#did I mention hes 6’3 😭😭😭😭
cherienymphe · 9 months
This Rafe fic is slightly reminding me of this guy I️ dated for literally five days who was showing his crazy and possessive side already.
STORY TIME! (This gets progressively worst)
The next couple of days he clingy, blowing up my phone, asking to see me. And I️ did see him, and he wanted me to stay over so bad but I️ live with my dad so if I️ ever stay out later than 11 he gets concerned so I️ told him I️ couldn’t and he got pissed and swore I️ wasn’t into him?
The third and last time I️ saw him was the worst. I️ was at a family friend’s quincenera and earlier that day I️ told him a friend from out of town was visiting and that we would be going out to the club and I️ invited him to come. He agreed. While at the quince, he asked if I️ could pick him up from bourbon street (during Mardi Gras mind you, like that’s crazy) and me being kind, agreed. So I️ was forced to leave the party early to get him. When I️ picked him up, he asked if I️ was staying over that night and I️ was confused and reminded him of our previously agreed upon plans and he had the nerve to flip out on me in MY CAR?? And said that he was tired and didn’t want to stay out till late like a teenager (I️ was freshly turned 23, he was 25 so like???) and then when I️ reached his house he sarcastically told me thank you for the ride and slammed my car doors. I’ve never been treated horribly like that before (I️ always demand princess treatment, my father would’ve killed him if I️ told him all this) so I️ broke down in my car wondering what the fuck just happened 😭?
And you would think this would be the party where I️ just go drink with my friends and forget abt him but NO. Just as I️ finished my 5 min crying session and calling my friends for support, he texts me that he’ll go with me but said he’s not gonna enjoy it 💀? And I️ was like okay…maybe we can just talk abt this? (You know, LIKE ADULTS!) but he got back into my car and was silent the whole time I️ drove to the club. I️ parked in the parking lot, told my friend I️ was on my way but my phone was dying so that was the last she heard from me for a while. I️ go to change in the backseat because I’m still in a gown from the party and change into a shorter dress and he follows trying to feel me and kiss me and I️ let him because truthfully, I️ am 4’11 and he’s like 6’3 and we were alone so I️ was kind scared for my life 😭 when he felt my hesitation, he went off on me again saying I️ wasn’t affectionate and in my head I’m like bro, we just met and you already showing your crazy like u scaring the hoes rn. At that point I️ was so tired of arguing, I️ was just like omg pls shut UP! We go into the club, I️ paid the $30 cover (10 for me, 20 for him) and we get inside and before we went in he told me to not leave him alone. I️ also need to mention that we are at a Latin club filed with mostly Hispanics because me and my friends are Hispanic (mainly Mexicans and Honduras). (Yes this is an important detail later). I️ head to the bathroom because get this, I️ asked him earlier if I️ could use the bathroom at his house and he straight up said NO because I️ don’t care abt him so why should he care abt me. 😐 After I️ came back we started a search for my friend, because I️ couldn’t ask her where she was at, my phone had died so my only option was to search the entire club. We searched the main areas like the bar and hookah lounge but the only place I️ haven’t searched was the dance floor. So I said let’s go look and he refused because it was full. I️ said okay let me go search and I’ll be right back and he flipped again and said “SERIOUSLY? I️ told you not to leave me and what do you go ahead and do?!” He then proceeds to walk off and get a drink at the bar. I️ follow him, feeling…idk what and that’s when he noticed he was the tallest guy there (because duh 6’3 white man). He then started to get paranoid that everyone was staring at him and I️ tried to play it off like yeah haha you’re the tallest one here. He was mad I️ had to order his drink for him because the bartenders only spoke Spanish and at some point I️ disassociated because I️ was like what is happeninggggggg. But as I️ stared into space, he took it as me looking at another man and he went off on me again “OH why don’t you go be with HIM then?!” And pulled his phone out to call an Uber.
And you think this is where it would end but NOPE 😭 my dumbass ain’t learned my lesson. I️ was likening I’m sorry damn! Let’s go since you wanna leave so bad! We was in the club for abt 15/20 minutes like…..
So we get back to my car and he’s like laughing all sarcastically like “guess Louisiana girls aren’t for me” (he’s from North Carolina), and then asked him why I️ would bring him to a bar with Mexicans who wanted to JUMP HIM??? I️ was like WOAH?! Bro was delusional as fuck, ain’t nobody wanted to jump him, what the hell 😭? And he talking bad abt my people like that did not sit well with me all ALL! I️ wanted to tell him to gtf out my car so bad but I’m a nice person so I️ wanted to bring him home and just be done with this shitty night. Like it was so bright at that quince and when so downhill. So I️ start crying, AGAIN! This time in front of him, and he started getting softer and semi apologized but basically said it was my fault for not being more affectionate? So we get Burger King (as if I️ wasn’t already suffering enough) and he asks if I️ could stay the night and since he was like being a bit nicer than earlier I️ agreed. But when we got to his home, first of all, I️ just cannot sleep in a bed that ain’t mines, and second that whole night wore me down and I️ was building resentment so bad 😂 so when he passed out, I️ tried to sneak out the door but he woke up and got MAD. I️ was like nope, it’s like 3 am at this point, I’m TIRED. I️ just said I’m leaving and that’s it.
