guerrilla-operator · 26 days
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mrigasiras · 3 months
More thoughts on Mrigasirsa nakshatra. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are currently here. And I've had a couple dreams help me understand this energy.
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A deer is sort of like a mythical creature. At least in my own experience, whenever I see one in the woods, it's akin to having a mystical experience. They appear as soon as they disappear, and are hard to pin down. No wonder hunters see catching them as a trophy.
Vic Dicara mentioned this gentle, misty nature of Mrigasirsa. It's not a harsh nakshatra that likes to be defined -- just like a deer doesn't like to be out in the open. If this happens, it could greatly risk being shot and killed.
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Mrigasirsa natives are prophetesses and priestesses -- they are ruled by the moon God, Chandra. They are able to ride the waves of intuition and channel messages, because of their close relationship to the mind's waxing and waning.
Mrigasirsa is not meant to take on everything around it and distill it down into a single idea. Mrigasirsa is the explorer, the one who pops into a situation to give the much needed messages, and goes on to the next thing.
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If Mrigasirsa loses its ability to be in tune with nature, they can easily become stuck in their own mind forest. Trying desperately to grasp onto something, and when they do, it alludes them. I.e., Ben Shapiro (Mrigasirsa moon) desperately trying to debate people for no real reason, and just becoming annoying.
I think this ties into Mrigasirsa's moksha nature, and why it can be so spiritual.
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lychee-angelica · 2 years
do you have any book or website recommendations to help understand vedic/sidereal astrology better?
youtube channels🌸
krs astrology - my absolute fav, also has plenty of amazing online courses
vic dicara astrology
claire nakti
astro assurance
books 🌸
27 stars, 27 gods
nakshatra the authentic heart of vedic astrology
the art and science of vedic astrology volume 2
hope this is helpful, these are just my favs x
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Mark Lacour and Zebulon Bell at Misinformation Review:
[This study used data from pre- and post-COVID surveys to examine vaccine attitudes in the United States. We found evidence consistent with an ideological “spillover” effect: Liberals’ attitudes became more positive towards non-COVID vaccines (flu, MMR, HPV, chickenpox) and conservatives’ attitudes became more negative. These spillover effects are perplexing because the COVID-19 vaccines were developed more rapidly than the others and (some of them) were the first to use mRNA technology on a mass scale to achieve immunization. Hence, there were reasons to isolate one’s attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccines rather than generalize them. This exacerbates current vaccine communication challenges.]
Negative spillover effects are unfortunate because people theoretically had reasons to isolate their attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccines from other vaccines rather than generalize them. For one, the COVID-19 vaccines were developed more quickly than the others, which is one of the sources of COVID-19 NVAs in the general population (Kreps et al., 2021). Some COVID-19 vaccines were also the first to use mRNA to create immunity on a large scale (Anand & Stahel, 2021). The mRNA components in these vaccines are entirely safe and are quickly destroyed within a few days of injection. However, some members of the public mistakenly believe that mRNA-based vaccines can alter their DNA and many organizations (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [2023]) have had to debunk this misconception.
Negative spillover effects are particularly regrettable because each vaccine already presented its own unique set of difficulties in terms of boosting vaccination rates. For example, some people harbor false beliefs that the MMR vaccines cause autism (Leask et al., 2012). By contrast, the HPV vaccine can prompt uncomfortable conversations about sexually transmitted diseases for children ages 11 to 12 years old (Daley et al., 2010). The chickenpox vaccine might seem unnecessary to many parents because they grew up during a period when children were intentionally infected with chickenpox, sometimes at “chickenpox parties” (Parad, 2012). Parents might, therefore, under-appreciate warnings from experts about the risks of chickenpox.
Post-pandemic vaccine advocacy
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been two shifts in vaccine hesitancy that we think are particularly worth highlighting: a change in scale and a change in demography. First, there was a dramatic increase in vaccine refusal in the United States during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Bolsen & Palm, 2022; Hart et al., 2020; Monroe & Savillo, 2021; Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). In fact, before the pandemic, inequalities in healthcare access likely overshadowed NVAs as a source of under-vaccination (Leask et al., 2012; Monais, 2019; Fuchs & Dicara, 2019).
The second major shift concerns demography. Before the pandemic, no single NVA group in the United States constituted a clear demographic majority. In many respects, NVA groups aligned demographically with liberals (Tomeny et al., 2017; Lubrano, 2019). Others had religious or philosophical motivations behind their NVAs, largely unrelated to politics (“A jab in time,” 2016). Before the pandemic, conservatives were just as likely to receive a flu vaccine as liberals (Enten, 2021). After the pandemic, conservatives appear to make up a majority of NVA groups in the United States (Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). This shift is likely due to political polarization surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Then-President Trump downplayed the severity of the virus (Oprysko, 2020) and conservative media outlets were overwhelmingly negative towards the COVID-19 vaccines, questioning their safety and necessity (Monroe & Savillo, 2021). Politically red states ended up having the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates and the highest COVID-19 death tolls (Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). If there has indeed been a negative spillover effect among U.S. conservatives, this suggests that the previous obstacles related to specific vaccines are now amplified by partisanship and political identity.
