#did I mention marjan is my girlfriend
sugdenlovesdingle · 1 month
Way more than Seven sentence Sunday
Thanks for tagging me in other stuff this weekend @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses, sorry I didn't get around to those, but I'm tagging you both back for today.
And thanks for the tag @sznofthesticks
I don't really know what this is - it's been knocking around my head for a few days and it may or may not go anywhere. It's kind of tarlos, kind of a bucktommy crossover with the OG, kind of Nancy/Marjan.
"I'm just saying, I have an excellent gaydar." TK insisted. "I clocked him three years ago." He held up his phone to show Nancy the picture of Buck and his new boyfriend.
Nancy rolled her eyes.
"Please. Your gaydar is just saying everyone is gay until every once in a while you turn out to be right."
"What? No it's not. I could tell with Carlos"
Nancy scoffed.
"Carlos asked you to dance. I was there. I saw."
"No, we met on a call earlier that day. And I knew it when I saw him there."
"Knew what?" Carlos asked, walking into the firehouse, making the rest of the crew realise it was lunchtime. He greeted TK with a kiss and waited for an explanation of the conversation he'd interrupted.
"Your husband thinks he has a gaydar because that guy from LA he thinks hit on him during the wildfires is dating a guy now." Nancy quickly got him up to speed.
"Oh Buck and Tommy? The pilot? I saw his post earlier. I was bored on my coffee break and you were out on a call." Carlos explained with a shrug. "Good for him. He seems happy."
"Is that it? He hit on me when he was down here."
"Yeah, well, you married me, didn't you?"
"And I don't think he's interested anymore." Nancy commented, nodding at the picture on TK's phone. "And besides, we've been partners for almost three years now and you never clocked me. You have no gaydar."
TK stared at her.
"But... What? How? You dated Mateo." he stammered and Carlos bit back a laugh.
"Yes and Lexi Mitchell was my first girlfriend in high school. Welcome to the wonderful world of bisexuality."
TK looked back and forth between her and Carlos.
"Did you know?"
"Lexi might have mentioned it when you and I got serious and we were hanging out here a lot." Carlos explained. "And Nance told us at game night that she was always taller than her date, even if they were in six inch heels."
TK blinked a few times as he tried to process the new information.
"I'm an idiot." he said after a few minutes.
"No argument here." Nancy replied and Carlos just pressed a kiss to the side of his head.
"So is there a girl you like then? Is that why you and Mateo broke up?"
"There is someone I like... someone I've liked for a long time... And she's amazing. Gorgeous inside and out... but... I don't think she likes me like that..." Nancy sighed and looked over his shoulder to where Marjan was checking equipment on the ladder truck.
TK followed her gaze.
"Marj?!" he whispered.
"Yeah... But just drop it dude. I know she's not interested."
tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @welcometololaland @your-catfish-friend @welcometololaland
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites + an open tag for whoever wants to share something!
21 notes · View notes
chicgeekgirl89 · 10 months
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Iris Blake, Nancy Gillian, Tommy Vega, Judd Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez Summary: When the crew of the super yacht Firebug finds themselves in need of a new chef, stew Iris Blake is quick to provide them with a solution: her ex, Carlos Reyes. Second stew T.K. Strand is prepared to share his cabin with their new chef, but he is not prepared for how quickly Carlos Reyes heats things up in the galley. Will their boatmance set sail? Or will it sink to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea? A/N: I have loved Below Deck in all its iterations since the day it first aired, so as I was thinking about a fun summer fic, a yachting au came to mind. This is my first (technically, sort of, mostly *cough cough*) au, and it was a HUGE challenge. I'm not sure I've gotten every detail of yachting life correct, but hopefully it's close enough for a good time! Read on AO3
Chapter 1: On Top
“T.K., T.K. Nancy. What is your location?”
“Busted,” Mateo says from where he’s laid out, one arm thrown up over his eyes to block out the sun.
“What do you mean busted? My shit is cleaned and polished and ready for charter,” T.K. says, kicking him in the leg. “You’re the one who’s slacking off.”
He reaches for his radio without getting up from his reclined position in his lounger. “Nancy, Nancy, T.K. I’m on the sundeck.”
“Copy that. On my way.”
“You’d better leave before she gets here,” T.K. tells him. “She’ll rat you out to Judd.”
“Nah,” Mateo says, wiggling a little bit so he’s more comfortable. “I think she likes me.”
T.K. wrinkles his nose. “Doesn’t she have a girlfriend at home?”
“Maybe.” Mateo shrugs. “But the heart wants what it wants. And what happens on charter stays on charter.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works,” T.K. tells him. “Please don’t go having a boatmance with my chief stew. That’s going to make things all kinds of awkward when she dumps your ass.”
“Ain’t nobody gonna be dumping my ass,” Mateo says, clearly offended. “She’s gonna get one taste of the Chavez and—“
“I would’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Nancy says as she strides onto the sundeck, clipboard in hand.
“Hey Nance,” Mateo says, trying to cover up how flustered he is.
“I just passed by Judd. He mentioned you had a jet ski to clean,” she says pointedly.
“Oh um, yeah, yes. I’ll just go do that…right now,” Mateo says, scrambling to his feet and heading back to work as T.K. chuckles.
The new deckhand likes to talk big and it’s pretty hilarious. He’s as green as they come, but he’s a quick learner and T.K. knows Judd has been pleased with his progress. 
“I vacuumed the main salon, did the beds and the bath in the master, and cleaned and restocked the bar,” T.K. says. “Iris is finishing up in laundry and then she’ll be done.”
“What did I do to deserve having the most perfect co-second stews in the world?” Nancy says, feigning tears as she plops down into the chair Mateo’s just vacated. “I didn’t come to ask about that though. Are you cool if the new chef bunks with you?”
“Oh we got someone?” T.K. asks. That last he’d heard Captain Tommy had still been calling around.
“Yeah Iris’ friend that she mentioned during our tip meeting,” Nancy says. 
Right. The tip meeting.
He’d been sandwiched between Judd and Nancy on the sofa in the main salon, a glass of sparkling cider in his hand as they all toasted the massive tip their previous charter had left for them. It was their biggest so far of the season and for good reason. They’d worked their asses off.
“Okay so as you know, unfortunately Chef Pearce is no longer able to finish the charter season with us,” Tommy had said as she passed out fat envelopes of cash to each of them.
“And good riddance,” Nancy mumbled under her breath.
Pearce had made all their lives a living hell with his fastidiousness and inability to be flexible with their charter guests’ whims. When Nancy had brought back a steak that their primary guest had deemed too rare it had been the last straw for him and he’d immediately packed all his things and left the next morning without a goodbye to anyone.
“So,” Tommy said, giving Nancy a look that said she agreed with her but wasn’t going to badmouth any former staff, “we are currently looking. It’s a pretty big vacancy to fill and we need someone asap.”
“I have a friend who could probably do it,” Iris had immediately piped up. “Well, technically he’s my ex, but he’s also a friend. I’ve known him since elementary school. One time in third grade, I punched Jimmy Echolls in the face and he—“
“Iris,” Tommy said gently, guiding her back to the moment at hand.
“Right, sorry. His name is Carlos and he’s a chef. A really good one.”
“Give me his contact information and I’ll reach out,” Tommy said. 
That had been two days ago and the last T.K. had heard about it. Thank god they’d had an extra day in between groups so they hadn’t had to explain to any guests that their dinner choices were boxed mac and cheese or Chinese take-out. The crew had been taking it in turns to make dinner for themselves so they wouldn’t starve, but nobody had the skills necessary to serve five star meals to guests shelling out over a hundred thousand dollars for a vacation.
