#did he go to babyls?? i have to know how the kid whos one thing is torture did in the harvest festival
t0kidal · 2 years
Baby Babiru?
(Independent one shot of other works, you're just another normal student, this is the first time you're meeting the big three (chaos trio, the dog, the cat, and the bird) of Babyls, inspired by Gakugen Babysitters.
btw, apparently the honorific 'kun' can be used strictly for young males but females can be called 'kun' as well by their 'superiors')
Here in the netherworld, life was precious. But very rarely did demons come together to reaffirm that, preferring the phrase “to each their own” as a principle.
As an effort to change that, for the sake of his grandson no doubt, the principal forcefully recruited some of the strongest students.
And you were there too, I guess.
Ok, you just needed some extra pocket money, living independently is hard and a little bit of income for a slightly larger lunch would be amazing.
But what exactly were you recruited for? You'll find out soon enough.
"006... 006... Ah, here we go."
Living alone wasn't too bad, at least your folks set you up with a roof over your head and a plot of poorly managed land (you couldn't help being at school almost the whole day). Now that you've sort of got the hang of it, you can afford to get a part time job!
As you open the room door to 006, you see the top dog of Babyls, who you know goes by Opera.
The real question is though, Why do they have a kid?
Your gawking is put to an end when they clear their throat.
"Ah, you must be the other Kouhai. Welcome."
"Other...? I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what's going on..?"
That blue baby is just so stinking cute!
Would it be too much to just... squish his cheeks... just a bit?
"Sullivan-sama hired you for a project of his, in order to change demon society we, as well as fulfill a crucial desire."
'Oh no we're gonna be his gophers aren't we this is gonna suck so mu-'
"Having his grandson close to work."
"... huh?"
With that he releases a rope and a banner unfurls in your face.
Demon children, extremely young ones to boot, were hellish creatures.
How did they expect you to survive!?
As if sensing your internal panic..
"Not to worry, uh..."
"Not to worry, Y/n-kun. My underlings will be joining us on this task."
Just as you thought that, a voice behind you rings out.
"Ghg... Opera-Senpai!?"
You turn, startled, and find yourself almost nose to nose with Naberius Kalego, the guard dog of Babyls.
Your face goes pale and you step back into the daycare room.
By his side was an avian demon, a little on the short side but you instantly recognize him from the rumors as the insanely strong human fanatic.
He seemed normal enough though...?
He eyes glance at you in acknowledgment before returning to read the banner overhead.
"Senpai... Are we... babysitters?"
"For the time being, Shichiro-kun, Yes."
It's silent... nothing but your internal screaming, and the chair demon's grandson's giggles could be heard.
"That damn chair demon..."
The temperature easily dropped ten degrees, as a terrifying look crosses Opera's face. Without looking, he hands off the blue child to you, disregarding the surprise on your face and the curious coo of said child, as he approaches Kalego.
"Need I remind you of what'll happen if you don't comply like a good dog?"
"Ghg... F-fine... Whatever."
Shichiro, noticing your confusion, steps closer and clarifies.
"Opera-senpai threatened to shadow Kalego-kun."
"Hmm?" That... you had to say it, "that doesn't seem so bad...?"
But as you listen to Shichiro explain you realize, oh... yeah... having waves of delinquent demons pester you every ten minutes has got to be the most draining thing you've ever heard. You could only look at the man in question sympathetically before your attention is snatched by a small coo.
".. Hello, little... uh.."
"Iruma" called Opera as he dragged Kalego away.
"Uh- Um, Ok, Hello Iruma, let's ignore that for now... I guess we'll be working together for a bit. Please take care of us." And then you shake his little hand all business like, marveling at how soft it is.
You gotta tell everyone, starting with 'Shichiro'.
"Uh... Shichiro... kun... huh. Nice name." Today isn't such a bad day, you heard a nice sounding name, shook hands with an adorable baby.
"Yes, That's me?"
"Ah Sorry! I just... well," It'd be weird to say you're amazed at how soft Iruma's hands are... right? "It's nice to meet you." You settle on that for now.
"Good to meet you too Y/n...?"
"Ah, you can just call me, Y/n. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable?"
"N-no... Not at all."
Shichiro couldn't help but smile behind his mask, you weren't too loud and you were polite. That's a win win.
Eventually, you all settle down in a little circle, Opera provided aprons for all of you to wear and you're now entertaining Iruma.