Girl he started blowing up my phone, telling lies like I️ was trying to use him for his money (he never bought me a single thing that entire time except the Burger King), that I️ was trying to get him jumped by Mexicans, I️ brought him to the club just to sleep with other guys. I️ was really taken aback by his delusions! And then he demanded I️ come back because he lost his vape and crystal given by his mom and his cashapp card, and you would’ve thought I️ would’ve just left but nope, I️ was like ugh fine let me see if I️ got his stuff. Pulled over to a McDonald’s, searched my car, nothing. I️ told him that too and he claimed I️ was a liar and demanded I️ come back. I️ turned around, let him look, he demanded I️ help him, I️ refused at that point, and then he slams my car doors AGAIN and calls me a useless fucking bitch and stuck his middle finger out at me and yes besties that was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me!
If I️ could show yall screenshots I️ WOULD. Once I️ drove off he then continued to insult me on text abt how I️ stole his things and demanded I️ pay him back and me being a Capricorn, that’s where I️ decided to draw the line. You can play with me but my money??? No ma’am 😭! I️ finally blew up on him and told him he was the worst person I️’ve ever met (and I’ve been r worded and I️ think my r pist is more polite than this omg) and that he was a fucked up, paranoid and delusional mf and that I’m glad the bitches he met before me robbed him because he deserved it. And that’s when he started calling my phone. I️ almost risked an accident trying to block his number because he kept blowing it up the entire 30 minutes I️ was trying to get home, he was PISSED.
So he never physically abused me by that mental and emotional torture was crazyyyyy. And I️ just wanna say that the reason I️ put up with him for so long was because 1. I️ actually did think he was cute and I️ thought we had a connection so I️ naturally wanted to work things out. I️, like TD reader, was caught off guard by the way he acted because this was the first time a man has ever been MEAN as fuck towards me, like in my FACE. And I️ just didn’t know…like I️ was really thrown and caught off guard. 2. Like I️ said before, our height and weight difference had me intimidated, he could’ve really thrown me like against my car or choked me out so I️ was trying hard to placate and calm him down because he was physically bigger than me. I’m glad he didn’t get physical because it really would’ve been over for me. This why I️ never say never because it really can happen to you out of NOWHERE.
Anyways yall don’t worry abt me, he’s blocked forever and im now dating a super sweet lawyer 🥹
Even after all this the one thing standing out in my mind is you pretending Burger King isn't good
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Anyways in all seriousness wtf 😭 I'm glad he's blocked bc ain't no way. He would've had one time to slam my doors and asking to be picked up off bourbon street during Mardi Gras? He would've been SOL I'm sorry
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mari-the-bimbo · 2 years
Ex husband Gojo: never really over
A/N: I finally did it guys! 😭 Thank you for your patience, I know this one is slightly longer, I couldn’t even do bullet points! 😂 Hope you enjoy! <33
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Catching up with Nanami always felt like a breath of fresh air. Especially now as you both chatted about his engagement in the restaurant.
“Kids off to their clubs?” He asked. You nod “mhm, and Shoko kindly offered to pick them up, isn’t that nice?”, he nods in agreement.
You read through the menu excitedly, “oh they all look so good, we need to order soon”
“Yeah let’s hope Gojo doesn’t arrive too late”
Your eyes freeze in their movement, and you lose focus at the name mentioned.
Nanami blinked twice as you voiced confusion. “Yes, I also invited him, you don’t mind do you?”
You muster up a small smile and reassure him it’s fine. You almost forgot how Nanami has no idea what happens behind closed doors and thinks you and Gojo are co parenting healthily.
After all, there’s no need to stress him out with his engagement so close. You were here to celebrate his next big step in life, not mourn your next downfall.
“Oh Gojo, you’re finally here” says Nanami, causing you to turn around to face the man, who you avoided since he visited your mother’s house.
The 6’3 man towered from behind you as he walked in with some blonde. The aura surrounding him was different, it wasn’t playful or mischievous. It was… unreadable, it was unsettling.
He holds your stare with his own icy blue eyes, not looking away even as he greeted Nanami or took a seat.
“Gojo, I didn’t have to time to tell you this, but I’m getting married” Nanami says to his old friend with a smile.
Gojo looks at him expressionlessly, “to who?”
“What do you mean ‘with who?’, with my girlfriend of course” Nanami replies annoyedly.
You look around anxiously, gradually looking at Gojo, only to find your ex husband already staring at you.
The woman sitting next to him looked delighted compared to the sour mood on the table, she held Gojo’s bicep and looked up at him expectantly, “isn’t that lovely Gojo??” she hinted, but Gojo neither replied or even spared a glance to the women.
Poor thing, she didn’t realise she was just another pawn in his game.
“Whose your girlfriend?” he repeats.
