#deviant proship flag
meowmansion · 8 months
My Newly Proposed Pro-ship Flag!
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PS: Sorry if the image ID is bad. I don't write them much... /lh
This flag is called the "deviate flag," or "deviant [proship] flag."
A new emoji code I have made to fit this flag is 🌤️🦋.
More below the cut ^^ (Warning: long post!)
I made these flags because, to be honest, I don't connect with any other proship flags. I do like quite a lot of the flags, but I could never find one with a message I connected to the point I'd use the flag.
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The meanings of the colours on the flag are as follows:
Dark green = Maturity & responsibility
Green = Creativity
Light green = Anti-abuse
Cream = The proship community as whole
Light brown = Respect for trauma survivors and those who use dark tropes in fiction to cope
Brown = Respect for artists in minorites
Dark brown = Respect for fandom history
I also chose natural colours because I thought it was a nice change of pace from all the cutesy-coloured flags! (Nothing wrong with cute, bright, colorful flags, though! I just don't personally prefer them.)
The emoji code (🌤️🦋) itself doesn't have a real meaning, I just thought it was cute.
However, over time, I've started to interpret it as this:
The sun and cloud (🌤️) represents how something so important could be hidden by something, but still exist. This is relevant because it's become apparent that modern fandom has been forgetting about early fandom culture and rules, even though these things haven't died in any way.
The butterfly (🦋) represents how one could start off as something sometimes seen as "weird" (referencing the caterpillar) only to turn into something seen as beautiful. This is relevant because I personally like to see it as how, in a lot of stories I've heard, many proshippers felt much happier and safer when they joined proship spaces (and left antiship spaces, if applicable).
The reason I chose to call it the "deviant (proship) flag" is because when I think of someone who is proship, I think of someone who is "deviant" (positive connotations) in what content they consume and create. I also think of someone who is responsible in the actions they take to share their art and interests, and has a maturity that is earned through being this sort of "deviant."
However, this flag recognizes not every proship person consumes "taboo" or "dark" content.
I have no real rules regarding this flag, just use it like you would a normal flag. Edits of this flag are allowed, and credit is appreciated but not necessary.
Feedback from fellow "proshippers" is encouraged ^^
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[Image ID: A rectangular box with vibrant pink and purple colours with flower and paw print patterns in the background. White text at the top reads: "Anyone can use our terms, recoining is not necessary." White text at the bottom reads: "Flags may not be used by radqueers, sysmeds, T.R.A.S.H., or anyone whose beliefs go against the flag's general purpose." End ID]
(Edit Oct 29, 2023: Added the box thingie bc I forgot it!! Lol)
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