#diamond life scenarios: 2k followers event
mrs-hongs-blog · 7 years
Took Away The Pain
m e m b e r : Joshua Hong!!! g e n r e : fLUFFY!!11!!!1 w o r d c o u n t : 2k
i n t r o : SEVENTEEN has been busy preparing for their latest world tour Diamond Edge, and it’s starting to take a toll on your boyfriend’s body.
“Good job everyone, that’s all for today! Please go home and get ample rest before the next stop.” The 13 boys that were sweating profusely slowly dispersed from the practice to collect their luggage, they waved each other good bye and proceeded to go their own way, majority heading to the dorm while some returned to meet their family and Joshua was no exception.
Jeonghan and Joshua walked down the hallway of Pledis building and down to the basement carpark in silence. Ever since they landed 5 hours ago, they have been practicing non-stop and were exhausted out of their own minds. Joshua then broke the silence, “Need me to drop you off Han?” He said while fumbling to unlock his car. Jeonghan laughed at the clumsy boy and shook his head. “Thanks man, but my parents are coming with my little sister!” He said with a hint of excite. Joshua nodded his head gently.
“You should hurry home, your soulmate must be dying to see you.” Joshua’s eyes immediately smiled at the mention of you. How your eyes would light up whenever you saw him, how the corners of your beautiful lips was always up whenever he was around, even in your sleep, and how your cheeks would always be a tint of red whenever he was home from schedules.
And that’s why Joshua came to fall in love with you. You were so happy and optimistic and there was nothing that could ruin your day. You were his happy pill after a long day of schedule and training. You guys have been dating for a year after he arrived in Korea, back when you were working under Pledis as a Korean teacher and translator for new trainees who couldn’t speak Korean.
Joshua spoke Korean back in the US, but not that fluent. So he still took lessons with you, be it an excuse to see you or to actually learn. He was a fast learner and picked up the language fast, which is why he was put into SEVENTEEN early in his trainee days. He was also really fast in winning your heart over with his dad jokes, puns and acrostic poems. But what made you fall crazy in love with him was his kindness to anyone and everyone and his determination. You never ever saw him get angry, was always polite and gave his 120% during his training, even when he didn’t know if he could debut.
It’s been a little over 3 years since you guys started dating, but due to his visit to America, you guys couldn’t celebrate the 3rd Anniversary. In particular, it’s been 3 weeks since you last saw him and you only had him for 3 days. It was tough but nothing beats your love for him. Joshua felt bad missing the anniversary no matter how much you said it was okay so he kept sending you gifts, even from America. Today was no different, and he was about to surprise you again.
He alighted from his car in a small alleyway with lots of side shops and walked into the florist. “Sojung nuna! Jisoo here to pick up the flowers I ordered last week!” Her head popped out from a bunch of flowers and she smiled, “Hold on a minute! I’ll go get your flowers!” Sojung was his cousin from America that moved over to be a florist and he was his reliable source of surprising what he likes to call you, the most beautiful flower in his life.
“Here you go.” She passed him the huge bouquet of peonies and baby breaths, and as he was taking his wallet out, she stopped him. “On the house, you’ve worked hard the past 3 weeks. Go surprise her.” He nodded and thanked her, slipping a $100 note into the tip jar, knowing she would later reprimand him over the phone. He walked to his car and placed the bouquet of flowers next to him before he drove to the apartment you guys shared.
He pulled up infront of the loft that you two lovingly shared with your two golden retrievers and he took a good look at the house, grabbed the bouquet and unlocked the door. He opened the door to two excited pups begging for his love, “Hi there Bean and Dubbs!!!” He cooed before looking around for your presence. He spotted you in the kitchen cooking something, listening to your earpiece.
He smiled and put the flowers on the kitchen counter before back-hugging you, removing one side of the earpiece. “How’s my favourite girl doing?” You stood there frozen for a second when you heard his voice, before regaining consciousness and jumping on him. “Babe! When did you arrive? I MISSED YOU!” You did a little cheer while your two dogs barked at you two, making a ruckus.
Joshua smiled at your shining eyes and red cheeks, “A little while ago. I have a surprise for you.” Joshua moved aside to reveal the huge bouquet of your favourite flowers and you screamed again. “SHU! You shouldn’t have!” You said as you hugged the huge bouquet and squashed your face in it. He smiled widely, “I should’ve. It was worth it.” You turned to him to give him a long, loving kiss before pulling apart, forehead together, giggling.
“Where’s your luggage, I’ll go get it! I’ll run a bath for you! I’ll finish cooking dinner!” Joshua laughed at how you were trying to multi-task with your little body, running around with two huge pups following you around. He sure loves his little family of four. You then promptly ran out to bring his luggage in, dumping the laundry in the washing machine. Joshua watched as you ran around the house getting things done.
You ran into the bathroom to run the warm bath for him and fetched him a towel, pushing him into the bathroom. “I love you baby, thank you for this.” He said at the doorway of the toilet, kissing your cheek lightly. You smiled before shoving him in the bathroom, “I love you too, but you stink!” You laughed as he said a loud ‘HEY!” and you continue to prepare dinner.
After you guys were done with dinner, you guys collapsed on your bed in matching puppy pajamas, your two dogs flopping down on the floor next to you. “Good night baby, no more good night texts.” Joshua whispered, as he kissed your temple gently before snuggling you, You smiled lightly and said quietly under your breath, “Good night love.” before falling into a deep slumber.
