#deserved this!! garrett wang deserved this!
mylittleredgirl · 2 years
all the posts about harry kim getting shafted have me thinking about What Could Have Been and YES he should have gotten promoted and that is the LEAST they could do, but it should have been so much more than that. harry could and should have been the audience self-insert pov growing-into-hero character we deserved.
basically, he's perfectly set up to fill the wesley crusher role on voyager without the three things that pissed off tng fans (unfairly imho): that wesley was a literal teenager, a civilian who hadn't earned the right to be an officer, and that he was overpowered because he kept figuring out answers alone.
harry's strength isn't in his individual genius, but in his a) relentless starfleet optimism, and b) ability to collaborate and bring out the best in other people. his weakness is that he has been on the job for 14 hours when everything goes to hell.
if they weren't so allergic to continuity, voyager is set up to be theee individual character development show and they should have leaned into that hard (because tng was the "these characters are already the best starfleet has to offer" one and ds9 already had the "we all have to learn to collaborate with our different objectives and points of view" story well in hand). so let harry be the flagship character of that story!!
first off: he shouldn't have walked on board as the operations officer. almost nothing has to change for this. let his first conversation with janeway when he comes on board be about his potential. "it's a special privilege to be a starfleet officer's first captain," she says, which tells us a lot about her character right off the bat (she's great at spotting potential and loves to develop people). "your job is to do your best and watch and learn from the experienced officers around you, and one day you'll make a great one."
and then two scenes later we get flung into the delta quadrant and the senior bridge officers DIE, and in that moment of holy shit this is my first day on the job and all these people died and i don't know what's going on, harry steps up!! and in the ocampa arc he shows how he handles first contact like a starfleet officer even when literally dying. after the pilot we would totally get why janeway is like "welp i guess you're getting that chance to be a senior officer a lot sooner than expected." both he and the audience know that he's stepping into huge shoes he's not really qualified for (last held on-screen by DATA) but we want to root for him!!
and i don't think anyone else's story has to be sacrificed for this either. i know the EMH and b'elanna have fish-out-of-water senior officer stories already, but this is something different. those two are both fully confident in their individual abilities, but need to learn the interpersonal skills to work with others and lead a department. harry needs practical experience to offset his academy idealism and develop faith in his own skill.
and tom's story isn't competition because that's a "second chance" narrative and has a totally different arc.
so that's the setup, and THEN we get to go through all the things that actually already happen on-screen with harry (and more of the same -- a "nightingale" type story should have happened way sooner). there should have been more of the kind of scenes with janeway that we got at the end of "emanations" where she helps him process his experiences and recognizes him for his development. give the kid some medals! his night shift command could have been be a big deal!
and YEAH he finally gets promoted! i think it should come either after "the killing game," or after an unwritten episode where all the senior officers are captured somewhere and harry has to rally a handful of lower decks crewmen to save the day. that would be a fantastic episode in this storyline actually, because it could start with him kind of bemoaning that he's not really a command officer because he doesn't get to / can't make these bold command decisions on his own that janeway & chakotay do -- janeway especially gets a lot of individual heroism moments. but here you have him in charge of some scared crewmen and yeah he makes some decisions but also he leans into his strengths and raises them all up. in some nice narrative parallels, he gives them a speech that janeway gave him early on about how You Can Do It Actually.
and at the end of that, janeway gets to talk to him about how every captain has a unique style. she can't give him his own ship, but here, now he's one pip closer.
anyway since that did NOT happen paramount owes me money and they can pay me back by having the phrase "youngest admiral in starfleet history harry kim" spoken aloud and guys you literally have FOUR actively airing shows where this could happen.
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arcadia75 · 3 months
Prodigy Season 2 Random Thoughts
Spoilers under the cut
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While I think Robert Beltran is still a class A jackass, ngl that crazy, cowboy Chakotay is kinda hot and caused me to have one of *those* dreams about RB which, eww.
I very much enjoyed this season. I thought the writing was good, Solum plot was interesting, there were so many Trek easter eggs and surprises. I binge watched it over a couple days while I was supposed to be working, lol. Yay 4th of July holiday and slow work days.
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The J/C elephant in the room. Yeah, nothing is resolved. Seriously, I think they are permanently friend zoned. Voyager got back in 2378. The Protostar didn't launch until 2382. What they fuck were they doing those 4 years? Apparently not each other.
