#diabetic retinopathy treatment in ayurveda
sanjeevannetralaya · 2 months
Top Natural Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy: A Comprehensive Guide
Diabetic Retinopathy is a serious eye condition that affects individuals with diabetes, leading to vision impairment or even blindness if left untreated. While conventional treatments are available, many people seek natural alternatives to manage and alleviate their symptoms. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we specialise in providing Ayurvedic solutions to eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy. This guide explores top natural treatments for diabetic retinopathy to help you make informed decisions about your eye health.
Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. This can cause them to leak fluid or bleed, distorting vision. Symptoms often include floaters, blurred vision, and difficulty seeing at night. Early detection and management are crucial to preventing severe complications.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Diabetic Retinopathy
In Ayurveda, diabetic retinopathy is seen as an imbalance of the doshas, particularly Pitta and Kapha, affecting the eyes. Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance these doshas, improve circulation, and strengthen the eyes using natural remedies and lifestyle changes.
Top Natural Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy
Herbal Remedies
Triphala: A powerful combination of three fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – Triphala is renowned for its benefits to eye health. It helps cleanse the blood, reduce inflammation, and strengthen retinal cells.
Ginkgo Biloba: Known for its antioxidant properties, Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow to the retina and reduces oxidative stress, which is beneficial for diabetic retinopathy natural treatment.
Bilberry: Rich in anthocyanins, bilberry supports retinal health and improves night vision. It also helps in reducing retinal inflammation and leakage.
Netrabasti (Eye Bath)
Netrabasti involves bathing the eyes in warm, medicated ghee. This therapy nourishes the eye tissues, improves circulation, and reduces dryness and inflammation. It's an effective diabetic retinopathy natural treatment that rejuvenates the eyes.
Dietary Modifications
A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals supports overall eye health. Incorporate leafy greens, carrots, citrus fruits, nuts, and seeds into your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseeds are particularly beneficial for eye health.
Avoid excessive intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates to maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is crucial for managing diabetic retinopathy.
Panchakarma Therapy
Panchakarma is a detoxification process that eliminates toxins from the body and balances the doshas. Treatments like Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema) are beneficial for diabetic retinopathy natural treatment as they cleanse the digestive system and improve overall health, indirectly benefiting the eyes.
Yoga and Eye Exercises
Specific yoga poses like Palming, Blinking, and Trataka (gazing at a fixed point) strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce eye strain. Regular practice of these exercises can support diabetic retinopathy natural treatment by enhancing vision clarity.
Lifestyle Modifications
Managing stress through practices like meditation and deep breathing is essential, as stress can worsen diabetic conditions. Ensure adequate sleep, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol consumption to support overall health and eye function.
Natural treatments for diabetic retinopathy focus on holistic health and balance, aiming to treat the root cause rather than just the symptoms. By incorporating Ayurvedic remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, you can manage diabetic retinopathy effectively and improve your quality of life.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we have treated over 6,00,000+ retina patients with 100% effectiveness, offering personalised care and natural treatments that work. For more information on our approach and to explore our services, visit our website. Embrace the natural way to protect and enhance your vision.
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vedicmedglobal · 2 months
Ayurvedic Treatments for Common Disease
The Ayurvedic system of medicine was born in India. Well, Ayurveda is believed to have existed since about 3000 years ago. In fact, Ayurvedic medicines were available for many ailments as early as 3000 BC, before modern medicine and medical technology were so advanced. As hard as it may be to believe, it is true. Many of those treatments are still in use today. That is, Ayurveda is a solution to many health problems, even today. They will be explained in detail in this blog.
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According to Ayurveda, when the three doshas of the body, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are in balance, a person is healthy. Thus, Ayurveda focuses on balancing these three. Ayurveda includes herbal medicines, changes in diet and lifestyle, other natural treatments, therapy, yoga, and exercises. So, let’s know one by one what kind of remedies are there for all diseases, especially in Ayurveda at Vedicmed, which offers the best disease treatment options available.
Eye (Opthalmology): Vedicmed is an excellent Ayurvedic center where 100% Ayurvedic solutions are available for various health problems. At Vedicmed, the eye department treats problems like diabetic retinopathy, glucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration etc. The doctors here prescribe you various therapies, Ayurvedic herbal medicine, and some lifestyle changes.
Respiratory Diseases: Respiratory Diseases this section provides Ayurvedic treatments for respiratory problems like asthma, Lung Infection,Tuberculosis (TB), Chronic Cough, and the common cold.
Skin Diseases: Skin conditions like Vitiligo, psoriasis, and fungal infections can be managed through Ayurvedic treatments.
Joint and muscle pain: Vedicmed also relieves joint and muscle pain. Special therapies are available for arthritis, muscle pain, and other joint related problems.
Stress and Mental Health: Stress and mental health related health problems like depression and insomnia also have a solution in Ayurveda. Visit Vedicmed for the best solution.
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datameris · 6 months
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ayurvedic eye treatment in kerala
Diabetic Retinopathy Ayurvedic Treatment At Matha
Matha was the first ayurvedic hospital to chart out a new direction in ayurvedic treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which is now widely accepted and followed by all the ayurvedic physicians treating diabetic retinopathy.
Eye treatments at Matha have methods to preserve existing eyesight for diabetic retinopathy conditions. DR is caused due to prolonged high blood glucose levels. In diabetic eye disease, abnormal blood vessels develop that can break, bleed, and leak fluid. Sometimes tiny bulges called microaneurysms may protrude from the vessel walls. This leads to leakage or oozing of fluid and blood into retina. This fluid causes edema in the central part of macula leading to diabetic macular edema. Regaining the lost ability to see depends on the clinical stage when a patient starts treatment. It is always important for a patient to start treatment as early as possible. It is also very important to maintain blood glucose, blood pressure and blood cholestrol levels. ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy takes around 14 to 16 days. The clinical-stage when medications are started is a very crucial factor. know more about ayurveda treatments for diabetic retinopathy.
