kohikari · 11 years
Fandom cross-concept: the Noah as Trolls
(for convenience, all Noah/troll lists are in rainbow order from Tyrian purple to rust red, with mutations at the end)
Naturally I wound up with three separate scenarios, none of which really apply to the D.Gray-stuck I talked about last post.  I'll do these in ascending order of how much time they took me to work out:
01 Earl of Millennium ("Adam") -- Tyrian purple, Emperor etc. (undying and generally evil) -- Pisces? 09 Road Kamelot (dream(s)) -- Tyrian purple, heir etc. (raised by a horrorterror) -- Pisces? 02 Tryde (judgement(s)) -- seadweller violet, kind of royalty -- Aquarius? (seems Libra'd fit him better) 03 Tyki Mikk ("Joyd") (pleasure(s)) -- indigo, half-and-half, dangerously unstable -- Capricorn? 04 Sheryl(sp?) Kamelot ("Desires") (~greed) -- true blue, nobility, strength -- Sagittarius? 05 Wisely (wisdom(s)) -- cerulean blue, nobility, vision fivefold -- Scorpio? 06 Fiddler (corrosion? corruption?) -- teal, borderline, weird tongue thing -- Libra? 07 Mercym (pity/mercy(ies)) -- jade green, exception, sunlight -- Virgo? 08 Skinn Bolic ("Wrathra") (wrath(s)) -- olive green, middle-class, lives in a cave? -- Leo? 10-11 Jasdero and Devit ("Jasdevi") ("Bondom") (bonds) -- yellow, duality, crazy psionics -- GEMINI~ 12 Lulu bell ("Lustul") (lust(s)) -- brown, low class, animal whisperer? -- Taurus? (Leo fits better) 13 Mightra (skill/talent?) -- rust red, bottom of the pecking order, powerful psionic -- Aries? 14 Neah Walker (destruction) -- mutant, deadly secret, wild card -- Cancer?
(this one could apply to D.Gray-stuck if you find a replacement cherub, like Apocryphos or something. augh why is Homestuck so complicated.)
01/09 Earl as Emperor, Road as Tyrian descendant 04 Desires' descendant Sheryl as seadweller (wealth, influence, and genocidal mania) 03 Joyd's descendant Tyki as indigo 07 ...Mercym... as b100 (STRENGTH and sunglasses) 05 Wisely('s descendant that poor homeless kid in Paris or wherever) as cerulean 06 ...Fiddler... as teal 13 ...Mightra... as jade (all wrapped up to hide the glowiness?) 12 Lustul's descendant Lulu as olive (catgirl; add animal control, or leave to Skinn?) 10-11 Bondom's descendants Jasdevi as yellow 08 Wrathra's descendant Skinn as brown (animal-whisperer, or leave to Lulu? 02 ...Tryde... as red (psionic spirit medium?) 14/15 Neah's descendant Allen as mutant
01/14 Earl as Emperor, Neah as heir/archrival/overthrower/troublemaker 04 Sheryl as seadweller 10-11 Jasdevi as indigo twins (how did I miss this?) 02+06+07+13 Tryde/Fiddler/Mercym/Mightra filling out the blues and greens, maybe Tryde as a justice-obsessed teal? Mightra as psychic blue or green? Fiddler as...uhhh...some type of green? oliveish maybe? 09 Road as jade (works surprisingly well, especially considering how hard she is to kill) 05 Wisely as yellow (ridiculously powerful and ridiculously useless when he has a headache/is busy sulking) 03 Tyki as a yellow-brown (psionics etc.) 08 Skinn as a red-brown (maybe he hears the voices of the unavenged dead?) 12 Lulu as true red (one of those lowbloods who's weirdly into the social order that's busy screwing them; also, psionics--sort of a Handmaid or Damara character maybe?) 15 Allen as mutant (that Neah decides is a perfect candidate to help reform the world order; Allen thinks Neah is completely insane and a little scary, so acts like he's going along with it but plots escape routes)
The latter two of the scenarios is applicable to an alternate Kids/Game thing that I've been trying to work out ectobiology for and just succeeding in confusing myself further, and I'm pretty sure this sentence is an abomination unto the English language but whatever:
- Kanda Yuu/Yu Kanda (Prospit) + Alma Karma (Derse) - Lenalee Lee/Lee Lenalee (Prospit) + Lavi Bookman (Derse)
- Miranda Lotto (Prospit) + Arystar Krory III (Derse) - Daisya Barry (Prospit) + Noise Marie (Derse)
(couples and sibling pairs split between dreaming moons because nothing else made sense)
- Kanda as a Bro-like figure for Krory? post-Scratch, knowing of and benefiting from Krory's work? - Alma as a Mom-like figure for Miranda? post-scratch, knowing of and benefiting from Miranda's work? - Lenalee as a Nanna-like figure for...uh...Marie? with Komui as a Dad? post-scratch, Marie as Poppop sorta for Lenalee? - Lavi as a Grandpa-like figure for...uh...Daisya? and vice versa?