Then end of this season was in 2385 with the Mars attack from Picard. So Chakotay was missing for 3 years? On top of the 10 he spend alone on that planet? (So when he and Adreek took the Protostar back into the wormhole, did they go back in time to 2375?) Please someone get this man some therapy. His home colony was destroyed, he left an organization he spent 20+ years in to avenge that. He got tossed 7 years across the galaxy. Got home, bummed around for 4 years, rejoined aforementioned organization, made captain of a ship, that got lost and propelled 52 years into the future, lost his entire crew, then got sent back in time again and spent 10 years alone with a hologram of the women he supposedly was in love with for years (he and HJ totally got it on right?) and he just goes....right back to captaining Voyager-A? Where's Hugh Cambridge when you need him??
All the Protostar kids are awesome, and I'm glad finally Dal had some growth by the end cuz that dude was ANNOYING!
Wesley Crusher's animation was weird, imo, but glad they brought Wil Wheaton back. He deserves it.
The only one who deserves it more would have been Garrett Wang. I wish they found a way to bring Harry back. Garrett has championed so much for Voyager and Trek, he deserves to have Harry get some recognition.
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celtic-romulan · 1 year
Anthony De Longis is so freaking awesome.
So I recently found out that the guy who plays Maje Culluh on Star Trek Voyager, aside from being an actor, is a master swordsman, stunt coordinator, fight choreographer, martial artist, and an absolute BOSS at the bullwhip (he taught Michelle Pfeiffer how to use it in her role as Catwoman, and Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones 4), and went toe-to-toe with Jet Li in Fearless. AND he can do all those stunts...on horseback.  
(De Longis’s fight is at the 1:12 mark.)
Also? He was one of Garrett Wang's (Harry Kim) teachers at UCLA. And he starred in the Masters of the Universe film alongside Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris; he held him at knifepoint in one scene). From what I could find on him on YouTube, he seems like an awesome guy, super nice, well-spoken, and a great teacher.
This guy is SO GOD DAMN COOL. Culluh deserved way better than what we got with him. Knife fight with other Kazon Majes when? Never? Not even a beatdown against Chakotay or Tuvok, or even attempting fighting B’Elanna with a bat’leth? We have been robbed.
^^ My exact reaction when I learned all of this. 
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simptasia · 3 years
me whenever something i don’t like happens in 90s trek
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jinpanman · 3 years
fandom ship tag game
@cutechim wants me to die apparently.
i like really tragic ships apparently. lmaaoooo
** WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW “THE MAGICIANS” you have been warned. also a lot of Feelings coming from yours truly.
tagging: @hueseok​ @triviafics​ @bonvoyagenoona​ @playmetheclassics​​ @breadoffoxy​ @yoonia​ and anyone else who wants to suffer picking only 9 ships out of 89247!!! (as always, clean copy at the bottom of this post for anyone who wants to do this!)
first ship
how am i supposed to remember my first ever ship?????? my age and inner furry is about to show....hahahaha
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shut up. stop laughing at me. balto and jenna. wow. just- the way they support each other. care for each other without shame or embarrassment. yeah. ok. i will. shut my mouth right now before i incriminate myself even more than i already have.
first OTP
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my god.....do i even need to explain myself????? these two are garrett and kayley from quest for camelot in case you don’t know who they are. my god. my god it’s been over 20 years and i still ship them so freaking hard. wow. whew. gotta pause to fan myself from all this Chemistry and mutual respect and admiration and love...whew....
your ship since the first minute
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ur fuckin’ lying if you say you don’t ship them. literally usui is Best Man to Ever Exist Ever and aiyuzawa is the most selfless genius hard working understanding kind human bean ever. i will love usui to the end of my days.
runner up: rapunzel and eugene from tangled. who doesn’t love them?!??!?!?!????!?
ship(s) you wish had become endgame
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literally fuck the show. for this. fuck you for giving us the most beautiful fucking short lived (but also not--if you know then you know) romance ever. fuck them. fuck fukcukfukcufkc FUCK!!!!! literally fuck them.
i can’t even. i’m like crying again. so i must stop now. as you can see. i am. very. passionate about them. oh yeah. them being quentin and eliot from the magicians.
ship you wish was canon
......you will always be my original baby girl
......you are my god given solace
(god what the fuck im crying again hahahaha)
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we were robbed. we were fucking robbed. and i will never forgive criminal minds for this. never. morcia ftw. morcia forever. my forever otp.