"I would've thought more parents would send their kids here..." You muse. "If only to try and connect with the Principal."
"Hmph, most noble children are tutored till they reach the age their clans see fit to send them to school." Responded Kalego. "I myself spent a great amount of time preparing myself for my future."
"I suppose..." You didn't really want to say anything else, while Shichiro was quite friendly, and Opera was... well meaning, Kalego was still a prickly sort you didn't want to cross.
And an awkward silence fell over the circle. You... against your better judgement, decide to break it.
"Opera-senpai, what class are you in?"
"Me? I'm in class 2-B on the issue of attendance."
Shichiro leans over to whisper to you, "It's cause he keeps leaving class to beat up the gangs that loiter in the halls."
"O-oh... is that so? I'm in... 1-C, it's not so bad there but it's a little..."
Iffy, you were going to say iffy because lots of your classmates, remember that Babyls is a mess during this time, liked to misbehave.
"Tsk. Shichiro and I are in class 1-A. But to be honest it's full of delinquents just like the rest of the school."
"'Tis a shame" agreed Opera.
"Don't give me that, you're literally one of them."
From how much he gets bullied by Opera... you don't blame him for that statement.
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shuyume · 2 years
guessing the teachers ranks
we know THREE (3) of the teachers ranks. kalego and balam are both 8, and kalego makes a point that they’re the only rank 8s. momonoki is 7. sullivan asw i suppose (9) but hes not a teacher opera has the least amount of pointers but probably 8. also not a teacher but close enough
in the heartbreaker arc theyre sending the teachers out in waves the longer the exam goes on--from the (im assuming) lowest to highest ranks. kalego & balam are currently the strongest teachers participating in the exam (idk what the fuck dali is doing or what his rank is but they Might pull him out) so if we work backwards from 8 we get:
rank 6: robin, orias, suzy, shiida rank 7: ipos, murmur, blushenko, marbas, ifrit, atori
ranks arent directly correlated to power (think music festival) but we know they cant be rank 8, theres no way theyre rank 9, and i would be astonished if they were rank 5 or lower so i feel fairly confident in these numbers
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Do you think that Iruma is unconsciously ignoring the things that are wrong in the demonic world or cannot see them because he's currently a very privileged person?
Okay let me explain, in the 13 dinner Iruma is asked one question and that is what his netherworld would be like and he answers that the netherworld is fine with him as it is.
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The reaction of the rest is normal because the netherworld is very unstable, there is a war out there, there are demons disappearing, strong demons even two of the 13 crowns. Nishi-sensei also said that there are demons that don't even go to school and this will be seen in the future of the manga.
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An example would be the brothers who fought Sabnock and Azz in the harvest festival, they were just in first year and they already saw a lot of demons going back to the origins because they fought in battles.
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But Iruma does not know this, they're right he is unaware of these facts.
Although Iruma already saw parts of the Underworld that are not "fine" as in this scene from Walter Park.
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This is an amusement park (and prison) where thousands of demons go and this place is inside the park even so...
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This was super scary who knows what could happen to Iruma if Shiida didn't appear and yet Iruma doesn't think about this incident even once.
I think it could be a kind of defense mechanism that Iruma developed in his life in the human world, he went through so many traumatizing things from a very young age that he simply suppressed the memories or his subconscious made him never think about it again.
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I want to create a netherworld that's like babyls demon school
But babyls school is not perfect either right? There is a very strong discrimination by strength and rank. And this is not just a student thing the school itself makes a distinction almost encouraging these attitudes like the different menu according to your rank (explain Sullivan?).
Iruma did notice this and noticed that it's not right, this is what mainly made him empathize with Kirio.
He saw how they made less of his senpai because of his rank.
He saw himself in Kirio, a demon who had weak magical energy and a human who had no magical energy at all.
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We all know how this ended but Kirio turning out to be a psychopath doesn't change the fact that he was right about rank discrimination.
And yet Iruma wants a netherworld that's like Babyls.
It may seem like I'm complaining but I'm not, I really like this thing that Nishi-sensei is doing because it seems realistic to me, the more Iruma went up in rank the less he was going to notice this issue.
His entire current close circle are powerful demons, his classmates, his friends, his family, he himself is perceived as a strong demon. He is in a very privileged situation at the moment and it is normal that when we are privileged we don't notice our own privileges until we see someone who doesn't have them and Iruma since Kirio is not close to anyone who has a low rank.
