestro blog, aprenderá mucho sobre la música en los países españoles y cómo la música afecta a la cultura hispana. Uno de los aspectos más importantes de Latin America es su música. Los orígenes de la Música Latina son del siglo 16, ¡Con los Aztecs!  La música es una parte central de la vida de muchos hispanas y musica jugen un parte importante en muchas celebraciones y festivales. Algunos de los géneros más populares de la música hispana incluyen la salsa, el flamenco, y el merengue.  Bailes como estos son fundamentales para la cultura de comunidades y países enteros en Latin America, y algunos de ellos bailares son tan populares que las personas en otros países puede conocen. El flamenco es el tipo de música tradicional hispana más conocido y es un símbolo de la cultura hispana en todo el mundo. Entre culturas diferentes y comunidades, el flamenco ha ido cambiando a los años. Pero la forma clásica del flamenco es la misma que fue cientos o años. Si este tema es interesante para tu, por favor das posibles temas para nuestros futuras publicaciones del blog y también haces cualquier pregunta que tienes. Esperamos que  tienes divertido cuando leyendo nuestro blog.
-Rabee Singh
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“Hispanic Heritage Month: Culture, Music, & Art - Hacienda Colorado Blog.” Hacienda Colorado. Accessed November 13, 2023. https://haciendacolorado.com/blog/culture/celebrating-hispanic-culture-music art/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20most%20important,salsa%2C%20merengue%2C%20and%20flamenco. 
Spanish music | artists, genres & history | study.com. Accessed November 13, 2023. https://study.com/academy/lesson/spanish-music-artists-types.html. 
El Effecto de Despacito
¡Hola! Soy Michael Rosenberg y soy uno de los dos escritores en este blog. Hay muchas cosas en el mundo de la música española y quiero enseñar a vosotros. Enfocó en la música española y cómo esto puede influenciar a las personas en otros países. En mi primero post, voy a escribir sobre que es responsible de esta nueva era de la música hispana, el effecto de Despacito. En mi segundo post de nuestro blog, voy a escribir sobre artistas hispanas que incluyen sus culturos autenticos en sus musicos. Tambien los riesgos para esto. En mi ultimo post, voy a escribir sobre la controversia con los Latin Grammys que fue en España. ¡Espero que te diviertas leyendo mis publicaciones y aprendas algo nuevo!
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El 13 de enero de 2017 Luis Fonsi lanzó la canción Despacito. Su canción rápidamente ascendió en las listas mundiales y cambió música hispana en para siempre. Esto fue el efecto de Despacito. Antes del lanzamiento de la canción, en el año 2016 solo había cuatro canciones en español en el Billboard Hot 100. En 2017 había diecinueve. Despacito también hizo deseable que los artistas estadounidenses colaboraran en canciones con artistas españoles. Esto se debe a que poco después del lanzamiento inicial de la canción, hubo un remix con Justin Bieber. Despacito también mostró a los artistas de habla hispana que podrían lograr un gran éxito si usar su cultura hispana en sus canciones. Ya no era necesario que los artistas españoles ocultaran ninguna parte de su herencia. Artistas como Camila Cabello, Shakira y muchos más pudieron lanzar canciones exitosas en español. Finalmente, Despacito alcanzó a una escala para musica hispana sin precedentes. Ahora la música en español es la música más reproducida, solo segundo a la música en inglés. Han pasado cinco años y el efecto de Despacito sigue cambiando el mundo de la música. Mucha gente en diferentes aplicaciones de redes sociales todavía habla del efecto de Despacito. Muchos dicen que todavía escuchan la canción.
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¿Por qué es tan importante el efecto de Despacito y la mayor popularidad de la música en español? Creo que la popularidad de la música hispana ayuda a difundir la cultura del mundo hispanohablante. Esto es muy importante porque recientemente, personas en otros países que no hablan español han estado escuchando mucha música hablada en español. Spotify afirmó en 2021 que en un mes la música española fue escuchada por casi 200 millones de personas. Esto es importante porque parte de estas transmisiones de música provienen de países donde el español no es el idioma oficial. Spotify también dijo que este número creció un 1,680% en siete años.
Los artistas que hacen música hablada en español pueden difundir su auténtica cultura a una escala que antes era imposible. Por ejemplo, si una persona que no habla español escucha una canción en español, o ver el video musical estará expuesta a imágenes y sonidos que provienen de la cultura española. Esto puede suceder porque la música es uno de los mejores medios para el intercambio cultural. Además, los artistas que obtienen muchos seguidores de todo el mundo pueden usar sus plataformas para difundir noticias y defender el mundo de habla hispana en un gran escala. un ejemplo es la Fundación Good Bunny, creada por Bad Bunny. Su organización ayuda a los jóvenes a aprender música y arte. también dona a los necesitados. Esto lo hace en Puerto Rico.
