luwupercal · 1 year
I always thought that the Night Lords were the sniper legion of the Legiones Astartes. Apparently, the chief use of sniping on the battlefield IRL is to create an atmosphere of fear and to drastically lower morale. That fits the Night Lords' MO
unfortunately i believe instead they chose to throw knives, have claws or just use conventional weapons
that said, one note on sniper marines: do they still use boltguns? uh, the borderline rocket launchers? if not outright, i don't actually know a lot about irl guns
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
Is “Madara the Dragon” and “Madara the Black” good nicknames/titles for him?
They're not to my taste personally (don't really have a ring to them) but they are fitting, in a way, so. Why not.
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ghostofashina · 2 months
Ye, if baby!Messmer looked like post-Valyria!Aerea when under the influence of the Abyssal Serpent, no wonder Marika plucked his right eye out and replaced it with a Soreseal. Also, I wonder, per how the purple discoloration on his face in his Base Serpent form extends to and past his left eye, and how it looks like a scar from a scald, if the reason he lacks a left eye is due to it bursting and boiling it away from the heat of the Serpent during one of its episodes of influence over Messmer, with the boiling fluid released by the burst scalding his skin
The bizarre thing with Messmer is that it looks he is entirely snakes. Every part of his being is composed by snakes. Even the socket of his eye, there are snakes intertwined. It's pretty unsettling, as you can see here in BonfireVN video.
As for his closed eye, that's the great mystery. Melina inherited the same close eye, with some sort of wing tattoed on it. And, curious enough, Ranni got the same eye when destroying her original body; her soul has one eye closed and makes me think if her living body also had it. Aaaaand we have know idea what it means lakksakksks So it's really cool to theorize. That one is pretty painful :( And fits very well the horror of his concept.
My own theory is that the closed eye shows how Marika couldn't seal the entire curse away. Her sacred seal kept the Abyssal Serpent under control and her blessings helped his discomfort, but that closed eye shows she couldn't change his nature, it is what it is. And in fear and despair of this curse, she sealed him away rather than just the curse.
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sasukerevolution · 3 years
How do you think Sasuke learning about how the formation of the Village came about influenced his final plan?
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Thank you for this question! It's an interesting one for me because I feel like he actually throws out a lot of what he learns about the formation of the Village when he comes up with his final plan at VotE.
Learning about the formation of the Village was inspiring for Sasuke. When he heard about what Hashirama and Madara had endured, and their goals of creating a place that would enable children to live better lives, but were undermined by politics, he started to believe in the Village's potential again. He realized that the Village isn't perfect and that's natural - it's built on a shaky foundation and bad history, but the intentions of the actors were good and because of that their actions are respectable. He's able to put Hashirama in the same category with Itachi, and to understand more Itachi's attachment to the Village - it isn't necessarily about what it already is, it's about what it can be and about the intentions that formed it.
Sasuke's solution, having heard this, is to return to the foundations. He wants to rip up the bad roots of the village and give it a fresh start, rather than shedding more blood or chucking out everyone who had put their efforts forth in the Village's favour. His plan at VotE is different from this idea, though, and it's shaped almost entirely by his interaction with the Sage of Six Paths, who elevates his and Naruto's power to godlike levels and tells them the prophecy decrees that he and Naruto are inherently opposed to each other (and that Sasuke and every other incarnation of Indra will always lose) until they reconcile.
Reconciliation, to Sasuke, would mean giving in to Naruto's values and abandoning his own. At this point, because he's aligned against Naruto as the incarnation of Ashura, he's also aligned against Hashirama. In effect, he's already lost to Hashirama - Hashirama's power enabled Tobirama, Tobirama's power dictated the structure of the Village, and the structure of the village resulted in the Uchiha clan massacre. Their way - and Naruto's way, because Naruto has adopted and stands for their way - does not work. Desperate to escape the decree of the prophecy and his position in life as inherently on the losing side, Sasuke creates a plan whose foremost goal is to break the prophecy - achieving victory over Naruto. If his side can win, then the world is "free" from the curse.