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ship that most of the fandom hates but you love
ahahahaha...... listen.... i dont think most of the fandom necessarily hates this ship but uuhhh.... i do know that you either love em or hate em and there is no in-between hahaha
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literally fight me if you’re against zutara. hahahahaha. i will die on this hill.
runner up: yosano and shishio from daytime shooting star (lmfao ok go ahead and judge me for this idc hahahaha i also love yosano with mamura and i am glad it ended the way it did. zutara tho............zutara was done dirty.....i will never forgive......)
you don't even watch the show, but you ship it
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ok this is kind of a cheat since i did watch the first season of the 100. also maybe the 2nd season??? i dont remember. i just remember i dropped it and my brother kept on watching it. but still. bellamy and clarke. i ship it. even tho i couldn’t stand clarke A Lot when i watched the show lol
ship you wish had a different storyline
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i literally never cared for the main pairing in goblin 💀 i only stayed for grim reaper and sunny im not even kidding. tragic. forever tragic.... i just want them to be happy wtf ;;;;_____;;;; yes i made myself cry watching sad videos of them on youtube
runner up: moon lovers’ hae soo and wang so (sob sob sobsob eternally)
favorite ship that is endgame
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i literally love them so much forever and ever and ever. they are so good for and to each other. if you haven’t seen this kdrama yet then i implore that you do!!!!!! It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
clean copy:
fandom ship tag game
first ship first OTP your ship since the first minute ship(s) you wish had become endgame ship you wish was canon ship that most of the fandom hates but you love you don't even watch the show, but you ship it ship you wish had a different storyline favorite ship that is endgame
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ijustkindalikebooks · 3 years
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I almost feel weird doing this so early in the month, however I am not sure that any more books than these five will move into my favourite books of all time, which five books have this year.
For me the rule around favourite books 'of all time' is that, 'can you put it down?', 'Does it leave you with more than you had before?' and 'do you still think about this book months after you've read it?' and with all of these I definitely do.
I had more anxiety picking the font for the header of this post, than picking these books it was so easy to choose! (I still hate the font).
The Only Plane In The Sky by Garrett M Graff - A chronologically told book that tells you what happened on 9/11, the title is a reference to the president's plane being the only plane still flying after grounding of the US flights, this book tells the story of the people who were there, the loss and the trauma of what happens after. What for me really solidifies this book is how well informed this is, the research and interviews done here is excellent. I do feel there is a political bias here to be wary off, and I was in this, but I do feel it's probably one of the best non-fiction books I've ever read.
The Haunting Of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes - The two books that I think are part of a trilogy which concludes next year with 'the disappearing of..' both deserve to be on this list, but this first book is such a great book and a series I wish I had had as a child. Aveline investigates in this book a ghost that comes for children and drags them into the sea, and holy cow for a middle grade I was *tense*. I highly recommend them but of course if it is for your child, could potentially be a bit scary. I can't wait for more of this series in 2022.
The Prince & The Dressmaker by Jen Wang - This is such a charming story for kids, but I think anyone of any age could take something from this book. The story of Frances and Sebastien who become friends when The Prince needs a dressmaker for his persona, Lady Crystallia, every part of this story is just perfect and I am so glad I got round to reading it this year. Obviously, if you are a bigot, you'll hate this book, but if you subscribe to being a decent human being, you'll love it. The art style is also stunning to boot.
Black Movie by Danez Smith - Danez Smith is to me one of our time's best poets and it's collections like this one that make you realise how true of a statement that is. I don't think anything I've read by this author has been anything less than five stars and in this collection the personal and the political come together to deliver an important message and incredible thought. Read his work, take something from it, and then read it again, each read is a new experience in my opinion .
The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - I think about these characters all the time. I think about the last chapter of this book all the time, I need to know what happens to them. I think probably one of the best fantasy books I've ever read, this book is long but it is worthy of every single page. The story follows four specific characters and how they link together, the story culminating in a finale that left me feeling so many things, a therapist would be needed to decipher it all for me. Don't be put off by it's length, I listened to it, read the book and read an electric version to get through it, and it was so worth it.
What were your favourite books of 2021? I'd love to hear what you've been reading this year and what would be your top five, if you could even make one!
Thanks for reading!
Vee xo.
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jonathanarcher · 3 years
Re: People horny for Tom Paris
Yes, Tuvok and B'Elanna are right there, I agree with the individual who stated that. Those are valid points.
But, if it pleases Your Grace, consider the fact that Harry Kim is more than available to be horny for. Harry Kim is more than deserving of horny-ness (and a damn promotion). Hell, Garrett Wang made People(?) Magazine's list of hot people one year and Rick Berman (fuck that guy) couldn't fire/kill off Garrett/Harry any more.
Literally my favorite fun fact about voyager is that Garrett Wang was literally too sexy to die
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mirekat · 3 years
Unsolicited Voyager opinion of the day: kudos to whichever member of the camera crew realized Garrett Wang is hot and started to give him the lighting and angles he deserves. Now it would be lovely for the writers to give Harry-the-character a promotion, and maybe a feature episode that does not involve him watching some alternate version of himself die.