-- Kanda and Alma never meeting prescratch? or a Mom/Dad tragic romance kind of thing? or growing up together? (I'm leaving it up to whoever for Alma's gender identity. cis male, cis female, MTF, FTM, genderqueer, intersex, whatever.) -- Lavi and Lenalee growing up together prescratch? siblings or neighbors? or never meeting? -- postscratch, Miranda and Krory teaming up? -- postscratch, Marie and Daisya growing up brothers?
- beta trolls: Lero, raising the Earl? - alpha trolls: Timcanpy, raising Allen? (because no lusus? or tragic lusus accident reminiscent of Mana?) - beta kids: Link (because I love Link too much to leave him out of this AU), bossing Miranda or Marie or something? - alpha kids: Bookman, raising Lavi?
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classyartist · 12 years
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I did some DGM homestuck sprites a while back, and I got really bored and decided to make them better. 
I actually have a pretty cool idea for how their game would go, but idk, it would be a lot of work.
Edit: I should probably say: Kanda has a female outfit because they have an imbalanced gender ratio and it mistook him for female because of his hair.
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
Nai - wiltedSoul - urbanComposition: ok everybody remind me I WILL forget this later, but Alma's land is Pools and Underground and Kanda's is Mist and Blooms, OK I'M DONE HERE
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starcrossed-soul-blog · 12 years
((In the interest of science
Allen - Heir of Hope
Kanda - Knight of Life
Lenalee - Witch of Breath
Lavi - Seer of Heart
Alma - Maid of Doom
Neah - Bard of Space
Road - Page of Dream ((CUSTOM ASPECT YEA YEA SHUT UP))
Cross - Thief of Void
Krory - Rogue of Blood
Miranda - Sylph of Time
Wisely - Mage of Mind
Tyki - Prince of Light
Link keeps trying to insist that he's a Hero of Life now and I'm like NO SHUT UP, btw.
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kohikari · 11 years
Fandom cross-concept: D.Gray-stuck
(Cross-posting here because the only other crossover headcanons I found were on this site.  @classyartist, @pinkromantic, @starcrossed_soul, @starcrossed_sky, &c.  Jesus Christ how many times can I say the word 'cross' in a sentence.
By now you may have noticed that I have a particularly bad case of chronic teal deer.  Though this isn't as bad as the SSU post, consider yourself warned.)
~D.GRAY-STUCK~ (not to be confused with D.Troll-man)
[DISCLAIMER -- I haven't actually caught up with the canon DGM chapters from 204 onward...I keep intending to, and not doing it -- and the last thing I remember keeping up with re: Homestuck was John waking up from his tantrum-induced dreambubble convo with Vriska and Tavros -- and of course I read through the first few thousand pages of HS on a device that refused to view the Flash pages, which was super confusing and it's only the recaps that helped me understand anything at all; I'm trying to finish remedying that now, and also catch up, but it's pretty time-consuming]
The Earl of Millennium is a Time Lord* Lord of Time (seven-thousand-year-old sorcerer with game-breaking powers and evil-god levels of final boss difficulty); the setting itself can be played as straight AU or as a sort of weird alternate-dimension reincarnation fic: where the Earl lost the war but could not be destroyed, and was sealed away from the universe/world he so dearly wanted to lay waste to, and nursed a massive grudge until the time when he could come at the problem from a different angle--19th-century vendetta, 19th-century style; 21st-century vendetta...  No longer a quasi-steampunky shadow holy war where he's pulling all the strings, but a quasi-cyberpunky dimension-hopping game interface similarly orchestrated so that the dice are loaded in his favor and the poor suckers caught up in the middle of it have little choice other than to die horribly.  (D.Gray-man is not a pleasant setting.  Homestuck isn't either, but both stories are told in such a way that you're frequently distracted from the bleakness of reality.)  My notes describe as being influenced by the era: 19th-century style was a holy war with chosen apostles and religious magic; 21st-century style is sci-fi mindfuckery with grey aliens and video games.
