#dhd warlock
darkermandarkovskiy · 5 months
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dhd character
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niuniente · 2 years
It's very refreshing how you depict positive masculinity in your work. The men are imo very masculine looking, yet somehow warm (like Grimm, Alrick and Furmann). I feel like men have been shown as clownish characters like Homer Simpson, as Hypermasculine Action-Dads from 80's films, or as nerdy underdogs in all sorts of media. Nothing really wrong with those tropes ofc, but they just feel something that I have seen time and time again.
I always speak very warmly about Ken Kitano from Sun-Ken Rock when we speak about the positive masculinity in media and why it's also present in my comic(s).
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We do have some positive masculinity appearing in men a bit here and there at times, like you mentioned, but Ken is GENUINELY kind 24/7. Like DHD, Ken leads the biggest mafia in South-Korea and has absolutely no limitations (so he's equal to Kahamet). He could do ANYTHING he ever wants without consequences - but he always chooses to be kind and gentle and generous. His enemies Ken beats up are genuinely bad guys, like music industry's men abusing young women or human traffickers forcing women to sex slavery. Not once does Ken use his resources for bad or selfish intentions.
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Another wonderful positive masculinity series for men in Sláine, a British comic from the 80's and still running. It's literally a feminist barbarian comic! Sláine has some bad traits in some stories, but like 90% of the time he's in positive vibe. Like Ken, he respects women, uses his strength and resources as a tribe leader for good, and also serves the old Goddess that has been replaced by men by their male Gods. He's like "Take that bullshit away! I follow the Goddess only!"
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Nemesis from Nemesis The Warlock gets partly on this list because at the middle of the series the author clearly ran out of ideas and decided to turn Nemesis into a selfish brick from a positive masculine hero... Before that, Nemesis was very kind and gentle.
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Then there's DIO band's mascot Murray who has a little bit of lore of him. He is so, so sweet and a huge positive masculine role model! Murray is most kind, gentle and sensitive. He looks after children and oppressed people, and is conscious for people finding him scary, which makes Murray sad. Murray is definitely one of those guys you get the best genuine hugs from.
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Then, of course, I have to give a small special mention to Guzma, who is very kind and considering when you scratch his traumatized Bad Boy facade.
These series and these men are what I keep in mind when I work with DHD men. I treat male characters as humans with human emotions, nothing more or less than that. There's no setting that says that men are automatically less capable of love and kindness and tenderness - our men just get trained to be like that.
Anonymous asked: "I also like that Grimm is childfree, because if feels like fatherhood is always the only source and reason for depicting positive masculinity in tv, films etc."
Yes! This is important! I hadn't even realized that in so many cases the positivity in men is tied to moments with kids or fatherhood. Childfree Grimm is important also because we don't have intentionally childfree couples in media.
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charcherry-weekly · 1 year
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 142
Hey there, Mage of Light Nick Card here. The rains continue, only relenting in moments of calm. Let's get right to the thick of it.
Storm Weathered Desertia Town Survives Another Attack
Early this week, detained doom player DOOM gave a forewarning of a possible disaster that would be arriving to Desertia town soon, involving a previously spotted breath player known for causing terrible storms. Warlock of Time Professor Coleman Branch was able to confirm of such a possible future. With that known, the dungeon crashers prepared in secret for an upcoming attack.
On thursday, the day of the week most likely to host chaotic happenings, nearly all civilians were evacuated from Desertia Town when the storm began outside. Investigative reporter Prince of Time Aeons Edgeworth was present to make sure their snack stand and the employee they hired would be safe. Rufus the armadillo consort evacuated safely. Soon enough, the storm intensified, and someone showed up on the memo, with intention to threaten desertia in return for obtaining the detained members of the jojo squad. This threat was not backed down from and the dungeon crashers prepared for the oncoming storm. Standing guard outside of desertia prison that day was President Katyleen Kitten with a gun, Unity Village Mayor Brae Emit with space magic, and Aeons with... not that much going on. On the offensive, Rogue of Heart Charles had a few tricks up their sleeve, some learned from his time fused with kyurem. Coleman was also out there, performing magic and practical maneuvers against the approaching breath mage. This continued for a number of hours until Jovani, the breath mage, summoned a powerful fireball in the sky. It did not reach full size due to being interrupted by a disabling effect, as well as lasers being fired at the staff from the town's magical defense system. Coleman managed to capture the mage and detain them with the other jojo squad members, but a certain adversarial space player also present managed to evade all attempts at capture. Coleman required immediate medical attention from massive amounts of glass, though was somehow able to walk to the local hospital. Charles was knocked unconscious after a crash landing and had to be retrieved the next day. Brae overexerted herself with space magic while trying to capture the space player and was also knocked unconscious. She was returned to autumnal by her sibling Rise Emit. Katie and Aeons were unharmed, and largely focused on handling the aftermath. The dome remained strong, but the combatants certainly got a run for their money. Also, Desertia's stargate and its DHD were blown off the platform in the storm and will need to be repaired soon.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Katie’s potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
Yoka's magical trinket stand
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
There wasn't much else of note this week. Some kid drama, some gamedev work, something involving some punk trainers that challenged Unity Gym during the attack, and some talk regarding next possible upcoming movie night. Its not confirmed, but whenever the next one is scheduled, the movie on the docket will reportedly be Summer Wars instead of Peter Pan. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/373/charcherry-weekly-issue-142
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starlling-writes · 3 years
Starlling-Writes's Masterlist
This list is divided into 4 main categories: active WIPs, original works, prompt responses, and fanworks/fanfics. Pretty self explanatory what each category will have. Story and series titles are listed between《 angle quotes 》
Some of these will link directly to the corresponding story posts, while some others will link to smaller, sub-masterlists (to keep this from getting too messy and long).