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mrspockomakeitso · 3 years
Nice Questions Game: Harry Kim
a song that reminds me of them: “Stressed Out” by 21 pilots because Harry is the epitome of a kid who had to grow up too fast and kinda misses being a kid but knows he’s gotta deal with the adult world now.
what they smell like:a combination of gentle floral scents and engine oil that somehow smells very nice and endearing
an otp: i headcanon that harry has a crush on tom but doesn’t know it. i dont ship them suuuuper hard because i actually really like tom/b’elanna but i do very much enjoy their friendship and i think itd be really sweet if harry had a little crush on tom throughout that maybe he does or doesnt tell him about or take any further
a notp: ive never seen anyone do this but i wouldnt want him and janeway to be a thing b/c i 100% see them as a mother/son type of relationship so there’s that? but overall id be ok with most anyone else i think.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: tom paris, of course! holodeck adventures? playful teasing, combined with ‘i would risk my life for you’ energy? “you shouldn’t be friends with me” “uh too late youre stuck with me now”? sign me tf up. but also he and b’elanna as science bros (and everytime B’Elanna calls him ‘starfleet’...beautiful). 
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: ok so i 100% believe that he deserved a promotion, but i kinda can get behind janeway a little bit on that one? at least for the first couple years, after that she was being a lil extreme. but this was his first commission right out of starfleet and so it makes sense for it to take 4-5 years to go up to a lieutenant. i mean, tuvok started as a lieutenant and he’s been in starfleet far, far longer. but yeah by season 6 and 7, harry had been in long enough to earn it.
the position they sleep in: on his side, curled up with a body pillow.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: so i know garrett wang loves to do accents and stuff so anything that would allow harry to do that would be great (as long as it’s done, like...better than fair haven in terms of not being filled with stereotypes)
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: buster kincaid and/or his suit in fair haven.
thank you for the ask!!
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proteus-no · 4 years
Who if your fav fnv character? And fav companion?
Joshua Graham hands down, but that seems like a cop out because he’s everyone’s favorite character. 
Major Knight deserved better (including a better haircut: give MK a buzzcut 2k21), I actually really like listening to Ulysses ramble on, it’s p relaxing, and James Garrett is always a fun guy (Wang Dang Atomic Tango is up there with my favorite quests), and so is Old Ben (let me date Old Ben 2k21)
But companions, JEEZ, hasta be Arcade, Raul, Boone, in that order, and Joshua Graham if we’re counting him as a companion (I’m still not over Joshua’s Pistol Whippin’ .45). Speaking of DLC companions, I love that salty ass bastard Dean Domino.
I’m still adamant that we should have had Vulpes as a Leigon companion (though he’s “undercover” unless you put him back into Leigon armor)
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milftrickster · 4 years
i think they should bring Harry Kim for Picard season 2 because both Harry and Garrett Wang deserved better
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little-alien-duck · 4 years
8 and 27?
thank u for the ask!
8. Best one liner?
ok so I don't know if this counts but in “I, Mudd” when Kirk says “she’s a beautiful lady and we love her” about the enterprise is one of my favorite lines in the whole show
27. Which character deserved better?
where to even start with this one. there so unfortunately too many to choose from but harry immediately came to mind. I've been listening to the delta flyers podcast and hearing Garrett Wang talk about the things he wanted for harry and the ways the show screwed him over is so frustrating, like something he said in the podcast is that Kim is a Korean last name and so harry should have been a Korean character but throughout the entire show they refer to him as Chinese instead. so Harry and Garrett Wang really both deserved so much better  
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replicarters · 6 years
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i was at northeast trek con this weekend, if you couldn’t deduce it from my posts that must have sounded like they were coming from some sort of hallucinatory trip. to say i had fun would be a wild understatement. if you slot this con on an alignment chart, it would be wall-to-wall chaotic good. the theme advertised was celebrating the 25th anniversary of ds9... and boy did we celebrate.
what follows is everything i feverishly tweeted about the wildest 72 hours of my life.
the only reason i went to this con at all was @thylekshran, who wanted to see one mr. jeffwey combs very badly. @jadziadax happened to say to me one night, “hey you should go to this con happening where you live to see nicole,” and i said, “wait a minute, isn’t this the con dylan wants to go to? what if i actually Did go to this?”