*I'm assuming someone's made this joke about Caliborn/Lord English already.
(So if it's the sequel to D.Gray-man, then the Earl finds a way to yank at Allen/Neah from where he's been banished, and resets their existences--three of the Exorcists closest to Allen (who died around the same time as him? this AR probably involves a pyrrhic-victory ending where the world is saved but all your favorite characters are dead or horribly maimed) are pulled along into the Earth time period where the Earl's trying to do-over the war, the Noah are reborn in a new world specifically designed by the Earl so that they too can enter the 'game' and be given the chance to join him and benefit through his victory, and Neah--since he is the one the Earl most wants to punish--winds up, by the rules of this new existence the Earl is setting up, as his alter ego.  This is not ideal for the Earl, but it was difficult enough to arrange all this from being trapped outside of space and time, so sacrifices must be made.  This way, he gets to destroy the Earth and its ungrateful inhabitants, take revenge on Allen Walker and the 14th, reunite with those most deserving in his family, and torture some other exorcists as a side benefit.)
I'm undecided as to how to organize the Noah--it's tempting to try to align them along the eastern or western zodiacs, but I don't think it'd fit them very well--and there's only twelve of them this way, and JasDevi would feel awkward not both being Gemini.  I'll probably just go with the numbering scheme, and/or assign haemospectrum values.  And in terms of lusii...oy.  I'll get back to you on that.
For world guardians I'm going with Timcanpy, and maaaybe Lero, still undecided about that.
So!  I've mostly been working with the Fab Four/Kids angle.  Here's what I've got so far:
KID -- Allen Walker SYMBOL -- *ace of spades? upside-down pentagram?* the Crown Clown mask? a clown-paint face? the cross on his hand? COLOR -- red and grey and silver and white; theme a deep blood red TYPING HABIT -- almost stiffly proper grammar and punctuation and capitalization, if a bit shaky on spelling...until he's pissed off, in which case propriety falls by the wayside and he gets a bit more vulgar SCREEN NAME -- word bank: crown clown pierrot red black white cross grave 14 mask poker ace royal flush; candidates: whitePierrot, whiteClown, crownClown, pokerFace, royalFlush, paintedMask, crossGrave, numberFourteen... STRIFE SPECIBUS -- clawkind (dunno how to address the sword/lightsaber/gun thing) GOD TIER TITLE -- Knight of Hope; also considered Heir of Hope, and he works as a Hero of Blood, or maybe Doom or Heart (I was sooooo tempted to make him Prince of Time because of Hevlaska's prophecy, you have no idea) LAND NAME -- idea bank: circus, tents, clowns, snow, ice, frost, graves, graveyards, wandering...something to do with his aspect as well maybe. churches? Land of Snow and Churchyards? EARTH HOME -- somewhere in Britain, or maybe India ASSOCIATED PEOPLE ETC. -- Timcanpy, Cross, Mana...Mother, Baba, Cosimo, Allen-the-dog...
KID -- Yu Kanda/Kanda Yuu SYMBOL -- *the truncated aum?* the hourglass lotus? COLOR -- blue and black and red; theme a dark navy blue TYPING HABIT -- he doesn't give a shit about capitalization or punctuation or spelling; gets capslocky when pissed SCREEN NAME -- word bank: mugen 6 illusion(s) sword khanda 2 second lotus alma; candidates: sixthIllusion, muGen, secondLotus, illusoryBlade, gofuckYourself... STRIFE SPECIBUS -- swordkind (/bladekind?) GOD TIER TITLE -- Prince of Life; also considered Knight of Life, and he might work as a Hero of Doom or Rage LAND NAME -- idea bank: ponds pools caves drought lotuses blue-skies...aspect too? Land of Drought and Lotuses? EARTH HOME -- China or Japan or Britain maybe ASSOCIATED PEOPLE ETC. -- Alma...Zuu, Edgar, Twi, Bak...Tiedoll, Marie...
