#devoid of serious risk or trial!
All the books I am reading are about love thriving in extraordinary circumstances
That’s great, I love that
My circumstances are ordinary, though
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rightaidhomeopathy · 10 months
The safety comparison between homeopathy and allopathy is a nuanced and debated topic within the realm of medicine. Allopathy refers to conventional medicine, while homeopathy is an alternative medical system based on the principle of "like cures like," using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's healing processes.
Safety in medicine encompasses various aspects, including efficacy, side effects, adverse reactions, and scientific evidence. While proponents of homeopathy often claim its safety due to the use of highly diluted substances, the scientific community largely challenges its efficacy and safety.
Allopathic medicine, backed by extensive research and clinical trials, follows rigorous testing procedures to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments. Pharmaceutical drugs undergo stringent evaluations for efficacy, dosage, potential side effects, and interactions, minimizing risks through regulated manufacturing standards.
One significant concern with homeopathy lies in its reliance on highly diluted substances, often to the point where no active molecules remain. Critics argue that such extreme dilutions render homeopathic remedies essentially indistinguishable from a placebo, raising doubts about their effectiveness in treating ailments.
Moreover, the lack of scientific evidence supporting homeopathy's claims raises questions about its safety and reliability. The reliance on unproven remedies without substantial scientific backing could delay or prevent individuals from seeking effective treatments for serious medical conditions, potentially posing risks to their health.
Conversely, allopathic medicine, while generally deemed safe when administered correctly, is not devoid of risks. Pharmaceutical drugs may cause side effects and adverse reactions in some individuals, and improper use or dosage errors can lead to serious consequences.
In conclusion, the safety of homeopathy versus allopathy is a complex issue. Allopathy, with its evidence-based approach and extensive research, provides established treatments for various ailments but isn't immune to risks. Homeopathy, on the other hand, lacks substantial scientific evidence and may potentially pose risks due to its reliance on highly diluted substances and unproven remedies. Ultimately, when considering safety in choosing a medical treatment, consulting with qualified healthcare professionals and relying on scientifically validated practices remains crucial for ensuring the best possible care.
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lezdotechmed · 2 years
A Genuine Epitome of Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuit
Zofran, also known as Zofran ondansetron, is a medication used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or surgery. Zofran truly aids people in enduring their pain. However, a large number of lawsuits have been filed against GlaxoSmithKline because the company fails to warn people that taking Zofran during pregnancy causes birth defects in the unborn child. Furthermore, it may result in the death of an infant.
The FDA has not approved Zofran for pregnant women because there is no evidence that Zofran is safe for infants in the mother's womb. However, GlaxoSmithKline has promoted the use of Zofran in pregnant women, resulting in a large number of  Zofran birth defect lawsuits
GlaxoSmithKline had previously faced criticism from the Justice Department for marketing Zofran to pregnant women. Knowing about Zofran and its pain and suffering, the FDA issued a warning letter to GSK in March 1999 for distributing promotional materials containing Zofran that were unbalanced. Because Glaxo failed to provide any information about the risks of Zofran, DDMAC (Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications) charged GSK with violating the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. DDMAC also ordered GSK to stop using Zofran promotional materials that were devoid of risk information.
Cheri Flynn, a Minnesota mother, filed the primary lawsuit against Zofran birth defect in the United States District Court on 12 February, 2015, after her two daughters were born with serious heart abnormalities. Flynn was prescribed Zofran to treat morning sickness, which resulted in a developmentally delayed daughter born in 2004 and a congenital heart defect in a second daughter born in 2006. Following her, several lawsuits were filed against GlaxoSmithKline.
Anyone may experience emotional distress after learning that their newborn child has a birth abnormality, especially if the problem was caused by a commonly used medication due to its product liability. If you used Zofran during your pregnancy and your child was born with a birth defect, you have two options: join a mass tort lawsuit or file a separate personal injury claim against the manufacturer.
We need to make sure that our medical records should be error free to maintain a successful trial at court.
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fuse2dx · 4 years
September ‘20
Paradise Killer
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Putting it out there front and centre that I know some of the folks involved in creating this, and clearly I’m devoid of sufficient integrity to be impartial. You know, it’s best to get these things out there, with the internet being what it is. 
It’s a whodunnit set in Paradise, with your character having been brought back from exile and tasked with solving who’s responsible for the mass-murder of the island’s core council. There’s a clear set up with one guy already due to take the fall, but it quickly becomes apparent that the island’s populous of weird deities - who perhaps have too much time on their hands - clearly have more of a stake in this than they’d like you to know. You’re left to investigate at your own pace, poking around crime scenes and places of interest, but also soaking up the island and its vibe as a whole. Getting reacquainted with its residents is a massive chunk of this, and if their out-there names, colourful outfits, and eccentric behaviours weren’t enough to draw you in, there’s more serious manners such as allegiances and motives to start peeling back the layers of. Titbits of info gleaned will often give you the opportunity to eke more out of someone else, and although the game does a great job of subtly nudging you to where loose ends might best be chased down, you’re given the freedom and ultimate responsibility on when to start wrapping things up at trial.
Given the potential for disorder in its narrative structure, the game’s job in cataloging all of your gathered information is crucially neat in its execution. The free rein that allows you to be as orderly and meticulous as you choose is welcome, as is the gentle push towards the truth of things. But there’s also just enough space to sink into convenient falsehoods - even to present them at trial and make them stick, if you can pass on that conviction - and it’s this freedom that really sets it apart from its contemporaries. Helping this is a fully realised island you can move about in and investigate, rather than doled out chunks of  exposition by chains of talking head sequences. More salacious secrets are typically locked behind puzzles or specific items, but there’s also a particularly inviting nature to the architecture that suggests playful acrobatics - dashing, double-jumping and the like - be used to explore out-of-reach areas. 
The look is tinged in pinks and blues, giving a suitably welcoming glow to Paradise. It’s warmth is helped massively by the soundtrack that runs throughout it, bringing pleasant, jazzy saxophones and subtle, warm electronics into its city-pop inspired stable. There’s a great voice running through its veins too - one that operates in its unspoken thoughts, the descriptions of its collectables, even the interface and the sub-headers as you enter new areas - just about damn everywhere. It’s smart, it’s cynical, and it’s snappy, and is a regular factor in keeping a smile on your face even in the moments that get closest to being downtime. Bias be damned! I can say, hand-on-heart, that it’s a game that not just nestles in comfortably among its peers, but stands tall among them. 
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Cult status can be a double edged sword. For anything cult - movies, albums, games, you name it - there’s that risk that if put under a modern lens, they can be painfully of their time. Cherished by those that were there, perhaps, but impenetrable - or even worse, alienating - for those without that context. Previously a Japan-only PS1 title, Moon has held such status for 20+ long years, but on its return, lets you know very quickly that a lot of what it had to say was timeless.
Its sending-up of RPG tropes is pretty spot on - the game-within-a-game that your character boots up got a big belly laugh out of me almost immediately, and then leads into a montage of a hero’s journey through a world that you’re then later transported into to pick up the pieces. See, the ‘hero’ in the game is kind of a jerk - barging into people’s homes, taking things out of their cupboards, killing all of the wildlife, and so on - and while this likely sounds very familiar, Moon prompts you to remove that filter of normal game behaviour, and instead asks that you try and be a bit more conscionable and pleasant. Acts of kindness to others are repaid in love, a tangible currency that grows your love level, allowing you to spend more time in its world before you need to rest and begin your day’s busy-bodying anew. Observing the routines of the world’s inhabitants is key to making good on its many grievances, and although these are straightforward enough at the start, some of the later challenges relied on some more tenuous thinking - to which, I’ll put my hands up and say that I turned to a walkthrough. These more patience-testing moments might have been a good way to pad things out in ‘97, however it’s a bit steeper an ask today, when I daresay most people will be visiting this as more of a curiosity. Accepting a helping hand doesn’t stand in the way of these scenarios delivering on the charm, surprise, or humour they originally aimed for, though. Labelling it a parody or a spoof might work as a descriptive shortcut, but it’s never mean spirited, and clearly loves the subjects it pokes fun at - there’s a wonderfully self-effacing humility throughout it.
Given Final Fantasy 7 - often cited as a common entry point for many modern western fans of JRPGs - didn’t even arrive in Europe until after this originally released, it’s not hard to understand why it wasn’t considered for localisation at the time. The audience certainly didn’t exist at scale, and simply wouldn’t have had the gaming experience or vocabulary to appreciate it. Not only can we now better appreciate it as the tongue-in-cheek love letter it is, but the message of compassion and thoughtfulness is something that’s more essential today than arguably ever before. 
Spelunky 2
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This was always on my radar as a likely ‘game of the generation’ contender. I’ve been playing the original game on and off now for around 8 years - it’s followed me as a regular part of my gaming diet across 4 different platforms, and crucially, all the way up until the night before this finally landed on my PS4. Without getting too philosophical about it, it’s a very important game to me. Despite all of the time playing it, thinking about it, talking about it, or even reading the gosh darned book about it, I never once thought to assume I had the answer for what would make a fitting sequel. Thankfully, the team behind it had more ideas, and the faith in their convictions.
All of the crucial components of the original are here in abundance, and added to with a restrained modesty. Its randomly generated levels are more complex, and offer more distinct ways of hiding secrets, all while a subtle but slick graphical overhaul does great work in making them look more organic than ever before. More complex fluid physics allows for more transformative ways of opening up levels, and mounts might add some quirky new dynamics to things, but crucially, things under the hood beside this remain largely the same.
Perhaps more importantly, Spelunky 2 understands the fervent player base centred around the original game, and uses their knowledge and familiarity to challenge them anew with clinical precision. Things are just similar enough: the title screen, the tutorial, many of the enemies, and the stages that you find them in - they’re tweaked, yes, but still familiar. On top though, there’s enough that’s new, or changed in a minute yet specific way that makes it very clear that things are going to be uniquely dangerous all over again, and that your muscle memory is more of a liability than a crutch. The curve of learning the game - understanding and tempering its dangers, and the slow, cautious, pulling back the curtain of its newer secrets - is still pitched in the same utterly compelling way as before, though. Rather than being harder outright, or just more lumped on top, it finds a way to make new players and familiar faces alike to learn to play Spelunky all over again, and it’s a total joy to have that opportunity. It’s everything I didn't realise I wanted in a sequel, and it’s breathed a new lease of life into a game that I wasn’t even bored with in the first place. 
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2 Remastered
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The original THPS was proper lightning in a bottle stuff; while its countless sequels eventually drained every good idea bone dry, and it left countless half-baked spin-offs in its wake, it’s hard to be mad, or surprised, when the original formula was so potent. Underpinned by a brilliant combo system that called back to arcade-style score chasing, in tandem it also nailed the kind of goal-based mission objectives that became so common after it. This is before you even get on to the way that skateboarding’s irreverence, fashion, and music were curated and presented in such a way that they left a mark on an entire generation. Sports titles are often glossed over from a critical perspective, but there is no escaping the quality and impact of this series. 
This remaster tries to capture it at its zenith - and although they’re arguably off by a game or two, depending on who you talk to - it’s generally welcome that some of the ideas from later games are pared back. What it does with these first two games is for my money, the gold standard of what a remaster should do - it makes them look and feel like you imagined they did at the time; smooth, detailed, and responsive. Please, don’t make me go back and look at what the originals actually did look like, because I don’t think my poor brain could take it. The kitchen sink has been thrown at everything surrounding the game, with more relevant and diverse skaters brought into the fold, menus upon menus hiding a wealth of additional challenges, and a soundtrack that celebrates the older, punkier roots of the game, but also shines a light on some musical features that are perhaps more relevant to today’s youth. It’s all handled with a surprising elegance.
It’s a great new way to introduce the series to people, and also a nice outlet for old hands, with my only real criticism being that I had blasted through both of the original tours within a day of dropping the disc in my system. Yes, I could chase high scores endlessly, and yes, there’s a park builder and an abundance of multiplayer modes - but if you’ve finished these games before and just want to revisit them with a new lick of paint, don’t be surprised when it dries out fast.
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How You Can Be Successful In The Background Music Enterprise. Component 2
New Post has been published on https://businessguideto.com/online-business-news/how-you-can-be-successful-in-the-background-music-enterprise-component-2/
How You Can Be Successful In The Background Music Enterprise. Component 2
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So you nevertheless wanna be described as a celebrity?
Portion 2
No matter what style of tunes you%u2019re in, you need to establish your meaning of achievement. When your meaning is %u2018being a imaginative artist undertaking what for you to do in your life by discussing your tunes with those who will listen%u2019, then you ought to succeed, when your definition is %u2018being a abundant and famous superstar%u2019, then, well %u2018good luck%u2019… but. Of course, if you%u2019ve got the package to stick to your very own fashion and audio, your very own thinking of how your audio must sound, then you%u2019ve a lot more potential for accomplishment in the long term.
But be warned – flying within the deal with of meeting, of what is current, is always tough. But trends diminish and pass away – original ability and songs will not!
If you%u2019ve captured an recording oneself then get self-sufficient comments, the two music and practical. Friends and relations will say your tunes is %u201Cgreat%u201D (and hey, that%u2019s fine, you want that support). They%u2019re of no sensible use by any means, although but, the person who informs you anything you do is great may be best for your ego! The harsh fact is that you simply require great positive judgments from self-sufficient sources who understand what they%u2019re speaking about. There are actually publications like %u201CSound on Sound%u201D, for example, who offer demonstration critiques, although fine, easier said than done.
One more tip is look for the local documenting recording studio and buy a studio room designers time (or even better the studio room proprietor if you can), just to listen to your documenting. Decide on their brains and request their tips on all facets of your taking. I did this it and myself personally was crucial. You%u2019ve got to actually can relate with the studio room expert and that they can correspond with what you%u2019re performing. But following your day, you%u2019re having to pay them simply to pay attention and to provide you with the main benefit of their experience. Believe me, numerous studios will be pleased to accomplish this whenever they realize you%u2019re seriously interested in recognizing constructive judgments and you%u2019re ready to spend the money for heading recording studio price for it. Having Said That I repeat, make certain you get somebody who has expertise and several empathy using the tunes you%u2019re undertaking.
The reason why this is certainly essential is really because frequently, when starting out carrying out a very first album you will not hold the knowledge or products making it sound anything more than a demonstration. Unfortunately, a lot of soon to be musicians get so near their %u201Ccreation%u201D that they can fail to listen to how the music isn%u2019t as good as they believe it is, particularly around the practical side!
It%u2019s usually great to understand that you will find almost certainly tens of thousands of individuals worldwide (maybe thousands and thousands, who knows? !) doing the same thing you are. There%u2019s no shortage of home studios converting out songs without any general shortage of agencies, especially on the net, suggesting how to %u201CMake it Big%u201D.
So, the trick would be to stand out to be %u2018different in the rest%u2019 whilst reaching an ordinary that may be %u2018professional%u2019. How can i outline professional? In which somebody has brought the time and energy to accept documenting above a property trial. Fine, I realize which could seem to be just a little opaque, but the truth is that it%u2019s tough to define, you simply %u201Cknow%u201D.
Songs is extremely subjective – most of us notice different things in it, indeed, people need different things from tunes so it will be acceptable to us, regardless of whether being a composer or a listener. There are fantastic performers who definitely are technically amazing taking part in various tools but history audio that is certainly devoid of soul or enthusiasm and restricted by personal enforced musical restrictions. On the other hand there are actually music artists and bands with little or no education who is able to blow your mind with artistic and amazing tunes because they are not constrained by conventional musical coaching. It%u2019s also worth pointing out that as being a skilled music performer doesn%u2019t make for a competent composer of audio! And even a qualified composer can%u2019t always imbue the formula with this special ingredient that make folks rest up and take notice.