You sigh “the girl from the bakery Gojo” you finally speak up.
Gojo looks at you again, with the same unreadable look from before, it wasn’t malicious, it wasn’t annoyed, what is it?
“Ah” he says, looking down. “Congratulations Nanami” Gojo adds, you notice his shoulder relax slightly, but you paid no heed to it.
“What about you y/n? Seeing anyone?” asks the girl sitting next to Gojo, and you freeze. You tried to ignore Gojo’s piercing gaze as the everyone awaited your answer, all eyes on you.
You laugh awkwardly, rubbing your sweaty hands together. “Well we’ll have to wait and see I guess-” you answer diplomatically.
“Answer her question y/n”
You turn your attention towards your ex husband who stares intensely at you. You’re speechless at his boldness in front of the others, he was always so careful of his image. His undivided attention made it seem like you and him were the only ones in the room.
You frown at him “Well I’m not obliged to answer tha-“
“Why are you so scared to tell them you’re mine?”
The table fell silent at his confession, and all you could hear was your heart beat growing quicker. It’s almost as if the room grew dark and all you could see was Gojo.
“Gojo what are you-“
“I’m still in love with you y/n”
You look into the blue eyes that captured yours, you noticed sincerity in his eyes, for a second he almost looked like the same loving man you once knew.
“Gojo what are you saying?!” said the heart broken woman that sat beside him, shaking him, hoping for an answer. He continued to ignore her which led to her walking out the restaurant in shame. He made no move to stop her, Gojo’s focus was now on you and you only.
Nanami was speechless at the chaos displayed. “I think you both need to go home and talk this out” he suggested maturely.
You look away from Gojo’s intense gaze, the idea of leaving with him giving you a headache but giving you butterflies at the same time. No way. No way you can fall down that loop again.
You turn towards Nanami, “I’m so sorry Kento, today was supposed to be about you I-“
Nanami places a hand on your shoulder “it’s fine y/n, we can always meet up again when my girlfriend can come too, for now you should probably talk it out with him”
You sigh shakily, slowing standing up, ‘be mature’ you tell yourself but you didn’t think that was possible right now. Following the tall white haired man out the building, the cold breeze hits you as you step out, and he’s uncharacteristically quiet. Not the usual old him that always has some rude remark to make. No, he’s not like the other days.
He has his back to you and hands in his pockets as he walks up to his car. So you step forward and placed a hand on his bicep.
“Are you being serious right now Gojo?”
He moves his head to the side but he’s doesn’t fully look at you. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You huffed in frustration, how could he play with your emotions like this? After all this time, you thought you finally escaped your feelings for him, but once again he was pulling you back into this hole.
“Why did you even divorce me in first place then? You never even told me” you say, angry tears finally revealing itself after being suppressed for 2 years.
He shakes his head in annoyance, as if you were asking for too much. And he wordlessly enters his car.
You huff at his childishness and enter his car too, quickly settling yourself into his passenger’s seat.
“I deserve to know Gojo!”
“Shut up” he whispers under his breath.
“No! Who do you think you are playing with me like this? Divorce me whenever you want, claim you love me again whenever, then demand babies whenever! Give me the reason for this madness!”
“YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND!” He finally yells at you with angry red eyes, and you stare at him in silence, confused at his words.
“Wouldn’t understand? I’m a fully grown woman Gojo-“
“You’re a non curse user y/n, you won’t understand!!”
“Well then maybe you shouldn’t have married a normal civilian Gojo!-“
Suddenly his large hand grabs the back of your neck, pulls you forward into a kiss roughly, moulding your lips together, and the white haired man kept pulling you closer by the neck until you eventually fall onto his lap.
“Gojo I-“ you gasp, but the strong man only grabs your neck tighter until he leaves no space in between your faces, noses brushing.
“I will love you, fuck you, and marry you in every life that I live, I don’t care that you’re not a curse user. So don’t you dare tell me that I shouldn’t have chose you” he says against your lips.
You stare at the man dumbfounded. At a loss for words.
He doesn’t break eye contact with you as his one arm extended to turn off the car some light and his other strong arm single-handedly pulls you onto his lap.
The car goes dark as he switches the light off and you can barely see the outline of his sharp jawline. You feel his hand take yours and he guides it downwards where the hard bulge in his pants were.
You gasp at the contact, and he has no shame as he starts rocking his hips upwards, rubbing your hand with his bulge. His hand is still on top of yours so there was no way to pull away from his clothed cock that now left a wet patch.
His mouth travelling to your ear and sucking on it slowly. You feel him smile against it as a moan escapes you.
“So good for me” he whispers as his other hand travelled to grope your breasts and you squeal at the sensation. Your eyes involuntarily rolling back at the overwhelming sensations.
But it wasn’t enough for Gojo. He’ll never get enough of you.
He suddenly pulls away to unbuckle his belt. You take a shaky breath, ready to embrace his length and whatever consequences will come with tonight’s confession.
He kisses your cheek as he sits bare in front of you expectantly.
“Take all of me?”
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