#dib membrane has gifted kid burn out
ditzdove · 10 months
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explosive-nebula · 5 years
ETF Rewrite aftermath headcanons part 1
So I wanted to share some stuff about my canon in the Florpus Rewrite AU
• Since finding out about his mission being a big lie, Zim has long since abandoned and burned his invader uniform, now donning a purple sweater/turtleneck with a flying saucer on it, blue denim shorts, black and purple leggings, knee high black combat boots, and switched his black gloves for brown leather fingerless ones.
• Zim also no longer needs his disguise as literally the whole planet knows he’s an alien now and also it feels nicer to have his antennas free and not wear the scratchy eye contacts.
• A lot of aliens are pretty much regular citizens now some alien kids even go to skool now, and as a result a few alien teachers came in so the alien kids don’t end up hurt, since Zim is Irken, he’s like a personal helper to any of the new alien kids.
• Gaz just, comes home one day with an alien girlfriend, and they all just kinda, accept it.
• Zim abandoned and disassembled his base (after 777 got his kids out ofc) and moved in with the Membrane Family who essentially adopt him for a time before making it official with adoption papers and everything, Zim cried when he found out and hugged them all.
• Tak is much less angry then when she first met Zim, she’s mellowed out and while in Moo-Ping 10, realized the Tallests are kinda super awful, and after the Florpus incident, she and him talk stuff out and are pretty good friends now
• Once Zim moved in, Professor Membrane helped him construct his own room which from both outside and inside is visually out of place with the rest of the house (a visual gag from Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil cause I think it’s funny)
• GIR, while without his memories, is still quite the handful, but also now has trouble remembering things and gets scared when he has a amnesiatic episode, so he’s usually by Zim’s side a lot, and wears the doggy suit more like a sort of security blanket
• Minimoose helps a lot too, and just curl up and comfort anyone who’s feeling sad, also incredibly blunt about problems, also basically Chewbacca rules apply; you hang around them long enough and you completely understand what their saying (yes Minimoose is nonbinary)
• The Tallests have of course, been stranded on Earth, as the Massive is too beyond repair to fly and the Armada are shmillions of miles away in the Florpus. As a result, they’re constantly trying to get a ride back to Irk or to destroy the Earth to get back at Zim, Zim and the others pretty much have muscle memory in stopping them, quite ironic that Zim would be helping protect the Earth from the Tallests when he was trying to destroy it for so long.
• After the Resisty came, many other refugees came as well, seeing how Earth was out the flight path and also the Empire is crippled with their leaders now seemingly defenseless.
• Lard Nar and Zim have reached an arrangement and since Zim was the first recent alien on Earth, he’s kinda become an unofficial ambassador of aliens coming to Earth, turns out the Resisty was coming to Earth after hearing the Tallests would be vulnerable.
• Zim gets around to getting legit therapy, as do Dib, Gaz, and many other aliens in need of emotional recovery.
• Zim lost his left arm and real eyes in an explosion from when he was still training at the Invader academy, he got a robot arm and synthetic implants for his eyes, so when he wore a tank top/T-shirt for the first time, freaked a few people out, except for Skoodge Ashe was there when it happened.
• Membrane has discovered a way to cure Irkens of their ‘allergic’ reactions to Earth water and meat, so Zim and the other Irkens can now regularly experience water and eat meat, Zim really likes meatloaf and chicken legs now.
• Zim suffers dissociation episodes, depression, which leads to suicidal thoughts and actions, he’s been getting therapy and a Irken friendly antidepressant medication to help him, his new little family helps him too, GIR struggles with psychosis in this verse, so he helps Zim best he can.
• Zim gets really into ‘old’ music, like stuff from the 90’s and stuff, think a mix between the soundtrack for Guardians Of The Galaxy and the Fallout series, Gaz got him a CD recorder and put all his favorite songs on it, it was a gift for his birthday
• Dib and Gaz get night terrors about the Florpus destroying everything around them, Zim feels guilty about his adoptive siblings emotional distress over the event, which he’s told his therapist and Professor Membrane, even Clembrane before, but he’s afraid of what Dib and Gaz would say.
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ditzdove · 10 months
A sketch I’m never gonna finish
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Some story behind this, zim is told by his tallest that he’s defective and a failure and to never return to irk. This makes him spiral and leaves earth for 10 years. Leaving behind dib who in this time gives up on his paranormal studies and caves to his father’s wishes and goes to college for science. Zim returns and is thoroughly disappointed in what dib’s become and plans to bring his rival back to his former glory.
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ditzdove · 10 months
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ditzdove · 10 months
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Ya ever think about how professor membrane experimented on both gaz and dib.
wonder if he’s ever gone to far.
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ditzdove · 10 months
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IZ headcanon time!!
Dib learns to channel some of his drive for the paranormal into other things like music! He’s learned the violin, piano, piccolo, clarinet, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar.
It’s a good outlet for him and something that actually interests him that he won’t get bullied for
(membrane has also tried to push him towards this new hobby in hopes that he’ll be less interested in paranormal stuff)
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ditzdove · 10 months
Ok imma talk about this au cuz I love it but don’t have lots of art for it
Ok so in the rebel au instead of dib being into paranormal things he’s exactly how professor membrane wanted him to be dedicated to science and all that. Dib of course still does love the paranormal but he learned early on that being “out of the norm” would only cause trouble so he pushes any and all things about his “nonsensical” and “insane” paranormal interests down. Basically if you know what concept dib was like that’s this dib.
However in dibs teen years this mindset starts to get to him he’s getting less interested in science in all honesty he’s starting to hate it. It also doesn’t help that any interest he has that aren’t towards science is pushed back by professor membrane. So he channels that through music he starts by playing classical music on “respectable” instruments like violins, pianos, cellos, and things like that.
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This however makes our dear old professor a little annoyed. I mean his son is ignoring the call of SCIENCE for eh music. So of course membrane tries to pressure dib into giving up music. This however backfires. Spectrally.
Dib’s hatred for science and his resentment towards his father has started to boil over and this was the breaking point. It doesn’t help that dib just found out that he’s a clone and hasn’t even begin to process it.
So he blows up. He and membrane having this huge fight where membrane lets it slip that dib’s a “failed experiment. This causes dib to break down and he he leaves only telling gaz where he’s going and that he’ll be back tomorrow. He takes his violin and goes down town. At first he thinks about playing at a pub or something to get the anger out but decides to just play in the the street instead
He plays the emotional and passionate piece that has a pretty big crowd surrounding him, And after he’s done performing people clap and compliment him. But one group stays. They talk to him about how amazing he was and how they could feel the anger and sadness in his music
They ask him if he’d like to join their band. he says yes. And thus is dib’s decent into teenage rebellion and goth/alternative fashion
Btw their bands called “HellHounds”
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I’ll talk about zim’s part soon
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