hereslucille · 1 year
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@deputyclank : breathe - muse a holds muse b closely to help them wind down after a stressful day/event
lucille had confidence that russell and the other residents of alexandria would step up and fight for her when negan came knocking on their door. part of her wanted them to stand down and be safe, but she knew this taking back wasn't going to be forever. her ex-husband would be on high alert. he'd have the saviors on the highest alarms . . . but there was a caveat. russell and lucille had formerly been on the other side. he was still in the same warehouse, and they knew every corner of it. and if his strategies remained similar? he didn't stand a chance.
that didn't mean that when the day came a few weeks later that it wasn't messy. it was. but there didn't seem to be any losses on alexandria's side when they stealthily started to ambush the compound. there were injuries, but nothing too grave. the saviors, however? the higher ups had to be cut down, but others were quick to fold when they saw their old friend. when he was able to convince them to fight for their own women and seek the freedom they had all daydreamed about - the very freedom that russell had made a reality.
the final scene at the compound played out in lucille's mind as she stood under the shower water back in alexandria, the water still running with streaks of red from the blood that had covered her frame. the sound of the barbed bat he had named after her echoed in her mind as she dragged it along the concrete floor towards where her ex-husband was kneeling, flanked by a blend of old friends and new converts. russell stood at the head of all of them. this was for him just as much her.
he had tried to back back at her when she lifted the bat to chest level. he had tried to get one last laugh about seeing her in a dominating position over him one last time. he had tried to not show his fear, but she knew those eyes. she knew there was a fucking coward behind them. that that spark in his eye was a plea for mercy.
she had lifted the bat over her head and let it come crashing down as hard as she could on the top of his head. it bounced, but the barbed wire caught scalp and hair as he crumpled forward. her boot found its way in his chest to shove him backwards and release the bat before she found years of pent up aggression being released as she slammed the bat down again. and again. and again. over and over until there was hardly anything recognizable left, certainly from the shoulders up. she dropped the bat with an echoing clank against the floor as she stood over him, covered in blood that had sprayed back as others stood there in a stunned somber. russell had been the one to move first after a moment, towards her to guide her out of the warehouse that what remained of negan would rot. or the walkers would come for his remains. or the maggots. she really didn't fucking care.
she sniffed a breath as she lifted a hand to turn off the shower water, taking a moment to dry herself off before she emerged from the bathroom. she changed into some fresh clothes before she went to soak up the evening sun on the back porch of their home that overlooked the western field and play area for some of the residents' kids. alexandria had continued to move as if it were any other evening, and she watched some of the kids running and playing and prayed that they didn't have to grow up in a world with negans and walkers. but then she remembered, this was all these kids knew.
she glanced over when the back door opened and her husband emerged, forcing the best smile she could. but russell knew how exhausted and spent she was. he took a seat next to her, and she immediately scooted closer to him to lean over and press her cheek against his shoulder while his arms snugly hugged her to him.
" i went that day because i knew you would find me, " she confessed in a quiet, slightly distant voice. " i would've done the same for you. nothing's ever gonna rip us apart. "
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endexe · 3 years
You have such a unique voice when it comes to your writing and the love you pour into your characters is monumental. You do an amazing and beautiful job capturing the voice you're going for and we are all so blessed to have you on our dashes. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. Our lives are truly better because of it. ♥
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saviourwed · 3 years
a plotted starter for @deputyclank​​ because my feelings need to be hurt worse, i guess.
in thirty-six hours, their world had turned to shit.    it had started with david shooting a maddened rory at the baseball game, and from there, their tiny world in odgen marsh had fallen to pieces. she had heard russell talk about investigating a pilot found in the marsh, how the plane went missing. then, the water had been shut off. contamination, he said. whatever was making the town crazy was spilling into the waterworks, and those who lived closest to it were the first victims. 
her first thought had been russell’s house. he lived just a few minutes away from the lake. she had stayed with him a few nights recently.   WAS SHE GOING TO GET SICK?   was it a matter of time before whatever this was ate away at her brain until she was a maniac?
russell was starting to show signs.  she had suspected it at judy and david’s. it was more than just a few protective wasted bullets. the look in his eye was cold, distant. it wasn’t the same man she had been with just hours earlier. he was reckless and impulsive, two things that russell clank was not.    not the russell she knew.    not the russell who had been scared out of his mind of getting caught shutting the water tower off.