It%u2019s also correct to state that the great musician/composer is not necessarily a good business engineer! This can be a reality that for me, is frequently overlooked. Way too many composers feel that because they have accessibility to an all vocal, all dancing workstation and personal computer, they are able to end up an incredible documenting. Usually, nothing is further from the reality. Composing is a expertise, and engineering an album is another, very different ability. Mastering an album is another, completely different skill. I%u2019m not suggesting a person cannot do each one of these issues well. Naturally they can, with several years of experience, and even then, with insight utilizing sources.
Lots of occasions I%u2019ve sat listening to a trial where composer is persuaded how the songs and the documenting is %u201Cgreat%u201D if in simple fact it isn%u2019t. The saving and utilize of sounds is corny and naff, however the composer can%u2019t hear it simply because they haven%u2019t %u201Cstepped outside of the box%u201D, as I would say. They haven%u2019t stood back through the audio and listened to the taking and compared like for like towards specialist recordings of the genre.
It%u2019s a tough training to find out, to become personal essential of your personal masterpieces and often to comprehend that your development is actually not even close to excellent and that sometimes, the right spot for your development is incorporated in the bin and that you should begin once more on an additional strategy. But this is probably just about the most significant lessons to become acquired in the musical experience.
Additionally, it crucial that you think of this 1 unpalatable fact. Your record might be great. It might have good tunes, be recorded and so forth. and so on. nevertheless it just might not be sufficiently good to be anything greater than an inde record that markets a couple of one hundred replicates. That%u2019s Daily life!
Whether it doesn%u2019t make an immediate impact, It%u2019s a straightforward simple fact that document companies will hear the initial 20 moments of your trial after which swap them back and consign the demonstration towards the container.
That%u2019s not only a/R gentlemen sometimes. Some yrs ago, a serious label experienced a lot of demos that its A/R section couldn%u2019t handle every one of them thus it gave loads of demos to everybody, even products to search through. In the event the Compact disk didn%u2019t make a quick impact, this was %u201Con towards the next%u201D, anyone finished up doing the same -.
Certain, if you%u2019re the history content label exec trawling through 1000s of demos, how would you practice it, though which could seem to be unfair? Once again, I run a tiny inde brand, thus i understand what it%u2019s like.
I%u2019m not advising you history your demonstration to send out to a major tag. I%u2019m relating the tale to hammer property the purpose that with the amount of individuals generating audio, all pondering their own is %u201Cthe greatest recording ever%u201D, you need to be realistic – you probably convey more potential for profitable the united kingdom lotto and the Euro lotto in the very same few days than getting a record package!
But that shouldn%u2019t stop you! ! Your demo should be nicely saved and documented good enough that you may press it and then sell on it your self. In this time period, that%u2019s probably the most effective way ahead. Certain, nevertheless deliver backup to report tags, but also remember that record brands will be trying to find a lot, good deal not only the background music. They%u2019ll look for practical experience, a graphic, a malleable lots and designer far more aside from for today%u2019s audio business.
Your songs ought to have an identification that holds right out of the relaxation plus it ought to have an mental existence. Reaching this really is, extremely tough and then in real truth, it cannot be educated or discovered. I really feel tunes either has that wonder substance to make the fans head of hair get up on finish, to perk men and women fascination, or it doesn%u2019t. And therefore originates from the music performer – not the development, the engineering, the learning the history tag or anywhere else – this is the defining fact of your designer.
So, what am I looking to explain to you here? Properly, to summarize, embark on the highway for being a music performer with idea and desire but agree to that the potential risk of significant accomplishment thru a record bargain is virtually out of the question. Comprehend you need to pay attention with open up ear as to what you find out and do to get vital of your respective music. Make positive critique your closest ally via men and women as their opinion you value and believe in. And even so difficult you think it%u2019s likely to be to possess any way of measuring good results, realize that it will likely be even tougher!
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Here’s a guide to standout moments from another newsy day in the impeachment drama engulfing the Trump presidency. This does not include Mike Pompeo flying to Italy with Nazi Sébastian Gorka flying aboard the taxpayer trip:🤢🤬🤬🤬
What you missed while not watching Day 7 of the impeachment inquiry drama
By Michael Scherr | Published September 30 at 8:15 PM | Washington Post | Posted September 30, 2019 |
Here’s a guide to standout moments from another newsy day in the drama engulfing the Trump presidency:
6:08 a.m. Seven days into the impeachment morass, former government officials have begun to speak up without hewing to partisan talking points. On Sunday, the new face was President Trump’s former homeland security adviser Thomas Bossert, who went on ABC News to say he was “deeply disturbed” by Trump’s call to Ukraine. He also said it was “far from proven” that Trump withheld foreign aid as part of an effort to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden. Today the new voice is former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst, a veteran of the George W. Bush administration, who tries to drop some historical context on NPR listeners. “This is highly abnormal,” Herbst says of Trump’s July call with Ukraine.
6:12 a.m. Herbst also contradicts the Trump argument that Biden did something wrong by pushing to fire Viktor Shokin, a Ukrainian prosecutor who once investigated a company that employed Biden's son. Herbst says Shokin was an untrustworthy “corrupt prosecutor,” who the United States, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development all wanted out of the job. Herbst also notes that the Shokin affidavit saying Biden’s concerns over his son’s company caused his firing was written to aid attorneys for Dmytro Firtash, an oligarch U.S. officials are seeking to extradite on a warrant of bribery. “The folks who are pushing this conspiracy theory are citing this as proof,” Herbst says of the affidavit. “And in fact it undermines their position.”
8:32 a.m. Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, is asked a question that will not go away anytime soon. Does the former vice president have any regrets about not keeping son Hunter Biden from working for the Ukrainian firm while Biden oversaw Ukrainian policy at the White House? “No, because he didn’t do anything wrong,” Bedingfield says of the younger Biden on CNN’s “New Day.”
8:46 a.m. Former senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who quit after undermining his reelection hopes by opposing Trump, calls on other Republican senators “to risk your careers in favor of your principles.” In a Washington Post opinion piece, he describes removing Trump from office through impeachment as a tough call, but argues that opposing Trump’s reelection is a moral necessity. “Trust me when I say that you can go elsewhere for a job,” he writes. “But you cannot go elsewhere for a soul.”
9:44 a.m. Attorneys for the whistleblower who launched this process share a letter sent Saturday to the Director of National Intelligence. “The purpose of this letter is to formally notify you of serious concerns we have regarding our client’s personal safety,” it reads. The concerns were created by Trump. “I want to know . . . who’s the person that gave the whistleblower the information, because that’s close to a spy,” the president said Thursday at an event in New York. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? With spies and treason, right? We used to handle them a little differently than we do now.”
10:36 a.m. The president’s 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton takes a stab at Trump’s Twitter crown with a seven-word tweet devoid of context. “The president is a corrupt human tornado,” it reads. She premiered the meteorological epithet last week with CBS News.
11:07 a.m. Letters have become as hip as tweets. Republican Sens. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wis.), release a new missive, dated Friday. The senators ask Attorney General William P. Barr to reveal any Justice Department investigation into alleged efforts by Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign or her allies to get Ukrainians to help dig up dirt on Trump and his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. “Ukrainian efforts, abetted by a U.S. political party, to interfere in the 2016 election should not be ignored,” the senators write. Ukrainian officials have denied any effort to help Clinton in the 2016 election.
11:18 a.m. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) goes on CNBC to confirm what his office has previously made clear. If the House impeaches Trump, the Senate must hold a trial under Senate rule and precedent. “I would have no choice but to take it up,” McConnell says. This will come as a disappointment to Diamond and Silk, who call themselves “Trump’s Most Loyal Supporters” on Twitter. A few hours ago, they called on the GOP to “enforce the rules to end the games,” by which they meant McConnell should ignore the rules and not take up impeachment.
11:21 a.m. Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official Yuri Lutsenko, who took over after Shokin was fired, recounts yet again the efforts by Trump to pressure him to investigate the Biden family. In an interview in Kiev with the Los Angeles Times, Lutsenko says he told Trump lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani there was no evidence that the former vice president or his son had broken Ukrainian laws. “I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said. This restates comments he made to The Post last week. Earlier this year, Lutsenko told a conservative columnist for The Hill newspaper that he would be happy to share what he knew with Barr.
12:36 p.m. Trump’s Twitter tally today stands at 13 so far. He has denounced the “witch hunt,” called the whistleblower “Fake Whistleblower” and declared “the Bidens were corrupt!” He also raised the possibility that Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) should be arrested “for treason” for using words Trump never spoke to dramatize the president’s call to Ukraine. Trump tweets #fakewhistleblower in an effort to get the hashtag trending, but at the moment the top trending tags include #civilwarsignup and #civilwar2, both references to another tweet the president sent Sunday quoting a pastor warning of a “civil warlike fracture” if Trump is ever removed from office. Most of these tweets are not from Team Trump.
12:49 p.m. Another data point from the political twitter wars: Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) has about 25,700 retweets on his reaction to Trump’s civil war tweet, which reads, “@realDonaldTrump I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.” Trump’s original tweet, by contrast, only has 17,200 retweets.
2:39 p.m. In an Oval Office pool spray, Trump makes television of his morning tweets. “We’re trying to find out about a whistleblower,” Trump says. This may run counter to the whistleblower protections that are codified in law and rule. “In recognition of the importance of whistleblowing and whistleblowers to the effectiveness and efficiency of government, whistleblowing is protected by Federal laws, policies and regulations,” reads a Web page maintained by the Director of National Intelligence. “These protections ensure that lawful whistleblowers are protected from reprisal as a result of their Protected Disclosure.”
3:05 p.m. A national poll by Quinnipiac University finds that the share of American voters who support impeaching Trump has grown from 37 percent to 47 percent over one week. Among closely watched independents, the share opposing impeachment fell from 58 percent to 50 percent over the same period, while the share supporting impeachment rose from 34 percent to 42 percent. In a separate question, voters support the impeachment inquiry of Trump by a margin of 52 percent to 45 percent. That number closely tracks with Trump’s overall approval in the poll, with 53 percent disapproving of the way he is handling his job and 41 percent approving.
3:30 p.m. Schiff signs a fundraising text for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Rest assured I won’t back down from holding the president accountable, and neither will my Democratic colleagues,” he writes. “That’s why I’m reaching out.” The ask is $5.
3:55 p.m. The House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees release a subpoena demanding documents from Giuliani and three of his business associates. The documents concern 23 separate items, including communications about potential meetings with Barr or any of his associates.
4 p.m. CNN releases new national polling that closely tracks the Quinnipiac numbers. Young people are particularly drawn to the effort, with 65 percent younger than 35 saying they want to impeach and remove Trump from office, compared with 43 percent who felt that way in May.
4:07 p.m. The afternoon news dump begins. The Wall Street Journal reports that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took part in the July phone call between Trump and the new president of Ukraine. The source is a senior State Department official.
4:19 p.m. The New York Times reports that Trump pushed Australia’s prime minister to help gather information that he hopes will discredit the investigation by former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The sources are two American officials with knowledge of the call. Australian officials tipped off the FBI in 2016 to alleged Russian overtures to a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser. The Russians were said to have boasted about having dirt on Clinton.
5:11 p.m. The Post reports that Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials seeking their help in a Justice Department inquiry that Trump hopes will discredit U.S. intelligence analysis of Russian interference in the 2016 election. This includes overtures to British, Australian and Italian officials. The sources are people familiar with the matter.
What you missed while not watching Day 3 of President Trump’s impeachment drama
What you missed while not watching Day 3 of President Trump’s impeachment drama
Acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire testifies before the House Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
By Michael Scherr | Published September 26, 2019 | Washington Post| Posted September 30, 2019 |
This is what you missed if you weren’t watching Day 3 of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump:
6:07 a.m. A weary nation awakens to find its combatants emerging from cable news makeup chairs, ready for battle. It’s been two days since Democrats announced they would pursue the impeachment of President Trump, and one day since the White House released call records showing Trump had urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to help find dirt on a political rival. Today, the acting director of national intelligence will testify, and there are already reports that the whistleblower complaint at the center of the Ukraine scandal has been declassified and will be released shortly. Here we go.
6:33 a.m. Impeachment is legally prescribed by the Constitution, but political in practice and therefore made for TV. The judges and jurors all hold elected office. They answer to the American voters, most of whom have better things to do right now, like make breakfast and get their kids out the door. Morning Joe talks about Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) saying Wednesday that the whistleblower allegations against Trump are “very troubling.” Fox and Friends plays clips of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) opposing President Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998. “It doesn’t matter about facts. It doesn’t matter about truth,” says Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in an appearance on the show. He means that Democrats have no scruples.
8:03 a.m. Starting the day at his Fifth Avenue penthouse, Trump fires off a fusillade of tweets, landing faster than they can be read. He wants people to know what his pundit friends, family and Republican operatives think. All seem to agree it is perfectly fine for Trump to ask Ukraine’s leader to help the Justice Department and his personal attorney investigate a rival candidate for president, as the phone call summary revealed Wednesday. First daughter Ivanka Trump is proud of her president. Vice President Pence thinks Trump “has been completely vindicated.” Former daytime talk show host Geraldo Rivera suggests Trump’s reelection is now more likely. “STICK TOGETHER, PLAY THEIR GAME, AND FIGHT HARD REPUBLICANS. OUR COUNTRY IS AT STAKE!” reads one Trump tweet, which is later deleted.
8:41 a.m. The House Intelligence Committee drops the whistleblower repo rt. The complaint confirms, with detailed notation, the outlines of charges Democrats have leveled against Trump. The central allegation is that the president is “using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.” In a new disclosure, the document describes a political effort by unnamed senior White House officials to “lock down” all records of the phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president by moving paper records to a “codeword-level” computer system. It also describes separate alleged efforts by the Trump administration to get Ukraine to “play ball” in the spring. It provides a detailed analysis of the internal Ukrainian politics Trump has allegedly been trying to manipulate for months.
9:13 a.m. As everyone struggles to make sense of the document, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) opens a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee. The witness is Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, who previously decided not to give the whistleblower report to Congress, as the law seemingly requires, after consulting the White House and Justice Department. Schiff wears his serious face. He says the Trump call to Ukraine “read like a classic organized crime shakedown.” Then, instead of reading from the document, he decides to dramatize it with made up words from an imaginary mob boss. “I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good,” Schiff says. “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent understand.” This is, Schiff says, “the most consequential form of tragedy.”
9:22 a.m. The committee’s ranking Republican, Rep. Devin Nunes (Calif.), congratulates Democrats on the “rollout of their latest information warfare operation against the president.” He talks about the “Democrat’s mania to overturn the 2016 elections,” and uses the words “hoax,” “fake story,” “hysteria,” “frenzy,” “gambit,” “charade,” and “grotesque spectacle.” He also falsely asserts that former vice president Joe Biden “bragged that he extorted the Ukrainians into firing a prosecutor who happened to be investigating Biden’s own son.” Biden did push to fire a prosecutor who had previously investigated a firm on where his son, Hunter Biden, worked. But Biden and other Western officials said the prosecutor was not sufficiently pursuing corruption cases. The investigation into the firm was dormant at the time and Hunter Biden had not been accused of wrongdoing, according to former Ukrainian and U.S. officials.
9:29 a.m. Maguire describes his work history, taking note that he has 11 times sworn an oath to the Constitution. “No one can take an individual’s integrity away,” he says. “It can only be given away.” Then he explains two reasons that he did not give the whistleblower complaint to Congress, after consulting with the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and the White House. First, he said he was advised by the Justice Department that it could contain privileged information about the internal workings of the executive branch. Second, there was a question of whether the complaint fell inside his purview because it concerned behavior by the president who is “outside the intelligence community.” At the same time, he is pleased that the information is now public. He says the whistleblower has behaved lawfully and “acted in good faith.”
