gretasworld 1 year
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Corruption inside the fuckflix team. This is for the tumblr crowd. Read all the screen shots.
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gretasworld 1 year
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More like Edward Collens going to school. He just time travelled to 15th century in search of Bella. Such Twilight vibes here instead of Vania vibes.
So we got 80s punk boots, cheap discount v shirts, skinny jeans, yellow hair,over sized Cape that sweeps the floor and Edward Collins modern day bag on the " Alucard " while pininterest NFCV girls are calling him " school girl ". Seriously, what are these modern items doing in vania timeline ? Where is the prince's Princely romanian shirt and vest ? His special boots? Or is it really Edward Collens here masquerading as fake Alucard 馃.
Only Ellis can tell us. 馃憺
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gretasworld 1 year
Alucard was never hit by Dracula in the chest in the games, be it classic vania or lords of shadows.
Dracula loved his son and encouraged him to join him in the dark side even when he revolted against his father. The son's chest is free of ugly cut marks unlike how the Netflix 馃棏 shows him.
Also, if we use vampire logic, then no vampire carries cut marks permanently because they heal fast. Fuckflix fails in the vampire logic too.
In short,
Original Alucard > Fuckflix Tranny
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gretasworld 1 year
No Nocturne it is. Just more woke garbage incoming with warped history on French revolution. 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
Never trust Netflix with anything. Or Disney. The entire Hollywood.
We wonder why Japanese animation studios never considered making cartoon on CV till now. Because they should. They should have. So that Netflix couldnot get the opportunity to ruin the characters with woke identity politics and bullshitery writing.
This franchise CV had the worst luck going into the hands of world's biggest woke spreading machine. A system that deliberately offends different diaspora of people with false diversity, offends different religious sentiments on purpose,not just Christianity or Judaism but Islam too and promotes rainbow, spreads false information about whatever they lay their hands on and lies in the name of inclusivity,in the name of so called representation and erasing factual data, disrespecting original makers,cultures,history,traditions, people and what not...all with one purpose.
Their specific agenda is to bring down traditions, decency and morality, to cause chaos and confusion in people and youth, to rift apart men and women further. Yes. To promote things which go against family. Which go against decency or morality. They hate it openly. They spread their values through their work. The proof is in every one of their work.
It does not take one to be alt right or Christian or white from a certain country or even follow politics to see through fitna and bullshitery of Hollywood and its recent increased corruption from far left. Backed by perverse and corrupt activists, funds from corrupt ngos and false websites spewing foul info, the agenda keeps going onwards. Any idiot with common sense sitting on an island, understands the purposes. They are shameless about it all.
Before 2010 and distant past, this machine was covert and subtle in spreading shit. Now, the machine is overt in its work. We tend to think that they are offending us fans with all the changing of source materials now but if you go through several works of fiction and non fiction of past, you will see that the same kind of bullshitery happened in the previous works as well. It was less noticeable because like we said, they were subtle and very covert about things earlier. The difference now is that they are out in the open. They have a script that they will run in each of their product.
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gretasworld 1 year
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Real poster of Curse of Dracula : Castlevania 3
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gretasworld 1 year
The Shankar guy said he was such a fan of CV back in 2017. That he respected the franchise, cared about fandom sentiments and " didnot want his childhood memories massacred ".
What a bunch of lies. Why did he not just say that in order to work in Fuckflix you have to only show certain stuff leaning towards " woke ". 馃檭 That what fans want matters shit to you. And ( Shankar is extremely arrogant too. )
Why not say in interview that you have no freedom for authentic story telling and you are a puppet to their " policies " for sake of your job. What a waste of an interview Shankar ! You all came together and masaccared plenty of people 's childhood memories. You ruined the image of an entire beautiful franchise forever. Future generations " read gen z " are now raping it every now and then thanks to you. 馃枙 It is destroyed forever with changes you made; with the queerness and abuse you put.
There is no desire left to look forward to the next season. Nope. Enough foul experience. 馃枙馃枙馃枙
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gretasworld 2 years
Even the fonts/writing stye have been changed in the fucking cartoon.
Might as well just named fuckflixvania this -
" Warren Ellis and his fuck buddies hook up after exchanging tweets and cocaine. "
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gretasworld 2 years
In this Tumblr platform, all things considered natural,sensible and normal are avoided and all things grotesque and perverse are highly appreciated. Young bitches/girls in this platform belonging to certain fandoms have systematic lack of their franchise knowledge unlike the guy fans of the franchise. These hoes (teens to early twenties) have watched a garbage cartoon by Netflix and think it to be canon of the legendary Castlevania. They even gatekeep and tear down those who have been true fans of the franchise long before them, know more of it and saw a lot of bullshit threads pop up on Internet to pollute vania after fuckflix brought out their show.
These hormonal bitches mostly obsess over sexuality of the cartoon characters,go great lengths into drawing ugly fanarts resembling pornhub which spreads super fast with all the wrong connotations and and they use bullshit hashtags that has no connection to the real thing. Their garbage ultimately taints a bad image on the real franchise. Common if you want to get off, just watch real porn.
They donot try to understand that Netflix is shit and has ruined Castlevania protagonists to a big extent. They are not interested in doing a back study of what Castlevania actually is nor are these hoes interested in playing the games. They call themselves Castlevania fans when in fact they are Fuckflixvania cartoon fans. These whores also donot try to understand that some pro lgbt websites on the Internet are out there who are involved in lgbt activism and promoting made up stuff regarding sexuality of the blasted cartoon characters and when they run into some of those websites, they blindly believe those threads to be canon.
These bitches donot realise that the original makers and fans of Castlevania hates the way Netflix corrupted their material and changed their characters and that Netflixvania never is or was canon and never will be canon.
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When will these hoes understand how the Internet really works and that the 'cartoon' they are oh so into is infact a blasphemy.
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