“Seriously, you’re going to make me bunk with another temperamental chef?” T.K. sighs. “Pearce made me clean the grout in our bathroom with a toothbrush.”
“Judd and Mateo are bunked together,” Nancy says. “I don’t want to move them because Judd’s a good influence on the greenie. Marjan and Paul refuse to be separated from what they have started referring to as their “bestie cave.” And I’m certainly not giving up Iris. She doesn’t snore or leave the toilet seat up. So that leaves you.”
“This is really unfair,” T.K. grumbles. “I feel like you’re taking advantage of my easy going nature.”
“Oh I for sure am.” She gives him a pat on the leg as she gets up. “Gotta go. Next guests want an 80’s themed dance party so I gotta call the provisioner. Get ready for some glow in the dark body paint. New chef’ll be here in like an hour so if you have any weird sex stuff lying around go take care of it now.”
“I want a new chief stew!” T.K. yells as she heads back inside.
She turns around and flips him the bird before the sliding doors close behind her.
He’d known he’d end up being the one sharing and he doesn’t really begrudge Nancy’s decision. It doesn’t make sense to move everyone around when they’re already comfortably settled in their rooms. Plus it’s not like he’s going to force Iris to shack up with her ex. It’s just been nice to have the room to himself after dealing with Pearce for a month.
He groans and hoists himself up from the chair, grabbing his towel to carefully wipe away the ring of condensation his sparkling water has left on the side table. Judd is a pretty kind and understanding bosun, but he’ll rip you a new one if he catches you dirtying up the boat after the deck crew has already cleaned things off for a new charter. 
He takes the stairs carefully down to the galley and swings by laundry on his way to his cabin. Iris is in there with her headphones on, bopping away to something he can’t hear as she irons one of Tommy’s white shirts. He taps her on the shoulder and instinctively ducks out of the way as she whips around, arms flailing defensively. “You scared the shit out of me!” she says loudly as she rips out one ear bud.
“Sorry. I came to see if you need any help.”
“Nah, just finishing up Captain’s stuff and then I’m done,” she tells him. 
“I heard your ex is going to be my new roommate,” T.K. says. “Anything I should know?”
“About Carlos?” Iris shrugs. “He’s a guy. He’s nice. Good chef.”
T.K. waits but Iris doesn’t say more. “That’s it?” he says.
She looks at him with her big, wide eyes. “What more do you want? He’ll be good at the job. Oh and he likes his room really clean. So maybe like, pick up your towels and stuff.”
She gives him a smile and then sticks the earbud back in, a clear dismissal.
T.K. rolls his eyes and trudges to his cabin saying hello to their lead deck hand, Paul, as he passes by.
He spends some time making sure the place looks decent. He’d switched to the bottom bunk and started using the top as extra storage the minute Pearce walked out, so he takes all the clean clothes he left up there and shoves them into drawers or under his bed, and then checks to make sure he hasn’t left out anything sensitive in the bathroom.
His phone buzzes with a text from his dad, and he sits down for a few minutes to answer it. Yes, he’s doing fine. Yes, Tommy’s a great captain. No, he doesn’t need a meeting right now. Yes, he’ll be around if his dad flies in to see him for a weekend next month. It’s standard father/son stuff, but it’s a little suffocating, and not for the first time T.K. feels glad that he’s finally out from under his dad’s shadow a little bit. 
Owen Strand had been the captain of the FireBug until about six months ago, when he’d been offered the chance to captain a much bigger boat out in the Mediterranean. He’d wanted T.K. to come with him, had basically assumed it was happening until T.K. had informed him that he wasn’t ready to leave the Bahamas or the FireBug or the family he’d made onboard. Crews like this one don’t come along every day. Judd is a competent and kind bosun. Paul, Marjan, and Mateo are hard working deckies, and fun to be around. Nancy is the chillest chief stew he’s ever worked with. Iris is a sweetheart, if a little blunt, and Tommy has turned out to be a skilled captain, rounding out the team in a way that just seems to work. 
T.K. loves it here. He feels free. Safe. Loved. Which is a pretty big change from how his life used to be. 
Another glance at his phone shows him the time. He needs to get back to work, there’s only an hour or so until the guests arrive. He takes a few minutes to change out of his sweat stained red t-shirt, the Firebug’s name emblazoned in white on the chest and the sleeve along with a distinctive curl of flame, into his more fancy looking white shirt and black shorts, before heading to the main salon to check it over one more time. Heaven only knows somebody has probably tracked something across the carpet by now.
He’s walking past the galley when he hears a softly startled, “Oh fuck,” and then a loud crash. 
Figuring Paul has gotten into another fight with the juicer, he stops and enters the galley doorway, a sassy bit of teasing ready on his tongue. Only he doesn’t find Paul or anyone else from onboard the boat.
Instead he comes face to face with the most gorgeous ass he’s ever seen in his entire life. Literally, this ass is a thing of beauty. It looks like it’s been sculpted out of marble by a master craftsman. This ass is life changing.
And then the rest of the human it’s connected to stands up and T.K. feels like he’s been hit by a rogue wave. If he thought the ass was life-changing, he doesn’t even have words for the full man who stands before him.
Eyes, dark and soft, and hair so curly that T.K.’s fingers immediately itch to run through it. Even through the man’s dark blue button down and chinos T.K. can tell that he’s got a great body. The kind of body that has, in the past, caused T.K. to make some very stupid, but very fun, decisions. 
His gaydar is practically screaming at him and it takes him too long to realize that he’s staring and that this strange god of a man is talking to him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” T.K. says quickly.
“Sorry about that,” the man says. “I didn’t realize the shelf was loose.”
“Yeah. Yeah that one’s a little faulty. Judd keeps fixing it and it just keeps coming out again,” T.K. says automatically. “Are you…you must be the new chef?”
“Yes, hi, sorry, Carlos. Carlos Reyes,” the man says, holding out a hand.
T.K. shakes it and feels like his knees might give out. Holy hell he can’t remember the last time he felt this instantly attracted to someone. “I’m T.K. Strand,” he manages. “Second stew. Well, co-second stew. Iris is the other one. Which, you already know because you and Iris are…well you…”
He is blowing this so freaking bad right now. He spots a large rolling suitcase in front of the fridge and clears his throat to try again. “Did you come straight here before unpacking your stuff?”
“Yeah I went up and met the captain and I was on my way to the cabin, but I saw the galley and got distracted,” Carlos says sheepishly.
Kind of like how T.K. had been on his way to the main salon and now can’t find a single reason to care about whether or not the throw pillows have been karate chopped into perfection. “I get that. Professional hazard.”
“Yeah something like that,” Carlos says, flashing him a smile that threatens to bowl him over. 
He’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex. T.K repeats it to himself sternly. That makes him off limits. Completely. Nothing more than a fantasy for T.K. to have when he’s alone. 
And he will be having that fantasy. 
Probably a lot.
He realizes he’s gone awkwardly silent again and searches for something to say that won’t sound weird or horny. “We’re sharing a cabin. I can show you.”
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would be great,” Carlos says, grabbing his suitcase and following T.K. down the hall.
The cabin is tiny. Just two bunks, a teeny wardrobe and a couple drawers each, and their bathroom with an awkwardly small shower. T.K. takes a quick glance at Carlos and wonders how such a large man is going to fit, and then quickly shoves it away. He can’t be thinking about his new roommate naked, soapy, water sluicing down his body…
“I left you the top bunk. Is that okay?” T.K. asks, hoping to god his voice sounds normal.
If it was anybody else he wouldn’t even ask, he’d just pull the longevity card because like hell is he undoing his whole bed, but something about this man has grabbed hold of him and he finds he would literally go dive into the ocean if it would make Carlos happy.
“That’s fine,” Carlos says. “I like it on top.”
