A Non-Exhaustive Guide To My Various (In-Game) Non-Cats
(the sequel.)
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Aihstheta “Theta” Arizech
- hunts dragons, except for one very specific dragon who he loves very much
- allergic to elder dragon corruption. the ice above is a fashion choice and is made of plastic
- drinks bloodstone coffee
- deflects on average one assassination attempt a month up until lake doric
- somehow the oldest commander in [Port] and boy does he feel like it.
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Daesthai “Hunter” Kodux
- technically a civilian. ended up as a commander anyway because trahearne plays favourites and doesn’t know how other races age
- selectively mute
- does not stop him from snarking at other people through sign
- has an emotional support wolf
- eyes in the sky
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Hense Aidnolea
- definitely not a bastion reference
- ditched the black veil 20+ years ago because she got bored of it in favour of something a lot more modern. perhaps too modern.
- keeps cool through sheer force of will and also a big fuckoff greatsword
- between hense and trahearne, they know the entire population of tyria
- often jokes about how things were ‘back in my day’ despite not looking a day over 26
- might be god
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- definitely not a pyre reference
- pacifist
- ran out of the grove when she was about ten minutes old and honestly this explains so much about her
- almost constantly lost. though being lost only means something if you had a place to be in the first place, which she never had - or maybe always had? if you’re always pulled to see the unknown, are you always lost or are you always found?
- oh look a pocket raptor they’re so cute!!
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- definitely not a bastion reference
- will pass a fist through your face
- ran out of the grove when he was about ten minutes old and honestly this explains so little about him
- tired older sibling to alodiel despite the fact that he’s younger than her and is also like 5
- blunt force trauma doesn’t technically count as killing things. just very much inconveniencing them.
- oh don’t give him that look he well knows that’s not what pacifism means
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- manages to completely avoid the main plotline and stays out of business that isn’t hers. a rarity, in these trying times
- at first it was almost certainly an accident. nowadays it is almost certainly on purpose.
- studies robots and plants and birds and making robot plants and robot birds and has named all her gyros
- likes charr because they are practical and don’t look down on her like asura do. the giant wrench has nothing to do with it of course she just likes not being in the way and if she happens to have a giant wrench beside her that she can lift with ease despite being a skinny plant that’s just a coincidence and not a subtle intimidation tactic
- the less said about the attempted robot skelk the better
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- the pale tree saw his dream and declared that he was to be a beacon of hope, a lighthouse shining in dark and stormy times except all of that was bullshit and he just wants to be a sailor, come on mom
- singing voice to rival the skaalds of hoelbrak
- can tell you exactly how to assemble a ship from scratch but has no clue how architecture works
- nobody complains when he uses magic to make the ships go faster
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Teyll Kiranison
- follower of wolf
- wolves follow her
- all of hoelbrak is under their protection and this does mean that all of the older svanir have to take their business elsewhere. you want to practice toxic masculinity then go practice it somewhere else
- she’ll be here if you come back though. how you interpret that is up to you
- a real firestarter
- no, kiranisdottir isn’t the right name.
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Rylix Cloudpiercer
- snipeshot
- ex-svanir, but in his defense, he didn’t exactly have a quote-unquote ‘support network’ until teyll came along
- patrols the shiverpeaks for icebrood
- remarkably good at blending into his surroundings considering that he is 10 feet tall, made of muscle, wears dark clothing in the shiverpeaks, and carries a rifle wherever he goes
- fondness for bees
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- honey you got a big storm coming
- disaster relief and stormcaller, an all-in-one exclusive package arriving in pint-sized form
- somebody’s gotta help keep the battlefields clear of civilians and by god is dev up to the task
- wonderful bedside manner
- wonderful seabed manager
- no, his patented weather machine generator is for non-emergencies only.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 3 years
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You know when someone has a stupid idea and your guild of four people spends three hours putting all 55 of your rp characters in the school uniform, setting up 11 gold worth of chairs and taking a class photo instead of doing fractals like you planned? That’s never happened to me. I’ve never done that.
So this is all of my, @fractal-quadrilioquy​, @guardian-instincts-bad and @deadlock-fractals gw2 characters! It’s been like a year or so since we started properly making lore for these kids, and it has come a long way since then. You guys all need to check out my friends blogs because they are amazing and have fucking incredible characters and I love them. 
Text transcript under the cut!
Portmantra, class of 1334
Top Row: Daisy Lockbane, Ryker Starflare, Kaden Starsight, Teyll Kiranison, Valarian Nyx, Felix Egilson, Rylix Cloudpiercer, Faoler Metrinh, Adreadus, Cadira Silverflux, Nótt Kismet
4th Row: Caleb Metrinh, Moroleth, Andrea Suturskodde, Denara Stormdelver, Cadfael Silverfrost, Zaera Starskred, Ephemeris Signblade, Arcshod Skyblitz, Yas Fenrirkin, Valwehn, Casus Laedere
3rd Row: Hense Aidnolea, Criswynne, Tezzhesta, Ghainen, Arceidai, Mikael Carrion, Alodiel, Eiramael, Lex Laedere, Hunter, Livaelin
2nd Row: Theta, Theitia, Taia, Aven Gast, Sunders Kismet, Roeseth, Faslae, Ysgithru, Lyraesse, Riaiva, Virivensis
Front Row: Cael, Endiena, Devkynn, Tohmeshyme, Jakk, Kajja, Eris Adajio, Olvep, Glokk, Caivere, Gwyniaeth
Absent: Myosotis Monroi, Ceriyan, Zemmi
Who belongs to who, courtesy of Guardian instincts
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Green is me, Light blue is Guardian instincts, Dark blue is Quadrilioquy, Purple is Deadlock. Absentees belong to friends without gw2 blogs.
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