gretasworld · 2 years
Authors of books and makers of cartoons and films donot like fanfictions of their creations.
We read some tweets from Sam Deats and Adam Deats recently. They said fans are negatively hyped over sex scenes in their creation. Ofcourse they are. People donot want to see Sjw gender,lgbt and identity politics in each and every one of your products.
The thing is, people like them think their creation which they say is loosely based on originals is best and they obviously donot care about fans or what majority fans want to see. ( Take Witcher for example which is separate thing but another Netflix disaster nonetheless. )
If you think of it deeply folks, the movie/cartoon makers are themselves one sort of fanfiction/smut makers. How ? They take from the originals while disrespecting and mocking it at the same time and instead of properly narrating from original work or creating high quality storyline, they adapt and reboot and change and modify only with " particular " kind of sexual stuff like the Deats and circle jerking gang did with their work making it their version of " fanfiction " or " slashfiction ". 🖕🖕🖕
Yes the franchise may have changed hands several times yet fans loved it so far. It was when this reached your hands that it got fucked. You should understand that your work needs change and so do your weird company policies. Donot impose your perverted views or practices into shows that the world is gonna watch. Keep your views of butt fucking behind closed doors and stop ruining established canon characters and gaywashing them.
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🤣🤣🤣🤣 They are all big smut fanfiction makers.
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Dear Tumblr SJWs
I dare you to tell my straight, white, cis gender grandfather that he is being ableist and sexist when he holds the door open for my disabled grandmother who has been in a wheelchair since she was sixteen.
I dare you to tell my straight, white, cis gender father that he is being sexist and mysogonystic when he buys my mother flowers and renews their wedding vows every five years.
I dare you to tell my straight, Native American, cis gender mother that she shouldn’t have married a white man.
I dare you to tell my asexual heteroromantic, half Native American, half white, cis gender little brother and his white, cis gender girlfriend that he is incapable of love and that all men are pigs and just want sex.
I dare you to tell my straight, half Native American, half white, cis gender big brother that he is a rapist because he got his girlfriend pregnant at seventeen
I dare you to tell his straight, white, cis gender girlfriend that she is a whore because she got pregnant at seventeen.
I dare you to tell my white, cis gender, gay boyfriend that he shouldn’t be dating a poc or that because he is cis gender he shouldn’t be allowed to date me.
I dare you to tell my half Native American, half white, transgender male, gay ass that I shouldn’t hang out or be friends with
• white people
•straight people
•cis gender people
You don’t know a thing about me or my family or anybody else. So shut the fuck up and leave us alone.
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tiddyciddy · 7 years
JDM did nothing wrong you SJW fucks
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chukens-blog · 7 years
Race Jokes
Joke about White People: “You go!”
Joke about non-White People: “RACIST! BURN THIS CRACKER AT THE STAKE!”
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lluvia-de--invierno · 3 years
Cuando te vengan con mamadas de #Blacklivesmatters o #Stopasianhate o esas pancartas progres idiotas. Muestrales esto: 🖕
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whorefordazai · 4 years
I hate pain yet I love it. so if Dazai dies (dear God no but IF), as long as its executed beautifully with clear reasons, i wouldn't be too surprised or shocked tbh. He gets the peace he wants too
Yea, I fully agree. Dazai dying would make a lot of sense (it’s gonna break me☺️) but if he dies fulfilling Oda’s last words...good for him then. good for him🙂he deserves the peace.
and atsushi will be left alone I’m—🥲
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sharkfinsoupbitch · 7 years
I'm a cis woman and I am still cool.
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reillycomics · 7 years
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How I feel when Marvel and DC comics employees care more about politics than their fucking jobs!!!! #marvel #marvelcomics #mcu #dceu #dc #dccomics #reillycomics #stfu #fucksjws #millenialshitbags #fridaymood #dumbfucks #stupidfucks #idiotfuck #dumbass #omg #omfg #justdoyourjob #kumthendy
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gretasworld · 1 year
No Nocturne it is. Just more woke garbage incoming with warped history on French revolution. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Never trust Netflix with anything. Or Disney. The entire Hollywood.
We wonder why Japanese animation studios never considered making cartoon on CV till now. Because they should. They should have. So that Netflix couldnot get the opportunity to ruin the characters with woke identity politics and bullshitery writing.
This franchise CV had the worst luck going into the hands of world's biggest woke spreading machine. A system that deliberately offends different diaspora of people with false diversity, offends different religious sentiments on purpose,not just Christianity or Judaism but Islam too and promotes rainbow, spreads false information about whatever they lay their hands on and lies in the name of inclusivity,in the name of so called representation and erasing factual data, disrespecting original makers,cultures,history,traditions, people and what not...all with one purpose.
Their specific agenda is to bring down traditions, decency and morality, to cause chaos and confusion in people and youth, to rift apart men and women further. Yes. To promote things which go against family. Which go against decency or morality. They hate it openly. They spread their values through their work. The proof is in every one of their work.
It does not take one to be alt right or Christian or white from a certain country or even follow politics to see through fitna and bullshitery of Hollywood and its recent increased corruption from far left. Backed by perverse and corrupt activists, funds from corrupt ngos and false websites spewing foul info, the agenda keeps going onwards. Any idiot with common sense sitting on an island, understands the purposes. They are shameless about it all.
Before 2010 and distant past, this machine was covert and subtle in spreading shit. Now, the machine is overt in its work. We tend to think that they are offending us fans with all the changing of source materials now but if you go through several works of fiction and non fiction of past, you will see that the same kind of bullshitery happened in the previous works as well. It was less noticeable because like we said, they were subtle and very covert about things earlier. The difference now is that they are out in the open. They have a script that they will run in each of their product.
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pikanyasmaingoon · 7 years
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Okay so me and a friend commented on this woman's page about this post because obviously it's a very childish opinion. However, I thought we were adults so I put my own two cents in the matter and so did my friend. A couple hours later, however, I was wrong as fuck. She said that we were the problem and that we didn't understand. Now, I wouldn't be making a post like this at 2 in the morning but I shared something with her that I rarely fucking share on here....like I actually told her about my abuse when I was a youngun and how it's not true that men shame women at all. Hell, my last words were detailing how to handle conversations like this as an adult. And ya know what the fucking bitch did? She blocked both of us. So, if anyone is following this woman, just keep this in mind. #stonerotaku #feminist #feminism #fucksjw #fuckfeminism #fuckfeminists #hellobatty #dankmemes (at City Heights, San Diego)
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tiddyciddy · 8 years
So I guess it doesn't take much to be labeled a Nazi these days.
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Lana Lokteff - How the Left is Betraying Women
- Identitarian Ideas IX 
#Politics #Leftist #Feminist #Bullshit #FuckSJW #FuckTheRegressiveLeft
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There are so many real issues in the world like: poverty, famine, war, disease, natural disasters and possibly nuclear bombs from North Korea. Can we just deal with those first?! #rant #fuckfeminism #fuckblm #fucksjws #getsomeperspective
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whorefordazai · 3 years
I’m doing these match ups and omg I wanna marry all of you 😫💗 so many amazing people follow me fucksjw😡
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magaparty · 7 years
RT: @DrSnakepriest: @laurenduca @Google This is exactly why you people deserve to never be in power again. It cannot be allowed. #MAGA #FUCKSJWS
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