friday: i grabbed dylan, somehow, from the bus stop that i think didn’t quite exist on this plane. we get to the con and we walk into the exhibit hall. nicole is right by the door and i cannot look at her, so we beeline for vendor tables, and suddenly before me is an extremely familiar spread of colorful images. it takes me a minute to process it, and then i’m pointing to this table and rushing toward it going, “OH MY GOD. IT’S HER! FROM TUMBLR! OH MY GOD WHAT.” it was none other than @abravenoise selling prints!!!! i had no idea she would be there since i didn’t look at anything before i left the house. just fyi she is irl just about the nicest person i’ve ever met!!!!!! and i’m so glad we got to hang out as much as we did!
we spent the day mostly going to panels and being big baby chickens regarding jeff’s and nicole’s tables, respectively. we did end up at jg hertzler’s table A Lot, because dylan, like, is recognized?? by him and his wife??? idk dylan’s just out here charming the pants off everybody, so i was like, okay cool, this is the first thing that is Totally Fine, just chilling with martok. we also met two cool dudes through jg who really enjoyed hanging out with us, and that was great! making friends all over the place! not the first and not the last!
one thing dylan and i were bummed about was that the klingon meet & greet party that night (where jg and robert o’reilly would get in costume as martok and gowron and duel to the death) was sold out. we really really really wanted to go... so dylan just... straight up asks jg if he can get us in dhfklshdfd. and you know what? he fucking does. just... put our names right on that list! O K A Y!
the friday panels were a sign of what would be to come, every one we went to was crazy. this was my first real trek con, so of course i have never seen hertzler and o’reilly in a room together, but now i have and my third eye is open and all that. not to mention: learning that garrett wang plays pokemon go, nicole cracking up at poop jokes like i said, hertzler doodling a little shran with glasses on jeff’s sign, the con’s power point file just being named DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. everything that was happening was so good.
chase masterson had a panel about her pop culture hero coalition, and currently working for a non-profit myself, i was really curious about what kinds of programming they do, so i went to her table to talk to her about it. chase ended up talking some about the why’s of starting the coalition, what it meant to her, her own struggles with depression, and i’m thinking to myself, “uhhhhhh well if chase is gonna share about her mental health struggles, then... i... will also do this.” the nanosecond i said something about experiencing difficulty with self-love, she was zeroed in on me like a cruise missile. i spilled everything to her about my job and how my old boss was basically the meanest, most miserable person alive, and how much she got into my head and how now that i was out of that department, i had to pick up the pieces and it was proving to be much harder than it has been in the past. well, god almighty, chase just had the nicest things to say in return, and we commiserated over being your own worst critic, and how ridiculously hard it is to have this fight against yourself over and over again, but that we deserve so much and going forward is worth it. jesus christ! i got a big hug and said to myself, “holy shit i can’t wait to tell my therapist that a star trek actor talked to me about mindfulness and now i want to learn the hell out of it.”
oh but then it was time for the klingon party that we were now going to thanks to jg hertzler. this thing was off the chain immediately, martok and gowron had their duel, first with sparkling bat’leths that fell apart, and then with whole baguettes, and i can’t believe i got to watch this with my eye parts. and that was the beginning; the party would go for another 3 hours, almost all of which i spent dancing with the most generous people i’ve ever met, who went out of their way to welcome everyone they could onto the dance floor, regardless of physical ability or skill level. there was one woman in particular who, if she saw even the slightest twinkle in your eye and you weren’t already dancing with her, she’d be like, “you, get over here!” i don’t know how my body did that for all that time without falling apart.
our esteemed guests began showing up, and garrett wang leapt into the middle of our jump around circle and gave each one of us a vulcan high five. jeffrey combs showed up which of course sent dylan over the moon, and he said, “you go, girl!” to her dancing. max grodenchik gave dylan one of his drink tickets and then asked us whether or not we thought the existence of god could be proven. chase found us and reached out her hand over a couple people’s heads to give me a supportive hand squeeze (!!!???). aron eisenberg, i don’t know what the hell he was doing, but i feel like maybe somebody asked him about terry, because all of a sudden i hear something like, “terry left because she was in love with nog and couldn’t take it anymore.” garrett has three pokemon go accounts, which he showed off at my urging, and let me tell you, don’t encounter him at a gym because he has three dragonites, two tyranitars, a monster blissey, and god knows what else. dancing, dancing, more dancing. then it was time for it to be done, and time to go home. we watched reanimator. i was wired as hell and barely slept.
and THAT. was only friday.
saturday: i had kept my eyes open for a copy of the lives of dax the day before, but didn’t see anybody selling one. this morning, i walk by a booth we went to the previous day and all of sudden, on top of a bunch of other books in a big tub, there it was!!! couldn’t have forked my money over faster if i tried.