KID -- Lenalee Lee/Lee Lenalee SYMBOL -- *butterfly?* dragonfly? high heeled shoe? chocolate cake? shackles? COLOR -- violet/purple and pink and red and green; theme some type of purple--lavender? royal purple? *amethyst?* TYPING HABIT -- casual (lowercase) but proper, with perfect spelling/grammar/punctuation, which can get a little enthusiastic!!! when overly excited or pissed off SCREEN NAME -- word bank: butterfly dragonfly chocolate boots shoes feet shackles; candidates: blackBoots, dragonFly, butterflyFeet, butterflyBoots, butterflyShoes, butterflyShackles... STRIFE SPECIBUS -- bootkind (/shoekind?) GOD TIER TITLE -- Maid of Space; also considered Heir of Space, Witch of Space, and she works as a Hero of Blood, or maybe Breath (she works better as these than as Space, but I needed a Space player and she fit best; she's Maid and not Witch at least partly because I didn't want overlap with the eight living Kids and the twelve main Trolls--Porrim and the rest of the Anscendants don't count because reasons) LAND NAME -- idea bank: uhhh. I haven't spent as much time concentrating on Lavi and Lenalee's headspaces as I should. EARTH HOME -- somewhere in China or maybe Britain...or Korea? ASSOCIATED PEOPLE ETC. -- Komui...Jeryy, Matron, Reever...
KID -- Lavi Bookman(?) SYMBOL -- eyepatch? hammer? 49? scroll? book? COLOR -- green and orange and brown and red; theme maybe a drab olive or brighter leaf green, or even a darkish dusty/browny orange? TYPING HABIT -- lowercase and sloppy and full of unnecessary emoticons when 'in character', but in times of great danger/seriousness/'bookman mode' his grammar and punctuation and spelling fix themselves up SCREEN NAME -- word bank: tessei oozuchi-kozuchi hammer eyepatch apprentice 49 deak alias record seal stamp history war librarian; candidates: eyepatchApprentice, alias49, historyNut, secretHistory, warHistorian, apprenticeLibrarian... STRIFE SPECIBUS -- hammerkind GOD TIER TITLE -- Mage of Time; he works as a Hero of Heart, or maybe Light or Mind (similar case to Lenalee--he's great for Heart like she's great for Blood, but none of the boys worked for Space and Lavi was the best for Time) LAND NAME -- idea bank: puzzles riddles libraries cemeteries mass-graves mummies tombs labyrinths mazes battlefields ummm. EARTH HOME -- somewhere in North America, or maybe North Africa or the Middle East or Central/North Asia??? ASSOCIATED PEOPLE ETC. -- Bookman...Dag?...Deak???
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
Latula and Porrim link karma with the aspect of Mind
do I need to change your aspect
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
Now to actually get some content up, lolol - 
Starting a Livestream here in about ten minutes, working through an intro panel or two.
How draw Allen. How do.
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
dskj;gdshadsasd got Lenalee's handle
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
Scripting DGMstuck: >Alma: Examine jar of candy
It's not a jar of candy!
-image of jar-
This is your collection of PAPER STARS. You've folded one every day for the last NINE YEARS, ever since you were parted from your best friend. 
You really have no idea what you're going to do with these things.
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
...Timcampy is Allen's sprite
why was this not obvious from the beginning
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
So Jasdevi are kind of the inverse of Sollux
They're seemingly two players, but they share a land/house/title/sprite, and only have one dreamself between them??
Why am I brainstorming so hard for the Noah session suddenly.
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
What if the source of Alma's weird external knowledge is Calliope's fanfiction
what if that
he ships Johnkat
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
Kanda that's absolutely not allowed
No matter how appropriate it is
Your handle cannot be "slashWarfare"
did you let Alma pick that out for you I mean seriously
you did didn't you
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
okay so i guess my dumb DGMstuck is popular
so if you want me to do it, like or reblog this????
And I'll see what I can do
((but I'd love a plotting buddy f y i))
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starcrossed-sky · 12 years
The more I mull over DGMstuck
The more I'm tempted to throw my hands in the air with a great big "FUCK THIS" and just accept that Allen = Prince of Time is canon
((for those not into Homestuck jargon - Prince is a class defined as someone who "destroys x, or is destroyed by x," with x in this case being time.))
Especially because Neah is already the Bard ( = "one who heralds destruction of or through x"; the counterpart class to Prince) of Space.
Just... fuck everything.
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starcrossed-soul-blog · 13 years
((On the subject of dgraystuck, noah as trolls edition
Road is the smallest subjugglator ever.
She comes up about the Grand Highblood's navel.
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