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she hadn’t been paying much attention on the road, digging through the backpack she was carrying for one of the bottles of water she had packed from judy and david’s garage. she had checked in on becca, whose throat was pretty sore from the accident at the car wash. that’s when russell spotted his cruiser, and she was quick to his side to look for any resources left inside. she barely had enough time to notice him grab the spike strips, throwing it in front of the government suv. not only to stop the van. but to   MURDER   the man inside before they were able to receive any real information from him.
the russell she knew and loved was slipping through her fingers minute by minute. as they confronted him, he pulled a gun, aiming at the group - aiming at her. the lifelessness behind his eyes caused her heart to shatter, but she kept walking. several thoughts were racing through her mind at once. how becca was shaking from fear. how the last conversation she had with her dad was   SIX DAYS AGO  .    where was her dad and step-mom? her brothers, their wives, and children? were they still alive? had they gotten out?    AND THEN RUSSELL.
as soon as he entered her mind, david mentioned confronting him. her window. she stopped walking and turned on her heels in one movement, her jaw set and hands immediately shooting in the air to proclaim her intention to do no harm.
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“ H - HEY.   hey, stop, ”  she quickly warned him, taking a slow step towards him.  “listen, i’m not going to hurt you . . . i just want to talk, russ.  BABY, PLEASE.   ”
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whatscanonmoved · 3 years
@deputyclank​​   :   ‘  you wanna hear a lie? i… think you’re great. you’re my best friend.  ’ 
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brown eyes widened    as he looked over at the deputy. he and russell had an  . . . interesting dynamic. completely fueled by   equal parts    respect and hate, he figured. 
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“  i thought honesty was the best policy, deputy clank   ,  ”    he sighed, shaking his head.   “   i mean, that’s what you told me the night you asked if i had any weed in my car . . .  this town’s leadership is sure going down the drain, huh?   ”
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grogupositivity · 4 years
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I love seeing @deputyclank​ and @luckheist on my dash. You can tell how much they love their characters and how passionate they are about what they create. They’re so welcoming and friendly and are always excited to bring someone into the universe they’ve built to make their partners feel included. They deserve all of the sprinkles on their cupcakes.
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hisflaws-a2 · 4 years
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lmao. the dash is vibin’
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griimreaping · 4 years
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@deputyclank​  ━━━━━  s.c
Flinching   at   the   sound   of   a   truck   door   slamming,   the   woman's   bruised   fingers   are   already   closing   around   the   worn   wooden   stock   of   the   sawed-off.   Rising   from   the   only   surviving   chair   at   the   kitchen   table,   Jean   ignores   every   screaming   fiber   of   her   body   as   she   tenses   once   again   for   those   cultist   bastards   to   smash   the   door   open.   The   cheerful   little   knock   that   drifts   through   the   empty   home   startles   her   for   a   second   time   in   the   last   handful   of   minutes.
Eyebrows   knitting   together   in   a   moment   of   dumb   confusion,   Jean   slowly   makes   her   way   through   the   debris   that's   still   strewn   carelessly   across   the   front   hall   runner   where   it   had   fallen   during   the   raid.   Broken   glass,   a   smashed   coffee   table,   the   scattered   insides   of   the   couch   they'd   searched   for   money.   It   all   fails   to   register   in   Jean's   tunnel   vision   trained   on   the   door.   Grip   on   the   shotgun   never   wavering,   she   squints   through   the   sheer   curtains   flanking   the   window   on   the   front   door.   Whoever   is   out   there   began   humming   quietly   to   themselves   as   they   waited   for   either   her   or   her   brother   to   answer   the   door.   
Pulling   open   the   wooden   door   that   showers   the   carpet   with   a   few   more   splinters   from   the   lock   that   had   been   kicked   in,   the   shotgun   falls   heavy   against   Jean's   side   as   she   blinks   into   the   too-bright   sun.   A   wash   of   fresh   Montana   air   rushes   into   the   hollow   home,   disturbing   the   stasis   of   chaos   that   Jean   had   been   stuck   in   for   the   past   four   hours.   
❛   Russ?   ❛   Voice   hoarse,   Jean   stood   there   numbly.   Face   gaunt   with   a   dark   smear   of   a   bruise   across   her   left   jawline   from   where   one   of   the   peggies   had   clocked   her   with   their   rifle.   They'd   taken   her   brother   and   grandfather,   leaving   her   on   the   floor   from   where   she'd   crumpled.   It's   coming   back   in   bits   and   pieces,   whatever   anchors   that   had   been   holding   her   before   the   door   opened   now   falling   away.