Next morning, you were awakened by Joshua groaning loudly and your eyes shot open. He was clutching his arm before groaning again. “SHU! What’s wrong?” He moaned out, “My arm and back really hurts..” You checked the time, 9am. The clinic nearby was open and you immediately got dressed and brought Joshua to the car, driving him to the clinic.
The doctors couldn’t identify what was wrong with Joshua, so they prescribed him with painkillers and told him to check back again in a few days. You guys drove home and Joshua was groaning in pain on the couch. The dogs sat by him on the sofa, ears dropped down as though they knew he was in pain. You were saddened by the event and how it made Joshua so weak. He couldn’t stand or lay down properly because it would just hurt.
You brewed him some porridge and fed him his medicine, and he fell asleep shortly after. You called the members and their manager to inform them about the incident. The members and managers dropped by to visit while Joshua was asleep but none of them wanted to wake him up, even in his sleep, he looked like he was in so much pain.
You served the guests some snacks and tea before they left, leaving well wishes. Pledis called you and did say that if it gets worse, Joshua can get treatment at the hospital and not attend the next tour stop. But knowing Joshua, he would hate to do so. Joshua hated disappointing his fans, and would push himself to the limit. That’s how he always was, giving his 120%.
He woke up later in the evening to eat some food and take his painkillers again, before falling back into sleep, this time on the bed. You sat next to him after washing up and feeding the pups, you looked at his angelic face, eyebrows furrowed probably due to the pain and face scrunched. You looked at him with so much worry, and tears started to spill.
“Have you ever met someone you loved so much, that when they were in pain, you just wanted to take the pain away from them, even if it means that you will be in pain. Or just want to share a bit of the pain so that person can at least rest a bit better?”
You were crying, sobbing and in a load of tears. You hated it, how you couldn’t do anything to make Joshua’s pain lesser, or make him feel even a slight bit better. He was probably the most kind-hearted and nicest person you ever know, why did he have to suffer? You just cried and cried and cried, hoping something would make his pain lesser.
You sat next to him all night, and fell asleep on the bedside table. Joshua then woke up because Bean jumped on the bed to lick his face. He searched around for you before finding you, fast asleep on the floor, head propped on the bed, looking at him. He caressed your cheek before kissing your temple with all the strength he had.
It woke you up, and he got a shock. “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” He looked at you, eyebrows furrowed, face obviously still in pain. You stared at him before breaking down again. He was confused but comforted you with all the strength he had left. “What’s wrong baby.. Please don’t cry, you know I hate seeing you like this.”
“I just feel, bad. I can’t do anything to help you feel at least a bit better and you’re suffering alone. I hate it. How I can’t share even a bit of pain with you. I’m sorry babe. You’re the most amazing boyfriend yet I can’t do even a single thing for you.” Joshua smiled at how pure your heart was. He was lucky to call you his.
“Hey.. Don’t cry. It’s not your fault, and I’m fine. You being here makes me feel better. You did do a lot for me love. You cooked food for me, fed me my meds, carried me around and even took care of the guests. You’re the amazing one.” Joshua whispered, probably because he was exhausted. You smiled at his words and jumped on top of him, hugging him tightly.
“Thank you for everything Jisoo ah.” The way you called him made his heart flutter, even after 3 years. “I love you babe.” You said before spamming kisses all over his face and neck. “I love you too babygirl.” He said with you squishing his cheeks, kissing him all over. He sat up, pinning you under him and now it was his turn to spam kisses all over you. Bean and Dubbs joined shortly after, rolling around the bed.
“Babe? Does it not hurt anymore?” You remembered, asking Joshua. He looked at his arm, and then cracking his neck. “I.. feel better. All of a sudden.” Joshua looked at himself in shock and you jumped on him. “MY BABY’S OKAY!” Joshua smiled and hugged you tightly. He was happy with where his life has come too, his small family of four and his amazing other half. He stopped you, pulled you apart to face him.
“It’s the power of your love. You did it babe. You took my pain away.” He said, smiling widely, his cat eyes prominent. You smiled and mumbled softly only he could hear, “It’s a power of OUR love.” You two then shared a sweet kiss before it was ruined by Dubbs putting his butt to Joshua’s face.
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62&91 DK ANGST. Can you please make in an open end?? Please make me cry. Thank you so much!! 💕💕💕 Also congrats on your 2k!!!
62. “How are you so pretty?” (Very Nice)
91. “If you can hear my heart, please come back to me.” (Don’t Listen Secretly)
Genre: Soulmate!AU, angstWord Count: 997Warnings: description of injuries/bloodshed
You fell in love with him the moment you heard his voice echoing through your head on the day of your eighteenth birthday.
It had been a simple, tentative “H-hello?”, the sound of a silvery voice causing you to shoot up from your covers in bed, reeling from a rush of delight and pure adrenaline. It is truly a feeling to behold, when you first discover a telepathic connection with your soulmate.
It was a phenomenon that seems to transcend science and logic, the concept of it all baffling even the most decorated of neuropsychologists. Most just accept it as a marvelment of destiny.
