rootmail1987 · 3 months
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tea-cup-tyrant · 2 months
I been rewatching the Halloween event and I find it adorable how much Riddle sticks to the rules so much that he has to literally run in the ocean to dry off. And uses Octavinelle lounge to do it since it's the one dorm you can actually run under the sea to dry off. Dfdds he did this for 6 hours until he was dried off. The dedication
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oscconfessions · 3 months
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depravedangelbaby · 7 months
I'm smoking a j/spliff, but u packed it rly rly full n mostly weed, and i don't notice till I'm already starting to get spacey 😵‍💫 and telling me i might as well finish it since I started it, and then u just light anothee for me promising this ones right but this one is just all weed, and i start getting really fucked but ur so nice n swewt i gotta finish this one too ><
And im really like couchlocked now and ur seeing me struggle to stay with it n ur like oh let me help u with that and im just 🥺😳😳 and u started holding the j for me and making me take hits, and i don't notice u start too straddle my waist until i feel the pressure n weight n just let out a moan and alsjshsga just bury my face cuz hhhhhhh n then u just keep cooing at me to finish the j n make me take a biiig drag and then u quickly pin me by my neck n cut off my air supply n i start to reach up but u just like tut tut me n i freeze n drop my arms bc slsksjshshshs
And of course u start cooing again and im just literally brain leak out head no thought ahhhhhhhhhh
And u let me breath finally and i gasp and moan and twitch and writhe under u and just ggsdfg and then u just give me the last of the j to finish off, and u start choking me again, but this time u start leaning into me and juat skdfkfd the presssuuurrrreeee and the lack of oxygeennnn and the wweeedd and the uuuuu and tksksjshalasjs i just lost it and started rutting the air and twitching and shaking and shuddering amd dfdd THEN
THEN u ask if im sldjssh if im getting close ><
And i can like barely nod through ur grip n that gives u this grin and u start teasinf me about how ur not even touching me and I'm struggling not to cum, how adorable and pathetic that is
And my eyes start to flutter n roll back until u finally let go of my neck.... to slap me hard across the face and remind me while i gasp and sputter that i dont have permission but the sudden rush of blood and stilted breathing and the slapppp and just The Everything is making me very get so so so so close but i wanna be good but addghjjgg just fully short circuiting and my body is twitching and shuddering and just just just
And then u try and get me to breath, and relax, and let it go and i just meltrtttt and space out....until it hits me how i didnt get to cum and i didnt get any like, direct pleasure, and i was basically just ur entertaibmemt and and hhhhhhhhhhh godddd im sorry if thats too forward alsksdhdsjsk >///>
I've literally been thinking about this since you sent it last night ♡♡ what a fun little fantasy
you're such a good kitty, getting all stoned n couchlocked for me ♡ it'd be so fun rolling you joint after joint after joint, making sure you inhale niiice and deep, praising you after each hit. watching your eyes glaze over as I realize I could really do anything I wanted with you, but taking my time to tease such cute sounds from you.
maybe I'll tell you to shotgun me a hit or two, giving you a chance to feel my lips against yours, goading a whimper from you. cooing in your ear how good of a job you're doing, letting my breath linger on your neck. slowly running my fingers along your arms, to your collarbone, up your neck and jawline.. feeling you go limp at my touch. suddenly taking my hand away to hear you whine for more. then I'll crawl atop your lap as you nod off- I'll push my chest out for you to rest your pretty little head on, running my fingers through your hair, making sure you're nice and cozy, comfortable enough that you don't see the look in my eyes as I pass you another joint. you'll finish this one for me, won't you kitty? won't you keep smoking for me? you're being such a good girl ♡
I'll lightly hold your throat, enough that you can still breathe and finish off the j, slowly tightening my grip until you begin gasping for air. staring deep into your eyes as you shudder and whimper for me, melting at my touch. teasing you for enjoying it so much- for letting me affect you like that.
watching you squirm and do your best to be good, drawing out moans from just choking you. telling you that if you like it so much you better beg for permission to cum, to prove to me what a good kitty you are. I bet you want to rub against me, don't you? won't you be a good pet and make yourself feel good for me? won't you purr for me? once you lose yourself I'll give you some short, sharp slaps to focus your attention back on me.
I'll hold your face up so you look me in the eyes as I slip a few fingers in your mouth- seeing how drooly you'll get for me. won't you drool all over my fingers? won't you tell me how good I'm making you feel? I'll make fun of you for being so needy for me, for getting so close without my permission still. taking the time to memorize the sound of your whimpers and moans as I begin to choke you again. we'll do this for as long as you'd like, as long as it takes to edge you again.
once you're reaaaally out of your mind I'll bring you some water and snacks, giving you soft kisses on your forehead and shoulders. I'll wrap us up in some soft blankets and cuddle you up close, cooing what a good toy you've been, how much fun it was to watch you melt for me. you're just suuuch a good kitty ♡♡
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crumblzchaos · 2 years
vsddf df gds ffs ghdg fs dfdd sgs g df
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doree-embroidery · 2 years
Custom Printed Clothes Can Used to Promote Your Business Greatly Your Logo Strikes About Your Business for Customers! Print Your Logo in Apparels and make them to remember whenever they see others !
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xwhatxisxrightx · 2 years
xfoodxobsessedx asked: @ Sae, lil birdie told me Makoto makes out with her colleagues.