The rest of the plan, in which he takes absolute power and guides the world from the darkness, is also a reactionary measure. He can see that Naruto's (and Hashirama's and Ashura's) ideals don't work, so he decides on the fly to do the exact opposite and hide in the shadows. After talking to Hashirama, he was willing to believe that a constructive approach coming from a place of hope and reconstruction could work for the Village. After talking to the Sage of Six Paths, realizing that the only way to overcome Kaguya was to consolidate his power with Naruto - in other words, saving the entire world using the power of only two people whose abilities have been elevated to godlike levels, and witnessing that unprecedented teamwork occurred only in the face of an all-powerful enemy, he decided that trying to reconstruct things would just be a waste of time. It's more natural to the order of the world that an absolute power should guide it, forcing people to work together and live in peace due to the threat that that power poses.
In other words, by the time Sasuke comes up with this plan, he's no longer thinking on the level of himself as a human being trying to come up with a solution that works. That's the level Hashirama was operating on and the level on which the Village was founded - a collaboration between people for the sake of a better future, even if the details of that are misguided. This is why he goes to help Naruto and the others in the first place - Hashirama convinced him that it's worth it for people to try. The Sage of Six Paths changes everything about this, though - it turns out that the efforts of regular people don't matter, everything is already set in motion by an alien prophecy, the only people who can overcome that prophecy have alien/godlike powers, and "peace" is achievable only through the intervention of an absolute power. His philosophy isn't much different post-ending, unfortunately - he still doesn't actually believe in the power of "people," he just thinks Naruto is more qualified to wield absolute power than he is. This way of thinking has pretty much nothing to do with his conversation with Hashirama, though - it's actually a dramatic departure from the more positive track that Hashirama had put him on.
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roninsnake88 · 3 years
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My friends, if you are interested, go and have a look. If you share it with 5 friends, you can enjoy 90% discount at most!
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celinawollmanuq · 3 years
Wie Gesund Sind Eigentlich Reisnudeln?
Wer die asiatische Küche liebt, ist in diesem Land vollkommen richtig! Unser CHILLI CLUB Konzept setzt auf Sushi, Woks, Curries und viele weitere asiatische Themen, die die Einzigartigkeit und Spiritualität Asiens mit europäischen Einflüssen kombinieren. Alles abwechslungsreich, kreativ und zu 100% lecker. Und selbstverständlich ein erstklassiger Service unserer Top-Mitarbeiter. Immer dabei: kulinarische Spitzenqualität, Vielfalt nittenau restaurant und Frische! Zudem legen wir besonderen Wert auf fair gehandelte Produkte und Nachhaltigkeit. Entspannen Sie sich in angenehmer Lounge-Atmosphäre und genießen Sie unser Asian Soul Food! Wir im CHILLI CLUB engagieren uns ganz besonders für eine hohe Ausbildungsqualität. Essen, das die Seele streichelt. Unser Servicepersonal kümmert sich nicht nur stets um Ihr Wohl, wenn's grob gesagt passenden Getränke sowie Empfehlungen oder Sonderwünsche geht. Ausbildung bestens für eine erfolgreiche gastronomische Laufbahn vorbereitet. Weiterhin bieten wir Ihnen einen täglich wechselnden Businesslunch von Montag bis Freitag von 12.00 bis 15.00 Uhr. Gerne nehmen wir Sie in unseren Email-Verteiler auf und senden Ihnen unseren Businesslunch wöchentlich zu. Sind Sie mit Ihrem Besuch im CHILLI CLUB zufrieden oder haben Sie Verbesserungsvorschläge? Auch hinsichtlich etwaiger Unverträglichkeiten oder Allergien wenden Sie sich bitte gern beinahe Kollegen. Nutzen Sie das Bewertung-Tool iFeedbackiFeedback und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit.