9:44 a.m. For the next several hours, Maguire takes questions from members of Congress, most of which consist of efforts by Republicans or Democrats to score points for their teams.
11:18 a.m. Pelosi takes the stage at the Capitol building to announce that she is sad, prayerful and patriotic. She tries to put a headline on the now-released whistleblower report. “This is a coverup,” she says, in reference to the claim that White House officials tried to move information to a highly classified computer system. She also says the acting director of national intelligence “broke the law” by not immediately turning over the whistleblower complaint. Then she quotes Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine.
11:45 a.m. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) takes the same stage before the same flags with another patriotic message. “America is too great for a vision so small of just impeachment and investigation,” he says. He attacks Pelosi for opening an inquiry before the records of the call to the Ukrainian president were released. “Let’s be very clear — the president did not ask to investigate Joe Biden,” McCarthy says. This is not clear at all. In the call summary released by the White House, Trump tells Ukraine’s president, “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.” When a reporter points this out, McCarthy stands his ground. “What you’re reading and what you’re trying to — my belief is you are misstating,” McCarthy says.
11:50 a.m. The Associated Press moves a story saying Vermont Gov. Phil Scott just declared himself the first Republican chief executive in the nation to support impeachment proceedings against Trump.
12:47 p.m. The Los Angeles Times publishes a story quoting from a private speech Trump gave this morning at a New York hotel. In an audio recording taken from the room, Trump calls reporters “scum” and attacks the unidentified whistleblower, suggesting that he has committed a crime historically punished by death. “I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy,” Trump says in the recording. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
12:48 p.m. The cable networks start showing a hallway news conference by Schiff, just as Air Force One, carrying the president back from New York, makes its final approach at Joint Base Andrews. Trump immediately tweets, “Adam B. Schiff has no credibility. Another fantasy to hurt the Republican Party!” On television, Schiff says his team will keep working on Trump’s impeachment over the next two weeks, when the rest of Congress heads home for a recess.
12:52 p.m. A reporter at the Capitol asks Schiff about Trump’s four-minute-old, in-flight insult tweet. “I’m always flattered when I’m attacked by someone of the president’s character,” Schiff says, before ducking into an office.
1 p.m. With Schiff off television, Trump steps off the plane to address reporters. “Adam B. Schiff doesn’t talk about Joe Biden and his son walking away with millions of dollars from Ukraine, and then millions of dollars from China,” Trump says. This is an inaccurate statement. Hunter Biden did collect significant income from a Ukrainian company, but there is no evidence Joe Biden made money from either country, and Hunter Biden’s lawyer denies that he made any money from a China investment deal he advised. Trump says three times that his call with the Ukrainian president was “perfect.” “Absolutely perfect phone call,” he says.
1:54 p.m. The New York Times reports that the whistleblower is a CIA officer who was detailed to the White House.
2:21 p.m. The Washington Post updates its tally of House members who now support the opening of an impeachment inquiry. The new tally notches 219 Democrats and Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.), who announced this summer that he had left the Republican Party. A simple majority of 218 members is required to adopt articles of impeachment and prompt a Senate trial of the president.
3:35 p.m. Joe Biden’s presidential campaign releases a statement quoting the former vice president’s appearance the night before on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Biden said then that Trump’s efforts were “18 out of 10” on the outlandish scale. Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, says Biden deserves indirect credit for Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. “It is all borne from his deep, fully substantiated fear that Joe Biden will beat him in November 2020,” she says.
3:44 p.m. CBS News announces that former secretary of state Hillary Clinton called Trump a “corrupt human tornado” in a new interview. She supports an impeachment inquiry.
4:28 p.m. Former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., a longtime critic of Trump, says on CNN that the president’s morning comments comparing the whistleblower to a treasonous spy is “witness retaliation.” “What’s really bad about it is this is going to have a very chilling effect on any other potential whistleblowers,” Clapper says.
7:02 p.m. The evening spin time begins. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), a candidate for president, appears on MSNBC to throw a bunch of punches. She calls Trump a “lawless president.” She calls the situation “outrageous.” She calls the White House “a racket.” She says there was a “coverup.” After a clip of Trump talking plays, she adds, “He sounds like a criminal.”
8:28 p.m. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich goes on Fox News to say that Democrats are making “a really bad decision” that will ultimately destroy Biden’s presidential campaign. Gingrich is qualified to make this claim because he lost his job running Congress after pushing the impeachment of President Clinton. What went wrong? “What happens is you get in a room, you are surrounded by your partisans, you only listen to yourself,” Gingrich tells Tucker Carlson and the primetime Fox audience.
9:01 p.m. Sean Hannity offers a coda on the day — a “Fox News Alert” — to say that everything that just happened didn’t matter. “The real story. The real corruption,” Hannity announces. “None of it, zero has to do with President Trump.” Stay tuned. He has a special report on Biden. We are just getting started.
What you missed while not watching Day 4 of President Trump’s impeachment drama
By Michael Scherr | Published September 27, 2019 | Washington Post | Posted September 30, 2019 |
Here’s a guide to standout moments from another newsy day in the drama engulfing the Trump presidency:
7:21 a.m. It’s Day 4 of the impeachment effort, and President Trump wants everyone to know he has done nothing wrong. His early tweets contain some typos, including a double preposition. “I had a simple and very nice call with with the new President of Ukraine, it could not have been better or more honorable, and the Fake News Media and Democrats, working as a team, have fraudulently made it look bad,” he writes. A White House spokesman, Hogan Gidley, goes on “Fox & Friends” to deny reporting from multiple  news outlets that White House staff were alarmed by the call. “No one I’ve talked to is concerned at all about this,” Gidley says.
7:31 a.m. Trump’s chief adversary, House Speaker Nanci Pelosi (D-Calif.), makes her first public appearance of the day, arriving at an MSNBC set on a rooftop across from the U.S. Capitol. On “Morning Joe,” Day 4 is a special event. Rising sun. Brisk fall breeze. Pelosi has come with a glittery American flag brooch and talking points to hammer like a nail gun: “This is about national security.” “This is a sad time for our country.” “We have to be prayerful.” “He gave us no choice.” Attorney General William P. Barr has “gone rogue.” The bottom line: “The president of the United States used taxpayer dollars to shake down the leader of another country for his own political gain. The rest of it is ancillary.”
8:29 a.m. Trump calls on Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) to resign and “be investigated” for reading a fake transcript of the president’s call with Ukraine at a hearing yesterday. In Trump’s telling, Schiff was “supposedly reading the exact transcribed version” and “GOT CAUGHT.” Schiff, who as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is emerging as a key point person in the impeachment drama, had actually been a bit more nuanced. He introduced the fabulism by calling it “the essence of what the president communicates.” The moment was nonetheless potentially misleading, especially because sound bites are regularly chopped without context on social media.
9:04 a.m. The White House releases a memo headlined, “The swamp is beyond parody, but the American people aren’t laughing.” The argument is that Democrats are spending their time on a “political circus” instead of “real, pressing concerns” such as strong border security, real gun safety, affordable prescription drug prices and a new North American trade deal. “You can’t make this stuff up,” the memo reads.
10:20 a.m. Not much happening at the moment. A good time to catch up on the stories you might have missed last night. A Washington Post deep dive into former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani’s efforts to cultivate “a bevy” of current and former prosecutors in Ukraine. A Post visual guide to everyone mentioned in the whistleblower report. The Atlantic’s captivating interview with Giuliani, which Elaina Plott conducted from the back of an Uber. “It is impossible that the whistleblower is a hero and I’m not,” Giuliani told Plott. “And I will be the hero! These morons. When this is over, I will be the hero.”
10:37 a.m. Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), whose presidential campaign has been struggling to gain traction, calls for an investigation of the State Department’s apparent role in Giuliani’s meetings with Ukranian officials. She cites Giuliani’s appearance the night before on Fox News, in which he showed text messages he claimed to be from State Department officials urging him to reach out. Harris also addresses a tweet to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, telling him to “instruct State Department staff to preserve any communications involving” Giuliani.
10:50 a.m. CNN reports the White House had offered a statement confirming a central allegation of the whistleblower complaint: Records of Trump’s call with Ukraine were moved to a separate server inside the White House. National Security Council lawyers “directed that the classified document be handled appropriately,” the White House statement reads.
11:21 a.m. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton takes a shot at Trump during an appearance at Georgetown University. “Now we know that in the course of his duties as president, he has endangered us all by putting his personal and political interests ahead of the interests of the American people,” she says.
11:30 a.m. Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law and a senior adviser on his campaign, goes on Fox News to say Democrats are “unfortunately” tarnishing their name and overplaying their hand. “Just because it might not have been something every president would have said doesn’t make it an impeachable offense,” she says of the president’s phone call to Ukraine.
11:40 a.m. The Senate convenes for a pro forma session, which is like opening a store but locking the cash register. Nothing can really happen. Like members of the House, senators began a two-week break today. Schiff has said his staff will continue working during the break.
12:14 p.m. The Post reports that a group of lawmakers in Ukraine are seeking to launch a new probe into Burisma Holdings, the gas company where Joe Biden’s son Hunter served on the board during his father’s time as vice president. The younger Biden has not been accused of wrongdoing.
12:53 p.m. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) becomes the last Democratic candidate for president who has qualified for the October debate to announce that she supports impeachment proceedings against Trump. She had been attacked Thursday night on this point by the primary opponent running for her House seat. “This inquiry must be swift, thorough, and narrowly-focused,” Gabbard says in a statement shared by a campaign adviser. “It cannot be turned into a long, protracted partisan circus that will further divide our country and undermine our democracy.”
2:17 p.m. The House Appropriations and Budget committees announce  sending a letter to the White House demanding documents and answers by next week regarding the Trump administration’s “involvement in the withholding of foreign aid, including nearly $400 million in crucial security assistance funding for Ukraine.”
2:30 p.m. The Associated Press alerts that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has previously committed to holding a trial of Trump if the House votes to impeach him. “If the House were to act, the Senate immediately goes into a trial,” McConnell told NPR in March. The regular rules for conducting an impeachment trial in the Senate are spelled out in the United States Senate Manual, and they include lots of specificity: When the House delivers the impeachment articles, the senate sergeant at arms must proclaim the following words, “All persons are commanded to keep silence, on pain of imprisonment, while the House of Representatives is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States articles of impeachment against” whoever is being impeached. The chief justice of the United States “shall preside,” and the doors to the chamber “shall be kept open,” unless directed otherwise for deliberation.
3:41 p.m. Trump previews how he hopes the impeachment fight will play out in the 2020 election if Biden becomes the Democratic nominee. He posts a 30-second campaign ad. “Biden promised Ukraine a billion dollars if they fired the prosecutor investigating his son’s company,” the narrator says, over ominous music. “But when President Trump asks Ukraine to investigate corruption, the Democrats want to impeach him.” Much of this is misleading. Biden threatened to withhold aid that had been promised to Ukraine if it did not fire the prosecutor; he did not promise to give $1 billion for doing so. The Ukranian prosecutor in question did not have an active investigation of the company where Biden’s son worked at the time. Biden’s son was never a subject of the investigation. The Democrat’s current impeachment investigation focuses on Trump’s specific request to the current Ukrainian president for aid in an investigation of Biden, his political rival. Such details might get lost in a war of sound bites and paid advertising.
4:03 p.m. The House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight committees announce a new subpoena of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for documents related to the Ukraine investigation that were requested earlier this month and never delivered. The letter concludes by alleging that Pompeo’s continued refusal to provide the documents “impairs Congress’ ability to fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities to protect our national security and the integrity of our democracy.”
4:58 p.m. The Washington Post reports that Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney who has been helping lead Ukraine outreach, is scheduled to make a paid appearance at a Kremlin backed conference in Armenia. Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to attend. Giuliani declined to say how much he will make. “I will try to not knowingly talk to a Russian until this is all over,” he says.
6:09 p.m. Giuliani tells reporters he will no longer attend the conference. “Just found out Putin was going and I don’t need to give the Swamp press more distractions,” he tells The Post in a text message.
6:10 p.m. Kurt Volker, Trump’s envoy to Ukraine, has resigned, reports the State Press, the student newspaper of Arizona State University. Volker is also the director of ASU’s McCain Institute for International Leadership. Giuliani had posted a reputed text message exchange with Volker on Thursday and boasted on television of their communications. House leaders announced Friday that they planned to interview Volker next week.
8:26 p.m. More comes out. The Washington Post reports that Trump told two Russian officials in a 2017 Oval Office meeting that he was unconcerned about Russian interference in the 2016 election. This assertion prompted alarm in the White House, leading officials to limit access to the remarks to an unusually small number of people. The source of this information is three former officials with knowledge of the matter.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public
A coalition of leading public health experts urged the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday night to conduct full safety and efficacy reviews of potential coronavirus vaccines before making the products widely available to the public.
In a letter signed by nearly 400 experts in infectious diseases, vaccines and other medical specialties, the group called on Dr. Stephen Hahn, the F.D.A. commissioner, to be forthcoming about the agency’s deliberations over whether to approve any new vaccine, in order to gain the public’s trust.
“We must be able to explain to the public what we know and what we don’t know about these vaccines,” noted the letter, which was organized by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest. “For that to happen, we must be able to witness a transparent and rigorous F.D.A. approval process that is devoid of political considerations.”
More than 30 experimental coronavirus vaccines are in clinical trials, with several companies racing to have the first product in the United States ready by the end of the year. The federal government has promised more than $9 billion to companies for these efforts to date. But many people are highly skeptical of these new vaccines, and might refuse to get them.
“Collaborations between scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government may bring us to a remarkable and historic achievement,” the letter said. “But an effective vaccine will only be truly useful if a large proportion of the public is willing to take it.”
The signers included academic researchers and former government officials from around the country, including the former surgeon general Dr. Joycelyn Elders; the former F.D.A. chief Dr. Jane E. Henney; and Dr. Luciana Borio, the former director for medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council.
In an effort to reassure the public, Dr. Hahn said recently that he would seek the advice of the F.D.A.’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, although he has not said when the group would meet or which vaccine candidates it would consider.
The F.D.A. declined to comment on the letter Wednesday evening.
Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the F.D.A.’s vaccine advisory panel, was also among the signers. In an interview, Dr. Offit called the agency’s emergency authorization for hydroxychloroquine — a malaria drug that President Trump has promoted as a treatment for Covid-19, despite no evidence that it works — a “warning shot.” The authorization was later revoked after a review found that 100 Covid-19 patients who took the drug had serious heart problems, including 25 who died.
“I think the administration bent or imposed its will on the F.D.A.,” Dr. Offit said. “There’s a concern that this would happen here, too.”
The letter said that scientists carrying out vaccine trials should share the details of their Phase 3 trials, which test thousands of volunteers to see whether the products prevent coronavirus infections and whether they cause side effects. It’s critical, the letter said, that the F.D.A. not approve any product until Phase 3 data are complete. The group also requested that volunteers be monitored for unexpected side effects that occur after the trials.
The Coronavirus Outbreak ›
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated August 6, 2020
Why are bars linked to outbreaks?