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"And just who might this 'LITTLE BIRDIE' be, might I ask?" While on the surface many might ASSUME that Sae was going on the defensive for Makoto, anyone who knew just how deep Sae's... AHEM... AFFECTIONS ran for her younger sister would recognize that tone as very, very, offensive. She didn't want to know this lil birdie to give them what for, or to stop them spreading RUMORS. No. Sae wanted ot know who this lil birdie was to have another source to BACK UP said rumors. To find just WHO at the college Makoto had been traipsing herself around with. "I swear... I work my entire life to send her to college in the absence of our parents... I even TRUST HER to be safe and allow her to pursue her dream as an OFFICER OF THE LAW. And THIS is how she repays me? Gallavanting around with strange hussies over in Morioka... Hmph. She'd show her what for... A single glance at her schedule... Sae knew EXACTLY how to find out the truth of the matter. Friday... She couldn't have asked for a more PERFECT night off, really. She'd show up late at night ot SURPRISE her sister, and undoubtedly catch her drunken and red-handed with whoever she was... CHEATING ON HER... With... Did it really count as cheating? Did Sae have a leg to stand on here? Hadn't it been SAE who refused to put a label on their... WHATEVER THIS WAS? Who repeatedly froze out Makoto in disgusted denial of her own abominable feelings toward her sister? SHE DIDN'T CARE. Makoto knew EXACLTY how Sae felt... With a breath, she grabbed her coat. It was time to pay Makoto a little visit...
A few anxious, NAIL BITING nites later (and ironicallly rather drunken nights at that...), and Sae found herself driving up the front yard of the girl's dormitory at Morioko's Police Academy. This was where the very best of the best were trained for the LGD. She'd find her. SHE'D FIND HER. And there'd be Hell to pay... She swept her way through the dorms first, offering casual greetings. After all, Sae was somewhat of a MINOR CELEBRITY in the law scene, even if she wasn't a cop. She was Makoto's sister, a renowned and respected lawyer, and her father's daughter. She'd either run into Makoto now, orrrrrrrr... She'd bide her time and lay in wait in Makoto's dorm. There was no escaping her now... THE TRUTH WOULD COME OUT... Her heart raced, her gut churned... But did she WANT the truth to come out? Stomach cramped up, head ached... She was still feeling the wine from earlier... Right. Right. WINE. That would be good... Did Makoto have any wine in her dorm? Maybe some SAKE or DAIQUIRI? She was fond of those... Right...? ...She WAS still fond of those... WASN'T SHE? Urgh... Sae was going insane. Beginning to question everything. She took a breath. It's going ot be okay. It's going to be okay. She's going to run into Makoto ANY second now, or find her in her apartment, surely, surely, SURELY... And those bitches would be completely wrong about her having sordid affairs with ANYONE, right? ...RIGHT...?
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nolanhollogay · 3 years
oh! thing i was thinking of: obviously it’s sad that ant (and the rest of the phantoms) are dead, but they do get a second chance at a new type of life before moving on, one that’s kinda better? especially in ants case. thoughts?
they do!
i think that's one of my favorite parts of jatp that they get to actually play the music they missed out on! but also, at least to me, it's kinda of bittersweet bcuz like music is really the only thing they Can do
especially in the context of ant who couldn't really do anything before death bcuz he was always so scared, like at least before he was Alive he had a small chance of being able to do his own music or write poetry or something
i feel like when he first learns they're dead he definitely feels trapped for a while bcuz they all have nowhere to go and they can only interact with julie and each other and his contact is even more limited at first bcuz he's not even apart of the band
and even though he loves his friends and music they're not the only things he loved and he would miss so much about being alive :(
i feel like once he learns how to do like ghost magic like willie and stuff he'll just go to a library or write or do anything he used to do when he was alive just for a while to feel a sense of normalcy
i lost my point 💔 but yes second chance but to a fault
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pariunt · 5 years
empaethies replied to your post:
claudette breaks up with him
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❛     wait bb no I can change !     ❜
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husbandhannie · 2 years
everyone going thru identity changes 😵😵 congrats on the new name ! - aeris
aeris! how've you been?
and yes akhjkj i resisted for months but one viewing of the new cookscoups episode later.....sigh
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gabbysdawsons · 3 years
🎵 for Juno?
dfdds okay so i kind of have two.
her personal taste and then like, her vibes
personal taste. i can't name playlists.
glory days. bruce springsteen
soolaimon. neil diamond.
riverboat fantasy. david wilcox.
the tide is high. blondie
magic carpet ride. steppenwolf
vibes. lost youth.
supercut. lorde
good as it gets. little hurt.
loneliness for love. lovelytheband
cold cold cold. cage the elephant.
caution. the killers
Send me an oc + 🎵 and I’ll make them a playlist
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mavs-corner · 5 years
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//........... So Tumblr is still being a butt with asks I see. Shit.//
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Affaire Christian Quesada : Découvrez le message de Jean-Luc Reichmann à ses fans
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Alors que l’affaire Quesada est dans toutes les conversations, s’il y en a un dont tout le monde attendait la réaction, c’est bien Jean-Luc Reichmann. L’animateur qui a accueilli pendant plus de six mois sur son plateau celui qui fait l’objet de graves accusations, est l’une des personnalités préférées des Français.
Son émission, « Les 12 coups de midi » est l’une des plus rentables de TF1 avec une audience très fidèle depuis les débuts. Après l’arrêt d’« Attention à la marche », Jean-Luc frappe fort avec ce programme qui séduit les mêmes téléspectateurs, toujours au rendez-vous aujourd’hui d’ailleurs. Tous (ou presque) connaissent Christian Quesada et son histoire. 
Petits et grands se sont parfois identifiés à cet intellectuel qui avait bluffé tout le monde avec son savoir et ses victoires. Rappelons qu'il avait gagné plus de 800.000 euros de gains et cadeaux grâce à ses participations.
Après l'affaire, Jean-Luc Reichmann n'a pas...
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canopy-academy-blog · 7 years
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dfdmn fd,f df ,nd f,n m,f d,m
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livesmadeofdeaths · 8 years
testing post.
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