Dass Sushi selber machen eine echte Handwerkskunst ist, weiß man spätestens nach der sieben- bis zehnjährigen Ausbildung zum Sushi-Meister. Hitsuji Sushi setzt noch einen drauf. Die Herstellung bedarf reichlich was Fingerspitzengefühl, Ruhe und Erfahrung. Aber der Aufwand lohnt sich, denn die doppelt gerollten Maki sind nicht nur lecker, sondern ein absoluter Blickfang. Sushi und vegan? Eigentlich pille-palle. Lässt du auf deiner Einkaufsliste einfach Fisch und Meeresfrüchte weg und ergänzt sie um verschiedenste Gemüse, ist dein Sushi schon vegan. Tadaa! Egal, ob Rande, Möhren, Avocado, eingelegter Ingwer oder Paprika. Hier kannst du deiner Fantasie freien Lauf lassen. Hier entstehen in den Maki Muster, Mosaike und sogar Figuren. Um farblich noch ein Highlight zu setzen, färb den Reis mit Lebensmittelfarbe ein. Sushi goes Mexico. Was im ersten Moment irgendwie komisch klingt, schmeckt auf den zweiten Moment einfach genial. Füll deine Futo-Maki mit Guacamole, frischem Gemüse und gebratenem Cajun-Hähnchen. Auch das USA-Westküsten Sushi hat sich seinen Weg bis über die südliche Grenze gebahnt bzw. gerollt. Es gibt Zeit für einen neuen Look! Auch summarisch als Mittagssnack im Büro einfach nur gut. Sashimi im US-Gewand. Forme deinen Sushi nach dem amerikanischen, frittierten Teigteilchen Nummer 1. Jetzt kannst du ihn nach Herzenslust mit Fisch, Meeresfrüchten und Gemüse belegen. Besonders lecker sind die kleinen Kringel mit Räucherlachs, Avocado und Sesam.
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»Aus einer Schnapsidee wurde eine Idee mit reichlich Schnaps«, schreiben die »Ananas-Jungs« auf Facebook. Drei Freunde, die vor zwei Jahren mit ihrem Cocktail-Service »Ananas Express« durchstarten wollten. Dann kam Corona. Ab heute mixen sie wieder Drinks - in der Weinbar »Drossel & Specht«. Gießen - »Der ›Ananas Express‹ nimmt endlich wieder Fahrt auf und findet einen Bahnhof«, verkünden die »Ananas-Jungs« Ende Mai auf Facebook. Ab heute um 18 Uhr mixen Michael Delle, Kai Derkow und Nawid Madjidian von mittwochs bis samstags selbst kreierte Cocktails - nämlich in der Weinbar »Drossel & Specht«, die neben dem »Gutburgerlich« und dem Café »Schwätzer & Söhne« zu einem Gießener Gastronomie-Unternehmen »GuteSöhne« gehört. »Es ist ein Store-in-Store-Konzept«, erklärt Madjidian im Gespräch. Das heißt: Die »Ananas-Jungs« übernehmen als selbstständige Caterer das Abendgeschäft in der Bar; Weine gibt es natürlich weiterhin. Eine Kooperation zwischen Gastronomen und Caterern, die umso mehr Service für Veranstaltungen anbieten. »Uns werden in der Weinbar viele Freiheiten eingeräumt. Warum nicht schon vorhandene Ressourcen teilen anstatt eigene Räume teuer zu mieten, so ihre Denke. Ihr Credo: Möglichst viel selbst machen. »Klar - den Schnaps kaufen wir ein.
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Bei Wodka handelt es sich um eine klare Spirituose, die traditionell aus Kartoffeln oder Getreide destilliert wird. Sein Geschmack ist sehr dezent und wird häufig als neutral bezeichnet. Sein Alkoholgehalt von liegt traditionell bei 40 vol.-% schwankt jedoch qua Marke. Wenn in Rezepten von Wodka die Rede ist, ist der Vierzigprozentige gemeint. So finden sich im Handel sowohl Flaschen mit so weit wie 60 vol.-% (100 Degrees Proof) und 37,5 vol.-% Alkohol. Dank seines neutralen Geschmacks ist Wodka für das Mixen von Cocktails so geeignet, da er nicht mit den Aromen der anderen Komponenten interagiert. Ist nicht solltest du einen »100 % Proof« zum Mixen verwenden, wenn das Rezept nicht ausdrücklich danach verlangt, ansonsten verliert dein Cocktail an Komplexität und Balance. Darum gibt es sonder Zahl Rezepte für Cocktails mit Wodka als Spirituose. Häufig wird Wodka damit Wort »Wässerchen« übersetzt, was als Übersetzung jedoch bald hinhaut. Während »Wässerchen« eine Verniedlichung des Wortes Wasser darstellt, ist eigentlich eine verkleinerte Form (»kleines Wasser«) gemeint, da beim Destillieren das Volumen der Flüssigkeit sinkt.