then i had this bright idea. hey... here’s a copy of lives of dax... and nicole is here... and she should sign it... and then in the future i can get terry to sign it... boom, bang, let’s do it, right? i had dylan drag me to nicole’s table because i was like, “i am never going to make even eye contact with her if you do not physically take me there,” and one of us brought up that we missed her at the klingon party. it’s cool, we all gotta sleep, right? well, it turns out nicole had gone out with the gaaays in spaaace people to the bar where they were going to have their party later. so she says garrett texts her, “uhhh hey you know you’re kinda supposed to be making an appearance at this thing, right?” nope! no clue. so she texts him back, “hmmm uhhh well,” takes another sip of her drink, “i think i’m doing good work here.”
the thing about nicole that i somehow missed in my drinking in of all ds9 actor content is that she embodies pure shitposter energy, but if the shitposts were coming from a wine mom. she’s hysterical, 50% intentionally and 50% unintentionally. an extremely excellent human. she signed lives of dax, i had my tribble photo op with her later (that i almost missed due to getting into a conversation with larry nemecek!) and she said she was going to the gays in space party later. helllll yes. i hope somebody puts up her q&a because she told a RIDICULOUS story about auditioning for ezri and creeping on jeri ryan on a plane. i can’t do it justice, there are movements that have to be seen.
we went to combsland finally, and i grilled him about whether or not herbert killed the cat, and we learned jeff has two cats! show them off, man! where are the vids! then, and i had never planned to do this, i bought an autograph from him, and the shran i bought it on ended up selling out! crazy.
hertzler had doodled a martok above his table, and so this combined with the little shran from yesterday led me to these words coming out of my mouth: “can i pay you for a drawing? can i pay you for a drawing of jadzia and martok brofisting?” he gave it very serious thought, said he was gonna have to look at a lot of pictures of terry (relatable), and told me to give him my e-mail. between him and his wife, i hope to god one of them remembers my e-mail is in his wallet. let me give you money!!!
my next tweets jump right to gays in space - again, dylan knows a lot of the gis folks, so i didn’t feel like i was going into this totally unawares. we’re chilling at the bar, i’m drinking my cranberry juice, and then o’reilly, aron, and nicole arrive, telling everybody that jg’s probably going to be late because a bouncer pushed his wife and he might go to jail. like, kidding, but also... it’s jg hertzler and he could legitimately fuck you up. so he was gonna be late, regardless.
nicole sees dylan and me and comes to say hello (????!!!!!) and somebody ends up saying, “get this lady a drink!” yeah, dylan and i were on that. in fact, i pulled my credit card out like i cared not one bit about identity theft, fico scores, my own personal finances; i would purchase this alcohol in an alley from a guy using a card skimmer. few minutes tick by and then i’ve officially bought a drink for nicole de boer (?????????!!!!!!!!) and i’m giving it to her (????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and we’re clinking our glasses together (?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) i’m clinking glasses with nicole fucking de boer and somehow managing to be normal about it. i’m not altogether convinced i didn’t exit the universe entirely by this point and end up in another one.
the gays in space party was AMAZING, it was just as fun as the klingon party! if you have a chance to go to one, please do, there’s like no way you could ever regret it. you get treated to star trek-themed drag shows, get to mingle, there was a raffle, the people were just as friendly as the previous day, it was so great. we were out very late for my old lady body clock but it was worth every bit of exhaustion we felt the next morning, after the saga of actually getting home past a blocked off road and dylan slicing herself open on the bottom of my passenger seat.
sunday: nicole sees me, mid-yawn, and gives me one of those, “eyyy you and me went through some shit last night huh?” looks and tells me good morning. ( ? ? ? ? ? ! !  ! you know this drill.) combs ended up on the escalator behind us after his panel and i turned around and i said to him, “hey jeff, you got any pictures of your cats with you?” (no, but he has a black cat and a very vocal calico.) i went to chase’s table again and got another hug right out of the gate, we took a pic together, and she told me i was powerful! yo! or rather yooooooooooooooooooo!
the con was winding down at this point, but there was one more thing left: jeopardy. the jeopardy game was done at the first northeast trek con and was so popular they did it again, and i really, really hope someone uploads it to youtube because it is beyond description. first of all, the whole draw were the contestants: you could enter a raffle to end up on either hertzler’s, aron’s, or garrett’s team. the champion from the last game ended up buying half the tickets, so he was on it again, and not on aron’s team, much to aron’s annoyance because god almighty did he want to win. he was about to commit murder in there. someone said nicole was upset that she wasn’t in the game because she really wanted to play, lmfao. so the guys running it were like, “well, go get her, she can be on garrett’s team!” which sent aron into a fucking tailspin. now we got a team with two people on it?! they got nicole and drew the other winners, and the game began. 