Systematic ayurvedic cure for diabetic retinopathy has three benefits:
It prevents the onset
It preserves the existing vision
It regains lost vision.
The stage when a patient starts treatment is very crucial. The outcome of treatment depends on it. This condition develops in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 1, is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. It is characterized by beta-cell destruction. It leads to absolute insulin deficiency. On the other hand, Type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance. This may be due to an insulin secretory defect that may lead to relative insulin deficiency. The longer a person has diabetes and the less controlled his blood sugar is more likely are his chances to develop this eye complication. Diabetes mellitus destructs tissue surrounding the retina, including optic nerves. Retinopathy impairs optic nerves by damaging its conduction as well as integrity.Earlier the treatment, better the results. Matha had identified Diabetic Retinopathy as a core focus area right from its inception. Matha is the first ayurvedic treatment centre to introduce a protocol for the specialized screening, prevention, and treatment program for diabetic retinopathy.
Systematic ayurvedic cure for diabetic retinopathy
Eye treatments at Matha have methods to preserve existing eyesight for diabetic retinopathy conditions. Matha is the first ayurvedic treatment centre to introduce a protocol for the specialized screening, prevention, and treatment program for diabetic retinopathy.
Our focus is on providing the best ayurvedic treatment to patients
Our facilities are designed and built for middle class Indian patients.
Our Kitchen provides veg diet suitable for ayurveda and yoga.
Matha is not a research Institute. We do not conduct research on our patients.
We prepare herbal medications in our own GMP certified manufacturing unit.
Book Your Consultation Now
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There are two typical types of retinopathy. They are Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)
NPDR (Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy) is milder than PDR. Here, the blood vessels become congested. The blood flow slows down. Vessel walls become thickened most by deposits. Changes to properties of the vessel wall contribute to this thickening. Blockages also develop in the blood flow. This develops Branch retinal venous occlusion (BRVO) or Branch artery occlusion. Here, high cholesterol (hypercholesteremia) is also an extra contributing factor. This occlusion may also happen in the central retinal artery. This specific condition is Central retinal artery occlusion. If it happens in the central retinal vein, it is central retinal venous occlusion (CRVO).
CRVO is very serious and the patient may feel a sudden loss of vision. In NPDR, there will be a tendency for small haemorrhages. Small dots and blots of haemorrhages are also seen in most cases. Here, there is an involvement of Kapha also. Actually, Kapha is vitiating pitta and raktha.
The very characteristic properties of Kapha increases. These are Snigdha, guru, pichila etc. and this, in turn, affect pitta. Hence, the characteristic properties of pitta get damaged. The Sara and Drava properties of pitta and raktha become decreased. So, the changes mentioned above develop. Sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, and excessive sleep increase the properties of Kapha. Daytime sleep, excessive intake of curd, deep-fried items, etc. also increases Kapha. Vitiation of pitta happens by this Kapha and thereby raktha. This affects consistency and the free flow of blood. There will be deposits on blood vessels and blockages in the veins or arteries of the retina. Here, treatment aims to control Kapha dominance and protect the properties of pitta. Moderate physical exercise (other than head down postures) is very good. Using suitable oil for head massage and nasal drops etc are very good.
Doctors use medicines in the form of Eyewash and eye drops. Triphala, Yashti, Darvi etc are very good for the preparation of eyewash and drops. In diet, avoid all types of heavy and oily food. Instead, add Steamed vegetables, leafy vegetables, sprouted pulses. Systematic ayurvedic management protects against visual impairment in this stage. But it should be by an expert hand only.
PDR (Proliferative diabetic retinopathy)
In PDR, there will be leakages and haemorrhages from the blood vessels of the retina. In severe conditions, it may penetrate into the vitreous (vitreous haemorrhage). Here, the vitreous fluid also becomes spoiled. As a result of vast haemorrhage, there will be hypoxia (anemia) of the retina. These damages the function of retinal cells. New collateral blood vessels may develop to compensate for the hypoxia. This condition is neovascularization. But these blood vessels may be very weak leading to easy bleeding. This makes the situation worse.
In PDR, there will be blood clot deposits on the retina. Here, pitta and raktha are the dominant factors. Factors that increase the properties of pitta is capable of developing this stage. Examples are working on laptop and mobile screen for a long time. Working late nights and lack of sleep also support the development of this stage. Exposure to bright light or sunlight is also dangerous. Exposure to excessive travel, especially in sunlight, etc. are not good.
In food habits, hot and spicy items are the worst. Deep-fried items, sour tasted items such as pickles are contributing factors. Pitta prakriti patients are more susceptible to PDR. External factors such as summer days, windy days, are also contributing factors. Even mental stress and strain are capable of developing PDR in a diabetic patient. There are situations when an NPDR can evolve to PDR. One instance is when NPDR takes more pitta dominant food items. Another instance is when an NPDR patient undergoes the above explained habitual factors.
Maculopathy is a condition where pathological changes get concentrated in the macular area. In maculopathy, there will be the encroachment of blood vessels to the macular area. Bleeding to the macula is also common. When there is an accumulation of edema fluid in the macular area, it becomes macular edema. Deposits in the macula is another common pathological change. Maculopathy is very very serious and vision loss is almost inevitable if not treated in time. In PDR, the foremost aim of management is to arrest the bleeding. For this, total physical rest is necessary. Never go for heavy physical exercise as a part of diabetic control. This is very important. Adopt only very mild and selective postures as per the direction of an expert. Avoid exposure to bright light and focus on light sources. Selective oil for head massage is very good.
The drugs used for the medication of this oil should have pitta samana properties. This is to control the dominance of pitta. Amla, useera, Chandana, yashti etc are examples. Among food items, avoid too sour tasted items. Too many spicy items are also dangerous. Fleshy and watery vegetables such as cucumber are preferable. Use Protein-rich vegetables and sprouted spices. Natural Cold drinks such as amla water are good for drinking purposes. Water boiled with useera, dry amla is also very good.