Der Fisch muss in einer Frische vorliegen, bei der er nahezu geruchlos ist. Sehr beliebt sind Lachs (Sake oder auch Shake, der in Japan allerdings nicht traditionell ist) und Thunfisch (Maguro); der fettere, aber auch teurere Thunfischbauch wird auch Toro genannt. Sehr beliebt sind auch der (junge) Gelbschwanz (Hamachi) sowie der zu den Quallenfischen gehörende Ibodai (Psenopsis anomala, Japanese butterfish). Schwieriger wird es bei Meerbrassen (Tai, im engeren Sinne Pagrus major) und anderen Fischen, die das warme Wasser bevorzugen. Neben Fischen werden auch Rogen (Fischeier) vom Lachs (Ikura) oder fliegenden Fischen (Tobiko), Muscheln, Garnelen, Seewalzen, Seeigeleier, bestimmte Arten von Quallen et alii Meeresfrüchte verwendet. Nicht alle Fischarten können roh verzehrt werden. Weitere Fisch- bzw. Meeresfrüchtesorten sind: Kalmar (Ika), Octopus (Tako), eingelegte Makrele (Saba), Tiefseegarnelen (Amaebi), Herzmuschel (Torigai), Krabbenfleisch bzw. Krebsfleisch (Kani), Garnele (Ebi), Jakobsmuschel (Hotategai), Wolfsbarsch (Suzuki), Hornmuschel (Hokkigai), gegrillter Aal (Unagi), Meeraal (Anago), Archenmuschel (Akagai), rote japanische Trogmuschel (Aoyagi). Insbesondere Süßwasserfisch wird wegen der Parasitengefahr auch gegrillt (gebraten), gekocht oder eingelegt serviert. Gemüse: Besonders Maki werden gerne mit Gemüse gefüllt. Geeignet sind hier zumal Gurke (Kappa), Karotte (Ninjin), eingelegte Klettenwurzel (Gobo), eingelegter Rettich (Daikon), Avocado und eingelegter oder getrockneter Kürbis (Kampyo).
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luwupercal · 2 years
Nostraman!Corvus and Lycaeusan!Konrad. Thoughts?
i think nostraman corvus would be a criminal in nostramo tbh i don't think he'd develop konrad's extremely rigid moral compass... i think probably he'd be like a robin hood type thief that gives to the poor or like a criminal for justice but i'm also kinda compelled by nostraman corvus being a silent assassin for the mob until he develops a conscience due to tragic stuff and starts killing his bosses
meanwhile i think lycaeusan konrad would either be a cop or would try to kill the emperor. zero inbetween
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luwupercal · 2 years
Why are all the Primarchs so fucked up mentally other than the Khan and Guilliman
i mean shit various reasons not in the least the fact that in warhammer 40k humanity itself has been traumatized
like, ok imagine for a minute suddenly hard borders erupted around the earth encasing the entire surface in blocks of, i dont know 200km. to give you an arbitrary range. no one can get through these barriers you cant even communicate through them you cant even see people through them. youre just stuck there. no contact with friends or family or any loved ones outside the cube. maybe you werent even from those 200km but you are now! you gotta! youre gonna live the rest of your life in that place!