one of the rules was “this isn’t going to be fair. at all.” actually, it was two of the rules. despite this, you’d have thought aron was bitten by a rabid raccoon. every lost question almost got him flipping the table over. nicole belatedly, i’m talking like 5 minutes into it, realizes she doesn’t understand the rules of jeopardy and can’t figure out why “their” question was answered by someone else. she can’t believe someone knew what voyager’s registry number was. one of the questions was, “a young kid called ensign kim this name instead of ‘ensign’,” and with no hesitation, she answers, “asshole,” and wasn’t even joking, that was her actual guess.    R E A L    W I N E    M O M    H O U R S
the winner was hertzler and the previous champ. aron wants to ban the guy from buying tickets ever again. we head to the closing ceremony but it doesn’t happen? lmfao. well, guess the con’s over!
@abravenoise, one of our other con pals, and dylan were all taking the same bus that night, so we all went to grab dinner with two other guys, one who was a con pal and one i hadn’t encountered at all, and halfway through our dinner larry nemecek strolls in and sits down with us. things just keep happening, huh? the guy i hadn’t encountered at all was really impressed with me unhinging my jaw to consume my burger, and halfway through doing this i have to stop because he says, “hey, why the HECK did jadzia die?!” ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here go hell come. my time to shine.
larry like looooves asking people what brought them to star trek, and this time he was asking us the -whys- of what brings us to star trek. i said the characters, for sure. he asked us about our favorites. i told him mine had changed throughout my life, but that when i was a kid, dr. crusher was my first favorite. he said, “in high school?” i said, “no, i mean, when i was REALLY little. like 4 or 5.” he asked me, “wow, have you ever met gates at a con and told her that?” pfft well, no, but first of all, now you got me wanting that, second of all i said what i really wanted was to swap cat pictures with her.
that was the end. i took everybody to their bus, went home, snuggled up in bed, and just asked myself, “what the fuck happened?” i still don’t know! but it was fun as hell, and amazingly impactful, if i’m being honest with you. i was surrounded by so many people brimming with enthusiasm, so many people who were happy. then there’s me, a curmudgeon who’s done everything in her power to stamp down her happiness all in the name of being ~cool or whatever. and it hasn’t made me very happy. i mean, i am also clinically depressed, there is that. but i’ve stopped sharing the things i enjoy with others, especially in recent years. i’ve closed myself off, mostly out of fear and attempting to survive my old job, but even here, i tend to keep myself at a distance, and i thought it was just because i’ve run the whole gamut of loving something before and just want to hang out with my friends. i think it’s more than that, though. i think it’s more of a defensive posture, and it’s that same posture which is running my life right now. it’s exhausting. this weekend wasn’t exhausting. it was in the sense that the human body needs rest and sleep and food and i wasn’t getting nearly enough of any of it, but emotionally, i was unburdened.
it would be nice to be that way all the time. i don’t know if it’ll be possible to be happy again like the people i met this weekend, but i do know that i want to experience this over and over and over again.
now, next time, maybe @rootmacklin and @jadziadax will be with me and we’ll be showing off our friendship necklaces to a very tall lady. that would be a good step toward unlocking my happiness...
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shodansbabygirl · 3 years
The real Garrett Wang and the fictional Ensign Harry Kim deserved so much better than VOY gave them
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bdj4startrek · 5 years
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I liked Ensign Harry Kim. He was good at his post on Voyager.
The only issue I had with him was he got way over emotional when they came close to technology that might got them home. He got everyone excited only to find that alien technology wasn't adaptable to Federation technology.
Being 70,000 light years from home I understood that, but I've always thought they're answer was on Voyager itself.
And as we learned Admiral Janeway from the future brought them what they needed to get home. But it was more than that.
Ensign Kim realized it wasn't so much about getting home. It was about the journey they were on together. Harry had the best line and it was fitting he'd be the one to say it.
He may not got a promotion on Voyager,but he earned his wings. And I am sure after getting home he got his well deserved promotion.
Garrett Wang who played Ensign Harry Kim has a birthday today. Happy Birthday 🎂.