Think about a bar. Alcohol is flowing. It can be loud, but it’s definitely intimate, and you often need to lean in close to hear your friend. And strangers have way, way fewer reservations about coming up to people in a bar. That’s sort of the point of a bar. Feeling good and close to strangers. It’s no surprise, then, that bars have been linked to outbreaks in several states. Louisiana health officials have tied at least 100 coronavirus cases to bars in the Tigerland nightlife district in Baton Rouge. Minnesota has traced 328 recent cases to bars across the state. In Idaho, health officials shut down bars in Ada County after reporting clusters of infections among young adults who had visited several bars in downtown Boise. Governors in California, Texas and Arizona, where coronavirus cases are soaring, have ordered hundreds of newly reopened bars to shut down. Less than two weeks after Colorado’s bars reopened at limited capacity, Gov. Jared Polis ordered them to close.
I have antibodies. Am I now immune?
As of right now, that seems likely, for at least several months. There have been frightening accounts of people suffering what seems to be a second bout of Covid-19. But experts say these patients may have a drawn-out course of infection, with the virus taking a slow toll weeks to months after initial exposure. People infected with the coronavirus typically produce immune molecules called antibodies, which are protective proteins made in response to an infection. These antibodies may last in the body only two to three months, which may seem worrisome, but that’s perfectly normal after an acute infection subsides, said Dr. Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University. It may be possible to get the coronavirus again, but it’s highly unlikely that it would be possible in a short window of time from initial infection or make people sicker the second time.
I’m a small-business owner. Can I get relief?
The stimulus bills enacted in March offer help for the millions of American small businesses. Those eligible for aid are businesses and nonprofit organizations with fewer than 500 workers, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors and freelancers. Some larger companies in some industries are also eligible. The help being offered, which is being managed by the Small Business Administration, includes the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. But lots of folks have not yet seen payouts. Even those who have received help are confused: The rules are draconian, and some are stuck sitting on money they don’t know how to use. Many small-business owners are getting less than they expected or not hearing anything at all.
What are my rights if I am worried about going back to work?
What is school going to look like in September?
It is unlikely that many schools will return to a normal schedule this fall, requiring the grind of online learning, makeshift child care and stunted workdays to continue. California’s two largest public school districts — Los Angeles and San Diego — said on July 13, that instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections in their areas pose too dire a risk for students and teachers. Together, the two districts enroll some 825,000 students. They are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August. For other districts, the solution won’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Many systems, including the nation’s largest, New York City, are devising hybrid plans that involve spending some days in classrooms and other days online. There’s no national policy on this yet, so check with your municipal school system regularly to see what is happening in your community.
Dr. Offit said that the advisory board, which includes experts from academia, industry and government and makes much of its discussions public, could handle as many of the vaccine candidates as are ready to review.
“Typically they are two-day meetings,” he said. “We could make them longer than that. We can go through all the data.”
Dr. Rebekah Gee, chief executive of Louisiana State University health care services, who also signed the letter, said that research data on the vaccines must be made public.
“Everyone in our nation is anxiously awaiting a Covid-19 vaccine,” she said. “It’s important to public health to save lives, and for our economy, but we want to make sure that whatever is done is done in an open process that is devoid of political influence.”
The post Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public appeared first on Shri Times News.
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messiahltjf205-blog · 4 years
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Folding Dining Table For Small Space
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If you were not responsible for injuries suffered as a result of a slip or fall at work, it may be that your accident was triggered by your company's failure to abide by current security standards in respect of dangers in the work place. If this is the case you can make an accident payment declares Your company has an obligation to make sure that the work location is safe and devoid of risks.
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In a legal battle, you want someone on your side who will safeguard and defend your rights. You will need the services of personal injury legal representatives in such a fight, and the more experienced and efficient they are in court, the easier it is to win your case.
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The last test needs to always be to meet the lawyer. In such a meeting you can talk about the payment approach (contingency or flat-fee), however more significantly you wish to attempt to assess if this private appears proficient. Note things like, what law school he or she participated in? Did they pass the bar on their very first attempt? For how long have they been practicing personal injury in your state? Will they let you talk with a few of their newest customers? All of these elements taken together ought to offer you a basic impression of whether your personal injury lawyer is competent, if not great.
If you suffer accidental personal injury or damages through the fault of another, that person or company is legally responsible (accountable) and can be required to pay compensation. To identify responsibility, the court looks for neglect -- negligence by one of the parties included. Whoever is figured out to have been less careful (i.e. more negligent), is lawfully responsible for a minimum of part of the damages incurred.
Pick an injury lawyer with trial experience. Although many accident claims are settled out of court, personally injury lawyers often get favorable settlements by threatening to take cases to trial. The offenders are frequently ready to pay out more money to the plaintiffs to avoid costly trials, unfavorable promotion, and the chance that a court would award the complainants more money. In this case, experience is key: if your accident attorney has never won cases in court, the defendant in your lawsuit might not take the hazard of going to trial seriously.
Types of Accident. Accidents can be nearly anything that results in an injury. Whether this is a car mishap brought on by another motorist, or whether you slip and fall while shopping or perhaps at work these are all probably triggers for accident claims. Tripping over terribly laid paving slabs might lead to an effective injury claim. Canine bites, asbestos health problems, a crash while on public transportation or any mishap that leads to bodily injury might suggest you are entitled to claim. An injury lawyer will be able to recommend you whether you have a case or not.
If you have been involved in an accident, the first thing you ought to do is get in touch with an injury lawyer; they will be able to advise you whether you have a right to an injury claim or not. These assessments are normally totally free and frequently an accident lawyer will not take any money unless they win the claim.
If you have been hurt and are considering hiring an accident legal representative there are a couple of things to remember.
If you have actually been hurt in a mishap, then you might have the ability to recuperate settlement. Bear in mind that you should take legal guidance from a quality accident legal representative as soon as possible after your accident to guarantee that you receive the compensation you deserve. Get legal help for your injuries by discovering an injury legal representative that has experience in your claim location and is confident he can help you.
If you're handling insurance companies, your attorney can also handle the jobs in your place. You will get the needed suggestions as to the best ways to properly file a claim and ways to complete the legal procedures that support it. When you file a lawsuit, you need to complete specific kinds and not only that, you likewise need to pay the required costs.
Even for once, you might be involved in an injury case. In such case, you might wish to claim a payment for the discomfort and suffering that it has actually caused you. This is when an accident attorney is required. You must seek advice from an injury attorney, even if simply to discuss the concern you have. Bear in mind that no matter how big or small your injury case is, you should submit your accident claim and see exactly what your legal rights are. And, your injury lawyer will help you about these matters all throughout your case.
If a bicyclist is associated with a mishap where a 3rd party is at fault, an injury compensation claims might be brought versus the offending 3rd party. In addition to obtaining settlement for your injuries, you might also have the ability to recuperate losses in respect of damage to your bicycle and clothing in addition to loss of profits by starting a personal injury payment claim.
It is suggested that when you had yourself hurt, or you had an accident, you need to right away consult an attorney to understand the merits you have for a case. Definitely, getting the services of Space Saving Furniture For Small Apartments injury legal representatives to guide you on the steps to take would be a smart thing to do. Filing a formal complaint the soonest you can, will hasten things up, and will provide the impression of a genuine cause of action on your part.
Recommendations can be excellent if you understand someone in the legal neighborhood. But if not, the very best you will get out of a recommendation is a sort of 'he or she isn't incompetent.' Due to the fact that let's face it, a lot of customers have no idea whether the settlement they got remained in truth the best they might have.
Injury cases are severe matters. They typically involve severe injury, permanent special http://rylanvszj798.yousher.com/sage-advice-about-auto-wreck-lawyer-dallas-from-a-five-year-old needs, as well as death. Victims depend on the injury attorney to recuperate financial damages that are needed to cover their medical treatments, replace completely lost income, and make up for their discomfort and suffering.
If you have been associated with a mishap, the first thing you should do is contact a personal injury lawyer; they will be able to advise you whether you have a right to an injury claim or not. These assessments are usually complimentary and quite often a personal injury lawyer will not take any money unless they win the claim.
Law Firm of S. Craig Glickman
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 407-2607
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benjamingarden · 5 years
What I've Learned From Whole Foods Plant Based Eating
I've been eating a strict whole foods plant based (WFPB) diet since the middle of September of this year.  I've lost almost 30 pounds in that short period of time and more than that, I feel good.  I have a lot more energy (although the release of stress from caretaking is likely part of that).  I don't suffer any sinus headaches at all (and with fall I usually suffered immensely) and my immune system feels stronger.   This post is in no way an attempt to convince anyone to go WFPB.  Heck, I'm not at all sure how long I will continue following the strict guidelines, but I have learned a LOT in this short period of time and thought I would share what I've learned with you.  I feel some of it I should have known, but I guess I never really thought about it.  Regardless, it came about, I suppose, when I needed to see it. A Quick Recap: Four years ago I gave up dairy.  I was sick of being sick.  Sinus infection after sinus infection continued to land me in Urgent Care and my doctor's office and after one rather severe infection that just wouldn't get better I decided to give it up.  That was step one in my WFPB journey. I've suffered from seasonal and dust mite allergies since my early twenties and developed additional allergies to cats and dogs in the past 10 years.  My allergies caused me constant issues (after all, I have cats AND dogs in my life and live around molds and mildews of the great northeast!) and some years I would end up on antibiotics up to 4 times.  After 30 days of being dairy free, I felt so good that I decided to try what I'd suspected might help me out health wise - going WFPB.  Mostly to help lower my blood pressure and gradually increasing cholesterol. If you look up info on the WFPB movement, it involves giving up not only meat, seafood, and dairy but also oils, salt, and refined sugar too in addition to cutting down consumption of nuts to just a small handful daily, at most.  While that is a quick list of what to cut out, what you add in is just as important.  Veggies - a LOT of veggies, at least two times a day.  Lots of leafy greens, cruciferous veg, as well as all of the other types you can think of.  Beans or legumes and whole grains as well as fruits are added in volume to your daily meal plan too. When I first gave up meat, almost three years ago, I did not go completely WFPB.  I was still cooking with oils half the time and water the other half, I started using butter again, but only as a spread for bread.  I still consumed refined sugar (although quite a bit less)and although I believed I was eating nuts in moderation, I now know that I wasn't.  I was also eating some vegan "junk food" (vegan cheese & vegan sausage/"meats").  I lost 15 pounds and I did feel a bit better.  While I did not get any further sinus infections, I continued to suffer from sinus headaches with the changing of seasons, before rain or snow, etc. After about a year and a half of that I began eating meat and seafood here and there, once every 1-2 weeks.  Then, when I began trying to adjust my life to include caring for my terminally ill mother, I began eating more meat.  Rather than finding time that I didn't have to continue cooking a meal for J, a meal for her (food was very difficult for her at the end), and a meal for me for lunches and dinners. Every. Single. Day.  For months.  I gave into eating meat and seafood about 3 times a week so that I could cook one meal for two of us and then I only had to figure out a separate meal for my mom.  And I gained most of the 15 pounds back.
Me sporting my graying hair
My mother passed away in September of this year and what really shook me to the core was how rare her cancer was.  Not only how rare it was but also how far progressed it was by the time anyone found it.  My health suddenly became the most important thing in my life (which it should have been...).  I fully understand that I can't do much about genetics.  But what I can do, is try to be the healthiest version of me that I can so hopefully when/if I have to battle a serious illness, my body will respond well.  I can also hope that being the healthiest version of myself may help protect me for either a longer period of time or, lessen the impact.  I went full-on WFPB the very next day. Here is what I've learned the past 2 months that I've been following a strict WFPB diet:
1. Nuts Are Good (In Moderation)
     While there are some studies that show and physicians who believe that the nutritional value nuts holds is not worth the risk of consuming the amount of fat they are comprised of, most say they are very good for us in moderation.  Moderation is further defined as a small handful per day.
     I began adding a small handful of chopped walnuts to my daily oatmeal and thought "I've got this!"  Additionally, once a month I eat 2-4 Brazilian nuts.  Once I switched to the strict WFPB guidelines, and began actually consciously paying attention to what I was eating, I realized I'd been fooling myself.  Most vegan alternatives ("cheese", "sauces", "milk", etc.) contain nuts.  This meant I was eating my small handful in the morning (I use oat milk rather than nut milk), and then again at lunch with a "cheese" I added to my veggie burger, and sometimes at dinner in a sauce made of a large amount of cashews.      My personal theory is that following the "nuts are good in moderation" determination is the one I'd like to continue following.  I believe they do offer a significant nutritional benefit, I enjoy them, and will choose to continue consuming them.  In moderation, of course, because first, they are high in fats and I'm not interested in ever going back to consuming as much fat as I'd previously been consuming.  Second, they are expensive.  And third, there are other ways to make sauces, etc.  It just takes a bit of research and trial and error.
2. Most Of Us Do Not Consume Enough Vegetables       Eating a strict WFPB diet where I incorporate a salad of leafy greens with almost every meal has really opened my eyes to the fact that I was definitely not previously eating enough vegetables.  I mean, honestly, when was the last time you ate leafy greens (they don't count if they were drenched in a high fat dressing) with lunch AND with dinner for more than one day in a row? They are chock full of nutrients and just make you feel good.      Additionally, there's just so much information out there touting the benefits of cruciferous veggies as well as eating a rainbow of colors at every meal, that I will definitely continue this practice.  I've found that chopping veggies on the weekend and keeping them in the refrigerator in containers allows me to easily make side salads to go with my weeks worth of lunches and dinners.  If I don't prep ahead of time it's, unfortunately, more likely I will not eat a salad.
3. Are "Healthy Oils" Really Healthy?      The short answer is, I have no idea.  There's so much research on both ends of the spectrum, but what I do know is that I have been using and consuming way too much oil.  (did you know that many packaged oat milks contain oil?  what????  it makes no sense to me....) Like nuts, oil is expensive, so at the very least using less is good for my budget.  But the bigger picture is that oil-free cooking and eating is really easy once you get used to the alternatives.  Salad dressings, roasted veggies, stir fry, and baking are all easily created with healthy replacements to oils.  I use water or broth for roasting or stir frying, applesauce for baking, and I'm a big fan of just a bit of balsamic vinegar for my salad.      That also brings up processed vegan foods.  When you look at the ingredients list for most alternative meats, cheeses, etc. they are loaded with oils.  Loaded I tell you!  Yes, technically they can call the "plant-based" because the oils come from plants.  But is that really healthy???  I, personally, don't believe it is so I'm choosing to continue to omit them from my life.      Oils as a part of a whole food (fish, avocado, olive, etc.) I can see could be healthy.  But stripping oil from the food and just consuming the oil (like consuming fruit juice instead of the whole fruit leaves you devoid of fiber) doesn't seem like it would be a good idea.  Again, I never thought of this before until I began delving into WFPB but it sits well with me. 4. Whole Grains Have A Place In My Heart      I have no issue at all with a switch from white pasta to whole wheat.  I also have found a short-grain brown rice that I really like.  My husband, on the other hand, isn't interested in trying either.  He's sticking with the white versions, thank you very much.  If you can't or aren't interested in eating wheat, quinoa and millet are gluten free and also delicious and so easy to prepare (even my husband likes both of these!).  There are a number of alternative whole grains out there whether you are gluten-free or not, and they are a great addition to meals.      One thing I have found, however, is you could go broke and crazy (ok, not really, but you get the idea) trying to follow different whole grain recipes because it seems like each one calls for a different grain.  I've decided to convert any recipe I try to using one of the 4 grains I'm choosing to purchase (whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, & millet).      Whole grains make me feel full, they are satisfying to me, and I plan to continue eating them.