T.K.’s knees go weak and he immediately breaks out in a sweat even though the A/C is on full blast. Thank god Carlos has turned around is starting to pull things out of his suitcase, so he doesn’t see T.K.’s complete loss of motor function.
“When you’re ready I can introduce you to everyone else,” T.K. says when he finally recovers.
“Yeah give me like ten minutes, I just need to change,” Carlos says.
T.K. makes a hasty exit and goes down the hall to sit at the table in the crew mess while he waits. The last thing he needs is to see Carlos naked. His brain is already on overdrive, if he gets any more input he’s going to need an extremely cold shower, and there’s no time for that.
Carlos emerges almost exactly ten minutes later, now dressed in his chef’s coat. Somehow it makes him look even hotter, all professional and buttoned up and T.K. nearly swallows his own tongue trying not to say something stupid. They head up the stairs and through the main salon to the aft deck where Paul, Marjan, Mateo, and Judd are doing some last minute polishing of the railings so they gleam beneath the Caribbean sunlight. 
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally back. Grab a bucket and start scrubbing,” Paul teases as they walk out through the automatic doors.
“You think I want a cushy job like this? Please. Interior is where the fun is. Vomit. People’s dirty underwear. It’s like an unending hazardous situation,” T.K. teases right back.
He sees the look of curiosity on Carlos’ face and fills him in. “I used to be a deckie,” he says. “Made the change to interior about a year ago. It’s a better fit.”
“What he means is that it’s easier for him to charm all the guests,” Marjan says, wiping a hand across her forehead. Her makeup is impeccable and she looks like a movie star even in the deck crew’s bright red shirts.
“I didn’t see you complaining when our tips were almost double last charter,” T.K. tells her. 
“Pretty sure that was because of the good time I showed them on the water toys,” Mateo says.
“Mateo you couldn’t even get the jet ski started this morning,” Judd says with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t think you were the reason we got a good tip.”
“Anyway,” T.K. says, breaking up the teasing, “This is Carlos. The new chef.”
“Hey Carlos. I’m Judd. Bosun,” Judd says, sticking out a massive hand to shake Carlos’.
The rest of the team chimes in and shakes hands as well. “Nice to meet you all,” Carlos says. “I’m excited to be here.”
“We’re glad to have you,” Paul says. “These people have been making me pull double duty on the deck and in the kitchen so we don’t starve.”
“You made one meal,” Marjan says, smacking at him with her towel.
“I made chili!” Paul says. “That’s so much work it’s basically three meals!”
“Wow, thanks for rolling out the red carpet and making a good first impression guys,” T.K. says, glancing at Carlos to gauge his reaction to the team shenanigans.
Carlos chuckles. “Chili is a lot of work, and I’m sure it was delicious.” He looks down at his watch. “I’m really sorry to cut it short, but I think I’ve got my work cut out for me in the galley.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t let us keep you,” Judd says, waving them off. 
“They seem nice,” Carlos observes once they’re back in the cool air conditioning of the interior.
“This team is solid,” T.K. tells him, feeling himself puff up with pride. “Judd has been with the boat since day one. The rest of us have been here at least a couple years. It’s family.”
He’s about to open his mouth to ask Carlos a little more about himself when there’s a yelp and a body comes hurtling toward them at light speed. Iris throws herself at Carlos, wrapping him up in an aggressive hug that almost takes them both to the floor. “You’re here!” she yells, glee evident in every line of her body.
Despite his initial shock Carlos immediately softens, his face going tender and warm. His hand cradles the back of Iris’ head and he practically cuddles her right there in the salon, making T.K. feel like he’s awkwardly intruded on a private moment. “Hey chica,” Carlos says, his voice full of something so tender that it sends a jolt of jealousy through T.K. Whatever happened between him and Iris, it doesn’t seem like Carlos is over it.
He pulls back after a minute, cupping Iris’ face in his hands as he studies it closely. “How are you? You’re good?”
“Oh my god, you’re such a worrier. Yes. I’m good,” she says with a laugh. 
“And Michelle?”
T.K.’s memory vaguely supplies that Michelle is Iris’ older sister. “Yeah she’s good too. Chief stew on a boat in Italy right now,” Iris says. She sends a glance at T.K., her eyes sparkling. “I see you met T.K. already. He’s your roommate you know.”
Something odd flashes across Carlos’ face. “Yeah I know,” he says, looking almost embarrassed.
T.K. desperately wants to know what’s going on. He feels like he’s missed out on a private joke, but at that moment Nancy strides into the salon. “Okay enough chatting people we have guests coming onboard in—” she checks her watch, “—less than half an hour.” She stops when she sees Carlos. “Oh hi. You the new chef?”
He shakes her hand. “Yeah, Carlos.”
“Thank god. Nancy. Chief stew. We should talk.”
“Yes,” Carlos says. “I didn’t see the preference sheets for the guests in the galley. Do you have them?”
She holds up a stack of papers. “On my way to post them now. Want to come with and we’ll figure out what kind of fancy ass food these people want?”
“Definitely,” Carlos says.
“And you two can start making drinks and getting cold towels ready,” Nancy calls over her shoulder.
“Already done!” T.K. and Iris chime together.
Nancy turns and walks the last few steps to the doorway backward, pointing at them and then clasping her hands over her heart. “And that’s why you two are my favorites.”
“So?” Iris says as she and T.K. step behind the bar to finish setting up the cocktails. “He’s hot right? I told you.”
“Actually you didn’t,” T.K. says mildly. She could not have said less about it in fact. 
“I didn’t?” She scrunches up her nose and thinks for a second, then shrugs like it doesn’t matter. “Whatever. He is though, right? Very hot?”
“I’m going to be honest here and say I think it’s kind of weird that you talk about your ex like this,” T.K. says, pouring champagne carefully into glasses.
“What does him being my ex have to do with it?” she scoffs. “He’s objectively hot. You have to see it.”
T.K. is going to admit to no such thing. And he knows if stalls long enough Iris will move on. Her attention span tends to be on the short side.
“God, why do they make these fucking skorts so short?” she asks seconds later, yanking at the black fabric covering her thighs. “It’s sexist. And misogynistic.”
“Aren’t those kind of the same thing?”
She glares at him. “You can mansplain sexism to me when you have a skirt the size of a postage stamp riding up your ass. Okay? Okay.”
She grabs the tray of champagne glasses from him and whisks them away without another word. He huffs out a laugh and opens the fridge to take out the towels and stack them up on a second tray as Tommy’s voice comes over the radio announcing that the guests will be arriving in less than five minutes and to please get to the aft deck.
Everyone looks fresh and ready in their whites and Tommy gives him a nod as he joins the line-up, tucking in at the end next to Iris. Seconds later another body slides into the open space on his left and he looks up to find Carlos. The other man gives him a quick smile, a trace of nerves hiding behind it. T.K. feels the overwhelming urge to reach over and squeeze his hand in reassurance. Thank god he’s occupied with holding the towel tray because he’s not sure he could stop himself otherwise. 
And then he’d have to throw himself overboard, swim to a deserted island, and start a new life with nothing but a volleyball for company.
“There they are,” Judd says half a second later, nodding toward the dock where a group of impeccably dressed men and women are walking toward the Firebug.
“They look rich,” Mateo says.
“They always look rich,” Marjan tells him with a roll of her eyes. “Only rich people can afford chartered yacht vacations.”
“Yeah but there’s a difference between looking rich and being rich,” Mateo says.
T.K. has to agree with him. People who are rich tend to have high expectations, but are usually pretty nice and leave big tips. People who look rich…that’s a crapshoot. And they usually end up being assholes.
T.K. hopes it’s the former this time.
