#dermot macbrian
renslo161605 · 4 months
PART THIRTEEN - DEAD FOX (written form /w illustrations)
Isaac had spent hours being tortured by O'Driscolls. He is barely alive. They have him tied to a tree, not as if he can go far.
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Read under cut \/
"Isaac. Pst. Isaac wake up."
"please... I'm begging you. I don't want any more trouble. If your gonna give me more grief just put me down, i beg."
Isaac had spent the entire night with nothing but torture from the other O'Driscoll's. He didn't even recognise Dermot's voice, he just wanted peace.
"i mean it boy. Get up n'keep quiet."
"please, please, I don't want anymore trouble just shoot me."
A pathetic plea muffled by tiredness and the ground.
Dermot gave Isaac a gentle kick to encourage him up.
Isaac finally realised who was talking to him, reluctantly he dragged himself up, limping and lethargic as he was.
An emotion Isaac couldn't read flashed over Dermot's eyes. He looked him up and down, at his wounds and at his shaking legs. A mix of pity, guilt and, grief maybe even loss?
"good god, they've really torn ye' up."
Isaac looked at the ground.
"are you still mad at me?"
Funny how even after endorsing the second worst punishment possible - torture, right behind death - a child will still look for forgiveness from a parent.
But Dermot didn't answer.
"Get movin', yer' horse is waitin' fer us."
Despite his harsh tone, Dermot wrapped and arm around Isaac and untied him from the tree he was bound to.
"your helpin' me?"
A tiny spark of hope.
"shut up, don't want anyone hearin' you."
Dermot practically dragged Isaac into the deeper woods. Silently, Isaac didn't argue. What could he do? As far as he was aware Dermot wanted him dead. As loving as Dermot was to isaac. Loyalty comes before love, be it conscious or subconscious. And Dermot was loyal to the O'Driscolls.
Isaac, could barely see, whether it was from exhaustion, pain or the swollen eyelid covering his vision be didn't know. His body ached all over, he didn't think there was a square inch of him not beaten or bruised by a former associate.
Eventually, they emerged from the shrubs to a clearing. There waited Midge. Her gorgeous, pitch black mane looked like a void in the dark of night. Her eyes lit up at the site of Isaac and she trotted towards him. She wasn't used to all the tack Dermot had equipped her with, it was his own tack. A saddle back also sat across her flanks, presumably Isaacs things.
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"You - You really are helping me escape. B-but wheres Daisy, whys Midge got all her tack on."
"isaac i can't... I'm not..." Dermot stuttered and Isaac was sure he saw his lip quiver.
"your not what?"
Isaac's heart had awakened with hope and he was thinking much more coherently now.
"Daisy's... Old. Your horse will go further with less dead weight."
Dermot eventually sighed. He grabbed Isaacs shoulder, tighter than normal.
"Isaac. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Really I am."
"what do you mean? I'm the one who-"
"no. I'm an adult. I should've listened to you and what you said about Keiran. Oh, Keiran."
Isaac started to tear up, he had forgotten about Keiran, how could be have forgotten about Keiran?
"But I'm an old man now. And forever an O'Driscoll. It's what I'll die as. It's who I am. I chose that path a long time ago. But you don't need to choose that path. Make your own life. Your an amazing little boy. Your love for horses is something that could take you far. Use it. Forget about how you were raised, forget about your blood. Change your name if you have to."
"why are you telling me this? Dermot I'm scared."
"oh I'm sure you are, mac, I'm sure you are. But without fear there would be no bravery. And you, have been braver than any boy your age should have been. Come here."
He yanked Isaac into a hug. He held him tight, put his hand on the back of isaacs head and swayed. Almost like he was rocking a babe to sleep, something he had never done to him since he had never known Isaac as a baby. Still he held the boy he raised, the baby-boy he had never had, the boy he had bathed, the boy he had tucked in, the boy he combed the hair of, the boy he dressed. Loved as his own. The child whose relationship was not bound by blood but by a mutual loss. And he loved and he loved, until he had to let go.
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Floods of tears spilled from Isaacs eyes. Expected, but also Dermot's eyes.
"C'mon, let's go."
