gretasworld · 2 years
In this Tumblr platform, all things considered natural,sensible and normal are avoided and all things grotesque and perverse are highly appreciated. Young bitches/girls in this platform belonging to certain fandoms have systematic lack of their franchise knowledge unlike the guy fans of the franchise. These hoes (teens to early twenties) have watched a garbage cartoon by Netflix and think it to be canon of the legendary Castlevania. They even gatekeep and tear down those who have been true fans of the franchise long before them, know more of it and saw a lot of bullshit threads pop up on Internet to pollute vania after fuckflix brought out their show.
These hormonal bitches mostly obsess over sexuality of the cartoon characters,go great lengths into drawing ugly fanarts resembling pornhub which spreads super fast with all the wrong connotations and and they use bullshit hashtags that has no connection to the real thing. Their garbage ultimately taints a bad image on the real franchise. Common if you want to get off, just watch real porn.
They donot try to understand that Netflix is shit and has ruined Castlevania protagonists to a big extent. They are not interested in doing a back study of what Castlevania actually is nor are these hoes interested in playing the games. They call themselves Castlevania fans when in fact they are Fuckflixvania cartoon fans. These whores also donot try to understand that some pro lgbt websites on the Internet are out there who are involved in lgbt activism and promoting made up stuff regarding sexuality of the blasted cartoon characters and when they run into some of those websites, they blindly believe those threads to be canon.
These bitches donot realise that the original makers and fans of Castlevania hates the way Netflix corrupted their material and changed their characters and that Netflixvania never is or was canon and never will be canon.
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When will these hoes understand how the Internet really works and that the 'cartoon' they are oh so into is infact a blasphemy.
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