There are greetings and handshakes all around and then Nancy takes them off to tour the boat as T.K. and Iris wash the champagne glasses and throw the towels in the laundry before heading down to help put away the luggage the deck crew has hauled onboard.
Then it’s a whirlwind of drinks and snacks and cleaning (there’s always something to be cleaned) as they set sail away from the dock, the white prow of the Firebug gleaming as it cuts through the cerulean blue of the ocean. 
T.K. doesn’t get more than a glimpse of Carlos again until dinner. When Nancy calls him over the radio to come for service he walks into the galley and stops dead in his tracks. The guests asked for a sushi spread but what he sees is…unbelievable. It should have been physically impossible for Carlos to produce this much food at this level of quality in the few hours he’s been on board. 
“Holy shit. This is gorgeous.” The words are out of T.K.’s mouth before he means them to be.
“Thanks,” Carlos says, slightly flushed from the heat of his work. He’s pouring heavy cream into a bowl, probably working on dessert already. 
“No seriously this is…how did you do all of this so fast?” T.K. asks.
He’s worked on boats for years. He’s seen impressive food before. Michelin star worthy meals. But this tops all of it. 
Carlos shrugs and starts whisking, the muscles of his upper arm flexing back forth in an impressive display. “It’s my job,” he says simply. “I put the crew dinner out too. Make sure you get some.”
Nancy and Iris still haven’t arrived, so T.K. sneaks over to the crew mess and finds Paul devouring an equally impressive spread of sushi. “Save some for the rest of us,” T.K. says, snagging a California roll and shoving it whole into his mouth. 
“It’s so good though,” Paul groans. “I thought Pearce was good, even if he was a son of a bitch, but damn. This new guy….”
T.K. agrees. The California roll is the best he’s ever had in his life and he stands there at the table devouring a few more mouthfuls before Nancy and Iris sweep in and force him back to work. 
Dinner service goes shockingly smoothly. No one yells. No one sulks in passive aggressive silence. Carlos and Nancy communicate perfectly, food goes out on time, the wine flows, the guests are thrilled, it’s literally the best night they’ve had on the boat in weeks. 
Tommy comes down halfway through, a soft smile on her face when she sees how easily Carlos has slipped into the role of chef. He smiles and laughs as he cooks, chatting away easily with the captain as if they’re old friends. There’s a sense of relief flooding through the boat. Carlos is a good fit. Thank god.
T.K. and Iris run down in between courses to turndown the cabins (thank god these guests seem pretty neat and tidy) and then Iris heads to bed as soon as dinner service is done so she can get up early to run breakfast. The meal has created about a thousand dishes and Nancy starts to help, but T.K. shoos her away. He’s on lates tonight, staying up to make sure the guests have any late night drinks or snacks they need, but she should get some sleep.
Carlos is wiping down counters. His chef’s coat is partially unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to expose his incredibly muscular forearms. The second T.K. sees them he repeats his mantra from earlier: He’s Iris’ ex, He’s Iris ex, He’s Iris’ ex…
Maybe if T.K. keeps reminding himself of that, his stupid heart will stop trying to leap out of his chest at the sight of this beautiful man.
“Oh thanks,” Carlos says, relief on his face when he sees T.K. roll up his own sleeves and start scrubbing away at the rest of the dishes. “I thought I was going to be here all night.”
“Happy to help,” T.K. says lightly.
“So how long have you been on the Firebug?” Carlos asks.
“Like, three years now?” T.K. says as he carefully sets some glassware to the side. “My dad used to be captain.”
“Oh cool,” Carlos replies. “Where is he now?”
“Boat in the Mediterranean. It’s a bigger vessel. They have good wine over there.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Yeah.” T.K. hesitates and then asks because he has to know. “So you’re from Austin? You and Iris grew up together?”
“Yeah the Blakes lived down the street,” Carlos says. “My sisters and I were always over at their house. They had a dog and a trampoline. We did not.”
“I see the appeal.”
“So three years here, where before that?”
T.K.’s stomach lurches. Before is hard to talk about. Before was full of pills and booze and shame and it’s something the crew all knows about, but it’s not a story that everyone can accept. The thought of this perfect looking man getting weird over it forces T.K. to hold back. “New York,” he says softly. “Manhattan. I lived there with my mom when I was a kid.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York.” Carlos sets a pan back into its place. “I have to know. Are the bagels actually that good? I mean…they’re really just regular bagels, right? Bagels aren’t even that great to begin with.”
“I’ll have you know that New York bagels are legendary,” T.K. tells him immediately. “There will be no bagel slander on this boat.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” Carlos says with a laugh, holding up his hands. “I take it back.”
“You’d better,” T.K. says, also laughing. This guy is fun. Why the hell did Iris break up with him?
Carlos finishes what he’s doing and comes to dry the dishes T.K. has washed, but T.K. waves him off. “Head to bed,” he advises. “I know how much travel days suck and you’ve got to be up early for breakfast.”
“Thanks,” Carlos says, fatigue creeping in at the edges of him. “See you in the morning.”
T.K. puts away the last of the dishes and then heads up to check on the guests. He’s shocked to find Mateo hosing down the teak and not another person in sight. “They went to bed like ten minutes ago,” he says with a shrug. “Easiest night ever right?”
“Yeah seriously,” T.K. says. “You on anchor watch?”
“Yep,” Mateo pops the “p.” “All night long baby.”
“Don’t let us blow into a rock.”
“Ha ha.”
T.K. bids him goodnight and then heads toward his cabin. Maybe it’s exhaustion. Maybe it’s that Carlos brought up New York and now T.K.’s memories of that time are swirling around in his head. Maybe he’s distracted by the fact that these are the easiest guests he’s ever had in his entire life. Whatever the reason is, he forgets that Chef Carlos Reyes is his new roommate until he opens the door and sees him standing there.
In nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.
It’s just a reality of boat life that you see people naked or nearly naked on a regular basis. Quarters are tight and honestly, after so much time together, it literally doesn’t even matter. T.K.’s seen pretty much everyone’s butts and boobs and dicks onboard at this point and it doesn’t even phase him anymore.
But the sight of Carlos, hair still wet, the entire room damp from the steam of his shower and smelling like sandalwood and pine, feels so intimate that it nearly sends T.K. to his knees. 
And he’s pretty sure he would do just about anything Carlos wanted once he was down there.
T.K. was right. The man has muscles. So. Many. Muscles. He’s an Adonis. A god. He can’t possibly be real.
He’s like T.K.’s dream guy wrapped up in neon yellow caution tape that screams OFF LIMITS.
Oh god. 
He’s not going to make it through this charter season.
He’s not going to make it through tonight.
“Sorry, am I in your way?” Carlos asks as he continues threading his chef’s coat onto a hanger.
Something flashes across his face. If T.K. didn’t know better he’d almost think it was something smug. Like he’s seen T.K. ogling him and possibly, maybe, is standing in their room mostly naked on purpose.
“No,” T.K. says quickly, squeezing in and shutting the door behind him.
Bad idea. Oh god. This space is so small. He’s practically chest to naked chest with Carlos and he can’t breathe or think and if he doesn’t do something right now he’s not going to be able to stop himself from reaching out and touching those washboard abs…
“Are you done in the bathroom?” he manages to squeak out.
“Yes,” Carlos says, that smug-ish look still on his face. “All yours.”
