lokigirlszendaya · 4 years
Third person
*August 31 2000*
The room was dark and the sound of ACDC could be heard.
Down the long hallway was a room and inside was none other than the famous Anthony Edward Stark.
The man was laying over the top of one of his many one night stands. Giggling ran throughout the room.
Tony ripped of his t-shirt and statred to take of his pants when his A.I house butler interupted him "Mr Stark. There is someone at the door" Jarvis, announced.
Tony rolled his eyes "Im busy now Jarv" He stated before going back to his pants "Mr Stark. It is very important" Tony just shook his head "An this isnt important" He flashed a wink at the bimbo before rolling off.
"Back in a second. But when I come back, we'll have our fun" Tony said smirking at the girl.
Not bothering to put on a t-shirt,Tony walked down the hall and then down the stairs "Mr Stark. I suggest you move quickly" Tony waved hi hand inn the air, dismissing the Advice "Now, Because of you. Im walking slower".
Soon enough Tony arrived to the front door, Tony slowly opend it to reveal to people dressed in black, a man and a women "Can I help you" Tony said bluntly.
The man cleared his throut "My names James Challing. Do you remeber a women called Rebeca Mendez" Tony stood frozen.
Of course he knew Rebeca, she, was his first love, first person he wanted to seetle down with but sadly like the idiots, Tony, Had to break her heart.
It was in september 1999,Tony had a handful of drinks and was soon kissing a women, soon one thing lead to another and they were in the middle of sex when Rebeca scream "WHAT THE FUCK TONY"
Tony sprung from his bed "Bec's its not what it looks like" Tony pleaded.
"Not what it looks like, NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. It looked like that, and that fucking whore, were having sex"
Tony shook his head at her "no,no,no. Baby i love you"
He watched as she left and never came back, until now, with these people talking to him about her.
Tony stood straighter "What about her" He said coldly .
"Rebeca was at the bank when it was getting robbed an sadly she came in the cross fire and was shot in the shoulder, head, and chest. Im sorry for your loss" the woman spoke, with no emotion.
Tony's eyes filled with tears. His Bec. His one and only dream girl was gone. Just in a matter of seconds.
"Why. Why are you telling me this.." Tony's face held nothing but confusion.
"In the next nine months after your break up, Miss Mendez discovered she was pregnant" The man spoke again.
Tony's world began to get dizzy "She-she what" He gasped out.
The women stepped forward with a bundle in her arms "This is your son, Micheal James Howard Stark" She placed the baby in his arms.
"Congradulations" The pair both walked away, leaving a shocked Tony and A wide awake baby. Tony looked at the child, with a small smile.
"Hey Micheal, Im your dad. Im going to love you forever" Tony promised the baby...
Not realising how in the future, It will never have a moment like this one again....
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