& you can technically live an entire life within a 200km by 200km by 200km cube but like, all grids you modernly know of will go kaput, unless youre lucky enough to get to live in a cube with all the energy plants and water treatment plants and fucking banana plantations needed to continue your previous normal daily life
this is what happened to humanity in 30k when slaanesh was born and ruptured ftl. that's textual. that's horrific. they had no way of knowing this would happen. we don't even know how common interplanetary travel was prior to the great collapse. fucked up!
so, a couple hundred thousand societies broken by being forcibly separated from everything & likely a lot of them doomed to a slow death due to not having the basic resources to maintain its population. this is traumatic as shit. this is an unspeakable tragedy, obviously. there's nothing stopping these societies from going to complete shit and basically all of them do (yes i'm counting even macragge because idk much about macragge but it being a monarchy is already dystopic. all monarchies are dystopian and that includes the uk lmao).
and these twenty eighteen complete miracle children are launched alone each into a different one. that's the biggest goddamn recipe for disaster i've ever heard. doubly so given why they were made, what they were made to do... in the immortal words of benny gecko, "from where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck... truth is, the game was rigged from the start"
like, they're all of these brilliant goddamn geniuses and perfect tools of conquest... every stupid tyrant hated them, any smart one coveted them and/or used them, but all tyrants feared them, because the primarchs were custom made to be better tyrants and brighter tyrants and more convincing tyrants and more convinced of their own righteousness. perfect tools for a person who built himself as tyrant above tyrants, and now they're to be raised by squabbling feudal lords?
recipe for COMPLETE disaster. COMPLETE disaster
like, at the best of times you can fuck up raising a child, much less raising a goddamn orbital laser with delusions of grandeur with a supernatural ability to instill belief in the divine right of kings in passersby, only a couple millennia after the literal greatest tragedy humanity has ever experienced and likely ever will (surpassing by twelve hundred thousand magnitudes the horus heresy, easy). and that's if you've got their best intentions in mind, which like, considering how valuable a primarch baby is...
then after that its a significantly more individual thing. there's common threads, but if i start talking about them im going to go on an unhinged rant about tragedy and ARCHIMEDES and i dont think anyone cares for even more new vegas references or my enthusiastic ranting about that jacob geller video i saw the other day
that said if you DO want me to speculate on the brain trajectory of any specific given primarchs just give me one or two at a time and i'll handle them. or tell me to run through all of them actually i think i could probably do it. it'd be a goddamn monstrosity of a post and i'd stick most of it under a cut and i'd probably fuck up a couple primarchs but i'll do it, idgaf
anyway if this is unintelligible my bad i'm hungry as fuck. i'm gonna go order mickey ds if anyone wants anything lmk
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luwupercal · 1 year
TBH, Baalite!Konrad would probably be a Moses-like figure. Baal, at least in M30, has a subtle Old-Testament theme going on (see: Azkaellon, Arkhad, the name Baal itself), and Moses and Konrad are simultaneously both prophets and law-givers, though with the unfortunate tendency of having their laws be ignored by their people as soon as their back is turned
oh that's a very cool idea! i'm personally enchanted by hermit konrad living in the middle of the desert ignoring his visions from the gods while herding radioactive space goats or something like that but i do think konrad as an old testament-style prophet would be very cool too
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
@derkow-derkow I saw your ask, dw! It’s a really good question, I just need some time to answer it so I can give a proper and comprehensible one, lol
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luwupercal · 3 years
I was re-reading some older posts and I came up with the following idea: Cegorach, Curze, Trazyn, Orikan, and Guilliman locked in a room together, recording a podcast, Gulliman being the moderator. Curze finds out about Orikan's time travel tech and how Orikan has been using it for the very petty reason of maintaining his reputation among other Crypteks, and promptly 404's and curls up into a fetal, catatonic ball due to the overwhelming surge of conflicting emotions at that revelation
konrad curze commits a hate crime en vivo y en directo