He lifted Isaac up, like he was lifting him onto an unusually high countertop, about to patch up another scraped knee. Placed him on top of his horse. The horse he had given him. His first horse. He stared at the scar on his chin, a wound he had treated when he first met him.
"C'mon Dermot we gotta go! Get on!"
Dermot stood on his toes, reaching up to Isaacs face and gently placed a hand on it.
To Isaac, Dermot had never looked older than he did in that moment, his dulling ginger hair truely frayed with the white. His green eyes started to grey. The wrinkles on his face twisted into a sob, his flesh was sunken and weary.
"What are you doing! They're coming Dermot! We have to go please"
Isaac grabbed Dermot's hand and desperately tried to haul him up, of course it did nothing.
To Dermot. Isaac had never looked so young. Had never seen him cry like a child. Like a child should, something bitter sweet about seeing it for the first and last time.
"I love you, son."
Dermot smacked Midge and yelled something Isaac didn't catch. Midge bounded away. Without Dermot on her back.
"Dermot! Wait! No! We need to go back! Midge stop!"
Isaac pleaded.
In the distance he could see a horde of O'Driscolls engulf Dermot. He desperately tries to yank on the reins. But somehow Midge new the mission. She knew she couldn't stop.
"Stop! Miriam Bridget you stop right now and turn back for Dermot, I mean it!"
He yanked on the reins, her hair, her saddle horn. Anything he could grab but she didn't stop for anything. She knew there was nothing they could do.
"please! I'm begging you!"
Isaac draped himself forward onto her neck, an exhausted attempt. He couldn't bring his frail body to do much more.
The steady drum of horses hooves beat his ears. And tears stung his face. He couldn't see much. His eyes had started closing, he fought it as much as he could.
Eventually he gave in. He let his body finally rest. It felt pathetic. Like a baby who hadn't had a nap yet. And in the back of his mind he knew he'd wake up to next to nothing. No parents, no home, no money, No Dermot. Just his horse. Always his horse.
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renslo161605 · 9 months
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if Isaac Morgan lives and join the O'driscolls. Except he just got caught meeting up with Keiran Duffy i secret.
Yeah he TRIED to make a grand stand of "I'm not scared of you haha!" Spoiler alert it doesn't work out. Imagine the old school TV automated crowd laugh.
This part is based in chapter four not long after Jack gets found, to put into perspective whats about to happen lol.
Isaac ran away when his mother died n got found by the O'driscolls, years later he finds himself in the same territory as the Van Der Lindes and realises how close his father really is but his mentor (Dermot) has raised him ever since he joined the O'driscolls and is very Loyal to them. He ends up meeting up with Keiran multiple times in secret to both get food (Colm doesn't feed the child, he's not very useful) and because he doesn't really have any friends. He's the one that plants the file that lets Arthur escape in Blessed are the Peace Makers. Eventually tho they get caught and that leads us to here.
Hope yous enjoy sorry I've been distracted from this I've been trying to upload every day but it's not fully working out LMAO
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renslo161605 · 1 year
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Dermot MacBrian
Dermot MacBrian is an O'Driscoll from a red dead fan comic I'm making.
Born in Ireland to unknown parents, he was raised in a poor household. He was far from an obedient child and ofen refused to do work or take on a job. When he was in his early 20s both his parents died within a few months of eachother. He resorted to petty crimes that amassed across ireland leading many counties law after him. In an effort to escape he hid on a boat he thought was going to scotland, instead, he ended up in America. Where he continued his petty crime, joining random posses and gangs. Around the age of 30 he met a lady named Nancy Redwood, who years later he had a child with. Nancy got tired of Dermots 'childish' habits and petty crime before kicking him out the house. Dermot still visited his Daughter, Siobhan fairly often, baring gifts and money. When Dermot was 40 he entered a gang known as the O'Driscolls, he stayed in this gang for a long time. Around 5 years in, the leader of the gang brought in a newly orphaned boy whom he didn't even k now the name of. Dermot mentored the 10 year old boy, learning his name to be Isaac Morgan.
Yes that is Arthurs son, the comic is on my blog it will have more info if you'd like to read it B)
Hope you like :) sorry the quality looks like ass idrk why it looks like that. My reference was Sean Maguires official art. The art style is obviously in the style of the official art B)
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