T.K. practically runs inside and locks the door behind him, collapsing onto the toilet lid. 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
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youngbloodlisk · 2 years
9-1-1 and Lone Star reactions (2 days late cause i was so busy this week)
5/11/22 (aired 5/9/22)
9-1-1 (Hero Complex)
banger music man
captions just said "Young Jonah" YO? Okay
oh my god yeah i just remembered how last week's episode ended OH MY GOD IM SO EXCITED
god corinne massiah is so pretty
"Feels like it should be somebody's fault" and judging by the preview for this episode last week i'm gonna guess it is !
chim and hen my fave bffs i wanna be their friend
OH THE SPIDER GUY OH YEAH...... oh my goddd
UGH I MISSED THESE TWO TOGETHER when chim wasn't on the show while he was looking for maddie i missed him and hen being the best friends EVER soooooo much
no I'm never gonna not mention the chemistry and tension between eddie and buck Sorry
wait wtf is bobby's password rewind
NashBby_118 i mean okay but- Yeah. Okay
chim wiping the desk of prints with his sleeve is so funny
"You're a terrible liar."
"And you're too good." LMAO
chim and hen are so funny
"They never start with murder."
"I'm sorry, Pat, I'm gonna need to buy a vowel."
THEYRE SO FUNNY I LOVE THEM 10/10 comfort characters right here
this is such an interesting plotline I love it
no cause honestly? go off eddie speak the truth good job
taylor annoys me more every goddamn episode!!!
please tell me she runs the story and buck gets rightfully pissed and he dumps her PLEASE I WANT TAYLOR OUT OF HERE
wait but that would probably lead to buck and lucy being a thing. nvm there's no win here
Stop Oh no no no no
i always forget that kenneth choi has 사랑 tattooed on his chest but i love it every time i see it the font looks so pretty
this guy is so unbelievably psychotic my god
okay actually crying i love these two
taylor you BITCH.......
chim sucking down a capri-sun yes sir!
"You're the best friend I've ever had, Chim, and I can't imagine my life without you."
"And you're never gonna have to."
cue the waterfalls from my eyes
9-1-1: Lone Star (Spring Cleaning)
okay the ad before the episode is playing. cmon marjan give me marjan please even just a little bit of marjan. please let this episode have some marjan
oh i have a bad feeling abt this trash chute.
oh no no no Oh no dude don't do that- and down he goes
one second of her beautiful voice and i am a happy person
mateo with the fix thank god love him
BART JOHNSON?? It says 2 episodes on IMDB did i just totally MISS him being in another episode idk whatever IM SO EXCITED BART YOU KING HI
nANCY? can i call this wlw erasure cause she's so absolutely a lesbian (im playing around dont jump me)
mateo ✨avoiding✨
CATANNNNN great game. Great game
damn maybe if mateo and nancy communicated like couples should do idk
tommy???? goddamn???? alright maam go off
catan IS spicy tk you're so right
oh this is already terrifying my anxiety is already through the roof this seems like a bad bad bad situation
"Hulk smash." MATEO 😭
oh that was so clever. getting him arrested that was so clever thank god
wtf why is he getting picked on for dressing nice 😭 better to be overdressed than underdressed ur not too good for a suit man cmon
i need to kiss marjan on the mouth
HELP THEYRE ALL LIKE didn't see that coming uhhh
this is so sweet
"coffee" yeah okay go on go bang it out
julius is sweet :(((((
judd what on earth are you abt to do.
oh bad feeling. gas leak + judd in the elevator ? Sounds like a recipe for a stuck elevator?
Final Comments
right okay so next week's gonna be a fun week i am excited
i got to see two of my favorite things:
- chim and hen being the iconic duo they are
- marjan
good week of 9-1-1 for me !
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Destiel, Buddie: the great love patterns and one failure.
I'm going to highlight the patterns of baiting and good storytelling. Chim sounds like the Sam to Dean!Buck. Cas!Eddie and Claire/Jack!Chris.
WARNING: not a negative post, this is from a destielshipper!POV looking to something so beautiful like 9-1-1.
As someone pointed out: if Eddie was a girl they would've already get laid. Same thing with Dean if Cas was a girl.
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(my gifs)
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We know Dean and Buck like to get laid with many girls...and have some homo-joke-scenes with guys.
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Dean Winchester being a disaster bi (since S1)
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(+ Josh and roomate!Albert - I know someone ships it xD) What I really enjoyed with Buck/Abby is the meaning of the storyline. D (who likes older women also) and B always get the part of having fun, and when it comes to express their feelings, not all their crushes understand their soul and they don't always admit those with themselves.
Abby: I think I was afraid that If I came back, I would become that person again. Because I missed you. I wanted to see you. But I didn’t trust myself.
Buck: Because being there, being with me, you might lose yourself again?
Shannon: I can’t fail him again, or you and I won’t. I’m still learning how to be someone’s mother and after that maybe I can be someone’s wife.
Eddie [to Bobby]: [...] she wanted a divorce. And I’m still mad. How stupid is that? I’m agry at a dead person and at myself because I forgave her for everything, and that wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.
Buck [to Maddie]: You’re never the one getting left behind. You’re the one who leaves. You don’t know what’s like to watch someone you love walk away.
Dean [to Lisa]: When I do picture myself happy...it’s with you.
Lisa:  You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good? Dean: You knew what you signed up for.
Lisa: Yeah. But I didn't expect Sam to come back. And I'm glad he's okay. I am. But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy. That came out so much harsher than I meant. Dean: It's not your fault.
Who does understand them? The best friend. Cas and Eddie are the best friends to who they talk to, they can feel judged by but it doesn't really matter (or it DOES); they trust each other and feel safe.
you gave up an entire army for one guy (dean)
thank you, for not giving up
 stupid for the right reasons 
maybe you could’ve come at it a little differently
The Abby-phase was very important 'cause B wanted to stop to think about just the sex part and really connect with the person, doin' romantic stuff, even VDay; feelings were in the game. 
(He literally asked to the firetruck!girl to see her again...but she said no. Ali? She acted like a Lisa.)
B really tried to find someone and always felt left behind. D had two important relationships, one with Cassie (yeah, that's fun) and I liked her -but he couldn't have a black girlfriend, right(?). Always felt left behind, by his father, by his brother, his mother’ memories were a lie.
When we first see Cassie, they didn’t see each other in a very long time and they get a reunion during a case.
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Much like Eddie and Shannon.
(not saying also this...but....this)
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Lisa and the weird-and-bad-written-originally story with Amara...who knew Dean bc of his 'dark' side. (Amara has found Cas and Dean’s profound connection and Dean was scared by her darkness connected to his anger and loniless).
At one point Amara will find Dean thanks to Cas's heart  just my reply to go fast  (while Cas was possessed by Lucifer- an annoying bitch who is used as a destiel bait)
We know Buck for his autodiagnosed sex addiction with women and Eddie as a married man with a son and wife not in the picture...and the episode- I'm so sorry, but the beginning of S2 with Buddie can't be described as two hets - there are tropes.
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We start to fall for them and Chim with Maddie, wait- Sam!Chim and Eileen!Maddie.
Sam and Eileen’ first episode is basically a blind date on a hunt. They flirt and make a badass duo, she's deaf and super sassy and they're so sweet together. Many start to ship it asap.
I cried with Madney asap.
What does Maddie do since Buck start talking about Chris and Eddie? Yeah.
What does happen in Fanfiction with Sam (he’s a Maddie here) and when Saileen comes back on S15?
Bros shipping their bros with their best friends, mirroring them.
Madney have Buddie patterns.
Saileen is presented as a Het!Destiel parallel...and they can kiss.
Sam asks Dean if he could start thinking about settle down with someone who understand the life, another hunter. Eileen is a hunter. Cas is an angel - the one who raised him from perdition and got lost for his beautiful soul/hunter.
I LOVE that Eddie can be just a friend to Lena and Marjan, basically (I hope not to see this ruined in the future).
Now, over the line: Dean has a mother figure in Bobby!Jody and Jody is shipped with Athena!Donna (also good friend to Dean) and he's got a sister figure in Hen!Charlie.