You wrinkled your eyebrows as you try to get used to the unfamiliar (yet strangely pleasant) sensation of having someone present in your thoughts. “Are… you my soulmate?” you nervously project into your head, and you wait with bated breath for his response.
His subsequent reply was so bright, the sun could have risen up at the sound of his voice.
“I’m Seokmin! I’m so happy to finally meet you, soulmate!”
Months have pass since your birthday, and even in that short time, you’ve established such a strong connection with your soulmate, both mentally and emotionally. You didn’t know that you could ever feel this close to someone you’ve never met face-to-face. Your relationship with Seokmin is one to be desired, your friends often whining about how they wished to be in your shoes.
You’ve exchanged numbers on the first day, but that ceased to be of use quickly when you both realised how much more convenient it was directly talking through your mind. Seokmin is nothing short of sweet, checking up on you ever so often to make sure you’re okay, always respecting your privacy, never crossing any boundaries to make you feel uncomfortable.
You have lost track of the number of late night telepathic conversations you’ve had with Seokmin. To others, you’d look like a lovestruck fool, grinning giddily to yourself alone on your bed. But between you and Seokmin, you’d talk about everything under the sun till daybreak: his favourite music, your hobbies…
There are times where he’d sing to you too (by god, those were your favourite nights), his soothing voice reverberating through your head in the most beautiful of ways. You love him so much already. You can’t wait to meet him.
It was a Saturday afternoon when it happened. You were on your way to your weekend classes. Seokmin too, was going about his average schedules. You both promise to chat later over lunch, planning his visit to your city when winter break rolls around.
“So, later at one?” he asks while you sweep a glance across the busy road.
“I’ll try to be on time, I have to make a trip down to visit Grandma Song at the park. She usually forgets her meals when going about her cleaning duties…” you told him.
It was silent for a moment, and you frown in concern. “Seok?”
Then a sigh, “How are you so pretty?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, earning some confused, others knowing, glances from passers-by. “What would you know, you never even seen me. Dork…”
“You’re so pretty,” Seokmin continued as you stepped off the pavement to cross the road. “You have such a pretty heart and soul. Gosh, I’m so lucky to have you…”
You were halfway across the road, smiling.
“… to call you my soulmate…”
A screech hit your ears, and you whipped your head to the left. The sight of what greeted you drains all colour on your face, rendering you rooted to the ground.
That was the last word Seokmin would ever hear from you.
Hurts… Everything freaking hurts.
You couldn’t move. Each miniscule shift of your body sent a thousand superheated knives stabbing through your skin. A weight on your chest crushed any breath left in you. You can only lie there, your body shattered like the glass around you, in a pool of your own blood. It flowed… and flowed…
“Baby… Baby! Please!” Seokmin cries, voice shrill and cracking with panic, “You’re scaring me! Please answer me!”
Seok… you wanted to call out to him, to soothe him. But every attempt to connect with your soulmate subjected your head to excruciating pain, like having an axe hacking through your skull. The more you tried, the more it seemed harder to reach him.
“BABY!” Seokmin was beyond hysterical. “Please! If you can hear my heart, please come back to me… Please give me a sign that you’re okay!”
Panicked voices surrounded you, and along with the incessant ringing of your ears, Seokmin’s voice became barely audible.
No… Seokmin, no…
Everything grew fader and morphed into a blur before your eyes. You black out, Seokmin’s heart-wrenching sobs pulsing through your head.
It’s your third week since you’ve woken up from the accident. You’re not quite recovered, but the bandage around your head still proves to be an uncomfortable pain in the ass. You sit up on the hospital bed, immediately going about your morning routine.
You’re not well enough for visits yet. The doctor did allow your parents to see you a few times a week during your physical therapy sessions, but even then they hardly spoke to you.
Not since the day the doctor asked you for the year. Not since you’ve replied, “2016” with difficulty.
You still wonder why your answer made your mother break into tears.
Your doctor kept your friends at bay, insisting that he’d stop once he’s certain you’re ready. Your phone had been crushed beyond repair during the accident, cutting off any connections to the outside world.
Maybe that’s why you’ve been feeling like you’re missing something in your life, the hole in your heart potent and irreparable.
It’s always too quiet for your comfort in the room, and you can never quite explain why.
Oh well, maybe things would change once you found your soulmate.
You can’t wait for your eighteenth birthday.
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71,75,76, Seungkwan, slight angst with fluff ending, both of us are doctors and i had a bad day at work and he tries to cheer me up! THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY💕💕
76: “If you’re having a hard time, take it out on me.” (Drift Away)71: “Don’t hesitate and lean on me.” (Lean on me)75: “Who made you cry again? Who was mean to you?” (Lean On Me)
A/N: ITS A SEUNGKWAN GALOREEEEE 🎉 AHAHAH This drab showcases a side of Seungkwan that we don’t see often, so enjoy!! 💕
- Scooped ✌️
Genre: Slight Angst, FluffWord count: 989Warnings: None!
It was extremely quiet. Only the sound of IV drips could be heard from the ward that you were taking care of, and the constant snoring of an old patient at the corner. You were checking up on your basic ward patients, making sure that everything is fine before you go off your shift. It’s only Monday, you thought to yourself, having a hard time dealing with the usual, weekly Monday Blues.
You pulled an allnighter the previous night, taking care of one of your patients under the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). David, was suffering from a long-term medical condition called Epilepsy.