En conclusión, con el lanzamiento de Despacito, el mundo de la música hablada en español cambió para siempre y con esta creciente popularidad, el mundo latino se beneficia enormemente ya que los artistas latinos pueden usar sus plataformas para ayudar a muchos.
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
Un vídeo de Kylian Mbappé y Kim Kardashian, que publicó una foto con el futbolista del PSG, en la 'White Party' del millonario Michael Rubin se ha convertido en viral en las redes sociales. Hubo 350 famosos y millonarios y se hizo viral   ENRIQUE CORBELLA Kylian Mbappé, delantero del PSG que no quiere renovar con el equipo parisino y al que vinculan con el Real Madrid, fue uno de los 350 famosos invitados a la White Party (Fiesta Blanca) organizada por el multimillonario Michael Rubin. La fiesta, a la que era imprescindible vestir de blanco para asistir, se organizó en Long Island y su coste pudo haber superado los 50 millones de dólares. Entre los famosos y famosas que acudieron a la 'White Party' de Michael Rubin destacaron Kim Kardashian, Jennifer López, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kendall Jenner, Emily Ratajkowski, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, Kevin Hart o Ben Affleck. Tampoco faltaron estrellas del deporte como Kylian Mbappé, Tom Brady, Devin Booker, James Harden, Kevin Durant o Joe Burrow. Uno de los momentos más comentado de la fiesta una breve imagen en el que se ve a Kim Kardashian junto a Kylian Mbappé. El vídeo no tardó en viralizarse en las redes sociales. Kim Kardashian no dudó en compartir con sus más de 362 millones de seguidores en Instagram una foto junto a Mbappé. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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almatrends · 1 year
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_𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗟𝗘𝗥 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗜𝗨𝗦 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀: Moncler presentó su nueva visión para su división Genius con un evento inmersivo en vivo titulado "El arte de la genialidad". El evento atrajo a una multitud de celebridades, incluidos Justin y Hailey Bieber, Alicia Keys y Pharrell Williams. El espectáculo presentó una serie de asociaciones con marcas y personalidades globales, que expresaron la creatividad de la Maison francesa de nuevas maneras, superando los límites de una combinación de arte, diseño, entretenimiento, música, deporte y cultura. _____________________ #moncler #monclergenius #londonfashionweek #glam #fashionaddict #instacool #style #fashionpost #fashionlover #fashionstylist #fashionista #streetwear #lifestyle #stylish #instafashion #fashion #instahub #cute #fashionblogger #fashionweek #instastyle #outfitpost #design #streetstyle #almatrends #Moncler #adidas #monclergenius #londonfashionweek https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8FQ8jPKfq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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newslo · 1 year
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You Won’t Believe Which 5 Celebrities Signed the Petition to Deport Justin Bieber https://newslo.com/which-5-celebrities-signed-the-petition-to-deport-justin-bieber/
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contactgreys · 2 years
Usher height
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It reached at number 10 on Canadian Hot List and surged to number 17 on Billboards Hot 100. Bieber’s first single “One Time ” was released on the radio when he was still recording the album.Justin Bieber’s first concert was at X Factor USA.Justin Timberlake was also bidding for Bieber but lost the bid to Usher before Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG) signed him.Justin went to Atlanta, Georgia with Braun for recording a demo and just one week after recording, he was working for Usher.You could send me a Christian man, a Christian label!”, and, “God, you don’t want this Jewish kid to be Justin’s man, do you?” Justin’s mother was reluctant to send Bieber with Braun to record a demo because Braun was Jewish.Some Lesser Known Facts About Justin Bieber The Calabasas house, which Bieber sold to Kardashian in 2014, Ed Niles's famous glass "Salad Spinner" house (rented), a House in the Hamptons, the Sandcastle (rented), An English estate (rented), a glassy bachelor pad in Beverly Hills (rented) Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, BeyonceĬadillac CTS-V (Batmobile), a Blacked-Out Smart Car, Fisker Karma, Flat Black Range Rover, 997 Porsche Turbo, Matte-Black Ferrari F430, Lamborghini Aventador, Ferrari 458 Italia, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van, Audi R8, Customised T-Rex Spaghetti Bolognese, Berry Captain Crunch Sisters- Jazmyn, Allie, Bay (Half sisters) Michelle Cardona, Puerto Rican Volleyball Player (2017)Īudreyana Michelle, American Model (2017)įather- Jeremy Jack Bieber (Carpenter and Pro-am Martial Artists), Bruce (step-father) Sofia