5. Eating Natural Or Other Sugars Sparingly Is Key      We know this, right?  But do we follow this?  I may have told myself I was eating sugars sparingly, but after really examining my daily eating habits, I was not.  (look closely at labels - it's so frustrating how many items have sugar in them!) If you aren't addicted to sweet foods then this isn't an issue for you (and you are VERY lucky).  I, however, am.  I've begun using primarily maple syrup and dates for sweeteners and they have worked out very well!  But even better, I've cut down what I make that needs any sweetener and instead we eat whole fruit.  And fruit is sooooooo much sweeter now that I rarely consume any sweetener.      Although I may consume refined sugar very rarely and not be so restrictive, I have no desire to go back to consuming it more than a couple of times a year.  For a few reasons.  First, I don't believe it's a good thing to put in our bodies.  Second, it's too easy for me to get addicted to it and want it more and more.  And third, because I want to continue with natural sugars for any baked goods we do consume, which is rare nowadays. 6. No Salt, Or Low Salt?      On WFPB you either cut out salt completely  or cut it back quite a bit, depending on who's version you follow.  Salt is an item I don't eat a lot of but I have cut it back even more (because of my high blood pressure).  For the first month I consumed no added salt.  The few items I purchase that are processed (canned tomatoes and boxed veggie broth) I purchased the no salt added versions.  These past couple of weeks, I have added a very small amount of salt here and there because, well, it just makes food taste soooo much better.      I now use Redmond Real Salt from Utah (affiliate link) and really like it.  And I use it very very sparingly.  It only took about 2 weeks for my taste buds to adjust when I originally omitted it, although many foods do still taste very bland without any salt.  Those are now the only ones I (sparingly) salt and I no longer use it when cooking. 7. Follow Your Gut      I really believe that we know, intuitively, what is best for us.  And what is best for me may not be best for you.  We have to also factor in that we change - our bodies change, our needs change, etc.  I don't know about you but I've spent my entire life worried about weight.  Weight and clothing size have been the main focus points.  No more! My focus now shifts to getting myself and then keeping myself as healthy as I can.      The only numbers I'm going to concern myself with are those from routine blood tests and blood pressure tests.  No more scale or clothing size.  Additionally, I want to keep the weight off my middle (which is where I gain it first) since that's the most dangerous, and feeling good.  Stress and poor eating have nearly destroyed my immune system and I'm sure I will spend the next year or more rebuilding it.   That being said, I've made that commitment to myself.
Oliver doesn't care if I eat WFPB or not.  As long as he gets his treats.
So, for now I continue to eat WFPB as I work on healing my immune system.  As noted above, many of the guidelines I will continue to follow, regardless of whether or not I continue with the strictness of WFPB.  I can see the benefit of following it but I do crave fish and will likely eat it at the very least, when we occasionally go out for dinner.    
What I've Learned From Whole Foods Plant Based Eating was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
2 Soft Drinks a Day Can Increase Your Risk for Earlier Death
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/2-soft-drinks-a-day-can-increase-your-risk-for-earlier-death/
2 Soft Drinks a Day Can Increase Your Risk for Earlier Death
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Researchers say day-to-day consumption of sugary drinks can harm your overall health, no issue how the beverages are sweetened. Getty Images
Researchers say two or a lot more smooth beverages for every day improves a person’s threat for earlier loss of life from all results in.
The researchers mentioned it does not issue if the consume is sweetened with sugar or synthetic substances.
Moreover weight problems and heart condition, researchers say excess sugar improves the threat of digestive overall health issues as properly as Parkinson’s condition.
In the search to live a longer and much healthier life, people today not only glimpse to what to contain in their diet plan, but also what to leave out.
There’s a rising physique of evidence that sugar should really be on everyone’s record of things to avoid, and that sweetened drinks — both equally employing sugar and synthetic sweeteners — have no place in a healthy diet plan.
Now, a new research indicates individuals sweet-tasting beverages are connected with an elevated threat of earlier loss of life from all results in.
Researchers with the International Agency for Exploration on Cancer utilised information from just about 452,000 people today from ten European international locations associated in the European Potential Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
They concluded that loss of life from all results in was larger among the people today who drank two or a lot more smooth beverages a day, no issue how they had been sweetened.
The research, published in JAMA Interior Medicine, also located that people today who drank a lot more than two sugar-sweetened smooth beverages a day had larger premiums of loss of life from digestive disorders.
“This research located that consumption of overall, sugar-sweetened, and artificially sweetened smooth beverages was positively connected with all-cause fatalities in this huge European cohort,” the researchers concluded. “The outcomes are supportive of public overall health strategies aimed at limiting the consumption of smooth beverages.”
The study’s findings are akin to some others that have revealed that eating plans superior in sugar pose serious overall health threats, together with heart condition, stroke, and some cancers.
The investigate raises fears, in particular with America’s weight problems epidemic staying propelled by the superior sugar information in quite a few processed food items. That incorporates sugary drinks this kind of as sodas, juices, sports, and energy beverages.
Dr. Robert Lustig is a pediatric endocrinologist and professor emeritus of pediatrics in the division of endocrinology at the College of California, San Francisco and outspoken critic of the sugar marketplace.
He states in the ten years because his viral speech on the “bitter truth” of sugar, he’s seen a pattern: Exploration funded by the sugar marketplace finds no adverse overall health effects to consuming sugar, even though investigate devoid of funding from that marketplace constantly finds eating plans superior in sugar guide to a lot more condition and shorter life spans.
The most the latest research did not receive funding from the sugar marketplace.
Lustig notes the findings are “going in the very same course as everything else,” which reveals lousy eating plans change into overall health issues in the foreseeable future.
“It’s rubbish in and rubbish out, and sugary drinks — and artificially sweetened drinks for that issue — are the epitome of rubbish,” Lustig told Healthline.
Although Lustig states the research was finished moderately properly, he states its finest weakness is that it reveals correlation, not causation. That means it illustrates that sweetened drinks are linked to these disorders, but it does not present it results in them.
A single motive is due to the fact studying people’s eating plans is difficult, as they frequently change from day to day and over a person’s life time.
“Ultimately, there is no clinical trial in the history of mankind that can regulate for everything,” Lustig mentioned.
The new investigate one-way links artificially sweetened drinks to major gastrointestinal issues and elevated threat of Parkinson’s condition, two circumstances Lustig states have by no means been seen prior to in this type of investigate.
But he states a lot more investigate is essential to affirm causation, not merely correlation.
“It’s early, and you are not heading to get heads or tails out of it,” Lustig mentioned.
The the latest investigate also only requested people today at the commencing of the research about their beverage consumption, together with no matter whether they consume 1 a thirty day period or two or a lot more each and every day.
There’s loads of wiggle room in the middle. Authorities say additional investigate should really have observe-up thoughts about no matter whether individuals styles remained regular or adjusted over time.
Dr. Anton Bilchik, a professor of surgical treatment and chief of gastrointestinal investigate at John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Wellbeing Heart in California, states excess sugar ingestion is connected with weight problems, which is a significant threat aspect for cardiovascular condition and cancer.
Even so, he notes there are other one-way links among sugar and cardiovascular condition that aren’t properly comprehended.
“All sugary beverages, no matter of the supply, in excess of four beverages [for every] day is connected with an elevated threat of both equally cardiovascular condition and cancer,” Bilchik told Healthline. “Low-calorie beverages, even though containing significantly less sugar, also have an elevated threat.”
The American Heart Association endorses that males should really take in no a lot more than 9 teaspoons of additional sugar a day, and women should really have no a lot more than 6 teaspoons of additional sugar.
Quite a few common sweetened beverages, together with juices, have properly a lot more than individuals quantities in a solitary serving.
In accordance to the Harvard T.H. Chan of General public Wellbeing, twelve ounces of soda or orange juice contains ten teaspoons of sugar. In addition, orange soda has 11 teaspoons of sugar. Cranberry juice cocktail has twelve.
If you get a venti white chocolate mocha with whipped cream at Starbucks, it packs about eighteen teaspoons of sugar.
“Ideally, no sugar is the finest total, but that is not sensible for the the greater part of us,” Dr. Sanjiv Patel, a cardiologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Health care Heart in California, told Healthline.
But specialists say not consuming beverages superior in sugar each and every day is 1 of the easiest ways to stop excess sugar in a person’s diet plan.
This sort of a way of life change can reduce a person’s threat for preventable disorders this kind of as weight problems, diabetic issues, heart assault, and stroke.
“Bottom line, no issue what consume you choose, abnormal consumption is a issue,” Patel told Healthline. “High all round sugar ingestion from any consume like coffee with sugar, juices, can guide to issues.”
In the long run, specialists endorse people today consume drinking water and other unsweetened drinks to avoid cardiac and other overall health issues.
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article21 · 6 years
Really serious Perceptions with Stupid Movies
Flicks became one of the important issues around society. Out of establishing innovative fads so that you can studying the normal people today, flicks without any doubt win over the average user. Ever since the uncovering of the very most initially film around 1890s, flicks became your vision documents for incidents with individuals trend. Preaching about the flicks that happen to be manufactured to get fun applications, here's some of the line, with the Pulitzer Prize successful flick critic Roger Ebert:
"We are now living your common box with space or room plus time frame. Flicks will be windows 7 around it has the outer surface. People allow for united states so that you can enter into alternative imagination not only around sensation with distinguishing together with the character types, nonetheless by way of witnessing the modern world when some other person encounters them. inches
-Roger Ebert
Roger one time reported this craft is a nearby that him and i may possibly reach focusing on how your wierder believes plus flicks for an amalgum with acoustic plus vision method of artistry, would make quite a elaborate plus stylish method of craft. You can find a strong undeniable outcome this flicks currently have in the way of thinking. When we finally departure your theatre just after looking at your dvd, most people go away together with the defined types of opinions more than a dvd most people witnessed. With these assignments with life most people neglect by myriads with public plus emotionally charged areas this continue to keep united states gentle. Most people are now living any by using a great deal of colorations plus adaptations with individuals areas nonetheless most people do not discover and luxuriate in, when fast paced in the obligations. And that is certainly when flicks absolutely are a sugary reminder with whatever we will be plus whatever we currently have. I want to bring "Forrest Gump" by way of example this shows a chasteness on the male, together with the mindset in making a little something outside him self inspite of many of the flaws. And also better recently available a person "Happythankyoumoreplease", which will reveals character types, virtually no more advanced than the techniques in the location. A character types while in the fishing reel community will be virtually no more advanced than all those in the real-world as well as complications people facial area are found your release of your models most people facial area. Plus flicks enable united states have an understanding of everyday living by several aspects. solarmovie sc
I want to bring present day old phase flicks plus good old timeless models, they can be your interpretation with the best way elements ended up being while in the the past. When standard people today people are often your reminder one's tradition, your method of obtaining memory plus nostalgia. You can also get flicks for instance "Blade Runner" which will present united states your view within the best way elements may just be when you need it, plus there are actually models which united states have fun plus make merry. Studying united states, tickling all of our crazy halloween bones so that you can cautioning united states for the long run incidents that might autumn with united states, flicks present an undeniable have an impact on for all of our opinions plus methods.
You can find minimal terrible by using any minimal fine
Dvd for a know-how will continue to expand originating from a very simple fast moving collecting snap shots to the tricky field. Together with the technology's possibly escalating global recognition, flicks have right now develop into an inclusive part of all of our life. Whether it's inside of a favorable discussion concerning associates and also a each day news flash over the air, flicks will be among the list of content with discourse. Principally some sort of fun, flicks as one is likewise posted for an simple method of obtaining instruction. Most people are inclined to study on flicks above almost every other basic reference, however which could feel like a strong overstatement. In a great many less than made locations flicks plus television system set are being used as being the method for studying the citizenry to get public change plus get a standard switch. You cannot find any denying for a wide arrive at with flicks, the following having said that may possibly have a very good terrible outcome, when don't assume all dvd includes precisely the same gentle principles.
Flicks this get into a styles for instance old performance, old showdown flicks plus biopics are sometimes belittled to bring freedom together with the old points. They can be accused with twisting a narrative so that you can dramatize incidents plus generate helpful flicks. An example of these flicks is definitely "Pearl Harbor", that's published less than a great deal criticism. By using filmmakers consuming these freedom together with the old matter makes a difference, its either disrespectful plus unforgivable. Resulting from these flicks easily fooled target demographic proceed to trust your fiction that they are the truth, that is certainly not a good element. On the flip side there are actually flicks this get into measures plus scary styles which have been belittled to get thrashing belongings. Company directors for instance Quentin Tarantino around Movie plus Anurag Kashyap around Bollywood currently have its respective rationale plus sensible reasons pertaining to these belongings. Inspite of its acceptable reasons you cannot find any denying the fact that experience of assault will cause identity illness around young people and various receptive group. You can go to good methods with personality plus allotting grouping your dvd explains in advance of it has the put out to decrease these adverse effects. Having said that its position is simply practically a inclusion.
Flicks will be Mindless
"The factor will not be to protect yourself from all of Mindless Flicks, nonetheless to protect yourself from being Mindless Moviegoer, It's just a trial breaking up favorable Mindless Flicks with the terrible models... inches -Roger Ebert
Normally flicks will be deemed mindless waste material of one's. A impression will not be improper naturally nonetheless we certainly have to remember there presently exists pretty much scores of flicks which represent your category plus you can find styles. While never they all have earned all of our particular attention yet not they all have earned all of our not caring frequently. Consequently, the obligation reduces with united states to find the dvd that will be truly worth plenty of time. The fact is traditional with flicks can vary by using each individual. Plus each one category with flicks is definitely aimed on the way to a specialized types of visitors.
Any must-see is definitely controlled by people's private assumption plus presentation, flicks will be virtually no several. Similar to every craft, each one dvd is likely to currently have it has the view plus plans. Flicks could be the a lot of significant concerning all of styles of artistry so , its perfect for covering up a large group devoid of propensity with colouring, time and also district. The following added benefits a filmmakers together with the capacity to fantastic a substantial at risk society utilizing their strategies. Having said that, them reduces with a customer to find the perfect dvd.
Relating which includes a dvd
Your dvd with out using defined track results in being an emergency, so , many of the moments it is the director who seem to can help determine the specific overall tone of your dvd matter. By using good co-ordination along with bloke peers director keeps going to brew a masterpiece this resonates with these everyday living plus frame of mind. This is certainly when we finally is sucked to a several community once and for all. And that is certainly the best total satisfaction with looking at your dvd. Often may well turn into a mindless waste material of one's.
Having said that it is necessary detailed aspects while in the development on the flicks on its own, there are plenty of issues this is affecting it has the reference to a visitors. The kind of instance is definitely "The Room" which will published around 2003 for an third party dvd. A dvd appeared to be authored, manufactured plus redirected by way of Tommy Wiseau, who seem to as well behaved while in the dvd. A dvd appeared to be wholly slaughtered by critics even though it have an effective business enterprise. You can also get a DC flicks for instance "Suicide Squad" plus "Justice League" which will quick grown timbers . significant hiting proceed to build up a lot of money. The rationale now there remaining the subject topic while terribly completed is definitely cherished to your admirers with DC comics.
