chaotikanvas · 10 months
Artists will spend 40 minutes on a single hand to make sure it's good enough that people won't stop and squint at its wonkiness
(it's me, I'm artists)
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
not shitting on anyone who actually enjoys this but “mom and dad” steve and eddie with a side of “aunt” robin was always a boring hc to me for few reasons one of which being that i personally was never able to get into steddie but also robin always seems to be written as someone completely uninterested in being around the kids and that’s so lame when erica and max are literally right there
yeah the steddie as mom and dad joke got old for me quick, especially when ppl got a bit too serious about it (ive legit seen fics where the kids started calling Steve 'mom' as like not a joke. which was so bizarre to read) I do think Steve is a mom friend but he's like. the kids' big sibling, like he looks out for them and wants to keep them safe but the dynamics have always read more sibling like than parent-child like. and Eddie does like to take ppl under his wing but I think it's less about wanting to be a father or older sibling figure to these kids and more about viewing himself as some sort of champion the weak which I think over the season does turn into more of a sibling relationship with dustin (but then he dies rip)
I do enjoy Steddie and I do like the "mom and dad" joke but it's sometimes just the execution or playing into it a bit too much that gets to me. like there's the older teens helping the younger teens sort through a conflict or whatever and then there's actual parenting. it's kind of awkward to read sometimes, especially when ppl write Steve taking in max after the events of s4. like she does in fact have a mother even if she's not super present at the moment
with robin, I think it's a case of ppl writing her as not liking kids bc they have weird ideas about lesbians and parenthood. like oh she's a lesbian so obviously having children is gross to her which is just dfjhdfjh okay. or they're trying to girl boss her bc it's not very girl boss for a woman to have aspirations of motherhood. tbh I don't know what robin thinks of children or becoming a parent but I don't think she's like completely uninterested. in Lucas on the line, she helps the kids sort through their conflict and then gives Lucas advice about his relationship with max which was so <3 I think since she got to know the kids when they were baby teenagers rather than middleschoolers like Steve she's more inclined to be level with them like she treats them more like friends than Steve does. I think ppl forget sometimes that the age difference is only about 3-5 years, like by s4 the kids are 14-15 and the older teens are 18-19, with Eddie being most likely 20? it's an age difference but it's not enough to completely make a friendship weird
erica's relationships with Steve, Robin, and Eddie also have sooo much potential, like I think the fact that both Erica and Eddie are super weird and intense is very fun. and robin looking out for baby lesbian Erica when she starts figuring that out is very sweet to me. and im a firm believer in Steve keeping his promise to keep giving Erica free ice cream for life so they regularly meet up for that to happen (they're both "not nerds" but are in fact very nerdy in their own way) basically I need more Erica centric fic
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First & Last
Thank you @dreadfutures for the tag!! <3
I actually made it a thing to draw a headshot of my protags when I started each playthrough, so finding the first ones was pretty easy haha. For the last one for each I tried picking the last one I did that isn't too sketchy x'D c'ept Ari's; that one was super quick but the last drawing i did of him in a comparable pose was. ages ago lmao
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tagging @a-drama-addict, @dumbassentity, @beelzebard, @smallagremlinsnest @little-lightning-lavellan, @bearsizedant, @the-dreadful-canine, @best-of-the-vein, @sifrilavellan, @thelittlestboi, and anyone else who'd like! As always no pressure of course <3
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blue-nebraska · 3 years
Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that there is someone on redbubble selling your design under the username skaterpoop
Hello! Thank you so much for letting me know about this - I'm contacting RedBubble now to see about getting it removed!
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ironxkid · 3 years
"I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Steve promised. “I’ll see if it’ll be safe to bring the three of you to Wakanda with me, but... it might be a few days.” His gaze traveled up towards the safehouse, lingering on the twins as his brow creased with worry. “You have enough supplies to last a little while, but if I can’t bring you back, I’ll be sure to bring more with me the next time I visit.”