But this is okay! Iruma is only 15 years old, he had a horrible life before and if anyone deserves to enjoy his school life, have fun with his friends and not think about the systematic problems of his school and the netherworld it's him.
As Lied said "they are just school kids after all".
There will be time in the future for these things.
Adults are there to educate and protect them.
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep19
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Nice! It’s a Clara-centric episode with some bonus Azz trying to impress Iruma! I mean I don’t have anything against Ameri and I’m happy she got lots of moments with our protagonist but I just want Azz and Clara to get their chance, too you know?
This episode is fun and cute! Plus there are songs in it, too since it’s about Clara’s family.
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Clara’s house! Iruma and Azz are staying over for a while after what happened in the last episode. The Valac residence is located at Gaya-Gaya Forest where lots of strange creatures and plants live! According to Clara, her family knows the place really well.
And I just realized that this is the first time the boys got to visit Clara. It’s just they’ve shown us Clara’s family and this house a lot that it slipped my mind that to Iruma and Azz, this is the first time they’d be seeing it.
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The typical welcome in the Valac home! They did chants, too weirding out the boys especially Azz. Urara isn’t home again this time so he’s represented by a drawing. I wonder which school he’s in since it seems theirs isn’t on vacation like Babyls.
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Clara’s mom tells the boys to relax and feel at home. She says she’s happy because Clara brought friends home for the first time (and sorta mentions this is a first overall for their family or something). In a way that’s kinda sad that it either meant not many people wanted or thought to visit or Clara just didn’t have anyone to invite before Iruma and Azz.
On the other hand, this is almost the same reaction my own family has whenever I brought home some classmates to do school projects. I don’t have irl friends lol so they’re like “Big sis has friends?!” because my classmates would introduce themselves as friends instead of just classmates.
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Iruma and Azz give Clara’s mom some souvenirs from the Walter Park trip as a present (I dunno about everywhere else but this is a Japanese thing if I remember correctly and people here in the Philippines do it to whenever they visit sometimes). Iruma gives a small box of sweets and Azz gives them a huge replica of Walter Park's castle made out of chocolate. The kids immediately crowd at Azz for the chocolate until told to calm down.
I could understand them though. My siblings and I too would do the same cause that seriously looks cool and also it’s chocolate. We could devour that in a few days.
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After being let in the house, Clara’s brothers immediately asked the boys which one is their sister’s boyfriend which freaked them out. The brothers think that Azz would be a good catch (cause he is with being good-looking, rich, smart and popular. They don’t even have to know all these things cause Azz just looks it) but remembers that their sister is already interested in a guy named-
Clara promptly cuts them off and drags them away.
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We get some glimpses of what’s inside the Valac house and see a lot of strange-looking objects. Clara’s mom explains that those are brought home by her adventurer husband and that they came from those trips.
I wonder what kind of adventures and if any of the items are magical or cursed. I mean this is the Demon World so it’s possible.
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The mom finally brings out a photo album! She happily shows the boys Clara’s baby pictures. Azz notes how baby Clara looks like her own baby siblings. The resemblance isn't just with looks but with personality as well! Clara is embarrassed of course but Iruma says the photos are cute which made Clara happy.
That said, she’s still embarrassed letting Iruma see the photos and takes the album away. Her mom immediately brings out another one! In an attempt to stop her mom from embarrassing her any further, she reminds them that it’s shopping day.
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Iruma, upon hearing it’s time to buy food, says that he’s hungry so perfect timing. Clara and Azz, upon hearing that Iruma is hungry decides they’d make the food for him. It seems we might get shokugeki part 2!
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The idea of shopping at the forest baffled Iruma and Azz as they didn’t think there’s any supermarket here. Clara and her family explain that the so-called “supermarket” is actually what the entire forest basically is. They could get fresh produce from here and there’s so many kinds! The entire family, along with Iruma and Azz go “shopping” and are all armed with baskets to fill.
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A song number! As expected from the Valac family lol. I knew there’d be one. The song explains the stuff they could get in the forest and how the place is akin to an actual supermarket. There are many types of food and some which looks like regular food could be found in the unlikeliest of places. I mean, they get their meat from trees. But it’s also dangerous in here so they have to be careful.