Here, systematic level ayurvedic treatment is necessary. Sirodhara, sirolepanam, netrasekam, vitalakam, etc are the treatment procedures. The medicines for these procedures should be very selective. An experienced ayurvedic ophthalmologist can decide it for you. This will help to protect your eyes and vision.
Three stages in ayurveda treatment of diabetic retinopathy
Matha was the first ayurvedic hospital to chart out a new direction in ayurvedic treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which is now widely accepted and followed by all the ayurvedic physicians treating diabetic retinopathy.
The first stage of diabetic retinopathy starts as a complication of diabetes mellitus. It has no warning signs before onset. Proactive diabetic patients undergo regular eye checkups. Even if they have no sight problems. This helps to identify symptoms even before the start of loss of visual perception. We have identified the initial symptoms of retinopathy from past treatment experiences. Mild headache and eye strain while reading is main among them. Strain while working on the computer and watching T.V come next. Fullness is a warning sign. So is the heaviness of head and eye, particularly in the early morning. Hypersensitivity to bright light and watering of the eyes are also typical symptoms. Getting the opportunity to start treatment at this early stage is valuable. It helps prevent the disease altogether. Matha follows proven ayurvedic treatments for diabetic retinopathy in this stage. According to ayurvedic science, this is the initial stage of Kapha predominance. It is also known as Nethrabhyshyandha. The line of treatment is sira-sodhanam. Treatments like Nasyam, Gandoosham, kablam, etc. are more preferable than ophthalmic applications.
The second stage of diabetic retinopathy happens if it is not controlled during the first stage. Extend of this progress depends on the various contributing factors, described earlier. From our experience, there are typical symptoms at this stage also. They are blurring of eyesight and metamorphopsia. Burning sensation in the eye and photophobia are also seen. The primary pathological change seen in this stage is the dilation of vessels. Retinal vessels become congested. Blockages happen in the microvascular system of the retina. Retinal edema, hemorrhages, exudates, and neovascular changes are also common. Treatments starting in the third stage concentrate on two distinct aspects. A primary aim is to preserve and protect the existing ability to see. The second aim is to regain lost vision. According to Ayurveda, pitta is the predominant dosha in this stage. Pittasamana must be the line of treatment. The treatments done are Sirodhara, netrasekam, vitalakam aschotanam, and thalam. Strict dietary restrictions are also needed. Medication and diet control are not enough at this stage. Other precautions and care are also needed. For e.g., habitual factors like head bath, sleep, journey and abhyanga oil application. Only an experienced ayurvedic ophthalmologist can do it. Systematic treatment at this stage avoids further vision loss and complications. Matha has successful treatments to protect the eyesight of affected patients.
Ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy is a very wise mix of preventive and curative measures. during the first and second stages.
In the third stage, patients experience severe problems. Macular hole, retinal detachment, and other degenerative changes are main among them. The disease has now turned to a complication. This happens when retinopathy is not treated in the second stage. Continuation of etiological factors is another reason for proceeding to the third stage. Now, a strict line of treatment is not possible. Ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy varies according to complications. For e.g., Retinal detachment can happen when abnormal blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy stimulate the growth of scar tissue, which pull the retina away from back of eye. For complications of detachment, treatment is on a Vata predominant approach. Pitta is an important treatment consideration for neo-vascularisation. For fluid accumulation, Kapha is the primary treatment factor. Systematic and high-level ayurvedic treatments are to be tailor-made for each specific complication. Confirmation of expected results happens only after a detailed assessment of the patient.
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sreedhareeyam · 7 months
Sreedhareeyam Ayurveda Eye Hospital
Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital is a renowned institution based in Kerala, India, specializing in Ayurvedic treatments for various eye ailments. Established in 1982, it has grown to become one of the leading centers for Ayurvedic ophthalmology in the world.
The hospital offers a wide range of Ayurvedic treatments for conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and more. Their treatments often involve a combination of herbal medications, specialized eye exercises, dietary modifications, and therapeutic procedures aimed at restoring and maintaining eye health.
Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced Ayurvedic physicians, and dedication to patient care. Over the years, it has gained recognition for its successful outcomes and has attracted patients from across the globe seeking alternative and holistic approaches to eye care.
Please note that while Ayurvedic treatments may offer benefits for certain eye conditions, it's essential to consult with qualified healthcare professionals and undergo proper evaluation before pursuing any treatment.
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diabetesDiabetic Retinopathy — Ayurvedic Perspective & Treatment
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Hyperglycemia is defined as elevated levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Mellitus hyperglycemia is the starting point for the development of diabetic retinopathy in uncontrolled diabetes.
The following are the mechanisms through which hyperglycemia causes Microangiopathy:
Cellular damage: Hyperglycemia causes damage to retinal and endothelial cells. It also causes pericytes to be lost and the basement membrane of capillaries to thicken.
Changes in haematology and biochemistry: Hyperglycemia is a major factor in the development of Microangiopathy. It also involves an increase in platelet adhesiveness, blood viscosity, and distortion of red blood cells.
Microangiopathy, commonly known as tiny vessel disease, is a type of microvascular illness. Microangiopathy affects the pre-capillary arterioles, capillaries, and venules of the retina. It is the major pathology in diabetic retinopathy caused by hyperglycemia.
Microangiopathy’s effects on diabetic retinopathy include a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier. A weakened capillary wall causes retinal edoema, haemorrhages, and lipid leaks.
Diabetic Retinopathy and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, there is no such condition that directly translates into diabetic retinopathy. Even in the Ashtanga Sangrah and Sushruta, where eye condition is covered in depth, there is no such mention. Few people translate it as Pramehajanya Timira from modern terminology. A name can be translated. However, pathological understanding is crucial. And due of the lack of this pathogenic manifestation, we are unable to help DR patients with Ayurveda.