[Jody, Charlie]
(Jody and Donna have many daugthers figures and a spin-off who hasn't been picked bc too many poc girls, queer girls and two not young women with perfect bodies.)
Bobby!Jody helped him with his mother-plot-fiasco (that was really bad) and I loved Mary before s12.
[I'm having fun thinking about this connections, leave me alone if it'ss just a great big illusion]
I forgive you / of course I forgive you
personal space / personal space
Destiel, uncle!Sam and Jack
Destiel, uncle!Sam and Claire
*love is in the air*
oh and beside the MurphyPatterns (Klaine, Bryan&David) we do have the KripkePatterns also (Timeless, The Boys 2 3 )
One of the most loud BI!Dean eps
I’m ready for some domestic Buddie and Madney
Eileen and Cas back from the dead
Just to make you all laugh after this big movie, remember the chars:
what a destiel scene always looks like
Yes, C*W and Fox aren’t the same, and yes producers can make the difference. all SPN writers WEREN’T the problem, directors neither, not to mention the actors. 
C*W thrived on Destiel for 12 years, building a very good story that could’ve show two men accepting the love they deserved....but they failed, erasing every other (lgbtq, poc, disable) characters.
Fox doesn’t need more viewers but they WILL gain more of them showing Buddie because representation of a M/M ship with BI/PAN (I see Pan!Eddie) it’s a huge thing for TV and it matters. I always see gay love not many other possibilities, with Murphy mostly, he can make the change again. 
A reminder to what C*W did 
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tarlosbuddie · 4 years
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Summary: Buck and Eddie are hosting the 126 monthly dinner at their house. The whole team and their kids are here.
Or the one where Buddie and Tarlos are friends and have lots of kids.
This is also part of my collaboration with the amazing @harvestleaves
Word Count: 2477
Chapter : 2/2 (part one)
Tags: Established relationship, Kid fic, domestic fluff, crossover, future fic
Relationship: Buddie and Tarlos
Read on AO3
From his spot in the kitchen, Buck can already hear the voices of the first five guests, the Strand-Reyes. Bella runs to say hi to both men, and Matias is sitting on the couch next to Andrea before his dads can even take their coats off. Baby Luis is asleep in Carlos’ arms. 
“He’s growing so fast”, Eddie says while opening his arms to take the one-year-old so TK and Carlos can finally make themselves comfortable. “Be careful, he’s going to be a teenager before either one of you can blink an eye,” he adds and tilts his head towards his oldest.
“I can’t believe we are the first ones to arrive,” TK says and takes a look at the living room. Half of the guests have yet to arrive and the room is already full of the best kind of noises; their kids laughter. “Do you want me to take him back?” he asked Eddie but it looks like uncle Eddie has no desire of giving him his son back. 
“No, I got him” he replies and sniffs the top of the kid’s head, full of black and curly hair.
“What are you cooking us, Buck?” the youngest firefighter asks, the head already bending toward the pot.”
 “Something great” Buck’s husband answers for him, and the three other men smile at Eddie.
 “Eddie has secretly decided to turn tonight’s dinner into a cooking competition between our husbands, TK”. Buck explains and all smiles grew wider.
 “I never said it was a secret”,  Eddie jokes.
“Well, if someone wants me to compete I should probably get my hands in that kitchen, then?” Carlos adds. He kisses the top of his baby’s head, who is still sleeping soundly in Eddie’s arms, and moves next to Buck. “What can I do, Bucky?” he asks while winking at Christopher, the only person Buck allows to call him with that nickname. 
 “The main course is almost done, I also tried to make pão de queijo with the recipe you gave me, but it doesn’t smell as good as yours” Buck confesses.
“It smells great, man” the younger man reassures him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “What if I work on making the bottles?” Carlos offers. “You feed us and the small ones, I feed the smallest ones.” 
 “Deal” Buck accepts.
“Isn’t it cheating?” TK jokes. He’s enjoying the scene though, Carlos is rolling his sleeves, and opening his bag and the kitchen cupboard to get what he needs. The two of them spend so much time at the Diaz’s that none of them have to ask where things are. Even before they had kids, they all enjoyed spending time together.
Buck still had four hours left in his shift when Eddie heard the pounding on the door. Even if Buck had forgotten his keys, he wouldn’t be back so soon. Not without calling him to warn him first. Eddie brushed his bed hair back and out of his face and walked to the door. He was expecting a delivery guy - since his fiance was ordering new furniture for the baby’s future room every time he read an article saying that kids might need this kind of thing. What the firefighter was not expecting was to open his door to find TK, soaking wet, shaking. Before asking why he was there, the older man took him by the arm to bring him inside and rushed to the bathroom to get him a towel. His dark hair was half-covered by his hoodie, but TK was still pretty wet. 
“You wanna tell me what you’re doing in my living room, looking like a wet golden retriever?” he asked kindly.
 “When did you know?” TK asked. His voice was shaking and he was out of breath. Eddie waited for the rest of the question in order to respond. “When did you realize Buck was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?”
 “Not soon enough” Eddie half-joked. “But if you ran under the pouring rain to ask me that - it’s because you already know Carlos is the one for you” he continued, knowing that that’s where the conversation was going. “You want to propose to that boy, right?”
 “I’m madly in love him, Eddie” TK replied. “I love him so so much.” 
 “So why are you in my place and not at yours with your gorgeous boyfriend?” 
“I’m scared” TK admitted, drying his face with the towel and using this as an excuse not to look at his friend.
 “You’re afraid he will say no?” the older man assumed “Carlos loves you, I have no doubt about it.”
 “I’m afraid he will say yes” TK replied and his voice started cracking.
 “I don’t get it” Eddie said while turning his back on him a few seconds to set the coffee pot.
 “What if I’m not enough? Carlos deserves so much better.” TK’s words almost broke Eddie’s heart. One of the many things TK and Buck have in common is that they both are hard on themselves. Eddie always considered himself lucky to have a friend like TK, who’s kind, strong and will stop at nothing to help the people who need him. Carlos and him are a perfect match, everyone who spends more than five minutes with them can notice that. “My dad loved my mom, and they still got a divorce” the youngest added.
“You’re not your dad TK. You are an amazing man. You have so much to offer, and if you don’t already know it, Carlos sure does” pressing a warm cup of coffee in his friend’s hand. Eddie told him about something he knew for a while “The first time we had dinner together, at the Ryder’s, Grace asked Buck and I if we planned on getting married.” 
 “I remember that” TK spoke but his voice was still unsure.
“What you don’t know is that I knew by then I was gonna marry Buck someday. And you know what I already knew too?” He didn’t wait for TK’s response since the young man seemed confused. “I knew you two were going to be together forever too. I could see it in the way you two looked at each other.” 
“You seem so sure” the Strand boy said, a little less shaking thanks to the hot cup in his hands. 
“I’m marrying Buck in three weeks, this is how I’m sure about all of it. And I’m also sure that you didn’t need me to tell you this to know you belong with Carlos” he took his own cup and pointed his other hand to the couch to invite TK to sit with him. 
Thanking him for his help, the young man left his untouched coffee on the table and run back to his car. The rain had stopped and the sky was clearer, just like TK’s mind. He knew what he wanted, but he knew it long before he knocked on the Diaz’s door. He just needed a push.
And if one year later Eddie didn’t mention it in his toast at their wedding, it was because he was not the reason behind the proposal. TK and Carlos did this on their own, they built their relationship step by step and learned to trust each, to rely on each other. Relationships take work, effort, especially after Alex broke TK so much he almost did not make it. Carlos was his light in the dark. His conversation only helped him see something he already knew deep in his bone.