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When shopping is done, Azz and Clara compare the stuff they got which they’d use for their food battle. Apparently, the stuff Azz got which looks good are actually terrible tasting compared to the weird ones Clara had gotten.
Clara’s mom tells them that there is a creature in the forest that is called Shabu-Shabu which is known as the “Ultimate Ingredient”. It could be found in the Cave of Rewards which is shown in the map up there. Iruma thinks it must be delicious and so Clara and Azz decided they’re gonna get it for him.
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The main trio plus Clara’s brothers all go to the cave (Clara’s mom went home cause the babies are asleep) to find this creature. The brothers tell Iruma and Azz that they should stay back as they think they shouldn’t trouble the guests. Clara immediately tells them that Iruma is actually pretty strong as he’s the Hero of Walter Park after all (Azz agrees). Iruma downplays this and says everyone did their best so he’s not the only strong one. 
The brothers are amazed and asked Azz what he did at the Walter Park incident. Azz remembers what had happened with his fight alongside Sabnock and how they had to retreat and with this, he wasn’t able to give them an answer.
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The Shabu-Shabu appears! It looks like a chimera composed of shark, pig and lots of vegetables - the complete meal! That's why it's called Ultimate Ingredient lol. Almost everything you’d need in the kitchen all in one large and dangerous package. It even has seaweed mustache. XD
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Their prey is also a predator and so the Shabu-Shabu captures Clara’s brothers using his mustaches in order to eat them. Azz tries hitting it with his fireball but it kept deflecting it with a Chinese wok lol. With that not working, Clara uses all the ingredients she got from their shopping trip in order to distract the creature. Once it was busy eating, Azz cuts off the mustaches and frees the brothers.
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Azz thinks of what to do next. He wants to defeat this creature for Iruma and it doesn’t have any hostages anymore so he’s free to try but he knows it’s too strong. He remembers the stuff Sabnock told him at the park and decided it’s best to just retreat for now. He summons his familiar to help them escape but he thinks to himself that he’d try and get stronger after this.
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As they were leaving, Clara’s mom arrives and instant KOs the Shabu-Shabu for what it did to her kids. The kids are of course, surprised by this.
I’m happy they’re still acknowledging that adults are stronger than the kids. Most other shounen anime would go with the “these kids are special and they could totally win this without much proper training” but this one decided to be a bit on the realistic side. Sure the kids aren’t strong yet but they do realize this themselves one way or another and strive to be better and stronger. If they continue trying to grow then they’d end up really strong, too. It would be fun to see that development especially for the kids of the Abnormal Class who didn’t really think much of themselves before as they’d prove to others and themselves that they are capable of amazing things.
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They were able to go home safely and Clara’s mom cooks while Clara watches and Azz takes notes. Oh and they did use the Shabu-Shabu as it’s shown that it’s skull is outside the house haha. Iruma was able to eat a ton of food!
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The day ends and it was time for bed. They were tired after the long day so they declines Clara’s invite for a pillow fight. Clara then offered to do a sleeping ritual to them which is something she does for her siblings which always works. They had to lay their heads on her lap though which they immediately decline for obvious reasons. Clara doesn’t pick up on this and pulls Azz down to lay on her lap and he quickly falls asleep in the middle of complaining. Iruma gets pulls down, too and Clara starts singing a lullaby. Her singing sounded really good, too! Iruma falls asleep to this and Clara bids them good night.
Aren’t they cute? It looks so sweet.
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The next morning, the Valac family plus Iruma and Azz went out to gather food for their breakfast. While the trio is getting vegetables, Clara’s mom takes a photo to put on another album about her daughter. It’s so cute!
Also, Azz who was weirded out by the events of the day before seems more comfortable now and is happily participating in the stuff the Valac family does.
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Overall it was a peaceful time. And then we get this cliffhanger showing us that Ameri’s dad is on his way to the Valac residence for unspecified reasons.
That episode was really fun! Its more slice-of-life-y becoming the sort of breather episode after the previously intense battle heavy arc. It also lets us know more about Clara’s family and about Clara herself. I hope Asmodeus gets an episode like this, too.