It is an illness where he experiences multiple seizures, sometimes once in a month, or worse, a few times a week.
David had a seizure the previous night, he heated up with a high fever, and had signs of low blood sugar. The constant twitching of his arms left the boy bruised.
You walked back to the ICU wards, and took a look at David once more before you go off. David was sleeping, soundly and innocently. He could be like any other normal child who didn’t have to go through this ordeal. What a pity…
You’ve have been taking care of him almost your entire career - 5 years in total. This poor child, you always thought to yourself, he’s only 10 years old. He’s only 10 years old and he’s had at least 3 surgeries since the first time he came in an emergency.
You sighed, feeling sour from the fate of this boy, causing some mist to form on the glass that was separating you and him.
The entrance to the ICU opened, a little too loud for the hospital’s rules. You turned around to find David’s parents walking towards you. Your body stiffened as you felt instant fear from them. They were polished young parents, clearly people with prim and proper upbringing, and they were working at one of the most important corporations in the Industry.
“Good evening sir, ma’am,” you said, bowing as you saw them storm their way towards you while staring at you with their sharp, cold eyes. They always gave you this look - the stuck up, ‘you’re not good enough for my child’ look.
“The only reason why we stick with you is because David likes you,” they would always say.
“So what happened? Again?” David’s mother started, as she traced her hands along the metal railing at the wall outside David’s ICU.
“Well erm, David had a seizure last night and..” you got cut off by David’s father.
His crude words still etched in your mind as you recall his fury. ” Are we not paying you enough to prevent this? What kind of Doctor are you? If you can’t cure it, at least prevent it!”
You cleared your throat, and took a deep breath, and sighed as you recited David’s condition to his, very understanding parents, again. “Epilepsy comes in many different forms, and David’s is caused by his very low blood sugar count, so we’ll have to monitor his condition as we cannot predict when…”“But I don’t see you monitoring him properly,” David’s mother hollered, filling the whole quiet corridor with only her voice and its echo, “if you ever did, I shouldn’t be seeing things like this happen.”
You turned your head to take a look at David on his bed, and sighed. You were too tired to fight back and you knew you’d never win these two parents. You turned back and bowed low to them, “I’m sorry once again Mr and Mrs Kim, I should’ve done my job better.” The last you saw and heard was an insult from them to your “miserable and useless” life and their feet scurrying out of the room to another important meeting.
Finally your shift was over, you reached back at the hospital’s resident room that night feeling sore and ache from every part of your body, as well as the mental trauma that David’s parents gave you. You lied down on your own bed and sighed, thinking back on the day’s happenings.
“What a useless doctor, I wonder why they gave you the qualifications in the first place!”
“Are you sure you’re even trying?”
“You’re not a good doctor, you’re the worst!”
You know you have to deal with this, you know this happens all the time, you know you just have to suck it all up, but why do you still feel like crying? You sighed, and a tear fell from your eyes.
Not long later, you felt a familiar, warm embrace engulf your entire body, making you feel instantly a million times better.
“Seungkwan ah,” you said, as you turned over to bury your sobbing face into his chest.
“Babe… Who made you cry again? Who was mean to you?” Seungkwan said with the warmest voice ever.
Seungkwan is your boyfriend - the highlight of your life. He’s always fun and spontaneous, but also encouraging and affectionate during hard times.
“Just some patients at the ICU today..,” you muttered, giving yourself away that it was not just ‘some
Seungkwan sighed as he recalls David’s difficult parents. “We just got to get used to it, afterall we only share one goal - for the patient to get better.”
“You know you can always look for me when you’re down right? Don’t hesitate and lean on me, okay?”
As usual, Boo-nim says the most comforting words; his voice was like music to your ears.
Seungkwan looked down toward you and stroked the back of your head. You looked up at the same time, and felt better in an instant after meeting his eyes,
“If you’re having a hard time, take it out on me,” Seungkwan said, as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
You looked back down gave him another kiss on his neck, and thanked the heavens for letting you meet such an amazing boyfriend. 
“I’ll take over your shift for tomorrow,” Seungkwan offered, pulling you tighter into his embrace.
Knowing that he won’t take no for an answer, you just smiled, feeling like a spoilt child, and fell asleep in his comfort.
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'i want to hold your hand and give you warmth' with wonwoo, please? thank you!
17: “I want to hold your hand and give you warmth”
A/N: Whee~ Another drabble game done! Thank you for your support, it was really fun getting this done ^^
Genre: so fluffeh i’m gona dieWord count: 932Warnings: None!
“Sorry, I’m late,” you breathe out breathlessly as you slid into your seat in the restaurant. “The line at the washroom was crazy. I hope you didn’t wait long.”
“No, of course not,” Wonwoo smiles gently back. “I just arrived not too long ago too.” He lifts the menu and hands it over to you. “Go ahead, I already decided on my meal. But if you ask me, I’d recommend their cream pasta.”
You take the menu, but set it aside on the seat next to you. “Then, I’ll take up your recommendation,” you declare with a happy bounce and Wonwoo beams like the summer sun, raising his hand to call the waiter.
He initiates a small talk about school as you both wait for your food to arrive, and you sit there taking in the sight before you, a part of your brain still unable to register that as reality.
Damn, he’s so beautiful.