Leveraging misinformation research
The primary findings of this study are consistent with a spillover effect, where people generalized their attitudes (good or bad) towards the COVID-19 vaccines to unrelated vaccines. There are a number of potential cognitive explanations for this. For instance, it might have occurred because of an inductive inference (Davis et al., 2017; Tapp et al., 2018; Davis et al., 2020). Some people may have thought, “If most vaccines are safe and effective, then the COVID-19 vaccine will be too.” By contrast, others might have inferred something along the lines of, “Since the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, other vaccines must be too.”
A similar explanation is that people remember the “gist” of COVID-19 information (or misinformation) after forgetting the specific (verbatim) information (fuzzy-trace theory;1Reyna et al., 2021). In other words, people with NVAs might have heard several specific statements about vaccines, but the details of these statements might have faded over time. All that is left over is the “gist” of this information: “Vaccines are bad” (or “good,” depending on one’s media diet). For someone with NVAs, then, no specific statement justifies their attitudes. Rather, the “gist” of many statements has left a generally negative impression. Thus, debunking specific claims in order to vindicate vaccines might fail to compensate for the influence left over from a larger number of negative, if poorly remembered, statements that seem to discredit said vaccines.
Negative spillover effects could also be explained by right-leaning media outlets repeating false or misleading information about the COVID-19 vaccines (Monroe & Savillo, 2021). The “illusory truth effect” occurs when false statements appear more plausible merely because they have been repeated. This is often attributed to subjective feelings of familiarity and ease of processing (cognitive fluency) caused by the repetitions (Brashier & Marsh, 2020). Thus, it is important to counter misinformation without repeating the original falsehoods.
According to a recent report in the Harvard Kennedy School’s Misinformation Review, politically-polarized attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine have increasingly spilled over to other vaccines, with liberals becoming increasingly pro-vaccine and conservatives becoming increasingly anti-vaccine.
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readingrecap · 3 months
📝 June 2024 Pleasantries Newsletter
The latest Pleasantries newsletter from Elder & Human Services is available to download. Highlights for June include: Father’s Day Luncheon Catered by DiCara’s – Thursday, June 13th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm: Join us for a wonderful Father’s Day Lunch here at the Pleasant Street Center. All older adults are welcome. Please call the PSC at 781-942-6794 to sign up. Hairdresser Linda Sullivan –…
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sleepyleftistdemon · 1 year
A Lake Barrington man with a revoked FOID card has been arrested and charged after he accidentally shot himself while dreaming, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies said they responded to a report of a person with a gunshot wound around 9:50 p.m. on April 10 in the 100 block of shoreline Road. When deputies arrived at the home, they found 62-year-old Mark Dicara with a gunshot wound to the leg. Deputies applied a tourniquet to Dicara’s leg, as he was losing a significant amount of blood. Further investigation revealed Dicara had a dream that someone was breaking into his home. In his dream, he retrieved his .357 magnum revolver and shot at who he believed was the intruder. When he fired, he shot himself instead and apparently woke up from the dream. Dicara was taken to a local hospital where he was treated for his wounds and later released. It was also confirmed there was not a burglary attempt at Dicara’s residence.5 injured after school bus overturns on Dan Ryan Expressway Deputies later learned Dicara had a revoked FOID card, yet still possessed a firearm, leading to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office approving charges of possession of a firearm without a valid FOID card (class three felony) and reckless discharge of a firearm (class four felony). A warrant was drafted on Friday, and Dicara was arrested and processed on Tuesday of this week. Dicara was released on bail (set at $150,000) after posting bond, and is next due in court on June 29.
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chequerootlurks · 1 year
As a gun owner:
There are MANY! reasons I don’t believe in firearms as a first line of home defense.
My first line is “terrain knowledge” — ability to navigate one’s home in low-to-no light conditions. Practice walking your house silently while blindfolded. Think ninja!
A second concern is knowing what’s behind my target. If someone in the family got up at the other end of the house, I might not see them. A bullet will go through american-construction walls like a hot needle through butter. — I do not need to endanger family.
The third is that statistically more people with firearms at the ready for self defense — think “in a nightstand,” “under the pillow,” etc — wind up causing damage to folks other than an intruder.
In closing, I offer up this guy. Who shot himself. In the leg. He is lucky he didn’t bleed out.
Don’t be this guy.
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sonanderx · 5 years
CAJAATLANTA - Di Santa & innö  lançamento dos meus manos :) 
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thehiddenoctave · 2 years
Krittika nakshatra: taming the beast
New video on my YouTube channel
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dicara · 5 years
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guerrilla-operator · 3 years
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inno7x · 5 years
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Nakshatra Reference
At some point I plan to post these on my main site with more detail, but for all my fellow nerds that follow me here I thought I’d share my favorite at-a-glance tropical list of Nakshatras.