Ayurveda allows a physician to make decisions regarding an illness based on the participation of the Doshas. Before we can make a choice concerning Dosha in the DR, we must first comprehend several other concepts.
In the case of diabetic retinopathy, we must comprehend the following facts, according to Ayurveda:
Low metabolism /Agni Mandya Blood vessel problems /Rakta Pitta and Vata Rakta
These are two significant points in the context of Diabetic Retinopathy. When we comprehend these, we will have a thorough understanding of the condition.
Agni Mandya / Low Metabolic Rate
According to Modern Biology, metabolism is the body’s ability to burn food for energy production. In Ayurveda, this is referred to as Agni. Diabetes is not the sole cause of retinal alterations.
Diabetes is a metabolic condition in and of itself. Diabetes primarily inhibits sugar metabolism, as well as other things (fats, etc.). However, when it is combined with dyslipidemia and other diseases, the situation worsens. And it is at this moment that diabetes problems become prevalent.
Blood vessel issues/Rakta Pitta and Vata Rakta
Ayurveda distinguishes two conditions: Vata Rakta and Rakta Pitta. These parameters are critical for comprehending the two fundamental features of DR. Infarct (no blood flow to an area) or bleeding from very tiny arteries are the two most serious issues.
Vata Rakta is all about blood supply loss, which could be caused by artery obstruction owing to cholesterol or even inflammation in the artery walls.
Rakta Pitta is concerned with bleeding. When blood heats up, it gathers extra water from the surrounding tissues, resulting in increased blood volume. As a result, blood vessel pressure rises, resulting in bleeding.
So we now have a name for the condition. The next step is to determine Doshas.
Diabetic Retinopathy Is Caused By Doshas
Diabetes is a classic Vata imbalance illness. However, this imbalance begins with the Kapha. But we’re talking about a secondary condition here. And the key issue in this case is the blood. Pitta is the Dosha associated with blood.
As a result, we must exercise caution with all of the Doshas, focusing primarily on the pitta dosha. In general, when all three doshas are present, one of them becomes imbalanced throughout treatment.
Diabetic Retinopathy Ayurvedic Treatment
Now that we have a comprehensive understanding of the issue, we can better differentiate the Ayurvedic treatment options. There are a few key aspects to consider:
Keeping blood sugar under control
Keeping the Agni in Check
Addressing the root cause- In the case of infarcts (Vata Rakta), when bleeding is prominent (Rakta Pitta).
With this three-dimensional approach, we can better deal with Diabetic Retinopathy.
Because the eye is only one of the organs affected by diabetic retinopathy. The eye is at the receiving end. As a result, it is critical to treat the illness on a systemic basis. The main advantage of treating this problem on a systemic level is that a patient can avoid subsequent diabetes complications such as diabetic nephropathy!
This is why, when we treat DR, we assure that we will work on the entire system to achieve complete recovery of your health. Not only the eye.
Ayurveda is the other side of the coin!
When we seek Ayurvedic treatment for an illness, the first question we ask is, “Is it curable through Ayurveda?” The same is true with Diabetic Retinopathy. And now for your question: How effective is Ayurveda in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy?
Ayurveda, without a doubt, can prevent “blindness.” Ayurvedic treatment can certainly halt the progression of your condition. You can also live a normal life. Patients’ vision improves over time.
However, in addition to treatment, we always advise patients to keep taking their diabetes medications. We just add certain Ayurvedic medicines that can assist in controlling blood sugar levels and avoiding illness complications.
Know more about Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.
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sevayu1 · 1 year
Discover the power of Ayurveda for Eye Care: Everything You Need to Know! 
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How may it feel if you have lost vision or have poor eyesight? Perhaps, you won’t think of the situation even in your nightmare! We are habituated to using mobile phones, laptops, or computers for the last few decades because of our daily work. The artificial light emitted from LED screens is harmful to our eyes which may affect our hormonal levels badly. Due to this, we have to take extra care of our eye health. 
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian System of Medicine, takes a holistic approach to eye care, and the main aim is to find out the problems from the root. The eyes are the most sensitive organ, and hence they require special care to avoid diseases. Here are some common practices suggested by the experts at Ayurvedic eye clinics to keep away numerous issues related to our eyes. 
Ayurveda Eye Care Tips:-
Consultation and Diagnosis:  At first, an Ayurveda expert will assess one’s eye condition, and check the medical case history, lifestyle habits, and other necessary factors. Some important techniques involve pulse diagnosis (Nadi Parikshan) and Visual Examination like Netra Tarpan (Eyes Therapy). 
Netra Tarpan (Eyes Therapy) 
Rooted in ancient wisdom, Netra Tarpan is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment that nourishes the eyes and strengthens our eye muscles. In this treatment, the Ayurveda experts pour herb-infused ghee over the eyelids in an enclosure built around the eye made of black mung flour. This therapy is effective for various vision disorders and aids overall eye health. 
How it works
Most people face some common ailments like heaviness of the eyelids, difficulty in opening eyes, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, and blurry vision. Depending on the individual’s dosha, the medicinal concoction has been chosen. 
The key points (marmas) of our eyes which are being suffered the most during stress and pollution are : 
Ajna and Staphani: These vital points focus on the connection between our eyes, brain, and mind. 
Apanga and Shankha:  These two points release the tension and heaviness around the eyes.
Phana: This particular point is associated with the nose area and divided into two parts – Soma and Agni. Soma helps cool the eyes whereas Agni connects the eyes with our brain. 
Urdhaw and Adhoakshi: These marmas provide Prana or energy to the eyes. 
Depending on the dosha of the patient, the tenure of the therapy is suggested, and it can extend from one to five days. 
The Netra Tarpan Procedure:- 
At first, in Ayurvedic eye clinics experienced practitioners or Ayurvedic therapists make an enclosure around the eyes using a special dough made from black mung flour. Then they fill the enclosure with some medicated ghee or concoction according to an individual’s dosha. After that, they provide a gentle massage to each eye to increase circulation. After completing the entire process, one needs to rest the eyes for a short span of time. One must follow the instructions given by the Ayurvedic therapist. The process takes almost 30 minutes of time. 