Richie, Daughter of American Singer-Actor Lionel Richie (2016) Hailey Baldwin, American Model (2015-1016) Yovanna Ventura, American Model (2014-2015) Selena Gomez, Singer-Actress (December 2010 – June 2013) Jessica Jarrell, American Singer (2009-2010) Explaining the reason, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture released an statement- "In order to maintain order in the Chinese market and purify the Chinese performance environment, it is not suitable to bring in badly behaved entertainers." In July 2017, the Chinese government banned Justin Bieber from performing in China.In November 2014, a Buenos Aires court ordered him to appear in Argentina to give testimony on an alleged assault on a photographer on November 9, 2013.On September 1, 2014, he was arrested and charged with assault and dangerous driving near his hometown of Stratford, Ontario, after his all-terrain vehicle had collided with a minivan on August 29, 2014.However, the Barack Obama administration declined substantive comment on the petition. Following his arrest, more than 270,000 persons petitioned the White House seeking to have him deported from the United States. On January 23, 2014, he was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida, together with singer Khalil on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI).On July 9, 2014, the Los Angeles County Superior Court sentenced him to pay US$80,900 in restitution, serve two years' probation, complete twelve weeks of anger management, and five days of community service. On January 9, 2014, one of his neighbours in Calabasas, California, accused Bieber of throwing eggs at his home.In 2013, Bieber was charged in Brazil with vandalism.In 2012, he was accused of reckless driving in his neighbourhood.In September 2021, he won Moon Person statuettes for artist of the year and best pop for his single "Peaches" at MTV's annual Video Music Awards (VMA) show.Īs of 2018, Justin Bieber has 59 tattoos!.As of 2016, he has received fourteen titles in the Guinness World Records.In 2015, Bieber became the first artist, since Elvis Presley in 2005, to replace his own song as number one on the UK Singles Chart.He has won eighteen MTV Europe Music Awards.In 2013, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) honored him with a Diamond award to recognize his single "Baby" as the highest-certified digital song of all time.On November 23, 2012, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, presented him the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.Bieber has sold an estimated 140 million records.Wakeboarding, Playing Ice Hockey and Soccer Other roots are- English, Scottish and Irishīieber has also claimed some undetermined Aboriginal Canadian ancestry Single: "One Time" (first solicited to mainstream and rhythmic radio on May 18, 2009)Įxtended Play (EP): "My World" (released on 17 November 2009, by Island Records) Michael Catholic Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario Graduated High School with a 4.0 GPA from St. Michael Catholic Secondary School, Stratford Jeanne Sauvé Catholic School, Stratford (4.0 GPA) The Biebs, JB, J-Beebs, Douche Pouch, Kidraul
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tatuajesdefamosos · 5 years
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Justin Bieber | . http://ttoo.co/p/1963
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
i don't consider myself a jb fan either.. maybe when i was a tween but definitely not since then, and I strongly feel like, regardless of sales (seriously yall gotta stop giving so much of a fuck about these made up numbers), Justin is and will always be a bigger name and artist than Harry... I can only speak on life in the United States, but I think it would be hard to find someone of any age who doesn't know justin bieber or have at least heard of the name.
When he was getting into trouble, Justin was featured on TMZ and the news nearly daily. Aside from the obvious tween/teen girl infatuation and bieber fever that took ahold of the states, the GP were also clued into every move the shaggy haired turned trouble maker made. People either loved him or hated him here. Regardless of what side they were on, they for sure knew who he was. Thousands upon thousands of people dont go as far to try to get deportation petitions signed for artists that they know nothing about.
I was perplexed seeing someone say that Justin's career is flopping and he lost fans when he married Hailey because... to me, the man is still highly relevant. His music plays all day long on the radio. I truly feel like he reached a level of stardom early on that he can't really ever come down from. Even if Justin was on his last leg, people, the GP, would still be curious about what he was up to in a "Did you see what Justin Bieber did?" casually passive sort of way. Idk if Harry would get that treatment because he hasn't had a scandal and i dont think he has ever really captured and held the attention of the American market the way that Justin did.