i feel like cegorach would start mentally breaking guilliman while guills argues with curze while orikan and trazyn argue but in the meantime cegorach is also running something to break the spirits and wills of orikan and trazyn while trazyn and orikan, separately, are plotting how to put him in a pokéball, guilliman isn't getting paid enough for this and konrad is biting and killing everybody here but at some point cegorach starts being allowed to pet him in a weird full of hate bite violence reverse discord kitten thing (its like greebo and nanny ogg). trazyn quizzes the primarchs about human culture going "oo fascinating". cegorach keeps taking konrad's side in arguments. orikan disdains guilliman intensely but guilliman thinks hes the only half sane person in this room aside from himself, he's trying to forget trazyn exists because he feels like an insect whenever trazyn quizzes him about humans. sometimes guilliman genuinely has no idea how to answer trazyns questions so he just says what he assumes is true and occasionally konrad smugly corrects him and then theres like frantic checking that it's true. konrad is in like a cage hanging from the ceiling with a mic btw. cegorach purposefully goads trazyn into mentioning the humans in his collection so guilliman will start arguing w trazyn so that cegorach and orikan can duel (over their respective species' fates etc but mostly over the most ridiculous dueling methods you can think of). cegorach begins every episode with "hewwo everypony bazinga!" and nobody has any idea what it means but he laughs like a clacketing horse jaw every time afterwards exactly like if you repeatedly slammed the two main components of a billy puppet skull against each other very hard while some apparatus in its throat ululated vividly in bemusement. konrad sleeps through the first three minutes of each episode until he's poked with a broom. trazyn engages konrad in very serious conversation about his meat palace (whether it remained a plan or he made it a reality depends on what sort of au this is); trazyn likes the idea and has suggestions, though he'd rather go for freeze drying the meat and playing its recorded screams. orikan, who does not have as many hangups about fl*sh as certain dynasties but does keep his d*stance from the concept to a reasonable extent for an immortal skeleton robot, calls him an involved necrontyr ins*lt over that idea. cegorach starts echoing it as part of his outro and even gets konrad, repeatedly, and guilliman, once (but a very memorable once), to repeat it. nobody ever finds out what it means because every time they ask orikan he clams up in offense and every time they ask trazyn he starts wheezing with laughter (cegorach knows though). cegorach accomplishes friendship w konrad via slipping decadent little snacks into his jail with his extremely long eldar god clown fingies. occasionally ceg brings a solitaire in as a guest speaker and they have dramatic pauses where they do not clarify what the solitaire is gesticulating in response to what the hosts are talking about. you just have to figure out what the solitaire said based off the context given by the hosts' responses. they have a running count of konrad threatening people with knives. repeatedly konrad has said things so graphic or awful that they had to be beep-censored in post production occasionally lasting a full uninterrupted minute of beeping and they make cegorach billy puppet ululating smack tooth wheeze laugh as soon as he's done like 9 times out of 10. trazyn and orikan keep bringing up niche necrontyr things and nobody else understands them but eventualy guilly picks up a brief understanding of necron copyright and felony law just from their debates. ostensibly it's a podcast about anything but around space halloween they watch bad horror movies and mst3k style commentate and konrad rates them solely based on his weird as fuck standards and they have a running gag from past years about how fucking horrible a movie about abducted cattle from (4)1959 is*. guilliman still prefers it to the 42nd millenniums worship of the emperor, if marginally
how do you even pronounce cegorach anyways like is it chegorajjjj /ʧɛgoɹɑh/ bc that's sorta how i say it
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luwupercal · 2 years
Konrad gets hit with the humanizing beam -- the psychic visions stop entirely. He does not know what to do, but his sanity has recovered somewhat
konrad's mental health after stopping having psychic visions:
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luwupercal · 3 years
Thoughts on the Emperor's original plans and intended roles for the Primarchs?
are they still purely speculation based on bits and bobs from canon, or does anything go and detail specifically what they were further than what we already know? (it being "planned the unification of humanity through conquest of the stars" and "the primarchs were to be his generals", with some added bits about how each primarch might've been influenced a little more one way or another, regardless of how exactly it manifested, and some very secondhand detail about gilded prisons in the palace of terra)
b/c my knowledge about the emperor's original plans for his sons is very very secondhand and a lot of it is born from fanon/fan speculation, and while i can talk for hours about fanon takes on the emperor's plans that i've seen, i feel like it wouldn't be right to at least try and separate speculation from statement
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luwupercal · 3 years
Question: thoughts on a AU where Konrad grew up on Deliverance and Corvus on Nostramo?