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hair fall - An Overview
The top shampoos for hair growth include four very important ingredients. The next substances have been verified to not simply gradual or avoid hair loss in Guys and women, but to properly create new growth to prevent thinning and balding. Whichever product you select, be sure it is made up of the subsequent factors. so I should clean my hair every day. Next, what is the usage of conditioner? Can it be required? I have now misplaced very a portion of my hair from the best :(. "I assumed I will hardly ever have healthier and thick hair. I failed to undergo with my hair graft.. I bought a similar outcomes, for less than a cup of coffee! I appear and feel good!" Clean vegetables and fruits are an complete have to for getting the hair of one's dream. Sad to say, there aren't any tablets to substitute them. Chemical treatments, use of warmth appliances and vigorous styling can actually have an affect on the hair root, causing hair loss (which would not have transpired usually). So preserve them for Specific instances only. The Sunlight Photograph/Shutterstock five/ In women, it could show up very first close to the entrance of The pinnacle, or inside of a widening from the scalp line, exactly where hair gets to be thinner. I symbolize a hair company that can help with preserving your hair healthier and detoxifying the scalp of any toxins. I've lots of testimonies from women with hair loss from stress, pregnancy, getting older, as well as other cases. Consider your time and efforts when massaging your shampoo into your hair and scalp. Hair pros endorse a one particular to a few-moment therapeutic massage to Allow the ingredients soak in. As well as, massaging your scalp stimulates it and will spark These dormant hair follicles to return to action. How can hair regrowth treatment operate at Labelle hair clinic? Hair regrowth treatment & hair fall treatment includes non-surgical solution which allows from the re growth of hair follicles. At what stage we must Choose hair regrowth treatment? The parents at Ultrax Labs are self-confident more than enough that you simply’ll see benefits from Hair Surge that they supply a ninety-day a reimbursement warranty. They don’t make many products and solutions – only three within their overall portfolio – but they've a agency perception within their formulas. - Sonal Hello there, I am glad and grateful to Labelle hair clinic for returning the younger on the lookout me by their treatment. Risk-free to work with on even the most sensitive skin, this impressive formulation stays in your scalp till most of the Lively elements – caffeine, ketoconazole, and saw palmetto – are absorbed. Therefore Not one of the products will drop by squander or get washed absent before supplying maximum therapy. Every little thing you need to know about shampoos for thinning hairHair is known as the crowning glory for human beings generally speaking. They suggest applying it as much as five situations each week for max performance. Making use of it on a daily basis likely wouldn’t be a difficulty. You necessarily mean the Ultrax Labs Hair Solaye conditioner or conditioner normally? The company statements it really works along side the shampoo and judging via the component,s may also assistance to regrow hair to a small degree.
5 Essential Elements For hair fall
It’s vital that you Observe that using the phrase ‘cure’ is probably not an correct description of how hair loss is effective. Normally, sufferers can see it commence working in 6 to eight months, but it really could also lessen sex generate, raise breast size, and lead to erectile dysfunction, In keeping with Merck Manuals. It's also unsafe for pregnant women to touch the crumbly pill powder. Indeed, genes are associated. (You’re far more likely to go bald when you father as well as your mom’s father and many others. also are bald.) But what is crucial Here's that it is a ‘genetic predisposition.’ Other B-vitamins assist develop crimson blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and hair follicles. These processes are essential for hair growth. Western herbs like rosemary, chamomile and nettle will also be effective for hair growth. It is possible to possibly buy the infused oils from the marketplace or make your very own, here and Below are a few methods to do it. Alright, Even when you are content and almost nothing is stressing you out, nevertheless moving your booty can Enhance blood circulation of the body (such as the scalp). And as we noticed higher than, extra blood circulation signifies much more oxygen and more nourishment  for your hair. How to proceed: Learn to browse the labels and purchase products and solutions containing safer and natural ingredients. When https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_Is_Falling are Doubtful about any ingredient Check out its protection at The transplant course of action is often damaged into two measures. To start with, hair-bearing skin is faraway from a location of your scalp referred to as the ‘donor website’. 2nd, the donor pores and skin and hair is then grafted on to the ‘recipient site’. Safe to employ on even probably the most sensitive skin, this effective formulation stays on your own scalp till all the active elements – caffeine, ketoconazole, and observed palmetto – are absorbed. Therefore none of the products will visit squander or get washed absent just before supplying highest therapy. A best hair loss shampoo can provide your scalp and hair follicles with necessary nutrients that assistance end thinning or balding in the source. With excellent excellent solutions, this is accomplished by stopping the undesirable hormone cycle that regionally brings about bald places. What would happen if you retain an elastic band stretched for several hours? It can start to shed the extend. The issue is, DHT is actually a natural, usual and healthful hormone that many of us have to have and is really made from testosterone by means of an enzyme termed 5-alpha-reductase. To understand how to ‘cure hair loss’, we 1st will need to be aware of exactly what is the serious reason behind it to begin with. Observing new hairs grow naturally along your hairline, feeling the hair thicken, creating up with just the occasional hair to the pillow are very motivating to carry on.
An Unbiased View of hair loss in women
Dr Batra's™ Constructive Health Clinics acquire satisfaction while in the mission to supply the highest quality and the very best expectations of products and services to its individuals..additional Very well There's two varieties of five alpha reductase. Form I and sort II. Whilst Propecia has only been demonstrated to block kind II, Avodart blocks both forms. This influence General lowers DHT amounts far more, more minimizing the potential risk of broken hair follicles. On https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+loss , it faces the same restrictions as Propecia. It should be taken each day and will get rid of its efficiency time beyond regulation. steptoremedies for hair loss could well be One of the more enjoyable scientific scientific studies to come back together inside the health and fitness industry in quite a long time. Probably, a cure for male hair loss would also crossover and become a feminine hair loss cure also. It might also make a lot of money for whoever patents it very first, much too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZc1mq7eayQ at Stanford and Yale are conducting three trials of oral and topical tofacitnib and Locks of Love Basis is fuding Yet another ruxolitinib study. At the moment, there are about 15 publications investigating JAK inhibitors as well as their partnership to alopecia and its variants. A few of it is going to grow again but you will have to attend on it possibly 3 months and it could grow back weak and susceptible to breakage. The neatest thing you could potentially do is try to eat balanced and nourish your scalp -- and see a health care provider for tips. No matter if it's the an evaluation on the most up-to-date hair loss merchandise or development in the direction of a hair loss cure, You will be the very first to know. Certainly egg is a wonderful cleanser. But use not more than once every week. In-involving You may use a herbal tea or shikakai shampoo to freshen your hair. Persons inherit baldness by way of their mother's male relatives. Essentially, genes from each the mother and The daddy determine baldness. Coconut oil has actually been touted as being a panacea for a number of ailments, from indigestion to asthma. Now, some advise coconut oil allows hair growth. Time is a very minimal commodity particularly in the hair loss sport. As We all know, it really is easier to do preventative routine maintenance than reverse hair loss. Even so, natural DHT inhibitors like noticed palmetto and nettle have worked to forestall hair loss in certain people. When regrowth is your purpose, you wish to treat your hair and scalp as gently as you are able to and leave it by itself as much as feasible. Washing each and every 3 days or so, or heading even lengthier devoid of washing, is usually recommended by beauty gurus as the best course of action. In A further study various topics have been capable of regrow complete heads of hair. Regrettably, sustained https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw of this sort of medication will have intense Negative effects. Quite a few of such fears could well be side stepped if a topical formulation can be made. Researchers in the Division of Dermatology and Genetics and Development at Columbia University Medical Centre at the moment are finding out other JAK inhibitors in placebo managed research. Thyroid blood checks identify the adequacy on the amounts of thyroid hormones in in a affected individual. The blood checks can identify In the event the thyroid gland's hormone creation is typical, overactive, or underactive. To produce the tea, just take 1 tablespoon herb of one's selection. Insert a cup of scorching h2o to it, go over and Allow it steep until finally interesting. Pressure and use as a last rinse.
Not known Details About hair growth vitamins
This refers to the habitual pulling or twisting of one's very own hair. The scalp and eyelashes tend to be impacted. Unlike alopecia areata patches, that are perfectly smooth, hair patches in trichotillomania clearly show damaged-off hairs. Sulfate made up of shampoos can dehydrate your scalp, creating hair loss even worse. What can make Art Naturals Organic and natural Argan Oil shampoo almost a magical potion for hair loss is The shortage of sulfates combined with the existence of argan oil. While the hair loss that triggers partial or finish baldness requires prescribed remedies and surgical treatments, the short-term or seasonal onset of hair loss is often dealt with by […] You received’t need to have any conditioner just after washing hair with shikakai as it’s naturally moisturising. With just one use, you'll be able to assume a balanced scalp and tender, shiny and bouncy hair. While the hair loss that triggers partial or total baldness calls for prescribed remedies and surgical treatments, the temporary or seasonal onset of hair loss is usually dealt with by […] At the end of the day, The obvious way to get these nutrients is by having a well balanced, genuine food items-based mostly food plan that features lots of nutrient-dense foods. Why we like it: Shea Humidity shampoo is really an all natural product or service with Shea butter and keratin proteins that assist hold the scalp clean and hair in position. Of course go ahead and experiment with diverse herbs. Once you obtain the proper types to suit your needs It will probably be worth it. Some ailments develop little areas of hair loss, while some influence huge parts of the scalp. get more info to of patchy hair loss are Adolescent boys see some receding near the temples as their hairlines modify from the straight-throughout boys' sample to the more "M-formed" pattern of adult men. get more info isn't going to necessarily mean They can be losing hair. Following viewing products depth webpages, look in this article to discover a simple technique to navigate back to pages you have an interest in. For 1's hair to grow faster, it really is a good idea not to clean it day to day, use an oil or hair mask weekly. You can even go with hair-boosting nutritional supplements which might be Harmless. One method to combat hair loss would be to transplant hair follicles from the perimeters and again of The pinnacle to the very best of the head. This surgery has progressed through the years, Kaufman claims. At any provided time, ninety% or more of your hair in your scalp retains growing. No two hairs provide the identical growth speed. In truth, each hair follicle goes by an entire growth cycle of its possess, which is motivated by elements such as age, nutrition, health issues, as well as ethnicity.
Considerations To Know About hair fall
Once we workout, it helps to reduce stress hormones — that happen to be the lousy boys that like to latch on in your hair follicles and damage them. Thank you 4 the data. I'll check out the egg mask due to the fact I wanna grow my hair into an afro & I have definitely short hair for just a black male as myself. Furthermore you think these methods will Focus on a person’s hair? Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes while stopping hair loss, building this grooming merchandise well worth your thought for regular use. What to do: Dealing with PCOS can accurate the hormone imbalance and assist reverse Many of these improvements. Treatments contain food plan, physical exercise, and possibly beginning Manage tablets, in addition to precise treatment to deal with infertility or diabetes danger. What to do: You will find topical creams like minoxidil (Rogaine; $forty five on amazon.com) and oral medications for instance finasteride (Propecia) that may halt hair loss or simply trigger some to grow; surgery to transplant or graft hair can also be a choice. The aspect reward to Hair Growth Formula is you’ll get healthy skin and nails, much too. The truth is, you’ll probably notice Individuals variations 1st but remain individual: wholesome hair is on its way. Sprinkling these powdered peptides into your early morning espresso – or other preferred beverage – will let you get the balanced hair you motivation. You gained’t flavor it, but likelihood is very good you’ll notice the outcome. As well as these guidelines, try some household cures for example Indian gooseberry or amla oil, fenugreek paste, a mayonnaise hair pack, along with other wholesome hair Suggestions. Every single strand is designed up of cells that have a tough protein named keratin and they have to be consistently nourished with minerals and vitamins for making your hair extensive and robust. We've enlisted some foods for hair growth, which you must surely increase as part of your day by day diet. So, what is the greatest meals for healthy hair that will help it to grow faster? This really is often known as platelet prosperous plasma therapy. Experts reported during the British Journal of Dermatology May perhaps 2013 situation that restoring hair growth on bald patches is feasible by injecting them with platelet abundant plasma. And vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, and it helps to get rid of hair harming absolutely free radicals which might be produced Ordinarily inside our bodies. But as we age, their number retains on escalating. Sustain healthy hair by subsequent a good hair care routine and making use of hair products that are suited to your hair style. Additionally, defend your tresses from sun damage and prevent the use of warmth styling solutions. They aren’t increasing your whole hair rely, just shifting around the hair you have got left. Additionally, it doesn’t halt upcoming hair loss and in some cases additional transplants are necessary. This drug has shown for being better at protecting against further hair loss than reversing it (regrowth). Just Understand that some side effects may well make the hair loss seem additional desirable.
Rumored Buzz on hair growth
Anxiety is among The most crucial things that contribute to hair loss. It can be believed that anxiety can disrupt the traditional hair cycle and bring about hairs to enter the telogen or fall-out stage. So, when striving for faster hair growth, reduce the worry in your daily life. We maintain our visitors up to date on what is actually Performing, what's not, and what's to the horizon. No matter whether it be an evaluation of the subsequent new factor, or development in the direction of a hair loss cure, You will be the first to grasp. Some elements which might be assumed to Perform a role in woman hair loss include significant androgen start Handle drugs, menopause, pregnancy, ovarian cysts, and other components tied on the steps of hormones. Searching for a most power hair loss shampoo that doesn’t pollute your scalp with dangerous, powerful substances? Honeydew’s Biotin Shampoo is often a natural hair growth B-complex method that eliminates DHT buildup, cleans the scalp, and delivers thicker, fuller hair with out dandruff. If Rogaine together with other hair growth goods aren’t Doing work for you personally, Ketoconazole just might. In the same way, it is possible to constantly utilize a shampoo in conjunction with a prescription item For extra safety. They aren’t raising your complete hair depend, just shifting across the hair you have remaining. On top of that, it doesn’t cease future hair loss and in some cases additional transplants are required. Many transplant individuals now just take Propecia to take care of or maintain the things they've transplanted. When it comes to a hair transplant, Check out the surgeon's credentials and encounter meticulously. Micrografts are some of the newest techniques whereby surgeons transplant single one to 2 hair follicles. Hair transplants may be incredibly pricey and time-consuming techniques ranging widely between $1,000-$twenty,000, with regards to the range of hair grafts transplanted. Ordinarily, five hundred or more hairs may very well be transplanted in a very session. Treatments for alopecia areata involve injecting smaller amounts of steroids like triamcinolone into afflicted patches to stimulate hair growth. Whilst localized injections may not be practical for big locations, frequently this is a really helpful treatment in aiding the hairs return sooner. Other treatments, including oral steroids, other immunosuppressives, or ultraviolet mild therapy, can be obtained For additional prevalent or serious instances but can be impractical for the majority of clients on account of probable Unwanted effects or risks. Some experiments have argued that dandruff can lead to an unhealthy scalp and cause balding. Fortunately, ketoconazole is the key component in Nizoral that actually works to stop dandruff and reinforce hair. This problem is rare in healthful Grownups. Bald places ordinarily clearly show damaged-off hairs accompanied by a dermatitis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQaF6Bl5wT0 can penetrate the hair roots and cure the infection, and then hair grows again. Sharing hats or combs and brushes may possibly transmit tinea capitis. Males should not have to manage dry pores and skin beneath their beard. via little herbs channel , flaky and itchy beard dandruff ... At the Sanford-Burnham Health care Investigate Institute, they showed that stem cells derived from human skin to grow hair when grafted onto the skin of mice. A paper describing this exploration, which was revealed on January twenty first 2015 are available here while in the PLOS A single health-related journal. Dr. Alexey, a member from the exploration group produced the following published assertion: “Our stem mobile strategy delivers a vast supply of cells in the affected individual for transplantation and isn’t confined by the availability of existing hair follicles. Alopecia areata is actually a form of hair loss produced by the autoimmune destruction of hair follicles in localized areas of skin. If you need significant-good quality brands, we’ve put together a list of the greatest hair loss and regrowth shampoos for guys that function, starting off with Ultrax Labs Hair Surge. These anti-hair loss and stimulating shampoos are already analyzed for getting positive benefits, and carry on to constantly rank among the most effective-rated merchandise in the market. Have a look at our tutorial under to search out testimonials of the best shampoos for thinning hair and balding Males!