Benefits of Netra Tarpan:- 
It moisturizes the dryness of our eyes. 
It is beneficial for blurry vision, and conjunctivitis. 
Improves vision by strengthening eye muscles.
Nourishes eyes and soothes eye strain. 
Reduces eye fatigue and calms tired eyes.
Relieves burning sensations, itchiness, and redness of eyes. 
Lubricates the eyes and helps in producing tears. 
Helpful for disorders like computer vision syndrome and glaucoma. 
Enhances the optic nerves for overall eye health. 
Indications of Tarpana:-
Tarpana is helpful for the following conditions 
Optic Neuritis 
Diabetic Retinopathy
Computer Vision 
Refractive errors 
Corneal ailments 
Ayurvedic Eye Care Tips:-
To maintain healthy eyesight, therapists recommend some eye care tips which are mentioned in the following points: 
In the morning, wash your eyes with a splash of cold water. It removes the dried mucus and dirt and lubricates our eyes. 
It has been recommended not to use any chemical beauty products or cosmetics around the eyes. If needed, try an Ayurvedic kajal instead of chemical products. 
Take a head massage daily to relax the muscles that are necessary for visual activity and stimulation of tear glands. 
You may rub the palms of your hands and keep them to your eyes. For 2 to 3 minutes, relax in this position and try repeating after every 30 minutes. 
Use sunglasses or hats while going outside for long hours, especially during strong exposure to sun rays.
Use protective eyewear while doing work in front of computers and laptops. 
Excessive stress may create a negative impact on the eyes, so indulge yourself in yoga, meditation, and stress management techniques. 
You may use some herbal eye drops if necessary, but consult an Ayurveda practitioner before using them. 
Maintaining a healthy diet is necessary for a healthy vision, so include Vitamin-A, Omega-3 fatty acids, and enough antioxidants in your diet. 
Take a break after every 20 minutes while working on digital devices and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20-30 seconds. 
Blink your eyes often and rotate your eyeballs gently. 
The ancient practice of Netra Tarpan in Ayurvedic eye clinics offers a holistic and rejuvenating approach to eye care. It has been practiced for centuries to support the health and vitality of the eyes through natural ways. It is advised that Netra Tarpan should be performed in the afternoon at an ideal temperature which is neither extremely cold nor hot. One should take this treatment under proper guidance.
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bhagwatiayurved · 1 year
Ayurvedic Medicine Of Diabetes
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Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian practice used to treat and prevent various diseases. It can be described as a set of habits that integrate physical and mental aspects to guarantee a longer and better quality of life. In recent times, Ayurveda has become an increasingly well-known practice, even in the daily management of diabetes, as it brings various benefits for treating this pathology. The increasing popularity of Ayurveda has led to the emergence of companies like Bhagwati Ayurved, which specializes in Ayurvedic Medicine of Diabetes, providing individuals with more options for integrating Ayurveda into their lives.
Ayurvedic Medicine Of DiabetesWhat is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda was born in India 3,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a holistic treatment to preserve the person's health. Ayurveda acts on the body, mind, and emotions. According to Indian science, these last two aspects are the determining factors in the appearance of diseases. “Ayurveda is a disease prevention tool. In fact, it suggests the necessary formulas to avoid getting sick”.
Madhumeha (diabetes) in Indian history
Diabetes is not a pathology, and it is not something born recently. Diabetes has already been known in India for many centuries. The name by which it has always been referred, up to the present day, is Madhumeha. Madhumeha is a compound word of “ madhu ” (meaning honey or sweet) and meha (meaning excess urine). In the days when laboratory tests, which exist today, did not exist, Ayurvedic doctors diagnosed diabetes from urine. If there was a lot of sugar in the urine, many ants and mosquitoes were attracted to it, and therefore diabetes was diagnosed.
According to tradition, Ganesha, a Hindu god with an enormous human body but the head of an elephant, suffered from Madhumeha. His "messy" eating had caused him to develop diabetes. Diabetes, or Madumeha, is considered by Ayurveda to be a serious pathology that, if left untreated, can have serious consequences for the whole organism.
If glucose isn't absorbed properly, it stays around in the blood when we eat. Its presence can cause cardiovascular complications (heart attack, angina pectoris, stroke), sleep apnea, retinopathy, periodontitis, or even diabetic foot. In particular, in the main Ayurvedic texts, the following symptoms of Madhumeha are distinguished:
Sweet urine
Polyphagia (feeling of constant hunger)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Burning sensation on the skin
Epileptic foot
Ayurveda and some useful treatments to manage diabetes
The Ayurvedic perspective on body balance and nutrition coincides with the recommendations of Western medicine on the correct diet for diabetes. It suggests, in fact, minimizing simple carbohydrates, fats, and other heavy foods, while increasing the consumption of "lighter" foods.
Limit intake of sweet products, reduce fat intake and avoid drinking alcohol.
Eat small portions of food throughout the day so that you don't experience blood glucose spikes.
Increase your intake of bitter foods like a gourd, bitter melon, or green leafy vegetables like chard, spinach, arugula, and others.
Eat lots of vegetables. Well-cooked green leafy ones are particularly recommended.
All spices, except salt. Liberally use hot spices in your diet, such as ginger, pepper, mustard seeds, even cayenne pepper, and astringents like turmeric.
Drink a lot of water. This will help eliminate toxins that can inhibit the valuable functions of the liver and pancreas. Drinking hot ginger tea helps stimulate slow digestion. Drink 2-3 cups of ginger tea daily to lower sugar levels.
All legumes are fine except soy and tofu, which should be eaten in moderation.
Eat lighter fruits like apples, pears, pomegranates, blueberries, and apricots. Cut back on heavier fruits like bananas, pineapples, grapes, and figs.