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ssystemerrorr · 4 years
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@deputyclank​​ asked steve:  “ stop throwing stuff , what is wrong with you ?! ”   ⤷ MEME
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❝  i’m trying to lure it away.  ❞      steve turns towards the officer, speaking in a hushed tone.  as quickly as he looked to the man beside him, he looked forward again, scooping up another rock from the ground.  he grips it tight, adrenaline racing through his veins.  from their hidden position, he chucks the rock across the way, it colliding with shrubbery and probably the trunk of a tree nearby.       ❝  unless you have a better idea, officer.  ❞      this time he didn’t look back.       ❝  i’m not planning on living with any more survivor’s guilt than i already am.  i sure as hell am not letting those kids face that demogorgon.  ❞
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especially not up close.  especially not while el - jane isn’t with them.  sure, he knows the kids can handle themselves.  but he’s not taking any risks.  the party’s lost too many people already.  he doesn’t need anyone dealing with any more loss.  they’re too young to deal with that.  
looking at the ground, he notices he’s running out of shit to throw.  he grabs a smaller rock, chucking it in the same direction.  hopefully he doesn’t draw the monster’s attention their way.  he’s hoping it moves away from the two of them and the kids.
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torrrancearch · 4 years
          ❝  okay, LAST I KNEW, that was definitely a cause for alarm !  ❞
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     @deputyclank​   .   sc
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at-flammeus · 4 years
@deputyclank  /  [ text ] I think you have the wrong number
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[ russell ] :  aren’t you felicia’s husband? [ russell ] :  this is olivia’s mom. just wanted to personally check in with you for this afternoons play date because max tends to forget texts [ russell ] :  also do your kids like chocolate chip cookies or have any snack they particularly like? 
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luckheist · 4 years
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@deputyclank​​ ‘s nasty ass asked : Suit play when?
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◤✦ 𝐋 𝐔 𝐂 𝐊 𝐘  𝐒 𝐇 𝐎 𝐓 ✦◢                 ❝ come  and  get  it ...  STUD ! ❞
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shepcwer · 4 years
Send Jules urls for good vibes !!! || I always accept these !!
@oathkept !!! Also let it be KNOWN @deputyclank also sent me to talk about @luckheist so I am gonna talk about Mox’s Bev & Felicia sooooo here we go!
MOXXXXXXXX Yes okay fantastic! Mox’s Beverly is by far one of the most well-written muses I have ever come across. It is really evident how much Mox cares about Beverly and not only that can we take a moment and just talk about Mox. Mox is literally one of the strongest people I have ever met. No matter what she is faced with she faces it head-on, she makes sure she knows what she is talking about and keeps her head high. She is graceful, kind, and is herself without catering to things people may do to her and that is so important. I can not think of anyone else on this platform who is as strong as her and that is incredible. I genuinely do not think the dictionary has a proper word or string of words to describe just everything that is Mox. She is her own entity alone that surpasses the proper ability to have actual words in the dictionary fit her as a person. That bleeds into what she writes, it is clear on her Beverly blog and it is clear on her Felicia blog. She approaches both characters with such love that you can see in everything even just the simple aesthetic posts she reblogs. She knows exactly what she is doing, she knows exactly what she is writing and she knows exactly who her muses are and no one can ever take that away from her because it is hers. Mox is just an incredibly talented and incredible person who deserves the world and is absolutely a gem.
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wholahayola · 4 years
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   A cute chibi ship commission for @deputyclank!!! 
   Thank you so much for this opportunity and for your support!
   Commission details can be found here.