Eddie and TK are sitting on this same couch, admiring both their husbands in the kitchen. As much as Eddie was proud that TK trusted him enough to knock on his door years ago, he takes no credit for them getting engaged, and then married, he knows that they didn’t need him. The kind of love Carlos and TK have for each other is too strong for them to ignore it. 
When he left the 118 to go to Austin, Eddie was afraid he would never feel a bond as strong ever again, but the Strands have a special power, they make everyone feel at home. They are still in contact with Bobby, Hen, and Chim, especially since the latest married Maddie a few years ago. When Eddie met Chim, he liked the guy immediately, but he never imagined he would be the uncle of his and Maddie’s daughters.
Owen knocks at the door so loudly his son knows it’s him before anyone had the chance to open. He smiles at the house owners and they both gesture the door so he can welcome his dad himself. Not wanting Eddie to move with the sleeping Luis in his arms, TK happily opens the door and neither Owen nor Zoey are surprised to see him instead of the Diaz. TK hugged both his dad and his step-mom before letting them in.
“Is Grace breastfeeding Mary or should I get a bottle of formula ready for her?” Carlos asks Buck before seeing the new guest in the kitchen with them.
“I think she’s still breastfeeding” Buck tries to remember the last dinner but it was a month ago and he knows how fast things go with babies.
“So, three bottles it is.”
“I brought my own bottle, thanks” Owen jokes and put the wine bottle on the counter before hugging his son in law. Owen is on his third marriage, but he knows Carlos is the one and only for TK. His son loves his husband so much that Owen doesn’t even want to imagine the possibility that he could one day lose him. They deserve to grow old together and to have everything Owen didn’t find with his two previous marriages, unconditional love, and understanding. He’s glad Zoey fits well in their little family. She gets along with TK, Carlos, and the kids.
As if he senses his grandfather’s presence, the youngest Strand-Reyes is awake and screaming, soon comforted by Papa Strand.
The Ryders arrive a few minutes later, followed by Michelle, Mateo, Marjan, Paul, and his girlfriend. It’s the second time he brought Irene to a dinner with the rest of the crew and everyone knows it means things are getting serious for him to introduce her to his fire family. Now that everyone is here, they all can move from the couch to the tables. Of course, as they suspected, Bella keeps moving around and decides to finally stop running when her grandpa offers to let her sit on his lap if she stays still for the rest of the dinner.
TK tries his best not to tease Buck about his pão de queijo because he will never love it as much as he loves Carlos’ but it may have something to do with the fact that he has the memory of his husband showing their oldest son how to cook it. 
Marjan and Mateo excuse themselves early. They love their family, but they are the only singles of the crew and they are planning on going out after dinner to grab a few drinks and blow off some steam by dancing at the bar. Paul and Irene left soon after them because she has an early shift in the morning but she will make up for it by helping Paul host the next dinner at his house.
When it’s time for the dessert to be served, Andrea takes her hostess role very seriously and helps Eddie serve the carrot cake she made with Buck. They bake the same cake every time they are in charge of the monthly dinner, but kids really love it and they always eat the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. After all this time, Buck still doesn’t know how much food to make for a group of people of this size, so he always cooks too much food. He usually gives away the leftovers but keeps the cake to feed his own army.
TK is trying to eat while rocking Luis back to sleep. Carlos offers to help by doing something he loves to do even though there’s a decent chance people might laugh at them. He places a gentle arm around his husband to bring him closer to him and feeds him cake like he’s feeding a small child. They did it at the wedding reception, feeding each other a part of the huge wedding cake and Carlos still enjoys doing it. He loves that it makes TK smiles while chomping on a piece of dessert. This guy has a sweet tooth and they’re both glad their kids haven’t inherited this trait or they would have trouble putting them to bed from the sugar rush. When he’s done eating, TK is as sleepy as his son is, and he lets his heavy head fall on Carlos’ shoulder. 
Grace is feeding her seven-month-old daughter. And Owen has flashbacks of when TK was that small. Sometimes, it still feels like it was yesterday. Mary Ryder is not even the youngest member of the extended 126 family. The newest additions to the family are in their dads’ protective arms. Roberto is the sweetest kid, he barely cries, but his sister Annabeth cries enough for the two, especially when she’s not next to her twin brother. Getting these two to sleep on different cribs is impossible. Eddie is holding her in one arm, while Buck has both arms wrapped around his boy like he’s trying to shield him from any kind of danger that might come his way. They are 4 asleep babies at the table, but when a loud snore comes out, all heads turn towards TK. Carlos is blushing because he knows for sure everyone’s assumption is right.
Judd is one of the only people with both free hands, so he jumps off his chair and starts collecting plates to bring them to the kitchen sink. Christopher follows him and gets ready to do the dishes.
 “I’d like to help, but” Eddie starts and points to his baby girl.
“Let me” Owen says and Eddie already knows the captain is not offering to clean, so he surrenders and gives him the baby. She slightly starts to move but Owen rocks her slowly and she’s fully back to sleep. Papa Strand magic works on every single baby.
With that, Eddie moves to his kitchen, to help Judd and Christopher. Judd might not be as familiar as the Strand-Reyes in this house, but just like at the firehouse, they all take turns doing the dishes after a family dinner. They never questioned it, not even the first time Carlos and Eddie hopped in the kitchen with Grace to clean everything and to exchange secrets while the others were playing poker. Poker turned into board games, but the feelings are the same. They’re family. 
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howtosingit · 4 years
SNEAK PEEK: Next to You, Chapter 2
So, I really wanted to post chapter 2 of my college roommates au today, with the hope that I would establish Tuesdays as my regular posting day. For what I think are very obvious reasons, I found it hard to write this past week, so that did not happen. 
However, I have started the chapter (1400 words and 2.5 more scenes to go), so to make up for the lack of an update today, I wanted to share a little bit of what’s coming up. 
From Next to You (That’s Where I Want to Be) - Chapter Two: September | Falling Into Familiar Feelings:
“Those two are going to end up chasing each other off a cliff one day,” Grace mutters next to him, and he follows her gaze to where TK and Marjan are weaving through the columns in front of Neiman Marcus, bags swinging from their hands as they race each other to wherever they’ve determined the finish line to be. “Promise me you won’t follow them over the edge just to try to save one of them?”
Carlos huffs out a laugh, rolling his eyes as he leans into her side. “Of course not, Gracie,” he says softly, his smile widening as he watches TK give a victory whoop in the distance, followed by Marjan yelling in defeat. “I’m sticking with you, you’re much less life-threatening.” 
It’s a gorgeous Saturday morning, and they’re exploring the premium outlets after TK mentioned wanting to go shopping earlier in the week. Paul and Mateo each had plans with their girlfriends, and hadn’t seemed too interested in a shopping trip anyhow, so it’s just the two pairs of roommates causing disruption and dismay out in the community. 
Carlos and Grace finally catch up to the other two, TK currently hunched over to catch his breath as Marjan stands next to him, eyebrow arched in judgement. 
“You’re really out of shape, Strand,” she says, a smirk forming at the corner of her mouth.
“You’re not wrong,” he gasps out, standing tall and placing his hands on his hips as his chest rises and falls. He makes eye contact with Carlos, who can’t help the way his heart starts racing at the sight of those slightly-blown pupils directed at him. “Why do you think I’m getting new workout clothes? I’m gonna have Carlos train me.”
“Me?” Carlos asks, his voice rising in surprise at the suggestion. “Why me?”
TK scoffs. “Dude,” he says, reaching out for Carlos’s arm, “you’re built like a Greek god. Who else would I ask to train me?”