Though he’s known as the shy bookworm of your school, Wonwoo’s been nothing short of sweet and caring to you. In the weeks you’ve been dating him, you’ve come to witness the side of Wonwoo his circle of friends come to dub as his ‘natural state’. With puns and dad jokes galore, your dating life has been a colourful and wondrous experience.
But in your time spent with him, you’ve never been able to hold his hand.
You’ve never dared to initiate any form of skin contact with him because you had been afraid of what he would think. He’s shy and reserved, after all. What if he’s not ready yet? What if he thinks that this relationship’s going too fast for his liking? What if it made him uncomfortable?
“So, how’s school treating you?” Wonwoo’s voice cuts through your flurry of worries, and you repress them and promptly address his question.
As you converse, your eyes can’t help but drift towards Wonwoo’s left hand that’s idly tapping a restless rhythm on the tabletop.
Skin a creamy porcelain with a silver ring adorning his pinky finger, there’s something about Wonwoo’s hand that made you want to hold it. You don’t know if it’s the right word to use, but it just looks so… reliable. You just want to be able to feel his taut knuckles under your fingertips. You want to feel his long fingers intertwined with you as you walk down the streets so that you wouldn’t lose each other.
If only you could just bring yourself to hold his damn hand.
Your food arrives and you both have a hearty meal between giggles and light banter.
“Here, try my baked rice, it’s really good,” Wonwoo says, blowing on then lifting up a spoon of warm, cheese-coated rice to your lips. You hesitate, your eyes widening at his sudden forwardness, but your inner fangirling teenager gets the better of you and you’re enclosing your lips around his spoon. The taste of the food is the last thing on your mind right now as all you can think of is him.
Your face has heated up to unmeasurable levels by the time you swallow that mouthful, and you can’t even lift your head to meet his gaze. God, forget Wonwoo being shy, you’re even redder than a beetroot with such a simple interaction.
Will I ever be able to hold his hand?
When you’re both done with your meal, he pays and opens the door for you. At once the both of you are greeted by the fresh fall breeze. “Wow, it’s getting cold now, isn’t it?” you observe, waiting for Wonwoo to close the door behind him.
“Yeah,” he agrees, walking up to stand next to you. “Come on, let’s go see that movie.”
And so the both of you stroll through the leaf-littered sidewalk. You occasionally give the golden brown fronds a playful kick, sending them scattering in the air, much to the amusement of Wonwoo.
A powerful, autumn-chilled breeze sweeps through the streets and you halt in your path, unable to repress the shiver that passes through your body. Though your head is tucked into your collar, you can see Wonwoo’s concerned gaze on you, his body seemingly immune to cold.
“I’m fine!” you quickly assert before he can ask if you are okay, and you’re moving again once more. Wonwoo’s steps falter, and you pause curiously, “Are you coming?”
His eyes dart about nervously, his bottom lip snagged between his teeth as he seemingly contemplates his next move.
Then it happens so fast it snatches the breath out of you.
Wonwoo’s hand finds its way around yours and squeezes it securely, melting every fibre of your being from your fingertips up to the roots of your hair until you swear you’re a puddle of goo at this point.
Wonwoo is holding me!
He studies your reaction behind his round-framed glasses, his free hand rubbing away at his nape sheepishly. “I uh… I want to hold your hand and give you warmth,” he says in one breath. “Is this okay with you?
“It’s more than okay!” Embarrassed by the sheer magnitude of your grin, you turn and hide your face against his coat. He chuckles at your cute behaviour.
“I wanted to do this for a while now,” he confesses softly.
At that, you look up at him, tightening your hold on his hand. “Well, I hope it was worth the wait.”
Another laugh, akin to sunshine in the cold weather, and Wonwoo lifts your intertwined hands up to his chest, admiring how well you both fit together like lock and key.
“It was.”
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AHHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE OPENING THIS, CONGRATZZ TO 2K. Can I please request something along the lines of : prompts 22/67 with Jeonghan, rom-com, preferred age of 17/18 (first year college pls), Ahreum/Ara (any of those two names pls), and a royalty!au plsls ❤️❤️❤️ Thanksskks so much, you guys have such nice, well written scenarios I cannot 😭😭😭 anyway congratulations again!! 🎈🎂🎈
22: “You’re the only one I see.” (Pretty U)
67: “Only you can control me” (Rock)
A/N: Heyy thanks for requesting this! I had loads of fun writing it 💕  I hope you enjoy it! (the jeonghan swerve is real send help please admin jihooned and I have been swerving everywhere recently)
- Admin Hoshit 💕
Genre: romantic comedy, royalty!au
Word Count: 968 words
Warnings: Drunk people maybe
You stare at the lump of semi-conscious, definitely fully-drunk person slumped at your door. It is unmistakably Prince Jeonghan of Seoul, and he is flat-out heaving at your doorsteps, keys discarded beside him. Unless there was another party going on, this would be the result of the rave that Prince Seungcheol of Daegu is throwing. For first years, they were particularly wild, whereas you were the opposite.
“Why are you in my house,” the mess on your doorsteps slurs, and you resist the urge to sigh.
“What’s your apartment number?” You counter, and the boy frowns in concentration before replying “601” with difficulty.
This time, the urge to sigh is irrepressible, and for good reason. In his drunkenness, he must have turned right onto the female apartment blocks instead of left, to the male apartment blocks. At least he got his apartment number correct, you grimaced.