Stories have ratings and/or warning given to the best of my ability. If there's anything major I miss, just send me a message/ask & I'll get it updated when I can.
Unless otherwise stated, all story banners & covers are made by me using free stock images that don't require crediting. Almost all images are from Unsplash and are saved in this collection.
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Active WIPs:
《 DHD fanfic 》Based on Niuniente’s Death-Head’s Deal comic and the romance between the characters Grimm & Pearl. Rating: PG13, for swearing, mentions of- or scenes involving violence, and alcohol
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Original Works:
《 My prompts 》
《 Bewitching Monsters 》
Series Rating: Mature, 18+ only
Key Points: pansexual fem protagonist, story heavy, monster love, fictional magic/witchcraft, modern-ish fantasy
Common Content Warnings: swearing, alcohol, sex, bdsm/kinks
《 Teachings in Betrayal 》
Rating: PG13
Contains: mild violence, mild political/anarchist themes, mention of regicide
Words: 3100
White stemmed flowers are for the dead. However, when given to the living, they are a death notice. It's a particular kind of bittersweet when two of my former students send me a white stemmed bouquet. I wasn't surprised; I knew they would come for me sooner or later. I did not fear death, but I wasn't about to go down without a fight. It was time to see how my old pupils had grown.
《 Why the Alder Roots are Wet 》
Contains: mention of blood and dying
Short poem inspired by some alder tree folklore
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Prompt Responses:
《 Monster Tales: A Collection 》
A collection of Prompt Responses that are over 500 words. Each story is a complete, one-off story.
《 The Dying Creature 》~450 words
Some discretion for morbid themes
《 Angel Glow 》~350 words
Some discretion for morbid and war themes
《 A Tale of Seasons 》~ 240 words
gay (wlw)
《 The Prince’s Rage 》~ 130 words
《 Villainous Love 》~ 160 words
Mind manipulation mention
《 Telling Tales 》 ~ 100 words
murder threat
《 A Howl of Wind 》 ~ 100 words
《 Loophole in a God’s Curse 》~ 120 words
themes of violence and murder
《 Sometimes, You Don’t Want to Be the Hero 》~ 90 words
martyr/sacrifice/murder mention
《 How to Wake a Sleep-Cursed Princess 》~ 200 words
more of a thought ramble than an actual written scene
《 False Chastity 》 ~ 90 words
version 1
version 2
not actually a prompt response, but also not a prompt, so idk where to put it (so it’s going here)
《 The Clone of Theseus 》~ 80 words
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Fanworks and Fanfics:
《 Perseverance 》for the new Mars Rover
Rating: Everyone
Words: ~ 540
While stopping to do some quick repairs, an alien comes across a mechanical beast in need of aid and takes the opportunity to do some good
《 Midnight Puppet 》Inspired by art by DoubleMaximus - aka: mushroommamamaximus here on tumblr
Rating: Mature, 18+ only
Contains: swearing, sensual groping, masturbation mention, endings contain sexual scenes
Words: ~ 5k total (Main story ~ 3k, each ending ~ 500)
Neutral reader/neutral monster
Sleep paralysis can be quite frightening, especially when your mind projects monsters around your room. But what happens when it’s not a trick of your mind and something is truly there? Would you invite a demon to stay when your body is locked in paralysis? (Four different endings catering to your preferences)
Main Story
Ending 1 - V/P
Ending 2 - V/V
Ending 3 - P/V
Ending 4 - P/P
《 Critical Narrative 》Poems based on the Narrative Telephone stories by Critical Role
《 Warlock of Blue Briars 》Inspired by art by Kaizuart
Rating: PG/Teen
Contains: some mild themes of fear, prejudice towards demons, violence, mild descriptions of murder
Words: ~ 12100
2nd person POV, present tense
While seeking shelter from a storm, you end up making a pact with a demon. After spending some time with him, you decide to move out to the woods to be closer to him. It's not easy keeping him a secret from the rest of your town. But you've made your choices — like the choice to protect him no matter the cost. • Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
《 Don't Worry About the Curse 》 A fanfic for the Drawfee character Bogly
Rating: PG
Contains: spooky themes, a couple swears
2nd person POV, present tense
Words: 1200
This fanfic is of Bogly (not cursed), from their first Bone Game episode, as requested from Drawfee/Karina during their livestream on 11-01-21.