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frenchifries · 2 years
remember when the white house had an official petition website and everybody petitioned to have justin bieber deported and obama had to issue an official presidential statement explaining that he could not and would not deport justin bieber
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killerscartv · 3 years
The Californians (SNL Series) 2012 -2018
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A soap opera parody featuring Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, and others as wealthy blondes with Valley girl accents (Valleyspeak) exaggerated almost to the point of incoherence. Each "episode" opens with the Soapnet logo with Bill Hader's voice-over announcement: "The Californians". Armisen's character, Stuart, owns the house in which the action occurs. His wife Karina (Wiig) is unfaithful (she is said to have died in a car crash when Wiig left the show). Hader plays Devin, a romantic rival and antagonist to and long lost brother of Stuart; a recurring line is Stuart's "Devin? What are you doing here?" Vanessa Bayer appears as a Latina maid, Rosa, the only brunette character. Every installment includes three scenes, generally involving unexpected guests such as a doctor, a private detective, a runaway, or a lost family member. Stuart will invite them to sit down on the furniture, which he describes precisely (e.g., "Mexican country-style chairs", "burlap and cane daybed", or "neutral-toned fruit-wood chairs"). After a shocking revelation typical to soap operas, such as an unexpected pregnancy, the camera zooms in on each character, who displays open-mouthed astonishment. Each scene ends with all of the characters in the room crowded around a single mirror and gazing at their own reflections. Throughout the melodramatic plot developments, much of the dialogue consists of descriptions of routes taken from place to place, with freeways referred to with the definite article, as in "the 10", a usage characteristic of Southern California English. The characters are often seen with white wine or hors d'oeuvres such as nachos and avocado. Armisen writes the sketches for "The Californians" with James Anderson, and says they originated from casual conversations between Armisen, Hader, and castmate Kenan Thompson: "Just for no reason, we would talk about how we were just in L.A. and what roads we were on, and we'd be talking about directions, and, 'Well, yeah, you go on Vermont and you make a left.'" Anderson added the soap opera element. Armisen claims to make a significant effort to ensure the navigation they describe is accurate, relying on both his memory and Google Map. In 2012, LA Weekly reported that a Stanford University research project on Californian accents "suggests that 'The Californians' might be on to something." The story quoted a Stanford grad student describing something called the "California vowel shift": "If you try to think about what you think a surfer or a skater or a valley girl talks like, and do it, you can feel your mouth feels different. And I think that has to do a lot with the way that the vowels are shifting." Josh Brolin plays Greg, Stuart's doctor, who announces that Stuart has cancer. Mick Jagger plays Timothy, Stuart's long-lost father. Steve Martin cameos as a man suffering from amnesia Christina Applegate plays Brie, Stuart's new fiancée, who has a shopping addiction. Cameo appearance by Usain Bolt. Jeremy Renner plays Craig, Stuart's lawyer. Cecily Strong appears as Gia, Stuart's date, who turns out to be Devin's wife. Justin Bieber plays a runaway teen. The 40th Anniversary Special sketch features Bradley Cooper as Craig the pool boy, Betty White as Aunt Lana, Taylor Swift as cousin Allison, Laraine Newman as Karina's mother (Sherry the Valley Girl), Kerry Washington as the doctor, and Kenan Thompson. The sketch was mashed up with David Spade reprising his role from the "Total Bastard Airlines" sketch, with Cecily Strong taking the role of Helen Hunt. In the final episode Devin is showing the new real estate manager, Marie (Kate McKinnon), around and reveals that Rosa had been deported. Stuart holds a party to celebrate his athleisure wear launch, but it is interrupted when a man from Encino (Pete Davidson) reveals himself as Rosa and Devin's long lost son and is confused by their different accents.
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almatrends · 1 year
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En la Semana de la Moda de Londres, Moncler presentó su nueva visión para su división Genius con un evento inmersivo en vivo titulado "El arte de la genialidad". El evento atrajo a una multitud de celebridades, incluidos Justin y Hailey Bieber, Alicia Keys y Pharrell Williams. El espectáculo presentó una serie de asociaciones con marcas y personalidades globales, que expresaron la creatividad de la Maison francesa de nuevas maneras, superando los límites de una combinación de arte, diseño, entretenimiento, música, deporte y cultura. _____________________ #moncler #monclergenius #londonfashionweek ##fashionaddict #streetwear #fashionpost #instastyle #style #streetstyle #instafashion #lifestyle #fashionblogger #fashionweek #design #fashionlover #fashionista #stylish #fashionstylist #fashion #love #instacool #instafashion #almatrends https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7o_WaLA-L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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