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fate-motif · 7 years
i’m not going to tag this because sometimes it feels like unnecessary hate but i feel like getting out my incredibly complicated feelings for seven of nine out here but it’s mostly going to be under a cut
all of negative to mixed feelings come from out of character reasons. because in character, seven is a fascinating character, one who learns to grow from a past where her identity was kept down and nearly erased, to an amazing young woman who has a bright future ahead of her, a family that will support her every endeavor, and a unique experience having actually put a positive spin from values implemented by the borg on to her. she transcended the sexist premise of her character, she became a valued member of a crew she held no allegiance to, she embraced the ‘humanization’ arc that had been so far mostly limited to male characters in this franchise. she’s amazing.
out of character, everything about seven fucks me up, starting by the conception of her character. sure, let’s add another cast member to voyager, why not! but i’m so fucked up over the fact that garrett wang and jennifer lien, two perfectly good actors whose roles were minimized and relegated to racist and sexist tropes who really did not deserve to go before their characters had a chance to shine, were to be fired just to accommodate to the ‘borg babe’. so yeah, it sours me to look at seven sometimes and think - ‘kes could have stayed, but didn’t’, or ‘harry could have died, to make way for her.’
(i feel like shit saying this but i would have booted out neelix immediately for the purpose of adding seven, if firing anyone at all was necessary. feel like shit because, again, it also wasn’t ethan phillips’ fault that the writers were a bunch of inept idiots who couldn’t do anything interesting or not incredibly disgusting with his character. but if it’s between getting rid of a mediocre character played by a white man, and a mediocre character played by an asian man or a white woman who both were forced into mediocre roles because of their race/gender, i’d totally go for the former.)
anyway, we know how the story goes. garrett ends up in the 50 most attractive people alive list of people magazine, he gets saved, jennifer gets laid off, and jeri ryan comes in. then she starts dating brannon braga. and that obviously came with perks for her. mind you, i’m not saying that it was ALL perks. the way the producers of voyager forced her into that suit was absolutely despicable, and it hurts me to hear how she passed out twice from wearing that damn suit, how she had to take 20 minutes to get that suit off to pee, how she claimed the wardrobe people ‘knew her better than her husband’. i wish i could have fought everyone involved in those decisions because no one should suffer like this for their job, least of all to make her into a piece of fanservice and bait for sexist, straight men.
but i’m mad that when seven came into the show, because she was the pretty, young white woman, who just happened to be dating one of the main writers who also happened to despise the nonwhite male lead of the show for being critical of the show, her character got the spotlight. even above the captain, at first. no wonder kate mulgrew was pissed. i would be pissed too, if i’d fought a show trying to box me into becoming fanservice instead of portraying a character with nuance who is completely independent from the male viewers’ sexuality. but the ones that deserve the bitterness for being cast aside are quite clearly, the nonwhite cast. tuvok, b’elanna, harry, CHAKOTAY, THE MALE LEAD OF THE SHOW. they all had their screentime taken away from them for her. it makes me sour whenever i come across a more regular seven-centric episode, and think that i could be seeing someone else save the ship, someone whose character is fascinating but the writers were too fucking racist or too inept to treat with dignity, and instead gave all their love to the pretty, young, white woman.
and i understand it wasn’t all seven that took the spotlight - if anything you’ll also find the doctor down in my list of ‘voyager characters that i’m kind of eh about’, one step above neelix. hell, my distaste for the doctor is another essay entirely given that bob picardo could fucking get away with hounding the producers into letting the doctor sing opera but no matter how much garrett wang begged, they wouldn’t let him direct a damn episode. he’s by far the ‘humanizing’ character arc i dislike least in the entire franchise, but again. not the point rn. i’m moving on.
so she got the spotlight, someone else’s role in the cast, and maybe that’d still not be enough for me to be so bitter about seven. what i’m fucking bitter about is how this went down in history. every time i see mainstream art or in general references to voyager, they mostly go back to janeway (rightfully so)...and then seven. which. makes me gag every time. seven! always seven! seven, above b’elanna, who was there the entire show, above the actual first officer of the show, chakotay, above the second in command, tuvok. as a latina kid who grew up desperate for representation, who always had massive self-esteem issues and got reminded that she was ugly every day of her life by the teachers, it feels like shit. like a kick in the face that what people remember about voyager, aside from the captain, was the usual white beauty standards that got thrown at my face to call me ugly. it fucks me up and while i understand it’s not the character’s, or actress’ fault, i have the right to feel bitter that in spite of how progressive star trek claims to be, we always go back to the bigoted standards of our society on what’s important, on a meta level.
so yeah, call me a misogynist but it fucks me up that seven was on a pedestal all these years and since barely anyone is making an active effort to love the non white characters like chakotay, tuvok, harry, b’elanna, i’m going to ignore seven most of the time not because she doesn’t matter, or because i hate her as a character, but because i don’t need any more of those standards in my life thrown at my face. if the show gives me non white characters with fascinating traits that were undeveloped, i’m going to focus on them, and not white female fanservice. bye.
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