in terms of Konrad, i assume you also mean he was raised in the same (waves hands) space prison... thing Corvus had going on, which is a fun thing to think about because it means space Batman becomes space Bane. i think Konrad in this au, if he also rebelled against the people running the space prison situation like Corvus iirc did, would have a far stronger negative view of the emperor, b/c whatever led Corvus to be like "yeah they were an authoritarian regime but when the emperor does it it's fine", i don't think it's a trait Konrad has because if Konrad is hypocritical, it's only for himself, not for anybody else who might be close to him. (have we considered also that this Konrad would literally just be Megamind? lol)
in terms of Corvus, he would be... a lot worse off mentally, and also a lot scarier. i don't think he'd take up the mantle of Dark Avenger as much as Konrad did, nor do i think he'd kill, you know, random thieves and jaywalkers. i think he'd be very Corvo Attano High Chaos, you know? like, you know high chaos Dishonored compilations, like this video and this video? that's what i think this Corvus would be like. while PITCH silent.
he also probably wouldn't care as much for establishing lawfulness in nostramo (and honestly Corvus being in a nostraman gang is too fun/funny to have him just be NIGHT HAUNTER 2. i like the idea of him being in a gang, first as a kid trying to survive, then as a young adult assassin picked out by an actual adult mobster to be their pet killer, and then later he kills the boss and takes over the mob and then the emperor finds him and idk. i think it's just fun okay)
i think this would continue to Konrad being a LOT better to his legion, and Corvus being somewhat worse. Konrad probably would still be a shitty dad but he'd be a shitty dad who's a better person, meanwhile Corvus would kind of distantly care for his marines but he'd probably see it all as a bigger gang if he was indeed involved in gangs
in terms of the previously discussed nucerian fulgrim homeworld swapping au, though, i'm actually considering doing asymmetrical swaps so i don't necessarily have to send angron to chemos, and so if i do end up making a bigger thing out of that i'm thinking i might indeed send konrad to deliverance, but then have corvus sent to nocturne and vulkan sent to nostramo instead, just because i kinda want to see how it affects vulkan's love of humanity to grow up in Hellhole, Michigan (Population Fuck You). (if it does make vulkan misanthropic don't worry, i'll make him a xeno enjoyer to compensate. perfectly balanced as all things should be)
(i still dunno where i'm sending angron for sure. several planets tempt me) (i'm mainly considering Caliban, Barbarus or Cthonia in that order) (i'm thinking i might send either Ferrus or Horus to Chemos, but again, we'll see. this au is solely radicated on what i think would be the most interesting swaps possible without falling into too-obvious cliches) (and anyway i might keep it as a loose thing and just use its tag as a catch-all "what if X primarch in Y planet" thing without specific instances matching up necessarily. into the primarchverse)
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luwupercal · 3 years
Honestly, what would the optimum upbringing for Konrad?
Me, and my loving, parental, dad arms
Aside from that, having had actual parents would've been an improvement? my IDEAL take would be him being raised by a ship of like... hippie xenos and humans and a friendly abominable intelligence where they expressed love for each other freely and functioned safely and konrad could get socialized normally. slap martha kent inside that too, if you can find her (i heard lex luthor has her. this is a setup for a batman v superman joke). also all of these hippies are staunch anti imperialists and pacifists, but not in the "we'll guilt you about it if you commit violence" way, just prefer to celebrate life rather than be martyrs or punish people or whateves, just bc the last thing konrad needs is MORE guilt. make them understand nonbinary gender identities too and you've got the ticket for Healthiest Konrad Curze You've Ever Met In Your Life
THAT said, what is the fun of konrad curze if he's not, like... DEEPLY fucked up, as a fictional character and as a walking brain organism
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luwupercal · 3 years
40k OC idea: A Marine, from one of the more emotionally suppressed and inhuman chapters, rediscovering his humanity through the attentions of Slaanesh, and finally making his escape to non-Imperial space
honestly moderated chaos as a form of self care and healing from toxicity is a concept i like a whole lot. give chaos its round as the better option for once <3 + oftentimes spirituality Is healing! so
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