The one word description does not do any one Nakshatra justice, but it is a starting point to work from. Just as the zodiac can be a philosophical embodiment of characteristics, behaviors, and creed, so are the 27 Nakshatras of the moon. 
When you start to put your Nakshatra placements in dialogue with one another, a story begins to emerge. You may discover (as I had) that this story has been playing out in your life in all kinds of ways. When I learned about mine, it truly blew my mind. I had been enacting the Vedic mythology of my Nakshatra Venus, Ascendant, and moon and sun without ever once hearing their stories. 
Revatī (Nourished) ♈ 10º47’  Aśvinī (Attractive) ♈ 24º07’  Bharaṇī (Heavy) ♉ 7º2 Kṛttikā (Activator) ♉ 20º47’  Rohiṇī (Arouser) ♊ 4º07’  Mṛgaśīrṣā (Doe) ♊ 17º27’  Ārdrā (Storm) ♋ 0º47’ Punarvasu (Cycle) ♋ 14º07’ Puṣya (Blossom) ♋ 27º27’  Āśleṣā (Embrace) ♌ 10º47’ Maghā (Power) ♌ 24º07’ P.Phalguṇī (Husband) ♍ 7º27’  U.Phalguṇī (Wife) ♍ 20º47’  Hasta (Dextrous) ♎ 4º07’  Citra (Brilliant) ♎ 17º27’  Svāti (Maverick) ♏ 0º47’  Viśākhā (Coupled) ♏ 14º07’  Anurādhā (Love) ♏ 27º27’  Jyeṣṭhā (Best) ♐ 10º47’  Mūla (Root) ♐ 24º07’  P.Aṣādhā (Victor) ♑ 7º27’  U.Aśādhā (Victor) ♑ 20º47’  Śravaṇa (Listener) ♒ 4º07’  Dhaniṣṭha (Achiever) ♒ 17º27’  Śatabhiṣaj (Joiner) ♓ 0º47’  P.Bhādrapadā (Altar) ♓ 14º07’  U,Bhādrapadā (Altar) ♓ 27º27’ 
Source: Vic DiCara
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whenerosmetpsyche · 5 years
Do you know any websites where I can calculate my Vedic chart with explanations? Thank you
Hi there. So I found one that worked (https://www.astromitra.com). Its interpretations are pretty generic, and follows sidereal rather than tropical astrology – as most Vedic sites do. You won’t receive an Indian chart or a listing of Dashas (life periods ruled by different planets) or other charts like the Navamsa (mid-life/soul/partnership chart), rather this site gives a western-style character reading with a Vedic perspective.
Because this is a sidereal reading, your placements will change house and sign. Sidereal signs and houses never resonate with me – but perhaps will with you? 
I found Astromita’s Vedic analysis of the character of planets (Grahas) really accurate for an online site. The positions of planets in relationship to one another are foundational to both western and vedic astrology, but branches of vedic astrology tend to count house distances from individual planets to make predictions (e.g, Saturn aspects 3 houses from itself in either direction).
If you get your reading, and you want to know more about your sidereal chart, a good place to start is to watch KRS on youtube. He lives in the states but comes from a Parahsara (branch of Vedic astrology) tradition learned from his family. Lots of Indian fatalism peppered throughout. Again, for me, the sidereal interpretations ring somewhat accurate, but not quite like tropical placements. It’s an interesting tension. There you can also learn about a variety of planetary yogas (aspects and their predictive outcomes) per the Parashara school. 
To calculate your moon’s sidereal Nakshatra, you can visit prokerala. You can also get a pretty North or South Indian chart. Finding Nakshatra interpretations is not easy, but there are lots of YouTube videos. KRS gets into the specific padas your Nakshatras fall into. I prefer going to vaultoftheheavens.com to get my tropical placements and then watching KRS’s videos.
That all said, nothing has been as useful to me as reading and watching Vic DiCara’s Nakshatra books and videos, who also follows tropical placements. He has studied the Vedas in their original language and adopts astrological interpretations based upon their original meaning. I deeply appreciate his Western psychological approach to the wisdom of the Vedas and their application to astrology. Look up his corresponding videos on either your sidereal or tropical Nakshatras, and you are sure to learn a ton about yourself.
Is all of this useful or just overwhelming? I could just give you my opinion about what I think works in Vedic, but I don’t want to push my own agenda because so many people follow the sidereal school of thought. Part of the fun is deciding what is true for yourself. Good luck!
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bibliolectors · 6 years
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Todos los niños y niñas tienen derecho a que les cuenten cuentos (ilustración de Dora Dicara)
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venusian5 · 7 years
Vic DiCara has an interesting rational for why the Zodiac begins with the sign of Aries. He notes that an astrological day begins when the sun rises up over the horizon (this is why the Ascendant is the 1st House in a chart). It follows that the astrological year should also begin when the sun rises... in this case it is when the Sun rises up over the equator (the Vernal Equinox)! Simple and smart.
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