“Alright, up you get,” you mutter, heaving the Prince up so that he leaned heavily on you, and started staggering towards the elevator lobby, inwardly wondering why the porter even allowed this clearly not-a-female into the apartment building in the first place.
He huffs and rests his head on yours with a subtle bonk, and you poke him just to get him back.
The porter waves cheerfully to you while you shoot him dirty looks, incensed that it is currently 2 AM in the morning and you have to carry this boy who cannot, apparently, tell the difference between right and left.
You half pull half drag him up the walkway and through the boy’s apartment lobby, the porter for the boys at least offering to help you with him. Refusing, you stomp into the elevator, your thrice-darned stubbornness defiantly convincing you that you were a strong, independent woman who could definitely bring a drunk boy back to his house.
Arriving at his door, you bring out his keys and unlock the door before shoving him unceremoniously into the apartment. He catches you as he stumbles in and for a moment, you gaze into his eyes and feel about a million things that you definitely should not for Prince Jeonghan of Seoul, and you break eye-contact to shut the door.
Feeling eyes on you, you start, nervously, “Prince Jeonghan—”
He interrupts you before you even finish your sentence, “Jeonghan, please, none of that Prince stuff,” startling you as you would have thought that he would not even be forming complete sentences with his level of drunkenness, let alone speaking with actual thought behind his words.
“Alright, Jeonghan then, I guess I should introduce myself since I’ve brought you home, not that I’m expecting you to remember in the morning anyway. I’m—”
“You’re Ahra,” he interrupts, looking much more sober than he was when you first saw him.
“Your classes start half an hour before mine, so I always see you running out of the apartments because you’re late,” he laughs.
That’s creepy, is the first thought that runs through your mind, before running through a list of people who could have also seen you running for classes, horrified that you would have to do damage control for your image.
“I only notice because you’re cute.”
Jeonghan’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and you glance up at him, the sentence belatedly filtering through your brain before it finally makes sense and you hit him for the lack of anything better to do, the compliment pleasing you even if it is coming from a boy who is drunk and clearly not in the right mind.
“It’s true, I’ve liked you for months, but I’ve never had the courage to approach you,” he continues morosely, and you are unsure on whether to laugh or to stay silent, because this definitely has to be the alcohol talking.
He takes your silence as a sign that you are listening, and draws you in closer. At this distance, all you can see is Jeonghan, and it is too late for this, there is a galaxy full of reasons why you should not be alone with him in his apartment at 2AM. But he continues talking, and every sentence endears him more to you, but finally you slip out of your trance to try and leave, there are better places and better times for this conversation to happen.
“You’re the only one I see,” he says, and you smile, pushing him into the bedroom and trying to make him lie down on the bed.
“I don’t think we’ve advanced far enough for this, I want to take you out on a date first,” he says seriously, and you laugh, tucking his sheets around his shoulders, telling him that you would leave your number on the table and for him to text you in the morning when he was sober if he really wanted to continue this conversation.
You exit his apartment, mood far better than the hour would suggest, and wait for the elevator, content and yet tired, resolving to immediately go to bed the moment you get back to the apartment.
Bump, bump, bump, bump, a series of loud running footsteps can be heard, and you turn around hesitatingly, because you could have sworn that he was about to fall asleep when you put him to bed but –
He crashes into you and whines while draping himself all over you, as if it were your fault that he hit his nose on your back. You drag him back, sighing and contemplating your decision to give this boy your number.
“Only you can control me,” he laughs as you tuck him back, firmly, into his bed, and you roll your eyes affectionately, a smile tugging on your lips as you simultaneously curse and thank the heavens for giving him the same apartment number as you.
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74 + Seungkwan + fluffy fluff for the drabble game? Thank you and congrats on 2k!! I loove the writing you guys always come out with :')) ♡♡♡ - jam anon
74: “I wanted to see you so much” (Say Yes)
A/N: YAY!!!! finally got around to posting this, (admin wooed is a very strong motivator), I hope you enjoy this jam anon!! 
- hoshit 💕
Genre: fluffy fluff floof fluffffff
Word Count: 895
Warnings: none!
It’s raining so hard, you think to yourself, the loud thundering of the skies sometimes making you jump. It’s another late night for you, since you had to rush out an essay due the next day that you put off till the last possible moment. Luckily, it’s mostly finished, and all you had to do was to rearrange and format it.
The kettle whistles, and you brew yourself a cup of tea, your thoughts turning to your boyfriend and his grousing of having a late night of practice, smiling contently because while he complained about practice, it was obvious to see that he loved being an idol and everything that came along with it.
Ready to get back to work, you head out of the kitchen, when loud hammering on your door startles you and you hurriedly put down your mug of tea before sparing the clock a quick glance, checking that yes, it really is 1AM and there really is a lunatic banging on my door now.
You move quietly to the door, not wishing to inform whoever it was that you were still awake, even though the light that can be seen under the door would have given it away. Tiptoeing, you look through the peephole, and see absolutely nothing.
Idiot, you cursed, it’s 1AM of course there’s no light outside, why did I even think that I was going to see anything?
You debate switching on the light outside your house, when you hear a familiar voice from behind the door.
“It’s me, open up! It’s cold out here!”