Despite the episode being a bit more on the relaxing side, it has moments that continues Azz’s development that was happening in the previous episodes. He did take to heart the stuff Sabnock says and decides to be better. I think it’s a fun cycle that Sabnock, the self-proclaimed rival of Iruma, learned to become a better person cause of Iruma himself and taught this same lesson to Asmodeus, the self-proclaimed greatest ally of Iruma. Many shounen anime rivalries like this end up with the person learning the lesson because of their rival to be a bit bitter about it but here, they actually really appreciate it and don’t hold any grudges. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate how it’s done in other stories. All I’m saying is that seeing something different from time-to-time can be nice, too. It shakes things up a little.
I did feel a little bad when Azz couldn’t give an answer when the brothers asked him what he did during the attack on Walter Park, though. But he actually thought about it and didn’t try to lie or anything. He admitted he needed to get stronger and promises himself that he absolutely will.
I went “Aww~!” at the many heartwarming moments in this episode especially when it came to Clara’s mom. Seeing the phot album near the end made me smile so much. The scene where Clara sings to her friends is really nice and sweet, too.
The previews show that the next episode would be Ameri-centric again. This anime has so many ships revolving Iruma that it makes me wonder if this could count as a harem anime (but since that’s not exactly the overall focus of the story, it doesn’t seem like it and I only remember when the show hints that the girls like Iruma). So far Iruma has got Ameri, Clara, Kerori, and Eiko who has blatant crushes on him (with 3 out of 4 admitting it to themselves). If you’re wearing shipping goggles then there’s also Asmodeus and Kiriwo-senpai. But the one who gets the most focus when it comes to romantic development is Ameri. She gets moments and sometimes episodes that gives a spotlight to her feeling for Iruma (and there are moments where Iruma looks like he’s close to feeling the same way).
I’m wondering if this means Ameri would be the official love interest. Like, I guess it makes sense with all the development and I don’t hate it but still... it kinda makes me sad that the ships I do support for Iruma are shot down already haha. Ameri fans are so lucky! I wish Clara and Azz are given this much fighting chance, too cause so far, Iruma only thinks of them as friends.
Alright, this has gone on too long. Thanks for reading!
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep12
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We’re halfway through the second season, I suppose?
This episode gives us a little glimpse of the home life of the Abnormal Class students and also a bit of insight about Kalego-sensei himself.
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Grandpa Sullivan is excited for the coming vacation as it means he could spend time with his grandson. Opera then tells him he still has some work to do before then including a request from Opera themselves. As repayment for helping him look cool in front of Iruma and friends in the party episode, Grandpa Sullivan agrees to Opera's request and says he, too finds it interesting.
Okay, just a thought but I heard the episode with the party was a filler? Like, it wasn’t in the manga or something or did I get that wrong? Or did they decide to connect it to the story?
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At school, Kalego-sensei gets a special task from the school principal: to visit the homes of the Abnormal Class students before the vacation starts. He hates it but he has no choice. He decides to just go in, talk to the parents, go out and to end this as quickly as possible.
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First up is Asmodeus! Azz mother unfortunately isn't home though (Azz purposely not let his mom know about the meeting) so his butler is the adult there with him. Kalego-sensei then asks him if he's told his parents about school matters and Azz replies that he does... talk about Iruma and his achievements. Sensei gets annoyed as he was supposed to talk about himself but Azz said he excels at school all the time so there's no need to say anything about it.
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Two cute girls (who are relatives, calling Azz "brother") comes out and agrees that Azz is amazing although they hate it that he had been too preoccupied with Iruma recently that they don't hang out as much anymore. Azz apologizes to them... and says Iruma comes first. This led the two kids to get mad at Iruma and insult him. Azz runs after them trying to change their minds.
The butler then talks to Sensei a bit about Azz's past and says the boy has changed and had become happier after enrolling at Babyls and meeting Iruma. Kalego-sensei says he understands cause as demons, becoming the subordinate of someone who beat you is a normal thing. He does note though that if Asmodeus stops being too narrow-minded and only thinking about Iruma, he’d grow and become better and if that happens, he’d become a better subordinate to Iruma. He does tell the butler that he won’t be telling Azz this as the guy has to figure it out by himself.
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Next is Clara's family who even gives him a warm welcome. There's also a musical number much to his annoyance. He absolutely doesn't like it in there and wanted to leave lol. The anime really made musical numbers the Valac Family thing, huh?
Poor Sensei is at their mercy haha.