Whole Grains and Non- GMOs: Choosing barley, corn (non-GMO), millet, buckwheat, rye, quinoa, and amaranth. Reduce or eliminate oats, rice, and wheat.
Avoid fasting or skipping meals, which stress the body and reduce the flow of valuable nutrients.
Stay calm for good quality sleep to favor the dream phase.
Exercise or stay physically active.
Take warm baths with a few drops of sandalwood or lavender, and perform self-massages with dry ginger and cardamom.
In conclusion, Medicine of Diabetes in Ayurved offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, focusing on the balance between the body, mind, and emotions. The principles of Ayurveda, including healthy eating, physical exercise, positive thinking, hygiene, and balance, can benefit anyone, even those without specific health concerns. Additionally, Ayurveda has a long history of treating diabetes, or Madhumeha, with its emphasis on diet, exercise, and stress reduction. While Ayurveda may not be a substitute for Western medicine, its principles and treatments can be complementary and offer potential benefits for overall health.
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arthayurvedaworld · 2 years
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Poor vision and straining of the eyes are familiar as you age. You don't have to worry about it because Ayurveda has a powerful remedy to prevent it. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease caused by diabetes. Diabetes can affect your eye care, making it especially important to get a regular eye exam.
Arth Ayurveda provides various treatment options that not only treat eye issues but also help prevent them thoroughly. To know more, get in touch with our clinic today.
Call us at +91-80-25254654.
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haveshuddhi · 4 years
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Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common health complications of diabetes mellitus, in which neurons and blood vessels of the retina get damaged, and a person loses his vision. In the prevention of this health complication, you can choose diabetic retinopathy treatment in Ayurveda.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 9 months
Natural Vision Care: Ayurveda's Approach to Eye Health
In a world where eye health is increasingly challenged by modern lifestyles and environmental factors, Sanjeevan Netralaya Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care stands as a testament to the power of natural healing. Embracing Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, Sanjeevan Netralaya’s Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care offers a holistic approach to eye health, bringing the wisdom of centuries into the realm of contemporary vision care.
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Ayurvedic Eye Care
At the core of Sanjeevan Netralaya's philosophy is the belief that eye health is intertwined with the overall balance and wellbeing of the body. Ayurveda, which translates to 'the science of life', views the human body as a cohesive unit, where the health of one part affects the whole. This holistic approach is particularly effective in treating and preventing eye conditions, as it addresses not just the symptoms but the underlying causes.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Every individual's eye health needs are unique, and this is where Sanjeevan Netralaya's personalized treatment plans make a significant impact. Based on an assessment of the individual's Prakriti (body constitution) and Vikriti (imbalance), the Ayurvedic practitioners at Sanjeevan Netralaya design treatments that include herbal medications, diet recommendations, and lifestyle changes tailored to each patient's specific needs.
Preventive Care and Education
Prevention is a key aspect of Ayurvedic eye care. Sanjeevan Netralaya focuses on educating patients about the importance of regular eye check-ups and early detection of eye conditions. They also provide guidance on protective measures such as proper lighting while reading or working and taking breaks during prolonged screen time.
Sanjeevan Netralaya's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care, offers a refreshing and effective alternative to conventional eye treatments. By focusing on the individual as a whole and utilizing natural remedies and lifestyle changes, Sanjeevan Netralaya not only treats eye conditions but also enhances overall wellbeing, illustrating the timeless efficacy of Ayurveda's approach to eye health.
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santoth5 · 3 years
Right place for diabetic retinopathy treatment in Ayurveda in India at Prakash Nethralaya & Panchakarma Kendra
Right place for diabetic retinopathy treatment in Ayurveda in India at Prakash Nethralaya & Panchakarma Kendra with the lowest prices. For more details visit here now!
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Diabecon ds vedas
Diabecon ds
Diabetes is a metabolic illness portrayed by high blood glucose levels. It is the consequence of lacking insulin creation in the body or lethargy of the cells to the insulin that is delivered. It influences a great many individuals. Super durable remedy for diabetes actually stays tricky. Nonetheless, with a controlled eating regimen, hostile to diabetic meds and exercise, you can oversee diabetes.
Our speedy ways of life are tormented with different medical problems we have authority over. Nonetheless, there are some substantial conditions that we just can't dodge through the customary way of life tips we get from outsiders. One such medical problem is diabetes. It tends to be something terrifying to explore through as it has a ton of marks of shame joined to it, which is all well and good, as it is an issue you ought to go to genuinely and right away. Diabecon ds is one of numerous treatment choices accessible for you to venture out to deal with your condition.
Diabetes is an issue that is a result of the glucose in your blood being excessively high. The food you eat decides the wellspring of your energy found in your blood glucose; notwithstanding, if your body can't create sufficient insulin, it makes the glucose be handicapped from arriving at your phones that need it to chip away at your body's wellbeing.
There are various kinds of diabetes like Type 1, Type 2, Gestational diabetes, and more like monogenic diabetes, cystic fibrosis diabetes, and so forth There is the normal confusion that some diabetes is more genuine than others. Notwithstanding, every kind of diabetes ought to be viewed in a serious way when expecting to manage it.
Diabecon ds is an item from Himalaya, perhaps the most confided in clinical organizations in Indium. Himalaya diabecon is one that utilizes normal fixings and Ayurvedic innovation to make exceptional recipes comprising of Gymnema, Pitasara, and Shilajit.
The entirety of its fixings are intense with hostile to diabetic properties. They have regenerative capacities where they effectively help the center of the diabetic's issue be worked upon and animated to work typically. Allow us to jump profound into the diabecon tablet utility!
The gymnemic corrosive present in this medication helps in diminishing the unnecessary glucose present in the blood.
Gymnema animates the creation of insulin that helps the blood convey the glucose to cells that need it for more energy.
This drug guarantees the movement of catalysts in engrossing glucose and using them for the advancement of your body.
Epicatechin, which is additionally present in this medication, manages the chemicals that assist with boosting digestion. It guarantees that the body isn't left unguarded from microorganisms and illnesses that you might be generally inclined to contracting.