Carter nodded, shifting her jaw with her arms crossed tightly over her chest, doing her best to ignore the anxiety fluttering in her chest like a caged bird. She hadn’t once stopped to think of the consequences of her actions - of what could happen the moment she left the compound without even a note goodbye to meet up with Steve. Of what could have gone wrong had she not hacked into the security feed on the RAFT correctly - if she had messed up looping previous footage to buy them time as they freed his team. But, now as she stood by the quinjet with the super soldier, it was slowly beginning to sink in just how far down she’d dug herself.
“I’ll call if- if we need you,” she said, somehow keeping her voice steady despite how her heart seemed to tremble. “We should be okay for- for now, though. But...” She turned her head, glancing over at the twins, her throat constricting. “Hopefully T’Challa will- will let them stay.” She didn’t care about herself - about what trouble she would get into as soon as she did return (that was something she’d worry about when that time came--), but she worried about what would happen to them. To Steve and the rest of his team. She could only imagine the type of fit Ross would throw as soon as he discovered what happened, and she feared what he would do if he caught any of them again. “Fly safe.”
Forcing a reassuring smile up at the man, Carter turned and headed up towards the house, doing her best to try and calm her nerves. She didn’t want Wanda picking up on her energy, not when it was clear she wasn’t... fully there just yet, and she didn’t want to bother either twin in general. They had enough to deal with as it was, and she just hoped they’d be as okay as they could be given the situation. That the sedatives would eventually wear off for Wanda. 
For a moment, the image of the poor girl bound in a straitjacket with a shock collar wrapped around her neck immediately sent Carter’s blood boiling, and she quickly forced herself to focus on anything but. Even still, the temptation to put one of those fucking collars around Ross’s throat still held strong, and she shook her head to try and clear it as she reached the twins. “Steve’s gonna try to- to get you two to Wakanda if it’s safe,” she explained, doing her best to offer another reassuring smile to them as the quinjet lifted off behind her. “He’ll be back in a- in a few days.” 
She swallowed thickly as she walked by them, praying she appeared far calmer than she felt, and opened the door. “He- he left a burner phone if we- we need him sooner, and we have some supplies to last us a- a few days.” Given that the phone would work - she knew it was just her anxiety talking, but a small part of her feared that it’d fail them if they needed it. And she wished she’d brought her cell along with her, but she didn’t trust her father enough not to use it to track her down, and--
She didn’t trust him not to do anything else drastic. To not go after the twins. To not start another fight. Helping Steve rescue his team hadn’t just been out of a deep-rooted worry for them, but also because it meant getting away from her father. Getting away from him when she was so furious at him for being so fucking stubborn and not communicating with the team, and allowing all of this to happen. For not doing anything when he visited them at the RAFT. 
“Try to- to get settled, yeah? And just tell me if there’s anything I can- I can do.”
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dizzyon · 6 years
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Pride was so good. I felt free and happy and I was surrounded by some of my favourite people on this damn planet (one of those featured on the right, of course, @loveloveolivia). There were tons of political and important floats (for Iran pride, amnesty international, help for aids, stonewall, (mamma mia), lgbt parenting, and more), too. And it was good to feel like myself 🏳️‍🌈
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healinglesbian · 6 years
tbh i wonder if she just stays with me partially out of pity
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indigodawns · 4 years
Can you do every number with a 7 please? 🙏
oooh YES, coming up!!
7. daechwita by agust d  17. page by got7 (a fav!!! a rec) 27. fair by the amazing devil 37. tessa by steve jablonsky (for the transformers soundtrack)  47. interlude_dream, reality by agust d 57. blue side (outro) by j-hope 67. marbles by the amazing devil 70. i’m still standing by taron egerton (rocketman) (i won’t do all in 70 dfjhdfjh this is already Long but let me pick a few!!) 72. spine breaker by b t s (y e s)  76. stigma by v (well b t s but you get it)  79. girl (acoustic) by syml (the only refreshing one from 70-79 djfhdfjh other than from eden by hozier 87. that unwanted animal by the amazing devil (OKAY FINE i listen to albums and playlists a lot and that explains my entire top 100 i guess djfhfjgh) 97. becoming a legend by john dreamer 
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sikeyaout · 4 years
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i cant find my post but i drew the thingy that happened at the sale dfjhdfjh
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jumpthensfall · 6 years
i wonder how often taylor says ‘me’ about an inanimate object dfjhdfjh 
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ironxkid · 3 years
I remember the minute It was like a switch was flipped— I was just a kid who grew up strong enough To pick this armor up And suddenly it fit
God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago... I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive And I grew up too quick
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foxchandelier-blog · 5 years
welp sdhjdjhsdjh my hope of finishing this fanfic by tonight has been dashed bc i’m at 26 pages and the end’s still nowhere in sight. 