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seeksghosts-archive · 4 years
today  is  @maskeraide / @drstmbrg / @deputyclank ‘s  birthday  and  i  have  a  few  things  that  i  really  need  to  say .
i  met  mercy  way  back  in  late  last  year  and  not  long  after  my  life  on  here  got  a  little  crazy .  she  BARELY  knew  me  and  could  have  easily  said  “ y’know ,  this  is  a  lot .  i  wish  you  the  best . ”  but  she  didn’t .  mercy  fucking  stood  by  me  through  so  much  shit  it’s  ridiculous .  so  many  days  she  just  checked  in  to  make  sure  i  was  okay ,  made  sure  that  i  was  eating  and  hydrating ,  and  just  made  sure  that  my  mental  health  was  intact  while  i  was  dealing  with  drama  and  bullshit .
there  was  something  about  that  that  brought  us  closer  than  our  characters  ever  could .  yes ...  she  became  a  HUGE  part  of  lilly’s  blog .  arnie  and  lilly  go  hand  in  hand  and  i’m  so  fucking  happy  to  have  that  in  character  interaction .  i  could  go  on  for  days  and  days  about  how  amazing  a  writer  mercy  is .  because  she’s  fucking  phenomenal .  but  that’s  not  what  this  is  about .
this  is  about  MERCY .
mercy  is  my  best  friend .  that’s  so  easy  to  say  and  to  know  because  this  woman  has  weekly  movie  dates  with  me .  she’s  around  so  much  that  my  boyfriend  has  become  part  of  our  friendship  and  vice  versa .  every  friday  night ,  i  know  i  can  always  count  on  a  really  good  time  no  matter  what  we’re  watching .  it’s  something  i  look  forward  to .  it’s  something  that  makes  my  week  so  much  better  after  things  have  been  shit .  or  it  makes  things  even  better  when  it’s  been  a  good  week .
i  remember  when  my  childhood  and  highschool  best  friend  passed  at  the  beginning  of  this  year .  i  was  an  absolute  wreck .  and  mercy  sat  and  let  me  talk  about  him ,  tell  her  stories  about  a  man  that  she  knew  nothing  about .  she  let  me  send  old  recordings  to  share  his  passion  for  his  music .  she  was  there  for  me  every  step  of  the  grieving  process  and  i  couldn’t  be  more  thankful  for  her  for  that .
there  is  no  shortage  of  things  i  could  say  about  mercy .  i’m  so  goddamn  lucky  to  know  her .  my  life  would  be  worse  without  her .  and  i’m  so  glad  she  puts  up  with  my  stupid  ass .
i  can  go  to  her  about  anything  and  everything .  i  can  laugh ,  joke ,  cry ...  i  can  talk  about  anything  that’s  going  on  in  my  life .  and  i  feel  like  a  part  of  hers .
i  just  wanted  to  say  that  on  today ,  your  birthday ,  i  love  you i  love  you  tons
and  i  hope  that  you  know  how  amazing  and  wonderful  you  are <3
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sparenonearchives · 4 years
@deputyclank​ ( gv: blackhills )
               it  was  the  day  of  the  festival  and  luckily  for her ,  she  was  able  to  attend .  not  that  she  originally  was  as  she  wasn’t  one  for  going  out  .  her  usual  was  staying  in  and  studying  but  a  few  friends  urged  her  to  go  and  have  a  bit  of  fun . Of  course  work  came  first .  saving  up  for  her  very  own  car .  a 1970 ford f-150. a  truck  she  had  been  eyeing  for  a  while  since  her  neighbor  had  shown  it  to  her  when she  was  barely  in  high  school .  every  penny  counted  and  here  she  was ,  just  laying  the  littlest  one  down  for  a  nap  when  she  heard  the  door  open .  
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            “  morning ,  sir .  “  she  smiled .  “  good  shift ?  “   astoria enjoyed  babysitting  for  the deputy and his  wife .  they  were very  good  and  nice  people .  and  they  trusted  her .  not  to mention, had  two  of  the  most  precious  boys .  
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backbitchesa · 4 years
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𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓/𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 ! 🎃 | accepting
“Did you hear that?” - Blair Witch AU PLEASE
      The actress had gotten herself lost in the Black Hills and turned around during film shooting. Madison Montgomery was the lead actress of the latest film adaption about what happened to the three missing film students. It was supposed to be her big comeback film. However, nothing was going the way it was supposed to. Dress an overly sexualized version of Heather Donahue’s outfit. She was far from the camera ready covered in the muck and mire of the forest. 
      Nervously Madison held onto the back of the deputy’s jacket. Amber eyes filled with nothing but fear since the moment he found her. When she heard the sound, she clung to the coat. Scared of being separated, fearful of getting lost again. The diva attitude literally scared out of her. She was a pale comparison to what she was in the tabloids. “Yes…..” Her skinny legs trembled in fear. “How far until we get back to the crew cabin?”
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- @deputyclank​​
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