Carlos feels TK squeeze his bicep playfully, his heart hammering in his throat at the action. He’s not surprised when the image of him and TK working out together, both covered in sweat and breathing heavily, flashes through his mind. He swallows, his skin suddenly feeling itchy and uncomfortable as TK looks at him with those striking green eyes of his. Carlos wills his breathing to stay as normal as possible, trying to limit the effect that a look from TK has on him.
“Carlos and I are in need of a caffeine fix,” Grace cuts in, breaking the silence, and Carlos turns to find her giving him a penetrating look. She immediately turns to the others. “What about you two?”
“Sounds good,” Marjan pipes up, looking out across the parking lot. “TK and I were going to look at some new sunglasses, so we could meet you at Starbucks in about 10 minutes?”
“We’ll grab a table,” Grace assures her, linking her arm with Carlos’s and pulling him in the direction of the coffee shop. He turns, watching as Marjan does the same with TK, pulling him in the other direction. Carlos can’t help but smile helplessly when TK turns back to give him a wink, wondering if he’ll ever get used to all the different ways his roommate makes him feel.
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I’m looking for some lengthy fics to read. I’m going to be traveling. I’m honestly not to picky, I love pretty much all Kurt and blaines, I just love a good long one I can get lost in for a while. If you get a chance I’d love to see if you have anything for me! PS. You are amazing for keeping this alive and running for everyone, I want to sent you cookies❤️
Here you go, Nonnie! These are the longest Klaine stories I’ve been able to find. I wish you safe travels and happy reading :-) Hugs, Marjan
Keep my heart captive, set me free by @keepmyheartcaptive​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 479,467
D/s AU - Kurt Hummel had always dreamed of a fairy-tale bond, a perfect, kind and caring Dom. Blaine Anderson had always dreamed of someone who stands out from the boring crowd, someone real, and pure. When their worlds collide, will either of them get what they had dreamed of?
Dalton by @cpcoulter-com​ (WIP but already several books’ worth of reading material)
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 442,058
Summary: Post-Furt: Spinning off from Glee, Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined.
Another Time, Another Place by @klaineitupanotch
​Rating: Mature
Word Count: 418,542 
Summary: What if Kurt had met Blaine a year earlier? How would his life have changed? In his sophomore year, during the spring, Kurt Hummel ends up by chance meeting a charming young man named Blaine Anderson, who turns out to be in his own Glee club. The two begin down the road of becoming friends and then the journey that their relationship takes them. Will they be able to face any problems ahead? No matter what they may be?
What Brings Us Closer Together by @CrazedLunatic
Trigger Warning: mention of suspected rape
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 411,177
Summary: When Kurt is attacked, Blaine instantly leaves college to take care of him. With one decision, their entire relationship is changed and their futures reshaped. It also makes everyone around them realize just how close they really are. AU. 
In Want of Magic by @trufflemores
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 353,426
Summary: 3.01-4.01. “I just want my senior year to be magic.”
It’s Not Just a Stomach Ache by DreamingisBelieving
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 333,895
Summary: No, Blaine didn’t have cancer. This stuff doesn’t happen to seventeen year old boys and definitely not Kurt Hummel’s boyfriend, who was full of life and joy and would go out of his way to do anything for anybody, whether that be an old lady crossing the street or a misguided teen like himself. Cancer was suppose to be reserved for old men and women who were going to develop health problems anyway, not Blaine Anderson, someone who wasn’t even legally an adult yet.
Beautiful Mess by WildHurricane
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 290,793
Summary: What do you say when your very straight friend tells you he wants to know what it’s like to kiss a guy and all you want to say is “kiss me”.Kurt is secretly in love with his best friend Blaine. He’s recently figured out he’s gay, but hasn’t told anyone. Especially not Blaine. Or his girlfriend.Blaine is confused and in denial about why he wants to kiss Kurt. He’s not gay. He has a long line of girlfriends to prove that.Both are scared what it will do to their friendship if the other finds out.
A Mafia Romance by YaDiva (WIP)
Trigger Warning: violence, drug use, heavy BDSM. Heed the warnings.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 287,179
Summary: Blaine is the son of a powerful crime boss. He has no intentions of joining the family business, especially since he finally has a gorgeous boyfriend named Kurt, but everyone else has other ideas. When Kurt gets caught in the middle, Blaine’s true nature is unleashed. Like father, like son. Dark!Blaine. Features sex, violence, drug references, and heavy BDSM themes.
Weave Your Magic by @lilyvandersteen​ (WIP)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 277,377
Summary: This is an AU in which Blaine and Kurt never met in high school. Blaine is an elementary school teacher and the author of several picture books. Kurt is a former child actor and now a men’s wear designer, who writes thrillers under a pseudonym. They meet at a book fair. 
Bound for Glory by CleverBoots (Amberlovesocean) (sequel: Days of Glory)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 265599
Summary: Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive. 
Hell & High Water by mmerainbows
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 243,826
Summary: Kurt counted the days even though no one else did anymore, and for what, he didn’t know.  His dad died eight years ago, and he had no other family to speak of.  His days were monotonous and thankless as he hunted for the community he lived in.  Long gone were the days when he could dabble in music and fashion because that world no longer existed, and without those things - who was Kurt Hummel really?  Until the day an emergency transmission is received and what Kurt is forced to reconsider what is existing and what is truly living. 
Pavarotti’s Legacy by misskaterinab
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 241,699
Summary: This is a journey through Kurt and Blaine’s relationship, through MY eyes, from approximately season 2, episode 20, through the future. There’s a lot of canon and a lot of not - things I felt should happen, things I thought shouldn’t’ve happened that I wanted to fix, and just stuff I made up that sounded good to me :) Enjoy the fluff and Klainebows I will present to you.
Immutability and Other Sins by @fabfemmeboy​ (Series)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 673,851for the entire series
Summary: This is an AU that spans from the late 1950s to just shy of modern-day. With the exception of the prologue, it goes in order. It begins in the fall of 1959 at Dalton Academy and follows the trajectory of the American gay experience through our not-always-so-happy couple. While the central story series is Klaine, there are some genfic stories on the side, set in the same universe and timeframe. Mostly because, as I planned out the main story, I kept coming back to all the ways in which the members of New Directions would be different 50 years ago, how many ways their worlds would be unfamiliar or more limited than we think of today. For all politicians seem to talk about what a great time the 1950s were, they weren’t for a lot of people.
Wake Me Up Inside Trilogy by @mrscriss2012​ (Series)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 581,997for the entire series
Summary: Kurt Hummel is a shy, insecure fifteen year old. Blaine Anderson is a thirty one year old musician. When their worlds collide, Blaine discovers he’s powerless to resist the lure of Kurt’s eyes and his exquisite voice, and Kurt begins a journey of awakening. *There is a large passage of time in this story meaning no illegal happenings!*
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage (WIP, but fully written and updated twice a week)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 223,725
Summary: Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Take Me Over by @lady-divine-writes (WIP)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 221,841
Summary: Kurt’s life isn’t at all what he wanted. He is stuck in an unexpected relationship with his dreams almost permanently on hold and a job he took mostly out of desperation. But a trip to L.A. to get the autograph of his favorite television star might just change his entire life - but will it change for the better? 
Butterfly Wings by @hkvoyage
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 212,446
Summary: A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU.
New To McKinley by Gingerkid2010
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 209,417
Summary: Blaine is new to McKinley. He meets Brittany and they quickly become best friends. She convinces him to join glee club, where he meets Kurt…
Three Words/To Build a Home by Balletismyobsession
Warning: Major Character Death
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 207,758
Summary: When a simple illness becomes more than either of them could have ever imagined, Kurt and Blaine learn what it means to be strong. With three words, everything changes.
Near Misses by flaming_muse
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 205,536
Summary: Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school.  They could have met a few years later in college instead.
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