《 The Gold of the Lucidian (or less affectionately: The Lucidian Nightmare) 》
A Critical Role fansong for Uk’otoa; goes to the tune of Lullaby of Woe from Witcher 3
《 Nein Goodbyes (The Mighty Legend) 》 song/poem for Critical Role Campaign 2. Contains mild spoilers for the entire campaign.
《 Copper & Amethyst  》 a Critical Role ShadowGast fanfic
Rating: PG
Contains: Hurt/Comfort; Themes of loss; Lifespan angst; Minor swearing; Drugging (basically just secretly giving someone NyQuil/ZzzQuil); Brief alcohol use
Words: 3100
Caleb has grown old, and his wish is to spend his last years separated from Essek. He doesn’t want to sever all ties; he still cherishes Essek. But even with Caleb still in his life, the slow loss of his dear friend and first love claws at Essek, driving him to learn a new spell.
《 I Planned For... Well, Not This 》 a Critical Role, ExU: Kymal fanfic
Rating: T
Contains: swearing, violence, some suggestive dialogue 
Words: 5400
The plan was to commit a heist of a lifetime. In the city of the corrupt, in the biggest casino. They each had their big part to play, even Cyrus. But you can only plan for so much. And Cyrus—he didn’t plan for most of his night out in Kymal.
《 Retrograde 》 a Death-Head’s Deal Primm fanfic
Rating: T
Contains: swearing
Words: 420
Grimm & Pearl both had a long day due to issues at work that resulted in working overtime. So it was nice to come home to a meal cooked by someone else. However, their relaxing night together gets interrupted by an email from a coworker.
《 Murderers’ Lullaby 》 a Dead By Daylight fansong/poem
Rating: T
Contains: mentions of murder and gore 
Words: 145
A song from the perspective of the murderers in the video game Dead By Daylight
《 Steal My Heart 》  a Ginny Di Universe fanfic
Rating: T
Contains: swearing, fantasy violence, alcohol consumption
Words: 4400
Inspired by the story Ginny’s OC Temper wrote, this fic is my take on Temper’s story
《  When the Lotus Rises Again 》 The Dragon Prince ficlet
Rating: Everyone
Pairing: Runaan x Ethari
Words: 486
Ethari notices that there is a flower suddenly floating in the pool of assassin lotuses.
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niuniente · 2 years
I’ve actually got a bit of a world building question for DHD. Is the supernatural a tangible force in the world? We’ve already seen instances of Tarot Readings being fairly accurate but I suppose my question is more along the line of “Are curses or magic spells a thing people legitimately need to worry about?”
So far it seems somewhat supernatural people exist (such as Kat’s husband) but that’s also in line with the worlds standard for “what normal people look like sometimes.
Whatever the case I’d be curious to know, the way you portray the supernatural in your comics always very interesting
It's similar as in our world. For example, in my culture (Finland) spells were a very strong common thing in old times - like still 100 years ago - and Finns were known for being strong warlocks and witches for hundreds of years. However, in this modern day believing in magic and such in Finland makes you a complete nutcase who must be psychotic somehow, because no sane person believes in such nonsense woo-woo.
At the same time, magic and curses are strongly present in other cultures. I had once a Polish person ask me are they any places where people don't go as it's known to be cursed, like in Poland? No. We don't have such things in Finland. No one believes in them anymore.
The distance between Finland and Poland is only 1,183 km/ 735 miles. It's not much but the difference in the culture is big.
I assume cultures differ the same way in the DHD world, too, and there are places where curses are believed in, and places where they don't exist and people view them as nothing else but superstitious woo-woo.
Then, of course, we have spiritual people like Pearl and people who know how to read cards but who might not be spiritual in other way (Loid).
Cat's husband Hagon isn't really a supernatural. He's part of "the monster race", whatever they official name is, and is basically a mutant of sort, embodying many different animal+human traits in one body. This is why Hagon is chronically ill, too.
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niuniente · 3 years
A good American comic book character I kind of compare to the DHD’s is Punisher. He is the closest thing I can compare them to, in the sense of a morally gray. Well, him and the Spirit of Vengence from DC comics, who isn’t good or bad he just takes out everybody.
I'm familiar with Punisher by his name but I haven't read (or watched) Punisher.
Nemesis from Nemesis the Warlock has somewhat similar antihero-gray moral traits. While he protects aliens against the racist humans and has shown to have compassion to some humans at times, he doesn't hesitate to kill human children if needed. Like, the guy kills a busload of human children and goes "Oh well, too bad". Yet, at the same time Nemesis helps one of the mothers, who lost her child because of this bus incident and ended to a mental hospital, to heal and escape her bad marriage.
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He's generally kind and fair to his human sidekick Charity, who also fights for the aliens against racist humans, but also manipulates her with his spells if it benefits him, and is at times shown not to give rat's ass about her feelings.
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He even says "Well, don't sound too surprised. Don't assume just because Torquemada* is evil that I'm good. The followers of Khaos and Order can be either".
*Nemesis's enemy, the leader of the racists
These kind of characters and stories I like. They feel natural and give lots of freedom to move within the story (though I must admit the cynical Nemesis differs so much from the Nemesis from the beginning of his stories that I, at times, felt like I'm reading a completely different series).
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