Of course, the madman would be your boyfriend Seungkwan, and you hurriedly fling open the door to reveal him in all his wet glory.
“I wanted to see you so much,” Seungkwan huffs, the rain dripping down his head, trickling down and making a puddle at your doorsteps,
“You’re insane,” you grin, wrapping your arms around this beautiful, half-drowned boy who ran through the rain just to see you.
“Stop, I’ll get you all wet,” he complains, struggling to get out of your grip while you laugh and tighten your hug for a moment, before pushing him away playfully.
“I’ll get you a towel first, just stay put,” you instruct him, running back into your apartment to get the biggest towel you have, returning quickly to engulf him in it and drag him into the toilet, his change of clothes already waiting there.
His grateful smile gives you pause, and for a moment you two stand there smiling at each other, the ridiculousness of the situation forgotten in each other’s proximity.
He boots you out of the toilet, “I’m going to change now and you’re welcome to watch,” the back part of his sentence muffled as you kick the door shut quickly in his face to avoid hearing the rest of what would definitely be an inappropriate statement, and his loud boyish laughter, definitely audible even with a closed door, drifts by your room.
You retrieve your tea from the living room and return to your work, only to be interrupted minutes later by a clingy Seungkwan who insisted on staring at your work from behind you. Playfully, you kick at his legs and he wails as he topples onto your bed, flopping around as if he had been hit by a truck, before settling, knowing that you really had to do your work, and contents himself by playing a mobile game.
There is blissful silence for about ten minutes, before it is broken once again by Seungkwan.
“It’s been 84 years, come here and cuddle with me,” Seungkwan whines from the bed, his legs and arms outstretched towards you, flailing wildly and somewhat resembling an octopus, and you stifle your laugh at how childish he was being.
“I’m still checking through, just give me a few more minutes,” you sing, your mood inordinately cheerful at that time of the night. The presence of Seungkwan was probably to blame for that, as well as the knowledge that once you finished your work, you could rest until the afternoon as the essay was due then.
You quickly finish up, sighing happily at the sound of the printer that was printing out the last pages of your essay, and put everything away neatly before jumping into bed and crashing into Seungkwan.
He pulls up the sheets and the two of you lie in content silence, the sound of the rain soothing to your ears, before something that he said previously sinks in.
“84 years? We’d be old and wrinkly then,” you snort, poking his sides as he squirms away from you while trying to poke you back.
“So? We’d still be the same, just that I’d have to chase you around in your wheelchair and you’d probably knock around into things and then we’d get kicked out of the nursing home for being too rowdy,” Seungkwan smiles fondly, tangling your legs with his.
Your reply was a mutter of assent, eyes having closed in languor, a hand around his waist and your head on his arm. It would hurt in the morning, but Seungkwan really could not care less at this point, tucking a strand of hair behind your ears. He snuggles closer to you, and closes his eyes, smiling.
“I’m glad I have you,” he whispers out loud.
“Shut up and let me sleep.”
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We are down to the last 9 HOURS of our 2K Followers Drabble Game! For those who haven’t sent in their requests and wish to participate, please refer to our inauguration post HERE!
Thank you for showing your love to us and Seventeen. We’ve received requests for every member now :D We will be posting an official 2K Followers Drabble Game request masterlist once we close our inbox. Here’s a breakdown of the current request count:
S.Coups: 3
Jeonghan: 3
Joshua: 2
Jun: 2
Hoshi: 1 
Wonwoo: 2
Woozi: 1
THE8: 3
Mingyu: 1 
DK: 3
Seungkwan: 3
Vernon: 1
Dino: 1
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HEY LOVELIES! SINCE WE HIT 60 HOURS, WE ARE NOW CLOSING OUR REQUESTS FOR OUR 2K FOLLOWERS DRABBLE GAME! Please note that we will not be entertaining anymore requests!
Thank you so much for those who have participated! We are so grateful for your support! Our drabbles will be ready and up by the next week or so, so keep a lookout for them :D 
(Also, do understand that our 2K Drabble Game will hold priority above our regular requests. But rest assured, as we are still getting them done as soon as possible!)
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We are now 36 hours into taking in requests for our 2K drabble game! This means that we are down to just 24 more hours before closing our request box again. So if you want a drabble dedicated to you, be sure to refer to our inauguration post HERE on how to participate, and send in your requests ASAP!
Also, we are lacking a couple of requests for certain members:
-Seokmin -Jun -Minghao -Vernon
So do send in requests for these members too!
-Admins of seventeen scenarios blog 💎💕
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We are now 12 hours into taking in requests for our 2K drabble game! This means that we are down to just  48 more hours before closing our request box again. So if you want a drabble dedicated to you, be sure to refer to our inauguration post HERE on how to participate, and send in your requests ASAP!
- admins of seventeen scenarios blog 💎💕
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6&12, Seokmin, pure fluff, please do a drabble where Seokmin makes a surprise for me on my birthday (January 22)! Thank you so much, you guys are amazing ❤️❤️❤️ -K
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6: “Because we’re together, I’m able to smile.” (Smile Flower)12: “Don’t you dare let go of my hand” (When I grow up)
Genre: FluffWord count: 961Warnings: None!