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Just when he couldn't take it anymore, Clara's older brother finally makes his appearance and apologizes to Sensei for the trouble. Urara, unlike everyone else in the family is polite and mature making Kalego-sensei question if the boy really is a part of the family or if he was kidnapped from somewhere else lol. Sensei was able to talk to them normally for a while before they start their antics again. Sensei was able to give advice about Clara though. He mentions how Clara is a bit insensitive (as she doesn’t consider how her actions affect others) and causes trouble but is good in a sense that she could make people follow her own pace.
Oh and Clara’s mom mentioned that someone like Urara does come into their family from time to time. Like, most of them will act like the typical Valac family member but once in a while, they’d produce someone like Urara whose different. I think this is interesting since they have been hinting about him from season 1 and now he’s here and there’s something about him that’s different.
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The other students homes aren't any better and Sensei had to deal with whatever trouble or craziness that'd be there waiting for him. By the end of it all, he was tired.
In a way, he should’ve expected this. I mean, this is the Abnormal Class we;re talking about. He got a lot of souvenirs from them all though and has a bad full of random stuff by the end (most came from Clara’s family).
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The final visit was to Iruma's house. Kalego-sensei just wanted things to be over with but his fears came go be realized when he meets the one person he didn't want to see: Opera who used to be his senpai.
Sensei seem to be scared or at least very wary of Opera that he uses Iruma as a shield lol.
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Grandpa shows up and shows what Kalego-sensei looked like when he was young. He then proceeds to drop some details about Kalego-sensei as a student (as Sensei complains about it).
It seems that back in his school days, Kalego-sensei gets challenged to fights often and rumors about him pop up as well which he finds to be a pain. The only person he could talk to was Baram-sensei who was also a student back then. The two talked about what's going on and realized Kalego-sensei must've been mistaken by others as someone else. There was no student council back then so things were also more chaotic (It seems Ameri’s influence made a big difference to how school operates now).
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He then later learns who everyone mistook him for. The person who the rumors talk about that could defeat many demons: Opera. Since then, Opera had been sort of bossing Kalego-sensei around and it seems sensei might be a bit traumatized as he uses Iruma as shield once again.
Nice. We get a little backstory not just about Kalego-sensei but also about Opera who was a delinquent. Opera seem to still enjoy making Kalego feel bad.
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They eventually proceed with the parent-teacher meeting although not without pestering Kalego-sensei for a moment. Sensei talked about the troubles Iruma got into but he also mentioned his accomplishments. Grandpa then takes the record book sensei is holding and reveals it's entirely about Iruma.
Iruma then realizes the hard work Kalego-sensei does as he probably wasn't the only one who sensei had looked into. Sensei takes his book back and gives Iruma proper advice. He says Iruma shouldn’t mix up responsibility with self-sacrifice and should be careful with the actions he takes.
When it was finally over and he could finally leave, Opera forces Kalego-sensei to stay and even had him turned into his familiar form.
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The next day, Sensei thanks everyone for letting him into their homes but informs them that he'd be increasing the number of their homework and everyone complains while Sensei is happy to see them struggling.
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Later, as vacation finally comes close, the class goes to Iruma’s house to invite him to Walter Park. Iruma agrees of course and the group excitedly talked about what they'd do next.
I really liked this episode. It’s nice to see more of Iruma’s classmates even if it’s just for a few seconds each. We also get more info on Clara and Asmodeus and about their family members who hadn’t appeared til now. Also backstory about Opera!
The thing I liked the most about this however, is seeing what kind of person Kalego-sensei is. He’s strict and gets easily angry and seems to not like his students. He would be what we’d describe as a “terror teacher” but surprisingly, he isn’t unfair. He wouldn’t randomly flunk a student because he doesn’t like them and does take his job seriously. He doesn’t disregard the good points of a troublesome student and also looks into how a student could better themselves. He likes seeing them struggle but would acknowledge their accomplishments (we also see this back at the end of the exams where he disappointingly announced that everyone passed). Grandpa Sullivan even mentioned how he’s glad Kalego-sensei is the teacher in-charge. No wonder everyone at school respects Kalego-sensei - it’s not just about his strength or how scary he is but it’s cause he truly is a responsible, reliable, and competent teacher.
I like how we’re learning a lot about other characters this season. It makes them more likable and makes it more fun to watch their interactions with one another.
I guess the Walter Park arc would be next? I hear it’s action-packed so I look forward to it.
Thank you for reading this far!
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