Hyperglycemia is forestalled by one of the basic elements of diabecon Himalaya, which is Shilajeet.
It helps the pancreas in expanding insulin creation and activities through the advancement of unlimited insulin action.
It will assist with diminishing glucose fundamentally, and work on tackling the issue that makes glucose ascend in any case.
While there are no incidental effects to pay special mind to altogether, there are significant insurances to take.
Diabetes is certifiably not a normal day clinical issue you can take an over-the-counter pill for and excuse. You should counsel your primary care physician to comprehend your clinical history and status prior to settling on any choices for your body.
Interview with your PCP in regards to whether this medication will be appropriate for you is fundamental.
Peruse the name guidelines cautiously. In the event that you don't adhere to the guidelines, you can not gather the consequences of the greatest potential that the medication has.
Diabetes can be a dangerous sickness if not controlled on schedule. Whenever left untreated, it can begin influencing the working of the significant organs in your body. People experiencing Type I diabetes have the most serious dangers as their bodies can't make insulin. This makes them insulin subordinate for their endurance for their entire lives.
Every day insulin infusions are fundamental for controlling Type I diabetes. Type II diabetes can be constrained by diet and activities. Notwithstanding, certain individuals might expect prescriptions to direct their glucose levels. Numerous enemy of diabetic meds are presently accessible. Customary prescriptions like insulin, sulphonylureas and biguanides are utilized to control the glucose levels. However, for certain individuals, the incidental effects they cause far offset the advantages.
Ayurveda considers diabetes as a metabolic "kapha" kind of confusion in which the decrease in the action of Agni can cause expansion in glucose. Ayurvedic drugs are powerful in controlling diabetes. Diabecon DS is an Ayurvedic definition delivered by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare to treat diabetes. Its fixings are a mix of spices and minerals that limits the drawn out intricacies of diabetes.
Knowing Diabecon DS
Diabecon DS is a protected enemy of diabetic prescription in the tablet structure. It very well may be utilized by people experiencing Type II diabetes as a mono-theraphy or in blend with other oral enemy of diabetic medications. It can likewise be utilized by Type I diabetes victims with insulin. Prior to taking any medicine, it is ideal to counsel a certified doctor. Individuals experiencing Type II early retinopathy or microalbuminuria can likewise take Diabecon DS.
Diabecon DS advances the recovery of beta cells, the main cells in the body that produces insulin in the pancreas. It animates pancreas to deliver insulin. Its productivity in bringing the creation of sugar down to forestall high glucose levels makes it a powerful treatment for overseeing diabetes.
Elements of Diabecon DS
Diabecon DS contains numerous regular fixings whose mixtures and compounds are accepted to be compelling in treating diabetes. A portion of the essential dynamic fixings and their separate uses are recorded in the table beneath:
Ingredient Use
Guggulu helps in bringing down cholesterol
Shilajeet regulates glucose levels
Tulasi lowers glucose
Guduchi helps revive our brain and body
Gokshura supports the ordinary progression of pee
Jambu helps to lessen sugar levels in the blood
Shatavari minimizes oxidative pressure, works on safe reaction
Punarnava renew and rejuvenate the body frameworks, brings down glucose
Pitasara helps in the recovery of pancreatic Beta cells
Advantages of Diabecon DS
Day by day utilization of one Diabecon DS tablet can assist you with controlling your glucose levels. Given underneath are a portion of the advantages you can get from it.
It controls your glucose
It helps in detoxifying unfortunate tissues
It helps in the maintenance/recovery of the beta cells in the pancreas
It decreases the oxidative weight on the beta cells
It controls digestion of starch into sugar
Controlling diabetes
Albeit the reasons for diabetes in people are differed, the treatment typically includes meds, practice and a severe eating regimen. The previous the manifestations are dealt with, the better it will be for overseeing diabetes. Indeed, even a little alteration in your way of life can bring great outcomes. The following are a few hints that will empower you to work on your nature of living just as control your problem.
Performing Pranayama and yogic Asanas can help in controlling diabetes.
Losing even five percent of your all out weight can assist you with bringing down your glucose significantly.
Have an eating routine that is high in supplements, low in fat and moderate in calories.
Normal moderate exercise can help in further developing insulin affectability.
Eating garlic or fenugreek animates the pancreas to deliver insulin and controls glucose
Having diabetes ought not mean the apocalypse for you. Utilizing the above tips and having hostile to diabetic prescriptions like Diabecon DS will guarantee that you make every second count.
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ayurvedic00123 · 3 years
Diabecon ds
Diabecon ds :- Diabetes is a metabolic infection portrayed by high blood glucose levels. It is the aftereffect of inadequate insulin creation in the body or lethargy of the cells to the insulin that is delivered. It influences a huge number of individuals. Long-lasting remedy for diabetes actually stays tricky. In any case, with a controlled eating regimen, against diabetic prescriptions and exercise, you can oversee diabetes. 
Diabetes can be a dangerous illness if not controlled on schedule. Whenever left untreated, it can begin influencing the working of the significant organs in your body. People experiencing Type I diabetes have the most serious dangers as their bodies can't make insulin. This makes them insulin subordinate for their endurance for their entire lives. 
Every day insulin infusions are fundamental for controlling Type I diabetes. Type II diabetes can be constrained by diet and activities. Nonetheless, a few group might expect meds to direct their glucose levels. Numerous enemy of diabetic drugs are currently accessible. Regular drugs like insulin, sulphonylureas and biguanides are utilized to control the glucose levels. Yet, for certain individuals, the incidental effects they cause far offset the advantages. 
Ayurveda considers diabetes as a metabolic "kapha" kind of turmoil in which the decrease in the movement of Agni can cause expansion in glucose. Ayurvedic prescriptions are compelling in controlling diabetes. Diabecon DS is an Ayurvedic definition delivered by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare to treat diabetes. Its fixings are a blend of spices and minerals that limits the drawn out complexities of diabetes. 