It’s also gotten to the point where I’m thinking this story is going to have to be multiple chapters instead of just one big one-shot. 
I kind of don’t like the idea of posting day 1 stuff on day 2 for lonashipping week so I might just finish this up and claim it as my belated day 1 fanfic when the week ends. 
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opaliites · 7 years
Do you have a favorite genre to write/explore via writing?
YESSSSSSS BOY GOLLY I love… urban fantasy?? I guess thats the specific niche of my writing like. supernatural creatures within the setting of our modern day world flavored with YA adventure themes lol
THAT SAID THOUGH….. I ALWAYS END UP WRITING HURT/COMFORT AND TORTURE SCENES AND ANGST REALLY WELL DFJHDFJH in a recent poll to my friends about what I should write in the near future all the suggests had to do with someone getting their ass kicked or someone angsting and being sad lmao…. people tell me I’m good at writing action sequences as well and they are massively fun to write BUT I always get stressed that I’m not keeping the pacing up and that I’m falling back on cheesy tropes LOL
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dizzyon · 6 years
Bi/Dutch anon here. (Love that that’s my full identity) i have seen all of b99 so far! S5 made me cry like a baby multiple times, so that was fun. Also yeah I am studying! I’m in my first year of European law so that’s been pretty fun, even though I’m currently in the middle of ‘European legal history’ which is just the fucking worst tbh oh important question: what’s your hogwarts house?
Hahaha we can give you a proper name? Or if you wanna share your actual name?
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indigodawns · 4 years
Top 5 books, movies and smells please 🙏
oooOOOooh difficult!! ily, thank you for asking  let’s do without order or i will never get this done dfjhdfjh books: * the captive prince trilogy by cs pacat * the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee * the color purple by alice walker * between the world and me by ta-nehisi coates * aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz movies: * the fall * the handmaiden * rocketman * portrait of a lady on fire * captain america: the winter soldier smells: * sandalwood * lavender * pine * horses djfhdjfh * fresh laundry
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indigodawns · 4 years
hello!!! 1, 2, 21 and 34 please!!! If you are still doing them
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
oh man, my taste in music is so tied to whatever I’m obsessed with at the moment, it’s embarrassing. lately I’ve also just been putting on different playlists when I just want some bg noise or something. anyways, rn I think it’s toss a coin to your witcher (A BOP, ok?) and her sweet kiss from the witcher, arcade by duncan laurence (last year’s dutch & bi eurovision sc winner) (I have an EXCELLENT dutch playlist, if I do say so myself (with this and one other as the exception bc it’s in english)), honky cat/rocketman/tiny dancer/take me to the pilot from the rocketman soundtrack, ummm mystery of love and futile devices by sufjan stevens, aaand this is more than 6 or less depending on if we count each artist as one jhfgjh but I’ll stop here
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
ooof, that’s hard. not a clue tbh??? oh actually mnfmgn this stems from a discussion my uni friends and I had, but I’ll say I’d meet mr david j. peterson, bc this guy worked on/helped develop a crazy amount of fantasy languages, for game of thrones, penny dreadful, thor: the dark world, the witcher (the tv series), and loads more and I think that’s SO cool. yes this is also a copout but hey
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
richard maaaaaddeeeeen. I was watching a nt live recording of him in romeo and juliet the other day and I - y e a h. would actually like to meet him too but yknow. maybe after some plastic surgery dfjhdfjh (I KID)
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
ugh. harry styles. and/or zayn malik, lbr
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