5 Simple Statements About hair fall treatment Explained
At last, scientists needed to know no matter if stimulating the Wnt signaling pathway prematurely would encourage hair growth. And the answer? When washing your hair It really is a good idea to skip very sizzling drinking water since it weakens the hair, making it dry and brittle. Try out lukewarm water instead and don't forget, the last rinse ought to be with chilly drinking water, to shut hair follicles and keep them healthful. To cure hair loss naturally you will need to end triggering these autoimmune difficulties and reduce inflammation just as much as you can, as you’ve learnt about during the area previously mentioned. Intention for 5-6 portions of fruits and vegetables day-to-day. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ don’t ought to try to eat unique, expensive types.  Consume more wide range and consume what grows domestically and what adjustments seasonally – since they contain optimum goodness and so are finest for your hair, overall health and skin.   Your body is saying “I’m as well acidic” “my microbiome has actually been harmed” “I’m allergic to gluten” but your just covering up the cries if you are taking a drug, or overlook it. Considering that DHT is indirectly inhibited, Consequently https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ and DHT amounts in the body are remaining unaffected. Prolonged, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_loss and glossy hair is nearly everyone’s dream nonetheless not everyone is equipped to satisfy it. Not surprisingly, it’s imperative that you keep the scalp wholesome, but it really’s also crucial to pay attention for your diet plan. You might have dry, frizzy, smooth or silky hair - all of these are indications of your within wellness. Anything you need to know about shampoos for thinning hairHair is named the crowning glory for individuals generally speaking. It’s over a decade now that I happen to be looking into and attempting a variety of household treatments to reduce hair loss and regrow shed hair. Go searching in the trendy setting and one thing gets to be obvious – hygiene products and solutions are everywhere. And not simply hygiene goods, but contemporary innovations made to destroy micro organism are just about everywhere. Chemical treatments, use of warmth appliances and vigorous styling can in fact have an impact on the hair root, causing hair loss (which might not have transpired usually). So retain them for Exclusive instances only. Previous to going through a hair transplant, you’ll have to check with yourself a handful of thoughts. These include: Delayed (or IgG) reactions in many cases are far more problematic because it is hard for making the connection between the food items and your body’s detrimental reaction to it. Keep the hair care so simple as attainable. You could pre-ailment your hair with coconut or almond oil and after that shampoo. Plus, https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ are able to switch the conditioner with plant infusion or hair rinse (see another point).
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
This promising small-cap stock could be a millionaire maker in 2018
The suggestion that a single stock could lead some investors to become millionaires next year may sound fanciful but I think this is quite possible if events work out for small-cap drug discovery and development firm ImmuPharma (LSE: IMM). Let me explain.
Blockbuster potential
Over the last three months, shares in the AIM-listed company have climbed more than 200% in value as anticipation grows over the outcome of a Phase III clinical trial for Lupuzor — its 100%-owned potential treatment for Lupus.
Approximately five million people are believed to suffer from the chronic and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease that can be a notoriously difficult to treat. In the last 50 years, only one therapy — GlaxoSmithKline‘s Benlysta — has been approved for use, despite its questionable efficacy and serious side-effects. In 2015, the drug achieved sales of over $400m. By 2020, this figure is expected to rise to $1bn.
Positively, data from Lupozor’s Phase IIb trial indicated that ImmuPharma’s treatment — which modulates rather than blocks the immune system — was both effective and safe. Moreover, the effectiveness of Lupuzor increased even after the three-month trial’s conclusion. Investors will be hoping that the 52-week, randomised and double-blinded study currently in progress (involving patients in the US, Europe and Mauritius) yields similar results.
In its most recent update on 21 December, the company revealed that all 200 participants had now received the full 12-month dosage and that the “robust safety record” shown in earlier trials continues to be seen. According to Chairman Tim McCarthy, the company looks forward “with continued confidence” to reporting on top-line results in Q1 of next year. 
In the event of a positive outcome, ImmuPharma will then seek to exploit its Fast Track designation and push for approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Once received, the company would then be free to seek out a global licensing deal for taking Lupuzor to market or — perhaps more likely — consider takeover bids by deep-pocketed pharmaceutical giants at a price befitting its blockbuster potential. Given the suggestion that it could be used in the treatment of other diseases, the price could easily be in the billions of pounds. Right now, ImmuPharma’s market cap is a little over £200m.
Tempted? If so, it’s vital to consider the flip side of this investment.
A word of warning
Despite the encouraging outcomes of previous trials, the possibility of the drug failing to impress still remains. Plenty of highly promising treatments have disappointed at the last hurdle, resulting in significant capital losses for investors. Unless you’re willing to embrace this level of risk, Immupharma shouldn’t even make it on to your watchlist, let alone into your portfolio.
That’s why — as a holder of its stock — only a small proportion of my capital is invested in the company. This money can be lost. I might grumble and curse but — thanks to a degree of diversification — I won’t lose my shirt.  
That said, if — and it remains a sizeable ‘if‘ — Lupuzor proves effective (or at least more efficacious than Benlysta), I’m confident that ImmuPharma could generate huge wealth for investors in a very short time period.
No investment is devoid of risk but only you can decide whether this is one worth taking.
A less stressful way to £1m
If you're keen to get the most out of your investing career but disinclined to invest in high-risk pharma plays, you should definitely read a special, wealth-generating report from the Fool's analysts.
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More reading
The lazy investor’s 5-step guide to retiring with a million
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Paul Summers owns shares in ImmuPharma. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
A coalition of leading public health experts urged the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday night to conduct full safety and efficacy reviews of potential coronavirus vaccines before making the products widely available to the public. In a letter signed by nearly 400 experts in infectious diseases, vaccines and other medical specialties, the group called on Dr. Stephen Hahn, the F.D.A. commissioner, to be forthcoming about the agency’s deliberations over whether to approve any new vaccine, in order to gain the public’s trust. “We must be able to explain to the public what we know and what we don’t know about these vaccines,” noted the letter, which was organized by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest. “For that to happen, we must be able to witness a transparent and rigorous F.D.A. approval process that is devoid of political considerations.” More than 30 experimental coronavirus vaccines are in clinical trials, with several companies racing to have the first product in the United States ready by the end of the year. The federal government has promised more than $9 billion to companies for these efforts to date. But many people are highly skeptical of these new vaccines, and might refuse to get them. “Collaborations between scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government may bring us to a remarkable and historic achievement,” the letter said. “But an effective vaccine will only be truly useful if a large proportion of the public is willing to take it.” The signers included academic researchers and former government officials from around the country, including the former surgeon general Dr. Joycelyn Elders; the former F.D.A. chief Dr. Jane E. Henney; and Dr. Luciana Borio, the former director for medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council. In an effort to reassure the public, Dr. Hahn said recently that he would seek the advice of the F.D.A.’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, although he has not said when the group would meet or which vaccine candidates it would consider. The F.D.A. declined to comment on the letter Wednesday evening. Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the F.D.A.’s vaccine advisory panel, was also among the signers. In an interview, Dr. Offit called the agency’s emergency authorization for hydroxychloroquine — a malaria drug that President Trump has promoted as a treatment for Covid-19, despite no evidence that it works — a “warning shot.” The authorization was later revoked after a review found that 100 Covid-19 patients who took the drug had serious heart problems, including 25 who died. “I think the administration bent or imposed its will on the F.D.A.,” Dr. Offit said. “There’s a concern that this would happen here, too.” The letter said that scientists carrying out vaccine trials should share the details of their Phase 3 trials, which test thousands of volunteers to see whether the products prevent coronavirus infections and whether they cause side effects. It’s critical, the letter said, that the F.D.A. not approve any product until Phase 3 data are complete. The group also requested that volunteers be monitored for unexpected side effects that occur after the trials. The Coronavirus Outbreak › Frequently Asked Questions Updated August 6, 2020 Why are bars linked to outbreaks? Think about a bar. Alcohol is flowing. It can be loud, but it’s definitely intimate, and you often need to lean in close to hear your friend. And strangers have way, way fewer reservations about coming up to people in a bar. That’s sort of the point of a bar. Feeling good and close to strangers. It’s no surprise, then, that bars have been linked to outbreaks in several states. Louisiana health officials have tied at least 100 coronavirus cases to bars in the Tigerland nightlife district in Baton Rouge. Minnesota has traced 328 recent cases to bars across the state. In Idaho, health officials shut down bars in Ada County after reporting clusters of infections among young adults who had visited several bars in downtown Boise. Governors in California, Texas and Arizona, where coronavirus cases are soaring, have ordered hundreds of newly reopened bars to shut down. Less than two weeks after Colorado’s bars reopened at limited capacity, Gov. Jared Polis ordered them to close. I have antibodies. Am I now immune? As of right now, that seems likely, for at least several months. There have been frightening accounts of people suffering what seems to be a second bout of Covid-19. But experts say these patients may have a drawn-out course of infection, with the virus taking a slow toll weeks to months after initial exposure. People infected with the coronavirus typically produce immune molecules called antibodies, which are protective proteins made in response to an infection. These antibodies may last in the body only two to three months, which may seem worrisome, but that’s perfectly normal after an acute infection subsides, said Dr. Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University. It may be possible to get the coronavirus again, but it’s highly unlikely that it would be possible in a short window of time from initial infection or make people sicker the second time. I’m a small-business owner. Can I get relief? The stimulus bills enacted in March offer help for the millions of American small businesses. Those eligible for aid are businesses and nonprofit organizations with fewer than 500 workers, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors and freelancers. Some larger companies in some industries are also eligible. The help being offered, which is being managed by the Small Business Administration, includes the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. But lots of folks have not yet seen payouts. Even those who have received help are confused: The rules are draconian, and some are stuck sitting on money they don’t know how to use. Many small-business owners are getting less than they expected or not hearing anything at all. What are my rights if I am worried about going back to work? What is school going to look like in September? It is unlikely that many schools will return to a normal schedule this fall, requiring the grind of online learning, makeshift child care and stunted workdays to continue. California’s two largest public school districts — Los Angeles and San Diego — said on July 13, that instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections in their areas pose too dire a risk for students and teachers. Together, the two districts enroll some 825,000 students. They are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August. For other districts, the solution won’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Many systems, including the nation’s largest, New York City, are devising hybrid plans that involve spending some days in classrooms and other days online. There’s no national policy on this yet, so check with your municipal school system regularly to see what is happening in your community. Dr. Offit said that the advisory board, which includes experts from academia, industry and government and makes much of its discussions public, could handle as many of the vaccine candidates as are ready to review. “Typically they are two-day meetings,” he said. “We could make them longer than that. We can go through all the data.” Dr. Rebekah Gee, chief executive of Louisiana State University health care services, who also signed the letter, said that research data on the vaccines must be made public. “Everyone in our nation is anxiously awaiting a Covid-19 vaccine,” she said. “It’s important to public health to save lives, and for our economy, but we want to make sure that whatever is done is done in an open process that is devoid of political influence.” The post Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public appeared first on Shri Times News.
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webanalytics · 7 years
7 Trials and Tribulations Of Email Outreach
It’s the grand old way of getting your website noticed online, but despite its long-in-the-tooth reputation, the effectiveness of email outreach is showing no signs of slowing down – despite what some experts might have us believe.
An old-fashioned email campaign can seem like the loneliest method of promotion available in the 21st Century. It’s not unusual to write thousands of outreach emails knowing full well that well over half of your messages will never even be read.
Neil Patel believes that a reasonable expectation from an outreach campaign is to get around five links for every 100 emails sent, amounting to a success rate of 5%. Meaning that 95% of the time you spend composing messages and hitting that ‘send’ button will be a fruitless endeavor.
So why do we bother? In a world where cold emailing is heavily frowned upon, and a third of all emails are opened based solely on whether the recipient likes the subject line or not, you could be forgiven for thinking that it might all be just a waste of time and resources.
However, this isn’t the case. Email outreach is an extremely powerful tool when correctly utilized, but effective email etiquette is a minefield – and many people struggle to run engaging campaigns.
So it’s for this reason that I’ve decided to offer a list of the seven biggest trials and tribulations that face email marketers today.
1. Making Sure your Campaign isn’t too Spammy
It’s the first and perhaps the biggest point to make. Absolutely nobody wants to be on the receiving end of a cold email. They’re annoying, irritating, frustrating and every other synonym of awful. Think about cold calls – where you pick up the phone and listen to somebody with no idea of whom you are speaking from a script with the intent of getting you to give their business money. It’s soulless and often insulting. The cold email is just that in written form.
Like with many websites that aim to expand their network, we try to avoid the risks that come with cold emailing by adding a personal touch to our campaigns. It’s a tricky business because personalization takes time, but if you treat your target audience with respect, it can pay dividends.
In a bid to reach out to people personally, while keeping our quantity of outreach emails high, we’ve constructed a template to customize based on the individual we’re contacting. This enables us to utilize a personal touch that impersonal general marketing emails are devoid of. Here is the one we’re using:
Hope you’re doing well!
My name is Dmytro Spilka, and I’m a Head Wizard at Solvid, an Inbound Marketing Blog based in London, UK.
I recently stumbled upon your post on POST TITLE (LINK TO THE POST), and found it incredibly useful. In the post (point #7 to be precise), you mentioned a POST THEY’VE MENTIONED by NAME OF THE PERSON THEY’VE MENTIONED. Although it’s a great resource, it feels slightly outdated and incomplete to some extent.
Anyway, the reason I’m contacting is that I’ve recently put together YOUR POST TITLE (YOUR POST LINK). SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR POST. Basically, did everything to create the ultimate go-to resource.
In fact, our post has been recommended by Rand Fishkin (founder of Moz), Brian Dean of Backlinko and Smart Blogger (BE HONEST HERE).
I would really appreciate if you could please take a second to scan our post and see whether it could be of any help to you and your audience as an additional resource.
Apologies for eating up your time!
Best Wishes,
Web: https://solvid.co.uk Email: [email protected]
As you can see above, we’re using a few personal touches.
The actual name of the person. Believe it or not, a lot of ‘outreachers’ use phrases like Dear Webmaster, Hello Editor, Hi Sir, etc.
We’re mentioning the exact location in the article where they’ve mentioned a resource. This shows that we’ve actually looked at the article and know what it’s about.
We’re using influencers to add value to our resource. Be honest here. If, in fact, your post hasn’t been featured or mentioned by anyone – don’t make it up – this can easily undermine your credibility.
2. Nailing the Subject Line
The importance of the subject line can’t be emphasized enough. This is your big hook to get the recipients to read on – and there are plenty of theories behind the recipe for an irresistible heading.
Convince and Convert state that 69% of recipients report emails as spam based solely on the subject line, while 35% open emails because of the allure of the heading. These are substantial figures that underline the importance of the few words that pop up first in your recipients’ inboxes – so nailing your subject line is imperative.
So what’s the secret formula behind the perfect email subject? Throwing their two cents into the ring is Adestra, which believes that the use of words like ‘Alert’, ‘Daily’ and ‘Free Delivery’ bring marketers the best responses.
However, our outreach campaigns try to show honesty without the use of superfluous superlatives – our subject line is simple:
‘Typical outreach email’ shows that we have no interest in click-baiting our intended audience. It also indicates that we have enough faith in our service that we don’t need to rely on tricks of the trade to lure prospective customers in. That being said, email subjects will vary on a case-by-case basis. Hence, we’d suggest to A/B test different subject lines to see which one performs better. In our tests, ‘Typical outreach email’ performed much better, improving an open rate by roughly 20-30%.
3. Optimizing your Open Rate
You could be marketing the best product or service on the web, but if your open rate is lacking then it means that your recipients aren’t interested enough to even look beyond the subject line of your emails.
According to research conducted by MailChimp, the average open rate varies between 20 – 25% – depending on the industry you’re in. This is unsurprising and disappointing in equal measure, but it’s also a great benchmark to incorporate a bit of trial and error into your campaign.