Diabecon DS is a protected enemy of diabetic prescription in the tablet structure. It very well may be utilized by people experiencing Type II diabetes as a mono-theraphy or in blend with other oral enemy of diabetic medications. It can likewise be utilized by Type I diabetes victims with insulin. Prior to taking any drug, it is ideal to counsel a certified doctor. Individuals experiencing Type II early retinopathy or microalbuminuria can likewise take Diabecon DS. 
Diabecon DS advances the recovery of beta cells, the lone cells in the body that produces insulin in the pancreas. It invigorates pancreas to create insulin. Its effectiveness in bringing the creation of sugar down to forestall high glucose levels makes it a viable treatment for overseeing diabetes.
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haveshuddhi · 4 years
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common health complications of diabetes mellitus, in which neurons and blood vessels of the retina get damaged, and a person loses his vision. In the prevention of this health complication, you can choose diabetic retinopathy treatment in Ayurveda.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
Clear Vision Ahead Successful Diabetic Retinopathy Treatments
Diabetes, which afflicts blood sugar levels, can have far-reaching impacts on various body systems - not least the eyes. One of its more significant ocular complications is diabetic retinopathy; an eye condition in which retinal blood vessels become damaged from prolonged high blood sugar levels. But don't despair: medical advances have produced several effective diabetic retinopathy treatments that promise clearer vision going forward. Let's explore these now available solutions.
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Our retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of our eyes, plays an essential role in our ability to see. Diabetics' high blood sugar levels weaken this blood vessel network in turn leading to leakage, blockages and abnormal growths leading to blurred vision, floaters and vision loss if diabetic retinopathy progresses over time.
Effective Treatment Options for Diabetic Retinopathy
Optimizing Diabetes Management:
While not directly treating eye problems, managing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels effectively can significantly slow diabetic retinopathy's progress and enhance other treatments' success. This holistic approach may also increase success rate of other therapies used against it.
Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care:
Offered by Sanjeevan Netralaya, their Ayurvedic Eye Care has successfully treated over 6 lakh retinal issues without causing any negative side effects! Diabetic Retinopathy sufferers especially can benefit from it!
Routine eye exams are crucial in protecting against diabetic retinopathy-induced vision loss, with early detection providing early intervention and making treatments more successful. If you or a loved one has diabetes, make eye examinations an integral part of their healthcare regime.
Life with diabetes may seem challenging at times, especially with complications like diabetic retinopathy thrown into the mix. But with today's array of effective treatments available for managing or improving vision issues, there's hope of maintaining or even improving visual function in the long run. Be informed, seek care promptly, and look ahead with anticipation to a future with clear eyesight!
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innogenex · 2 years
Ayurvedic treatment to reverse diabetes
Ayurvedic treatment to reverse
HLC is a Holistic Health & Wellness Center where you get to experience!
the healing power of Ayurveda, through the best Ayurveda treatment in Bangalore, through Naturopathy and Yoga.
At HLC, our best ayurvedic doctors have successfully treated over 5000 individuals for health problems ranging from simple allergies to lifestyle ailments such as diabetes, obesity complex diseases of kidneys, or cancer.
Our 10-day residential program includes Ayurvedic treatment to reverse Type 2 Diabetes after which we ensure that you could lead a healthy and comfortable life without the use of medications, or any associated symptoms or complications.
HLC’s revolutionary program plan is a well-proven Ayurvedic treatment to reverse diabetes and our best ayurvedic doctors primarily focus to reverse type 2 diabetes.  The program helps reverse diabetes naturally and safely with guaranteed results that ensure you regain your good health and active life back.
We invite you to join our revolutionary 10-day residential program from the very comfort of our elegantly appointed accommodations surrounded by a lush green environment.  This is done by achieving optimum blood sugar control thereby reducing the dependence on the medications in a matter of few days.  The added benefits of this ayurvedic treatment also improve a person’s cardiovascular health status, and blood pressure control, and helps weight management.
Our Ayurvedic treatment to reverse diabetes includes
No medication use:  Our program will normalize the blood sugar levels and eliminate your dependence on medications.
No Calorie Restriction:  You can eat well and not starve, fast, or have expensive supplements or shakes.
Just Basic Exercise:  Exercise includes a 30-40 minute brisk walk which is good enough without going to the gym for a workout or using fancy exercise equipment.
No Surgery Needed:  Bariatric surgery that is pretty expensive and not safe is considered to reverse diabetes.
According to the 2019 reports, India is in the second position among the top 10 countries with an estimated 77 million diabetics.  Diabetes is a contributory factor to a lot of other serious health-related complications.  Diabetes leads to damaging major organs in our body and affects the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys.
Ayurveda treatment involves treating diabetes as a metabolic disorder. The Ayurveda treatment plan not only helps control and reduce the blood sugar levels but also ensures delaying or completely evading the onset of major health complications caused by neglecting the disorder.
Diabetic Conditions that can be treated with Ayurveda treatment, Naturopathy, and Yoga include
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes Reversal Program
The main advantage of opting for HLC’s diabetic program is that unlike other current traditional or even the next generation diabetes management which typically revolves around medication, our program will depend on every individual’s body’s ability to heal and reverse diabetes with minimal natural and safe therapy that is practiced.
HLC offers a complete range of alternative medical sciences including Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Prophetic medicine.  We assure you to Get your Diabetes Reversed or Get a 100% Refund.  Our range of Ayurveda treatments and therapies is well-managed by our team of experienced medical professionals, healthcare experts, wellness specialists, therapists, the best Ayurvedic doctors, and a dedicated support crew.
Our Ayurveda treatment to reverse diabetes has helped thousands of people to overcome diabetes.  We are so sure of reversing your diabetes, that we guarantee a 100% refund of your fees in the unlikely event of your dissatisfaction with the results of the Ayurveda treatment after 90 days of following our program
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