A/N: ok so big announcement to make, due to her swerve admin jihooned will now be known as admin seokminned (please don’t get me wrong i still love jihoon a lot it’s just that during diamond edge seokmin made his way all the way to the top of her heart fweflkwjlkavf). So i hope you guys will accept my swerve hahaha.
Back to the story! This drabble was inspired by a personal experience cause I’m terrified of haunted houses but i decide to go try it out anyway and i swore i was never going to another one ever again. So seokmin once again gave me 290483174 feels when i was writing this and i was trying so hard not to write over 1k words sooo i hope you enjoy the story nonetheless! Thank you for requesting!
-Seokminned 😶
Your smile continued to linger on your face as you ended your call with your boyfriend. Looking up from your phone, you sneaked a glance at the calendar hanging on the wall.
January 22nd  
It was one of your favourite days of the year, besides February 18th. And what made this year’s birthday special was that you were celebrating it with your boyfriend, Lee Seokmin. He had promised to take you to one of those haunted houses at a theme park he recently discovered.
“You sure you won’t freak out and run away?” You laughed when he first announced the idea.
“No no no no, I promise.”
20 minutes later, you found yourself standing at the entrance to the amusement park, watching excited, bubbly children walk in with their parents as you waited for Seokmin. Your smile widened as you saw your Seokmin from the distance, dressed in his usual flannel shirt and ripped jeans.
“Anywhere you wanna go first?” Seokmin asked, slipping his hand into yours.
You took a look at your surroundings. This amusement park was huge, being home to a wide range of rides. From the less intense ones such as the merry-go-round to the intense, gut-wrenching roller coasters, it was all here.
But what caught your eye was the carnival in the distance. You were absolutely weak for anything related to carnivals, especially the games.
“That one.” You said, pointing a booth. It was the typical ‘knock over as many cans as possible’ kind of game.
You grew more excited by the minute as Seokmin knocked over more cans. Your eyes darted to the giant penguin resting on the top of the shelf, it won’t be long before it ends up in your arms.
Seokmin picked up the final ball and took his aim. By now, the owner was ready to hand over his prized possession, and when your boyfriend successfully knocked over all the remaining cans, he gestured to the penguin and said, “It’s all yours.”
“Is it time to conquer the haunted house yet?” Seokmin asked.
“Are you sure you’re ready to handle this?” You teased.
“After going through the abandoned school in Yeoseodo, nothing can scare me.”
You found yourself throwing him a doubtful gaze. There was no way he got over his fear so quickly. You shoved the giant penguin into his arms.
“Here, something for you to hold if you get scared.”
“I would much prefer to hold you.” He replied, earning himself a playful smack on the shoulder.
“Ok fine, we can hold Mr. Pebbles together.” Seokmin said, gesturing to the stuffed giant.
“Don’t you dare let go of my hand.” You told him, before the two of you entered the house.
The haunted house was scarier than you imagined it to be. It was completely pitch black when you entered, and you could only rely on your hand which was clutched on tightly to Seokmin’s arm.
30 seconds in and you had a problem. Seokmin was already screaming at something that brushed passed him, but that wasn’t the problem.
You had lost your grip on Seokmin, and now you were left alone in the dark, with nothing but Mr. Pebbles to keep you company.
You weren’t one to be easily shaken off by the supernatural, but the setting of this house made you tremble a bit. You weren’t sure whether you wanted to compliment the creators for making the ghosts extremely lifelike or whether you wanted to murder them for giving you chills down your spine.
But you were more worried about Seokmin. You knew how bad he was at handling anything related to horror, and you were busy trying to figure out how to find your boyfriend so that you could both get out with your sanity still intact.
After calling out Seokmin’s name without getting any response, you figured that the best solution for now was to keep moving forward, with hopes that you would find him somewhere in front.
You felt yourself entering another room which had a different mood from the previous one. The music got creepier, jump scares happened more often and if it was even possible, it seemed even darker. You slowly inched your way forward, praying that you won’t call attention to yourself. There was no way you could handle another jump scare.
Your ears immediately perked up when you heard a familiar scream coming from the front - Seokmin, you’d recognise that loud, ear-piercing scream anywhere. You made a dash forward into the next room, ignoring the fact that your footsteps could potentially attract all the ghosts within your area.
“Seokmin!” You called once again
You were about to break out into tears. You shouldn’t have suggested going to a haunted house for your birthday. Now, Seokmin remained missing and you were terrified. Your legs gave way and you found yourself on the floor, someone would eventually find you, right?
Suddenly, the lights were turned on and you found yourself in a brightly lit room.
Standing in front of you was not only your boyfriend, but also the other Seventeen members, together with some of your close friends. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth which hung in disbelief.
Seokmin dashed forward, engulfing you in a hug while showering you with kisses.
“I’m sorry you got scared. If it makes you feel any better, I was shaking from fear too even though I planned this.”
“That’s the past, I’m just glad we found each other now. It’s because we’re together, I’m able to smile like this.”
“Shall we get your birthday party started?” You boyfriend asked, glancing over to the table which was covered with different types of food as well as your cake.
“I can’t wait.”
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In honour of reaching 2k followers, we will be holding a drabble event (which is an idea inspired by many other blogs out there), it will be around 1k words, just dedicated to you and your bias!
Do stay tuned for details on how to take part in this event!
Once again, thank you so so so much for the 2k followers
- Admins of Seventeen Scenarios Blog 💎💕
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