All sorts of factors can influence your open rate, from the aforementioned subject line, to the relevance of your target audience, to the time of day that you send your emails out (no, really – RingLead have compiled stats that suggest the sweet spot for posting outreach mail is between 2 pm and 5 pm on a Tuesday afternoon).
Premium services like reply.io, buzzstream and outreach.io not only offer the opportunity to personalize automatic outreach emails, but also provide very useful stats on open rates and click-through rates, allowing you to monitor what aspects of your campaign is working better than others and giving you the chance to fine-tune your messages.
For instance, here are some open rate stats for our latest outreach campaign:
In all honestly, 71% open rate is pretty decent (even our regular email subscribers aren’t that active).
4. Sussing out Whom to Target
Figuring out whom to target is risky business – if you pick the wrong recipients, then you’re in danger of wasting valuable time.
There are many great services that can scout out relevant email addresses to aid your campaign, and hunter.io is a good example that offers a free email search engine (albeit with limited usage for non-premium members).
A good alternative to hunter.io is Voila Norbert.
To find an email address, simply enter the name of the person and a domain name of the company they work at.
Although the information isn’t 100% accurate all the time, this way of finding the right email address can save a lot of time, especially if that particular domain has hundreds of registered emails.
5. Finding the actual recipients
It pays to be attentive in finding which website staff to email – if you believe your blog has a resource that you feel should be added to a website’s list, you could contact the author of an existing article in which you believe your site would make a good reference point. However, a generic ask for a link would not bring the numbers, as it’s likely to be regarded as spam. Answer the following questions before asking for an inclusion of your link:
Is the site relevant to my resource?
Is my resource of an exceptional quality and is better than the rest?
Does the site look trustworthy?
Do I have the name of the website owner or the author of the article?
Do I have the right email address?
When was it published? If the article is 4-5 years old, it’s very unlikely that someone will update it for the sake of one additional resource.
Did I use enough personal touches? See point 1 for examples.
If only 2-3 of these questions fall under the category of ‘No’ or ‘Negative’ then it’s not worth the effort outreaching – simply because your email will appear spammy.
You need to be observant – if you’re targeting an author of an article that you feel your work would benefit as a reference, be sure to check whether the author is a guest poster or a member of staff for the business. If it’s the former, you’d be better off contacting the editor – though getting in touch with the original content producer may lead to your work being linked in future publications.
Many websites now shy away from publishing emails of editors and content producers in favor of using website contact forms, but if you’re looking to get your posts or resources noticed, the best way of having your message read by those who matter is to find the details of the content producers themselves.
6. Keeping on Top of Your Follow-Ups
It can be easy to neglect a follow up to your outreach email. If the recipient didn’t want to reply the first time, why would they bother a second time? While chasing a less responsive target may seem counter-intuitive, it works as a great simple call to action and indicates to them that you’re serious about showing off your work.
Our follow up template is a simplified reminder of our original email – our intention is to drop a subtle reminder that we have a great product that would benefit the user and their readership:
Just a quick follow-up on a message I sent earlier (attached below) about our awesome POST TITLE (LINK TO THE POST): I would really appreciate to hear back from you.
Best Wishes,
Web: https://solvid.co.uk Email: [email protected]
We use the reply function on our initial email for ease of reference for the recipient, while including a transparent subject line informing our target that we’re simply following up to an original email.
It’s important to refrain from trigger-happy follow-ups. Becoming a nuisance outreacher risks alienating your audience and even damaging your reputation. Therefore, we wouldn’t suggest going for more than 2 follow-ups after the initial outreach email.
7. Managing the Scale of Outreach
The business of outreach is a long-winded one that carries no guarantee of success. You could invest days of hard work into emailing 1000s of recipients and receive no interest in return.
Luckily you can maximize your chances of success and minimize the time spent chasing poor leads by doing a little bit of market research.
Try to understand who your target would be and whether they would have any affiliates or backlinks that would also benefit from utilizing your work or service.
It’s better to have 100 quality recipients than 1,000 poorly researched ones – this is how we got 20-25% success rate of our latest email outreach campaign.
We like to run tidy outreach campaigns, so take the preemptive measure of identifying leads to investigate to assess whether associated websites would benefit from using our work. If we feel that they would, we add their information to our spreadsheet and invite them to take a look at a relevant piece that would make a good reference point.
So there you have it – with some good prep and honest marketing, the age-old slog of email outreach doesn’t have to be such a pain.
As long as you’re outreaching to a relevant personal with a resource that can potentially bring value to that website’s audience while keeping your emails reasonably personal (without being too creepy), you should see a positive return for the time spent.
Now it’s time to get out there and put your website on the map!
  About Kissmetrics
Kissmetrics combines behavioral analytics with email automation. Our software tracks actions of your users across multiple devices allowing you to analyze, segment and engage your customers with automatic, behavior-based emails in one place. We call it Customer Engagement Automation. Get, keep and grow more customers with Kissmetrics.
    About the Author: Dmytro is a Head Wizard at Solvid, a creative inbound marketing & software development agency in London, UK. His work has been featured and mentioned in a wide range of publication, including The Next Web, Business2Community, Huff Post, Crazy Egg, Sitepoint, SEMRush, and more.
from Search Results for “analytics” – The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog http://ift.tt/2iiTEPu #Digital #Analytics #Website
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benjamingarden · 5 years
What I've Learned From Whole Foods Plant Based Eating
I've been eating a strict whole foods plant based (WFPB) diet since the middle of September of this year.  I've lost almost 30 pounds in that short period of time and more than that, I feel good.  I have a lot more energy (although the release of stress from caretaking is likely part of that).  I don't suffer any sinus headaches at all (and with fall I usually suffered immensely) and my immune system feels stronger.   This post is in no way an attempt to convince anyone to go WFPB.  Heck, I'm not at all sure how long I will continue following the strict guidelines, but I have learned a LOT in this short period of time and thought I would share what I've learned with you.  I feel some of it I should have known, but I guess I never really thought about it.  Regardless, it came about, I suppose, when I needed to see it. A Quick Recap: Four years ago I gave up dairy.  I was sick of being sick.  Sinus infection after sinus infection continued to land me in Urgent Care and my doctor's office and after one rather severe infection that just wouldn't get better I decided to give it up.  That was step one in my WFPB journey. I've suffered from seasonal and dust mite allergies since my early twenties and developed additional allergies to cats and dogs in the past 10 years.  My allergies caused me constant issues (after all, I have cats AND dogs in my life and live around molds and mildews of the great northeast!) and some years I would end up on antibiotics up to 4 times.  After 30 days of being dairy free, I felt so good that I decided to try what I'd suspected might help me out health wise - going WFPB.  Mostly to help lower my blood pressure and gradually increasing cholesterol. If you look up info on the WFPB movement, it involves giving up not only meat, seafood, and dairy but also oils, salt, and refined sugar too in addition to cutting down consumption of nuts to just a small handful daily, at most.  While that is a quick list of what to cut out, what you add in is just as important.  Veggies - a LOT of veggies, at least two times a day.  Lots of leafy greens, cruciferous veg, as well as all of the other types you can think of.  Beans or legumes and whole grains as well as fruits are added in volume to your daily meal plan too. When I first gave up meat, almost three years ago, I did not go completely WFPB.  I was still cooking with oils half the time and water the other half, I started using butter again, but only as a spread for bread.  I still consumed refined sugar (although quite a bit less)and although I believed I was eating nuts in moderation, I now know that I wasn't.  I was also eating some vegan "junk food" (vegan cheese & vegan sausage/"meats").  I lost 15 pounds and I did feel a bit better.  While I did not get any further sinus infections, I continued to suffer from sinus headaches with the changing of seasons, before rain or snow, etc. After about a year and a half of that I began eating meat and seafood here and there, once every 1-2 weeks.  Then, when I began trying to adjust my life to include caring for my terminally ill mother, I began eating more meat.  Rather than finding time that I didn't have to continue cooking a meal for J, a meal for her (food was very difficult for her at the end), and a meal for me for lunches and dinners. Every. Single. Day.  For months.  I gave into eating meat and seafood about 3 times a week so that I could cook one meal for two of us and then I only had to figure out a separate meal for my mom.  And I gained most of the 15 pounds back.
Me sporting my graying hair
My mother passed away in September of this year and what really shook me to the core was how rare her cancer was.  Not only how rare it was but also how far progressed it was by the time anyone found it.  My health suddenly became the most important thing in my life (which it should have been...).  I fully understand that I can't do much about genetics.  But what I can do, is try to be the healthiest version of me that I can so hopefully when/if I have to battle a serious illness, my body will respond well.  I can also hope that being the healthiest version of myself may help protect me for either a longer period of time or, lessen the impact.  I went full-on WFPB the very next day. Here is what I've learned the past 2 months that I've been following a strict WFPB diet:
1. Nuts Are Good (In Moderation)
     While there are some studies that show and physicians who believe that the nutritional value nuts holds is not worth the risk of consuming the amount of fat they are comprised of, most say they are very good for us in moderation.  Moderation is further defined as a small handful per day.
     I began adding a small handful of chopped walnuts to my daily oatmeal and thought "I've got this!"  Additionally, once a month I eat 2-4 Brazilian nuts.  Once I switched to the strict WFPB guidelines, and began actually consciously paying attention to what I was eating, I realized I'd been fooling myself.  Most vegan alternatives ("cheese", "sauces", "milk", etc.) contain nuts.  This meant I was eating my small handful in the morning (I use oat milk rather than nut milk), and then again at lunch with a "cheese" I added to my veggie burger, and sometimes at dinner in a sauce made of a large amount of cashews.      My personal theory is that following the "nuts are good in moderation" determination is the one I'd like to continue following.  I believe they do offer a significant nutritional benefit, I enjoy them, and will choose to continue consuming them.  In moderation, of course, because first, they are high in fats and I'm not interested in ever going back to consuming as much fat as I'd previously been consuming.  Second, they are expensive.  And third, there are other ways to make sauces, etc.  It just takes a bit of research and trial and error.
2. Most Of Us Do Not Consume Enough Vegetables       Eating a strict WFPB diet where I incorporate a salad of leafy greens with almost every meal has really opened my eyes to the fact that I was definitely not previously eating enough vegetables.  I mean, honestly, when was the last time you ate leafy greens (they don't count if they were drenched in a high fat dressing) with lunch AND with dinner for more than one day in a row? They are chock full of nutrients and just make you feel good.      Additionally, there's just so much information out there touting the benefits of cruciferous veggies as well as eating a rainbow of colors at every meal, that I will definitely continue this practice.  I've found that chopping veggies on the weekend and keeping them in the refrigerator in containers allows me to easily make side salads to go with my weeks worth of lunches and dinners.  If I don't prep ahead of time it's, unfortunately, more likely I will not eat a salad.
3. Are "Healthy Oils" Really Healthy?      The short answer is, I have no idea.  There's so much research on both ends of the spectrum, but what I do know is that I have been using and consuming way too much oil.  (did you know that many packaged oat milks contain oil?  what????  it makes no sense to me....) Like nuts, oil is expensive, so at the very least using less is good for my budget.  But the bigger picture is that oil-free cooking and eating is really easy once you get used to the alternatives.  Salad dressings, roasted veggies, stir fry, and baking are all easily created with healthy replacements to oils.  I use water or broth for roasting or stir frying, applesauce for baking, and I'm a big fan of just a bit of balsamic vinegar for my salad.      That also brings up processed vegan foods.  When you look at the ingredients list for most alternative meats, cheeses, etc. they are loaded with oils.  Loaded I tell you!  Yes, technically they can call the "plant-based" because the oils come from plants.  But is that really healthy???  I, personally, don't believe it is so I'm choosing to continue to omit them from my life.      Oils as a part of a whole food (fish, avocado, olive, etc.) I can see could be healthy.  But stripping oil from the food and just consuming the oil (like consuming fruit juice instead of the whole fruit leaves you devoid of fiber) doesn't seem like it would be a good idea.  Again, I never thought of this before until I began delving into WFPB but it sits well with me. 4. Whole Grains Have A Place In My Heart      I have no issue at all with a switch from white pasta to whole wheat.  I also have found a short-grain brown rice that I really like.  My husband, on the other hand, isn't interested in trying either.  He's sticking with the white versions, thank you very much.  If you can't or aren't interested in eating wheat, quinoa and millet are gluten free and also delicious and so easy to prepare (even my husband likes both of these!).  There are a number of alternative whole grains out there whether you are gluten-free or not, and they are a great addition to meals.      One thing I have found, however, is you could go broke and crazy (ok, not really, but you get the idea) trying to follow different whole grain recipes because it seems like each one calls for a different grain.  I've decided to convert any recipe I try to using one of the 4 grains I'm choosing to purchase (whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, & millet).      Whole grains make me feel full, they are satisfying to me, and I plan to continue eating them.
5. Eating Natural Or Other Sugars Sparingly Is Key      We know this, right?  But do we follow this?  I may have told myself I was eating sugars sparingly, but after really examining my daily eating habits, I was not.  (look closely at labels - it's so frustrating how many items have sugar in them!) If you aren't addicted to sweet foods then this isn't an issue for you (and you are VERY lucky).  I, however, am.  I've begun using primarily maple syrup and dates for sweeteners and they have worked out very well!  But even better, I've cut down what I make that needs any sweetener and instead we eat whole fruit.  And fruit is sooooooo much sweeter now that I rarely consume any sweetener.      Although I may consume refined sugar very rarely and not be so restrictive, I have no desire to go back to consuming it more than a couple of times a year.  For a few reasons.  First, I don't believe it's a good thing to put in our bodies.  Second, it's too easy for me to get addicted to it and want it more and more.  And third, because I want to continue with natural sugars for any baked goods we do consume, which is rare nowadays. 6. No Salt, Or Low Salt?      On WFPB you either cut out salt completely  or cut it back quite a bit, depending on who's version you follow.  Salt is an item I don't eat a lot of but I have cut it back even more (because of my high blood pressure).  For the first month I consumed no added salt.  The few items I purchase that are processed (canned tomatoes and boxed veggie broth) I purchased the no salt added versions.  These past couple of weeks, I have added a very small amount of salt here and there because, well, it just makes food taste soooo much better.      I now use Redmond Real Salt from Utah (affiliate link) and really like it.  And I use it very very sparingly.  It only took about 2 weeks for my taste buds to adjust when I originally omitted it, although many foods do still taste very bland without any salt.  Those are now the only ones I (sparingly) salt and I no longer use it when cooking. 7. Follow Your Gut      I really believe that we know, intuitively, what is best for us.  And what is best for me may not be best for you.  We have to also factor in that we change - our bodies change, our needs change, etc.  I don't know about you but I've spent my entire life worried about weight.  Weight and clothing size have been the main focus points.  No more! My focus now shifts to getting myself and then keeping myself as healthy as I can.      The only numbers I'm going to concern myself with are those from routine blood tests and blood pressure tests.  No more scale or clothing size.  Additionally, I want to keep the weight off my middle (which is where I gain it first) since that's the most dangerous, and feeling good.  Stress and poor eating have nearly destroyed my immune system and I'm sure I will spend the next year or more rebuilding it.   That being said, I've made that commitment to myself.
Oliver doesn't care if I eat WFPB or not.  As long as he gets his treats.
So, for now I continue to eat WFPB as I work on healing my immune system.  As noted above, many of the guidelines I will continue to follow, regardless of whether or not I continue with the strictness of WFPB.  I can see the benefit of following it but I do crave fish and will likely eat it at the very least, when we occasionally go out for dinner.    
What I've Learned From Whole Foods Plant Based Eating was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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